The heroes of the work are the sleeping beauty perro. Sleeping Beauty short description

Number of pages: 35.

Genre of the work: fairy tale.

Main characters: King and Queen, Princess, good fairies - godmothers, evil, Sorceress, Prince.

Characteristics of the main characters:

sleeping Beauty- naive and inquisitive.

Fell asleep from the prick of the spindle.

Old witch- angry, touchy, vindictive.

Prince- brave and smart.

Disenchanted Sleeping Beauty.

Summary of the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" for the reader's diary

The King and the Queen dreamed of children for a long time, and finally fate gave them a gift - the birth of a beautiful daughter.

In honor of such an event, the parents called together all the sorceresses of the kingdom, but they forgot to invite one old sorceress.

At the festival, each good fairy wished the girl different skills, but the celebration was interrupted by the appearance of the old Sorceress.

She conjured the death of the Princess by a spindle prick.

The king ordered that all sharp objects throughout the kingdom be disposed of.

But at the age of 17, the Princess found one old spindle and, having pricked herself with it, fell asleep.

Together with her, the whole kingdom fell asleep for a hundred long years, and the palace itself was covered with thorny thorns.

Only 100 years later, the young Prince from the neighboring castle managed to get deep into the palace.

He discovered the sleeping kingdom and Sleeping Beauty herself.

Having kissed the Princess, he removed the evil spell of the old Witch, and the girl came to life.

Woke up from a long hibernation and the whole court yard.

The Princess fell in love with the Prince, and they played a magnificent wedding.

Story plan:

1. Birth of a Princess.

2. The king arranges a magnificent feast.

3. Gifts of sorceresses for a girl.

4. The old sorceress is offended and angry at the royal family.

5. The terrible curse of the Sorceress.

6. The sorceress promises that the girl will fall asleep for 100 years.

7. Growing up Princess.

8. The princess finds the spindle and the curse comes true.

9. The kingdom falls asleep.

10. After 100 years, the son of a neighboring King stumbles upon an abandoned castle.

11. Kiss of the Prince.

12. The girl wakes up.

13. Wedding of the young Prince and Princess.

The main idea:

The main idea of ​​Charles Perrault's fairy tale is the confrontation between good and evil, where evil considers itself the winner, but one case changes everything.

The main idea of ​​the work can be called that there is nothing in life that cannot be corrected.

What is done by one can be corrected by another.

Another main idea of ​​​​the work can be considered the idea that all people, even if they are relatives, should be treated equally and not single out someone from the crowd.

What does the work "Sleeping Beauty" teach

The fairy tale teaches us to believe and hope for the best, as well as to be kind and open.

All bad things come to an end, like all good things, so we should appreciate what we have.

The work teaches us that children should not suffer for the mistakes of their parents, and therefore parents should be selective and careful with everyone.

One wrong gesture can ruin everything, as happened with the old Sorceress.

Also, the fairy tale teaches us that it is impossible to take revenge, but it is better to forgive all insults and live in peace.

Kindness and love are two real qualities that are able to withstand all dashing attacks.

A brief review of the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" for the reader's diary

This is an interesting and instructive piece.

It tells about the story of the Princess, who was destined to fall asleep from the prick of the spindle.

I believe that the girl's parents acted very ugly towards the old Sorceress, for which they paid.

However, the Sorceress, because of her resentment, conjured such a terrible curse that I consider this gesture unfair.

The fairy tale of Charles Perrault taught me a lot.

First, respect elders and treat everyone with respect, especially your guests.

Secondly, that you cannot run away from fate, but you should not despair, but you must believe in a brighter future.

Thirdly, that love can cure any ailment and even dispel the strong spells of the old Sorceress.

I believe that good will overcome evil.

And that's exactly what happened in this story.


"To each his own resentment is bitter."

"It's hard for him who remembers evil."

"The evil one cries with envy, but the good one with joy."

"You can't run away from fate."

"Fate will come - it will bind hands."

The excerpt from the piece that struck me the most:

- What it is? the girl asked.

“It’s a spinning wheel and a spindle,” the tower dweller replied.

– What are you doing with it? The princess didn't hesitate.

“I am spinning,” the old woman replied. - Sit down, baby. I'll teach you quickly.

Probably, every girl dreams of becoming a sleeping beauty, who will be rescued from dreams by a handsome prince, as it was in the plot of a traditional European fairy tale. Book lovers saw a non-trivial story thanks to the literary edition of the Brothers Grimm and. By the way, these same writers worked on "" and other works that are familiar to both adults and children. The story about the bewitched girl migrated to the expanses of cinema and other literary creations.

History of creation

The tale of Sleeping Beauty was invented much earlier than you might think. Moreover, some researchers were looking for a hidden subtext. For example, there is an outdated theory of some folklorists who suggested that the thirteenth fairy - an outcast - was invented for a reason. The fact is that the thirteen-month lunar system was changed and reduced: thus, humanity “put in the center” not the Moon, but the Sun.

A familiar plot is found in the French work "Perseforest", which was published in the XIV century, but Charles Perrault relied on a different source and relied on the plot, which is presented in Giambattista Basile's fairy tale "Sun, Moon and Thalia" (1634). Basile wrote about the royal daughter Thalia, whom the court astrologers predicted danger from flax.

In order not to doom the child to an unenviable existence, the owners of the throne ordered all herbs to be removed from the castle, but such a precaution did not help, because after some time Talia saw an old woman spinning flax from the window. The girl asked to try spinning, but drove a splinter into her finger, which caused her death.

The frustrated king and queen did not bury their beloved daughter, but ordered the girl's body to be transferred to the country palace. Further in the plot, the king appears, who failed to wake the unfortunate princess. Since this man visited the girl for a reason, Thalia soon gave birth to two twins, one of which became her savior: instead of breasts, the boy began to suck his mother's finger and sucked a splinter out of it, due to which the main character woke up.

Later, that king returned to his mistress and, seeing the children, named them Sun and Moon. Further, his legal wife finds out about the betrayal of the king and prepares for all participants a dish that is usually served cold - revenge. IN real history there are cruel motives, for example, the owner of the throne ordered to kill the Sun and the Moon and cook them into a roast "with Robber sauce". However, the story of Thalia and the twins has a happy ending.

Charles Perrault could not allow children to see rape and cannibalism in the fairy tale. Therefore, the genius of literature did the same as with Little Red Riding Hood - softened the particularly "acute" moments, and also changed the reason for the girl's eternal sleep to the curse of the evil fairy.

Charles' tale is surrounded by a magical atmosphere and ends with a kiss and a wedding, while his predecessor described all the ordeals that a couple in love had to go through. Also, the master of the word changed the queen to the mother, and the king to the prince.

It is worth saying that Giambattista has a similar moment in the work “Young Slave”, in which the fairy curses the beautiful Lisa and prophesies her death due to the fact that her mother will leave a comb in her hair. By the way, the crystal coffin used by the Brothers Grimm in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appears in this handwritten work.

The "lethargic" fairy tale by Charles Perrault was published in 1697 and was actually called "The Beauty in the Sleeping Forest". This work received recognition among the sophisticated public, especially since the author adjusted the creation to the courtly literature of that time, trying to dress the characters in noble costumes of the 17th century. And the girls blushed from the phrase:

“He approached her with trembling and admiration and knelt beside her.”

Perrault did not pursue the goal of impressing the public, because in every fairy tale, even if it is a children's work about wizards and fairies, there must be a philosophical overtone. So, the main idea of ​​"Sleeping Beauty" is that the power of love is able to overcome any adversity. But for young readers there are other, adapted storylines - translations by N. Kasatkina, T. Gabbe, A. Lyubarskaya and other literary figures.

As for the Grimm brothers, not one main character falls asleep with them, but the whole kingdom, and the fairy tale ends at the moment the princess wakes up. To get to know the Russian mentality, you can turn to the creator of "", who wrote "The Tale of the Dead Princess".


The classic story begins with the birth of a daughter to the king and queen. In honor of this event, a grand feast was planned throughout the kingdom, where all the sorceresses were invited, except for one: that fairy had not appeared from her tower for half a century, and everyone thought that she was dead. The uninvited guest nevertheless came to the celebration, but she did not have enough cutlery, so it seemed to the owner of the magic wand that she had been treated impolitely.

When the rest of the fairies presented the birthday girl with gifts, the old woman Carabosse uttered a cruel prophecy that the spindle prick would be fatal for the beauty. But still, another sorceress softens the sentence, because the last word wins the argument: the unfortunate girl will not die, but will fall into a deep sleep for exactly a hundred years. It is noteworthy that in the original retelling of Charles Perrault about the "invigorating" kiss of the prince is not mentioned.

Hearing the witch's prediction, the king ordered to burn all the spindles and spinning wheels, but his attempts to save his daughter are in vain: becoming an adult girl, the princess finds an old woman in the country tower of the castle, who did not know about the ban on spindles and was spinning a tow.

The main character decided to help, but pricked her finger on the spindle and fell dead. As soon as they didn’t wake up the princess: they sprinkled water on her face, rubbed her temples with fragrant vinegar, but no measures woke the king’s daughter.

The fairy, who at one time commuted the sentence, asked the owners of the castle to leave the place and plunged him into eternal sleep; all around grew tall trees. The young sorceress thought that the princess would be sad when she woke up in a hundred years and did not see a single familiar face. Therefore, the fairy touched each courtier with a magic wand, and they also fell asleep for a whole century. The king and queen avoided this trick, since, according to Perrault, the rulers have business that cannot be postponed for such a long time.

A hundred years later, a prince appeared in the castle, who did not know about the current situation, but heard from a passerby about the sleeping beauty and what a brave young man would awaken her. The king's son rode on his horse to an enchanted place, where he saw a young girl. When he knelt down, the princess pricked by the spindle woke up. Consequently, in the original Perrault there was no kiss, because the heroine woke up from the fact that exactly one hundred years had passed.

  • The composer also presented his own vision of the fairy tale, however, in a musical performance. The audience is still enjoying the Sleeping Beauty ballet of the same name.
  • In 1959, the film adaptation of the fairy tale about the sleeping beauty was presented by the cartoonist, embodying the concept of Charles Perrault into a full-length cartoon. The main characters were voiced by such actors and actresses as Mary Costa, Bill Shirley, Eleanor Audley, Verna Felton and Barbara Jo Allen.

  • Disneyland has a Sleeping Beauty castle built as a promotional tool. But the children's park opened in 1955, four years before the cartoon premiered. The origin of the castle was announced in 1957, because curious tourists were constantly interested in this building.
  • She appeared in the cartoon in the guise of an evil fairy. By the way, this heroine has become popular and even deserved a spin-off of the same name with the title role.

Perrault's The Sleeping Beauty was written in 1697. Its plot was borrowed by the author from traditional European folklore. This is a story about a beautiful princess who had to sleep for a hundred years before the spell was broken.

For reader's diary and preparing for a lesson in literature, we recommend reading the online summary of Sleeping Beauty.

main characters

A princess- a young girl, generously endowed with all possible virtues.

Other characters

King and queen- the parents of the princess, loving and caring.

sorceresses- seven good fairies who gave the princess all kinds of gifts.

old fairy- an evil sorceress who cast a terrible spell on the princess.

Prince- A beautiful young man who freed the princess from evil spells.

The king and queen had no children for a long time, and "and this made them so sad, so sad, that it is impossible to say." When they had already lost all hope, their daughter was born. On this occasion, a great feast was arranged, and many guests were invited to the palace, among whom were good sorceresses. They were given the warmest, most cordial welcome.

When all the guests sat down at the festive table, unexpectedly, “an old fairy entered - the eighth in a row - who was forgotten to be called to the holiday”. She had not left her tower for many years, and everyone thought that she had died long ago.

Cutlery was immediately brought for the old sorceress, but she considered that she was received "not as respectfully as it should have been." Pushing her goblet and plate away from her, she muttered some kind of threat.

Luckily, one of the fairies heard this. She quietly crept into the nursery and hid behind the cradle to be the last to express her wish to the baby.

When the time came to present gifts to the princess, the fairies generously rewarded her with beauty, a kind heart, intelligence, a beautiful voice, the ability to dance and play various musical instruments. When "the turn came to the old fairy", she said that "that the princess will prick her hand with a spindle and die from it."

Everyone wept bitterly upon hearing the wishes of the evil sorceress, but then a good fairy appeared from her hiding place. She promised that the princess would not die, but "she would only fall into a deep sleep and sleep for a hundred years - until the handsome prince wakes her up."

The king immediately ordered the destruction of all the spindles in the castle, but this did not save the princess - at the age of sixteen, she accidentally found an old spinning wheel, "pricked her finger and fell dead."

Upon learning of the misfortune, the good sorceress consoled the king and queen, and made sure that everyone in the castle fell into a sound sleep for exactly one hundred years. Soon such impenetrable thickets of trees and thorny bushes grew up around the castle, "that no one could get through such a thicket."

One hundred years later, "the son of the king who reigned at that time went hunting". Seeing from a distance the towers of an abandoned castle, he became interested in them. No one could give him an answer to whom this castle belonged, and only the old peasant told the prince the legend about the sleeping princess.

The young man hurried to the enchanted castle, inside which he saw many sleeping people. In one of the rooms, he noticed a sleeping princess - “her beauty shone so much that even the gold around her seemed dull and pale.”

In admiration, the prince knelt down, and at that moment the princess and her faithful servants awoke from a hundred-year sleep. In honor of the bride and groom, a luxurious feast was immediately arranged, at which the musicians played ancient music.


Fairy tale test

Test memorization summary test:

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.1. Total ratings received: 91.

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Raven of Maleficent. The raven helped the sorceress to carry out her curse, it was he who found the cottage where Aurora was hiding, through magic that illuminated the forest. By the end of the film, he becomes overzealous in his service to his mistress, in particular, trying to tell her about Philip's escape, turns to stone thanks to Maryweather's magic.

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The character of the fairy tale who brought the news to the young fairy that the princess fell into a sound sleep.

Queen Leah

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Mother of Aurora and wife of King Stephen.

Often referred to as Queen Beatrice in the French version of the cartoon. Tall, graceful, blonde, she is very similar to Aurora in appearance. Despite the fact that in the film she practically does not speak, and her role in the development of the plot is minimal, she appears before us as a person with a kind heart and an open soul. The Queen seems to be very devoted to her husband, as shown by her treatment of him after their daughter was cursed by Maleficent. It seems that she would be a loving mother to her daughter only if fate gave her a chance to be with her.

king stefan

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Aurora's father. Undoubtedly Stephen is an excellent monarch and his kingdom seems to be prospering. But when Aurora's baptism turns into a curse for her, he becomes discouraged and orders all the spinning wheels to be burned. His order is done, but only these three fairies know that this will not stop Maleficent. Therefore, he has to give his daughter to be raised by three good fairies, agreeing to Aurora's life in the forest, Stefan proves himself not only as a good father, but also as a magnificent monarch, for the people of the kingdom should not live without a future queen.

King Hubert

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He is the father of Prince Philip and the best friend of King Stephen. The two kings had long dreamed of a reunion of the kingdoms, the birth of Aurora was the occasion for her engagement to Prince Philip. Hubert is small, but very cheerful and often gets into comical situations and misunderstandings.

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In the Brothers Grimm's version of the fairy tale, the Queen predicted the imminent birth of her daughter.


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In the Walt Disney cartoon, she is an evil sorceress who put a curse on Aurora. Maleficent is often called one of Disney's greatest villains, and with good reason. She is dressed in a black and purple robe, similar to flames, and has colossal witchcraft power. No wonder King Stephen didn't invite her to Aurora's christening. However, his decision plunged the kingdom into sadness for 16 years. At the end of the film, Maleficent turns into a huge dragon. She tries to kill Phillippe, but thanks to the magic of the fairies, she was wounded by a sword, she fell from a ledge, and only a shadow remained of her. Her prototype was the fairy Carabosse.

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King's wife, cannibal. The character of the fairy tale by Charles Perrault.


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A character who does not play any role, only adds to the plot of the comic. In the cartoon itself, he simply serves wine to the two kings, and later shows the plan of the castle. His lute, which he plays, allows him to bring the royal wine and steal it. The arrival of Prince Philip saves him from inevitable punishment.


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The third good fairy, a very cheerful and kind character, sometimes ready to enter into a magical duel not only with Flora, but also with Maleficent. With dark hair and bright blue eyes, she is portrayed in a more youthful light than her older "sisters". Favorite colors: blue. Merryweather's gift to Aurora was supposed to be happiness, but due to Maleficent's curse, she has to change her gift. The princess, pricking her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel, will not die, but will sleep until the kiss of true love breaks the spell.

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The protagonist of a fairy tale who breaks the spell of the sleeping Princess.

In the Walt Disney cartoon, King Hubert's only son is engaged to Princess Aurora from the day she was born. Their fathers believe that marriage between their children will unite the kingdoms. Years have passed, the prince meets the "Wild Rose" at the edge of the forest, mistaking her for an ordinary peasant woman and falling in love with her, they promise each other to meet in the evening near the cottage. When he arrives at the appointed time, Maleficent kidnaps him and imprisons him in her castle. The good fairies come to Philip's aid, equipping him with a sword and a shield, a weapon that will help him defeat evil. The prince makes his way to the castle through thorns of thorns and defeats Maleficent in the guise of a dragon. He finds his beloved in the highest tower of the castle and awakens her with the kiss of true love.

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Little princess dog. Fairy tale character.

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The noble, white horse of Prince Philip. At first glance, you might think that he is a minor character, but his role in the film is no less important. He carries Prince Philip into the woods where he met Aurora, showing prowess when fighting a dragon.

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The main protagonist of the story. Princess damned to eternal sleep.

In the Walt Disney cartoon, she is the only daughter of King Stephen. Aurora at birth was awarded two magical gifts: voice and beauty. However, on the day of her sixteenth birthday, she pricks her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and falls asleep for 100 years, and wakes up only from the kiss of true love. In order to protect the girl from the curse of Maleficent, three good fairies hide her in the forest thicket. Aurora grows up to be a very beautiful, shy girl with a kind and open heart, which helped her win the friendship of forest animals. She is very restrained, having learned that she was not destined to see her lover, she shows steadfastness, despite the fact that life has lost its meaning for her. She does not need royal honors, ordinary human happiness is important for her.

Title of the work: sleeping Beauty

Year of writing: 1697

Genre of work: fairy tale

Main characters: sleeping Beauty- a princess, young prince- her husband, old queen- cannibal.


The king and queen have no children. After many prayers, a beautiful girl was born to them. To make her happy, fairies are invited to the christening. Cases are prepared for them, where a fork, a spoon and a knife are made of pure gold and decorated with stones. But one old sorceress didn't get an invitation because they thought she was dead. The exquisite device was not enough for her, so the old woman was offended. And when good wishes were expressed, she said that the girl would hurt her hand with a spindle and die. But another sorceress said that she would not die, but would fall asleep for 100 years. Although the king forbade spinning, the prediction came true. The young prince, seeing the deserted castle, decided to visit it, and when he came he saw a wonderful girl who woke up. The young people got married. 2 children were born - Bright Day and Clear Dawn. When the already young king went to war, his mother, a cannibal, wanted to eat the children and the bride, but the cook deceived her. As a result, the arrival of the monarch saves his family.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Like all fairy tales, there is a happy ending. No matter how much they wanted to spoil the life of the princess, good won over evil. Perro admires love - for the sake of it it is possible to overcome any obstacles, it saves the world.