How to change the shape of the upper lip. Hyaluronic acid for lip shape and volume correction

Ways to correct the shape of the lips come down not only to cheiloplasty and the use of fillers. There are less radical methods: special exercises, massage, makeup. All of them are painless, and most importantly safe. With their help, you can change the shape of the lips at home. We will tell you about simple, but effective exercises and about how to change the shape of the lips using makeup techniques.

Doing exercises for lip correction

To change the shape of the lips with exercises, you need to do them regularly. This path is not for the lazy, but if you go through it by comparing your lips before and after, you will be satisfied with the result. From the exercises described below, you need to choose 3-4 that you like best. With these exercises at home, you can restore the elasticity of the skin of the lips, make them more magnificent, smooth wrinkles around the mouth. If you connect a special one here, the effect will be even more pronounced.

Exercise 1: pronounce the vowels

Consistently repeat the vowels: A, O, I, U. Each sound is pronounced for a long time, and facial expressions should be very pronounced. The uttered sound should be guessed when looking at your lips. You need to repeat a set of letters about 10 times.

Exercise 2: Draw a Smile

Squeeze your lips and smile so that the corners of your mouth reach the level of large chewing teeth. Then draw in the cheeks in the area of ​​the chewing teeth and hold this position. Now your task is to raise the corners of the mouth as high as possible. To do this, stretch the lips in a smile and perform patting movements with the fingertips in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners. Repeat this exercise several times until you feel muscle fatigue.

Exercise 3: with a pencil

Take a pencil or pen, pull the lips forward, forming a tube with them. Insert a pencil between the upper and lower lip and make movements, as if retracting and releasing the pencil. Then take the pencil in your hand and without letting go of your mouth, pull it forward. At this time, sponges try to hold it as tightly as possible. When you feel muscle tension, hold this position for a couple of seconds. Repeat these movements 10 times in a row.

Exercise 4: puff out the cheeks

This exercise helps not only to change the shape of the lips, but also to tighten the skin on the cheeks. Its scheme is as follows:

  1. We collect full cheeks of air and tightly close the lips.
  2. Now we put our palms to our cheeks and press them as if you want to burst the “ball”.
  3. At this time, try to squeeze your lips as tightly as possible to prevent air from escaping.
  4. We provide such resistance for at least 5 seconds, then release the air and repeat the exercise again.

Do it 10 times with breaks of a couple of seconds between sets.

Exercise 5: moving the lips

This is a very simple exercise, the instructions for which are as follows:

  1. Pull the lips forward, forming a tube.
  2. Raise the "tube" up, and then lower it down.
  3. Then move it left and right.
  4. We repeat these movements 10 times.

Exercise 6: Alternate Emotions

Do the following:

  1. Pull the lips forward and hold them in this position for a couple of seconds.
  2. Then we stretch in a smile and linger in it for 3 seconds.
  3. Repeat forward pull again.
  4. Then we smile broadly again.
  5. We repeat this 10 times.

This alternation not only has a positive effect on the elasticity of the lips, but also affects the muscles of the chin and cheeks, so you can also count on the correction of the oval of the face.

Exercise 7: stretching the oval

Open your mouth so that the mouth forms an oval. Then press the upper sponge to the upper teeth, while the oval should not be broken. Now we make a movement only with the corners of the mouth, trying to smile slightly. We repeat this movement 10 times.

Correcting the shape of the lips with makeup

Makeup artists know how to reshape lips with makeup. Moreover, you can correct not only the shape of the “bird” on the upper lip, but also make the mouth visually more magnificent or thinner. In order to model the shape you need and achieve the desired fullness of the mouth, you need to have more than one shade of lipstick or gloss. When correcting the shape of the lips with makeup, apply the same rule as in the selection of clothes: dark makes you slim, light makes you fat.

Lip augmentation with makeup

Lip reduction with makeup

Those who want to, on the contrary, need darker shades of matte lipsticks or glosses with a minimum of reflective particles. To make the mouth thinner, you can use this technique:

  1. Apply to the skin of the mouth foundation cream, this will help move the outline.
  2. You can use a beige pencil, outlining the lips with it.
  3. Take a dark shade of lipstick and with your fingertips “drive” the pigment into the place where the lips meet. Lipstick should not fall on the contour.

You will get , which you can recreate with . You can also draw new outlines of the lips by drawing them with a pencil to match the lipstick, stepping back from the natural borders by 1 millimeter.

Now you know that you can correct the shape of the lips without resorting to the help of surgeons and cosmetologists. It remains only to make it a habit to repeat simple exercises and fill your hand, drawing a clear outline with a pencil.

Video: Changing the shape of the lips with makeup

Cheiloplasty is a type plastic surgery, which is performed on the lips in order to obtain an aesthetic or reconstructive result. The technique helps to increase or decrease the size of the lips, correct their shape, raise the corners of the mouth, restore symmetry, eliminate congenital pathologies - “cleft lip”, “cleft palate”, remove wrinkles around the mouth, benign formations, etc.

Distinguish injection And surgical cheiloplasty.

Injection cheiloplasty is completely aesthetic, as it is aimed at emphasizing the existing forms, highlighting them and drawing attention to them. This type of surgery is short-lived, requires a short time for rehabilitation, however, unfortunately, it does not retain a long-term effect, which is limited to several months.

The injection technique is performed with the following fillers:

  • synthetic materials;
  • collagen of own origin;
  • collagen of animal origin;
  • gel based;
  • lipofilling, that is, the introduction of one's own adipose tissue.

Each of the fillers has its own application features, advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantages are allergic reactions, which in most cases occur on foreign substances (synthetics, foreign organic components). Therefore, the safest are organic substances of their own or the most acceptable origin (own collagen, own adipose tissue, hyaluronic acid, as component body cells).

Surgical method most in demand in cases where a significant change in the tissues of the lips is required to give them a different shape.

Surgery is performed using anesthetics local action and in extreme cases anesthesia is used. The main actions during the operation are cutting the tissues of the lips, depending on the desired result. Small incisions are made on the lips, excess tissue is removed, then everything is pulled together with neat seams that do not leave marks in the future.

Varieties of methodology

Surgical cheiloplasty has several types of methods for performing operations, which have their own individual signs of performance and provide a certain effect.

Shortening cheiloplasty

Reducing the size of the lips by removing a piece of tissue from the inside of the mouth.

V-Y plastic

An increase in the volume of the lips, which is achieved by suturing the tissue of the lips, thus shifting the mucous membrane and increasing the volume. The peculiarity of this type lies in the V-shaped incisions, which are later sutured with a Y-shaped seam.


With this technique, the central part of the upper lip rises, forming a heart, so "Paris" is sometimes called "Cupid". The "Paris" technique has a similar execution procedure with V-Y plastic surgery, however, it involves the use of not only vertical sutures, but also horizontal ones. Thanks to this, the technique allows for more precise actions, reaching individual forms.


Plastic "Bullhorn" will help to increase the upper lip, which becomes thinner with age due to a decrease in skin elasticity. This operation can be performed in combination with rhinoplasty. During the operation, a narrow, wavy strip of skin at the base of the nose is removed, and the suture is tightened, thereby lifting the upper lip and turning out the red border.

Cornet lift

It is used to eliminate age-related changes when wrinkles appear in the mouth area, from which the elasticity of the skin of the lips is lost. The technique involves excision of excess skin above the upper lip, especially in the corners of the mouth.

DAO resection

Resection "DAO" is aimed at eliminating the drooping corners of the mouth. It is carried out in the lower jaw, where the muscle is attached to the bone. The muscle itself is excised, from which it contracts, and the formed cavity at the point of attachment of the muscle is filled with adipose tissue, which leads to smoothing wrinkles and restoring the contour of the lips. Most often, this operation is performed in conjunction with lipofilling.

Kesselring or Gull Wing

Increasing the size of the lips by turning the inside of the upper or lower lip. During the operation, the skin area above the lips is removed strictly in accordance with the contours, followed by tightening.

Thread pendants

Threads are used to raise the central part upper lip to give it expressiveness and desirability. The technique consists in pulling the threads along the filter folds from the nose to the lips, followed by returning back to the nose and fixing them. The technique is low-traumatic and short-term in execution, and also does not require long-term rehabilitation.

Almost all lip plasty techniques are independent in terms of execution technique, however, they are most often used in combination in conjunction with each other in order to obtain the maximum desired effect simultaneously.


Implants give emphasis and expressiveness to the shape of the lips. Collagen inserts, as well as synthetic materials, can be used as implants.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • covi diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases;
  • herpes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.


*Average cost. Prices are valid at the time of publication of the article.

Photo Before and After

For beautiful ladies, the desire to become even more beautiful is natural and quite legitimate, but not everyone wants to make efforts for this every day, preferring to hope for the miracles of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures. But there are simple and effective methods for self-correction of the shape of lips, nose, eyebrows, cheeks and so on.

How to change the shape of the lips at home and with the help of a beautician

How to reshape lips at home

If the geometry of the nose or the shape of the eyes is mainly determined by genetics, then the shape of the lips can be corrected by training the muscles responsible for facial expressions and tissue elasticity. The following exercises are considered the most effective:

pronunciation of vowel sounds - they must be pulled until a feeling of muscle tension;

stretching the lips in a smile, while you can create resistance with your hands;

alternation of emotions with exaggerated facial expressions;

Blow cheeks - hold the air taken into the mouth while simultaneously pressing the palms on the cheeks;

kiss - the lips are pulled forward as much as possible in an attempt to kiss a distant target.

These exercises are repeated 10-20 times, and you can choose those that create the strongest tension in the facial muscles, because everyone has different facial expressions and, accordingly, different development of the subcutaneous muscles.

For those who prefer to adjust the face with the help of cosmetics, it is advisable to figure out how to change the shape of the lips with a pencil and lipstick of different shades. To increase the volume, it is better to use light lipstick or gloss, preferably with mother of pearl, to reduce - dark matte options. The combination of lighter and darker tones of the pencil and lipstick allows you to effectively change the shape (within certain limits), the gloss visually makes the mouth larger and more voluminous.

Many women dream of having plump, beautifully shaped lips. The face looks more attractive and younger. The cosmetic industry is ready to offer them lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid. This procedure not only gives volume, but also changes the shape, for example, with pronounced asymmetry. The technique is safe and painless, thanks to the use of modern drugs. In addition to correcting lips, it can be used to saturate them with moisture, remove fine wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance of natural origin. It can be found in all tissues of the human body. It is responsible for the transport and distribution of moisture. The acid delivers fluid to areas that need it most. Once in the epidermis, it begins to intensely bind water molecules. Due to this, volume appears. In this way, the tissues are always hydrated and can effectively withstand pressure and compression. This will protect the skin from the appearance of wrinkles on it. Hyaluronic acid is a common ingredient in cosmetics, including sunscreens, that are designed to retain moisture in the skin.

But, if you are going to inject acid, you need to take into account that its artificial introduction stops the natural production of this substance by the body. Therefore, experts advise to resort to injections as little as possible, and also not to use acid-based creams too often. Hyaluronic acid fills the lips, making them more voluminous. With it, you can also adjust their shape. Lips look fresher, younger and more attractive. Acid to increase the volume of the lips is used in the form of a gel, so it is better distributed in the tissues.

Reviews say that the gel injection procedure itself lasts from a quarter to 1 hour, depending on the number of injections and the chosen anesthesia. Due to anesthesia, discomfort is minimized, discomfort is practically absent. Within an hour after the injections, traces of the needle remain on the lips. Usually at first there is swelling and bruising. Normally, all this disappears in a maximum of a day. Over time, the body reabsorbs hyaluronic acid and lips lose volume. In order to maintain the result for a long time, you need to regularly replenish its reserves in the tissues. Injections are done 2-3 times a year.

Order of conduct

Lip plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid lasts on average up to 30 minutes. The description of the procedure is as follows:

  1. First of all, the doctor consults the patient. He must reveal possible contraindications and also calculate the dose of the drug.
  2. Next, the doctor uses the selected anesthetic. Usually this is a special anesthetic cream. If such anesthesia is not enough, then the doctor can give an injection that lasts much longer than the external agent - 1.5-2 hours.
  3. The specialist makes several injections, usually their number is 10-20. The drug is injected under the skin to a depth of 1-2 mm.

Judging by the reviews, one procedure is not enough to obtain the desired result. Therefore, after 2-4 weeks, a second session is usually performed. During it, the shape of the lips is adjusted, they are given the desired contour. The doctor must eliminate the remaining deficiencies and remove possible asymmetries. To get the maximum effect from hyaluronic acid injections, you must follow the rules for a successful rehabilitation period.

The main advantage of the procedure is the speed of achieving results and ease of implementation. If the work is done with high quality, then the gel will not move and will not cause any problems. After the injections, there are no visible marks left. Hematomas quickly disappear. In addition, the substance dissolves over time. Lips that have been augmented with hyaluronic acid usually look as natural as possible.

Among the shortcomings can be called the need for a second session. Problems are often provoked by an excessive amount of the injected substance. The lips at the same time look unnaturally large. The procedure causes a decrease in local immunity, therefore, the herpes virus can manifest itself. Therefore, before contacting the salon, it is recommended to drink drugs to prevent the exacerbation of this infection.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for lip correction by pumping them with acid are:

  • insufficient lip volume;
  • the desire to prevent age-related changes after 30 years;
  • cosmetic imperfections, such as uneven contour;
  • lip asymmetry;
  • downturned corners of the mouth;
  • irregularities of the nasolabial folds.

The procedure is not always possible due to contraindications. They must be taken seriously in order to avoid the development of complications.

Contraindications for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid are:

  • inflammation of the skin around the lips;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • the period of taking anticoagulants;
  • recurrence of herpes;
  • relapses of chronic diseases;
  • hypersensitivity or allergy to hyaluronic acid.

Most of the contraindications are temporary. Therefore, the procedure can simply be postponed until the onset of a favorable period.

Reviews and opinions about the procedure

Reviews of women who have experienced lip correction, both positive and negative:

“I always felt like my lips needed a boost. I also wanted to correct the shape of the top. Seeing many online bad photos before and after the procedure, I hesitated for a long time to undergo it. In the salon, I was offered to model the contour of the lips and increase their volume due to hyaluronic acid. I was injected with a milliliter of Perfecta France. I liked the effect and after 5 months I made a second injection. The cost was 12,000 rubles.

Julia, Moscow.

“I had lip surgery at the salon to make them a little thicker. I chose the clinic for a very long time and scrupulously, I read the reviews, but it did not help. After the procedure, a strong asymmetry was observed. I was told it was due to swelling. But a month later they slept, and with them the volume disappeared. At the same time, the curved contour remained.

Evgenia, St. Petersburg.

“I have very thin lips, especially the upper one. This made me decide to have the procedure. I needed not only an increase, but also a correction of the asymmetry of the lips. I had an injection of Juvederm Ultra-3 with lidocaine. When the anesthesia wore off, I was very strong pain. After 2 weeks, the procedure was repeated to give the lips desired shape. In general, the cost of 2 sessions was about 23,000 rubles.

Ulyana, Rostov-on-Don.

“I signed up for injection plastic surgery of the lips by introducing hyaluron, but instead they injected me with a biopolymer. The consequences were dire. There were extensive seals. The upper lip became insensitive. The skin at the injection sites was cracked and bleeding. The swelling persisted for 1.5 months. Another beautician tried to correct the situation, but failed. Now I will have to remove the lumps surgically.”

Marina, Krasnodar.

“I went through the lip augmentation procedure three times. The first time, the effect lasted only 2 months due to low-quality material. The last session went especially well. I had an injection of Princess Filler after numbing my lips. By the end of the day, the injection marks disappeared. The result was preserved for about 9 months.

Ivan, Yekaterinburg.

“Before deciding on a lip augmentation, I looked at reviews of cosmetic procedures on the Internet and read a lot of reviews on women's forums. Finally, I settled on injections into the lips of hyaluronic acid. I was injected with 1 ml of the drug. So far there is swelling, bruising and pain. The result should appear in 2 weeks.

Irina, Novosibirsk.

Lip augmentation by contour plastics is the most popular beauty procedure. Clinics and medical centers vying with each other offer the “Mona Lisa smile”, “ french lips» and sexy lips.

Indeed, the procedure takes literally 40 minutes of time, makes the face sensual, rejuvenates and beautifies. The introduction of a filler into the lips allows you to restore youthful fullness and a clear contour of the lips that have been lost with age, make thin lips more expressive, and remove wrinkles around the lips.

At first glance, the scheme is very simple: a small amount of a substance is injected into the lips, which, getting under the skin, begins to hold water molecules around itself, as a result of which the lips puff up, become juicy and seductive. The beauty! You inject the drug - and wait for an excellent result.

But only on one condition. The procedure must be performed by a professional of the highest class. Contouring of the face and lips only seems to be a simple matter. Practice shows that otherwise the result will please only your worst enemies.

For many years, we at the Platinental Medical Center have been doing not only beautiful lip contouring. We are approached every day to correct the mistakes of others. Today we share this "black list" - in the hope that it will save you from disappointment and tears due to the rash choice of a doctor and a drug.

Lip contouring with a filler. Performed by a dermatologist.

Lip contouring. Performed by a dermatocosmetologist .

Lip contouring. Performed .

Hit parade of horror stories for adult girls

So, here are the most common problems that unsuccessfully performed lip plastic surgery leads to.

1. Lips are bigger than you wanted.

Have you dreamed about the plump lips of Angelina Jolie, but got the lips of Pamela Anderson? Alas, you have been injected with an excess amount of gel.

Amanda Lepore, freak. "Pumped" lips look about the same on all types of faces - too unnatural to be taken seriously by their owner.

If this is a modern drug based on hyaluronic acid, then you should not be very upset. Within a year, hyaluronic acid will dissolve itself, and the lips will return to their natural shape. However, if the image of the "rescuer of Malibu" is not to your liking - come. With special Spanish enzymes, we will delicately eliminate the excess of the drug, keeping the volume in the right places.

2. The harmonious proportions of the face are violated

A very common mistake. To see this, watch the opening of any film festival or other event that the beau monde is going to. Most age actresses do lip contouring - this is a fact.

In one actress, “pumped” lips are perceived separately from the face as something completely foreign. And for someone, the correction is completely invisible - for example, for Dami Moore. She's always had string lips. And now they do not stand out on the face with their fullness. But look how perfectly they harmonize with the rest of the facial features.

Dami Moore is one of the few who doesn't "pump" her naturally thin lips. Despite the use of contouring, her lips look natural and young. Perhaps this is the best example of the good taste of a beautician and his patient.

If, unlike Dami, you made a mistake, it makes sense to correct it and return your lips to a proportional look.

If the harmony of the features is broken, the face is not perceived as beautiful.. In order to avoid the effect of other people's lips, a specialist in contour plastics needs to know in detail the structure of the face and its proportions, the laws of harmony, and also take into account several dozen structural features of the lips themselves, their age, balance in the upper and lower lips, their symmetry with the left and right sides.

For example, at Platinental, we use 13 criteria to create an irresistible smile. All of them are carefully considered every time before the procedure - individually for each patient.

Adequacy test: do you still think extreme lip size is beautiful?

3. Violation of the correct volume of the lips

Lips seem beautiful to us not when they are just equally large, but when they meet certain criteria. It is very important that the lower lip in profile be plumper than the upper lip.

If this is not so, then there is no need to talk about beauty. And here it doesn’t matter: they are the same or the upper lip is plumper than the lower one. The ideal ratio of the size of the upper and lower lips is 1/3 to 2/3. This is the golden ratio, which was described in his works by Leonardo Da Vinci and which every self-respecting specialist in contour plastic strives for in his works.

4. Destruction of the delicate anatomy of the lips

When a child draws a beautiful princess, he most often carefully draws her lips with a heart: the upper one is in the shape of an onion, the lower one is plump. A child will never draw two identical sausages instead of lips for a princess. And he is absolutely right.

The human upper lip has a complex structure. It necessarily has a vertical groove (filtrum). At the point of transition to the red border, the filtrum forms a labial tubercle. Two smoothly curved ridges of skin along the edges of the groove are called filtrum columns.

The border between the skin and the red border of the lips, as a rule, is curved like a bow. Romantic ancient Greeks, well-known connoisseurs of beauty, compared the shape of the beauty's lips with Cupid's bow, and this name has survived to this day. There is also an arch of Cupid - the central part of the upper lip.

In order for the lips to be beautiful, all this delicate anatomy must be carefully preserved. If, during contouring, an excess of the drug is injected, then the natural outlines of the lips disappear - and we see just two plump pancakes that can cause delight only in the hungry.

Beautiful lips are:

      • Cupid's well-defined bow.
      • Clear filtrum columns.
      • A well-defined red border of the lips, emphasizing the curves.
      • Smooth skin between nose and upper lip.
      • The distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip is less than 2 cm.
      • The Mona Lisa crease (a smile hidden in the corners of the lips) even at rest.
      • The lower lip is 1.5 times fuller than the upper one.
      • The most protruding point in the profile of the upper lip protrudes forward relative to the analogous point on the lower lip.
      • An angle is clearly visible between the upper and lower lip at rest.
      • Ricketts line (Riccets E-line) - a straight line that runs from the tip of the nose to the protruding point of the chin, runs at a distance of 4 mm from the upper lip and 2 mm from the lower lip.
      • At rest, the upper lip opens the tips of the teeth.

As you can see, beauty has many parameters and subtle nuances. And if you evaluate the beauty of the lips only by one of them - by size - this betrays provinciality with a head. Wearing “dumplings” on your face is as bad form as appearing in public with nails extended and painted under Khokhloma.

5. Eversion of the lips

If the excess filler was injected from the side of the lip mucosa, there is a risk of getting the eversion of the lip. In this case, the inner mucous surface of the lips becomes visible, which should only be in contact with the teeth.

Jackie Stallone is the famous mother of her son, Sylvester Stallone. Eversion of the lips as a result of the introduction of an excess amount of artificial gel.

Try to do this procedure in front of a mirror - twist your lip a little. See? The hue of the mucous membrane is light, it differs from the bright color of the lips. Therefore, any eversion is very noticeable. It is hardly possible to talk about the beauty of the lips in this case. But the beauty here is not even the worst thing.

Everted mucosa is not intended to come into contact with air. Drying, it becomes covered with cracks that become inflamed. If nothing is done, stomatitis develops (inflammation of the entire oral cavity) and cheilitis (inflammation and severe peeling of the lips).

6. Asymmetry

If not the same amount of the drug is injected into the lips, then asymmetry occurs: for example, Right side the upper lip becomes larger than the left. This is one of the common mistakes in non-professional plastic surgery.

Pamela's bewitching charm and her open smile make this defect invisible. However, there is a clear asymmetry of Pam's lips, which appeared after their increase.

7. "Duck mouth"

famous " duck mouth”is also the result of a medical error. Appears when an excess amount of the drug is injected into the skin of the upper lip at a young age.

As a result, the gel partially migrates, the upper lip swells, becomes longer, and really begins to resemble a duck's beak.

"Before" and 2 weeks "after" removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Photos "before" and "after" the operation for the correction of duck lips.

Lip reduction, removal of silicone from the lips. Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

8. Dropping the corners of the lips

"One wrong move and you're a father." The same phrase very accurately conveys the features of contour plastics. Two wrong movements with a syringe in the corners of the lips - and you literally become 10 years older in 30 seconds.

Have you ever wondered why celebrities always smile? Perhaps only Victoria Beckham allows herself to walk along the Red carpet without a smile.

In addition to showing friendliness, a smile is very good at hiding the corners of the lips that have drooped with age and low cheekbones.

This is not an exaggeration. One of the clearest signs of a "woman after 40" is the lowered corners of the mouth. This facial expression has nothing to do with a bad mood. Drooping lips are as obvious a sign of age as nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes.

But unlike a bad contour specialist, a good specialist will make every effort to lift the corners of your lips. Like this:

A good doctor will definitely make your face more attractive by turning the corners of your lips up.

With a superficial and uneven injection of the gel at the border of the red border and the mucous membrane, it leads to the appearance of a wavy edge of the lips.

10. Inflammation

Inflammation on the lips can occur if the rules of sterility are violated during and after the procedure.

However, the doctor is not always to blame for this problem. Very often, patients ignore care recommendations and do not follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor. The lips after contour plastics are easily affected by the sun's rays, too hot air in the bath and sauna, and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.

11. Lip deformation

If earlier we spoke exclusively about the unprofessionalism of a doctor, now is the time to recall that “not all yogurts are equally useful”, and fillers are different.

There are a number of problems associated with the introduction of the "wrong" drug. Permanent fillers (PAAG and silicone-based gels) do not dissolve. It would seem that this can only be dreamed of. What's better than beautiful lips for life? But in reality, everything turns out to be far from the case.

Once under the skin, permanent fillers over time:

  • migrate, which leads to deformation of the lips,
  • cause inflammation and swelling
  • lead to education scars,
  • come into conflict both with each other and with the tissues of the body, which is fraught with absolutely terrible consequences.

We wholeheartedly advise you not to experiment with your own health with dubious cosmetologists. Low drug prices should not please, but alert: no one will work at a loss, so what are we saving on? Most often, unfortunately, on the qualifications of doctors and drugs. And then the question, how much does lip contouring cost, turns into a question: how to live with what they did to me, and how much does it cost to fix everything?

We are engaged in correcting the consequences of unsuccessful contouring on a daily basis:

We perform every day ,

We excise granulomas and oleomas,

Modeling the shape of the lips

We spend lip plastic surgery,

Excising scar tissue

We eliminate excess filler with special Spanish enzymes,

Correcting mistakes is more expensive than preventing them. But the flow of those wishing, alas, only intensifies.

We wrote this article to talk about what we see day after day in consultations and in the operating room. To save you from mistakes. We cannot betray those tears and pain of girls and women who cannot eat, sleep and even close their mouths normally. Take my word for it. They come to Platinental as the last hope for unique technologies. And although we take on the most difficult cases, only 90% of them can be corrected.


Andrey Iskornev tells how contouring can be a disappointment.

Andrey Iskornev talks about the dangers of biopolymer lip gels.

What to do? There is an exit!

Do you want to protect your beauty?

Focus only on those clinics and specialists who perform contouring in full accordance with the wishes of the patient, and in compliance with all the rules of anatomy, harmony and aesthetics. Only lip contouring with hyaluronic acid is considered reliably safe. Elena Savitskaya Contour plasty of the cheekbones, corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds with fillers, 3 syringes. Performed by a dermatologist.

Volbella contains anesthetic lidocaine in its composition and makes the procedure lip correction very comfortable. You will no longer need Ultracaine injections before lip augmentation.

You can ask your questions and sign up for a consultation on the issue of lip correction by phone:

in Moscow +7 495 989-21-16, +7 495 723-48-38,

in Kazan +7 843 236-66-66.

Book an appointment online to receive a 30% discount on a consultation. Or buy a clinic certificate and pay for any procedures with a 10% discount.