HPV in women and its treatment: a list of effective methods and recommendations from doctors. Features of drug treatment of HPV in women Antiviral treatment for papillomavirus

Papillomavirus infection is by far the most common pathology. The pathogen affects the integumentary epithelium and mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, oral cavity, throat, tongue, nose. Medications are selected taking into account the type of virus, which is determined in the process of diagnostic measures. Modern methods treatment of HPV in women with effective drugs can eliminate the external manifestations of the infection, curbing its spread, and strengthen the immune system.

HPV is a highly specific human infection that can affect the cells of the integumentary and mucosal epithelium. A high concentration is found in the seminal fluid, urethra, Bartholin glands, located on the eve of the vagina. Infection occurs through sexual or contact-household contact, and the presence of microtrauma increases the risk of infection. To date, more than 100 types of papillomavirus have been identified, 35 of them have a pathological effect on the urogenital tract.

The degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells is preceded by tissue dysplasia, which early stages treatable. The appearance of genital warts and warts rarely leads to such severe complications, most often they cause cosmetic discomfort. But localized on the body in places of greatest injury (genitals, anus, inner thighs), they increase the risk of developing a precancerous condition. To avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to regularly undergo an examination and remove growths.

Attention! It has been proven that HPV is the only group of viruses that causes the formation of malignant processes. The most formidable of them are cervical cancer in women and penis cancer in men.

Treatment of HPV in women is a complex process. Its effectiveness and feasibility to this day remain topical topics for discussion in the existing probability of complete elimination of the virus. So far specific drug treatment not developed, so attempts to achieve the complete destruction of the pathogen remain ineffective. The fight against HPV is mainly aimed at suppressing its activity, removing existing pathological neoplasia, and immunocorrection.

The Importance of Diagnosis

Genital warts and other growths on the skin are easy to diagnose, since their presence is determined by visual inspection. It is much more difficult to identify the pathology at an early stage, because the disease is characterized by a long latent period, during which the virus is dormant and does not attempt to reproduce. And here modern diagnostics comes to the rescue.

The use of laboratory methods is aimed at studying the biopsy at the cellular level, detecting HPV DNA, E7 oncoprotein, and determining antibodies to the virus. An integrated approach involves the following procedures:

  • clinical examination of the external genital organs in order to identify growths;
  • colposcopy to determine the presence of intraepithelial neoplasia;
  • Papanicolaou testing (PAP test);
  • immunological methods - PIF, ELISA, RSK;
  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction;
  • DNA probe;
  • cytological examination;
  • histology and biopsy of a tissue sample.

It's important to know! Important in the process of research is the typing of HPV, the determination of its group affiliation, taking into account oncogenic risk. This is achieved using the Digene test.

Goals of medical treatment

Despite the rapid development of medicine, the creation of advanced diagnostic methods and highly effective medicines, a specific cure for papillomavirus has not yet been invented to completely destroy it. Therapy is aimed primarily at eliminating the external manifestations of HPV, as well as for the treatment of a number of other problems:

  • prevention of reactivation of the virus;
  • reducing the risk of complications, including the prevention of cervical cancer;
  • work stimulation immune system, strengthening the protection mechanism.

What methods the doctor will operate on and how he will treat HPV in women, what drugs he will choose, depends on many factors: history, somatic status, size of neoplasms, their number and localization. The woman's tolerance to prescribed medications is also taken into account.

Commonly used medicines for women

Local treatment of HPV in women is aimed at removing growths (warts, warts) and atypically altered epithelium using cytostatics, chemical coagulants, and destructive methods. After that, in order to prevent relapse, therapy with antiviral drugs, nonspecific immunomodulators, and interferon inducers is indicated. Since the virus is transmitted sexually, both partners must be treated at the same time.

Immune Boosting Drugs

A fairly common range of antiviral drugs for human papillomavirus, which increase the body's defenses, is prescribed after determining the woman's immune status. They allow you to achieve stable remission, and in some cases reduce the size of papillomas. The following dosage forms are considered affordable and convenient to use:

  • dragees, lozenges, papillomavirus tablets;
  • rectal and vaginal suppositories;
  • suspensions;
  • solutions for injections;
  • ointments, gels, creams for external use.

Among the medicines, the drug "Indinol" and vitamin complexes are popular.

With the human papillomavirus, the following list of drugs is also used for treatment.

"Likopid". HPV sublingual tablets for women. They have a pronounced effect, strengthens the immune system, allowing the body to fight the virus on its own. The action of the drug is equivalent to a vaccine.

"Viferon". One of the most effective means in the treatment of HPV infection in women. A pronounced stimulating effect is achieved due to the recombinant human interferon Alpha 2, which is part of it. It prevents infection with strains of high oncogenic risk. It is prescribed in the form of suppositories or ointments.

"Altevir". Effective immunostimulant. It contains human alpha 2 interferon. The combined agent has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Used in the treatment and prevention cancerous tumors. Stimulates the synthesis of cytokines and enzymes. It is given as an injection.

Antiviral medicines

To date, there are no drugs with a specific action aimed at destroying the DNA of the papillomavirus. Antiviral drugs for HPV suppress the replication of the causative RNA. The list of the most popular includes the tools described below.

Groprinosin. Highly effective cure for HPV. The action is aimed at stimulating immunoglobulin, the production of Alpha and Gamma interferon. As a result, the manifestations of the virus are significantly suppressed, and the risk of re-formation of neoplasia is reduced. If necessary, the drug can be replaced by an effective, but cheaper analogue of Isoprinosine.

"Allokin-alpha". The drug is effective against HPV of high carcinogenic risk and is often used in the treatment of cervical dysplasia. It is also actively used in the treatment of recurrent papillomatosis. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug during pregnancy, lactation and autoimmune diseases.

Panavir. An inexpensive combined antiviral drug has a good antiviral, immunostimulating effect. It is prescribed for the formation of genital warts in the urogenital tract. A feature of the drug is the absence of an addictive effect.

With no less success in the treatment of HPV, such medicines as Acyclovir, Galavit, Proteflazid (for the treatment of the papillomavirus and herpes of the child) are used.

Means for the destruction of growths

Fight cosmetic defects on the skin that are caused by activity viral infection, it is possible with the help of cytostatics and chemical coagulants. The following drugs are widely used.

"Podofilin". The tool is made from resins of plant origin. It is produced in the form of a solution that is used externally on warts or papillomas. The exception is genital warts, which form on the mucous membranes of the internal genital organs. The tool is recommended to be used according to the scheme: apply to the pathologically altered area directly under the root and wash off after 4-6 hours. It is used once every 3-6 days, a course of 4-5 weeks.

Ferezol. Cytotoxic drug in the form of a solution with the property of mummification. Contains phenol and tricreazole. Processing with the composition is carried out once every 10 days. Used until clinical effect is obtained. Compared to other drugs, it has a low price.

"5-fluoroacyl". The most popular cytostatic comes in the form of a cream. It is applied externally to treat pathological growths once every ten days, preferably at bedtime.

Solcoderm. Consists of a mixture of acids of organic and inorganic origin. It is applied with an applicator to an area up to 4-5 cm. Each session is carried out at intervals of 1-4 weeks. Can be used both externally and internally.

"Epigen Spray". It is used for irrigation of altered areas both outside and on the mucous epithelium in a course of seven days. In the latter case, a special nozzle is used. During the day it is allowed to apply up to 6 times.

Advice! Prescription cytostatics can only be recommended for external use. They can not be used in the treatment of warts localized on the mucous membranes. During therapy, side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting are possible.

Reviews of women about the best drugs

Medicine does not stand still, which allows many women not only to get rid of external growths caused by HPV, but also to get a stable remission. This is evidenced by the reviews that are found on the Internet.

Alena, 37 years old

“Several years ago I had small “pendants” - papillomas. They did not cause discomfort, but I still went to the doctor. He diagnosed me with HPV infection. I was prescribed injections of "Cycloferon", immunomodulators - "Likopid", "Lavomax". The growths were removed by the surgeon. After I completed the course of treatment, I managed to achieve a stable remission.

Lyudmila, 29 years old

“During pregnancy, still at an early stage, I noticed incomprehensible growths in the form of moles on a thin leg. Frightened, I immediately ran to the therapist. He referred me to the gynecology department. The doctor prescribed the drug "Aevit" and candles "Viferon". He also explained that this will not affect the intrauterine development and subsequent life of the fetus, but I can infect it at the time of labor. Now I am seeing him and looking forward to the birth of the baby.”

Preventive measures

Vaccination is considered an effective measure to prevent the reproduction of HPV.
A full course of three vaccinations results in the production of antibodies to 4 strains, and strengthens the defense mechanism against many other types of virus. For immunization, quadrivalent serum "Gardasil" and bivalent serum - "Cervarix" are used. The vaccine does not contain HPV DNA, so it is not dangerous and does not carry the risk of infection. The procedure is optional, recommended for adolescents aged 9-14 and women under the age of thirty.


HPV is considered a dangerous disease that requires highly accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment. Properly selected therapy allows you to get rid of the external manifestations of the infection in a few days, and at the next stage - to suppress the activity of the virus and strengthen the immune system. Only with this approach, the patient will be able to get more chances for a full recovery.

Papillomatosis is an infectious disease, the successful treatment of which requires an integrated approach. In most cases, the specialist recommends removing the papilloma. The procedure is performed surgically, by cryodestruction, electrocoagulation or laser. But this approach is not enough to completely get rid of the infection. The doctor also prescribes pills for papillomas to generally strengthen the immune system and fight the virus.

What is the reason for the appearance of papillomas on the body

Papillomavirus enters the human body by contact: when visiting public places, using common hygiene items, kissing or having sexual contact with an infected person. If the body was weakened and it did not have enough strength to overcome the virus, papillomas appear on the site affected by the infection. The localization of growths can be different: on the skin of the hands, feet, on the face and neck, in the armpits, on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, the outer and inner parts of the organs of the genitourinary system.

The variety of warts and papillomas also directly depends on the type of virus. Some of them are quite harmless, and then the appearance of papillomas is nothing more than a cosmetic defect. But the situation looks completely different with other HPV strains that promote the formation of malignant tumors.

The right approach to treatment

The correct method of treatment for each is individual: age, severity of the disease, the presence of other diseases are taken into account, general state patient's health. The doctor prescribes a treatment regimen only after the necessary studies to establish the strain of the virus, its amount in the body, the risk of degeneration into oncology. In most cases, it is recommended to remove the formation as the epicenter of infection and a potential source of further infection. After surgical removal of the formations or any other method, it is necessary to continue to treat the infection, as it continues to remain in the body.

Treatment methods for papillomavirus come down to taking antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system. Medicines exist for oral or topical use: papillomavirus tablets, ointments, gels, suppositories, injections.

Antiviral therapy

First of all, the doctor prescribes papillomavirus pills, which prevent the further spread of the infection and are aimed at destroying the virus itself. This list includes Isoprinosine, Groprinosine, Alpizarin, Cycloferon, Acyclovir. Let's dwell briefly on each of them.


Tablets against the human papillomavirus based on active ingredient inosine pranobex. Isoprinosine - antiviral drug, which at the same time has immunomodulatory properties.

It is prescribed for human papillomavirus infection to normalize cellular immunity. Isoprinosine prevents the reproduction of the virus by the fact that inosinorotic acid is introduced into the affected cell and does not allow the reproduction of viral DNA.

The daily dose is calculated based on the severity of the disease and the weight of the patient; as a maximum, adults are allowed to take 6-8 tablets per day for 3-4 doses. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

It is forbidden to take with individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, with gout and hyperuricemia. Not recommended during pregnancy, lactation and children under one year.


The drug against the human papillomavirus, made on the basis of the same active ingredient as Isoprinosine - inosine pranobex. It is prescribed against HPV due to its direct antiviral action. Enhances the activity of the immune system.

Groprinosin is administered orally. Maximum dose for an adult is 5 g per day, for children from one year to 12 years old - 4 g. The course of treatment is selected by a specialist individually, but on average it is 1-2 weeks. If necessary, after a break of 10 days, the course can be repeated.

Prohibited for use in case of allergy to one of the ingredients, hyperuricemia, acute arthritis.


Alpizarin tablets are prescribed for HPV based on mangiferin obtained from Indian mango leaves.

The drug is characterized by strong antiviral properties, especially in relation to herpes viruses, chicken pox, human papilloma. It is most effective to take the drug in the early stages of the development of the disease. Stimulates the development of cellular immunity, blocks growth pathogenic microorganisms, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The appearance of papillomas is an unpleasant fact. But with such a variety of medicines, one should not despair. The main thing is to find a competent specialist who will help you choose the optimal treatment regimen for a particular situation.

The tablets can be taken with or without food. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The medication lasts from three days to a month, depending on the form of the disease.


The drug has a wide spectrum of biological activity. Cycloferon relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system, eliminates the virus and prevents the development of cancer.

The active substance of meglumine, acridone acetate, helps the body produce additional alpha and beta interferons and accumulate them in the body, which is associated with a strong antiviral effect of the drug. Activates killer cells and T-lymphocytes. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms. Can be taken to treat HPV and other infections.

Take 1 tablet of Cycloferon 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals. It cannot be chewed, but simply washed down with water.

It is forbidden to use in case of individual intolerance to the components, cirrhosis of the liver, pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as children under 4 years of age.


An effective herpes drug is also used to treat HPV. This is a synthetically created analogue of one of the components of DNA. Due to this similarity, it replaces the viral DNA and does not allow the virus to multiply. After entering the infected cell, acyclovir, under the action of enzymes, becomes active and blocks the replication of viral DNA, without actually affecting the cells of the human body.

Treatment with acyclovir usually lasts 5 days. Adults: 1 tablet 4-5 times a day, children - 2-3 times.

The use of this drug for HPV is usually well tolerated, but women who are pregnant or breastfeeding will need to consult their doctor.


The next item in the human papillomavirus treatment regimen is immunostimulants. Their main task is to influence the body's metabolism and activate immunocompetent cells.


Among the drugs for immunomodulatory papilloma, the drug Likopid is often prescribed. It enhances cytotoxic activity and stimulates the production of specific antibodies. Assign in the complex treatment of diseases accompanied by secondary immunodeficiency: against papillomas and other diseases caused by infection.

The highest efficiency is achieved when taken half an hour before meals. The dose is prescribed by the attending physician. The duration of the course is 10 days.

Contraindicated in galactosemia, exacerbation of an autoimmune disease, body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius. It is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.


With papillomas, Galavit tablets are also prescribed. The drug has an immunomodulatory effect, reduces the degree of the inflammatory reaction and the associated intoxication.

The treatment regimen is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. It is forbidden to prescribe for allergies to one of the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation.

Medications from the group of dietary supplements

In the complex treatment for HPV, in addition to antiviral and immunostimulating agents for papillomas, an important role is played by vitamin and mineral complexes. Thanks to them, the body receives the missing biologically active substances to improve the metabolism of cells and tissues. And strengthening the body is the prevention of disease.

Which pills to choose, the specialist will tell you. It is desirable that the percentage of the element to daily rate was over 50%. The list of tested complexes includes Alfavit, Vitrum, Complivit.

Tablets that relieve itching and swelling

Skin diseases caused by papillomavirus are often accompanied by inflammation and itching, which causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. When combing, papillomas are injured and bleed. After removal of the growth, inflammation may also be observed. To avoid such situations, they take medications in the form of tablets: Suprastin, Diazolin, Loratadin, Claritin.

No matter how rapidly modern medicine develops, it does not yet have a single method of treating such a virus as human papilloma. When it is detected, the doctor selects the treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

As a rule, experts recommend getting rid of benign formations by hardware. This helps to eliminate them and prevents the appearance of new ones. However, do not forget that such treatment will not save a person from HPV completely. Harmful bacteria still remain in the body and after a while can provoke the appearance of new formations. To avoid such risks, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs for papillomas to patients.

Antivirals for HPV

The pharmaceutical market offers many drugs for papilloma, but the best results show:

  1. Immunomax;
  2. Likopid;

All of the above tools have their own characteristics. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Isoprinosine tablets

The active ingredient of the antiviral drug for HPV is inosis pranobex. It provokes the formation of new molecules in RNA and DNA in human cells. Taking this medicine against human papilloma provides:

  1. Restores the activity of lymphocytes, which are central to the immune system of our body. It has been clinically proven that it is the low activity of lymphocytes that is one of the reasons for the development of HPV in humans;
  2. Increases the functionality of natural killers and T-helpers, which are highly specialized immune cells. It is they who fight the cells infected with the virus;
  3. Provokes the production active substance interferon, which "looks" for "bad" cells, prevents the development of the virus and serves as a kind of "beacon" for T-helpers.
  4. Activates the work of macrophages, interleukins and neutrophils.

This antiviral drug for HPV is prescribed for the treatment of papillomas in the larynx and on the body, against genital warts. It should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly according to the instructions.

The active substance is interferon alpha-2b and vitamins C and E. This antiviral drug for papillomavirus has an increased immunomodulating effect and high antiviral activity. The main components of its composition allow you to increase the strength of your own immunity in the fight against harmful cells.

Antiviral ointment from papillomas with undeniable advantages:

  • Natural composition;
  • Easily absorbed by the body;
  • Fast acting;
  • Does not cause irritation and allergies;
  • Suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • Alpha-2b is a natural protein that helps the immune system fight infection faster.

As a rule, an HPV antiviral drug is prescribed in the early stages of the disease. Despite all the positive qualities and the lack of information about overdose, the suppository is not recommended for use as self-medication.

Suppository Genferon

As part of the antiviral drug for papillomavirus, there are three special components that ensure the success of treatment:

  1. Interferon alpha-2. This substance gives strength to the immune system, stimulates it to produce phagocytes and killers, as well as the differentiation of lymphocytes. Under the influence of interferon, leukocytes are activated in the mucous membrane and help it eliminate pathological foci and restore the production of immunoglobulin A;
  2. Benzocaine. local anesthetic. Thanks to him, calcium is displaced from the receptors, cell membranes do not allow sodium ions to pass through, nerve impulses are blocked;
  3. Taurine. This substance has reparative, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antioxidant properties.

This antiviral drug HPV treatment has a wide range of indications for use. It can be used to treat children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Side effects include allergic manifestations and mild itching. But everything goes away 2-3 days after the last use of the suppository.

Genferon is available in several dosages, so only a doctor should prescribe it. If the dosage is incorrectly selected, the patient may feel worse and develop an allergy.

Powder Allokin-alpha

The main substance is alloferon. The main action in the human body is the stimulation of the immune system to produce its own interferon and killers - cells that kill viruses. This antiviral from papillomas is prescribed only by a doctor and is dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription. It is prohibited for the treatment of children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and lactating women. The drug has a number side effects:

  • Prostration;
  • slight dizziness;
  • Rash;
  • May cause allergies.

But they appear only in rare cases. It is forbidden to combine it with alcohol, as it neutralizes the effect of the powder and can increase side effects. According to the reviews of doctors and patients, this medicine is considered one of the best against the human papillomavirus.

Spray Epigen Intim

The active ingredient of this antiviral drug against papillomavirus is glycyrrhizic acid from licorice root. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and immunostimulating effects on the body. In the immune system, it provokes:

  • Production and activation of lymphocytes;
  • Reduces the amount of immunoglobulin G;
  • Increases the number of immunoglobulin A and M.

The acid present in the composition blocks the development of the virus already in the early stages and prevents it from entering the cells. This antiviral drug for HPV in women can also be used for prophylactic purposes.

It is prescribed only by a gynecologist, since only a doctor can choose the right way to use the medicine.

In addition to high results, the drug has another indisputable advantage - it is suitable for the treatment of pregnant women, even for a short period of time, and for young mothers who are breastfeeding. In addition to allergies to the constituent components, "Epigen Intim" has no side effects.

Powder Immunomax

This antiviral drug for human papilloma is a powerful immunostimulant that helps our body fight harmful microorganisms and bacteria.

After entering the body, Immunomax activates the immune system in just 2 hours. Due to this property, specialists most often prescribe this drug in the early stages of the disease. It can also be used as a preventive measure to improve the immune system.

The HPV antiviral drug has a wide range of applications and has the following effect on the body:

  1. Activates phagocytes;
  2. Improves the synthesis of antibodies;
  3. Stimulates the production of interleukins;
  4. It enhances the production and activity of killers present in the body.

As a medicine for HPV, it is not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. May cause fever and allergic manifestations. As a rule, these side effects are not considered serious and the tablets can be taken further. To date, no cases of overdose have been recorded, but all the same, an antiviral drug for papillomas should be taken only as directed by a doctor and follow the instructions.

The active ingredient of the antiviral ointment for papillomas is imiquimod, which has a strong antitumor effect. Ointment is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Genital warts;
  • Superficial basalioma;
  • actinic keratosis.

The ointment is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to its components. Not recommended for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Antiviral ointment for papillomas has a number of side effects:

  1. Dizziness;
  2. Drowsiness;
  3. Pain in the muscles;
  4. Pain in the area of ​​application of the drug;
  5. peeling of the skin;
  6. Puffiness.

People to whom a doctor has prescribed Aldara should use it strictly according to the instructions and seek advice if the side effects do not go away for several days in a row.

Despite not all the benefits of the above drugs, remember that only a doctor can prescribe the most suitable one for you. It is better not to take risks with self-treatment and entrust your health to professionals.

Any person cares about their appearance and health. Everything is used - from homemade creams, masks, vitamins, to regular visits to beauty parlors. And the sudden appearance on the body of unpleasant growths - warts or papillomas plunges into shock. What's this? Where? How dangerous? And finally main question what to do with all this?

Anyone can face this problem. Human papillomavirus every year captures an increasing territory. And no one is safe from the criminal actions of an impudent invader. So, let's get to know the enemy better.

The appearance on the skin or mucous membranes of benign neoplasms in the form of warts or papillomas is associated with the presence of HPV (human papillomavirus) in the body. It affects the bottom layer of the skin (epithelium) and causes cells to divide.

The HPV group includes several strains of viruses:

  • The first group causes the formation of warts and papillomas on the skin;
  • The second group affects the genitals (there are genital warts);
  • The most dangerous group of viruses has oncogenic properties, and provoke the degeneration of growths into a cancerous tumor.

Women are at risk for developing HPV cancer. But men also should not forget about the danger.

Popular spawn locations

Warts and papillomas are localized on the skin and mucous membranes of the body. You can find them:

  1. Face, neck, eyelids;
  2. In the armpit;
  3. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands or under them;
  4. In the groin.

On mucous membranes:

  1. Nose, mouth, vocal cords;
  2. Bladder;
  3. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Genital organs.

Choosing a treatment method

A disease such as papillomatosis should not be left to chance. Papillomas are easy to injure, and this can accelerate their growth.

Of course, it is best to consult a specialist. A dermatologist will be able to determine the exact cause of the disease and select proper treatment in each specific case. In most cases, the specialist will offer a radical method of dealing with papillomas:

  • Surgical;
  • Electrocoagulation method (removal using electric current);
  • Getting rid of growths with liquid nitrogen (freezing);
  • laser therapy.

Any radical method of treatment is combined with the use of antiviral agents. They are available in the form of suppositories, drops, tablets or capsules. Their action is associated with the suppression of the virus and increased immunity. Usually prescribed:

  • Genferon;
  • Ruferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Interferon;
  • Kipferon.

Relapse of the disease is possible even if all the doctor's instructions are followed. At the same time, neoplasms will be smaller in size, their total number will also decrease. It usually takes 2-3 sessions of radical therapy to forget about this problem forever.

Removal of papillomas at home

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find time to visit a specialist. Yes, and papilloma is such a trifle that you can cope with at home. What option of getting rid of papillomas you do not choose, there is only one main rule. Such treatment should be complex:

  • External - to remove the neoplasm itself;
  • Antiviral - destruction of HPV;
  • Immunomodulatory - increase immunity.

Let's start with elimination external problem. To do this, contact the pharmacy.

Papillomas remover in pharmacy

How to understand the variety of drugs presented in the pharmacy network and find the one that works? Remedies for papillomas in a pharmacy can be divided into three categories:

  • Cryopreparations;
  • Medications;
  • Preparations for the removal of papillomas based on medicinal plants.


These pharmaceutical remedies for papillomas act in the same way as a liquid nitrogen used in specialized clinics. They are available in the form of an aerosol. These preparations for papillomas freeze out the neoplasm, tissue necrosis begins and the growth disappears.
The most common drugs in this group are:

  • Cryopharm;
  • Wartner Crio.

The composition of these pharmacy products includes propane and dimethyl ether. Effective remedy for papillomas and warts small size. Mode of application:

  1. Apply a little drug to the applicator;
  2. Then apply the applicator to the problem area of ​​the skin for 30 seconds;
  3. We continue to monitor innovation. If after two weeks the papilloma has not completely disappeared, the procedure must be repeated.

The maximum allowable number of procedures according to the instructions is not more than three. In order to avoid burns to healthy areas of the skin, the manufacturer advises to strictly follow the instructions.

Pharmacy remedies for removing papillomas on a plant basis

Herbs with burning poisonous properties were also known by our grandmothers. They used castor beans and celandine from papillomas and other neoplasms. Now you do not need to collect grass "on the full moon on the rising moon", you can use the celandine from the pharmacy.

Celandine or super cleaner

Treatment with celandine is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when unpleasant growths are found on the body. B, which includes this herb. Most famous tradename such a drug - "Supercleaner". In addition to the aforementioned herb, it contains potassium and sodium alkali, the effect of which is manifested in the occurrence of local burns. How to use: generously lubricate the skin near the papilloma with a fat cream. The liquid is applied directly to the neoplasm using a special spatula that comes with the kit. An undesirable side effect when removing papillomas with celandine is scarring of the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It is rather difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of this remedy, since different manufacturers dilute the drug in different ways. And the strength of its impact is directly related to the concentration of alkalis in the preparation.

Castor oil

It includes clover. It is used to combat plantar warts. How to use: Steam the skin of the legs well, apply oil to the problem area and seal with a plaster. After half an hour, remove the patch and carefully scrape off the growth. Repeat the procedure up to ten times.

The effectiveness of castor oil in the treatment of warts and papillomas is questionable. Rather, its action is aimed at softening the rough skin of the feet.

Sani Skin

It contains three main ingredients: tea tree oil, salicylic acid and castor oil. These drops from papillomas are available in tinted glass bottles. Method of application: drops are applied to the neoplasm, left to dry. Repeat 2-3 times. The effect will appear after 2-3 weeks. Based on the composition of the drug, one can judge its antiseptic, bactericidal and moisturizing properties. If he does not get rid of the problem of neoplasms, then he will not cause harm to the body.


This group of drugs for papillomas includes drugs whose action is manifested in cauterization and mummification of skin cells affected by the virus. They usually include acids, alkalis and ethanol.


Contains podophyllotoxin, which causes pain at the place of application. Papilloma first becomes red, then turns black and dies. Produced in the form of a solution. Sold in small tinted bottles. Method of application: within three days, in the morning and in the evening, a solution is applied only to the papilloma using a special spatula. It is necessary to be extremely careful and prevent the product from getting into healthy areas of the skin. After 4 days, the procedure is repeated. Considered the most effective drug based on patient feedback.


This drug is designed to fight both papillomas and warts at the same time. Available in the form of an ointment or cream. Its action is aimed at the destruction of the human papillomavirus and the development of immunity to this disease. Method of application: the cream is applied in a thin layer twice a day on the neoplasm. It is important to avoid getting the product on healthy areas of the skin, as well as on the mammary glands and armpits. The duration of treatment is up to four weeks.

Lapis pencil

Finding this safe remedy for papillomas in a pharmacy is not difficult. The composition of the drug includes silver nitrate, which has antiseptic action. The action of the pencil is aimed at destroying bacteria and burning out neoplasms. It is also used to treat wounds, cracks and other skin lesions.

Having dealt with a cosmetic problem and removed papillomas, you need to understand that the virus itself has not been defeated. The human papillomavirus is very resistant and extremely difficult to treat. To prevent recurrence of the disease in the idea of ​​the appearance of new papillomas and warts, you need to complex treatment including taking antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.


With their help, HPV activity is reduced. These include:

  • Groprinosin - has a milder effect, is well tolerated by children and the elderly;
  • Galavit - can be taken for a long time, suitable for children;
  • Cycloferon - prevents the reproduction of the virus;
  • Isoprinosine - reduces the activity of the virus and stimulates the immune system.

It should be borne in mind that these drugs affect the body as a whole, so it is not recommended to take them without consulting a doctor!

Immunomodulating agents

Increase the body's resistance and correct natural immunity. Appoint:

  • Likopid - usually taken with an antiviral drug, available in tablet form;
  • Viferon or Genferon - contain interferon, have an immunostimulating effect, are produced in the form of suppositories (vaginal and rectal);
  • Allokin-alpha - a biological product that combines the ability to resist the virus and strengthen the immune system, is available as a solution for injection.
  • Herbal immunostimulants - decoctions and tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, aralia.

You can try to remove the papilloma that has appeared on the body yourself. The exception is neoplasms in visible areas of the body.

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HPV () is a whole group of viruses of various types that infect the skin or mucous membranes of a person. HPV treatment requires complex treatment, often lasting for years. Medicines for their treatment are multidirectional. Some of them are responsible for the removal of papillomas - that is, the external manifestations of the virus, others for the fight against the virus, and others for strengthening the immune defense.

Important! It is impossible to deny the fact that in some cases the virus passes on its own, without any treatment, the body itself gets rid of the unwanted guest.

Features of drug treatment of papillomas

Outpatient treatment of papillomavirus, in accordance with clinical picture, designed for a long period of time, and can last up to several months.

Note! There is no one medicine "from papillomas". Medical treatment requires individual approach in prescribing drugs. They must be applied in a strictly defined order.

So, for example, stop taking at least a week before the alleged destruction of formations.

Assign taking into account possible concomitant diseases.

It also matters effective therapy chronic pathologies that affect work. Those who decide to get rid of papillomas on their own with the help of one medicine will be disappointed.

Cure HPV forever

Unfortunately, Once in the human body, the papilloma virus leaves its DNA forever in the cells. Existing medicines can suppress the virus, get rid of external manifestations, reduce the amount to a non-dangerous minimum, instill immunity to certain types of virus, but completely rid the body of the presence of HPV medications impossible.

However, the good news is that the human body is able to get rid of HPV permanently on its own. This requires strong immunity and youth.

Note! Young people, under 30 years old, with a high immune status, independently “destroy” the virus that has entered the body.

How to treat HPV

If it is impossible to completely cure the disease, a reasonable question arises - why then treat it at all?

Firstly, the external manifestation of the disease does not always lead to physical inconvenience, but almost always causes psychological discomfort, papillomas can become a source of additional infection with other viruses and, moreover, they themselves are simply contagious. To prevent spread to even more people, the virus must be controlled to minimize the chances of transmission.

HPV treatment must be comprehensive. Independent struggle with the manifestations of pathology, without consulting a specialist, without an examination, is not only ineffective, but can also aggravate the problem.

Treatment includes:

  • antiviral drug therapy
  • Drugs to stimulate your own immunity
  • Destructive effect on the external manifestation of the virus - removal of papillomas, condylomas, warts

Note! Manifestations of HPV are often hidden from a person, because they cannot be seen on their own. They can be found on the cervix, vaginal mucosa, pharynx, anus.

If there is any suspicion of a possible infection, if the sexual partner has papillomas, warts or condylomas, visit a dermatologist, dermatovenereologist, gynecologist or urologist.

Antiviral therapy for HPV

Photo 1: Antiviral drugs are prescribed to fight infection through the blood. Medicines are taken by mouth orally (tablets) or by injection (intramuscular injections). The local form of antiviral drugs by pharmacology is offered in the form of solutions, ointments, gels, suppositories. Source: flickr (Gergana P).

Antiviral drugs destroy the virus, prevent its reproduction and spread.

At the same time, these medicines stimulate the immune system.

Indications for the use of antiviral agents are:

  • multiple external formations - papillomas, warts, condylomas;
  • low immune status of the patient (history chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, HIV);
  • revealed infection with highly oncogenic types of the virus.

Antivirals for HPV

A drugRelease formActionIndications and contraindications
Tablets.Poly antiviral drug with immunomodulatory effect. Actively destroys viruses. Accelerates and supports the production of lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages.Prohibited for the treatment of pregnant women, since the effect of the drug on the body of pregnant women has not been studied. Classic scheme reception with papillomavirus - 2 tablets 2 times a day. Course 2 weeks.
Tablets, ampoules, ointment, suppositories.Direct antiviral drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. Intramuscular or intravenous injections, tablets, ointment (topically) destroy the papillomavirus, destroy its structure, and prevent reproduction.The classic scheme: once a day. Start therapy 3 days daily, then until the end of the week every other day. Second week - 2 through 2. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation
Ampoules for injection with powder content.For subcutaneous injections. A drug that enhances the body's natural ability to recognize and destroy oncogenic types of HPV.Scheme of application: 6 injections every other day. Has no side effects. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding
Ampoules for injections, vaginal and rectal suppositories, gel, spray.Means of plant origin, nightshade extract. Destroys viruses, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes tissue regeneration, stimulates the immune system.Injections intravenously, jet, suppositories rectally, vaginally according to the scheme: 1 week every other day, 2 weeks after 2 days once a day. Local application: gel 2 times a day. Spray 2-3 injections before and after sexual intercourse, daily use is allowed. There are no absolute contraindications. Pregnancy, feeding - according to a specialist "benefit for the mother - harm to the child"

Immunomodulators for HPV

Important! Increasing the protective ability of the body in case of papillomavirus is an important task, since a strong immune system is simply able to suppress the virus, in some cases even destroy it completely.

However, the independent use of immunomodulatory drugs is undesirable. It can provoke the mutation of the virus and its atypical manifestation.

Photo 2: Uncontrolled intake of immunomodulators can cause the opposite effect - a significant decrease in the body's defenses. Source: flickr (Eugene rumedicalnews).

Note! It should be understood that immunomodulators are not a drug against the human papillomavirus. These funds are used in the treatment as an auxiliary, for the physiological rise of immunity.

Immunomodulatory drugs for HPV

A drugRelease formActionIndications and contraindications
LikopidTablets.Increases the activity of lymphocytes, phagocytes. Stimulates the synthesis of antibodies.The tablet is dissolved under the tongue or swallowed 1 time per day, the course is 10 days. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, in violation of work thyroid gland, in febrile conditions
ImmunomaxAmpoules with dry matter.Enhances protection against HPV.Injections according to the scheme: once 1,2,3 and 8,9,10 days. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, but is allowed according to indications and under control.
InterferonAmpoules with powder for solution preparation.Stimulates the body's immune response to a viral infection.Apply by instillation or spraying into the nose, inhalation. Contraindications: individual intolerance
Tablets, ampoules with a dry substance for solution preparation, suppositories.Stimulates the lymphocytic response to a viral attack. It is not addictive and does not reduce one's own immunity.Injections, tablets, suppositories are prescribed every other day. Drops in the nose - daily. Recommended course - 10 days

The use of immunomodulatory drugs is indicated for multiple manifestations of the virus on the skin, with recurrent manifestations of a previously cured infection.

Note! With extreme caution, immunomodulators are prescribed for allergic manifestations in history or autoimmune diseases.

Remedies for removing papillomas

Medications for the removal of genital warts, warts and papillomas are available in the form of creams, gels, solutions for topical use.

They directly affect the skin growths, destroying the cells of the dermis. Apply drugs to the affected skin at the site of growths or pointwise.

Note! Means for the destruction of papillomas should be used with great care. An unprofessional impact on an aggressive form of the virus can provoke a malignant degeneration of cells or a burn of healthy tissues.

Means for destruction in HPV

A drugRelease formActionIndications and contraindications
Solution.Destruction of formations by the action of low temperature.Apply pointwise to education. It is forbidden to use without protective lubrication of healthy skin.
Solution.Destruction by point cauterization. Kills the virus, destroys education.Apply to the neoplasm pointwise, once. It is forbidden to use the drug in places of skin folds.
KondilinSolution with applicator.Kills the virus, cauterizes, dries.Treatment of formations is point and systematic. Apply up to 5 weeks, depending on the indications. Treatment 2 times a day, according to the scheme 3 days of treatment, 4 days of rest.
SolcodermSolution for cauterization.A mixture of acids for the chemical destruction of tissues.Cauterize until the color changes, repeat as needed.
Solution for cauterization.A mixture of alkalis for cauterization of warts.For cauterization of warts, plantar formations. With caution for sensitive areas of the skin.

Removal of papillomas in intimate areas

To remove HPV formations in intimate areas, use:

  • Solcoderm - the drug has good local absorption, effectively and painlessly mummifies formations. Before applying the solution to the formation, healthy areas of the skin are lubricated with a baby or neutral, greasy cream.
  • Kondilin - kills viruses, prevents their reproduction, destroys altered tissues. To protect healthy skin, it is pre-lubricated with a protective cream.
  • Vartek is a cream similar to condillin, but it is more convenient to use. It is applied pointwise, does not spread. It is almost impossible to buy in Russian pharmacies. Produced in Europe.

All of the above drugs necessary measures precautions are used to remove genital warts in the anogenital zone. They cause coagulative death of altered tissues, followed by replacement with healthy skin.