Polysorb for food poisoning. Relief of allergic reactions. Other application features

"Polysorb" for cleansing the body is a universal active drug sorbent action, having antacid properties. "Polysorb MP" effectively binds and removes toxins and pathogenic microorganisms and removes them through the intestines. "Polysorb MP" is a universal sorbent that not only neutralizes toxic substances, but also allergens and metabolic products, therefore it is a broad-spectrum drug. The official name of the drug is "Polysorb MP", but in pharmacology, "MP" is often omitted for more convenient pronunciation. "Polysorb MP" has a huge sorption properties, so it absorbs several times more toxins than other analogues. This allows the use of "Polysorb MP" in various fields of application. "Polysorb MP" quickly relieves any symptoms of intoxication, so it is often prescribed for complex therapy at various diseases.

"Polysorb MP" is available in a powder-like form for the preparation of a suspension. The drug "Polysorb MP" is sold in a convenient volume for single use in packages of 3 g, as well as in convenient jars of 12, 20 and 50 g. The effect of the drug is due to the silicon dioxide included in the composition. The drug has no taste and smell, so it does not cause discomfort when used. "Polysorb MP" is used to cleanse the body of toxins of various etiologies, and also removes toxins, so you can use "Polysorb" for weight loss.

How does Polysorb work?

"Polysorb MP" has an absorbing and detoxifying effect. Once in the body, the medicine absorbs toxins and neutralizes their effect. As the liquid is absorbed, the drug increases the contents of the intestine and stimulates it to empty. Together with the contents of the intestine, toxins and toxins leave the body, so the drug is able to deeply cleanse the body. Its sorption properties are used not only to eliminate the consequences of acute food poisoning, but also to remove endogenous toxins that form during chronic diseases.

"Polysorb MP" is able to absorb pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, so it is often included in complex therapy. Deep cleaning with Polysorb is achieved due to the strong absorbing properties of the drug. The medicine is also able to remove toxins and deposits from the intestines, so you can take "Polysorb" for weight loss. The drug can be used to treat the following pathological conditions:

  • any acute food, chronic, drug and chemical poisoning;
  • intestinal infections caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • an allergic reaction to certain foods;
  • increased content of bilirubin;
  • violation of the digestive process;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • long-term medication.

"Polysorb MP" eliminates toxins and toxins, thereby contributing to weight loss

Due to its strong absorbent properties, the preparation is also used for cleansing internal organs and blood from toxins, as it absorbs various toxins and slags. In addition to toxins and allergens, Polysorb MP is able to absorb excess fat and cholesterol. Also, the drug absorbs bilirubin, so you can drink it to normalize liver function and treat chronic diseases. Cleaning with a sorbent is effective and safe, since it absorbs only pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, without disturbing the composition of beneficial microflora.

Taking the drug is not designed for long courses, since the drug is not absorbed in the intestinal lumen and is excreted from the body unchanged. Abuse of the drug can cause dysbacteriosis and malabsorption of nutrients. The drug removes calcium from the body, therefore, with prolonged use of the drug, it is necessary to compensate for the loss of calcium.

Even with acute poisoning with the help of "Polysorb" you can quickly eliminate the symptoms, since silicon dioxide effectively binds toxins, stopping their spread throughout the body.

How to take "Polysorb" to cleanse the body?

Cleansing the body with the help of "Polysorb" is achieved due to the correct consistency of the drug. The powder is diluted in water and when used as a suspension, the powder absorbs liquid, increasing the content in the intestinal lumen. It is necessary to drink the medicine only in the form of a suspension, otherwise the drug may have a strengthening effect instead of a cleansing effect. The correct dosage of the drug is calculated by weight:

  • up to 10 kg.- half a teaspoon for 50-70 ml. water 1 time per day;
  • up to 20 kg.- one teaspoon for 70 - 100 ml. water 1 time per day;
  • up to 30 kg.- one and a half teaspoons per 150 ml. water 1-2 times a day;
  • up to 40 kg.- 1-2 teaspoons per 150 ml. water 1-2 times a day;
  • up to 60 kg.- 1 tablespoon per 150 ml. water 2-3 times a day;
  • over 60 kg.- 2 tablespoons per 150 ml. water 2-3 times a day.

Before taking the powder "Polysorb" must be diluted in water

The average dose of the drug is 3 gr. This volume contains one tablespoon of medicine. In chronic and acute poisoning, you can take a larger amount of the drug and increase daily dose drugs twice. The duration of the course of taking the remedy depends on the degree of poisoning. In acute poisoning and intestinal infection, the duration of administration can be 5-7 days. You can drink the drug to eliminate symptoms alcohol intoxication. In this case, a two-day course of treatment is assumed, but improvements are observed after the first dose.

Basic rules for taking "Polysorb":

  • Before each dose, it is necessary to prepare a fresh suspension. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage and not to abuse the medicine.
  • The medicine should be drunk immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of poisoning.
  • It is necessary to observe the correct dosage and not exceed the duration of the course.
  • It is important to drink plenty of fluids.
  • You can drink the drug for prevention.

It is necessary to take the drug no more than 10-14 days. Abuse of the drug can cause serious disorders of the digestive system. You can also use the drug as a remedy for acne. "Polysorb" can be used as a remedy for acne. Slags and toxins that accumulate in the intestines negatively affect the condition of the skin, therefore, when taking the medicine, the inflammatory process disappears due to the cleansing of the intestines from bacteria. But you can also make masks from powder.

"Polysorb" for weight loss

Due to the wide spectrum of action of the drug, it is often used for weight loss. You can take the medicine for no longer than 10 days, but during this time there is a significant weight loss. The action of the drug is due to the binding and absorbing effect. It absorbs cholesterol and fats in the intestines, preventing them from being absorbed by the body. Diet and medication allow you to lose weight and normalize digestion. "Polysorb" for weight loss should be taken half an hour before meals. Diet with "Polysorb" allows you to lose from 2 to 7 kg. for one course. But a significant weight loss is achieved due to the removal of toxins and toxins that accumulate in the upper intestines. And with the help of drugs are gradually excreted.

Also, the powder prevents the absorption of fats from food, therefore, with active physical activity you can burn subcutaneous fat and reduce volumes in a weekly course.

"Polysorb" for weight loss should be drunk for 10-14 days, after which it is necessary to stop taking it for a month. You can take a second course, but not more than 4 times a year. The cleansing diet should include vegetable and protein easily digestible food enriched with vitamins and microelements. You also need to use fermented milk products, since the drug washes calcium out of the body, so during the course of cleansing you need to make up for its loss. For the best effect, be sure to drink plenty of water.

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Hello! Considering various methods of getting rid of extra pounds, you should pay attention to the simplest medical oral preparation Polysorb for weight loss. From the article you will learn what this drug is and about the features of losing weight with it.

It is an enterosorbent made of highly dispersed silicon dioxide, which has a large sorption capacity (up to 0.09 mm) and the ability to bind:

  1. various endo and exotoxins;
  2. allergens and antigens;
  3. drugs, alcohol, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals;
  4. excess nutrients, as well as compounds formed as a result of metabolism (including bilirubin, urea, bad cholesterol, lipids);
  5. pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products.

Polysorb MP for weight loss passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted from the body unchanged, without being split and absorbed.

In addition, the drug, when it enters the stomach, increases in volume - this leads to a feeling of satiety and a decrease in appetite, therefore, the amount of food eaten decreases.

All this, along with the ability of the agent to bind and remove excess fats and cholesterol, reduce the amount of digested kilocalories, leads to the launch of the weight loss mechanism.

When answering the question of how to take Polysorb for weight loss, it should be noted that the drug must be mixed with water before use, in its pure form it is not suitable for use. To prepare a suspension, add 50 to 100 ml of water to the powder.

The powder is a very finely dispersed substance, it is necessary to collect and pour it into a glass very carefully, since air flow or sudden movement can lead to its spraying.

The dosage depends on the weight of the patient and the purpose of the drug. To combat overweight, it is recommended to calculate the daily dose at the rate of 1g of the drug for every 10kg of total weight.

So for a person who weighs 60 kg, they take Polysorb for weight loss in the amount of 6 g. This volume of powder is divided into 3 parts and, mixed with water, immediately before use, drink one hour before meals.

Important! Before drinking Polysorb for weight loss, you should carefully study the instructions for its use in order to prevent unpleasant consequences, but it is better to consult your doctor.

Do not prepare the suspension in advance, as this will reduce its effectiveness. For convenience, you can immediately make 20 g of the powder for the entire period of use, dividing the entire volume of the medicine.

But the drug should be mixed with water immediately before drinking. The course of weight loss with Polysorb is usually 1 to 2 weeks. Repeated treatment is possible not earlier than in 2-3 weeks.

What diseases can be treated with Polysorb

The use of Polysorb for weight loss is not the main indication for its appointment. The drug effectively helps to cope with allergies, poisoning, diarrhea, and also qualitatively cleanses the body.

With allergies of any type (including hay fever, diathesis, dermatitis), Polysorb eliminates the cause of the disease by binding allergens and endotoxins and facilitating their removal from the body. This allows:

  1. Reduce allergy symptoms (itching, choking, watery eyes, runny nose, rash).
  2. Improve overall well-being.
  3. Speed ​​up the healing process.

Mode of application: dissolve a tablespoon of the drug in 0.25 cups of water, drink 3 times a day for 5 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

In case of poisoning due to the penetration of various poisons and toxins into the body (including poor-quality food, household chemicals, alcohol, bacteria, etc.), the drug quickly neutralizes toxic substances in the intestines and blood. When using the product, it is observed:

  1. Rapid elimination of toxins from the body pharmachologic effect appears within 1-5 minutes after ingestion).
  2. Reducing the manifestation of symptoms of intoxication (dyspepsia, headache, hyperthermia, etc.).
  3. Prevention of complications in the form of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, hepatitis, etc.).

Mode of application: the stomach is washed with a solution of Polysorb, prepared from 4 tbsp. l. powder and 1 liter of water, then during the day they drink a single age dose every hour, starting from the 2nd day 3-4 times a day, for 3-14 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

With severe diarrhea, which has infectious nature When pathogenic bacteria enter the stomach and intestines, they cause severe gastric upset that does not allow you to leave the house. In a matter of minutes, the medicine helps:

  1. Get rid of diarrhea.
  2. Eliminate stomach cramps.
  3. Prevent the development of severe intestinal infections.

Mode of application: the same as in case of poisoning.

  1. Get rid of extra centimeters at the waist.
  2. Improve the condition of epithelial tissue, hair and nails.
  3. Remove toxins from the body.
  4. Boost immune response.

Mode of application: the daily dose of the powder is divided into 3-4 doses, drunk as a suspension one hour before or after meals for 7 or 14 days.

The drug is sold in a pharmacy, is available in the form of a powder, in various packaging:

  • bags of 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12 grams;
  • in sticks of 3 g No. 10;
  • in vials of 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 grams.

The price of polysorb for weight loss surprises with its democratic nature and affordability and, depending on the volume, is 100 - 300 rubles.

Polysorb in the instructions for use for weight loss warns of possible side effects and contraindications.

Side effects

With prolonged use and / or violation of the rules for using the drug, it is possible to disrupt the intake of useful substances, including various minerals, nutrients, which can cause hypovitaminosis and various pathologies caused by microelement deficiency.

May lead to constipation, as well as hypersensitivity reactions, itching, rashes or urticaria.


It is forbidden to use Polysorb for the following diseases:

  1. Allergy to silicon.
  2. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Erosive gastritis, ulcer duodenum and stomach.
  4. Diseases of any of the sections of the intestine of an inflammatory nature, especially with damage to its mucosa, in the form of erosions or ulcers.
  5. Violation of intestinal tone or its obstruction.
You just want to sing this song when you open a jar of Polysorb. It is really very light and white, and if you look at it, it looks like snow.

But in fact, it is a fairly powerful assistant when such unpleasant situations arise, such as poisoning. Polysorb copes with both food poisoning and alcohol intoxication.

By the way, some argue that if you drink Polysorb before a feast, you will not get drunk so quickly, as it will prevent the absorption of alcohol into the blood. in principle, everything can be, because Polysorb also forms a kind of layer inside the stomach that prevents toxins from being absorbed.

We use Polysorb most often for food poisoning. The husband also drinks it as a prophylactic to improve the condition of the skin. He has allergies, and often toxins can be the cause of a strong reaction. At least the doctor said so. But you need to take no more than 10-14 days, and then not with food, but at least an hour before eating. Here it is difficult. It is always easier for a person to drink something either during a meal or after it an hour later. And then usually the husband remembers that you need to drink Polysorb when he is already hungry. He drinks and waits an hour, which he doesn't like very much.

For an adult, a prophylactic course takes 2 large jars. The fact is that the dose depends on the weight of the person, but after 60 kg there is approximately one norm - 2 tablespoons with a slide. And you need to drink 2-3 times a day, so treatment for a course costs an average of 500 rubles.

But after Polysorb it becomes noticeably better. A child with poisoning recovers faster. My husband's skin clears up. True, it is always necessary to strictly observe the interval between meals, taking medications. The second is especially important, otherwise the effectiveness of the drugs taken will greatly decrease. Yes, and the frequent use of Polysorb is fraught with loss of vitamins, because it absorbs not only toxins but also useful substances.

For those who prefer to save money, there are such large jars. But if there is a need to take it somewhere on the road, then it is better to purchase it in individual bags. True, it will cost you more.

In the case of Polysorb, I will say that it is better to pour a little more water when diluting it than less. Otherwise, such an unpleasant thing as constipation may happen. The finished liquid is somewhat reminiscent of jelly. But on the other hand, when you drink Polysorb, heartburn completely disappears, and even some kind of lightness in the gastrointestinal tract is observed.

The taste of the product is not so hot, a sort of cocktail of the future from either plastic dust, or something else. Husband calls him "polyethylene cocktail". When you take it for a long time, you may even experience nausea, if you need another portion. An adult drinks it easily, but my daughter does not feel much joy.

Children's diseases are especially worried about fathers and mothers. These pathologies should be corrected only after consulting a doctor. After all, the incorrect use of one or another drug can cause disastrous consequences for the child. Today's article will talk about how to properly breed "Polysorb" for children and whether it can be given at all. If you are interested in the situations in which the drug is used and whether it has features, then you should read the information below.

Brief description of the medicinal product

Before you start using Polysorb for children, the instructions for using this medication should be thoroughly studied. It is unacceptable to use the medicine on its own for a long time. If a child has complaints or it seems to you that he needs Polysorb, then you should first contact a specialist. Often it is prescribed in combination with other drugs.

The drug is produced in loose powder form. Packed "Polysorb" in different volumes. In a pharmacy, you can buy medicine weighing from 3 to 50 grams. The minimum amount of medication (one sachet) costs about 20 rubles. The price of a large can is in the range from 300 to 400 rubles. You can buy the product without a prescription. The drug "Polysorb" is considered a safe medicine (including children, it can be used). Is it true?

"Polysorb": is it possible for children?

This question is often asked by consumers. Moms and dads do not want to harm their own child, so they carefully study the drug before giving it. The drug "Polysorb" is prescribed for children. Moreover, the drug is considered safe due to the lack of absorption. Active ingredient medication is silicon dioxide. After oral administration, it is completely not absorbed from the stomach or intestines. Clinical researches showed that the drug is completely excreted unchanged. This means that it cannot have any negative impact on the functioning of the organs and systems of the child. Often the drug is prescribed to women during pregnancy (at different times).

"Polysorb" for children, instructions for use do not recommend using if there is a suspicion of internal bleeding. With a stomach ulcer in the acute stage, the drug should also be abandoned. The medication should not be given to children who have hypersensitivity to its components. It is forbidden to treat a child with a sorbent for intestinal atony. If a small patient has any diseases of the digestive system, then it is worth discussing the possibility of using the medicine with a doctor. Only a specialist, after collecting an anamnesis and determining complaints, can say whether it is permissible to give Polysorb to children. The dosage of the medication for certain age groups will be presented to you later in the article.

The spectrum of application of the drug

Means "Polysorb" is an inorganic polyfunctional enterosorbent that has a detoxifying, sorption, membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effect. The basis of the drug was highly dispersed silica. The effect of taking the medication is due to the main component and its action. The drug collects negative accumulations from the gastrointestinal tract, after which it removes them naturally. The drug is effective against viruses and bacteria, toxins of various origins, antigens and allergens (food, household, medicinal), salts of heavy metals, alcohol, radionuclides. The medicine does not react with these substances, but only helps to cleanse the body of them.

It is important that the drug does not reduce the amount of beneficial microflora in the patient's body. This avoids problems with subsequent digestion. Nevertheless, the drug helps to reduce the level of cholesterol, urea, bilirubin and other compounds that are harmful to humans. It is used of a different nature, allergies, SARS, bacterial diseases and so on. Let us consider in more detail in which situations doctors prescribe "Polysorb" for children. Instructions for use of the drug should be studied before use, remember this.

Allergy treatment

In case of an acute allergic reaction of a different nature, Polysorb is prescribed for washing the stomach for children. The dosage of the drug is 1 gram of the drug per 100 milliliters of water. A suspension of powder is carried out by washing the digestive tract through a probe, after which the medication is taken in a standard dose. More often, such manipulations are performed within the walls of a hospital using additional antihistamines.

For chronic or seasonal allergies the medication is prescribed for a course of admission for a period of 7 to 15 days. If we are talking about a food reaction, then the composition should be taken immediately before meals. The drug is effective for Quincke's edema, urticaria, pollinosis, hay fever, eosinophilia, and other atopic childhood diseases. Often, parents are unaware that their baby is having a reaction to a certain substance. They cover up skin rashes with greasy creams, and write off a runny nose for a cold. And you just need to give "Polysorb" for allergies.

Cleansing the body in case of poisoning

Powder "Polysorb" from poisoning for children, as it turned out, is the best remedy. The fact is that the drug begins to work within the first four minutes after administration. Often poisoning occurs due to the use of stale food. Its symptoms are known to everyone: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Also, the child may have a fever due to the action of toxins. In this situation, it is very important to start treatment as soon as possible.

In case of poisoning with food, household substances, medicines "Polysorb" (for children, the instructions for use allow the use of the drug) it is recommended to give for at least 3-5 days. The medicine should be started as soon as possible. On the first day, the total dose of the drug, suitable for age, is divided into 6-7 parts. For five hours, the sorbent is given to the child every hour, after which you need to take the remaining portions of the drug during the day. From the second day, the treatment tactics change: the powder is offered to the child four times a day in equal doses.

The use of the drug during infectious diseases

It's no secret that "Polysorb" for allergies is used much more often than during viral and bacterial diseases. Despite this, practice shows that the use of the sorbent in these situations reduces the period of illness in children by 3-5 days. Do you want your baby to get better soon? Then find out how to properly apply "Polysorb" for children.

The sorbent is used for various infectious diseases: inflammatory processes of the lower and upper respiratory system (sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), ENT diseases (otitis media, tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis), intestinal infections (rotavirus, adenovirus) and so on. With all infections in a child, intoxication develops in the body. "Polysorb" will help to eliminate it quickly and without negative consequences. It is important to take the medication for the entire period of treatment. It should be borne in mind that the interval between the use of the sorbent and other drugs should be at least 1-2 hours.

Dosage and dosage regimen

How does the instruction recommend giving "Polysorb"? For children up to a year, the use of the medication can be combined with food. Older children should take the sorbent separately from food (if we are not talking about the treatment of food allergies). The daily portion of the drug is determined in accordance with the age and body weight of the child. It ranges from 100 to 200 milligrams of the main component for every kilogram of body weight. The total portion should be divided into 3-4 doses. For mild pathologies, the minimum dose (100 mg / kg) is prescribed, severe cases require the maximum amount of medication (200 mg / kg). But more often "Polysorb" is recommended in the middle portion: 150 milligrams of the drug for every kilogram of body weight. By simple arithmetic calculations, you can find out how much powder your child needs specifically. Here are the approximate ratios of the body weight of children and the daily portion of the drug:

  • 10 kg - from 1 to 2 g;
  • 15 kg - from 1.5 to 3 g;
  • 20 kg - from 2 to 4 g;
  • 25 kg - from 2.5 to 5 g;
  • 30 kg - from 3 to 6 g;
  • 40 kg - from 4 to 8 g;
  • 50 kg - from 5 to 10 g;
  • 60 kg - from 6 to 12 g.

Remember that the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200bare a daily allowance, which must be divided into several doses. For ease of preparation, the instructions indicate that a teaspoon of medication contains 1 gram of the drug. A tablespoon holds 3 grams of the drug. The drug is taken only after preliminary dilution. To prepare the composition, you will need clean water at room temperature in the amount of a quarter or half a glass. Place the prescribed single dose into the liquid and stir. Drink the medicine before the cereal sinks to the bottom of the glass. Prepare a new solution each time.

"Polysorb" for babies and newborns

You already know that the daily portion of the Polysorb medicine depends on the body weight of the child. Instructions for children under one year old allow the use of medication. It is permissible to use the sorbent even from the first days of life. Due to the fact that it is not absorbed and does not harm the body, the sorbent cannot be overdosed. Despite this, it is necessary to comply with the norms of the drug established by the annotation.

For babies weighing up to ten kilograms, the medication is prescribed half or a whole teaspoon per day. In case of acute allergies and poisoning, the portion can be increased to one and a half teaspoons. Since the daily volume of the drug is divided by 3-4 times, it is necessary to give the baby 0.5 teaspoon of the powder. It is allowed to dilute the medicine in 30 milliliters of water and give it on its own or mix it with food: soup, milk, juice. Polysorb can be used for colic in children during the first months of life. In this case, the medication will eliminate the pathogenic flora and normalize the baby's well-being. It is important to remember: if you give extra to a child, then you need to do this a few hours after the sorbent. Otherwise, their effect will be reduced to zero.

Analogue of "Polysorb" for children

Often, consumers are wondering if it is permissible to replace the powder with another product. Yes, modern pharmacology offers a wide variety of sorbents. They are available in the form of tablets, suspensions, powders, gels, and so on. Almost all medicines of this kind have one thing in common: they are not absorbed into the blood, but act directly in the intestinal lumen. Therefore, they can be given to children at any age. It is only important to read the instructions before using the drug, because the method of using different drugs is always different.

More often on sale you can find such products as "Filtrum", "Enterosgel", "Smekta", "Polifepan", activated carbon and so on.

Reviews generated by consumers

You already know how the instruction positions the drug "Polysorb". Consumer reviews praise this medicine very much. With its correct application, a positive effect is observed almost immediately. It becomes easier for the child: the body temperature decreases, the pain in the abdomen disappears, the water-salt balance normalizes. Parents of infants say that the use of this medication helped to relieve severe intestinal colic in an infant. Already on the first day, the child's stool returned to normal, sleep became more calm and prolonged. At the same time, there were no negative reactions in children of different ages.

There is evidence that the use of the drug caused vomiting. That is why it is so important to comply with the conditions for the use of Polysorb powder for children. How to give the drug correctly, you already know. Before use, you should get individual advice from a doctor. If within 3 days of using the powder your baby does not feel better, then you must definitely apply for medical care and change treatment tactics. Consumers "Polysorb" is also valued for its availability. It has a democratic cost and is available in every pharmacy chain.


From the article you were able to learn about the medicine "Polysorb". Instructions for children under one year do not recommend using the drug without the consent of the doctor. Often, parents cannot correctly recognize the child's complaints, because the baby is just crying and cannot say anything. Be sure to show the child to the doctor and only on the recommendation of a specialist give him "Polysorb". Follow the prescribed doses and terms of treatment. Good health to your child!

Among all medicines, able to qualitatively cleanse the body of toxins and slagging, it is worth highlighting Polysorb. It has been proven to be more effective than activated charcoal. Unlike its counterparts, it can remove harmful substances and metabolic products without affecting the beneficial microflora. So, how to drink Polysorb to cleanse the body ?

Benefits of Polysorb

Polysorb has a number of advantages: safety, efficiency, quick results.
  • Security. In its composition there is a substance useful for the body - silicon dioxide. There are no synthetic substances that can harm the intestines. Not absorbed into the blood. Thanks to this, Polysorb is allowed even for babies and pregnant women.
  • Efficiency. Due to the large suction area and composition features, it captures all harmful bacteria, binding them.
  • Quick result. The duration of the action is no more than five minutes.

Rules for the use of Polysorb

Despite a number of positive qualities and the safety of the product, it is important to know how to drink Polysorb to cleanse the body. Regardless of the causes of slagging, it is important to comply with certain conditions:

  • The dosage is selected depending on the weight of the person. Knowing the approximate weight is enough to determine the amount of the drug. 1 gram of powder accounts for ten kilograms of weight. If the weight is not known, then the daily dosage for children is one teaspoon, for adults - one tablespoon.

  • Do not take dry powder: at best, there will be no desired effect, at worst, you can get irritation of the intestinal walls.

Polysorb is used for prophylactic cleansing of the body, cleansing after food poisoning, long-term use medications and detox
  • The daily dosage is divided into several doses. Diluted in boiled water at room temperature. Consumed one hour before meals.

  • It is necessary to prepare the suspension before taking. It cannot be stored.

  • Opened package need to carefully close and store briefly in the refrigerator.

  • The duration of treatment depends on the type of intoxication. and can be from three to thirty days.

  • Contraindications for taking Polysorb: intestinal obstruction, exacerbation of ulcers, internal bleeding.

Cleansing the body with Polysorb: how to drink

  • Preventive cleansing recommended for those who eat junk food, are exposed to severe stress and colds at least three times a year, live in unfavorable conditions, want to lose weight.

The course of admission is from five to ten days. Daily dosage and method of application are usual. Depending on the intensity or amount of harmful factors, the course of admission may have two options: five to ten days every four months or one week of each month for three months. Each of the options can only be carried out twice a year.

The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the person
  • Cleansing after poisoning with poor-quality food, long-term medication.

If poisoning and drugs contributed to vomiting, then you need to increase the first dose to two grams. After the release of harmful substances, the usual dosage is given every two hours on the first day. On the second day, the drug is used in the usual way. The cleansing period is prescribed by a doctor and does not exceed five days.

  • Cleansing during detox after severe illness, work in hazardous production leads to an increase in a single dosage: a teaspoon for children and a tablespoon for adults. The suspension is taken one hour before meals and can be up to twelve doses per day. The time of admission is from two weeks to thirty days.

Features of taking Polysorb by children

Reception of Polysorb by children should be subject to medical recommendations.

Doctors always give strict instructions on how to drink Polysorb to cleanse the child's body.

Firstly, do not use the drug for preventive cleansing. The immune system of the child itself copes with harmful substances.

Secondly, during poisoning, you can give a suspension at night.

Third, in many cases the child must take the suspension under the supervision of medical professionals . Only a doctor can increase the dosage.

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