How tall is Natalia Royal. Royal Natalia


She was born on May 18, 1975 in the city of Krasny Luch, Lugansk region. In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University with a degree in manager in the production sector. In 2002 she received a diploma from the Donetsk State Academy of Management. She began her career at the ETKO joint venture, one of the shareholders of which was her older brother, Konstantin Korolevskiy, who is now the first deputy head of the department of urban planning policy, development and reconstruction of Moscow.

In 1993 JV ETKO was engaged in coal and metal trading. One of the business partners of Konstantin Korolevskiy was Vadim Gurzhos, the current deputy chairman of the Kyiv Regional State Administration. My brother and I are independent people. I started to build a career in his business, but it took a lot to not be considered his protégé. However, Konstantin is still my adviser, - says Natalya Yurievna (Contracts, July 16, 2007). In 1993-1998, Korolevskaya was the financial director of META CJSC (this is the name of the ETKO joint venture after renaming. - S.R.). Then - the commercial director of the JV META Company, the owners of which were she and her brother Konstantin. The company was engaged in the sale of scrap metal. For some time Korolevskaya lived and worked in Moscow.

In 2000, she took up the production of ice cream. Natalya Yuryevna claims that she was offered to buy out the shares of Luganskholod by the regional authorities. I bought the plant only out of love for my native region: I don’t eat ice cream, Korolevskaya confessed (Contracts, July 16, 2007). In 2001-2006, he was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Luganskholod (TM Royal Ice Cream), an enterprise that is one of the top five ice cream producers in Ukraine. Coordinated the investment and construction project Oxford. She was a deputy of the Lugansk Regional Council, executive director of the Association of Commodity Producers of the Lugansk Region WE, a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers. In the 2004 presidential election, she supported Viktor Yanukovych. In the 2006 parliamentary elections, she received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 79).

In the Top 100 most influential women in Ukraine, which was determined in 2006 by Focus magazine, Natalia Korolevskaya took 66th position. In the 2007 elections, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc (No. 65). In the Top 100 most influential women in Ukraine, which was identified in 2007 by Focus magazine, Natalia Korolevskaya took 40th position. Chairman of the Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Religion: orthodoxy Birth: May 18 ( 1975-05-18 ) (37 years)
Red Luch (city),
Voroshilovgrad region,
Ukrainian SSR Father: Yuri Vasilievich Korolevskiy Mother: Larisa Petrovna Korolevskaya Spouse: Yuri Vasilievich Solod Children: Rostislav and Yaroslav The consignment: Go Ukraine! Education: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University,
Donetsk State Academy of Management Profession: production manager, economist Website:

Natalia Yurievna Korolevskaya(ukr. Natalia Yuriivna Korolevska; May 18, Krasny Luch, Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian SSR) - Ukrainian political and statesman, leader of the Ukraine - Forward! party, entrepreneur.


The childhood and youth of Natalia Korolevskaya passed in the Red Beam.


She graduated from school with a silver medal. Two higher educations. Author of more than 20 scientific papers on economics.

In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University with a degree in manager in the production sector.

In 2002 she graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Management.

Business activity

In 1992-1993, she worked as a manager at the Spanish-Ukrainian joint venture Etko (one of the co-founders of which was her older brother), and in 1993-1998, she was the financial director of Meta. During 1998-2001 she was the commercial director of META Company.

In 2001-2006, she held the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OAO Luganskholod. During her leadership, a complete modernization of enterprises was carried out, departments of logistics, sales, marketing, quality, and strategic development were created.

According to the results of the nationwide program "Person of the Year 2004", Natalia Korolevskaya became a laureate in the "Leader of Medium Business" nomination.

In 2003-2005 - Member of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, coordinator of the Luhansk Regional Commission of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine.

Since 2003, he has been the executive director of the Association of Commodity Producers of the Lugansk Region "WE" (on a voluntary basis).

Political activity

From 2002 to 2006 she was a deputy of the Luhansk Regional Council, secretary of the Permanent Commission on Industry, Construction, Housing and Trade. She took part in the development and implementation of regional programs for the creation and development of special (free) economic zones and territories of priority development. She was the head of the commission on the analysis of activities and the search for ways to improve the holding "Donbass Anthracite".

Since 2006 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 5th convocation, Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. Member of the political council of the Batkivshchyna party. Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Economic Policy, member of the Permanent Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States.

Since 2007 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.

Co-chairman of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Russian Federation.

Vice President of the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine.

On December 23, 2011, she was elected leader of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP), which is part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. On March 14, 2012, she was expelled from the BYuT faction for systemic violations of the faction's internal charter. According to Korolevskaya herself, her exclusion from the faction took place without the consent of Tymoshenko by decision of Turchynov and the leader of the BYuT parliamentary faction Kozhemyakin. Later, on the air of the Inter TV channel, Alexander Turchinov confirmed this information and stated that there were serious problems in communication with Yulia Tymoshenko.

On March 22, the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP) was renamed the Party of Natalia Korolevskaya "Ukraine - Forward!". The corresponding decision was unanimously supported by the delegates of the IX Congress of the USDP.

During her speech at the party congress, Natalia Korolevskaya noted that, despite the renaming, the ideology of the party, as well as the political position, will remain the same. “I am convinced that the social democratic ideology is the only one that can bring Ukraine out of a terrible socio-economic state. Therefore, the ideology of the party will remain unchanged, despite the renaming. In addition, I declare with responsibility: we were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime, and we remain in opposition to the Yanukovych regime. I fought for the release of Yulia Tymoshenko, and we will continue our fight,” said Korolevskaya. .

A family

Personal life

Legislative initiatives

Author and co-author of more than 215 bills. Topic: increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy and developing the domestic domestic market, stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as improving the investment climate in the country.

Co-author of the Law "On increasing the prestige of mining work", author of the Law "On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the simplification of business conditions in Ukraine", co-author of the Law on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2009" (regarding financial stabilization enterprises of the coal industry), etc.

Views and assessments

Foundation "New Donbass"

N. Korolevskaya is the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the New Donbass Charitable Foundation, established in July 2008. As part of helping socially vulnerable people, the foundation cooperates with public organizations for the disabled "Danko", "Boguslava", charitable organizations named after Mother Teresa, "Sofia", the society of the sick diabetes, Society of the Blind. The Foundation also took patronage over one of the nursing homes and a children's boarding school; develops volunteer movements in the region, takes part in regional campaigns for the prevention of alcoholism, AIDS and drug addiction, helps children's libraries.


He collects elephant figurines, candles, enjoys skiing and equestrian sports.


  1. Korolevska ocholila USDP (Ukrainian). Ukrainian Truth (December 23, 2011). Archived from the original on February 11, 2012. Retrieved December 23, 2011.
  2. The royal was thrown out of the BYuT (Russian). Ukrainian Truth (March 14, 2012). Archived from the original on June 18, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2012.
  3. Natalia Korolevskaya: "I'm sure my exclusion from the faction was not agreed with the leader" - Politics | KP.UA
  4. Turchinov never admitted that Tymoshenko thinks about the exclusion of the Royal
  5. USDP was renamed into the party "Ukraine - Forward!"
  6. Royal Natalia. DOSSIER:: Personal site of Sergey Rudenko
  7. Korolevskiy Konstantin Yurievich

Natalia Korolevskaya is a man of ambitions. She came to big business at the age of 18. Previously, she was called the favorite of Yulia Tymoshenko (the leader of the Batkivshchyna party). She has charm, enterprise and determination, just like Yulia Vladimirovna. For a couple of years in the BYuT, Natalya Yuryevna managed to take a warm place near the party leader, for which she was nicknamed Luhansk "Julia without a braid."

She was born on May 18, 1975 in Krasny Luch, Voroshilovgrad region (now Luhansk region), where she spent her childhood and youth.


School Royal graduated with a silver medal. Has two higher educations. Author of more than 10 scientific papers on economics.

Since 1993 she was transferred to the 2nd year of the Higher School of Economics in Alchevsk. And in 1997, she graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University with a degree in Management in the Industrial Sphere, she was awarded the qualification of a manager. In 2002 she graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Management and received a diploma of retraining in the specialty management of organizations.

A family

Married to Yuri Vasilievich Solod. Two sons Rostislav (17 years old) and Yaroslav (10 years old). In September 2017, the media wrote that Royal and her husband adopted a one-year-old girl Masha from an orphanage in the city of Slavyansk.

Career and business

The Royal decided to work in business from the age of 18. She likes to tell reporters: “I studied well at school, I dreamed of teaching. However, perestroika began, friends and classmates went into commerce.”

The Royal started successfully, in the ETKO joint venture, under the wing of the elder brother Konstantin Koroloevsky, one of the shareholders. In 1993, this enterprise was engaged in the sale of scrap metal. In an interview with the press in those years, Korolevskaya diligently brushed aside the assumptions about her patronage by her brother. Having spent five years as the financial director of CJSC META (this is the name of the ETKO joint venture after the renaming), Korolevskaya was promoted to the financial director of the joint venture.

During 1992-2001, Korolevskaya worked as a manager at the Etko enterprise, financial director of the Meta company and commercial director of the Meta Company.

In 2000, Korolevskaya took up the production of ice cream, having bought out the shares of Luganskholod. She later claimed that “I bought the plant only out of love for my native region,” and she doesn’t eat ice cream. In 2001-2006, Korolevskaya holds the post of chairman of the supervisory board of the enterprise and gives TM her last name: "Royal Ice Cream"). The Royal's ambitions didn't stop there.

At Luhanskholod, they set a goal - to get into the Guinness Book of Records, for this they made the longest ice cream roll in the world.

At the end of 2006, the main owners of OAO Luganskkholod were the private enterprise Luginvestcon (24% of shares) and LLC Holodinvest (12.5% ​​of shares). The founders of these companies are Natalia's parents - Yuri and Larisa Korolevskie.

In addition, the structures of Natalia Korolevskaya supervised the construction of the Oxford housing complex in Lugansk, which is being carried out by the Moscow Investment Construction Company OJSC.

Royal appreciates and is proud of their connections.

I am friends with many businessmen from Russia, as I lived and worked in Moscow. My brother works in the team of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov,” says Natalya Korolevskaya. To date, she denies any involvement in the business.

In the same period of time (2000-2001) Royal comes into politics. She becomes a deputy of the Lugansk Regional Council, where she worked as the secretary of the permanent commission on industry, construction, housing and communal services and trade.

In the 2004 presidential election Royal supported Viktor Yanukovych. She often explained her position as follows: “I really live in a region where 70% of people support the Party of Regions. I understand this mentality."

Korolevskaya met Yulia Tymoshenko in the fall of 2005; in her interviews with the media, she openly admired and expressed deep sympathy for the leader of the BYuT.“I have repeatedly met this person, and apart from the crazy energy and positive that comes from her, I don’t feel any other feelings,” she said.

This did not remain without a reaction, and already in 2006 Korolevskaya passed to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc party. She became secretary of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy.

It should be noted that during the 2006 election campaign, Luhanskkholod even produced a heart-shaped ice cream called Yuliya.

In the early parliamentary elections of 2007, Korolevskaya was again elected a people's deputy from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc and she headed the Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.

Then, in December 2011, she was elected leader of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP), which is part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc.

But a year later, Korolevskaya was expelled from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc faction through a systemic violation of factional discipline.

Korolevskaya did not blame the leader of the BYuT for what happened, she claimed that her exclusion from the faction was by decision of Alexander Turchinov and the leader of the parliamentary faction of the BYuT Kozhemyakin.

In the same 2012, the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP) was renamed the Party of Natalia Korolevskaya "Ukraine - Forward!". She noted that, despite the renaming, the ideology of the party, as well as the political position, will remain the same.

Some congratulated her on the new political project, others called Machiavelli in a skirt: having stepped over her friendship with Tymoshenko, Korolevskaya moved on.

And already on December 24, 2012, her was appointed Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine in the government of Mykola Azarov.

In the early parliamentary elections of 2014, Korolevskaya went to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Opposition Bloc party, becoming a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation together with her husband. And already in March she received the post of Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy and Pension Reform in the shadow cabinet of ministers created by the Opposition Bloc party.

In the course of her political activities, Natalya Korolevskaya twice on May 9, 2016, this happened during a solemn procession to the Eternal Flame in Slavyansk. As a result of the attack on June 2, 2017 in Odessa, she received an eye burn and partial loss of vision.

Compromise and rumors

At the beginning of 2013 in the funds mass media there was a scandal about Natalya Korolevskaya did not receive a higher education and forged her own diplomas. This happened after People's Deputy Gennadiy Moskal reported that Natalia Korolevska turned to the police with a statement about the loss of her diploma from the Eastern Ukrainian National University after her appointment as Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine.

In a few days, Natalia Korolevskaya provided journalists with copies of her higher education documents, among which was a duplicate of the VNU diploma dated January 8, 2013. However, following the results of a journalistic investigation, according to documents, Natalia transferred to VNU on a fake certificate from a non-existent educational institution. According to the testimony of the teacher, whose signature is on the Royal record book, she was not among his students.

In October 2013, journalist Oleg Peretyaka filed a complaint with the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka about the commission of a crime by the Royal and officials of the Ukrainian National University. However, this application was not considered by the Prosecutor General's Office.

In November 2004, the media actively exaggerated the information that Natalya Korolevskaya, through her brother Konstantin (a Russian politician), facilitated the arrival of Yuri Luzhkov to the famous "separatist" congress in Severodonetsk.

During the election campaign of Viktor Luzhkov, in his speech, he encroached on the integrity of the Ukrainian state. Natalya Yurievna denies this: “I have a good relationship with Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, and when he came to Severodonetsk, I really met him. But these relationships do not give reason to say that I invited him, and he arrived, ”said the Royal.

Natalia Yurievna Korolevskaya was born on the territory of the Lugansk region, in the city of Krasny Luch, on May 18, 1975.


She received her higher education at the East Ukrainian State University.


  • Since 1993, she worked at META as a manager, then became the company's financial director. In 2004, Korolevskaya headed the family business - she was elected head of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Luganskholod. Her "family" trademark - "Royal Ice Cream" - since 2001 is one of the national leaders among the producers of ice cream and frozen foods. Now, according to Korolevskaya, all business issues are dealt with by hired management, but Korolevskaya herself, according to Luhansk media, remains one of the most influential figures in the region.
  • The political career of the Royal began in 2002. She was elected a deputy of the Luhansk Regional Council from Krasny Luch. Developed regional programs on issues economic development region. She was the chairman of the commission on the analysis of activities and the search for ways to improve the coal holding Donbass Anthracite.
  • In 2003-2005 was a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  • Korolevskaya came to BYuT in 2005 after the resignation of Yulia Tymoshenko from the post of prime minister. In 2006, on the list of BYuT, she entered the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation. She was the secretary of the economic policy committee.
  • Korolevskaya was a member of the political council of the Batkivshchyna party, supervised the "eastern vector" in the BYuT. In the 2007 early parliamentary elections, she was responsible for conducting the election campaign in the two largest districts of Luhansk. Passed to the parliament under block number 66. She headed the VR Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.
  • In 2011, she initiated the creation of the public movement Forward, in December of the same year she headed the party Ukraine - Forward! In the parliamentary elections of 2012, the political force led by her failed to overcome the barrier to entry.
  • On December 24, 2012, by decree of President Viktor Yanukovych, she was appointed Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine.
  • On February 27, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada dismissed Korolevskaya from the post of minister and appointed Lyudmila Denisova (in the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk) in her place.
  • In the fall of 2014, she entered the parliament at the early elections on the lists of the Opposition Bloc (No. 8). At the time of her election, she was the head of the committee for the development of a strategy for the social development of Ukraine of the public organization Institute for the Social Protection of Citizens.

About person:

Likes to ride horses. Natalya Yurievna is the owner of the stable. Her horses participate in various international competitions.

A family:

Royal is married. Husband Yuri Solod is a businessman. The couple are raising two sons (born in 2001 and 2008). The politician's brother - Konstantin - was the Deputy Minister of Regional Development Russian Federation(previously - First Deputy Head of the Department of Urban Planning Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the Moscow Government).

Compromise and rumors:

Employees of a number of TV channels - incl. TRK Ukraina, STB, ICTV, Novy Kanal, Kanal 5, Kanal 24 received the same task from their editors: to take a comment from Natalia Korolevskaya and to integrate it without fail into the story about the opening of the Parliament session. Mustafa Nayem wrote about this on his Facebook page. According to the author, the editorial conspiracy came to light on the sidelines of the Rada and caused a riot among journalists. “Roughly since the summer of last year, jeans from Natalia Korolevskaya have flooded the market. “We know how much you are worth and we will buy everyone,” is a direct quote from one of the managers of her headquarters,” Nayem specified.

In 2015, Korolevskaya was accused of collaborating with the LPR authorities. However, these accusations were based only on assumptions, as well as oral statements by politicians from the pro-government coalition. The GPU publicly promised to investigate these allegations.

Maintaining the official page of Natalia Korolevskaya on the social network Facebook costs the owner $15,000 per month. The main costs go to providing intrusive advertising and paying for the so-called. "bots" - providing the page with fictitious popularity of fake accounts. This was stated by the top Ukrainian blogger Mykola Malukha, known under the nickname jesfor, during the live broadcast of the VTORNIK TV program. “According to my own conservative estimates, about 10 - 15 thousand dollars were spent in the first month or two. If it had been without advertising, I don’t think that during this time it would have gained 2,000 supporters, and now there are about 17,000,” Malukha said.

The Prosecutor General's Office is investigating criminal proceedings against People's Deputy Natalya Korolevskaya and ex-People's Deputy Alexander Efremov. Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema said this at a press conference. "We actually registered criminal proceedings about four days ago and are conducting an investigation into the appeal of MP Irina Gerashchenko," he said. On January 12, the GPU reported that they would launch an investigation against Korolevskaya and Efremov regarding possible separatist activities and financing of militants. In her appeal, Irina Gerashchenko asked the GPU to pay attention to the statement of the leader of the Stakhanov "Cossacks" Pavel Dremov that the head of the LPR, Igor Plotnitsky, is a protege of the Royal, and Efremov's people are in his entourage.

In 2014, employees of the Kyiv City Employment Center were paid a one-time bonus on the occasion of the Social Worker's Day in an amount higher than that specified in the Bonus Regulations, which led to the excessive use of funds for payment wages for a total amount of UAH 805.9 thousand, this fact was established by the State Financial Inspectorate of Ukraine. Informational resources public service employment was also used for money laundering, so on July 12, 2013, additional server equipment for the data center was delivered in the amount of 11.5 million hryvnias, but they did not start using this equipment - it is not needed. Also, for a total of UAH 65.3 million, equipment was purchased that is still in warehouses and cannot be used because another UAH 20 million is needed to install and launch it, that is, it was deliberately purchased not for use. In the Social Insurance Fund against accidents at work, the audit of the State Financial Inspectorate established violations in the amount of more than 610 thousand UAH. These are funds that were transferred to enterprises for services that were not actually provided. And it must be said that such problems have not remained in the past, corrupt officials are actively striving for power further, in particular in the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, which are now facing the choice of the chairman of the board, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, the deputy chairman of the board, the deputy chairman of the FPU is such Saenko Vladimir Vladimirovich . A criminal case was initiated against him under three articles, he was actually behind bars, then he was released, he is now in charge of all these schemes that are in the social insurance funds. The media have accused Saenko of raiding and corruption, money laundering and fraud many times, nevertheless he claims to be the head of the FPU. Moreover, Vladimir Saenko continues to cooperate with the "family" and "earn" money for them on the state budget of Ukraine. He maintains contact through the former advisers of the Royal - Bundukov, Pogodin, Minaev, Serum and Sanchenko.

Under the leadership of the Royal, social insurance funds turned into a testing ground for non-transparent transactions with the funds of insured persons. In order to calmly pump money out of the state, the Royal put members of her party in the positions of heads of the Social Security Funds. "So, for example, on March 5, 2013, the godfather of Korolevskaya, Oleg Vasilyevich Pogodin, was appointed director of the Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability, where he famously built corruption schemes to launder millions from the state budget, later he was introduced to the boards of other social insurance funds, where he continued to apply his abilities.Pogodin was already appointed First Deputy Minister in January 2014. According to the same principle, close people of the Royal, who were listed as advisers, were introduced into all structural divisions of the Ministry and subordinate bodies, while they did not take any responsibility, but carry out the role of "watchers" and are looking for any opportunities through their schemes to steal money. One of the leading positions is occupied by Oleg Bundukov, who did not hold official positions, but was directly related to corruption schemes. Now both Pogodin and Bundukov are trying to consolidate the same schemes in other Funds social insurance, in the Fund social insurance for temporary disability," the media wrote.

In 2012-2013, the theft of funds continued. In particular, only in the Odessa region for the period from March 2012 to March 2013, the working bodies of the Fund conducted corruption transactions in the amount of 21.3 million hryvnias. The money laundering scheme was built as follows: an employee of the Odessa regional branch of the Fund negotiated with outsiders to open fictitious companies, to which funds were transferred to pay sick leave. At the same time, workers in these firms did not exist in principle. Funds were sent to the accounts of fictitious firms on behalf of the Fund's officials, after which they were transferred into cash and distributed among the participants in the scheme. The amount of such transactions for different companies ranged from UAH 900 thousand to UAH 1 million. These firms have been identified and criminal cases have already been initiated against them. Another widespread scheme was the use by employees of the Fund of access to the State Register of Compulsory State Social Insurance. Under the leadership of Valentin Dubovenko, who is still the director of the executive directorate of the Social Insurance Fund of the Odessa region, using the information of the insured, they prepared application-calculations with incorrect details, and when the banks returned them, they changed the details to pre-opened accounts of other companies. The amount of such transactions amounted to more than 900 thousand hryvnia. The relevant authorities finally paid attention to the activities of this character, and yesterday the Primorsky Odessa Court decided to detain Dubovenko. The Compulsory State Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine in case of unemployment was also introduced "own" person - Larisa Sidelnikova, who headed the State Employment Center. S.P. Officers became Sidelnikova's deputy. he was one of the controllers of financial flows and processes that brought them profit. This is construction, PR-companies, purchase of computer equipment, etc. Glubochitska, 58 in the Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv, according to information from law enforcement agencies, the acquisition was carried out at a significantly inflated price - for UAH 140 million, while the market value of the property, according to the results of the examination, was UAH 69.3 million. The building is currently not in use.

At the beginning of 2013, the Ukrainian media widely discussed the issue that Korolevskaya did not have a higher education. The scandal erupted after People's Deputy of Ukraine Gennadiy Moskal wrote on his Facebook page that Natalia Korolevskaya went to the police with a statement about the loss of her diploma of graduation from the East Ukrainian National University (VNU) after her appointment as Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, which calls into question the legitimacy of the following diplomas she received. A few days later, Korolevskaya provided journalists with copies of documents on higher education, in particular, a duplicate of the VNU diploma, dated January 8, 2013. In December 2013, an article was published based on the results of a journalistic investigation conducted by Oleg Peteryak throughout the year. According to him, according to the documents, Natalia Korolevskaya transferred to VNU on a forged certificate from a non-existent educational institution, and according to the teacher, whose signature is in Korolevskaya's record book, he did not have such a student. In October 2013, the author of a journalistic investigation filed a complaint against the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka about a crime committed by Natalia Korolevskaya and officials of the East Ukrainian National University. This statement was not considered by the Prosecutor General's Office, but was sent for investigation to the Lugansk district police.

They note that the Lugansk region is pitted with illegal diggers controlled by the Royal. The left coal mined on them was paid for by the Ministry of Coal Industry. The son of the ex-minister Poltavets had a common company with the Royal, through which the money passed. Another source of income for Natalia and her husband is Ukrspetsmet: scrap remelting and supply of aluminum alloys under the guise of waste. Illegal coal was handed over by state-owned enterprises as their own, SE Coal of Ukraine pays money for it, the state-owned enterprise pays off with the supplier of the “leftist” - SE Sverdlovanthracite, and its own coal lay unsold in the warehouse.

In 2012, Natalia Korolevskaya with her party "Ukraine - Forward!" intends to go to parliament, and Yulia Tymoshenko is fighting for her survival in prison. At the same time, it is interesting that it was Natalya Korolevskaya who actually determined the fate of her boss. It was she who, as the head of the election headquarters in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, failed the presidential campaign, despite the fact that Yulia Tymoshenko allocated the most money to her for this election campaign in 2010. And not without reason, shortly before the elections, Yulia Tymoshenko herself unexpectedly fell at the Avangard stadium in Luhansk. It was already predetermined by fate that Natalya Korolevskaya would trip her boss in Lugansk during the elections. The headquarters of Natalia Korolevskaya was inactive during the presidential elections, and the money was simply stolen, for which Natalya Korolevskaya was subsequently removed and expelled from the BYuT. The royal, as you know, is a vindictive nature and does not forgive such insults, therefore her "participation in the release of Yulia Tymoshenko" is more her own PR than participation in the ill-fated fate of her already former boss.

In addition to slogans, the Royal decided to use the strategy of the "new" leaders and the "new" country. The problem turned out to be in this case only in the small - poor performance and a bad performer in the person of Natalia Korolevskaya. A very poorly thought-out strategy and tactics of the election campaign led to the fact that the Royal found herself, with her own powerful PR during public speaking, on the verge of defeat, sometimes in the most harmless situations. Royal, accustomed to the fact that journalists only listened to her, clearly did not expect significant activity on their part. The first very tangible defeat of Natalia Korolevskaya took place on the Inter channel with Yevgeny Kiselev. Natalia Korolevskaya unexpectedly turned out to be not ready to answer the most elementary questions - about the new leaders of the country, who supposedly are already leading Ukraine forward in full force. For a long time, journalists literally tortured Korolevskaya as to the names of her leaders, and Korolevskaya strenuously concealed their names, possibly in order to make unknown heroes out of them. The first attempt to avoid questions about leaders was the proposal to attend the "Civil Forum" of leaders, held on April 18, where, according to the statement of the Royal, the new leaders already known by that time were to be presented. But as it turned out, not all journalists were invited to the Civil Forum, but only those who wrote either for money, i.e. in fact, the same "jeans", or journalists loyal to the Royal herself, in whom they were sure that they would not write anything superfluous. Therefore, the new leaders at the "Civil Forum" were never announced, and instead Gaitana entertained the invited people with her songs. Natalya Korolevskaya, under pressure from journalists, nevertheless gave up and announced a number of names. These names have been slightly supplemented, based on the information that was found on Natalya Korolevskaya and her "new" leaders on the Internet. The result was a small list: Alexey Logvinenko, Evgeny Suslov, Dmitry Spivak, Andrey Panaetov, Ruslan Sekelo, Evgeny Filindash, Vitaly Butenko, Irina Kasyan, Irina Turovskaya, Galina Kulik, Igor Umansky, Vitaly Butenko, Evgeny Shapovalenko, Alexander Kholopov. Some of these people are representatives of the BYuT, in fact, all the same "carcasses", and the other part are representatives of the civil movement "Forward!", Which Natalya Korolevskaya simply bought in the regions as the so-called "new" leaders. Moreover, Korolevskaya could not buy everyone she wanted, hence a series of scandals resulted, for example, with the Afghans, on behalf of whom Natalya Korolevskaya acted without their consent. Yevgeny Filindash, who had already been to the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Joseph Vinsky's "People's Ownership", and the "United Left and Peasants" PP, did not quite fit into the "new" leaders either. Also Igor Umansky, former acting. Minister of Finance in the government of Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitaliy Butenko, a representative of DTEK, which is engaged in fraud in the West to potential investors in the Ukrainian energy sector. It was with DTEK that Natalia Korolevskaya cooperated on issues related to the energy sector of Ukraine and privatization, while DTEK itself worked directly with the PR and Rinat Akhmetov. Therefore, even in this area, Korolevskaya is already unwittingly associated with the PR.

On December 23, 2011, she was elected leader of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP), which is part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. On March 14, 2012, she was expelled from the BYuT faction for systemic violations of the faction's internal charter. According to Korolevskaya herself, her exclusion from the faction took place without the consent of Tymoshenko by the decision of Turchynov and the leader of the BYuT parliamentary faction Kozhemyakin. Later, on the air of the Inter TV channel, Alexander Turchinov confirmed this information and stated that there were serious problems in communication with Yulia Tymoshenko.

In 2008, the online publication "Comments: Luhansk" ( named Natalia Korolevskaya third in the list of the richest people in the Luhansk region, estimating her fortune at $ 235 million.

In one of the interviews, MP from the BYuT faction - Mikhail Volynets said that Natalia Korolevskaya, as a minister, cares less about ministerial duties, and more about her own benefit. So he gave an example of the fact that Korolevskaya actively promoted the not entirely decent Viktor Poltavtsev to work in the coal industry. Also, following the words of the deputy, Royal sent financial flows to those industries and companies over which she had control.

Natalia Korolevskaya is considered the favorite of Yulia Tymoshenko.

Seven years ago, Borispol customs officers seized from Natalia Korolevskaya a small golden elephant, which her husband had given her, considering this thing to be smuggling. Natalya Yuryevna was removed from the plane and interrogated at the airport for more than six hours. Then there was a trial at which Korolevskaya argued that she was not smuggling. The story ends well. Natalya Yuryevna proved her innocence, and her husband bought the golden thing at the auction.

According to information circulated in the media, somewhere around 2000, my parents bought the Royal JSC "Lisichansk Plant of Rubber Technical Products". A few years later, the enterprise was brought to bankruptcy, thrown into reorganization, with huge wage arrears to the team. There was one more company - "Korta" LLC. She took care of everything and nothing. She kept kiosks in Lugansk. The royal one didn’t bring her to mind either, she lost to her companions - her brother and sister Temniks. Mikhail Temnik was a co-founder with his brother Korolevskaya Konstantin in the ETKO joint venture. They say that Natalia simply gave away a non-core business for a percentage. In the same way, she also covers two other firms registered in the name of Temnikov - Selby and Colormet. The ETKO joint venture was renamed into META CJSC, the Spaniards acted as the foreign partner of the Royals in this structure: a certain Antonio Garcia Munte Lopez and his company "COMERCIAL BARGIA MUNTE S." from Barcelona. The META firm was the backbone of the Korolevs' scrap metal business, until her older brother Konstantin and the older brother of her future husband Yuriy Solod Alexander decided to work together, resulting in the emergence of the notorious Ukrspetsmet firm, founded by Solod and Korolevskaya. The META firm had many subsidiaries with different prefixes: META Company, META Invest Group, Agro Meta. The latter firm was repeatedly mentioned in the press as a commercial structure owned by the parents of the Royal. "Agro Meta" has transformed and changed owners. It was bought by a well-known agribusinessman in the region, the owner of a number of agricultural enterprises united around CJSC SPF "Agroton", Yuri Zhuravlev. Further, the Royal went into politics, as the most profitable business. If the press is to be believed, a number of businessmen, who had previously been seen as especially sympathetic to the BYuT and Tymoshenko personally, were promoted by Korolevskaya on substantial donations.

The childhood and youth of Natalia Korolevskaya passed in the Red Beam.


She graduated from school with a silver medal. Two higher educations. Author of more than 20 scientific papers on economics.

In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University with a degree in manager in the production sector.

In 2002 she graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Management.

Business activity

In 1992-1993, she worked as a manager at the Spanish-Ukrainian joint venture Etko (one of the co-founders of which was her older brother), and in 1993-1998, she was the financial director of Meta. During 1998-2001 she was the commercial director of META Company.

Best of the day

In 2001-2006, she held the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OAO Luganskholod. During her leadership, a complete modernization of enterprises was carried out, departments of logistics, sales, marketing, quality, and strategic development were created.

According to the results of the nationwide program "Person of the Year 2004", Natalia Korolevskaya became a laureate in the "Leader of Medium Business" nomination.

In 2003-2005 - Member of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, coordinator of the Luhansk Regional Commission of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine.

Since 2003, he has been the executive director of the Association of Commodity Producers of the Lugansk Region "WE" (on a voluntary basis). During its existence, the Association devoted a lot of time to protecting and supporting local producers, coordinating their activities, establishing intersectoral integration, interaction between authorities and entrepreneurs, and shaping public opinion.

Political activity

From 2002 to 2006 she was a deputy of the Luhansk Regional Council, secretary of the Permanent Commission on Industry, Construction, Housing and Trade. She took part in the development and implementation of regional programs for the creation and development of special (free) economic zones and territories of priority development. She was the head of the commission on the analysis of activities and the search for ways to improve the holding "Donbass Anthracite".

Since 2006 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 5th convocation, Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. Member of the political council of the Batkivshchyna party. Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Economic Policy, member of the Permanent Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States.

Since 2007 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.

Co-chairman of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Russian Federation.

Vice President of the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine.

On December 23, 2011, she was elected leader of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP), which is part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. On March 14, 2012, she was expelled from the BYuT faction for systemic violations of the faction's internal charter. According to Korolevskaya herself, her exclusion from the faction took place without the consent of Tymoshenko by the decision of Turchynov and the leader of the BYuT parliamentary faction Kozhemyakin. Later, on the air of the Inter TV channel, Alexander Turchinov confirmed this information and stated that there were serious problems in communication with Yulia Tymoshenko.

On March 22, the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP) was renamed the Party of Natalia Korolevskaya "Ukraine - Forward!". The corresponding decision was unanimously supported by the delegates of the IX Congress of the USDP.

During her speech at the party congress, Natalia Korolevskaya noted that, despite the renaming, the ideology of the party, as well as the political position, will remain the same. “I am convinced that the social democratic ideology is the only one that can bring Ukraine out of a terrible socio-economic state. Therefore, the ideology of the party will remain unchanged, despite the renaming. In addition, I declare with responsibility: we were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime, and we remain in opposition to the Yanukovych regime. I fought for the release of Yulia Tymoshenko, and we will continue our fight,” said Korolevskaya.

A family

Father, Yuri Vasilyevich Korolevskiy - director of the mine.

Mother, Larisa Petrovna Korolevskaya, is a school teacher.

2004-2008 - held the position of Deputy Head of the Department of Urban Development of Moscow.

2008 - First Deputy Head of the Department of Road and Bridge and Engineering Construction in Moscow.

2010 - Deputy Head of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Husband (second marriage): Yuri Vasilyevich Solod, fellow countryman on the Red Beam. We met in Cyprus.

Two sons: Rostislav (born 2001) and Yaroslav (born 2008).

Legislative initiatives

Author and co-author of more than 215 bills. Topic: increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy and developing the domestic domestic market, stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as improving the investment climate in the country.

Co-author of the Law "On increasing the prestige of mining work", author of the Law "On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the simplification of business conditions in Ukraine", co-author of the Law on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2009" (regarding financial stabilization enterprises of the coal industry), etc.

Views and assessments

He stands on the positions of economic patriotism, believing that this is the only platform for politicians to “cast aside ambitions and work ... We must focus all our attention, first of all, on the development of Ukrainian industry, the Ukrainian economy, putting aside disputes that divide society. And only later, when everything is working, it will be possible to return to solving ideological issues” (from an interview with the Fakty newspaper).

Economic patriotism in the current realities of Ukraine is, first of all, a readiness for cooperation, for partnership, for joint actions on a mutually beneficial basis. This refers to cooperation within the industry between different enterprises, within the region - between different regions and enterprises of different industries, within the whole of Ukraine.

Foundation "New Donbass"

N. Korolevskaya is the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the New Donbass Charitable Foundation, established in July 2008. As part of helping socially vulnerable people, the foundation cooperates with public organizations for the disabled "Danko", "Boguslava", charitable organizations named after Mother Teresa, "Sofia", the society of patients with diabetes, the society of the blind. The Foundation also took patronage over one of the nursing homes and a children's boarding school; develops volunteer movements in the region, takes part in regional campaigns for the prevention of alcoholism, AIDS and drug addiction, and helps children's libraries.

In 2010, N. Korolevskaya took 15th place in the TOP-100 rating of the most influential women in Ukraine, compiled by Focus magazine.

In 2008, in the "TOP-100" of the most influential Ukrainians, who were identified by the magazine "Korrespondent", Natalia Korolevskaya took 68th place.

According to polls of online publications, Natalia Korolevskaya has been firmly assigned the status of the most beautiful woman parliamentarian for several years.

When filling out a tax return in 2011, Natalia Korolevskaya indicated her annual income in the amount of 167,640 hryvnia (about $21,000). It also indicates that she is the owner of real estate in Kyiv (with a total area of ​​​​758 m²), a 3.6-liter Range Rover car (in total, the family indicates the presence of 5 cars: one Range Rover 2008, three Mercedes ” 2008, 2006 and 2001, one Mitsubishi 2008) and has another 23,171 hryvnias (about $ 2,900) in various bank accounts.


He collects elephant figurines, candles, enjoys skiing and equestrian sports.