Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College reviews. Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College - development area

One of the largest institutions of secondary vocational education in the Vladimir region - the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College - is about to celebrate a solid anniversary. The institution is no less than 120 years old! Such a date seems solid for any locality, but for an educational institution it is completely unrealistic. If you count, over the years, VTEK has produced more than 30 thousand in-demand specialists. Today the college, as its teachers and students themselves call it, is a territory of partnership and development. And for good reason.

Keeping traditions, following the times

Over the 120 years of the institution's life, the college has changed its status and name more than once, several generations of teachers have changed, who contributed to the training of qualified personnel with their selfless work, many graduates have achieved professional success and career heights. For example, the college is proud that the head of the administration of the Vyaznikovsky district, Igor Zinin, is a graduate of the institution.

In general, over the years, the college, together with the country, has experienced a lot. But, despite all the difficulties, VTEK has always managed to find the right solutions in the framework of training personnel in accordance with the requirements of the region's economy, correctly outline development prospects, while continuing the glorious traditions laid down more than a century ago.

Therefore, now the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College is a center of continuing professional education, a multi-level and multi-profile educational institution that annually unites about a thousand full-time and part-time students. The college provides training in programs of secondary vocational education, vocational training and additional education, in total almost 40 areas. Moreover, some of them appeared quite recently. Among them are banking, hotel service, a specialist in the housing and communal services sector and others. The director of the college, Alexander Maksimov, is sure that a modern institution should keep up with the times and train specialists in specialties that are in demand in real life.

We are convinced that our graduates should not only be professionals in their field after leaving the college, but also be useful to their native region, - said Alexander Maksimov. - Therefore, in order to develop a recruitment policy for the new academic year and determine the list of professions, college specialists are marketing research, as a result of which the needs of employers for workers and specialists are identified. Recruitment planning is carried out taking into account the industry order for the region. Therefore, we have a competition in place. Even in college - one of the best in the field of educational and material bases: well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, workshops, computer classes and multimedia complexes, a sports and leisure center. In a word, the college has everything for obtaining solid knowledge and a rich student life outside the educational process. Therefore, people from neighboring cities and even the regional center go to study in Vyazniki.

The key to success is love and dedication

What is important, an excellent team of teachers works here - caring, creative, hardworking, active. Among the teachers - three honored teachers of the Russian Federation, three candidates of science, 13 teachers were awarded honorary signs of the Ministry of Education, most have the first and highest qualification categories. Each of them not only gives their students knowledge, but also literally accompanies them into adulthood, helping not only with their studies, but also being close by and supporting them in life. Teachers love their work, and this love, without exaggeration, is inherited!

For more than forty years, mathematics teacher Nina Konstantinovna Efremova, teachers of technical disciplines spouses Vladimir Sergeevich and Galina Nikolaevna Sokolov, master of industrial training Lyubov Vladimirovna Krainova have been working in the college, for more than thirty years - heads of departments Nadezhda Valentinovna Eremeeva, Svetlana Dmitrievna Sakharova, teacher Larisa Viktorovna Horokhonova. Among the teachers of the college there is a whole galaxy of its graduates: Tatyana Anatolyevna Melnikova, Vasily Nikolaevich Kuzin, Nina Vladimirovna Balakina, Sergey Valentinovich Serov, Irina Vyacheslavovna Gubanova, Irina Sergeevna Makarova. Being in a constant creative search, teachers also captivate students.

As a result, college students annually become winners of various professional skill competitions and leaders in festivals of socially significant social projects, permanent winners of prizes at regional and All-Russian Olympiads. So the representative of the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College Lina Pavlova, after winning the regional stage of the Olympiad in the specialty "Law Enforcement", went to defend the honor of the region at the All-Russian stage and entered the top ten, taking 8th place.

I entered the chosen specialty because I wanted to have a legal education. Therefore, I was very glad that such a profession was opened in the college where I study, - said Lina. - As for the regional Olympiad in the specialty "Law Enforcement", I did not even believe that I could compete with other students, because there was no graduation in our profession at VTEK yet. But it turned out that the knowledge that teachers give us is at the highest level! I came first, and another college student came fourth. I prepared even more thoroughly for the All-Russian stage, in addition to my independent home preparation, my teacher and I went for consultations to an active law enforcement officer. As a result, I am the only participant of the Olympiad not from the regional center, but from a small town, I entered the top ten students. I am proud that I study at the Vyaznikovsky College of Technology and Economics and on its anniversary I want to wish it prosperity and development.

Best college in the region

The merits of the educational institution are also noted, and they are recognized at the regional and federal levels. For example, in 2009, the college was listed in the regional "Gallery of Glory" and in the national register "Leading educational institutions of Russia", and in 2016-2017, VTEK took first place in the regional rating of vocational education institutions.

So the college came to a solid anniversary with a rich history and achievements. On the eve of the holiday, the children and teachers have already managed to hold many events - from scientific conferences and discussions before the tourist rally and sports days. But the main event - a big holiday in the college will be celebrated with a large-scale colorful concert, which will bring together teachers and students, graduates and teachers who have gone on a well-deserved rest, as well as the first persons of the city of Vyazniki and the region. From the stage, the most sincere words and congratulations will be heard to the institution, which has been a territory of development and partnership for 120 years.

VTEK Vyazniki was founded in 1898 and over the years of its existence was transformed from a lower technical school into the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College, which is what it is now. At the same time, tens of thousands of specialists were trained in this educational institution.

The college implements programs of secondary vocational education, where mid-level specialists are trained. Training takes place both in full-time and in absentia. In addition to preparatory courses in the Russian language and mathematics, VTEK provides professional training in the following specialties:

  • Electric and gas welder
  • Category "B" driver
  • The hairdresser
  • Computer's operator
  • Boiler operator
  • Electrician
  • Mason
  • Plasterer
  • Controller-cashier
  • gas welder
  • Assistant to the master of textile production
  • Groceries seller
  • Seller of non-food products

Also here you can go and get advanced training such as: Accountant of the enterprise and the Program "1C: Accounting"

Educational processes are conducted in two educational buildings located in the city of Vyazniki and one building in Gorokhovets. In addition, VTEK has its own assembly halls, canteens, medical and dental offices, sports halls, computer classes, a library, a hostel, etc.

Schedule and website VTEK Vyazniki

The schedule of classes for students who take place in all three buildings can be viewed on the official website of VTEK. The schedule is presented for the current week and contains both the start and end time of a particular pair of classes, as well as the name of the subject, the names of teachers and classrooms.

In addition, on the official website you can get more detailed information about this college, see vacant budget places, sign up for courses via the Internet, find out the prices of paid educational services and much more.

Secondary vocational education in the Vyaznikovsky district is the best in the Vladimir region. Similar conclusions can be drawn if we look at the rating of secondary vocational schools in the region, subordinated to the Department of Education.

There are 26 such institutions in total. This year, the Nikologorsk Agro-Industrial Complex (NAIC) is on the fourth line of the rating, and the Vyaznikovsky College of Technology and Economics (VTEK) is in the lead.
Wide range of
Educational institutions of the region have been participating in such a comparison for several years. Educational institutions are evaluated according to more than forty criteria. Here, the quality of education (the number of excellent graduates), and the education of vulnerable segments of the population (the disabled and orphans), and the participation and victories of students and teachers in various competitions. When determining the rating, the state of the material base, areas of training of specialists are also taken into account. Based on the combination of these indicators, in 2017 VTEK became the best in the region.

“Today, our college provides training in almost all the most popular areas,” says Elena Serova, Deputy Director of VTEK for Informatization, Human Resources and Legal Work and Additional Education. - This is the repair of motor transport, computer specialties, economics, trade ... For the third year we have been preparing students in the direction of law enforcement; banking business for the second year. In total - more than twenty specialties and about a dozen professions. In total - more than thirty areas of training.

Elena Serova
In addition to the main curriculum, the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College is actively involved in the training and retraining of unemployed citizens under contracts with the Vyazniki Employment Center. Working people can also learn an additional profession in college by completing a short-term training course. In short, today VTEC offers a wide range of educational products.

3rd year student Repina Anna took an honorable 2nd place at the competition "Young leaders of the Vyaznikovsky district" - 2017, teacher Gubanova Irina Vyacheslavovna (pictured right)
"College" sounds proud
The new law “On Education”, adopted in 2012, practically abolished the system of primary vocational education, equating it to secondary education. One of the goals of this step was to increase the prestige of working professions.
- I think that it was possible to do this, - says Elena Vladimirovna. - Now there are practically no technical schools left, they were transformed into colleges. Parents are proud that their child is in college - no matter who. Children receive a diploma of secondary vocational education. There is no alternative, further - only higher education.
The reorganization and formation of the current VTEK (then still the Vyaznikovsky Mechanics and Technology College) began in 2006, when three city schools were attached to it. The combined material base gave, as they say, more room for maneuver and provided an opportunity for all Vyaznikovsky students to practice in training and production workshops and work more with their hands. The teaching staff also united, there was an exchange of accumulated experience. The final touch of the reorganization was the accession to the college in 2015 of an educational institution in Gorokhovets.
Today, about 1,000 students study full-time at VTEK. From year to year there is an increase in admission. If 2-3 years ago about 250 first-year students came to college, now there are 400 people.

Youth career forum "I choose the future", VTEK April 2017.
Intern student
Practical classes are an integral part of the system of secondary vocational education. Students of the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College have practical training in numerous workshops, the oldest of which are located on Sergievsky Street, opposite the Vyazniki television and radio company. And, for example, in the second academic building of the college (Dechinsky microdistrict), students studying tailors, auto mechanics, housing and communal services specialists, sellers can give free rein to their hands ...
FROM field trip the situation is somewhat more complicated, since there are not so many stable and efficient enterprises in Vyazniki and the Vyaznikovsky district.
“However, working enterprises meet us halfway and never refuse,” says Elena Serova. - Auto mechanics do not experience problems with practice. They even work in private enterprises. Our tailors went to the garment factory once a week last year. They were assigned a site where they worked. The Vyaznikovsky bakery also accepts college students, but we do not train bakers. There is such an opportunity, but there has been no enrollment for several years. So electricians and heat engineers practice at the bakery. The Nonwovens Enterprise also provides an opportunity for practice. And, finally, our computer students are very fond of budgetary organizations - the police, the world court, the archive.
Sellers don't leave
- When the selection committee is working, you talk with the applicant, - says Elena Vladimirovna. - Many guys have the opinion that college is the first step, they will unlearn and go somewhere further. But during the training, students adapt more to social conditions, begin to better navigate life. The worldview of our pupils is changing, and most of them go to work. The guys grow up, they want to earn on their own. However, someone wants to learn more. The college has an agreement with a higher educational institution in Moscow, where our students enter and study on a budgetary basis.
Vyaznikovsky boys and girls are helped to decide on employment and find their place in life by various events organized by VTEK. Excursions to district and regional enterprises are conducted for students. Well, some get a job already during practice.
- At the end of the academic year, we hold round tables and invite employers with specific vacancies for our graduates, - says the deputy director of the college. - The difficulty lies in the fact that young people immediately want a big salary. Employers, of course, cannot offer this. There is an imbalance, and therefore many students leave to look for work in another territory. Here, our salespeople do not leave anywhere, they find employment in their native land.

Fragments of the reporting exhibition of technical creativity of VTEK students as part of the regional meeting-seminar of directors on the basis of VTEK, June 2017

Fragments of the reporting exhibition of technical creativity of VTEK students as part of the regional meeting-seminar of directors on the basis of VTEK, June 2017
WorldSkills Russia
According to Elena Serova, there are currently only two basic educational institutions in the Vladimir region that train disabled people: one of them is the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College. Training of persons with handicapped health is given special attention; Every effort is made to create an accessible environment for them.
- The second building in Dechinsky is especially adapted for us - the entrance is equipped according to all standards, there are appropriate signs, all the necessary requirements are met, - says Elena Vladimirovna. - In addition, a competition of professional skills is held among this category of citizens. The Abilympics regional championship was held at the end of October, our students were represented by the largest group, participated in all five competencies and showed a good level of preparation, mostly taking second places.

Participants of the Abilympics Professional Excellence Championship for people with disabilities
VTEK students also shine at the WorldSkills Russia competition for young professionals.
- Last academic year, such a competition was held, - says the deputy director, - our pupil took second place in the competence "Repair and equipment of cars", and this year we are preparing a platform for one of the competencies to be held on the basis of our educational institution. The work is big and difficult.
Today, the Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College takes part in regional and federal competitions and wins victories, which, in turn, bring money. And here is the first place in the ranking educational institutions does not provide material benefits. It's just prestigious.
Children or adults
- We do not treat our students as children, - says Elena Serova. – We instill in them that they are students, not schoolchildren. We try to ensure that they comply with the rules of conduct and clothing requirements. You look at many freshmen - they run along the corridors, a real kindergarten. In the second year, they feel grown up, solid, they begin to walk in suits. Well, some people, you know, do not grow up until old age.
As for the question about the fact that our students are often present at the commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights, these are common problems. Good educators and psychologists work with the children, but many students are not all right in their families. Almost 70% of students have incomplete families. When you start to deal with problems (the child skips classes, gets into trouble, and so on), it turns out that at the age of 15 he lives alone, and his mother works in Moscow on a rotational basis. In such circumstances, it is easy to fall under the influence of bad company.

Vyaznikovsky College of Technology and Economics is one of the oldest educational institutions of secondary vocational education in Russia. July 1, 2013 our educational institution turns 115 years old.

Over the past years, more than once it was necessary to change the name, status of the educational institution, expand the range of specialties and professions, responding to the demands of the time. For 115 years, several generations of teachers have changed, who, with their selfless work, contributed to the training of qualified personnel.


More than 1,000 people study within the walls of the college in 12 specialties that are competitive and in demand on the labor market, as well as in specialties that occupy an important place in human life support: heat supply, electricity, gas supply, repair and maintenance of automotive and computer equipment, plus 17 professions that have a large importance in the social sphere of the country: a hairdresser, a tailor, a salesman, a housing and communal services master and many others. In addition, VTEK implements 32 professional training, retraining and advanced training programs.

The college has one of the best educational and material bases. Three educational buildings with well-equipped classrooms and laboratories, nineteen training and production workshops of the college are equipped with the necessary equipment, three assembly halls for three hundred seats, as well as a modern conference room for business meetings, two radio centers, a museum, a library with a rich book fund, numbering 79 thousand copies of educational literature, six computer classes and eleven multimedia complexes, the local network with Internet access, five interactive whiteboards and, of course, a comfortable hostel for students. The college has a sports and leisure complex, where physical education classes are held, various sports sections work. In a word, the college has everything for obtaining solid knowledge and spending leisure time.


College teachers have trained over 22 thousand specialists for enterprises in Russia and neighboring countries. Many graduates have achieved professional success and career heights.

And today's students do not cease to please us, however, as always, college students occupy a leading position. This year, Aleksey Tretyakov and Elena Akulinicheva declared themselves at a high level by taking part in the All-Russian competition for the youth of educational institutions and scientific organizations for the best work “My legislative initiative”. Result: III degree diploma for success in the VII All-Russian youth competition "My legislative initiative" and a silver medal "National Treasure of Russia". Anastasia Vvedenskaya and Galina Guseva defended the honor of the college at the regional student forum "Youth is the future of Russia". They won first place, glorifying themselves and their native educational institution. The 1st and 3rd places in the regional Olympiad in mathematics and physics were taken by VTEK students Alexei Gunin and Yuri Klimov. In professional Olympiads, our students are also among the best. Mikhail Osipov became the fourth at the regional Olympiad in programming and informatics among students of secondary schools in the Vladimir region. Ilya Vareshin and Alexander Smirnov won a cup and a diploma of the III degree at the regional Olympiad of professional skills in the specialty "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles." Andrey Kashin took the 3rd place at the regional competition of professional skills in the profession "Master of Housing and Public Utilities".

The college team became the winner in the regional competition for creating conditions close to home for orphans and children left without parental care. Alexey Tretyakov and Ekaterina Borovkova with the research project "College Volunteers in the Struggle for a Clean City of Vyazniki" were awarded the II degree diploma of the regional youth competition of works "Road to the Future" as part of the educational program of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation "Sustainable Future of the Vladimir Region" ".

In addition, every year the college is awarded prizes in sports competitions, numerous team and individual victories in the Youth of Russia competitions, district, regional and all-Russian competitions.

By decision of the Independent Public Council with the participation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the Union of Directors of the Russian Colleges, Vyaznikovsky Technical and Economic College was awarded the gold medal "100 Best Colleges of Russia-2012", a diploma of the winner of the competition.

Alexander MAKSIMOV, director of GBOU SPO VO VTEK.