Sweet buns bagels. How to cook delicious bagels with jam from yeast dough according to a recipe with a photo

The house smells of comfort, if the aroma of fresh pastries hovers in the kitchen. Such pastries, a symbol of home comfort, may well be bagels from yeast dough. You can not only enjoy them deliciously with a cup of tea, but also take them with you as a snack to work or study.

Classic yeast dough horns can also be made without filling. Even in this case, they will turn out to be unusually tasty and fragrant if a proven recipe is used and pastries are cooked with love. The highlight of the recipe below is the lubrication of the dough layer with butter, which will give the products some layering.

The composition of classic bagels without filling is as follows:

  • 35 g dry yeast;
  • 125 ml of warm water;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 450 g flour.

The blanks will need to be greased with a mixture of one chicken egg and 30 ml of milk.

How to make bagels from yeast dough:

  1. Mix sugar and yeast in water. Then pour milk into the syrup with yeast, add 60-70 g of melted butter and all the sifted flour.
  2. Carefully knead and let the dough lie warm for about thirty minutes, after wrapping it with cling film so that it does not become weathered.
  3. Then roll it into a layer, which is again left for 40 minutes at room temperature. After the specified time, grease the cake with the remaining oil, fold it three times with an envelope, roll it out and, covering it with cling film on top, leave for another hour.
  4. Now it's time to start forming bagels. Cut the dough into triangles and roll up, starting from the base.
  5. Lubricate the blanks with an egg-milk mixture and bake until cooked at 200 degrees.

Jam Recipe

Light, airy and melt-in-your-mouth yeast dough bagels are also baked with a filling, one of the options for which can be jam.

The proportions of the ingredients for this delicacy will be as follows:

  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 30 g fresh pressed yeast;
  • 75 g of granulated sugar;
  • 45 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 2 chicken eggs in the dough and the same amount for lubrication;
  • 3-4 g of salt;
  • 700-800 g flour;
  • 500 g thick jam.


  1. We prepare a dough from milk, yeast, 30 g of sugar and 100 g of flour. Carefully stir all the lumps and leave warm for 40 minutes, covering the bowl with the mixture with a clean towel.
  2. In a fluffy frothy mass, beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar and salt. This mixture, together with vegetable oil, is introduced into the dough that has increased in volume.
  3. Next, knead the dough, sprinkling the sifted flour in small portions. The mass should come out elastic and well-shaped, but not clogged with flour. It should be left to ripen for an hour in warmth.
  4. Divide the finished dough into 20 equal pieces. Roll each into a cake, make transverse cuts from one of its edges. Closer to the center, put 25 g of jam (approximately one tablespoon) and roll tightly, forming a bagel.
  5. Put twisted bagels with jam on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. After proofing for half an hour, brush with beaten egg and put in the oven so they can brown their barrels at 180 degrees.

Dessert with cherries

The simplest dry yeast dough and frozen cherries can be turned into a wonderful dessert.

For baking which you need to take:

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 8 g fast acting yeast;
  • 210 g of granulated sugar (including 30 g for the filling);
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 40 g melted butter;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 6 g salt;
  • 450 g flour;
  • 300 g frozen cherries;
  • 30 g of starch;
  • 30 ml of water.

Baking progress:

  1. Dissolve yeast with 30 g of sugar in milk and leave until a foam cap forms. This will take 10-15 minutes depending on the temperature of the liquid and the environment.
  2. After that, combine the yeast with flour and the rest of the ingredients for the dough. Carefully mix the mass and leave to ripen for an hour and a half.
  3. In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine cherries (you can directly from the freezer), water, starch and sugar. Simmer everything on fire until boiling and subsequent thickening. Then cool the cherry contents of the saucepan.
  4. Divide the finished dough into two equal parts, roll out a circle from each. Cut it with a knife into 12 sectors. Spreading cherry filling on them, form bagels.
  5. Conditions for baking products: 175-180 degrees, 25-30 minutes.

Of no small importance for such simple baking is its further presentation. To decorate the finished products, they can be rolled in powder or painted on each with the help of a cornet strip with protein and chocolate icing.

How to do with poppy?

Yeast cakes with poppy seeds are loved by many, so it is not surprising that a recipe for bagels with poppy seeds has appeared. Of course, you can use ready-made poppy seed filling, but it’s not at all difficult to cook it yourself while the dough is ripening.

List of ingredients for dough and poppy seed filling:

  • 300 ml of warm whole cow's milk;
  • 40 g of pressed yeast;
  • 150 g of sugar, of which 50 g is for the poppy seed filling;
  • 2 eggs (one for greasing bagels);
  • 120 g soft butter;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 600 g flour;
  • 135 g dry poppy.

Work algorithm:

  1. In order for the yeast to “wake up”, they must be mixed with whole milk, sugar, 90 g of flour and left for a quarter of an hour or a little more.
  2. Sift the flour into a bowl for kneading the dough, salt on top. Then make a recess-funnel in the center of the slide, into which pour the beaten egg and dough.
  3. Start kneading the mass, during this process you need to mix plastic butter in small portions. Let the dough 60 minutes to double in size in a warm place.
  4. For the filling, steam poppy seeds in boiling water for 40 minutes. Then drain the water, and grind the poppy seeds with a blender into a homogeneous mass, adding sugar a little bit.
  5. We form bagels. From each quarter of the total mass of the dough, roll out a round cake with a diameter of 25 cm, cut it into 8 segments. Put 10-20 g of filling on each segment, wrap it in a roll, which is bent with a horseshoe.
  6. Bake bagels with poppy seeds at standard 180 degrees until a delicious golden crust.

On margarine with apples

Economy version of a bagel - margarine pastry stuffed with fruit available at any time of the year (apples).

To bake them you will need:

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 75 g fresh yeast;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of creamy margarine;
  • 600-800 g flour;
  • 200 g of apples;
  • 5 g cinnamon.

How to cook:

  1. Melt margarine. Heat milk in a separate bowl until warm and dilute sugar and yeast in it.
  2. After that, gradually introduce flour into liquid yeast until the mass becomes the consistency of sour cream. At this stage, you should mix in the eggs and liquid, not hot margarine, mix carefully with a spoon.
  3. Then, literally in portions of 50 g, stir in the flour until an elastic and soft mass is obtained, which is left alone while preparing the filling.
  4. Wash the apples, peel if desired, cut into small cubes, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon to taste.
  5. Further, everything is simple: you need to form bagels using one of the above methods and bake them in a preheated oven.

Yeast dough rolls with sausages

Bagels on yeast dough can be not only with a sweet filling, but also with crab sticks, sausage or sausages, as in this recipe.

For unsweetened bagels, you need to take the products according to the following list:

  • 220 ml of milk;
  • 75 g of sugar;
  • 15 g dry yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 1000 g milk sausages.

Baking recipe step by step:

  1. Dissolve salt, sugar, yeast, beaten eggs and soft butter in warm milk. All that remains is to mix the flour into this homogeneous liquid mixture and after proofing the dough will be ready. You can improve the taste of unsweetened bagels by adding spices to the dough, for example, ground pepper, cloves, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom.
  2. Leave the dough kneaded into a smooth ball to rise. After the first rise, it must be kneaded and left to ripen. When the dough rises for the second time, you can already work with it.
  3. Cut the dough rolled into a half-centimeter layer into strips 2 by 15 cm. Wrap each sausage with dough and bake in the oven until golden brown so that the surface of the finished bagel is glossy, they can be greased with egg or vegetable oil.

With condensed milk

Another option for stuffing bagels is boiled condensed milk. With it, you can very quickly cook pastries on a yeast-free yeast dough.

In this case, the following components are needed:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 15 g dry instant yeast;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 7 g baking powder;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 400-500 g flour;
  • boiled condensed milk for filling;
  • yolk for greasing blanks before baking.

Cooking steps:

  1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk. Immediately add flour with salt and baking powder. Mix well and forget about it for 50 minutes.
  2. After that, divide the lump of dough into four parts. From each quarter, form 4 bagels with condensed milk filling, roll out the dough into a layer and cut it into 4 segments. Put condensed milk on each sector and roll up.
  3. Place the products on a baking sheet and after they are smeared with egg yolk, bake in the oven.

I am sure that many people love rum baba, and I am also sure that rarely anyone cooks it at home, because this is too troublesome and time-consuming. And I am happy to share the recipe for a delicious rum baba, which is prepared obscenely quickly and from the most common products. Despite the simplicity of the process, the taste of such a rum baba will pleasantly surprise and amaze you, and I am sure that later you will repeatedly return to this recipe. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Beat the yolks with sugar, then add milk and flour sifted with baking powder. Separately, beat the whites with salt and mix into the dough, gently mixing up and down with a spatula or spatula. Grease the molds with oil and transfer the dough into them, filling 3/4. Send to an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes. While the women are baking, prepare the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with water, bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes and cool. Add rum to the cooled syrup, mix and the rum syrup is ready. Pierce hot women on top with a stick or a straw for a cocktail, and pour syrup into hot women, repeat pouring until all the syrup is over. The syrup should cover the woman on all sides. Cool, glaze and delicious rum baba are ready. One thing I can say is that they are so tasty that it is very difficult to stop.
flour - 130 g;
sugar - 60 g;
eggs - 3 pcs.;
milk - 2 tablespoons;
baking powder - 1 tsp;
salt - 0.5 tsp
oven 180 gr, baking time - 20 minutes. I have a form for women from Ikeevskaya.
sugar - 200 g;
water - 50 ml;
rum - 6 tablespoons
powdered sugar - 1 cup;
orange juice (or any other liquid) - 3-4 tbsp.

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#cinnabon buns
Delicious! And a very good recipe, just take it and bake it. You will not regret!
For the dough, mix all the ingredients in a mixer bowl, except for the butter and knead the dough for 3-5 minutes, during which time the dough will almost cease to be sticky, then add soft butter in parts. You will get a smooth ball (almost). cover and remove for fermentation. After 1-1.5 hours the dough will double. I put the bowl of dough into the oven (turned off). Then roll out the dough into a layer 1 cm thick. The dough is obedient and rolls out easily. I didn’t even need a rolling pin, the dough rolled out by itself (with the help of my hands). Spread the rolled dough with softened butter and sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Roll up a tight roll, be sure to pinch the edges, cut into 12 parts (exactly 12!). Put the buns in a buttered baking dish, cover them with a film and let rise, they will double in an hour). Preheat oven to 180 gr. and send the buns for 25 (or more) minutes. If the top of the buns is too golden, you can cover the top with baking paper and put something on top to hold the paper (I use two small metal skewers). While the buns are baking, beat the mascarpone with powdered sugar and milk, and so that it is not sickly sweet, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Grease hot buns thickly with cream. Cool down and enjoy...
flour - 510 g;
milk - 240 ml;
eggs - 2 pcs.;
sugar - 60 g;
butter at room temperature - 60 g;
salt - 6 g;
dry yeast - 7 g (if fresh, then 20 g);
cinnamon - 1 tbsp;
brown sugar - 150 g;
butter - 150 g;
mascarpone - 200-250 g;
powdered sugar - 150 g;
milk - 5 tablespoons;
lemon juice - from 1 lemon (small).

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The bakery of the Svyatogorsk Lavra shared the recipe for "larks"

In the Svyatogorsk Lavra, the following recipe is used for baking:

- 1 liter of water;

- 100 gr. pressed yeast;

- 1 tablespoon of salt;

- 400 gr. Sahara;

- 200 gr. lean margarine;

- 2 packs of vanillin;

- 1 tablespoon dried ground orange peel;

- 200 gr. raisins;

Of the listed ingredients, knead the sourdough dough. Bake "larks" at a temperature of 180 ° C. The baked buns are removed from the baking sheet and anointed with sweet water (1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of water, a little vanillin - chop until the sugar is completely dissolved). Ready-made "larks" on the day of the holiday are treated to the brethren of the monastery, as well as pilgrims.

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Milk buns with white chocolate

Choux pastry:
80 ml water
1 tsp salt (no slide)
2 tbsp. l. flour with a slide (50 g)

We put the saucepan on the stove, pour water into it, add salt and bring everything to a boil.
Pour milk into boiling water and wait for everything to boil.
Sift the flour into a bowl.
Pour the boiling mixture of water and milk into the flour, immediately stirring with a spatula to get a thick mass without lumps.
Cover the bowl with clingfilm and cool to room temperature. temperature (about 20-30 minutes).

80 ml milk (I have 1.5 percent)
80 ml cream (I have 30%)
1.5 st. l. sugar (30 g)
1 p. vanilla. sugar (8 g)
1 egg (mine is medium)
1 p. dry yeast (7 g) or 20 g fresh yeast
400 g flour (2.5 tablespoons) - sift
2 tbsp. l. powdered milk or cream - Kaffeeweißer (20 g)
1 tsp baking powder with a slide (5 g)
50 g cream. butter (melt and cool to room temperature)

Pour milk and cream into a cup with warm choux pastry, add sugar, vanilla. sugar and add the egg - mix everything well with a BLENDER until a mass without lumps is formed (if there is no blender, then mix milk with cream and heat until warm, pour a little into the custard mixture and rub with a spoon until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained, then add sugar , vanilla and egg).
Pour in the yeast and mix well with a blender or whisk - set aside for 10 minutes.
In a separate bowl, sift 2 tbsp. flour (320 g) with powdered milk and baking powder.
Pour the yeast mixture into the dry flour mixture and begin to knead the dough in a cup (you will get a sticky mass).
Next, sift on the table 0.5 tbsp. flour (80 g), put the dough from the cup on it and start kneading everything well for 15 minutes (in this process, you need to mix all the butter in 3 stages).
As a result, we get a soft dough that does not stick to the table or to the hands.
We shift the dough into a cup, cover with cling film and put in a warm place for 1.5 hours (the dough should increase by 2-3 times).

100 g white chocolate(Grate on a fine grater and refrigerate until use)

Punch down the risen dough and divide into 9 parts (100 g each).
Roll into balls and cover with cling film.
We take one part of the dough and roll it into an elongated oval 5 mm thick (I have 26x12cm).
Now right side fold to the middle, and cover the right side with the left side.

We turn the strip over to the reverse side and roll it out again in length to a thickness of 5 mm (I have a strip measuring (38x5.5 cm).
Sprinkle the strip with chocolate (3 tsp) and roll it into a roll.

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Streusel puff buns: Mara3

100 ml milk (warm)
1 p. dry yeast (7 g) or 30 g fresh yeast
40 g sugar (2 tablespoons)
1 egg (I have a large one)
5 g salt (1 tsp)
100 g sour cream (I have 24%)
100 g margarine or cream. oils (soft)
450 g flour (sifted)

Pour yeast into milk and 1 tbsp. l. sugar - mix well and set aside for 10-15 minutes.
Put the egg, the rest of the sugar, salt, sour cream, revived yeast into a cup for kneading the dough - mix everything with a whisk.
Stir in half the flour, then add margarine flakes and mix well until smooth.
Sprinkle the rest of the flour, knead a soft dough.
Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and put in a warm place for 1 hour.

Streusel crumb:
150 g flour
100 g sugar (5 tablespoons)
1 p. vanilla. sugar (8 g)
100 g cream. butter (soft)

Mix everything well until crumbs form, divide into three parts (one part of 100 g for sprinkling on top and two parts of 130 g each for a layer of dough) and put in the refrigerator.

Knead the risen dough and, sprinkling the countertop lightly with flour, roll it into a rectangular layer about 7 mm thick (I have a size of 25x65 cm).
Sprinkle half of the dough sheet along the long side with part of the streusel (130 g).

Then cover with the second half of the dough and roll out again into a rectangular layer, but only about 3 mm thick (100x20 cm in size).
Again, sprinkle half of the layer with a part of the streusel (130 g), cover with the second half of the dough, but now just tamp it with your palm on top, without rolling it out.
Cut the resulting strip into 10 squares, with sides 10x10 cm.
Wrap the corners of each square towards the center and press well in the middle so that they do not open during baking.

Place the blanks on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, cover with cling film and leave on the table for 10 minutes.
Then grease the blanks with a mixture: 1 yolk + 1 tbsp. l. milk.
Sprinkle the top with streusel (100 g).

Now we turn on the oven at t-180 ° C, wait for it to heat up (during this time the products will still grow) and then bake for 20-25 minutes, until a beautiful golden color.
We choose the buns from the oven, while still hot, pour a teaspoon of icing sugar on top (100 g of powdered sugar + 2 tablespoons of water) and sprinkle with crushed pistachios or other nuts if desired.

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Puffs with vanilla streusel, nuts and icing sugar

Streusel crumb:
150 g cream. butter (melt and cool)
1 p. vanilla. sugar (8 g)
100 g sugar
250 g flour (sifted)

Mix everything until you get crumbs.

*I have some streusel left unused

70g ground nuts (I use almonds)
2 tbsp. l. apricot jam

Mix well.

puff pastry - 450 g (I have 6 pieces in a pack, 20x10 cm in size)

150 g powdered sugar
3 art. l. water

Pour water into powdered sugar and mix.

Defrost the dough and cut each part lengthwise into 2 parts (we get 12 strips 20x5 cm in size).

Visually divide each strip in half: on one side, make 4 punctures with a fork, and on the other, retreating along the edges by 0.5 mm, spread a layer of nut filling.
Cover the filling with the other half of the dough and press down lightly.

Lubricate the surfaces of the blanks with milk and sprinkle generously with streusel.

Bake in a preheated oven at t-190-200°C, 20 minutes, until golden.
Remove the puffs from the oven, let them stand for 5 minutes and then pour them generously with icing sugar.

* such puffs can also be made from puff yeast dough (Plunderteig)

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2 Cinnabon/Cinnabon Mara3

milk - 200 ml (warm)
sugar - 75 g
salt - 1 tsp (5 g)

cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l. (10 g)

Mix sugar with cinnamon.


powdered sugar - 120 g

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1 Cinnabon/Cinnabon Mara3

milk - 200 ml (warm)
yeast dry / pressed - 7 g / 25 g
sugar - 75 g
chicken eggs - 2 pcs. (room temperature)
salt - 1 tsp (5 g)
wheat flour - 500-570 g (sift)
butter - 75 g (soft)

Pour yeast into milk and 1 tbsp. l. sugar - mix well and leave for 15 minutes to activate the yeast.
Put the eggs, the rest of the sugar, salt into a cup and beat well with a whisk.
Pour in the "revived" yeast and mix everything well.
Add half the flour and mix again.
Then spread the pieces of butter over the dough and knead it well.
Gradually adding the rest of the flour, knead a soft dough that will not stick to your hands and the table (in total it took me 560 g).
Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place for 1 hour until doubled in size.

sugar - 120 g (I took half white and half brown)
cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l. (10 g)
butter - 90 g (soft)

Mix sugar with cinnamon.

cream cheese (cream cheese) - 60 g (room temperature)
butter - 30 g (very soft)
powdered sugar - 120 g

Cream cheese and beat the butter together with a mixer for 1 minute.
Add sugar. powder and beat until smooth.

Put the dough on a floured work surface, flatten it with your hands in the form of a rectangle about 1 cm thick and then fold it into an envelope.

Cover the top of the dough with a bowl and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle about 7 mm thick, approximately 45x35 cm in size.
Spread the butter (90 g) evenly over the dough, leaving a 1.5 cm edge free on the 35 cm side.

Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top, pressing down lightly with a silicone spatula.

Roll up to the side where the edge was left free (I pinched the seam along the entire length).
Using a dental floss (I do not advise cutting with a knife), cut the roll into 12 identical parts (I have 3 cm each).

Put the rolls cut side up in a form (I have a size of 42x29 cm), covered with parchment.

Cover the top with cling film and let rise for 1 hour.

Bake in a preheated oven at a medium level at t-190°C, about 20-25 minutes, until golden.

Spread glaze over hot cinnabons.
After 15 minutes, transfer the cinnabons to the board.

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Cinnabon/Cinnabon Mara3

milk - 200 ml (warm)
yeast dry / pressed - 7 g / 25 g
sugar - 75 g
chicken eggs - 2 pcs. (room temperature)
salt - 1 tsp (5 g)
wheat flour - 500-570 g (sift)
butter - 75 g (soft)

Pour yeast into milk and 1 tbsp. l. sugar - mix well and leave for 15 minutes to activate the yeast.
Put the eggs, the rest of the sugar, salt into a cup and beat well with a whisk.
Pour in the "revived" yeast and mix everything well.
Add half the flour and mix again.
Then spread the pieces of butter over the dough and knead it well.
Gradually adding the rest of the flour, knead a soft dough that will not stick to your hands and the table (in total it took me 560 g).
Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place for 1 hour until doubled in size.

sugar - 120 g (I took half white and half brown)
cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l. (10 g)
butter - 90 g (soft)

Mix sugar with cinnamon.

cream cheese (cream cheese) - 60 g (room temperature)
butter - 30 g (very soft)
powdered sugar - 120 g

Cream cheese and butter together with a mixer for 1 minute.
Add sugar. powder and beat until smooth.

Put the dough on a floured work surface, flatten it with your hands in the form of a rectangle about 1 cm thick and then fold it into an envelope.

Cover the top of the dough with a bowl and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle about 7 mm thick, approximately 45x35 cm in size.
Spread the butter (90 g) evenly over the dough, leaving a 1.5 cm edge free on the 35 cm side.

Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top, pressing down lightly with a silicone spatula.

Roll up to the side where the edge was left free (I pinched the seam along the entire length).
Using a dental floss (I do not advise cutting with a knife), cut the roll into 12 identical parts (I have 3 cm each).

Put the rolls cut side up in a form (I have a size of 42x29 cm), covered with parchment.

Cover the top with cling film and let rise for 1 hour.

Bake in a preheated oven at a medium level at t-190°C, about 20-25 minutes, until golden.

Spread glaze over hot cinnabons.
After 15 minutes, transfer the cinnabons to the board.

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Pies "with anything" from Daria Tsvek


Flour 5 cups
Pressed yeast 100 g
Margarine pack
Kefir or liquid sour cream 1 cup

Cooking method

This recipe was written when many people did not have any kitchen scales at home, so everything was measured in spoons and glasses, and the margarine sold was packaged strictly in packs of 250 g.
This measure of weights - glasses - drives me into a stupor. What kind of glasses - "Mukhin's" faceted or tea, from which they drank tea only with a cup holder? Who has this antique at home now?
I asked Kengis - a tea glass is 160 g of flour.
Therefore, I recalculated this recipe in grams.
I took 500 g of flour, 150 + 60 ml of kefir, 125 grams of butter mixed with vegetable oil, and 1.5 teaspoons of dry yeast - I can’t raise my hand to put 50 grams of pressed yeast!
I didn’t bother much - I didn’t grind flour with butter and yeast with my hands, but left everything in a bucket of a bread machine, poured kefir on top - there is no salt and sugar in this recipe!
I put it on the "Yeast Dough" program. Then she let it sit in the bucket for another hour.
The dough turned out well, elastic and easy to work with.
I put the dough on a lightly oiled silicone sheet, cut it into pieces, rolled it into balls,
stretched it into cakes, put the filling - apples, according to this recipe.
I made pies with mushrooms from several balls, and covered with a slice of boiled egg on top.
Lubricated pies with milk, sweet ones lightly sprinkled with sugar on top. I gave proofing an hour, baked for 30 minutes at T 180 in the oven in the "thermal circulation" mode.
Ready-made pies on top smeared with vegetable oil, you can cream.
The taste is significantly different from yeast pies with sugar and salt. Light, airy. We liked it!


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This quick yeast dough bagel recipe has become my favorite! The dough is made quickly and is easy to work with. Bagels are very tender, with a slight crunch on the outside and soft inside. Toppings can be changed and each time it will be something new! The peculiarity of this recipe is also that neither eggs nor sugar are added to the dough. There is enough sugar, which is in the filling and on the surface of the bagels. I recommend to try!


To prepare bagels from quick yeast dough, you will need:

For test:
25 g fresh yeast or 1.5 tsp. dry yeast;

0.5 cups of milk;
200 g margarine;

2.5 cups flour;

sugar for sprinkling.

Glass - 250 ml.

Any pretense. I have:
1. grated apple with cinnamon and sugar;
2. boiled condensed milk;
3. grapes are sweet, pitted.

Cooking steps

Roll up bagels. I roll the bagels a little in my own way: so that the filling does not flow out of the edges of the bagel during baking, I first fold the edges (as in the photo), and only then I roll the bagel and roll it in sugar.

Put on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and send to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes (focus on your oven).

Bagels with jam are homemade fragrant pastries that are perfect for everyday tea parties. If you bake bagels from yeast dough, they will turn out to be airy and tender.

Yeast bagels with jam

Kitchen tools: whisk, bowls, cling film, towel, baking sheet, parchment, brush.


Step by step cooking

  1. Milk (285 ml) is heated to a temperature of 35 degrees. Can be heated in the microwave or on the stovetop. Pour the heated milk into a bowl, add 95 grams of sugar, 2 grams of salt and 5 grams of yeast. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass with a whisk.
  2. Pour 105 grams of sifted flour into the milk mixture and stir with a whisk to break all the lumps.

  3. We wrap the bowl with cling film, cover with a towel and put in heat for 60 minutes. This is our dough for testing.

  4. When the dough is ready, pour it into a large clean bowl and pour in 95 milliliters of sunflower oil.

  5. Add 2 beaten eggs to the dough and mix with a whisk.

  6. Gradually, we begin to pour 645 grams of sifted flour into the resulting mixture and knead the dough with a spoon.

  7. When the dough becomes hard to knead with a spoon, grease the table with sunflower oil or sprinkle it with flour. We shift the dough onto it and knead it with our hands so that it stops sticking to our hands. Transfer the prepared dough to a bowl. So that it does not stick to the walls, you can grease the bowl with sunflower oil. We tighten the bowl with cling film, cover with a towel and leave for 60 minutes.

  8. When the dough rises, lightly punch it down and divide it into 26 equal pieces.

  9. Beat the remaining two eggs with a whisk in a separate bowl.
  10. From each piece of dough we form a cake, put jam on it and form bagels.

  11. We line a baking sheet with parchment, transfer the bagels to it and leave for 30 minutes.

  12. When the bagels are a little fit, grease them with beaten eggs.

  13. We heat the oven to 180 degrees and put the bagels in it for 30 minutes.

  14. We transfer the finished pastry to a dish. You can decorate the top of the bagels with powdered sugar.

video recipe

In the video you can see in detail how to make bagels from yeast dough.

Everything is very simple. The most important thing is to prepare high-quality dough for bagels. Yeast dough is prepared in the sourdough and sourdough method. For sweet pastries sourdough yeast dough is more suitable. It is time-consuming to perform, fits and separates several times, but the effort is worth it! Bagels on yeast dough turn out soft, airy, they really melt in your mouth.

Cooking time (in the oven): 30 minutes / Yield: 20 pieces


  • wheat flour 700-800 g
  • fresh yeast 30 g (dry 1 teaspoon)
  • milk 300 ml
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons
  • pinch of salt
  • granulated sugar 3 tbsp. spoons
  • chicken eggs 4 pieces (2 in the dough, 2 for greasing)
  • jam 500 grams


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    I start by making the brew. I pour milk into the bowl and heat it up to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. If there is a thermometer, great, if not, the temperature is determined with a finger - it should be pleasantly warm (this, of course, is a subjective criterion). I add fresh yeast to warm milk, no matter what - both fresh and dry will fit equally. I used fresh. Mix well, then pour 1 tbsp into milk with yeast. a spoonful of sugar and 4 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour.

    Thoroughly stir the yeast mixture with a whisk so that not a single lump remains. I cover the bowl with the finished dough with a clean towel and put it in a warm place to approach for 30-40 minutes.

    In the meantime, I break two chicken eggs into a bowl, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Thoroughly beat the eggs with a whisk or a mixer into a thick mass.

    If the yeast was fresh and everything was done correctly, then the dough in a warm place doubles or even triples. I pour beaten eggs into the dough, mix and add vegetable oil.

    It's time to knead the dough. Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve several times. By sifting flour, we not only get rid of specks (there are such incidents, especially if you buy a product in plastic bags), but also enrich it with oxygen. Pour the flour in small portions into a bowl and gradually knead the yeast dough. When finished, it should be elastic, but at the same time not clogged and keep its shape well. I make a ball from the dough, put it in a bowl, cover with a clean towel and put it in a warm place for 1 hour. When the dough fits well, I knead it, after which I proceed to mold the bagels with jam.

    I divide the dough into 20 pieces. I form a ball out of each.

    I roll each ball of dough into a cake, make transverse cuts at the end. I spread 1-2 tablespoons of jam closer to the center of the cake. Jam, as you can see, I have thick.

    I wrap the dough to the middle, press the edges tightly and grease with a raw egg. I form bagels by wrapping the incised parts onto the main part.

    I spread the twisted horns on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Once again I leave the dough for proofing - now the dough of bagels with jam. It is enough to melt the product for 30 minutes. I grease with a beaten egg to get shiny tanned sides, and put in an oven preheated to 180 C to bake.

    It will take about 30 minutes to cook the bagels in the oven. It may take you a little longer, since all ovens are different. In any case, check the pastry after 30 minutes. Ready to be well browned on top.

I remove the finished products from the oven, cool and serve to the table. A bonus to the bagels will be the smell - such that you can already eat them alone.) Bon appetit!