Shishkhanov Mikail. Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich

Binbank and related credit institutions showed huge losses in the first 9 months of the year. In addition, it became clear that Bean violated all the basic regulations, in other words, the bank was left without its own funds and squandered others. When it was just taken for reorganization, the shareholders announced that they were ready to compensate for the losses. But now a month has passed, and still nothing is known about how they will pay. One gets the impression that the Gutseriev-Shishkhanov family simply gave the Central Bank a "leaky" bank, shifting all the problems onto the shoulders of the state.

And inside is empty

Probably every child in our country knows a funny and stupid trick: eat a chocolate candy, and then carefully fold the wrapper. Since the paper remembers the shape of the candy, it will look like the treat is still inside. Only the weight, of course, will be different. Then you need to stretch this pacifier to dad or mom with the words: "treat yourself with candy." Well, look at the face of a parent who, instead of a treat, receives an inedible piece of paper. Kids have a lot of fun, adults not so much. Approximately the same focus was shown to the Central Bank by the shareholders of Binbank, having given the bank for reorganization to the regulator, which, through the efforts of the owners, turned into an illiquid shell. Only, unlike the deceived parents, the Central Bank saw how money was flowing out of the credit institution and knew perfectly well what was hidden under the bright wrapper.

My business is on the edge

The other day, Binbank and Otkritie published their financial statements for three quarters. Their total loss amounted to half a trillion rubles. The figure is gigantic, impressive and a record for the Russian banking system. Both organizations have recently been on the reorganization of the Central Bank, which will now have to cover their losses and improve their health. It is known that the regulator has never hidden this fact that their owners and top managers are to blame for the problems of banks. They made strategic mistakes and screwed up their corporations. It is difficult to argue with this, as well as with the fact that for mistakes, unintentional or deliberate, these owners and managers must answer. Moreover, everything seems to be clear with Otkritie, no one is going to answer for this bank. Now it's exclusive headache Central Bank. And recent media reports are very similar to the truth that the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev calls bank customers with a request not to take their deposits, and asks those who have already taken them to return the money. You read and even feel a little sorry for the leaders of the Central Bank, who act as petitioners.

But the owners of the "Discovery" everything is going just fine. They quietly go about their business, trying not to comment on what happened in their bank. And why, will they manage somehow without them. And the fact that a trillion rubles was needed for the "Discovery" (that is, this trillion, according to the logic of things, is not enough in the bank), this is an everyday thing, it happens. Most of the owners have other main businesses, the same Vagit Alekperov And Leonid Fedun- First of all, oilmen, they have one of the largest oil companies in the country, Lukoil, what do they care about a bank from which a lot of money has disappeared. And the main owner of "Discovery" Vadim Belyaev recently got a new position, he is the bank's diamond business. Last year, Lukoil sold Otkritie to Arkhangelskgeoldobycha for $1.5 billion. Now journalists from the British newspaper "Financial Times" found out that this amount is 3 times the market value of the asset. But these are things of the past days, now nobody is particularly interested in these things. The main thing is that everything is in business.

Cry for the bank while it's alive

The situation with Binbank is somewhat different. Shortly after the Central Bank on the reorganization of the bank of the Gutseriev family, co-owner of a credit institution and nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev Mikail Shishkhanov gave a very touching, heartfelt interview. He stated that he wants to show that he did not steal money from the bank, did not withdraw assets. He promised never to engage in the banking business again, and to save Bean to give all his personal property. Including their deposits of 100 million dollars. The impulse, of course, is very valuable, and is also capable of causing a mean male tear.

That's just 100 million in US currency - that's about 6 billion rubles. And the “hole” in Binbank was estimated at hundreds of billions. So it would be nice to donate something else. And at first it seemed that it would.

The Central Bank stated that the owners of the bank are set to cooperate and are ready to invest in its rescue. All the same Vasily Pozdyshev said that other assets of the Safmar group (it manages the property of the Gutseriev family), in particular agricultural, hydrocarbon and even something from nanotechnologies, will be transferred to Bin's balance sheet. Moreover, in the same interview, Shishkhanov said that the owners would return assets worth more than 300 billion rubles to the bank. And recently it turned out that the shareholders are transferring their warehouse, construction sites, offices and even a large vegetable warehouse near Moscow to the Central Bank. That's just vegetables, probably, the financial regulator did not have enough for complete happiness. The total value of this property is about 70 billion rubles. And then the Bank of Russia reported that the Shishkhanov-Gutserivs were also transferring the shares of RussNeft, the pearl of the family's business empire. But the journalists found out that we are talking about only 3.7%, they cost billions of rubles, but not tens or hundreds of billions. And businessmen will not give away a larger package. In the end, for the shareholders of Binbank, this is already a passed stage. Love is gone, everything is burned out. What now, in memory of the past relationship, should Mikhail Gutseriev be given all the shares of RussNeft? Or lose luxury hotels in Moscow? Everything that, as they say, is acquired by overwork ...

From jar to jar

Acquired by really overwork, whether righteous or not, but Gutseriev has been collecting all his assets (losing them in parallel) for more than 20 years. The same Binbank was founded in the early 90s. The legend assures that its name is an abbreviation: "The Brotherhood of the Ingush people." True, the owners of the bank publicly supported a different version: the "Bank of Investments and Innovations." Interestingly, until some time, no one really knew anything about this credit institution. You never know how many such jars were in the era of primitive capital accumulation, then every more or less large businessman started a pocket bank to service his business, and there were more than 2000 banks in the country at that time. Slavneft. Big luck, a ticket to a big banking future. And no one paid much attention to the fact that the owner of Bean just got a job as the president of Slavneft Mikhail Gutseriev...

After that, Binbank acquired a federal scale and quietly developed until it suddenly went into rapid growth. Moreover, “growth” is not just a suitable word, Bean became a sanatorium for the banks of the Rost group, having received about 35 billion rubles from the Deposit Insurance Agency for this. And soon the bank made a new acquisition, buying MDM, according to some estimates, it cost Shishkhanov and his uncle Gutseriev 17 billion rubles. There was another interesting deal: in the midst of the Ukrainian events, the family got Moskomprivatbank, the daughter of the bank of a Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky. The owners of Bean almost did not hide the fact that it was more of a political move, counting on the loyalty of the authorities. In general, they insured themselves and began to grow a banking monster with assets of a trillion rubles at a frantic pace. Which, by the way, judging by customer reviews, did not particularly affect the quality of service, rather the opposite: a huge queue at the branch for Binbank has become the norm. And what about the recent story of a client from St. Petersburg, who, in the absence of people in the branch, sat in an electronic queue for about an hour ... These, of course, are trifles compared to the global changes in the life of the bank, but life, as you know, consists of trifles.

Your money is our money

The passion of shareholders for gigantism is only one of the reasons for the collapse of Binbank. The main one lies in their other passion: to buy everything that can be bought. First of all, luxurious Moscow real estate - all sorts of Nationals, Marriotts and other Hiltons. This fun is expensive, you need to get money for it somewhere. But after all, the Safmar group has pension funds where the future pensions of Russians are stored. An excellent source for investment. Businessmen, that today they will take this “long” money, and then they will earn and return it with interest. But either their abilities turned out to be not so brilliant, or we have such time now, but they could not return the money. Or maybe they didn’t have time, because since this year the Central Bank has tightened the requirements for investing pension money and a huge financial hole had to be urgently plugged. It was necessary either to quickly sell their property, or to take money from their own bank. Of course, the second option was chosen.

And as the media recently reported with reference to a letter from the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Dmitry Tulin, Binbank lent more than 700 billion rubles to the third-party business of its shareholders. A beautiful figure, and the fact that it is 700% of the bank's own capital adds a special beauty to it. There is no question of any banking standards here, everything is violated so that there is nowhere else to go. However, there is nothing to be surprised. It is known that according to the established tradition, Russian bankers consider client money to be their own and take it when they need it and in the amount they see fit. As for giving back - see above, it looks like no one is going to give anything away. This seems to have become exclusively a matter for the regulator. He, of course, wrote off the shareholders' deposits, but as already mentioned, these are only billions of rubles, while hundreds of billions have been spent.


It is always believed that if the bank is large, then it cannot be closed, too many people will suffer. That's probably how it is. But why does the state need another huge bank? The Central Bank stated that, most likely, they would merge Bin and Otkritie, which means that another monster will turn out, on which the financial authorities will spend several years and a lot of money. But why not get rid of this “rectal disease” now? Yes, to spend money, return everything to customers, close all debts, write off everything that can be written off painlessly for the economy. But turn the page and move on with your life. But no, the Central Bank is headed by Elvira Nabiullina with some kind of masochism, for several years I watched how money was withdrawn from the largest private banks in the country. And now, with pain in his heart, he forks out and creates a new monster. Is it really not enough Sberbank, VTB (with all its "Post Bank", the former "Bank of Moscow" and so on), Gazprombank and other credit giants with state participation?

True, the regulator optimistically declares that now it will improve these banks and successfully sell them on the market. There are no other comments to this, except for "well, well" and no. What normal businessman would buy a bank now? There is an assumption that the regulator will suffer with its new bank, suffer, and even close it. For there was no market need for it, and there is none. And these banks existed solely to satisfy the ambitions of their shareholders. And, apparently, everyone is now so satisfied that they live their lives calmly and in freedom. And no one ran away. There are two options. Either the shareholders are crystal-clear guys. Either the Motherland appreciates these citizens so much, and these citizens value their Motherland so much that one can turn a blind eye to some of their actions. By the way, Elvira Sakhipzadovna, why not establish some orders personally for them at the same time? Something like the Order of Friendship with the Central Bank.

The reasons for the early transfer of authority were indicated in the text of the order on the official website of Binbank. "In connection with the assignment of the functions of the interim administration of Binbank to the FKBS Management Company, the meeting of the bank's shareholders on December 27, 2017 will not take place," the document said. In accordance with legal norms, during the period of activity of the provisional administration to manage the bank, the powers of the bank's management bodies, as well as the rights of shareholders related to participation in its authorized capital, including the right to convene a general meeting of shareholders, are suspended.

Despite the transfer of management powers, Mikail Shishkhanov continued active cooperation with the regulator. “I am at the bank every day. I want to bring the transfer process without excesses. And until the Central Bank dismisses me, I will work for free,” he said. This decision was primarily due to the desire to complete the sanitation procedure as soon as possible.

Mikail Shishkhanov voluntarily relinquished the bank's subordinated obligations to the owners in the amount of $226 million. Retained earnings of 17.6 billion rubles and share premium of 25.3 billion rubles were also used to cover the losses of Binbank.

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov worked in the structure of Binbank for 24 years. He started as the head of the department for the organization of interbank relations of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank "BIN" in 1994, and already in 1996 he headed the credit organization, becoming chairman of the board and president.

The recovery of Binbank through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund was launched on September 21, 2017. In March 2018, the bank was recapitalized and the Central Bank decided to merge with FC Otkritie into a single credit institution. Over this time Mikail Shishkhanov transferred a significant part of its non-banking assets, including shares of Inteko and A101 Development with a total value of 70 billion rubles.

Thanks to the cooperation of the former administration headed by Mikail Shishkhanov with representatives of the Central Bank regulator, the entire process was completed in five months instead of the planned eight.

Personal involvement Mikaila Shishkhanova allowed the bank to show profit even in the course of recovery. So, in the 4th quarter of 2017, Binbank received 30.9 rubles. profit, and in the first quarter of 2018 - 62.1 billion rubles. arrived. This allows us to recognize the reorganization of Binbank as the most successful in the entire banking history of Russia. Thanks to the efforts of Mikail Shishkhanov and his cooperation with the Central Bank and the provisional administration, the bank was able to take 12th place in terms of assets among Russian banks (960.8 billion rubles), maintaining the same position that it had before the start of the recovery procedure.

Binbank again entered the TOP banks of Russia in terms of assets and took 12th place. Their size reached 960.83 billion rubles. Thanks to the efforts Mikaila Shishkhanova and the desire to cooperate with the regulator, Binbank became the most profitable bank in the history of the bank being rehabilitated Russian Federation. So, according to the results of the 4th quarter of 2017, Binbank received 30.9 billion rubles, and at the beginning of 2018, after tax, the profit amounted to 62.1 billion rubles.

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov- Russian businessman and financier.

He is also a co-owner of large real estate assets, in particular, he owns CJSC INTECO and CJSC Patriot (the total stake is 95%), PJSC Mospromstroy, the A101 urban development project in New Moscow. For 2016, he has a fortune of $ 1.6 billion and ranks 46th in the Russian rating of Forbes magazine.


Born on August 6, 1972 in the city of Grozny, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1995, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, and in 2000 from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1998 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, and in 2002 - doctor of economic sciences. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

For 2016, he has a fortune of $ 1.6 billion and ranks 46th in the Russian rating of Forbes magazine.

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An excerpt characterizing Shishkhanov, Mikail Osmanovich

Pierre did not answer, because he did not hear or see anything. He had been thinking at the last station and still kept thinking about the same thing - about such an important thing that he did not pay any attention to what was going on around him. He was not only not interested in the fact that he would arrive later or earlier in Petersburg, or whether he would or would not have a place to rest at this station, but all the same, in comparison with the thoughts that occupied him now, whether he would stay for a few hours or a lifetime at that station.
The caretaker, caretaker, valet, a woman with Torzhkov sewing came into the room, offering their services. Pierre, without changing his position of his raised legs, looked at them through his glasses, and did not understand what they might need and how they could all live without resolving the issues that occupied him. And he was occupied with the same questions from the very day he returned from Sokolniki after the duel and spent the first, painful, sleepless night; only now, in the solitude of the journey, they took possession of it with particular force. Whatever he began to think about, he returned to the same questions that he could not solve, and could not stop asking himself. It was as if the main screw on which his whole life rested was curled up in his head. The screw did not go further in, did not go out, but spun, without grabbing anything, all on the same groove, and it was impossible to stop turning it.
The superintendent entered and humbly began to ask his excellency to wait only two hours, after which he would give courier for his excellency (what will be, will be). The caretaker obviously lied and only wanted to get extra money from the traveler. “Was it bad or good?” Pierre asked himself. “It’s good for me, it’s bad for another passing by, but it’s inevitable for him, because he has nothing to eat: he said that an officer beat him up for this. And the officer nailed him because he had to go sooner. And I shot Dolokhov because I considered myself insulted, and Louis XVI was executed because he was considered a criminal, and a year later those who executed him were killed, also for something. What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I? What is life, what is death? What power governs everything?” he asked himself. And there was no answer to any of these questions, except for one, not a logical answer, not at all to these questions. This answer was: “If you die, everything will end. You will die and you will know everything, or you will stop asking.” But it was also scary to die.
The Torzhkovskaya tradeswoman offered her goods in a shrill voice, and especially goat shoes. “I have hundreds of rubles, which I have nowhere to put, and she stands in a torn fur coat and looks timidly at me,” thought Pierre. And why do we need this money? Precisely for one hair, this money can add to her happiness, peace of mind? Can anything in the world make her and me less subject to evil and death? Death, which will end everything and which must come today or tomorrow - all the same in a moment, in comparison with eternity. And he again pressed the screw, which was not grasping anything, and the screw was still spinning in the same place.
His servant handed him a book of the novel, cut in half, in letters m me Suza. [Madame Susa.] He began to read about the suffering and virtuous struggle of some Amelie de Mansfeld. [to Amalia Mansfeld.] And why did she fight her seducer, he thought, when she loved him? God could not put into her soul aspirations contrary to His will. My ex-wife didn't fight and maybe she was right. Nothing has been found, Pierre told himself again, nothing has been invented. We can only know that we know nothing. And this highest degree human wisdom."
Everything in him and around him seemed to him confused, meaningless and disgusting. But in this very disgust for everything around him, Pierre found a kind of annoying pleasure.
“I dare to ask Your Excellency to make room for a little one, here for them,” said the caretaker, entering the room and leading another, who was stopped for lack of horses, passing by. The passer-by was a squat, broad-boned, yellow, wrinkled old man with overhanging gray eyebrows over shining, indefinite grayish eyes.
Pierre took his feet off the table, got up and lay down on the bed prepared for him, occasionally glancing at the newcomer, who, with a gloomy tired look, without looking at Pierre, was heavily undressing with the help of a servant. Left in a shabby, covered sheepskin coat and felted boots on thin, bony legs, the traveler sat down on the sofa, leaning his very large and wide at the temples, short-cropped head against the back and looked at Bezukhy. The strict, intelligent and penetrating expression of this look struck Pierre. He wanted to speak to the traveler, but when he was about to turn to him with a question about the road, the traveler had already closed his eyes and folded his wrinkled old hands, on the finger of one of which was a large cast-iron ring with the image of Adam's head, sat motionless, or resting, or about something thoughtfully and calmly thinking, as it seemed to Pierre. The passerby's servant was all covered with wrinkles, also a yellow old man, without a mustache and beard, which apparently had not been shaved off, and had never grown with him. The agile old servant was dismantling the cellar, preparing a tea table, and brought a boiling samovar. When everything was ready, the traveler opened his eyes, moved closer to the table and poured himself one glass of tea, poured another for the beardless old man and served it to him. Pierre began to feel anxiety and the need, and even the inevitability of entering into a conversation with this traveler.

For more than two decades, the biography of Mikail Shishkhanov has been inextricably linked with financial activities, and more specifically, with Binbank. Family ties played an important role in the life and career of a billionaire. However, this hardworking businessman, constantly striving for new heights, achieved most of the success himself. Big money did not spoil Mikail Osmanovich at all. He is known as a kind optimist, always ready to help with advice and deed.

Mikail is one of the supreme angels representing the inner circle of Allah. It was this name that a mother chose for her child when, on August 6, 1972, a boy was born in an Ingush family living in Grozny.

Not much is known about the early years of the banking tycoon. They fell on the difficult times of the Chechen-Ingush conflicts, which often ended in bloodshed. And yet the troubles of the wars passed Mikail.

As a child, like most of his peers, he painted his future in simple colors. His dream was medicine, the path to which he began to pursue after graduation from school. However, having settled in ambulance”as a nurse and having attended several operations, the young man realized that a doctor is not his path, and you can help people in other ways. From that moment on, the life of Mikail Osmanovich is closely intertwined with the activities of his uncle, Mikhail Gutseriev.


One gets the impression that an influential relative accurately identified in Mikail the makings of a financier and helped the young man enter the prestigious Russian Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba. Here, for five years, Mikail learned the basics of economics and law.

During the educational process, Mikail Shishkhanov honed the knowledge he gained in the practice provided to him by his uncle, who by that time owned a bank. In 1993, the newly minted bachelor briefly left the walls of the alma mater to return here again, but already for the title of master, which he received in 1995.

After 3 years, Mikail Osmanovich successfully defends his dissertation and becomes a candidate of legal sciences, and in 2000 his banker's knowledge bank is replenished with a diploma from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2002, Mikail Shishkhanov became a doctor of economic sciences and since that time has been a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Career and business of Mikail Shishkhanov

Shishkhanov began his promotion to the heights of the financial business back in 1992, when he studied at the university. He received his first practical experience in his biography as an ordinary financier serving in BIN LLP, founded by Mikhail Gutseriev.

After graduating from the university, the career of a young specialist rapidly flew up. In many ways, his uncle helped him, to whom Mikail could always turn for advice, but otherwise the future oligarch relied on his knowledge and passion for his favorite business.

Since 1993, Shishkhanov began to head the Industrial and Financial Company BIN, and a year later, a position opened in front of the financier in the coveted bank Bin.

Before becoming vice president of this organization, Mikail Osmanovich managed to be the head of the department for organizing interbank relations, and also replaced the head of the board.

In 1996, Mikail Shishkhanov reached the top of the career ladder, becoming president and heading the board of Binbank, where he was destined to remain until 2017. Parallel to main job in 2015, Shishkhanov took over as chairman of the board of MDM Bank.

As an experienced banker and specialist in financial transactions, Shishkhanov actively bought shares in the most profitable organizations. Thus, he became a co-owner of the Dekmos development company, which controls the Moscow Hotel. His partners in this case were Arkady Rottenberg and Suleiman Kerimov.

In addition, among the successful and profitable acquisitions of Mikail Shishkhanov, one can consider the assets of non-state pension funds "European", "Doverie" and "Regionfond". Here, Said and Sait-Salam Gutseriev became Mikail Osmanovich's companions.

In 2016, under the license of MDM Bank, Binbank and Binbank Murmansk were attached to it. The united financial institution was named "Binbank". Mikail Shishkhanov again became its president and head of the board.

At the end of spring 2017, official sources of Binbank posted information regarding the departure of Mikail Shishkhanov from his post. This was explained by the fact that the banker goes to work in the Safmar industrial and financial group, where he was given the position of deputy board of directors. It was also reported that in his new post he would be in charge of the financial and foreign economic activities of the organization.

The new duties of Shishkhanov were to be supplemented by the establishment of partnerships with funds from European, Arab and Asian countries. Subsidiaries fell under the supervision of Mikail Osmanovich:

  • "M Video";
  • "Technosila";
  • "El Dorado";
  • Europlan.

In addition, the businessman had to control the insurance business represented by VSK and IT technologies.

In September 2017, it was announced that by decision of the board of directors of Binbank, Mikail Shishkhanov was again elected chairman of this financial organization.

But as of December 2017, the activities of the bank's management bodies were suspended.

State of Mikail Shishkhanov

Mikail Shishkhanov began to increase his wealth while still a student and by now he is consistently among the 200 richest people in Russia. His main capital is contained in the shares of Binbank, where the oligarch owns a controlling stake exceeding 60%. In addition, the banker owns a 15% stake in the Neftis oil and gas holding, 15% of the Eldorado retail chain, and almost completely controls the Inteko development company.

Growth dynamics of the banker's fortune by Forbes versions(year - $, billion / place in the Russian rating):

  • 2012 – 0,55/179;
  • 2013 – 0,75/142;
  • 2014 – 0,7/155;
  • 2015 – 0,65/139;
  • 2016 – 1,6/46;
  • 2017 – 2,3/44.

Private life of Mikail Shishkhanov

Mikail Shishkhanov is not only an excellent financier, but also a happy family man.

The billionaire is married to Svetlana from Odessa. This amazing woman gave her husband three daughters and a son. Due to the heavy workload of Mikaila, the main concern for the children fell on her shoulders. And now, having become a businesswoman, she copes with it perfectly. Fascinated by fashion, Svetlana opened her own business and is now actively involved in the showroom.

Shishkhanov's wife is an excellent hostess, and the kitchen is her weakness. Considering herself a specialist in Ukrainian dishes, she dreams of getting Russians to know them better, and today she is working on a project to open a restaurant where Ukrainian cuisine will be presented.

The eldest daughter of a banker, who has stepped over the age of twenty, is called Nicole. The girl is educated in the UK, at Benenden School. The billionaire heiress sees her future in marketing and is confidently moving towards achieving her goal. An example of this is a recent practice in the United States.

From hobbies Nicole Shishkhanova prefers diving. She can often be seen at secular parties, usually accompanied by Mikail Osmanovich or other family members. At the same time, Nicole is very modest and is in no hurry to find a mate, because she sees the ideal of a man in her father.

According to Mikail Osmanovich, he attributes the small time that he devotes to his family to his main shortcomings, and the reason for this is tireless work.

At the same time, the oligarch speaks of his loved ones with incredible warmth and does everything to ensure that they are provided with everything.

As a professional, the billionaire is a member of the Moscow Banking Union, where he takes an active part. In 2008, Mikail Shishkhanov was recognized as the best banker of the year, and in 2009 he was awarded the highest award of the Association of Russian Banks. In 2015, Mikail Osmanovich was awarded two honorary titles at once - "Charisma in Business" and "Name in Business".

Shishkhanov's activities and services to the state were awarded a gold star "For Loyalty to Russia", and the Congress of Russian Mothers awarded Mikail Osmanovich a diploma of a patron of the arts.

The merits of the oligarch include literary talent. Mikail Shishkhanov has written several books and numerous articles, as well as two monographs on economic and legal topics.

The main hobbies in the biography of Mikail Shishkhanov include boxing, which he has been doing for a long time. Of the quieter hobbies, the banker prefers chess. In his free time, which falls out infrequently, a businessman likes to read or watch the next intellectual program. It should be noted that his "Binbank" for some time sponsored the famous program "What? Where? When?".

Mikail Shishkhanov today

After the reorganization of Binbank, Mikail Shishkhanov moved away from banking and, according to the latest data, switched to the agricultural sector. In the early summer of 2018, the former banker acquired Russia's largest agricultural holding Healthy Farm, which specializes in poultry, pork, as well as products and semi-finished products based on them.

For the past two years, the first line in the ranking of the richest families in Russia has been occupied by the clan of Mikhail Gutseriev. Two brothers and their nephew Mikail Shishkhanov during this time were able to increase their fortune from $ 3.8 to almost $ 10 billion. Moreover, the youngest in the family last year became a dollar billionaire for the first time. To do this, it took him a quarter of a century, the advice of an uncle, two higher educations, the courage to take on any business that promised profit and the absence of political ambitions.

Gift for the ruble

The well-known banker Mikail Shishkhanov today not only gives financial and economic forecasts on the pages of leading Russian newspapers, but also surprises with the activity of transactions in various fields. And despite the fact that not only non-banking assets have long been in the field of activity of the dollar billionaire, but not many are ready to take risks at the time of the global economic downturn. True, the businessman has his reliable frame - Binbank, from which it all began. And for him, he remains a favorite brainchild.

Although he did not think about the career of a banker at all: from an early age he tried on a white coat, even worked as a nurse. But when he was in the operating room, he realized that this was not for him. Fate had prepared for him other operations and of a completely different kind.

By this time, the Soviet planned economy had collapsed under the onslaught of market reforms, and huge prospects were opening up for enterprising people. It was necessary to have time to find a business that would open up new opportunities for growth. In 1988, his uncle Mikhail Gutseriev was one of the first to create a private bank and a joint venture with the Italians for the production of furniture in the then Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since that time, the clan's ascent to the heights of success begins.

“My uncle, Mikhail Gutseriev, the founder of Binbank, was my first teacher in business, I can always count on his support,” Shishkhanov admits in an interview.

The dashing 90s became a turning point for the country called the USSR, and Gutseriev was not calm in his small homeland. In 1992, he moved to Moscow and founded the financial and industrial company BIN (Bank of Investments and Innovations). He entrusted Mikail Shishkhanov, a 20-year-old student of the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples' Friendship University, with becoming the commercial director. A year later, he is a bachelor and goes on promotion - he receives the position of general director of the newly-minted PFC "BIN" (CJSC).

Since then, he has been rapidly moving up, managing to continue his studies in the magistracy and grow his business. He will meet the new year 1996 already in the chair of the president of Binbank and head the board.

An interview will be published in Delovoy Kvartal in 2014, where the successful banker Shishkhanov will talk about how in the 90s every private bank belonged to some big businessman. He will remember that in 1993 payments took months, and any profit from a serious business was eaten up by exchange rate differences. He went through the stages of formation together with the banking system and learned to survive.

Today Binbank is in the top thirty. The number of offices exceeded five hundred, in terms of deposits individuals he came in eighth place and twelfth in terms of assets. And as of July 1, 2016, according to RAS, they amounted to 741.3 billion rubles. Thanks to the fact that MDM Bank will join Binbank, this figure will grow to more than a trillion rubles.

Gold helped Binbank survive the 1998 crisis. A successful investment in ingots helped to survive a difficult time for the country and business, so that the vault was filled to overflowing with them. They were enough for liquidity.

It was after this crisis that Uncle Mikhail Gutseriev appreciated the business acumen of his nephew and ordered him to own a bank, selling his offspring for just ... for one ruble. He did not hide the fact that it was a nominal sale of "his own child in safe hands."

The year 1998 was significant for Shishkhanov for one more reason: he

defended his thesis, revealing in it the interaction between the main bank of the country and commercial financial structures.

Despite the difficult times, he continued to combine business with education. At the turn of the century, he graduated from the Financial Academy and a couple of years later he defended his doctoral dissertation.

“My uncle of the most honest rules…”

It was hard to imagine that his respected uncle would be carried away by politics, and even more fantastic was the path in which she would lead him.

Mikhail Gutseriev did not deny himself the pleasure of actively spending some time in the State Duma of the Russian Federation as a deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party and not just a simple speaker, but a vice speaker. Political activity in those days attracted more than one Gutseriev like moths to the light, who also did not manage to avoid the fate of "disgraced oligarchs." He converted political weight into a public position: Gutseriev did not refuse a tempting offer to head the oil state company Slavneft.

Although he managed it for only two years, he achieved good success, increasing production by 20 percent. It was not the main task. By 2000, he had to prepare the company for privatization. Those who wanted to buy out an appetizing asset almost tore it into many small pieces then: the war of compromising evidence, mask shows - that was all that accompanied the privatization of a big jackpot in those days. Slavneft President Gutseriev resisted, but still had to leave. And this time for the clan will be another turning point: having sat down on the oil needle, Gutseriev can no longer imagine a different life.

Already in the autumn of 2002, he will create his own company "Russneft" with the only enterprise "Varioganneft". Later, several small oil-producing assets were acquired. Oil money has saved Binbank more than once.

For example, in 2004, a rather difficult situation arose with the introduction of insurance deposits, when a substantial amount of money left the bank in a short time. Mikail Shishkhanov admits that it was then that he really understood how important family support is. In an interview with RBC, he himself spoke about this time: how he came to Gutseriev and asked for money. They appeared on the same day, because the oilmen had them. The principle of the clan - to use financial opportunities within the group - worked.

During the year, the oil company acquired a number of mining enterprises and a processing plant. But the business was dealt a blow from where they did not expect. In 2007, Gutseriev is accused of tax evasion, fraud and put on the federal wanted list. He sells a tidbit of oil for $3 billion and emigrate.

Maybe it was these events that caused not very successful decisions. He calls it a mistake to invest in the most expensive information technology that will not benefit the business. But the most unexpected was the decision to sell his stake in Binbank (99 percent of the shares).

Newspapers wrote that the story with Gutseriev did not affect the liquidity of the asset in any way, Shishkhanov allegedly decided to go into construction and real estate: he has several interesting projects. But soon he again gave the press a reason to talk about himself.

Many years later, he told reporters about this impulse of his, how he received a billion dollars by selling the bank, and was proud of himself. At the age of 35, easy money appeared that went to buy cars, then they ceased to interest him and soon he returned to the bank.

At this very time, the country's financial system is again in crisis. Banks are experiencing unrest and fluctuations, but Binbank does not seem to notice anything, it does not storm at all, moreover, new offices are opening and the geography of presence is expanding. According to Mikail Shishkhanov, there was not a year in his practice that he did not develop new markets.

While the uncle was in temporary exile, the nephew realized one more thing: the established banking model - to attract financial resources and lend to large corporate clients - was outdated. And he makes another important decision for himself: to leave the presidency and go on a trip. He visited many countries, studied the experience of his colleagues, evaluated various models and decided which way to go.

In the spring of 2010, a “thaw” came against Gutseriev: all charges were dropped from him, and he decides to return to his homeland. In his comments on this case, he said that he did not know the reasons for favor. After three years of exile in London, he creates a company that has become one of the largest. But first, he buys out his RussNeft.

By 2015, production amounted to more than seven million tons of oil, profit - more than a hundred billion rubles.

The family owns 54% of the shares, 15% of which are owned by Mikail Shishkhanov.

The oil piece is the main dish of the BIN family asset. It was created a quarter of a century ago, but works under a different name: SAFMAR. In addition to RussNeft, Neftisa, Russian Coal, and Slavkali are under management. The total weight of this portfolio is almost 20 million tons of oil and three billion cubic meters of gas. Geography - fifty enterprises in many regions of the country and the CIS. It manages large assets in such areas as office real estate, hotels, warehouses.

The business has grown by leaps and bounds - it is a financial and industrial conglomerate. Mikail Shishkhanov is responsible for Binbank, BIN Insurance insurance company, Europlan leasing company, five pension funds and impressive real estate areas.

With journalists, he shared the secrets of the family business, a close connection not only due to kinship, but also shares in various companies. His area of ​​interest is property management.

The family "pot" boils tirelessly. Business circles are perplexed: where does such zeal come from, and most importantly money, because, as businessmen's competitors gossip, for more than 10 years the clan has been acquiring assets worth $1 billion annually. This year, the FAS already has a petition to buy

New projects are not overloaded yet, Mikail Shishkhanov has no intentions to say goodbye to Binbank. In particular, in his interview in the media, he said that if he becomes a brake on development, he will make a difficult decision for himself. While he feels his need and sees optimistic prospects.

The main projects of Mikail Shishkhanov are focused on:

  • in the financial sector - "Binbank", "Bashinvestbank", PFC "BIN" and
  • in construction - "Dekmos", "Inteko", "Patriot".

Nothing personal

The President and Chairman of the Board of PJSC Binbank is a public person. He is ready to talk about business and the economy, markets and loans, and has repeatedly noted that all the bank's specialists are ready to answer any questions related to work. Assures him that mobile phone"Half the journalists who write about finance have it." But he keeps his personal life behind seven seals. It is recognized that work eats up all his time.

He says that he dreams of raising children so that his loved ones are healthy. In the Caucasus, where he grew up, families are strong. Shishkhanov is a father of many children. He is raising three daughters and a son. Nicole is almost 20 years old, she loves balls and lately she can be seen at the social Tatler party.

On the website of the event, they write about Nicole Shishkhanova that she is getting an education in England, she is going to comprehend marketing, but already in America, she had an internship with the marketers of her father's bank. He listens to the advice of his mother, because "she knows how to change images." The girl is fond of diving, and the husband must combine such character traits of his father as intelligence, courage and kindness. A good, educated girl.

Last year, Mikail Shishkhanov, along with his wife Svetlana, daughter Nicole and the younger Angelina, appeared at the ball. But that seemed to be the only time.

But Svetlana Shishkhanova is a frequent guest in the gossip column: reporters call her an optimistic Odessa resident, a caring mother of many children. She often visits Los Angeles, London and Moscow. Secular photographers filmed her at the opening of the Chanel boutique, at the Naked Hearts ball in Barvikha and other events.

The businesswoman is passionate about the fashion industry, owns a showroom where she sells European brands of children's clothing and is thinking of developing other similar areas. Svetlana was born in Odessa, according to her, she really likes this cuisine, which is so lacking in the capital, so she opened a restaurant with a partner from among her relatives. She has enough for everything: her main concern is home and children, relatives and friends.

Her motto, which she always follows, is "Go ahead and fear nothing." Her husband, who in 2016 is worth $1.6 billion and ranked 46th in the Russian Forbes rating, could say exactly the same.