Compound noun. Rules for fused and hyphenated spelling of compound nouns


II. Nouns

§ 78. Written together:

1. Compound nouns formed with connecting vowels, as well as all formations with aero-, air-, auto-, moto-, bicycle-, cinema-, photo-, stereo-, meteo-, electro-, hydro-, agro-, zoo-, bio-, micro-, macro-, neo-, for example: plumbing, farmer, flax harvesting, steam locomotive repair, airport, aircraft carrier, rally, motorcycle race, velodrome, filmmaker, photo reportage, stereotube, weather report, electric motor, hydraulic structures, agricultural engineering, livestock specialist, biostation, microreduction, macroworld, neolamarckism, bike racing, aerial photography.

For hyphenated nouns formed with connecting vowels, see § 79, paras. 3, 4.

2. Names of cities, second integral part which is -grad or -city , for example: Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Belgorod, Uzhgorod, Ivangorod.

15. Graphic abbreviations of nouns, consisting of the beginning and end of a word, for example: island(society), dr(doctor), t-in(partnership), b-ka(library).

16. A hyphen is written after the first part of a compound noun when two compound nouns are combined with the same second part, if this common part is omitted in the first of the nouns, for example: ball and roller bearings(instead of ball bearings and roller bearings), steam, electric and diesel locomotives(instead of locomotives, electric locomotives and diesel locomotives), party and trade union organizations, north- and south-east.

The spelling of compound nouns and especially adjectives is one of the tense points of modern orthography. This guide in this matter is based on the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation of 1956", as well as on the normative "Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language". There is a slightly different approach to writing these words, for example, in the book “Together or Separate?” (experience of the reference dictionary) B.3. Bukchina and L.P. Kalakutskaya (see appendix at the end of the book).

Consolidated spelling

1. Complex nouns are written together with elements of auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, iso-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro- , mono-, moto-, neo-, paleo-, radio-, stereo-, tele-, photo-, electro-, etc. regardless of the number of named elements or other words in the stem. For example: car business, automotobicycle racing, agricultural technology, snowmobiles, biostation, cycling, heliotherapy, geobotany, hydromechanics, hydropower resources, zoo veterinary station, zoohygiene, isophoto reportage, film script, macroworld, weather report, microradio waves, monoculture, motor parts, neopositivism, Paleo-Asians, radio show, stereo cinema, TV movie, combined heat and power plant, thermohydrodynamics, photographic art, electrical wire, electric light therapy facility.

Note 1. When fluctuating between hyphenated and continuous spelling of words of foreign origin, the second is preferred, if in the Russian language the components with their inherent meaning are not distinguished in the word, for example: blitz krieg - blitzkrieg, water machine - water machine, water polo - water polo, gummi- arabic - gum arabic, maitre "o-tel - maitre d', tabld" from - tabldot. Wed also: crepe de chine, fide chine, fildekos, fildepers (two components with a French preposition between them are not distinguished in the words) - crepe georgette, crepe maroquin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon. Or the continuous spelling of inflected words padegras, padekatre, padepatiner, padespan and hyphenated spelling of non-inclined words of the same semantic group pas de deux, pas de trois.

2. Complex nouns are written together with the verb first part on -And, for example: spinner, adonis, dzhimorda, hoarder, daredevil, noise head. Exception: tumbleweed.

3. Compound abbreviated words of all types are written together, for example, state committee, trade union committee, Uralmash, Central Bank.


4. As a rule, complex nouns are written with a hyphen without a connecting vowel, denoting the names of mechanisms, as well as scientific, technical, socio-political terms, for example: automatic stacker, automatic leveler, vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield, etc.), diesel-electric ship, dynamo, cable crane, beam crane, motor generator, stop valve, filter press, syringe machine; chair-bed, raincoat-tent; saw-fish; prime minister, lieutenant general, captain engineer, lord chancellor.

Note 1. Compound words are written together:

  • a) with the first part board-: flight engineer, flight mechanic;
  • b) with the second part -meter: vacuum gauge, dosimeter, millivoltmeter.

Note 2. Words with the first part are written through a hyphen block- And Press-: block apparatus, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system (but notepad, blockhouse); press attache, press secretary, press conference, press center; press cliché, press conveyor, paperweight.

5. Complex units of measurement are written with a hyphen, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule, etc.), kilogram-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day, man-bed.

Exceptions: workday, labor hour.

6. Compound names of political movements, as well as their supporters, are written with a hyphen, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, national socialism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries, social democrats.

7. The names of intermediate countries of the world are written with a hyphen, for example: southeast, northwest, south-southeast.

8. Hyphenated words with foreign language elements vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned, headquarters, ex- in the first part, for example: vice admiral, life guard, chief conductor, non-commissioned officer, staff doctor, ex-champion, ex-deputy prime minister (with two hyphens).

9. Complex plant names are written with a hyphen that have a verb in a personal form or a conjunction, for example: love-don't-love, don't-touch-me, Ivan-da-Marya, mother-and-stepmother.

10. Compound words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with an estimated value is added to the main word, for example: boy-woman, gop-company, unfortunate leader, good boy, miracle fish, cheers-patriotism.

11. Scientific and technical terms are written with a hyphen, which include the names of letters or letters (most often the Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: alpha particle, gamma radiation, x-rays (x-rays), k-particle, pi meson.

12. Adjectives formed from geographical names with hyphenated writing retain a hyphen in their spelling, for example: Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevo - Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Los Angeles - Los Angeles. Puerto Rico is Puerto Rican, and nouns formed from this chain are written together, for example: New York - New York, New Yorkers, Costa Rica - Costa Rican, Costa Ricans, Kurgan-Tube - Kurgan-Tube, Kurgan-Tube . The chain Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan is subject to the same rule.

13. When combined with the help of a union and two or more complex nouns with the same second part, this part can only be given with the last word, and with the preceding words, the so-called hanging hyphen is written instead. For example: gas and electric welding (cf. gas welding and electric welding); water and gas supply; radio and television broadcasts; auto, motorcycle and bicycle races (but in the absence of a union And- continuous spelling, see above, paragraph 1).

1. The complex names of beings are written together

1) with elements of auto-, agro-, aero; bio-, bicycle-, hydro;

zoo-, cinema-, macro-, micro-, meteo; moto, neo: radio,

body; stereo-, photo-, electro-regardless of the number of

the quality of the named elements: tire cover, agricultural

nickname, aerial photography, biosphere, microorganism, meteorological

summary, neo-fascism, radio station, TV show, photo

studio, electric shaver, car and bike racing, hydro-

energy resources;

2) with the first part of the verb in -i: verticek,

daredevil. Exception: tumbleweed;

S) compound words: trade union committee, city council.

2. They are written with a hyphen:

1) complex names of mechanisms, scientific, technical

scientific and socio-political terms: stop-

crane, vacuum dryer, dynamo, raincoat,

major general, prime minister;

2) complex units of measurement: watt-hour. Human

co-day. Exceptions: workday, labor hour;

3) complex names of political parties and

boards, as well as their supporters: the social democrats

tiya. radical socialist;

4) names of intermediate countries of the world: southwest,

northeast, northeast;

5) complex plant names that have in their

composition of the verb in the personal form or union: love-not-

love, ivan-da-marya, coltsfoot;

6) words with foreign elements vice-, leib;

ober; non-commissioned, headquarters; ex-: Vice-President, Life Guards-

Diya, Lieutenant. non-commissioned officer, headquarters,


§ 48. Spelling of compound adjectives

It is written fluently:

nouns that are written together: iron-bearing

ton (reinforced concrete), forest-steppe (forest-steppe);

2) adjectives formed from two words, one

of which is subordinated to another: national economic

(national economy), machine-building (construction

machinery), the above (the above

3) adjectives, the first part of which is -

the adverbs are high; low; acute, little; deep-, chalk-

co-, hard-, forever-: highly educated, low-paid

chivalable, acutely scarce, little used,

easily soluble. These compound words are used

as terms. They must be distinguished from phrases

in which adverbs are a separate member

sentences and have independent stress. On the-

example: underdeveloped countries - underdeveloped in

economic relation of the country.

Adverbs in -ski, -more, -more are written separately from

adjectives: practically pure oxygen,

teasingly black;

4) adjectives formed from two heterogeneous

native adjectives between which it is impossible to

put a coordinating union: High German (Upper

German) dialect, Old Church Slavonic (ancient

Church Slavonic) language, compound

(complex composed) sentence;

5) adjectives, one of the parts of which is self-

not used properly: empty-headed, fast-

Write with a hyphen:

1) adjectives formed from complex su-

nouns that are written with a hyphen: north-

eastern (northeast), social democratic

(Social Democrat), Alma-Ata (Alma-Ata):

2) adjectives formed from two one-

native adjectives, between which you can

put a coordinating union: English-Russian, report-

elective, educational and auxiliary;

3) adjectives denoting a combination of colors

or color with a tint: gray-blue, yellow-red,

pale green, deep purple;

4) adjectives denoting quality with additional

nuance: bitter-salty, good-natured

cunning ^ piercingly sharp;

5) adjectives starting with north- (se-

vero-), south- (south-), east; western and included in

composition of geographical or administrative names

ny: East European Plain. North Ossetian

kaya ASSR. In a nominal sense, these pralaga-

bodies are written together: Eastern European rivers,

decade of North Ossetian art;

6) adjectives formed from two or more

adjectives indicating heterogeneous prizes

naki, which characterize the subject from different angles.

These words are part of the terms: officially-

business style, financial and economic department, compare-

nitelno-historical method. adjectives of this

types often begin with the basis of the military (military

aviation), mass- (mass-sports), on-

native (people's democratic), scientific (scientific)

technical). educational (training and auxiliary);

7) adjectives, the first part of which ends

waetsya on -iko (except for great-): dialectical-material-

leafy. historical and archival (Yao: Great Russian,


8) adjectives formed from a combination of ad-

noun and noun, but with a rearrangement

these elements: literary and artistic (artistic

literary literature), vocabulary and technical (technical

technical dictionary).

It is written fluently:

1. Words with connecting vowels o and e, as well as words with initial elements auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, velo-, hydro-, zoo-, quasi-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro -, moto, neo, pan, pseudo, radio, stereo, television, photo, electro.

For example: reservoir, health care, agriculture, bird-catcher, bus station, agricultural technology, airport, biocurrents, cycling, hydrobiology, livestock specialist, quasi-Marxist, projectionist, macro object, weather report, microworld, motorbot, neo-Darwinism, pan-Germanist, pseudo-Gothic, radio broadcasting, stereo cinema, television, camera, electric welding.


1. The connecting vowel o is written after the bases for a hard consonant, e - after the bases for a consonant soft, hissing and c: plumbing, armored train, pedestrian, heartbeat, etc. However, in some cases, after the final soft bases, a connecting vowel o is also possible: rangefinder (although distant, cf.: Far East), hitching post (although a horse, cf.: horse breeder), bloodthirstiness (although blood, cf.: blood supply), etc .; the spelling of such words is determined by the dictionary.

2. In words with an initial air letter, not a connecting vowel, but the final sound of the abbreviated word aviation: aircraft factory, aircraft carrier, etc.

2. Words without connecting vowels, but with the first part in the initial form: time reckoning, cotyledons, etc.; with the first part, standing in the form of the genitive case: insane, seven days, etc .; with the verbal first part on and: flirtatious, daredevil, etc .; with the first part half- and half-, if the latter does not come before a vowel, consonant l or any capital letter: half a platoon, half a year, half a roll, half a kilometer, etc. (about the hyphenated spelling of words with the element half-; with the second part -grad, - city, -abad, -akan: Kaliningrad, Uzhgorod, Kirovabad, Leninakan, etc.

Exception: tumbleweed.

3. All compound words and abbreviations, for example: city council, district military enlistment office, technical college, TASS.


Letter abbreviations connected with numbers are written with a hyphen: TB-3, TU-104, etc.

Write with a hyphen!

1. Compound nouns without connecting vowels, which are socio-political, scientific, technical and other terms, including words with initial foreign language elements vice-, chamber-, life-, ober-, state-, unter-, franco-, headquarters and staff-, ex-.

For example: anarcho-syndicalism, prime minister, press attaché, vacuum pump, gram-molecule, man-day, viceroy, footman, life doctor, chief quartermaster, secretary of state, non-commissioned officer, ex-warehouse, headquarters, staff captain, ex-chairman.

Exceptions: workday, labor hour.


1. Words are written together with the first part of the board-, with the second part - the meter: flight attendant, vacuum gauge, etc.

2. Articles and particles in foreign personal names are written, as a rule, separately (and with a lowercase letter), for example: Don Basilio, Ludwigvan Beethoven, de Broglie, le Chapelier, von Schonehausen. Through a hyphen (and with a capital letter), these elements are written in cases where names are not used without them, for example: Don Quixote, Van Gogh.

2. Geographical names made up of two nouns or a noun and an adjective, for example: Alsace-Lorraine, Mogilev-Podolsky.


Complex geographical names, which are by origin the names, patronymics and surnames of people, as well as names formed from adjectives and nouns, are written separately: the stations Erofei Pavlovich and Lev Tolstoy, the city of Golaya Pristan, etc.

3. Words formed with the help of a particle, conjunction or preposition, for example: love-not-love, don't-touch-me, Ivan-da-Marya, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Frankfurt am Main.


Through a hyphen, foreign names are also written, formed with the help of particles Le-, La-, Los-, San-, etc., for example: Le Port, La Rochelle, Los Banos, San Marino.

4. Double Russian and foreign-language surnames, for example: Sholokhov-Sinyavsky, Joliot-Curie.


Foreign surnames are written through a hyphen, formed with the help of particles -bey, -zade, Ibn-, -pasha, Sen-, Saint-, etc., for example: Izmail-bey, Tursunzade, Ibn-Sina, Osman-pasha, Sen -Just, Sainte-Bev.

5. Complex formations, in which a word with an estimated value is attached to the word being defined, for example: boy-woman, good boy.

6. Compound words with the initial part half-, if it is followed by a vowel, consonant l or a capital letter, for example: half a cucumber, half a spoon, half a Kyiv.

7. Complex names of geographical directions (intermediate countries of the world), for example: northwest, southeast, northeast, southwest.

Exercise 152. Form complex nouns from the given phrases, indicate what determines the choice of a particular connecting vowel. Check the spelling of the formed words in the dictionary and explain under what bases the connectives o and v can be used.

To drive regiments, to drive deer, to carry bombs, to carry wood, to eat leather, to dig potatoes, to dig earth, to mow hay, to heal with water, to cure with mud, to catch birds, to catch mice, to wear a crown, to wear letters, to plow the earth, to write fables, to conduct gas , store vegetables; cook porridge, cook steel; crush stone, break stone; blood circulation; to sing songs.

Exercise 153. Write out from the spelling dictionary 1-3 complex nouns with initial elements auto-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, hydro-, zoo-, quasi-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, moto-, neo -, pan-, pseudo-, radio-, stereo-, tele-, photo-, electro-.

Exercise 154. Write out from the spelling dictionary the words with the initial air-.

Exercise 155. Write out from the spelling dictionary the words with the initial semi- and semi-.

Exercise 156. Write out 1-3 words from the spelling dictionary with the initial elements of vice-, camera-, life-, ober-, stats-, non-commissioned, headquarters, ex-.

Exercise 157. Write out 1-3 words from the spelling dictionary with the prefixes anti-, archi-, ipfra-, counter-, super-, ultra-, extra-.

Exercise 158. Write out from the spelling dictionary the names of geographical directions that begin with the elements north-, south-, south-, north-.

Exercise 159.

Motor transport, airmail, aeroflot, turntable, pastime, orphanage, bunker, housewife, excavator, quasi-scholarship, film, Kirovakan, root crop, lekpom, Lengaz, Leningrad, macrostructure, meteorological service, aviation meteorological service, microrelief, Mosselmash, neoromantic, NIIS, vegetable store, half a bucket, half a megra, half a garden, a semicircle, a half turn, pseudoacids, fiftieth anniversary, village council, haymaking, hoarders, overalls, stereoscope, crazy, telephoto lens, motor ship, labor day, photojournalist, electric player, electric light and hydrotherapy clinic.

Exercise 160. Explain the spelling of compound nouns.

Alpha rays, Belaya Tserkov, Baudouin de Courtenay, flight mechanic, vacuum dryer, Vsevolod the Third Big Nest, lieutenant general, gop company, Gus-Khrustalny, di Vittorio, diesel engine, Don Juan, quixoticism, don juanism, don Pedro, southwest, reading room, Ilya Muromets, chamberlain, rear admiral, counteroffensive, Leonardo da Vinci, coltsfoot, Moscow-Tovarnaya, chief master, tumbleweed, half an arshin, half-inch, half-America, half-tape, half-minute, half-China, press bureau, paperweight, Rostov-on-Don, Saint-San, Sergeev-Tsensky, dust jacket, non-commissioned officer, von der Goltz, Friuli Venezia Giulia (region), human-dose, philanthropy, miracle fish, ex-champion, Yasnaya Polyana.

Exercise 161 Rewrite with missing letters. Write nouns with connecting vowels in one column, without connecting vowels - in another.

1. I am standing near the handrail of a staircase that runs steeply down, I watch how steam ... wagons jump, and I see there, in the distance, blue as paper, the sea and a sail cut obliquely, as if pasted. And suddenly the mother's voice bursts into this half-sleep. (Andreev) 2. The sudden madness ... the procession of Dubrovsky had a strong effect on his imagination and poisoned his triumph. (P.) 3. Skripkin entered the bread ... plant. (Gin) 4. Can thousands of gas furnaces be compared with at least one rocket equipped with a nuclear warhead? (Gin.) 5. “Well, what are you talking about, unfortunate penny ... love!” Grandpa got angry. (Stelm.) 6. In America, one person is spent on the production of a centner of grain ... an hour of working time. (Ev.) 7. Arriving home, Varya turned on the electric ... -tile .. (Ev.) 8. It’s bad, we don’t have roots ... fruits. (Iv.) 9. Our floor is ready, and there these vert ... tail. (Iv.) 10. Three years ago, on his fifth ... ten ... anniversary, Artamonov received the Order of Lenin. (Koch.) 11. Life in Vysok ... mountain was in full swing, about high ... highlanders every now and then wrote in the newspapers; in illustrated magazines now and then flickered photos ... pictures from the High ... mountains. Keen ... these people took possession of the screens even more firmly - either the animals ... of the water in front of you, then the masters of corn, then the birds ... of the water, then ... the activity itself. (Koch.)

Exercise 162. Rewrite, opening brackets and putting a hyphen where necessary.

1. The day before, a group of virgin lands returned from (timber) harvesting. (Iv.) 2. The duty of the “mechanized shepherd” is to look after the milking equipment, move the (electric) fences. (Iv.) 3. There, among the antique furniture, lives Vyacheslav Vinokurov, who, as you, of course, remember, was the artistic director of our theater and who has now become the (vice) burgomaster of the city. (Field) 4. Having surveyed them, a visiting person could immediately get a complete picture of how the local people live: “(Plant) grain”, “(Plant) flax”, “(Union) fruit”, “(Plant) fur ". (Combat.) 5. The arrows indicated: “Reading room”, “(Cinema) hall”, “Cabinet of (junior) NATO”. (Combat.) 6. Public utilities are urban transport, systems of (water) supply, sewerage and (storm) drains, networks of (heating) fication, (bath) laundry trusts and hotels. (Zalyg.) 7. (Franco) cutting area - seven rubles. Seven and a half. What about delivery? Roads in the mountains - what kind of roads? Only googling. And to get there by a tug, a living tax, to load there, to come from there, unload - a (man) day and a (horse) day. Total - forty-three rubles. Direct. Plus, care for the horses, the salary of the grooms - once. (Hay) blanks - two. (Special) clothing - three. (Zalyg.) 8. The day came when Lydia finished work in the giant (house) being completed, which looked like a small city with its own (electro) substation, (cinema) theater, general store, fashion studio. (Sh.-S.) 9. Swarms of crimson (fireflies) signals of (auto) cars flew up and down Kutuzovsky Prospekt. (Sh.-S.) 10. It was necessary to go through long corridors and halls filled with various things - refrigerators, washing machines, (dust)suckers, (radios, (TVs. (Sh.-S.)

Open Lesson Plan

1. Full name teacher: Faizova Lyuziya Ramazanovna 2. Group: № 7 3. Item: Russian language

4. Theme of the lesson 31-32: “ Spelling of compound nouns. Spelling of noun suffixes. Adjective." (Section 6. Morphology and spelling)

5. Type of lesson: iterative-generalizing 6. Goals:

    Summarize theoretical information and consolidate practical skills on the topic, achieve conscious spelling of words with these spellings, consolidate the skills of analytical work with the word;

2. Develop memory, speech, logical thinking, self-control skills.

3. To cultivate a careful attitude to the word, cognitive activity, the ability to argue your answer, to increase the level of speech culture, spelling and punctuation literacy.

Equipment : 1) tests, 2) multimedia installation, projector. 3) textbook "Russian language", Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A.

The Russian language is stubborn: without a permanent

labor not to overdo it ...

you have to write every day

that is, work on the language.

Language is a tool; almost more difficult

he is the violin itself.

P. Vyazemsky

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Mood students to work, creating an atmosphere of comfort. Checking student attendance.

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson. Checking homework.

    Knowledge update.

Grammar "five minutes". (Presentation 1)

          Orthoepical work.

The task: put stress on words, name nouns.

Pamper, dispensary, enviably, call, whooping cough, more beautiful, flint, intention, provision, alleviate, reward, carpenter, solicit, scoop, sorrel.

          Grammar work(front poll)

The task: correct errors in the formation of word forms.

With four hundred rubles, more needed, three friends, lie down on the floor, the most beautiful landscape, freeze with delight.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher's word.

          Presentation 2: "Spelling of compound nouns."

Continuous spelling of complex nouns:

    Compound nouns with connecting vowels o-e (about- after hard consonants; e- after soft consonants):

Earthquake, haymaking, plane

In words: agrAndculture, gasAndfiction, classAndfiction, centerAndfugue, electricAndfiction a letter is written And.

    Words with the first part in i.p.

Solstice, pastime

    With the first part - the name numeral in r.p.

Shestidnevka, heptahedron

    With the first part - verb ending in And.

Daredevil, flirtatious

    An exception: Tumbleweed

    Words with a second part hail, city, abad, akan.

Volgograd, Abakan, Jalilabad

    Compound words and abbreviations: deputy minister, head of the department, pomrezh, head teacher, supply manager, Moscow State University.

Auto - car service

Aero - flying club

Agro - agricultural technology

Air - air ticket;

Bio - biofield;

Hydro - hydromassage;

Meteo - weather center;

Radio - radio performance;

Tele - TV show;

Zoo - zoo;

Cinema - cinema;

Moto - motorsport;

Stereo - stereo system;

Photo - photography

Electric - electric kettle

Writing compound nouns with a hyphen

    Compound nouns that are scientific, technical, socio-political, economic terms.

Gamma rays, vacuum pump.

    Compound nouns denoting the name specialties, positions, titles.

Corresponding member, civil engineer, social democrat

    Compound nouns denoting geographical names, consisting of two nouns or a noun with an appendix:

Orekhovo-Borisovo, Gus-Khrustalny.

But: Yasnaya Polyana, Nizhny Novgorod(adjective before noun).

    Compound nouns formed from two independent words: ice cream parlor, house-museum.

    Compound nouns denoting intermediate parts of the world:

Southeast, northwest

    Compound nouns with foreign elements:

Vice Vice President;

Leib - life doctor;

Ober - chief officer;

Stats - Secretary of State

Non-commissioned, headquarters, headquarters, ex-, press, etc.

    Compound nouns, which include particles, conjunctions, prepositions:

Rostov-on-Don, Ivan da Marya (flower)


    Composite Russian and foreign-language surnames:

Saltykov-Shchedrin, Joliot-Curie; Mamin-Siberian.

    Compound nouns, the first part of which is an evaluative word:

unfortunate helper; miracle mushroom, boy-woman ...

    Foreign proper names formed with the help of elements:

LE, -LA, -LOS, - SAN, - SENT, -bey, pasha ...:

Los Angeles, Osman Pasha.

    If the second part of the word is missing:

Film, television and photo cameras were directed at him.

Spelling of nouns with FLOOR-

Through a hyphen

          Consolidation, performing exercise No. 225 orally.

          Performing a test task, checking.

1. Determine the option in which the compound noun is written together. A) (Air) parcel B) (Exhibition) sale C) (Social) Democracy D) (North)east E) (Vice)champion
2. Determine the option in which the compound noun is written with a hyphen. A) (Hydro)aircraft B) (Kilogram) second C) (Cinema) theater D) (Zoo) park E) (Agro) firm
3. Determine the variant in which the noun with the root floor is written with a hyphen. A) (half) a tangerine B) (half) the world C) (half) a flatbread D) (half) an apartment E) (half) a city
4. Determine the variant with the continuous spelling of complex nouns A) (North)west B) (Electro) samovar C) (Vice) champion D) (Kilowatt) hour E) (Ex) minister
5. Determine the option with the continuous spelling of the noun A) (Radio) TV studio

B) (South)east C) (Ex)champion D) (Headquarters) E) (Gram)molecule
6. Define a noun that is spelled with a hyphen A) (Photo) element B) (Air) engine C) (Ex) president D) (Tele) film E) (Counter)attack
7. Identify a noun that is spelled with a hyphen A) (Zoo)park B) (Air)drome C) (Tele)screen D) (Former)champion E) (Space)communication
8. Identify a noun that is spelled with a hyphen A) (Air)port B) (Zoo)park C) (Film)actor D) (TV)film E) (Vice)champion
9. Identify a noun that is spelled with a hyphen A) (Kilowatt)hour B) (Zoo)park C) (Cinema)film D) (Air)factory E) (Electrical) appliance
Answers : 1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - C, 4 - B, 5 - A, 6 - C, 7 - D, 8 - E, 9 - A
Criteria for evaluation: "0-1 error" - score 5 "2-3 mistakes" - score 4 "4 mistakes" - score 3

          Presentation 3: "Spelling of noun suffixes".

Translate - TranslatorCarry - carrierMiscellaneous - peddlerRun across - defector

          Consolidation, performance of the task from the presentation.

-EK- or -IR-?

Machine ... to

Brick ... to

Leaf ... to

Human... to

Denech ... to

Yashchich ... to

Crown ... to

Osl ... to





little man







-EC- or -IC-?

Wanderer ... tsa

namesake ... tsa

Spear ... tso


Happy ... tsa

Ambitious ... c


Jam ... tse


Name ... tse

Suffered ... c

Suffered ... ca

scytal And ca

namesake And ca

mine e tso

armchair And tse

Happy And ca

ambitious e c

letter e tso

jam And tse

oil And tse

Name And tse

Suffered e c

Suffered And ca

          Presentation 4: "Adjective as a part of speech."

1. General value

2. Morphological features:

    constant: discharge

    inconstant: gender, number, case

    Syntactic role

Completion of the task: Compare the texts. What is the difference?

Everywhere white snow. Furnaces were heated in the villages, and the smoke did not dissolve in the air, but lived, as it were, separately from it, then disappearing without a trace. The forests could be seen clearly and close, there was silence everywhere.

Difference quality And relative adjectives


Degrees of comparison


Spelling - H- - -HH- in adjective suffixes


Spelling NOT with adjectives


Notebook entry.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

    Part of speech

    Initial form (im. p., singular, m.r.)

    Permanent signs:

a) category by value (qualitative, relative, possessive);

b) for qualitative adjectives: comparative or superlative comparisons; full or short form

    Irregular symptoms:

A) gender (singular);

B) number

B) case

5. Syntactic role in the sentence.

    Knowledge check.

Oral assignment. Determine the category of adjectives

Stone house, yesterday's newspaper, magnificent day, mother's lace, sad look, fox tail, quiet rustle, pomegranate bracelet, nightingale song, blue sky, city bus, talented person, peacetime, wolf look, wolf howl, hare trail, sour berry , silver ring, desk, January holidays, amber glitter.

Selective dictation (1v.- write out words with one letter H; 2v.- with two letters H.),,,,,, earth..oh,, wind..oh,,,, core..oh,,, rust..oh,,, ice..oh,, sw..oh,, paying..oh,,,,,

Right answers:

    1c. cock, sand, earth, wind, leather, wind, owl, rye, ice, mosquito, pig, young, clothes, silver, pigeon.

    2c. Artificial, Valuable, Aviation, Spring, State, Glass, Indigenous, Craft, Seasonal, Retirement, Wooden, Windless, Vintage..

Criteria for evaluation:

0-1 error - score "5";

2-3 errors - score "4";

4-5 mistakes - score "3".

    Answer analysis. Grading.

    Summing up the work.



1. Repeat paragraphs 40-42, learn spelling.

2. Make a morphological analysis of words: copyist, lamplighter, impeccable, ambiguous, adamant.