Disability statistics of the working age population. Disability statistics in Russia

As of November 1, 2017 at Russian Federation There are 12.12 million disabled people, including 643.1 thousand disabled children.

Federal Register of Disabled Persons

On January 1, 2017, the federal state information system - the federal register of disabled people - was put into operation.

In the register, each disabled person has access to a “personal account”, which reflects information on all cash payments and other measures of social support for a disabled person, on the implementation of his individual rehabilitation or habilitation program.

Through the "personal account" you can receive public services in electronic form, leave feedback on their quality and, if necessary, file a complaint.

The register makes it possible to exclude multiple appeals of persons with disabilities to various authorities, improve the quality of state and municipal services provided to persons with disabilities, more fully inform persons with disabilities about their rights and opportunities, and also ensures the creation of a database that takes into account the needs of persons with disabilities, their demographic composition and socio-economic situation.

The data obtained are used to develop a state policy in relation to persons with disabilities and develop strategic planning documents both at the federal level and at the level of subjects of the Federation and municipalities.

State Program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment"

Within the framework of the State Program "Accessible Environment" for 2011-2020, with state support with the active participation of public organizations of people with disabilities, the facilities most in demand by people with disabilities and people with limited mobility are adapted in priority areas of life - health care, social protection, sports and physical culture, information and communication , culture, transport infrastructure, education.

The ongoing measures to create accessibility conditions make it possible to provide an integrated approach.

During the implementation of the state program, methods and approaches were developed to identify and eliminate barriers that hinder people with disabilities in various life situations, as well as mechanisms to involve people with disabilities not only at the stage of implementing events, but also to take an active part at the stage of developing events.

Thus, in the field of transport and transport infrastructure, it is planned to reach the indicator of 11.1% of land transport equipped for the disabled by the end of 2017. At the beginning of the implementation of the state program, it was 8.3%.

In the field of information and communications, an event is being implemented to subtitle television channels. This work is funded by the state program, and by the end of 2017, the number of produced and broadcast subtitles for subtitling television programs of all-Russian mandatory public channels will be 15,000 hours (at the beginning of the implementation of the State program there were only 3,000 hours).

In the health sector, by the end of 2017, the share of priority facilities available to the disabled and other people with limited mobility will be 50.9%, in the field of culture - 41.4%, in the field of sports - 54.4%.

In the field of education, 21.5% of schools are adapted, while at the beginning of the implementation of the state program, there were a little more than 2% of such schools.

On January 1, 2016, the implementation of a new subprogram of the state program was launched, which is aimed at improving the comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of the disabled and children with disabilities. It is planned that the result will be the creation of a modern system of complex rehabilitation.

The relevance of the implementation of this subprogram lies in the fact that now in the country there are no unified methodological and regulatory documents on the organization of the rehabilitation process for the disabled, there are no unified methods for assessing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation measures taken.

In this regard, at the first stage, during 2016, such documents were developed, and in 2017-2018 a pilot project is being carried out to form a system for the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people and children with disabilities. Since the beginning of 2017, a pilot project has been implemented in the Sverdlovsk Region and the Perm Territory. For a pilot project in federal budget about 300 million rubles annually are provided. The results of the implementation of the pilot project will form the basis of the draft law, which will allow organizing an effective rehabilitation process outside the scope of the state program.

By decision of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the State Program "Accessible Environment" should be extended until 2025. This will allow us to further consolidate the efforts of the federal center and the regions in the issue of integrating disabled people into society.

When developing the state program "Accessible Environment" until 2025, it is proposed to single out three main areas:

  • increasing the level of accessibility of the most significant facilities and services for persons with disabilities, including the creation of conditions for visiting such facilities;
  • formation of a modern system of comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people, including the development of technologies for accompanying disabled people in various life situations, as well as the development of "early help" for disabled children;
  • modernization of the state system of medical and social expertise.

Assisted Employment Bill for the Disabled

On November 21, 2017, the State Duma of Russia approved in the third reading the draft federal law on amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation".

The bill aims to bring the current employment law in line with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which was ratified by Russia in 2012.

Its development is associated with the lack of efficiency in the employment of people with disabilities of working age. The share of working people with disabilities of working age in our country is about 31.8% (about 1.1 million people) of the total number of people with disabilities of working age (about 3.7 million people). Of these, only 25% are stable workers, in European countries this figure reaches 40%.

Employment service bodies work with people with disabilities, not taking into account the fact that they have significant disabilities.

The draft federal law defines a mechanism for the interaction of institutions of medical and social expertise and employment service bodies with assistance in finding a disabled person for employment.

Since June 2017, the institutions of medical and social expertise in extracts from individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities sent to the employment service have indicated information about the consent of the disabled person to the initiative of the employment service specialists to contact him directly.

And the following functions are planned to be assigned to the employment service bodies:

  • conducting an initial consultation with a disabled person;
  • analysis of the database of vacancies;
  • organization of interaction between a disabled person and an employer;
  • providing advisory and methodological assistance to the employer;
  • determination of the need for escort with the assistance of the employment of a disabled person.

Accompanying with the assistance of the employment of persons with disabilities is understood as the provision of individual assistance to those persons with disabilities who, due to limited health opportunities, experience difficulties and cannot independently find a job or return to the labor process.

Improvement of medical and social expertise

In May 2017, a road map was approved to improve the system of medical and social expertise. It sets out key areas of action for the period up to 2020.

The first direction involves the improvement of scientific, methodological and legal support for medical and social expertise. Separate classifications and criteria for establishing disability for children have been developed and tested; new criteria are being developed to determine the degree of loss of professional ability to work as a result of accidents at work.

The second direction is to increase the availability and quality of the provision of medical and social expertise services. It includes activities to train specialists of ITU institutions, equip ITU institutions with special diagnostic equipment, form public councils under the main ITU bureau, conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services in ITU.

Law on the implementation of control over the accessibility of the environment for persons with disabilities

From January 1, 2018, a law will come into force on granting authorities the right to exercise control over the accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities.

In accordance with the law, the authorized federal and regional executive authorities will be entrusted with separate functions to monitor the provision of accessibility conditions.

The adoption of the law regulates the issue of the powers of the bodies that should exercise state control and supervision over the observance of the mandatory conditions of accessibility. This allows solving problems related to the accessibility of the environment within the framework of pre-trial procedures, including using the mechanisms of administrative responsibility.

According to the law, control functions are assigned to:

  • the Government of the Russian Federation - to the authorities exercising federal control and supervision;
  • regional governments - to the authorities exercising regional control and supervision.

In particular, at the federal level:

  • on Rostransnadzor - the functions of control and supervision over ensuring the availability of transportation (including facilities and vehicles) in air, rail, inland waterway, and road transport;
  • Roskomnadzor - control of the availability of facilities and services in the field of communications and information;
  • on Roszdravnadzor - control of ensuring the special needs of people with disabilities in terms of the quality and safety of medical activities and in the field of drug provision;
  • on Rostrud - control of the availability of facilities and services in the field of labor and social protection.

At the regional level, the bodies exercising control over the availability of services and facilities in those areas where it is generally already established by law are defined in a similar way.

Providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation

In 2017, 32.84 billion rubles were allocated to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation (RTR), which is 3.54 billion rubles more than in 2016 (29.3 billion rubles). This measure makes it possible to provide the necessary TSW to about 1.6 million people.

In 2018, 30.5 billion rubles are provided.

Given that the provision of TSW and services is carried out on a declarative basis and requires the mandatory availability of appropriate recommendations in individual rehabilitation or habilitation programs, the issue of additional funding will be resolved in 2018 as funds are disbursed, taking into account incoming applications.

Annual monetary compensation to disabled people for the costs of maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs

In 2017, the amount of annual monetary compensation to disabled people for the maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs increased by 5.39% compared to 2016 and amounted to 22,959.7 rubles.

In 2018, the amount of annual monetary compensation to persons with disabilities for the maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs is subject to indexation from February 1, based on the consumer price growth index for the previous year.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation estimates the target group of social policy in relation to the disabled as 40 million people, including all disabled groups citizens of our country. From region to region, people note the impossibility of just leaving the house, they only dream of real mobility. Evgeny Glagolev, Director of the Orthodoxy and the World Charitable Foundation, spoke about an interesting study.

Evgeny Glagolev

This year, a study by the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) entitled “Disability and the social status of people with disabilities in Russia” was published, and this event went unnoticed. It seems that only in one media there was a mention, and I stumbled upon it by accident. Meanwhile, on 256 pages of this three-year work of the academy staff there is a very important information, which would be useful to know a wide range of people, and not just specialists.

Know about disability - why it matters to healthy people

The authors were interested in specific data on the real socio-economic situation of disabled people in Russia, the problems of collecting and analyzing information, and the effectiveness of the state's work in this area. The main part of the work is based on in-depth sociological surveys conducted by the Institute of Social Forecasting and Analysis of the RANEPA for three years: from 2014 to 2016, and the disabled themselves and their relatives participated in the survey. As a result, data were obtained that are extremely important for all of us, because the study reveals significant problems in the social policy of the state, based on specific figures.

In 2006, Russia signed and in 2012 ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the UN General Assembly. To date, this document has been signed and ratified by the vast majority of countries in the world. Ratification implies that our state must bring the internal social policy towards disabled people in line with international standards.

Since 2011, there have been major changes in our country: changes in legislation, the adoption of new norms, and the implementation of the Accessible Environment project. Among other things, a special website has been created with open information on the number of disabled people in Russia: if at the time of the study there were 12.5 million disabled people in the country, then according to information from the Federal Register of Disabled People, at the time of writing this article, there are significantly fewer of them - 11.5 million people. It would seem that we are seeing a significant decrease in the number of people with disabilities, and this should give us confidence that everything is fine in our country with the prevention of disability, but let's take a closer look at the numbers and what is behind them.

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) formed the basis for the definition of disability in the global community. Functioning is the key concept of the classification and is considered at three levels: organism (functions and structures of the organism) - person (activity, performance of tasks and actions) - society (inclusion and involvement in life).

Disability, according to the ICF, is impairment or limitation of functioning at one or more of these three levels.

In 2012, Russia changed the criteria for determining disability, but did not bring them to the UN-recommended standards.

In addition, the researchers identified the deepest problems in collecting information about people with disabilities and their situation in our country and came to the conclusion that, in general, federal statistical observation does not make it possible to solve any of the tasks of collecting data on disability, including the main one - assessing well-being and equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities.

For example, in countries such as England or Germany, there is the concept of “registered disability”, when a person applies for official disability status, but constant surveys are conducted and people with functional health limitations are identified, and in general statistics on the number and The status of persons with disabilities in these countries includes not only registered persons with disabilities, but also those who have disabilities, but do not have an official status.

It is also important to understand this in order to determine the quality and level of healthcare in the country, the burden on the work of social services, but first of all, in order to adequately assess the number of people with disabilities in Russia, especially when the Ministry of Labor states that the decrease in the number of people with disabilities in the country not related to the work of medical and social expertise. At the same time, the authors say that the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation estimates the target group of social policy in relation to the disabled as 40 million people, including all low-mobility groups of citizens of our country.

What comes out? Almost 12 million people with disabilities in Russia is 8% of the total population, while this is 20% more than in Germany, if we consider the reduced coefficient, but Germany, when determining the number of people with disabilities, takes into account not only officially applied for such a status, but also all people with a functional limitation, but we are not! It turns out that it is beneficial for the state not to apply international standards, reporting on the decrease in the number of disabled people, otherwise it will not be able to cope with social policy at all.

Accessible environment is not only ramps

By the way, in issuing the status of a disabled person in our country, the authors revealed some "regional peculiarity". For example, in a number of Russian republics, almost 100% of applications for the establishment of disability are satisfied, while in others this figure is lower. The authors suggest that this may be due to the socio-cultural features of obtaining additional income by the inhabitants of these republics - and recommend paying attention to such obvious discrepancies.

As for the employment of disabled people, we see that only 16% of their total number work. Another 16% would like to, and all the rest do not even consider such an opportunity. This point points to several problems.

The first is the lack of truly equipped jobs for people with disabilities. handicapped health, and the second is disbelief that if you have a disability, you can work and earn an income. Knowing the level of salaries in the regions, it can be assumed that it is much easier to receive a disability pension than to work where there are no conditions and they pay not much more than the pension itself.

And, of course, let's not forget that our society is still not ready to accept disabled people as its full-fledged part. This affects everything: how they communicate with people with disabilities in state and municipal bodies (and people complain about the bad attitude of officials towards them) and how you and I, healthy people, perceive an accessible environment.

After all, what is an “accessible environment”? It's not just the ramps that people in wheelchairs say are impossible to use. It is also the attitude of society towards people with various disabilities.

We often do not allow the idea that a person with mental or physical limitations can be not only an example of a heroic overcoming of difficult life situations, but also be in our eyes an equal member of society who is able to work.

It's great that the authors of the work got to know the real problems and expectations of people with disabilities across the country. From region to region, people note the inability to simply leave the house, not to mention the lack of leisure centers adapted to their needs.

That there is no real inclusion and so far these are just slogans. That specialized medical centers are far away, they often offer not what a particular person needs, but what is available - of very low quality, like medicines that are constantly in short supply or on which they save. That they only dream of real mobility.

See for yourself, judging by the numbers, each of us will face the illness of a relative or our own illness, one way or another limiting our physical capabilities. Look at the main causes of disability in the population - these are diseases: cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Everyone wants to be just people, not heroes

Quite recently, Dmitry turned to our foundation for help. He wrote that he was involved in a Paralympic sport - wheelchair rugby. His team has a great desire to go to the competition in Poland, but there is not enough funding, so Dima decided to contact us.

Dmitry Khamov

We recently opened the Not Disabled program, one of the goals of which is to help people with disabilities: when it is already clear that it cannot be cured, but you can help them integrate into society. The program was born as a natural continuation of our targeted assistance in rehabilitation - a huge number of people get into road accidents, tens of thousands die and are injured. Someone needs expensive rehabilitation, and we help with this, but some people lose the ability to walk and need completely different help. Therefore, we responded, and I decided to meet with Dima personally.

10 years ago, Dmitry's car skidded in a turn and ended up in a tree standing next to the road. A severe head injury, a long rehabilitation, Dima could not walk. We did not talk about the difficult experiences of a guy who, at the age of 21, loses a lot, what is important is what is now. In 2012, he comes to wheelchair rugby - a new Paralympic sport for Russia - and has been playing rugby ever since.

To grow in sports, you need to have a constant practice of competing with equal and stronger opponents. However, the Russian wheelchair rugby team consists of 80% of the Moscow team - there is practically no competition in our country. The state gives money for rating competitions, for example, for the European Championship. But in order to win this tournament, you need to grow, and with whom to fight with us to become stronger? So the guys go to other tournaments at their own expense, where high-level teams meet, but there is not enough money.


After meeting with Dima, I got to the training of the national team. Captain - Valery Krivov. In 2003, when he was only 14 years old, he was injured by a “diver” - like all the guys, Valera went swimming and jumping into the water, and one day a terrible thing happened - he broke his neck. Then - another life, from which only 2 friends remained, the rest turned away, left. At home schooling, he graduated from high school and entered a technical school. Valery got married and moved to Moscow after an injury, came to the sport and became the repeated champion of Russia in Paralympic athletics, and then he was invited to rugby, where he stayed.

Sergei Glushakov

The head coach of the national team Sergey Glushakov is also the President of the Wheelchair Rugby Federation of Moscow. Before the accident in 2003, he worked in construction, was engaged in the reconstruction of airports. Then the same story: rehabilitation, meeting other guys, joining the sport, from which you no longer want to leave - everyone says that sport changes the consciousness of a disabled person, that he grows above himself, his condition and problems, which, nevertheless , remain.

Dmitry does not have the opportunity to live in a Moscow apartment - there are steps in the entrance and there is no lift, because according to the standards it is impossible to install it. Dima himself believes that it is possible to install it, he has already seen lifts in the same entrances, but, in his opinion, people who are far from the needs of the disabled sit on the commission, and issues are considered formally. Therefore, now Dima lives in Domodedovo with his parents - after all, he will not be able to climb the stairs himself. The authorities installed a ramp, but it is also impossible to move out and drive along it without outside help.

Active wheelchairs, in which people unable to walk can move around themselves, are expensive. According to the statistics that I know, among all the disabled in wheelchairs, an insignificant percentage of people move in this way. The rest use what the state gives. Example: the cost of an ordinary stroller is 13,000 rubles. With active use already during the first year, it begins to fall apart and requires constant repair. A good German one costs 80,000 rubles, and an active type - from 150,000. The state compensates only 54,000, that is, you have to buy a stroller yourself, and then some of the money will be returned to you.

I look at them and cannot get rid of the thought that I see heroes. I don’t like this word, but you can’t call it anything other than a heroic overcoming of circumstances. I really want to help them go to competitions in Poland, where teams from different countries will meet, including those that they will have to fight in the European tournament.

The goal is to get to the Paralympics in 2020, for this you need to improve your playing level. I believe they can. Despite all the statistics, the real state of affairs and forced heroism. After all, everyone wants to be just people, not heroes. Play wheelchair rugby not in spite of, but thanks to.

And I really want people to be able to choose what to do, even if they can't walk. So that everyone can leave the house, so that inclusion is real and the ramps are not made for us - the healthy ones, who, looking at these often useless structures, would think that something is being done for the disabled, but so that they really could move out and drive in . So that the queues for the installation of a lift in the entrances do not stretch for 5 years, it should not be that a person cannot leave the house for 5 years. And for the state to look at the problems and gaps in working with people with disabilities as facts, goals and objectives for solution, and not bashfully hide real numbers behind beautiful reporting.

In the meantime, we have to collect money - like this, through funds, to help those who have already embarked on their difficult path to go through it to the end. We just need to help.

Compared to other areas of statistics such as the labor force, education, women, the elderly, disability statistics were not well developed and used. It is only very recently that countries have begun to recognize the relevance and importance of such statistics for developing more effective policies and programmes.

Both global and regional disability instruments emphasize the importance of proper data collection. The World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities (1982), the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993), and the cornerstone human rights agreement in the field of disability, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, adopted in 2006, all speak of the need appropriate collection of information that would allow the protection, promotion and realization of the rights of persons with disabilities. The Biwako Millennium Action Framework for an Open, Accessible and Equitable Society for People with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (BMF) - Regional Policy Guide for the Second Asia-Pacific Disability Decade - and Biwako Plus Five , an appendix to the BMF, emphasize the need for the development of valid, reliable and internationally comparable disability statistics in order to create effective policies and projects on disability.

Initially, disability statistics were conceived as a count of people who are divided into certain groups - "blind", "deaf", "wheelchair users" - in order to determine who is eligible for benefits. With a very limited purpose, this categorical approach gives a fragmented and distorted picture of disability, as it assumes that persons with disabilities fall unequivocally into several clearly delineated categories.

However, disability statistics can provide a wealth of information about the life experiences of people with disabilities, starting with impairments, difficulties in exercising and participating in activities, and barriers they face in their lives. Information about one person can be extrapolated to the entire population - for example, to determine the prevalence of areas of disability - and further developed by adding demographic or other characteristics of the population, such as age, gender, race and socioeconomic status.

With a broader understanding of disability, disability statistics can play an important role in all policy areas and at all stages from design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness, to cost-benefit analysis. Politics without good and reliable data is blind work, potentially costly and useless; it is a policy without evidence and scientific basis. Inaccurate or incomplete data on disability, which are common in the developing world, can be even worse than no data at all.

The following are some specific reasons why national disability statistics and reliable databases of disability are important to national policy:

The aspirations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Standard Rules and the BMF, Biwako Plus Five to protect and promote the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities without reliable data to monitor and evaluate progress towards these goals are just beautiful words.

Functional status information is essential for determining needs, as two people with the same impairment may have different difficulties in performing certain activities and therefore have different needs that require different types intervention.

Functional status data is important in determining the broader social needs of persons with disabilities, such as the provision of assistive technologies for use in the workplace or in education or in the development of general policies and laws.

Disability data is important for monitoring the quality and impact of policies implemented for people with disabilities. In particular, these data help identify policy outcomes that maximize the participation of people with disabilities in all areas of social life, from transport and communication to participation in religious and social life, to the maximum possible.

Finally, with reliable and complete disability statistics, government agencies will have tools in their arsenal to assess the cost-effectiveness of policies for people with disabilities, which in turn can provide evidence to convince the government of their ultimate benefit to all citizens.

At the international and regional levels, there are clear goals that we can turn to.

World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities (1982)

Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993)

· Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol (2006).

In 2001, in response to a proposal made during the UN International Workshop on Disability Measurement, the Washington Group on Disability Statistics was formed. This Group has since brought together representatives different countries in working on important methodological issues to improve data on disability and, in particular, to facilitate comparability of data around the world. The Group's primary task is to formulate general questions about disability that can be used in population censuses and national surveys. Along the way, the Panel offers guidance on the goals it has adopted as the overriding goals for disability statistics:

· assistance in the development and evaluation of programs and policies for the provision of services;

monitoring the level of functioning among the population; And

· Evaluation of the level of equal opportunities.

On a regional scale, important goals for disability statistics have been outlined in BMF (2002). The BMF has identified the following seven priority areas for governments in the Asia-Pacific region:

· self-help organizations for people with disabilities and related associations of families and parents;

women with disabilities

timely detection, timely intervention and education;

· training and employment, including self-employment;

· accessibility of the built environment and public transport;

Access to information, means of communication, including information and

communication and assistive technologies;

poverty alleviation through capacity building, social insurance and sustainable livelihood programs.

Each of these areas was partially missed due to the lack of sufficient data on persons with disabilities.

State statistical reporting today does not allow assessing the structure of disabled people by sex, age and severity of the disease and unambiguously determine their number. In it, for example, the number of pensioners, recipients of a disability pension is given; the number of persons recognized as disabled for the first time; the number of recipients of monthly payments in the system of social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, and other indicators that are intended to assess the state of a particular issue related to disabled people, but do not allow for a complete, clear and consistent picture of the disability of the country's population.

On Fig. 6 shows the results of calculating the number of disabled people in the population differentiated by age and severity of disability, both in absolute and relative terms.

Rice. 6.

It can be seen that the number of disabled people has significant age fluctuations caused by demographic waves. At the same time, the proportion of people with disabilities in the population increases monotonically approximately according to an exponential law, and the deviation from this trend after 80 years is apparently due to the small volume of observations at these ages. If we turn to the structure of disabled people according to the severity of the disease, it is easy to see that at all ages disabled people of the second group predominate, and the ratio of the number of disabled people of the first and third groups depends on age. Thus, before retirement age there are more disabled people of the third group, and after retirement age there are more disabled people of the first group. Estimated at 9.233 million people. 16% less than the estimate of the Ministry of Health, according to which the number of disabled people in Russia is about 11 million people. In this regard, it should be noted that estimates of the number of persons with disabilities in the population, obtained by different methods, vary greatly, in addition, different sources of information operate with different definitions of disability, which also explains the discrepancies that arise.

Thus, today in Russia already about 7% of the population is disabled of varying severity. The scale of the country's disability becomes more evident if we turn to the one shown in Fig. 7 dynamics of the level of primary disability, i.e. the number of citizens recognized as disabled for the first time. It can be seen that between 1975 and 2010 there is a steady increase in the number of primary disabled people - every year in Russia more than a million people become disabled.

This trend leads to an increase in the proportion of people with disabilities in the population, however, the growth rate of the number of people with disabilities is restrained by a number of factors, among which a higher mortality rate for people with disabilities compared to the mortality of non-disabled people occupies a special place, i.e. excess mortality of the disabled.

Rice. 7.

The contribution of excess mortality of disabled people to this process is illustrated in Fig. 8, which shows the relative number of disabled people (as a share of their actual number in the population of the corresponding age), calculated on the assumption that the mortality of disabled and non-disabled people is the same and equal to the population.


The calculations were carried out using demographic tables of the number of persons recognized as disabled for the first time per 10,000 people of the population of the Russian Federation, developed by the Independent Actuarial Information and Analytical Center based on data from the State Statistics Committee of Russia on primary disability.

With age, the difference between the calculated and actual number of disabled people constantly increases, and by the age of 50, the estimated number exceeds the actual number by more than two times, approximately remaining at the indicated level even at older ages. Note that if we carry out similar calculations, but at the same time use a higher mortality among disabled people (depending on age, the mortality rate of disabled people varies by 0.06 ... 0.09), then we can achieve equality between the calculated and actual assessment of their level of excess mortality. However, this estimate will be approximate, since In addition to mortality, the number of people with disabilities in the population is affected by a number of additional factors that were not taken into account in this calculation.

The construction of accurate tables of disability mortality suitable for actuarial calculations in the field of disability pension insurance requires the collection of special statistical information and the development of special methods for its analysis.

The Center for the Study of Pension Reform (CIPR) has prepared a rating of Russian regions with an increased social burden (in terms of the number of people with disabilities). According to the data, the largest percentage of disabled people - 16.2% of the total population - falls on the Belgorod region. The largest number of people with disabilities (1,592,000 people) lives in Moscow.

According to Rosstat for 2015, there are 12.924 million people with disabilities in Russia. Information on the current number of people with disabilities will be known in January 2017, when the Federal Register of the Disabled, operated by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, becomes operational. The single database will include data from the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other departments. Personalized accounting will be maintained on the basis of SNILS.

When compiling the rating, the statistical data of Rosstat for 2015 were taken as the basis for calculations. The number of disabled people from the total population of the region was taken into account. The rating includes 51 regions of Russia, where more than 1 million people live. The table is conditionally divided into three zones: red, where the largest number of disabled people is registered (over 10%); orange - a zone of average values ​​(7-10%) and green, where less than 7% of disabled people live. Almost 9% of the country's inhabitants have a disability.

The top five, where the largest number of disabled people are registered, included the Belgorod region (16.2% of the total population), St. Petersburg (15.9%), the Ryazan region (13.5%), Moscow (12.9%) and the Chechen Republic (12.8%). Moscow is home to the largest number of disabled people, according to the data. 1.592 million people are registered in the capital.

The lowest percentage of disability was recorded in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - 3.5%. Of the 1.625 million people, 57 thousand people are disabled. Tyumen and Astrakhan regions, respectively, have 5% and 5.4% respectively. 5.9% of disabled people live in the Republic of Crimea and Tomsk region. Also “below average” is the level of disability in the Saratov, Chelyabinsk regions, Primorsky, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk regions.


Number of people with disabilities


% disability

Belgorod region

St. Petersburg

Ryazan Oblast

Chechen Republic

Tambov Region

Lipetsk region

Kursk region

Orenburg region

Kirov region

Tula region

Vladimir region

Yaroslavl region

Voronezh region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Vologodskaya Oblast

Ulyanovsk region

Irkutsk region

Bryansk region

The Republic of Dagestan

Kemerovo region

Perm region

Tver region

Ivanovo region

Zabaykalsky Krai

Rostov region

Arhangelsk region

Kaluga region

Altai region

Stavropol region

Republic of Tatarstan

Penza region

Volgograd region

Krasnodar region

Samara Region

Republic of Bashkortostan

Udmurt republic

Sverdlovsk region

Omsk region

Novosibirsk region

Chuvash Republic

Krasnoyarsk region

Chelyabinsk region

Khabarovsk region

Primorsky Krai

Saratov region

Tomsk region

Republic of Crimea

Astrakhan region

Tyumen region

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra