Ensuring access for people with limited mobility to buildings. People with limited mobility

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OOO "Expert Consulting Center "EVRIKA"

Ensuring the accessibility of buildings, facilities and services

for people with limited mobility

Asylgaraeva E.N., Gutman L.B.

Ensuring the accessibility of buildings, structures and services for people with limited mobility:

The methodological recommendations consider the main directions for ensuring the accessibility of buildings, structures and services for people with limited mobility; on the organization of transport and information accessibility of transport and transport infrastructure; on staff training (including the ethics of communication with people with disabilities). General recommendations are given on the methodology for conducting a survey of facilities and services for compliance with the requirements of accessibility for people with limited mobility.

It is intended for specialists and experts engaged in the design, construction and evaluation of public buildings and structures for compliance with accessibility requirements for people with limited mobility; administrative and technical staff of facilities providing services for people with disabilities; employees of social protection authorities, employees of transport, engineering and architectural profiles, representatives of public organizations of the disabled, as well as everyone who is interested in creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities.

© Evrika Expert Consulting Center LLC

© Asylgaraeva E.N., Gutman L.B., 201 Contents Introduction

1 Barrier-free environment: basic concepts, main directions and principles of organization4 2 Accessibility of transport and pedestrian infrastructure

2.1 Arrival at the site

2.1.1 Accessible public transport

2.1.2 Car parks and pick-up/drop-off areas

2.1.3 Special services to accompany people with disabilities

2.2 Pedestrian routes on the site

3.1 Entrance to the building

3.2 Internal traffic routes

3.3 Sanitary facilities

3.3.1 Dressing rooms

3.3.2 Bathrooms

3.3.3 Showers and washbasin areas

3.4 Visitor service areas

3.4.1 Reception desks / catering establishments, ticket offices, cloakrooms .............................. 20 3.4.2 Catering establishments

3.4.3 Recreational areas

3.5 Seats for spectators with disabilities in auditoriums and stands

4 Ensuring accessibility of places of residence for people with disabilities

5 Main directions of creating an accessible information environment

5.1 Media system …………………………………………………………………. 27 5.1.1 Information signs and indicators:

5.1.2 Printed information materials

5.1.3 Internet resources

5.2 Technical means of providing information for people with sensory impairments during public events

6 Facility management in the field of accessibility for MGN

7 Staff training

7.2 Methods and forms of education

7.3 Ethics of dealing with people with disabilities

8 Monitoring the level of accessibility of the facility and services for people with disabilities .............................. 36

8.1 Organization of the survey process

8.1.1 Object of study

8.1.2 Formation of the working group

8.1.3 Toolkit

8.1.4 Recording examination results

8.2 Survey results report


Appendix 1 Ten general rules etiquette compiled by people with disabilities .... 46 Appendix 2 List of useful literature and sites


Introduction In May 2012 in Russian Federation ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Since 2011, the state program "Accessible Environment" has been implemented in Russia, the goal of which is to create conditions by 2015 to ensure equal access for people with disabilities to the physical environment, to transport, to information and communications, as well as to objects and services provided to the population.

The methodological recommendations consider the main directions for ensuring the accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population (hereinafter referred to as MGN); methods for monitoring the level of accessibility of objects and services; the best examples of the implementation of the principles of "universal design" in the design, construction and operation of buildings and structures are given; the main directions of training the personnel of the facility in the provision of services to people with disabilities are considered.

The purpose of these guidelines is to increase the awareness of the administrative, technical and maintenance personnel of facilities, employees of social protection authorities, representatives of public organizations of the disabled, engineers and architects about advanced developments in the design of accessible structures;

providing a better understanding of the fundamental requirements for the accessibility of facilities and services for people with limited mobility.

1 Barrier-free environment: basic concepts, main directions and principles of organization Over the past decades, stable trends and mechanisms for the formation of social policy in relation to people with disabilities have developed in the world. Positive developments in legislation and policy towards people with disabilities at the national and international levels have fundamentally changed the previously existing approaches to solving the problems of people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility.

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1 People with limited mobility include people with disabilities (with damage to the musculoskeletal system, visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual impairment), as well as the elderly, pregnant women, children, and other categories of people with limited mobility. They also include people with prams, small children, people with heavy loads, etc.

The idea of ​​disability as a medical problem and the need for charity, which was widespread in the 19th and first half of the 20th century, was gradually replaced by a system of views that is more consistent with the social model of disability, firmly based on the need to ensure equality of human rights. In contrast to the “medical” model, which defines disability as a health disorder, within the framework of the social model of understanding disability, it is postulated that:

the cause of disability is not the disease itself, as such;

the cause of disability is the barriers around a person (the physical, organizational and “relational” barriers that exist in society, erected on stereotypes and prejudices).

These barriers are primarily:

Negative attitudes towards people with disabilities;

Common language concepts that discriminate against people with disabilities;

Institutional barriers that drastically reduce the possibility of inclusion in public life, labor activity of people with disabilities;

Architectural, transport and information barriers that impede the possibility of movement, communication, work, education, leisure.

The ultimate goal of social policy, today, is recognized as the social integration of people with disabilities, i.e. their active participation in the main directions of the life of society, involvement in social structures associated with various areas of human life - education, culture, sports, healthcare, social activities.

International agreements and national laws have formed the conditions under which the most complete development of the abilities of citizens with disabilities and their maximum integration into society is possible. Creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities is an integral part of the welfare state policy, the practical results of which are aimed at providing them with equal opportunities with other citizens in all spheres of society; The criterion for evaluating such a policy is the accessibility of the living environment for people with disabilities, including housing, transport and transport infrastructure, education, places of work, cultural and educational, sports and recreational facilities, sports and entertainment facilities, information and means of communication.

The term "accessible environment" is mentioned in many regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, and in different sources it has a different interpretation. In a broad sense, an accessible environment is a set of conditions and requirements, first of all, to the urban environment created by man (architectural design, transport and engineering infrastructure) and the information environment, which allow you to move freely and receive the necessary information, i.e. it is a normal living environment, equipped to meet the needs arising from a disability, and allowing people with disabilities to lead a full life.

The term "barrier-free environment", introduced in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, means providing not only an accessible physical environment for people with disabilities, but also the right to work, health care, education, sports and, in general, full participation in public life.

Creating a barrier-free environment in order to facilitate the integration of people with disabilities into society implies the elimination of the following barriers:

Physical or material (steps, thresholds, narrow doors and passages, lack of elevators and lifts, inaccessible toilets, etc.);

Informational (lack of alternative forms of providing information, etc.);

Operating rooms (illogical and inconvenient procedures for working with people with disabilities, lack of escort services, staff trained in the rules of working with people with disabilities, etc.);

Relationship or communication (stereotypes, ignorance of etiquette in dealing with people with disabilities, misunderstanding of disability, etc.).

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities introduces a new term - "universal design", which means the design of objects, environments, programs and services, designed to make them as usable as possible for all people without the need for adaptation or special design.

The main principles of universal design are equality, respect for the characteristics of all people, functionality. Thus, the universal environment, i.e. An environment designed and created in accordance with the principles of universal design allows all people, including people with disabilities, to use the surrounding space, regardless of anyone's help. In addition, the aging of the world's population and the increase in the number of people with disabilities also makes the principles of universal design very relevant in the modern world, including in the design and construction of facilities for sports and recreation.

British Standard BS 8300:2009 defines a building as accessible if people with disabilities can enter it without difficulty; carry out the necessary activities in it independently or with the help of an accompanying person; and if they can leave the premises in the event of an emergency.

In general, when considering the use of any part of a facility by persons with disabilities, the following questions should be asked:

How will they find the object?

How will they get to him?

How will they use the services provided?

How will they leave the facility in the event of an emergency?

Any visitor to the facility, regardless of whether he belongs to the category of MHD (including people with disabilities) or not, uses the following main functional areas and spaces:

Parking, pick-up/drop-off area;

Pedestrian paths in the surrounding area;

Entrance to the building / structure;

Internal traffic routes;

Service (maintenance) zones;

Catering establishments;

Sanitary facilities (latrines, showers, dressing rooms);

Escape routes.

2 Accessibility of transport and pedestrian infrastructure

2.1 Arrival at the site

People with disabilities can arrive at the sports facility in various ways:

By private vehicle,

By minibus

By taxi,

By public transport

On a bike

On a wheelchair or electric scooter,

2.1.1 Accessible public transport According to art. 15 of Federal Law No. 181-FZ “enterprises, institutions and organizations providing transport services to the population provide equipment with special devices for stations, airports and other facilities that allow disabled people to freely use their services. Organizations providing transport services to the population provide the equipment of these facilities with special devices and devices in order to create conditions for disabled people for the unhindered use of these facilities.

Affordable transportation is a critical aspect of creating an inclusive urban environment. Ideally, all modes of public urban transport should form an interconnected network connecting various accessible facilities and create a so-called “unbroken chain of accessible facilities” or “universal accessible transport system”, in which the principles of accessibility are built in, and not offered as solutions in the process. adaptation problems.

If necessary, the public transport scheme on the day of the sporting event can be changed to ensure unhindered and convenient boarding / disembarkation of people with disabilities on public vehicles.

Buses and trolleybuses

Low floor (lower frame), which allows you to fit closely to the edge of the sidewalk;

Suspension with the ability to change the ride height on one or all sides to match the level of the pavement;

At least one accessible door. The width of the door must be at least 90 cm. It is recommended to provide two accessible doors connected by an internal passage at least 80 cm wide;

A ramp lowered from the bus to the pavement automatically or manually. The width of the ramp is not less than 80 cm, the slope is not more than 8%, the surface is anti-slip;

Marking the accessible entrance to the bus cabin with the relevant international signs of accessibility;

A special place for people in wheelchairs should be equipped with a “please stop” button;

Handrails in the doors of trolleybuses must be made of insulating material or have mechanically strong insulation, the resistance value of which is at least 1 MΩ with a contact surface of 1 dm2;

The handrails of lifting devices for boarding people with disabilities in trolleybuses must have an insulating coating;

The informational message must be carried out by means of sound and visual information;

Available route indicators and vehicle traffic patterns, etc.

Photo 1 - Examples of accessible public transport

Protection from adverse weather conditions;

Rest seat equipped with back support and handrails;

Sufficient level of lighting.

The height of the curb must match the height of the low-floor vehicle;

The presence of a curb ramp;

The width of the path of movement is not less than 1520 mm. The accessible path of movement should not be cluttered with obstacles (garbage bins, information boards, etc.);

The width of the boarding / disembarking area is at least 1800 mm;

Also, in accordance with the requirements of the IPC Accessibility Guidelines, tactile ground warning signs2 must be equipped along the length of the embarkation / disembarkation zone.

2 As of today, this requirement is not established in Russian regulatory documents Railway rolling stock. Metropolitan. trams

At least two seats for passengers in wheelchairs.

Places for placing people on wheelchairs should be equipped with handrails at a height of 900-1100 mm from the floor level, vertical handrails at the doors, means of fastening wheelchairs, folding or stationary seats.

Door width not less than 900 mm.

Ramp or lifting device (with a platform of at least 1400x900 mm). Loading time should be no more than 2 minutes.

Handrails in tram doors must be made of insulating material or have mechanically strong insulation, the resistance value of which is at least 1 MΩ with a contact surface of 1 dm2;

Handrails of lifting devices for boarding disabled people in trams must have an insulating coating;

The wagons must be equipped with visual information devices duplicating sound information.

Places should be provided for placing route diagrams and other information in relief technology for the blind.

The information message must be carried out by means of sound and visual information;

Available route indicators and vehicle traffic patterns, etc.

Photo 2 - An example of metro station equipment (London-2012)

Primary requirements:

Rear or side access to enable the wheelchair passenger to remain in the wheelchair during the journey;

Front passenger seat that can be rotated towards the user to facilitate entry into the vehicle;

Sufficient overall height for the convenience of placing passengers on wheelchairs;

Proper balance between wheelchair seats and standard seats so that companions can sit side by side .

In addition to equipping transport and transport infrastructure facilities with special devices, it is necessary to train personnel in the rules for working with people with disabilities, the use of special equipment / devices and procedures for servicing people with disabilities (See paragraph 6).

2.1.2 Parking lots and pick-up/drop-off areas Roadway access should be clearly signposted, well lit and provided with directional information signs:

To parking, especially special parking spaces;

To the zone of embarkation / disembarkation from transport;

To the main entrance to the object.

Special parking spaces

Considering that many people with disabilities arrive at the site by car, it is necessary to ensure the availability of special parking spaces with accessible routes from the parking lot to the entrance to the structure.

Provide at least 10% of special parking spaces for people with disabilities, ;

Special parking spaces must have ground markings and be marked both on the surface of the parking space and with a vertical sign. It is necessary to provide information signs for the location of special parking spaces at the entrance from the roadway;

Develop a procedure and establish a management/supervision system to ensure that dedicated parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities are used only by eligible visitors to the facility;

Special parking spaces should be located as close as possible to the entrance to the structure. If the pedestrian path from special parking spaces to the entrance is open, then the distance to the entrance should not exceed 50 m; it can be increased to a maximum of 100 m if the pedestrian path is equipped with a shelter from adverse weather conditions;

The surface of special parking spaces must be smooth and even. Unbonded pavement materials such as gravel are unacceptable;

Exit from special parking spaces should be equipped with curb ramps located in close proximity to them. Requirements for curb ramps are set out in SP 59.13330.2012;

Barrier control elements with the help of voice should be duplicated by alternative means for people with hearing and speech impairments.

Pick-up/drop-off areas Public transport pick-up/drop-off areas must be provided. Ideally, this place should be protected from adverse weather conditions and be in close proximity to the main entrance. You need to pay attention to the following points:

The embarkation/disembarkation area space must be long enough to allow loading from the rear of the vehicle;

For smaller structures where a drop-off point at the main entrance may not be practical, the distance between the nearest drop-off point and the sports venue should not exceed 50 m unless the footpath to the entrance is sheltered from adverse weather conditions.

Photo 3 - An example of the arrangement of the zone of embarkation / disembarkation from transport (London-2012)

2.1.3 Special services for escorting people with disabilities accompanying people with disabilities and providing them with special services. The tasks of this service include: meeting people with disabilities in parking lots, nearest public transport stops or at the entrance to the facility; accompanying them through the accumulation of large groups of visitors to the place where the service is provided.

Photo 4 - Volunteers meeting visitors with disabilities and escorting them to their accommodations in the stands (Vancouver-2010)

2.2 Pedestrian paths on the site To ensure the convenient and safe movement of all visitors sports facility, including people with limited mobility, from the place of arrival at the facility to the entrance, great attention should be paid to the layout and equipment of pedestrian routes (including external stairs and ramps).

Figure 2 - Characteristics of slopes of ramps

The requirements for external traffic routes are set out in SP 59.13330.2012 (clauses 4.1-4.3), SP 35-101-20013 (Part 1, clauses 3.1-3.8 and 3.10-3.20) .

All pedestrian routes should be marked with informational directional indicators, including audible and tactile ones, to help guide people with hearing and vision impairments.

When planning and organizing pedestrian routes in the adjacent territory, it is recommended to pay special attention to the following points:

Along the route, it is necessary to provide landmarks to help find the way;

Traffic routes for transport should be clearly distinguished from pedestrian ones (achieved by using materials of different textures and colors);

Landscaping elements and small architectural forms (lanterns, rubbish bins, flowerpots, benches, etc.) should not be in the way of movement;

The height of the free space above the footpaths (under trees, awnings, brackets, etc.) must be at least 2.1 m;

In all places where a smooth change in the level of height along the path of movement occurs

3 SP 35-101-2001, SP 35-102-2001, SP 35-103-2001, SP 35-104-2001, etc. are currently being updated.

more than a height equivalent to the height of one step, an alternative way to overcome the height difference with the help of steps should be provided, because for many people it is much easier to overcome a short flight of stairs than a ramp;

Pavement materials should be carefully selected. They may have different sound or tactile characteristics. With proper use of these characteristics, as well as the color scheme of the coating, they help to determine their location along the route for people with visual impairment. With indiscriminate handling of the characteristics of the coating, it is possible not only to make it difficult for people with visual impairments to navigate, but also to create a threat to them;

Where pedestrian paths intersect with cycle paths, warning and guiding elements of information for the blind and visually impaired should be provided. It should be ensured that there are no obstructions or obstacles presenting a danger on the way to the crossing points (for example, fencing bars);

Carefully planned arrangements of green spaces help visually impaired people navigate space using their color and smell, and in some cases become key landmarks for visually impaired people. It must be ensured that the plants do not hang low over the pedestrian paths;

On pedestrian paths located on a flat surface, it is necessary to provide places for rest at a distance of no more than 50 m from each other for people with a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

Photo 5 - An example of the equipment of footpaths

3 Architectural (physical) accessibility of the object

3.1 Entrance to the building The entrance to the building should be clearly visible against the background of its facade. Entrance highlighting should be maintained through color, lighting and signage.

The building should be designed in such a way as to make the entrance as visible as possible and the building attractive to all.

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The requirements for entering the building are set out in SP 59.13330.2012 (clause 5.1), SP 35-101-2001 (Part 1, clauses 4.1-4.8) .

In addition, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

The entrance should be equipped with a level area directly in front of the front door in order to make the entrance accessible to people in wheelchairs;

Entry must be universally accessible to all. You should not create a separate entrance for different groups of visitors;

The location of the entrance doors should be logically combined with the direction of the approach to the building;

If it is planned to install a metal detector frame at the entrance, it is necessary to provide an alternative path of movement located outside the frame, because, firstly, not all wheelchairs pass in width into the standard metal detector frame; secondly, checking a visitor moving in a wheelchair using a frame metal detector does not make sense and will still, if necessary, be carried out using manual means of inspection; thirdly, there are a number of categories of visitors (for example, people with implanted pacemakers) who are prohibited from passing through the metal detector frame;

In the case of using drainage and dirt gratings with longitudinal holes, they should be located in such a way that the holes are oriented perpendicular to the direction of movement, because, otherwise, interference with the movement of people in wheelchairs may be created;

The layout and size of the entrance lobby of the sports facility should allow a wheelchair user to push either a sports or day wheelchair in front of him;

In order to prevent moisture on visitors' shoes/wheelchair wheels from entering the building, a cleaning surface/mat located in a recess should be provided in the entrance lobby. At the same time, the mat should not create a risk of tripping over it.

Coir mats and similar materials should not be used.

If turnstiles are installed, it is necessary to provide an access gate so that an accessible entrance can be arranged for visitors in wheelchairs. The gate must be equipped with an electric drive. If the turnstiles can be controlled by visitors themselves, for example, with the help of a club card or other passes, then it should be possible to manage any “gate” as well;

Photo 7 - Access turnstiles (AquaCity "Poprad", Slovakia)

Elevator, stairs and pay phone must be clearly visible and close to the check-in desk. If it is impossible to place these elements within the line of sight, then their location should be indicated by information signs;

Acoustic conditions in the check-in area should facilitate a clear understanding of speech, especially when communicating with staff behind the check-in desk. It is important that in the registration area, hard reflective surfaces such as glass are acoustically balanced with softer sound-absorbing surfaces such as ceilings, carpets and curtains.

3.2 Internal traffic routes Internal traffic routes are divided into horizontal, vertical and escape routes.

Requirements for internal and evacuation routes are set out in SP 59.13330.2012 (clause 5.2), SP 35-101-2001 (Part 1, clauses 4.4-4.20) .

Also, when organizing traffic routes in a building, the requirements for their individual elements should be taken into account:

Requirements for stairs and ramps are set out in SP 59.13330.2012 (clauses 5.2.9 - 5.2.16), SP 35-101-2001 (Part 1, clauses 4.4-4.20 and Part 2, 2.19-2.25) ;

Requirements for elevators, lifting platforms and escalators are set out in SP 59.13330.2012 (clauses 5.2.17 - 5.2.22), SP 35-101-2001 (Part 1, clause 6.2 and Part 2, 2.26-2.30), Technical regulations on the safety of elevators, GOST R 53770-2010, etc.

The color of the surface of the ramp should be visually different from the color of the horizontal platform, so that visitors with visual impairments are aware of the approach to the inclined part of the ramp;

All ramps must have a firmly fixed anti-slip surface;

The protective fitting of each step of the stairs must differ in color and brightness from the steps adjacent to it and have anti-slip properties;

Photo 8 - Examples of contrast marking of the edge of stairs

It is important that the handrail is within reach before the moment when a person begins to climb or descend the stairs or ramp. To do this, the handrails must extend horizontally beyond the beginning and end of the flight of stairs or ramp by at least 0.3 m.

If columns, supports or other obstacles are located on the paths of movement of visitors, they must be marked and / or fenced;

Photo 9 - Examples of fencing and / or contrast marking of columns

Corridors should be free from obstacles located on the paths of movement.

For example, fire extinguishers, radiators, etc. should not protrude within the overall width of the corridor so as not to endanger children, visitors in wheelchairs or visually impaired;

The corners at the junctions of the walls in places where the direction changes or the junction of the corridors should, if possible, be beveled or rounded;

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If possible, small changes in floor level within the same floor should be avoided. However, where this measure cannot be practically implemented, all ramps and steps should be properly designed;

The use of shiny polished materials should be avoided, which can create glare and reflections and adversely affect the safety of moving up the stairs;

It should be ensured that open spaces under the stairs are either free from hazardous elements that could lead to injury, or fenced off;

The color of the handrail should be different from the color of adjacent surfaces and be of sufficient contrast with respect to them so that it can be easily noticed by visually impaired people;

All handrails must be securely fastened;

Photo 11 - An example of equipping wide stairs with additional handrails

The number of doors in a building should be kept to a minimum. doors make it difficult for most people with disabilities and other MHDs (for example, people with large bags) to move inside the building. Doors can be heavy or inconvenient to use if they are designed and manufactured in violation of regulatory requirements;

Double doors must have at least one leaf, the width of which allows the free passage of a person in a wheelchair without the need to open the second leaf;

All doors must be located in such a way that at the wall on the side of the door opening towards itself (from the side of the latch) a free space of at least 0.3 m is provided;

In order to avoid collisions of people on opposite sides of the doors, it is recommended to equip door leaves with transparent inserts that provide an opportunity to see adults, children or people in wheelchairs located on the other side of the door;

Photo 12 - Examples of door equipment with transparent inserts

Transparent doors can be dangerous for the blind and visually impaired. Transparent door panels must be clearly marked with contrasting markers: stripes, yellow circles or colored logos, etc. They must also be different from any adjacent elements made of transparent materials;

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It is important that visually impaired people can easily identify the door. The simplest and effective method achievement of this goal - to make the color of the door contrasting with respect to adjacent surfaces;

Photo 14 - Examples of contrasting designation of the surface of the door and doorway in relation to the color of adjacent surfaces (London-2012)

In large facilities and where a large number of wheelchair users are expected, consideration should be given to installing automatic internal doors, touch-controlled doors, or controlled by conveniently located panels (buttons);

If, in order for the door to remain closed, it is necessary to install door latch or a lock rather than a latch, a lever-type doorknob should be used. The use of round door handles should be avoided because they are difficult to operate for people with disabilities. motor functions hands;

The color of the door handles should contrast with the color of the door surface;

Do not use "emergency door openers that require glass to be activated" as they will be an obstacle for people with disabilities;

If a minimum size elevator car is used, then consideration should be given to installing an elevator car with two-way opening doors so that you can enter and exit without turning around. Otherwise, it is necessary to place a mirror on the rear wall of the elevator car so that the visitor in a wheelchair can see the space behind him when leaving the elevator car;

The elevator car must be equipped with sound and visual indication of floors, as well as opening / closing doors;

The buttons on the control panel of the elevator car must be clearly visible, easy to operate and accessible to visitors in wheelchairs. Buttons should be equipped with tactile symbols;

Inside the elevator car, the control panel should be located on the side wall;

It is extremely important to ensure the exact alignment of the elevator car floor with each floor level;

The emergency communication system in the elevator car must include inductive communication elements to assist visitors with hearing aids.

Photo 15 - An example of the designation and equipment of an elevator car accessible for MGN (London)

1. If it is not possible to install a passenger elevator in an existing structure, then:

Wheelchair users rarely visit the facility;

The structure is small in these cases, it is possible to install vertical lifts to move between levels.

2. Also, this kind of lifts will be especially useful when adapting existing structures that have a significant difference in elevation levels or a small space, but to ensure the availability of which a large number of ramps are required. However, please note that the lifts have a limited platform area and therefore can only accommodate one person in a wheelchair. Therefore, they are not suitable for use in facilities with a large number of wheelchair users.

3. Also be aware that a stair lift is not an acceptable means of accessibility in any facility. In addition, it can be dangerous when placed on escape routes.

Escape routes Requirements for escape routes are set out in the Technical Regulations on the requirements fire safety, SP 59.13330.2012 (clauses 5.2.23 - 5.2.34) . Below are some recommendations for making escape routes accessible.

Photo 16 - Examples of Escape Routes and Safe Area Designations4 (London) Procedures and escape routes for people with disabilities need to be carefully considered early in the design of a facility. A safe and successful evacuation depends on a number of factors:

Functioning of the facility management system;

Object layouts;

Building structures.

The developed evacuation procedures should allow each visitor to the facility to reach a safe area protected from fire and smoke, no matter what floor the person is on. If the building has advising architectural characteristics, then many people with disabilities will be able to leave it on their own. However, sometimes people with disabilities may take longer to evacuate than most visitors. Therefore, it is essential that they are given the opportunity to use the safest escape route from the building.

The evacuation strategy should be based on a risk assessment and ensure that:

Every part of the building has a safe means of emergency evacuation.

Each escape route is accessible to all occupants of the building, including persons with disabilities where applicable.

Evacuation plans should detail the steps that building management needs to take to evacuate all occupants, including people with disabilities:

Measures should be put in place to inform people where help can be obtained if needed;

All emergency exits on the ground floor must have a flat surface or be equipped with a ramp;

In buildings where there are spectator seats, it is necessary to provide means of evacuation for spectators with disabilities.

The design should include the creation of safe areas along escape routes, such as next to flights of stairs or an evacuation elevator. Safe areas are places where people can wait a short time before finally leaving the building, or wait for help.

The evacuation lift must meet at least the following requirements:

Be a passenger elevator that is always available for evacuation purposes.

Comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents;

Have an independent source of power supply and control;

Have an appropriate information sign;

4 Safe area - an area in which people are protected from the effects of fire hazards or in which there are no fire hazards

Located in such a way as to be connected to a safe area or evacuation stairs;

Located in a fireproof shaft, have protected elevator lobbies on each floor and a direct route of escape routes to the outside at the exit level;

The facility should provide an alarm system with the possibility of duplicating information for people with sensory impairments.

Personnel at the facility should be trained in how to evacuate people with disabilities in the event of an emergency.

3.3 Sanitary facilities 3.3.1 Changing rooms The requirements for changing rooms in sports and fitness facilities are set out in SP 59.13330.2012 (p. 7.5.15-7.5.20), SP 35-103-2001 (p. 6 of the Table 5.1).

In venues where wheelchair sport competitions are infrequent, it is recommended that some dressing room benches be collapsible to temporarily provide additional space for wheelchair athletes if necessary;

At sports facilities, "buffer" dressing rooms are usually provided in order to provide places for changing clothes during busy periods. Properly designed in terms of accessibility, "buffer" changing rooms can be used as changing areas for people with disabilities (if these areas are not required for general changing);

Locks and lockers should have clear embossed numbers that can be read both visually and with the help of the tactile organs.

3.3.2 Restrooms

The following are the requirements for accessible toilet cubicles as outlined in the Guide

IPC by accessibility:

The doors of accessible toilet cubicles should be equipped with easily movable latches, designed for people with impaired motor functions of the hands, and, if necessary, be closed automatically. The opening force of such valves must not exceed 20 N. All fittings used to open the door must have a color that contrasts with the surface of the door.

The use of twist locks on toilet cubicle doors is not permitted as such locks require good motor skill to use unless they are complemented by flanged handles. Sliding locks or bolts are available to all visitors.

The height of the toilet seat should be 450mm +/- 10mm from the floor base mark.

The toilet bowl must be equipped with a lid, which must be fixed in position with a deviation of 10-15 from the vertical and which can be used as a back support.

In the absence of a lid or tank, back support must be provided.

Photo 17 - Examples of accessible toilet equipment (London 2012)

The tank lid must be securely fastened.

Toilets shall be fitted with L-shaped railings consisting of a 750 mm long horizontal and vertical element, mounted with the horizontal element 230 mm above the toilet seat so that the vertical element is 150 mm in front of the seat.

Toilet paper dispensers should be positioned so that they are easily accessible from a seated position. It is recommended to install them at a height (approximately) 50-100mm below the midpoint of the side rail, but not less than 600mm above the floor. Distributors should have a color that contrasts with the color of the wall surface.

In addition, open roll-type dispensers should be installed in areas designated for people with disabilities, since they require minimal motor skills to use them.

3.3.3 Showers and washbasin areas:

Washbasins intended for use by people with disabilities must be equipped with a table or a shelf located next to them.

Paper towel dispensers should be easy to use. With many types of dispensers, visitors need to grasp the towel with both hands, squeeze it firmly, and pull it down. For a significant proportion of people with disabilities, this is impossible or difficult. Dispensers should be operated by a convenient ergonomic lever or be equipped with automatic paper feed. At the same time, they must be installed in such a way that they are easily accessible from the sink.

Waste baskets and other obstructions should not obstruct access to paper towel dispensers.

It is recommended to use non-contact type automatic faucets, especially in toilets intended for visitors of both sexes. Minimum requirement is the installation of a single tap with a lever handle and a thermostat. The use of separate control valves for hot and cold water is not allowed.

All faucets must be equipped with lever handles to enable them to be used by people with impaired hand dexterity.

A shower area intended for people with disabilities should be located at the same level as the adjacent space and equipped with a floor drain.

The use of shower trays, the presence of thresholds is not allowed.

The accessible shower area must be equipped with a portable or wall-mounted folding seat, located at a height of not more than 480 mm from the level of the base of the floor of the shower cabin, the center of which should be located at a distance of 500 mm from the adjacent wall. The seat must be at least 480 mm deep and 850 mm long, capable of carrying a load of at least 1.33 kN, waterproof and easy to clean.

A hand shower must be provided, the attachment point of which must be located at a height accessible from a sitting position. The shower hose must be at least 1500 mm long.

Soap dishes or shelves for soap should be located in such a way that they can be easily accessed from a sitting position.

The shower area must be equipped with handrails measuring at least 750mm x 900mm, installed horizontally so that the centerline of the handrail is 850mm above the level of the floor of the shower cabin, and the 750mm side is located along the wall on which the seat is located. It is also recommended to provide a wheelchair for use in the showers.

Photo 18 - An example of shower equipment (Vancouver-2010)

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Information about changes:

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the referenced document is replaced (modified), then when using this set of rules, one should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.

4 Land requirements

4.1 Entrances and routes

4.1.2 It is not allowed to use non-transparent gates on hinged double-acting hinges, gates with rotating doors, turnstiles and other devices that create an obstacle to the MGN on the MGN movement routes.

4.1.3 The design documentation should provide for the conditions for unhindered, safe and convenient movement of the MGN along the site to the accessible entrance to the building, taking into account the requirements of SP 42.13330. These paths should be joined with transport and pedestrian communications external to the site, specialized parking spaces, and public transport stops.

The system of information support tools must be provided on all traffic routes available for the MGN for the entire time (during the day) of the operation of an institution or enterprise in accordance with GOST R 51256 and GOST R 52875.

4.1.4 It is allowed to combine transport passages on the site and pedestrian paths to objects, subject to the urban planning requirements for the parameters of traffic routes.

At the same time, it is necessary to make restrictive markings of pedestrian paths on the carriageway, which will ensure the safe movement of people and vehicles.

4.1.5 When crossing pedestrian paths by vehicles at the entrances to the building or in the area near the building, elements of early warning of drivers about the crossing points, up to its regulation in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51684, should be provided. Curb ramps should be installed on both sides of the crossing over the carriageway.

4.1.6 If there are underground and overhead crossings on the site, they should, as a rule, be equipped with ramps or lifting devices, if it is impossible to organize a ground crossing for the MGN.

The width of the pedestrian path through the island of safety at the points of crossing the carriageway must be at least 3 m, the length - at least 2 m.

4.1.7 The width of the pedestrian path, taking into account the oncoming traffic of disabled people in wheelchairs, should be at least 2.0 m. every 25 m horizontal platforms (pockets) with a size of at least 2.0x1.8 m to ensure the possibility of wheelchairs for people with disabilities.

The longitudinal slope of the traffic paths, along which the passage of disabled people in wheelchairs is possible, should not exceed 5%, the transverse slope - 2%.

Note - All parameters of the width and height of the communication paths here and in other paragraphs are given in clear (clear).

4.1.8 When arranging exits from the sidewalk to the traffic lane, the slope should be no more than 1:12, and near the building and in crowded places it is allowed to increase the longitudinal slope to 1:10 for no more than 10 m.

Curb ramps at pedestrian crossings should be located entirely within the area intended for pedestrians, and should not protrude into the roadway. The height difference at the exit points to the carriageway should not exceed 0.015 m.

4.1.9 The height of the curbs along the edges of the pedestrian paths in the territory is recommended to be at least 0.05 m.

The difference in heights of curbs, side stones along operated lawns and landscaped areas adjacent to pedestrian paths should not exceed 0.025 m.

4.1.10 Tactile aids that perform a warning function on the pavement of pedestrian paths on the site should be placed at least 0.8 m before the information object or the beginning of the dangerous section, change of direction, entrance, etc.

The width of the tactile strip is taken within 0.5-0.6 m.

4.1.11 The pavement of footpaths, sidewalks and ramps must be made of solid materials, even, rough, without gaps, not creating vibration during movement, and also preventing slipping, i.e. maintaining a strong grip of shoe soles, walking aid supports and wheelchair wheels in wet and snowy conditions.

The pavement of concrete slabs should have a thickness of joints between the slabs of no more than 0.015 m. A pavement of loose materials, including sand and gravel, is not allowed.

4.1.12 The width of flights of stairs of open stairs should be at least 1.35 m. For open stairs on terrain differences, the width of the treads should be taken from 0.35 to 0.4 m, the height of the riser - from 0.12 to 0.15 m. All steps of stairs within the same flight must be the same in shape in plan, in terms of the width of the tread and the height of the rise of the steps. The transverse slope of the steps should be no more than 2%.

The surface of the steps must have an anti-slip coating and be rough.

It should not be used on the paths of MGN steps with open risers.

The march of an open staircase should not be less than three steps and should not exceed 12 steps. It is unacceptable to use single steps, which must be replaced by ramps. The distance between the handrails of the stairs when clean must be at least 1.0 m.

The edge steps of the flights of stairs should be highlighted in color or texture.

Paragraph 6 does not apply from May 15, 2017 - Order

4.1.14 Stairs should be duplicated by ramps or lifting devices.

Outdoor stairs and ramps must be equipped with handrails. The length of the ramp march should not exceed 9.0 m, and the slope should not be steeper than 1:20.

The width between the handrails of the ramp should be in the range of 0.9-1.0 m.

A ramp with an estimated length of 36.0 m or more or a height of more than 3.0 m should be replaced with lifting devices.

4.1.15 The length of the horizontal platform of a straight ramp should be at least 1.5 m. At the upper and lower ends of the ramp, a free zone of at least 1.5x1.5 m in size should be provided, and in areas of intensive use at least 2.1x2.1 m • Free zones must also be provided for every change in the direction of the ramp.

Ramps must have a double-sided fencing with handrails at a height of 0.9 m (allowable from 0.85 to 0.92 m) and 0.7 m, taking into account the technical requirements for stationary support devices in accordance with GOST R 51261. The distance between the handrails should be within 0.9-1.0 m. Wheel fenders 0.1 m high should be installed on intermediate platforms and at the exit.

4.1.16 The surface of the ramp should be non-slip, clearly marked with a color or texture that contrasts with the adjacent surface.

In places where slopes change, it is necessary to install artificial lighting of at least 100 lux at floor level.

The need for a device for heating the surface of the ramp, platforms under a canopy, shelter is established by the design task.

4.1.17 The ribs of the drainage gratings installed on the paths of movement of the MGN should be located perpendicular to the direction of movement and closely adjoin the surface. The gaps in the cells of the gratings should be no more than 0.013 m wide. The diameter of round holes in the gratings should not exceed 0.018 m.

Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

4.2 Car parks for the disabled

4.2.1 At individual parking lots on the site near or inside the buildings of service institutions, 10% of places (but not less than one place) should be allocated for the transport of disabled people, including 5% of specialized places for vehicles of disabled people in a wheelchair at the rate, with the number of places :

Allocated places must be marked with signs adopted by GOST R 52289 and SDA on the surface of the parking lot and duplicated with a sign on a vertical surface (wall, pole, rack, etc.) in accordance with GOST 12.4.026, located at a height of at least 1.5 m.

4.2.2 It is advisable to place places for personal vehicles of disabled people near the entrance to an enterprise or institution accessible to disabled people, but no further than 50 m, from the entrance to a residential building - no further than 100 m.

Stopping areas for specialized means of public transport transporting only disabled people (social taxis) should be provided at a distance of no more than 100 m from the entrances to public buildings.

4.2.3 It is allowed to provide special parking spaces along transport communications if the road slope is less than 1:50.

Parking spaces parallel to the curb must be dimensioned to allow access to the rear of the vehicle for use of a ramp or lift.

The ramp should have a blister finish that provides a comfortable transition from the parking area to the sidewalk. In places of disembarkation and movement of disabled people from personal vehicles to the entrances to buildings, a non-slip coating should be used.

4.2.4 The marking of a parking space for a disabled person in a wheelchair should be provided with a size of 6.0x3.6 m, which makes it possible to create a safe zone on the side and behind the car - 1.2 m.

If the parking lot provides a place for regular parking of cars, the interiors of which are adapted for the transportation of disabled people in wheelchairs, the width of the side approaches to the car must be at least 2.5 m.

4.2.6 Built-in, including underground parking lots should have a direct connection with the functional floors of the building with the help of elevators, including those adapted for the movement of disabled people in a wheelchair with an attendant. These lifts and approaches to them must be marked with special signs.

4.3 Landscaping and recreation

4.3.1 On the territory, on the main routes of movement of people, it is recommended to provide for at least 100-150 m places for rest accessible for MGN, equipped with sheds, benches, pay phones, signs, lamps, alarms, etc.

Resting places should serve as architectural accents that are part of the general information system of the facility.

4.3.3 The minimum level of illumination in recreation areas should be taken as 20 lux. Lamps installed on recreation areas should be located below the eye level of the seated person.

4.3.4 Devices and equipment (mailboxes, payphone shelters, information boards, etc.) placed on the walls of buildings, structures or on separate structures, as well as protruding elements and parts of buildings and structures should not reduce the normalized space for passage, as well as the passage and maneuvering of the wheelchair.

Objects, the front edge of the surface of which is located at a height of 0.7 to 2.1 m from the level of the pedestrian path, should not protrude beyond the plane of the vertical structure by more than 0.1 m, and when they are placed on a free-standing support - more than 0, 3m.

With an increase in the size of protruding elements, the space under these objects must be allocated with a curbstone, a ledge with a height of at least 0.05 m, or fences with a height of at least 0.7 m.

Around stand-alone poles, poles or trees located on the path of movement, precautionary paving in the form of a square or a circle should be provided at a distance of 0.5 m from the object.

4.3.5 Payphones and other specialized equipment for people with visual impairments should be installed on a horizontal plane using tactile ground indicators or on separate plates up to 0.04 m high, the edge of which should be at a distance of 0.7-0.8 from the installed equipment m.

Shapes and edges of hanging equipment must be rounded.

4.3.7 In exceptional cases, during reconstruction, mobile ramps may be used. The width of the surface of mobile ramps should be at least 1.0 m, the slopes should be close to the values ​​​​of stationary ramps.

5 Requirements for premises and their elements

In buildings and structures, conditions should be provided for MGN to use the premises in full for the safe implementation of the necessary activities independently or with the help of an escort, as well as evacuation in case of an emergency.

5.1.1 The building must have at least one entrance accessible to the MGN from the surface of the earth and from each underground or above-ground level accessible to the MGN connected to this building.

5.1.2 External stairs and ramps must have handrails, taking into account the technical requirements for stationary support devices in accordance with GOST R 51261. With a width of stairs at the main entrances to the building of 4.0 m or more, dividing handrails should be additionally provided.

5.1.3 The entrance area at the entrances accessible by MGN should have: a canopy, a drainage system, and, depending on local climatic conditions, heating of the surface of the coating. The dimensions of the entrance area when opening the door leaf to the outside must be at least 1.4x2.0 m or 1.5x1.85 m. The dimensions of the entrance area with a ramp are at least 2.2x2.2 m.

The surfaces of entrance platforms and vestibules must be hard, not slip when wet, and have a transverse slope within 1-2%.

5.1.4 * Entrance doors when designing new buildings and structures must have a clear width of at least 1.2 m. When designing reconstructed, subject to major repairs and adaptable existing buildings and structures, the width of the entrance doors is taken from 0.9 to 1.2 m The use of doors on swinging hinges and revolving doors on the paths of movement of the MGN is not allowed.

In the leafs of external doors accessible to MGN, viewing panels should be provided filled with transparent and impact-resistant material, the lower part of which should be located within 0.5 to 1.2 m from the floor level. The lower part of the glass door leaves to a height of at least 0.3 m from the floor level must be protected by a shockproof strip.

External doors accessible to MGN may have thresholds. In this case, the height of each element of the threshold should not exceed 0.014 m.

Paragraph 4 does not apply from May 15, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

With double-leaf doors, one working leaf must have the width required for single-leaf doors.

5.1.5 Transparent doors at the entrances and in the building, as well as fences, should be made of impact-resistant material. On transparent door leafs, a bright contrasting marking with a height of at least 0.1 m and a width of at least 0.2 m should be provided, located at a level not lower than 1.2 m and not higher than 1.5 m from the surface of the pedestrian path.

Paragraph 2 does not apply from May 15, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

5.1.6 Entrance doors accessible to disabled people should be designed as automatic, manual or mechanical. They must be highly identifiable and have a symbol indicating their availability. It is advisable to use automatic swing or sliding doors (if they do not stand in the way of evacuation).

On the MGN movement paths, it is recommended to use single-acting hinged doors with locks in the "open" or "closed" positions. You should also use doors that provide a delay of automatic closing of the doors, lasting at least 5 seconds. Swing doors with a closer (with a force of 19.5 Nm) should be used.

5.1.7 The depth of tambours and tambour-locks with direct movement and one-sided opening of doors should be at least 2.3 with a width of at least 1.50 m.

When sequencing hinged or hinged doors, it must be ensured that the minimum free space between them is not less than 1.4 m plus the width of the door opening into the space between the doors.

The free space at the door on the side of the latch should be: when opening "away from you" - at least 0.3 m, and when opening "towards you" - at least 0.6 m.

With a vestibule depth of less than 1.8 m to 1.5 m (during reconstruction), its width must be at least 2 m.

It is not allowed to use mirrored walls (surfaces) in vestibules, stairwells and emergency exits, and mirrored glass in doors.

Drainage and water collection grates installed in the floor of vestibules or entrance platforms should be installed flush with the floor surface. The width of the openings of their cells should not exceed 0.013 m, and the length of 0.015 m. It is preferable to use gratings with diamond-shaped or square cells. The diameter of round cells should not exceed 0.018 m.

5.1.8 If there is control at the entrance, access control devices and turnstiles with a clear width of at least 1.0 m, adapted for the passage of disabled people in wheelchairs, should be used.

In addition to the turnstiles, a side passage should be provided to ensure the evacuation of disabled people in wheelchairs and other categories of MGN. The width of the passage should be taken according to the calculation.

5.2 Traffic paths in buildings

Horizontal communications

5.2.1 Ways of movement to the premises, areas and places of service inside the building should be designed in accordance with the regulatory requirements for the ways of evacuation of people from the building.

The width of the movement path (in corridors, galleries, etc.) must be at least:

The width of the transition to another building should be taken - at least 2.0 m.

When moving along the corridor, a disabled person in a wheelchair should be provided with a minimum space for:

turn by 90 ° - equal to 1.2x1.2 m;

180° turn - equal to the diameter of 1.4 m.

In dead-end corridors, it is necessary to provide the possibility of turning the wheelchair by 180 °.

The clear height of the corridors along their entire length and width must be at least 2.1 m.

Note - When reconstructing buildings, it is allowed to reduce the width of corridors, provided that sidings (pockets) are created for wheelchairs measuring 2 m (length) and 1.8 m (width) within the line of sight of the next pocket.

5.2.2 Approaches to various equipment and furniture should be at least 0.9 m wide, and if it is necessary to turn the wheelchair by 90 ° - at least 1.2 m. wheelchair should take at least 1.4 m.

The depth of space for maneuvering the wheelchair in front of the door when opening “away from you” must be at least 1.2 m, and when opening “towards you” - at least 1.5 m with an opening width of at least 1.5 m.

The width of the passage in the room with equipment and furniture should be taken at least 1.2 m.

5.2.3 Floor areas on the traffic paths at a distance of 0.6 m in front of doorways and entrances to the stairs, as well as before turning the communication paths, must have tactile warning signs and / or a contrastingly painted surface in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026. It is recommended to provide light beacons.

Zones of "possible danger", taking into account the projection of the movement of the door leaf, should be marked with a marking paint that contrasts with the color of the surrounding space.

5.2.4 The width of door and open openings in the wall, as well as exits from rooms and corridors to the staircase must be at least 0.9 m. If the depth of the slope in the wall of an open opening is more than 1.0 m, the width of the opening should be taken according to the width of the communication passage but not less than 1.2 m.

Doors on escape routes should have a color that contrasts with the wall.

Doorways to the premises, as a rule, should not have thresholds and differences in floor heights. If it is necessary to install thresholds, their height or height difference should not exceed 0.014 m.

5.2.6 On each floor where there will be visitors, recreation areas for 2-3 seats should be provided, including for wheelchair users. With a large floor length, a recreation area should be provided after 25-30 m.

5.2.7 Structural elements and devices inside buildings, as well as decorative elements placed within the dimensions of the movement paths on walls and other vertical surfaces, must have rounded edges and not protrude by more than 0.1 m at a height of 0.7 to 2, 1 m from floor level. If the elements protrude beyond the plane of the walls by more than 0.1 m, then the space under them must be allocated with a side with a height of at least 0.05 m. When placing devices, indicators on a free-standing support, they should not protrude by more than 0.3 m .

Barriers, fences, etc. should be installed under the march of an open staircase and other overhanging elements inside the building that have a clear height of less than 1.9 m.

5.2.8 In rooms accessible to the disabled, it is not allowed to use pile carpets with a pile height of more than 0.013 m.

Carpets on the paths of movement must be tightly fixed, especially at the joints of the sheets and along the border of dissimilar coatings.

Vertical communications

Stairs and ramps

5.2.9 In case of a difference in floor heights in a building or structure, stairs, ramps or lifting devices accessible to the MGN should be provided.

In places where there is a difference in floor levels in the room, to protect against falls, fences with a height of 1-1.2 m should be provided.

The steps of the stairs must be smooth, without protrusions and with a rough surface. The edge of the step should have a rounding with a radius of no more than 0.05 m. The side edges of the steps that are not adjacent to the walls must have bumpers with a height of at least 0.02 m or other devices to prevent the cane or leg from slipping off.

Stair steps must be with a riser. The use of open steps (without risers) is not allowed.

5.2.10 In the absence of elevators, the width of the flight of stairs must be at least 1.35 m. In other cases, the width of the flight should be taken according to SP 54.13330 and SP 118.13330.

The final horizontal parts of the handrail should be 0.3 m longer than the flight of stairs or the inclined part of the ramp (allowed from 0.27-0.33 m) and have a non-traumatic end.

5.2.11 With an estimated width of the flight of stairs of 4.0 m or more, additional separating handrails should be provided.

5.2.13* The maximum height of one rise (march) of the ramp should not exceed 0.8 m with a slope of not more than 1:20 (5%). If the floor height difference on the movement paths is 0.2 m or less, it is allowed to increase the slope of the ramp up to 1:10 (10%).

Inside buildings and on temporary structures or temporary infrastructure facilities, a maximum ramp slope of 1:12 (8%) is allowed, provided that the vertical rise between the sites does not exceed 0.5 m, and the length of the ramp between the sites is not more than 6.0 m. When designing reconstructed, subject to major repairs and adaptable existing buildings and structures, the slope of the ramp is taken in the range from 1:20 (5%) to 1:12 (8%).

Ramps with a height difference of more than 3.0 m should be replaced with elevators, lifting platforms, etc.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to provide screw ramps. The width of the spiral ramp at full turn should be at least 2.0 m.

Every 8.0-9.0 m of the length of the ramp march, a horizontal platform should be arranged. Horizontal platforms must also be arranged at each change in the direction of the ramp.

The platform on the horizontal section of the ramp with a straight path of movement or at a turn should have a size of at least 1.5 m in the direction of travel, and on a screw - at least 2.0 m.

Ramps in their upper and lower parts must have horizontal platforms measuring at least 1.5x1.5 m.

The width of the ramp march should be taken according to the width of the lane in accordance with 5.2.1. Handrails in this case take the width of the ramp.

Inventory ramps must be designed for a load of at least 350 and meet the requirements for stationary ramps in width and slope.

5.2.14 Along the longitudinal edges of the marches of the ramps, to prevent slipping of the cane or leg, wheel fenders with a height of at least 0.05 m should be provided.

The surface of the ramp march should visually contrast with the horizontal surface at the beginning and end of the ramp. It is allowed to use light beacons or light tapes to identify adjacent surfaces.

Paragraph 3 does not apply from May 15, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

5.2.15* Fencing with handrails must be installed along both sides of all ramps and open stairs, as well as at all horizontal surface height differences of more than 0.45 m. Handrails should be placed at a height of 0.9 m (allowed from 0.85 to 0.92 m), near ramps - additionally at a height of 0.7 m.

The railing handrail on the inside of the stairs must be continuous along its entire height.

The distance between the handrails of the ramp should be taken in the range from 0.9 to 1.0 m.

The final horizontal parts of the handrail should be 0.3 m longer than the flight of stairs or the inclined part of the ramp (0.27 to 0.33 m is allowed) and have a non-traumatic end.

5.2.16 It is recommended to use handrails with a round section with a diameter of 0.04 to 0.06 m. The clear distance between the handrail and the wall should be at least 0.045 m for walls with smooth surfaces and at least 0.06 m for walls with rough surfaces.

On the top or side, external in relation to the march, the surface of the railing handrails should be provided with relief designations of floors, as well as warning stripes about the end of the railing.

Elevators, lifting platforms and escalators

5.2.17 Buildings should be equipped with passenger lifts or lifting platforms to provide wheelchair access to floors above or below the main entrance to the building (ground floor). The choice of the lifting method for the disabled and the possibility of duplicating these lifting methods is established in the design assignment.

5.2.19 The choice of the number and parameters of elevators for the transportation of disabled people is made according to the calculation, taking into account the maximum possible number of disabled people in the building, based on the nomenclature in accordance with GOST R 53770.

Paragraphs 2-3 do not apply from May 15, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

5.2.20 Light and sound informing signaling in the elevator cabin accessible to the disabled must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51631 and the Technical Regulations on the safety of elevators. Each door of an elevator designed for the disabled must have tactile floor level indicators. Opposite the exit from such elevators at a height of 1.5 m there should be a digital designation of the floor with a size of at least 0.1 m, contrasting with the background of the wall.

5.2.21 The installation of lifting platforms with inclined movement for overcoming flights of stairs by disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system, including wheelchairs, should be provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51630.

The free space in front of the lifting platforms must be at least 1.6x1.6 m.

In order to ensure control over the lifting platform and user actions, lifting platforms can be equipped with dispatching and visual control means, with information output to a remote automated workplace operator.

5.2.22 Escalators should be equipped with tactile warning signs at each end.

If an escalator or a passenger conveyor is on the main path of the MGN, at each of their ends, fences protruding in front of the balustrade with a height of 1.0 m and a length of 1.0-1.5 m should be provided for the safety of the blind and visually impaired (clear width not less than the moving canvas ).

Escape routes

5.2.23 Design solutions for buildings and structures must ensure the safety of visitors in accordance with the requirements of the "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and GOST 12.1.004 with the obligatory consideration of the psychophysiological capabilities of disabled people of various categories, their number and the location of the intended location in the building or structure.

5.2.24 Places of maintenance and permanent location of the MGN should be located at the minimum possible distance from the evacuation exits from the premises of the buildings to the outside.

5.2.25 Width (clear) of sections of evacuation routes used by MGN must be at least, m:

5.2.26 The ramp, which serves as an evacuation route from the second and higher floors, must have an exit outside the building to the adjacent territory.

5.2.27 If, according to the calculation, it is impossible to ensure the timely evacuation of all MHNs within the required time, then in order to rescue them, safety zones should be provided on the evacuation routes in which they can be until the arrival of rescue units, or from which they can be evacuated for a longer time and (or ) escape on their own along the adjacent smoke-free staircase or ramp.

The maximum allowable distances from the most remote point of the room for the disabled to the door to the security zone should be within reach for the necessary evacuation time.

Safety zones are recommended to be provided in the elevator lobbies for transporting fire departments, as well as in the elevator lobbies used by the MGN. These elevators can be used to rescue the disabled during a fire. The number of elevators for MGN is set by calculation in accordance with Appendix G.

The security zone may include the area of ​​the adjacent loggia or balcony, separated by fire barriers from the rest of the premises of the floor that are not included in the security zone. Loggias and balconies may not have fire-resistant glazing if the outer wall below them is blank with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 30 (EI 30) or the window and door openings in this wall must be filled with fire-resistant windows and doors.

5.2.28 The area of ​​​​the safety zone should be provided for all disabled people remaining on the floor, based on the specific area per one rescued, subject to the possibility of maneuvering:

If a smoke-free staircase or a ramp serving as an evacuation route is reasonably used as a safety zone, the dimensions of the landings of the staircase and the ramp must be increased based on the size of the designed zone.

5.2.29 The safety zone must be designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 1.13130 ​​regarding structural solutions and materials used.

The security zone must be separated from other premises and adjacent corridors by fire barriers that have fire resistance limits: walls, partitions, ceilings - at least REI 60, doors and windows - of the first type.

The safety zone must be smoke-free. In case of fire, an overpressure of 20 Pa should be created in it with one open door of the emergency exit.

5.2.30 Each security zone of a public building must be equipped with an intercom or other device for visual or text communication with the control room or with the premises of the fire post (guard post).

Doors, walls of the premises of the security zones, as well as routes to the security zones must be marked with an evacuation sign E 21 in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026.

The evacuation plans should indicate the location of the safety zones.

5.2.31 The upper and lower steps in each flight of evacuation stairs should be painted in a contrasting color or tactile warning signs should be used, contrasting in color with respect to the adjacent floor surfaces, 0.3 m wide.

It is possible to use a protective corner profile for orientation and assistance to the blind and visually impaired at each step along the width of the march. The material should be 0.05-0.065 m wide on the tread and 0.03-0.055 m wide on the riser. It should visually contrast with the rest of the step surface.

Step edges or handrails on escape routes should be painted with glow-in-the-dark paint or have light tapes pasted on them.

5.2.32 It is allowed to provide external evacuation stairs (third type stairs) for evacuation if they meet the requirements of 5.2.9.

In this case, the following conditions must be met simultaneously:

the ladder should be at a distance of more than 1.0 m from window and door openings;

the stairs must have emergency lighting.

It is not allowed to provide escape routes for the blind and other disabled people through open external metal stairs.

5.2.33 Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

At objects with permanent residence or temporary residence of MGN in corridors, elevator lobbies, in stairwells, where the operation of doors in the open position is provided, one of the the following ways door closing:

automatic closing of these doors when the alarm and (or) automatic fire extinguishing installation is activated;

remote closing of doors from a fire post (from a security post);

mechanical unlocking of doors in place.

The paragraph has not been applied since May 15, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

5.2.34 Illumination on evacuation routes (including at the beginning and end of the path) and at the places of provision (provision) of services for MGN in public and industrial buildings should be increased by one step compared to the requirements of SP 52.13330.

The difference in illumination between adjacent rooms and zones should not be more than 1:4.

5.3 Sanitary facilities

5.3.1 In all buildings where there are sanitary and amenity premises, places specially equipped for MGN in dressing rooms, universal cabins in latrines and showers, bathrooms should be provided.

5.3.2 In the total number of cabins for latrines in public and industrial buildings, the share of cabins available for MGN should be 7%, but not less than one.

In the additionally used universal cabin, the entrance should be designed taking into account the possible difference between the sexes of the accompanying person and the disabled person.

5.3.3 An accessible cabin in a common lavatory should have dimensions in terms of at least, m: width - 1.65, depth - 1.8, door width - 0.9. In the cabin next to the toilet, a space of at least 0.75 m should be provided for placing a wheelchair, as well as hooks for clothes, crutches and other accessories. There must be free space in the cab with a diameter of 1.4 m for turning the wheelchair. Doors must open outwards.

Note - The dimensions of accessible and universal (specialized) cabins may vary depending on the arrangement of the equipment used.

In the universal cabin and other sanitary facilities intended for use by all categories of citizens, including the disabled, it should be possible to install folding support handrails, bars, swivel or folding seats. The dimensions of the universal cabin in terms of not less than, m: width - 2.2, depth - 2.25.

One of the urinals should be located at a height of no more than 0.4 m from the floor or a vertical urinal should be used. Toilets with back support should be used.

5.3.4 In the premises of accessible showers, at least one cabin equipped for a disabled person in a wheelchair should be provided, in front of which space should be provided for the entrance of the wheelchair.

5.3.5 For disabled people with impaired musculoskeletal system and visual impairments, closed shower cabins should be provided with the door opening outward and entering directly from the dressing room with a non-slip floor and a pallet without a threshold.

An accessible shower cabin for MGN must be equipped with a portable or wall-mounted folding seat, located at a height of not more than 0.48 m from the level of the pallet; hand shower; wall handrails. The depth of the seat must be at least 0.48 m, length - 0.85 m.

The dimensions of the pallet (ladder) must be at least 0.9x1.5 m, the free zone - at least 0.8x1.5 m.

5.3.6 At the doors of sanitary facilities or accessible cabins (toilet, shower, bath, etc.), special signs (including embossed ones) should be provided at a height of 1.35 m.

Accessible booths must be equipped with an alarm system that provides communication with the premises of permanent duty personnel (security post or facility administration).

5.3.7 The geometric parameters of the areas used by the disabled, including those on wheelchairs, in the sanitary facilities of public and industrial buildings, should be taken according to table 1:

Table 1


Plan dimensions (clear), m

Shower cubicles:


open and with a through passage; half souls

Women's personal hygiene cabins.

5.3.8 The width of the aisles between the rows should be taken at least, m:

5.3.9 Accessible cabins should use water taps with a lever handle and a thermostat, and, if possible, with automatic and sensor taps of a non-contact type. The use of taps with separate control of hot and cold water not allowed.

It is necessary to use toilets with automatic water drain or with manual push-button control, which should be located on the side wall of the cabin, from which the transfer from the wheelchair to the toilet is carried out.

5.4 Internal equipment and devices

5.4.2 Devices for opening and closing doors, horizontal handrails, as well as handles, levers, taps and buttons of various devices, openings for vending, drinking and ticket machines, openings for chip cards and other control systems, terminals and operating displays and other devices that can use MGN inside the building, should be installed at a height of not more than 1.1 m and not less than 0.85 m from the floor and at a distance of not less than 0.4 m from the side wall of the room or other vertical plane.

Switches and electrical sockets in the premises should be provided at a height of not more than 0.8 m from the floor level. It is allowed to use, in accordance with the terms of reference, switches (switches) for remote control of electric lighting, curtains, electronic devices and other equipment.

5.4.3 Doorknobs, locks, latches and other devices for opening and closing doors should be used, which should be of a form that allows a disabled person to operate them with one hand and does not require excessive force or significant rotation of the hand at the wrist. It is advisable to focus on the use of easily controlled instruments and mechanisms, as well as U-shaped handles.

Handles on sliding door leafs must be installed in such a way that when the doors are fully open, these handles are easily accessible from both sides of the door.

Door handles located in the corner of a corridor or room should be placed at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the side wall.

5.5 Audiovisual information systems

5.5.1 Elements of the building and territory accessible to the MGN should be identified with accessibility symbols in the following places:

parking places;

passenger boarding areas;

entrances, if not all entrances to the building, structure are accessible;

places in common bathrooms;

dressing rooms, fitting rooms, locker rooms in buildings where not all such rooms are accessible;

elevators and other lifting devices;

security zones;

aisles in other MGN service areas where not all aisles are available.

Direction markers indicating the path to the nearest available element may be provided, as appropriate, at the following locations:

inaccessible building entrances;

inaccessible public restrooms, showers, bathrooms;

elevators not adapted for the transportation of disabled people;

exits and stairs that are not evacuation routes for the disabled.

5.5.2 Hazard information and signaling systems located in premises (except premises with wet processes) intended for the stay of all categories of disabled people and on their movement paths must be comprehensive and provide visual, sound and tactile information indicating the direction of movement and places to receive services. They must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51671, GOST R 51264, and also take into account the requirements of SP 1.13130.

The means of information used (including signs and symbols) must be identical within a building or a complex of buildings and structures located in the same area, within an enterprise, transport route, etc. and comply with the signs established by the current regulatory documents on standardization. It is advisable to use international characters.

5.5.3 The media system of zones and premises (especially in places of mass visiting), entrance nodes and traffic routes should ensure the continuity of information, timely orientation and unambiguous identification of objects and places visited. It should provide for the possibility of obtaining information about the range of services provided, the location and purpose of functional elements, the location of escape routes, warn of dangers in extreme situations, etc.

The paragraph has not been applied since May 15, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 14, 2016 N 798 / pr

5.5.4 Visual information should be located on a contrasting background with the size of signs corresponding to the viewing distance, be linked to the artistic design of the interior and be located at a height of at least 1.5 m and not more than 4.5 m from the floor level.

In addition to the visual one, an audible alarm should be provided, as well as, according to the design assignment, a stroboscopic alarm (in the form of intermittent light signals), the signals of which should be visible in crowded places. The maximum frequency of stroboscopic pulses is 1-3 Hz.

5.5.5 Light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, connected to the warning and control system for the evacuation of people in case of fire, to the warning system for natural disasters and extreme situations, should be installed in the premises and areas of public buildings and structures visited by MGN, And industrial premises with jobs for the disabled.

For emergency sound signaling, devices should be used that provide a sound level of at least 80-100 dB for 30 s.

Sound signaling devices (electrical, mechanical or electronic) must meet the requirements of GOST 21786. The equipment for driving them must be located at least 0.8 m before the warning section of the track.

Noise indicators should be used in rooms with good sound insulation or in rooms with low levels of noise of subjective origin.

5.5.6 In the lobbies of public buildings, provision should be made for the installation of sound informers similar to public telephones, which can be used by visitors with visual impairments, and text phones for visitors with hearing impairments. Information desks of all kinds, ticket offices of mass sale, etc. should be equipped similarly.

Visual information should be located on a contrasting background at a height of at least 1.5 m and not more than 4.5 m from the floor level.

5.5.7 Enclosed spaces of buildings (premises for various functional purposes, lavatory cabins, an elevator, a dressing room cabin, etc.), where a disabled person, including those with hearing impairments, may be alone, as well as elevator lobbies and safety zones must be equipped a two-way communication system with the dispatcher or duty officer. The two-way communication system must be equipped with audible and visual alarms. Outside such a room, a combined audible and visual (intermittent light) alarm should be provided above the door. In such rooms (cabins) emergency lighting should be provided.

In a public restroom, an alarm signal or detector should be output to the duty room.

6 Special requirements for places of residence for persons with disabilities

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 When designing residential multi-apartment buildings, in addition to this document, the requirements of SP 54.13330 should be taken into account.

6.1.2 Accessible to MGN should be adjacent territories (pedestrian routes and platforms), premises from the entrance to the building to the zone of residence of the disabled person (apartment, living cell, room, kitchen, bathrooms) in apartment buildings and dormitories, premises in residential and service parts (a group of service premises) of hotels and other temporary residence buildings.

6.1.3 Dimensional schemes of movement routes and functional places are calculated for the movement of a disabled person in a wheelchair, and for equipment - also for the visually impaired, blind and deaf.

6.1.4 Residential apartment buildings and residential premises of public buildings should be designed to meet the needs of disabled people, including:

accessibility of the apartment or dwelling from the ground level in front of the entrance to the building;

accessibility from the apartment or dwelling to all premises serving residents or visitors;

the use of equipment that meets the needs of persons with disabilities;

ensuring the safety and convenience of using equipment and devices.

6.1.5 In residential buildings of the gallery type, the width of the galleries must be at least 2.4 m.

6.1.6 The distance from the outer wall to the railing of the balcony, loggia must be at least 1.4 m; the height of the fence - in the range from 1.15 to 1.2 m. Each structural element of the threshold of the outer door to the balcony or loggia should not be higher than 0.014 m.

Note - If there is free space from the balcony door opening in each direction of at least 1.2 m, the distance from the fence to the wall can be reduced to 1.2 m.

The railings of balconies and loggias in the area between heights from 0.45 to 0.7 m from the floor level must be transparent to provide a good view to a disabled person in a wheelchair.

6.1.7 Dimensions in terms of sanitary and hygienic premises for individual use in residential buildings must be at least, m:

Note - Overall dimensions can be specified during the design process, depending on the equipment used and its location.

6.1.8 The clear width of the entrance door to the apartment and the balcony door should be at least 0.9 m.

The width of the doorway to the sanitary facilities of residential buildings must be at least 0.8 m, the width of the opening when clear interior doors in the apartment should be taken at least 0.8 m.

6.2 Social housing houses

6.2.1 When taking into account the needs of disabled people in a specialized form of residence, it is recommended that buildings and their premises be adapted according to an individual program, taking into account the tasks specified by the design assignment.

6.2.2 Multi-apartment residential buildings with apartments intended for the disabled and the elderly should be designed not lower than the second degree of fire resistance.

6.2.3 In residential buildings of the municipal social housing stock, the number and specialization of apartments for certain categories of disabled people should be established by the design assignment.

When designing residential premises, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of their subsequent re-equipment, if necessary, taking into account the needs of other categories of residents.

6.2.4 When designing apartments for families with disabled people in wheelchairs at the level of the first floor, it should be possible to directly access the adjacent territory or the apartment plot. For a separate entrance through the apartment vestibule and a lift device, it is recommended to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment by 12. Take the parameters of the lift in accordance with GOST R 51633.

6.2.5 The residential area for the disabled must have, at a minimum, a living room, a combined sanitary unit accessible to the disabled, a hall-front area of ​​at least 4 and an accessible traffic path.

6.2.6 The minimum size of the accommodation for a disabled person moving in a wheelchair must be at least 16.

6.2.7 The width (along the outer wall) of the living room for the disabled must be at least 3.0 m (for the infirm - 3.3 m; those moving in a wheelchair - 3.4 m). The depth (perpendicular to the outer wall) of the room should be no more than twice its width. If there is a summer room in front of the outer wall with a window with a depth of 1.5 m or more, the depth of the room should be no more than 4.5 m.

The width of the sleeping quarters for the disabled must be at least 2.0 m (for the infirm - 2.5 m; for wheelchair users - 3.0 m). The depth of the room must be at least 2.5 m.

6.2.9 The area of ​​the kitchen of apartments for families with disabled people in wheelchairs in residential buildings of the social housing stock should be taken at least 9. The width of such a kitchen should be at least:

2.3 m - with one-sided placement of equipment;

2.9 m - with double-sided or corner placement of equipment.

Kitchens should be equipped with electric stoves.

In apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs, the entrance to a room equipped with a toilet can be designed from the kitchen or living room and equipped with a sliding door.

6.2.10 The width of utility rooms in apartments for families with disabled people (including those in wheelchairs) must be at least, m:

6.2.11 In residential buildings of the municipal social housing stock, it should be possible to install, if necessary, videophones for persons with hearing impairments, and also provide for improved sound insulation of residential premises for this category of persons.

As part of the apartment of a disabled person, it is advisable to provide a pantry with an area of ​​​​at least 4 for storing tools, materials and products used and produced by disabled people when working at home, as well as for placing typhlotechnics and Braille literature.

6.3 Premises for temporary stay

6.3.1 Hotels, motels, boarding houses, campsites, etc. the layout and equipment of 5% of residential rooms should be universal, taking into account the resettlement of any categories of visitors, including the disabled.

It is necessary to provide free space in the room with a diameter of 1.4 m in front of the door, by the bed, in front of cabinets and windows.

6.3.2 When planning the rooms of hotels and other institutions of temporary residence, the requirements of 6.1.3-6.1.8 of this document should be taken into account.

6.3.3 All types of signaling should be designed taking into account their perception by all categories of disabled people and the requirements of GOST R 51264. The location and purpose of signaling devices is determined in the design assignment.

Intercoms with sound, vibration and light alarms, as well as video intercoms, should be used.

Residential premises for permanent residence of disabled people must be equipped with autonomous fire detectors.

7 Special requirements for places of service for people with limited mobility in public buildings

7.1 General

7.1.1 When designing public buildings, in addition to this document, the requirements of SP 59.13330 should be taken into account.

The list of elements of buildings and structures (premises, zones and places) available for MGN, the estimated number and category of disabled people are established, if necessary, by the design assignment, approved in the prescribed manner in agreement with the territorial body of social protection of the population and taking into account the opinion of public associations of disabled people.

7.1.2 When reconstructing, overhauling and adapting existing buildings for MGN, the project must provide for accessibility and convenience for MGN.

Depending on the space-planning decisions of the building, on the estimated number of visitors with limited mobility, the functional organization of the service establishment, one of two options for the forms of service should be used:

option "A" (universal project) - accessibility for the disabled of any place in the building, namely, common traffic routes and service places - at least 5% of the total number of such places intended for service;

option "B" (reasonable accommodation) - if it is not possible to equip the entire building with accessible equipment, the allocation at the entrance level of special rooms, zones or blocks adapted to serve the disabled, providing all types of services available in this building.

7.1.3 In the service area for visitors to public buildings and structures for various purposes, places for the disabled should be provided at the rate of at least 5%, but not less than one place of the estimated capacity of the institution or the estimated number of visitors, including when allocating specialized service areas for MGN in building.

7.1.4 If there are several identical places (instruments, devices, etc.) for serving visitors, 5% of the total number, but not less than one, must be designed so that the disabled person can use them (unless otherwise specified in the design assignment) .

7.1.5 All aisles (except one-way) must provide the possibility of a 180° turn with a diameter of at least 1.4 m or 360° with a diameter of at least 1.5 m, as well as frontal (along the aisle) service for disabled people in a wheelchair along with an escort.

7.1.7 In the auditoriums, on the stands of sports and entertainment facilities and other entertainment facilities with fixed seats, there must be places for people in wheelchairs at the rate of at least 1% of the total number of spectators.

The area allocated for this should be horizontal with a slope of no more than 2%. Each place must have dimensions of at least, m:

with side access - 0.55x0.85;

when accessed from the front or rear - 1.25x0.85.

In multi-level entertainment spaces in public buildings where no more than 25% of seats and no more than 300 seats are located on the second floor or intermediate level, all wheelchair spaces may be located on the main level.

Each hall with a sound system must have a sound amplification system, either for individual or collective use.

When used in a blackout hall in the area of ​​​​spectator seats, ramps and steps must be illuminated.

7.1.8 At the entrances to public buildings (station stations of all types of transport, social institutions, trade enterprises, administrative and management institutions, multifunctional complexes, etc.), an information mnemonic diagram (tactile traffic diagram) must be installed for the visually impaired, displaying information about the premises in the building, not interfering with the main flow of visitors. It must be placed with right side in the direction of travel at a distance of 3 to 5 m. On the main travel routes, a tactile guide strip with a pattern height of not more than 0.025 m should be provided.

7.1.9 When designing interiors, selecting and arranging instruments and devices, technological and other equipment, it should be assumed that the reach zone for a visitor in a wheelchair should be within:

when located to the side of the visitor - not higher than 1.4 m and not lower than 0.3 m from the floor;

with a frontal approach - not higher than 1.2 m and not lower than 0.4 m from the floor.

The surface of tables for individual use, counters, the bottom of cash desk windows, information and other service points used by visitors in wheelchairs should be at a height of no more than 0.85 m above the floor. The width and height of the leg opening should be at least 0.75 m, and the depth should be at least 0.49 m.

It is recommended to provide a part of the barrier for issuing books in the subscription with a height of 0.85 m.

The width of the working front of the counter, table, rack, barrier, etc. at the place of receipt of the service must be at least 1.0 m.

7.1.10 Places or areas for spectators in wheelchairs in classrooms with an amphitheater, auditoriums and lecture halls should be provided with security measures (fence, buffer strip, etc.).

7.1.11 In classrooms, auditoriums and lecture halls with a capacity of more than 50 people, equipped with fixed seats, it is necessary to provide at least 5% of the seats with built-in individual listening systems.

7.1.12 Places for persons with hearing impairments should be placed at a distance of no more than 3 m from the sound source or equipped with special personal sound amplification devices.

It is allowed to use an induction circuit or other individual wireless devices in the halls. These places should be located in the zone of good visibility of the stage and the sign language interpreter. The need to allocate an additional (with individual lighting) zone for the interpreter is established by the design task.

7.1.13 The area of ​​​​the premises for the individual reception of visitors, accessible also for the disabled, should be 12, and for two workplaces - 18. In premises or areas for receiving or serving visitors to several places available for MGN, there must be one place or several places arranged in a common area.

7.1.14 Layout of changing cabin, fitting room, etc. must have a free space of at least 1.5x1.5 m.

7.2 Buildings and premises for educational purposes

7.2.1 Buildings of educational institutions are recommended to be designed accessible to all categories of students.

Design solutions for buildings of professional educational institutions should take into account the possibility of teaching students with disabilities in the specialties approved by the current legislation. The number of students in groups is set by the customer in the building for design.

Buildings of special rehabilitation educational institutions that combine training with correction and compensation of developmental deficiencies for a certain type of disease are designed according to a special design assignment, including a list and area of ​​premises, specialized equipment and organization of educational and rehabilitation processes, taking into account the specifics of teaching.

7.2.2 An elevator for disabled students moving in a wheelchair in institutions of general education, as well as primary and secondary vocational education, should be provided in a dedicated elevator hall.

7.2.3 Student places for students with disabilities must be placed identically in the same type of classrooms of the same educational institution.

In the classroom, the first tables in the row at the window and in the middle row should be provided for students with visual impairments and hearing impairments, and for students moving in a wheelchair, 1-2 first tables in the row at the doorway should be allocated.

7.2.4 In the assembly and auditoriums of non-specialized educational institutions, places for the disabled in wheelchairs should be provided at the rate of: in the hall for 50-150 seats - 3-5 seats; in the hall for 151-300 seats - 5-7 seats; in the hall for 301-500 seats - 7-10 seats; in the hall for 501-800 seats - 10-15 seats, as well as their accessibility to the stage, stage.

Places for students with disabilities with damage to the musculoskeletal system should be provided on horizontal sections of the floor, in rows directly adjacent to the aisles and at the same level as the entrance to the assembly hall.

7.2.5 In the reading room of the library of an educational institution, at least 5% of reading places should be equipped with access for disabled students and separately for visually impaired students. The workplace for the visually impaired should have additional lighting around the perimeter.

7.2.6 In educational institutions in the locker rooms of the gym and pool for students with disabilities, a closed locker room with a shower and a toilet should be provided.

7.2.7 In educational institutions for students with hearing impairments in all rooms, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a light signaling school bell, as well as a light signaling evacuation in case of emergencies.

7.3 Buildings and premises of health care and social services of the population

7.3.1 For the design of buildings for inpatient and semi-inpatient social services (hospices, nursing homes, boarding schools, etc.) and buildings intended for inpatient stay of patients, including the disabled and other MGN (hospitals and dispensaries of various levels services and various profiles - psychiatric, cardiological, rehabilitation treatment, etc.), the terms of reference should establish additional medical and technological requirements. When designing social service institutions for the elderly and disabled, GOST R 52880 should also be observed.

7.3.2 For patients and visitors of rehabilitation institutions specializing in the treatment of people with disabilities, up to 10% of wheelchair spaces should be allocated in car parks.

A passenger boarding area should be provided at an accessible entrance to a medical facility where people receive medical care or treatment.

7.3.3 Entrances to medical institutions for patients and visitors should have visual, tactile and acoustic (voice and sound) information indicating the groups of rooms (departments) that can be accessed through this entrance.

Entrances to doctors' offices and procedural rooms should be equipped with light signaling devices for calling patients.

7.3.4 Emergency room, infection room and emergency department should have autonomous external entrances accessible to the disabled. The emergency room should be located on the first floor.

7.3.5 The width of the corridors used for waiting should be at least 3.2 m for two-way cabinets, and at least 2.8 m for one-way.

7.3.6 At least one of the sections of the hall of therapeutic and mud baths, including the dressing room at it, must be adapted for a disabled person in a wheelchair.

In the halls physiotherapy exercises as fencing, guiding and limiting movement, devices and materials that soften the impact should be used.

7.4 Buildings and premises for public service

Trade enterprises

7.4.1 The configuration and placement of equipment in sales areas accessible to disabled people should be designed to serve persons moving in wheelchairs on their own and with accompanying persons, disabled people on crutches, as well as visually impaired people.

Tables, counters, settlement planes of cash registers should be located at a height not exceeding 0.8 m from the floor level. The maximum depth of the shelves (at the entrance close) should not be more than 0.5 m.

7.4.2 At least one of the cash desks in the hall must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of accessibility for the disabled. At least one accessible cash register must be fitted in the cash settlement area. The width of the passage near the cash register must be at least 1.1 m (table 2).

Table 2 - Accessible passages of the settlement and cash zone

Total number of passes

Number of passes available (minimum)

3 + 20% additional passes

7.4.3 To focus the attention of visually impaired customers on the necessary information, tactile, light indicators, displays and pictograms, as well as a contrasting color scheme of interior elements, should be actively used.

7.4.4 In a place convenient for the visually impaired visitor and in an accessible form, there should be information about the location of trading floors and sections, about the assortment and price tags for goods, as well as means of communication with the administration.

Catering establishments

7.4.5 In the dining halls of catering establishments (or in areas intended for specialized service of the MGN), it is recommended to provide for the service of disabled people by waiters. The area of ​​such dining halls should be determined based on the area standard of at least 3 per seat.

7.4.6 In self-service establishments, it is recommended to allocate at least 5% of the seats, and with a hall capacity of more than 80 seats - at least 4%, but at least one for persons moving in wheelchairs and with visual impairments, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200beach seat not less than 3 .

7.4.7 In the premises of the dining halls, the arrangement of tables, inventory and equipment should ensure the unhindered movement of disabled people.

The width of the aisle near the counters for serving dishes in self-service establishments should be at least 0.9 m. To ensure free bending when a wheelchair passes, it is recommended to increase the width of the aisle to 1.1 m.

Buffets and snack bars should have at least one table 0.65-0.7 m high.

The width of the passage between tables in the restaurant must be at least 1.2 m.

The wheelchair bar section shall have a tabletop width of 1.6 m, a height from the floor of 0.85 m and legroom of 0.75 m.

Consumer service enterprises

7.4.8 In public service establishments in the dressing rooms, fitting rooms, dressing rooms, etc. provided for by the project. at least 5% of their number must be wheelchair accessible.

The equipment of dressing rooms, fitting rooms, changing rooms - hooks, hangers, shelves for clothes should be accessible both for the disabled and for other citizens.

Station buildings

7.4.9 Station buildings different types passenger transport (railway, road, air, river and sea), crossings, platforms and other facilities designed to serve passengers must be accessible to MGN.

7.4.10 In the buildings of stations, the following should be available:

premises and service facilities: vestibules; operating and cash rooms; hand luggage storage; check-in points for passengers and baggage; special waiting and rest rooms - deputy rooms, mother and child rooms, long-term rest rooms; latrines;

premises, zones in them or additional service facilities: trading (dining) halls of restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, eateries; trade, pharmacy and other kiosks, hairdressers, slot machine halls, vending and other machines, points of communication enterprises, payphones;

service premises: administrator on duty, point medical care, security, etc.

7.4.11 The area of ​​recreation and waiting areas for MGN in the buildings of stations, if it is created, is determined based on the indicator - 2.1 per seat. Part of the sofas or benches for sitting in the halls should be located at a distance of at least 2.7 m opposite each other.

7.4.12 It is recommended to place a special waiting and rest area on the main floor, on the same level as the entrance to the station building and exits to the platforms (aprons, berths), while providing illuminated, safe and short passages between them.

Waiting rooms should have a convenient connection with the lobby, restaurant (cafe-buffet), restrooms and left-luggage offices, located, as a rule, on the same level with them.

7.4.13 Places in a special waiting and rest area should be equipped with individual means of information and communication: headphones connected to information support systems of stations; displays with duplication of the image of information boards and sound announcements; technical means of emergency communication with the administration, accessible to tactile perception; other special systems of signal and information support (computers, telephone inquiries, etc.).

7.4.14 At railway stations, where the access of passengers from the platforms to the station square or to the opposite residential area is crossed by railway tracks with a train traffic intensity of up to 50 pairs per day and a train speed of up to 120 km/h, for the movement of disabled people in wheelchairs it is allowed to use transitions in the level of the rails, equipped with automatic signaling and light indicators. On a section of such a passage along the railway track (including the end ramp in relation to the platform), a protective fence with a height of at least 0.9 m should be provided with handrails located at the same height.

7.4.15 At the edges of the boarding side of the apron, warning signal strips should be used along the edges of the platform, as well as tactile ground indicators for visually impaired passengers.

On platforms, it is necessary to provide for the duplication of visual information of speech and sound (speech) information with textual information.

7.4.16 Check-in of tickets and check-in of baggage for unaccompanied MGN should be carried out, if necessary, at a special counter with a height of no more than 0.85 m from the floor level.

Declaration counters at international airports must be wheelchair accessible.

7.4.17 It is not recommended to use island aprons in bus stations for servicing MGN.

7.4.18 Aprons for passengers should be convenient in height for boarding / disembarking disabled people on a wheelchair and with a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Aprons that are not equipped with such facilities must be adapted for the use of stationary or mobile lifts for boarding / disembarking disabled people.

7.4.19 In each row of entrance/exit turnstiles, at least one widened passageway for the passage of a wheelchair shall be provided. It should be placed outside the ticket control area, equipped with horizontal handrails at a distance of 1.2 m, highlighting the area in front of the passage, and also marked with special symbols.

7.4.20 In airport terminals in the boarding galleries from the level of the second floor, every 9 m, horizontal rest areas should be provided with a size of at least 1.5x1.5 m.

When boarding an aircraft from ground level, a special lifting device should be provided for lifting or lowering (disembarking) the MGN: an ambulatory autolift (ambulift), etc.

7.4.21 At airport terminals, it is recommended to provide a room for a special escort and assistance service for the disabled and other minors, as well as a storage area for small-sized wheelchairs used to serve disabled people during check-in, control, screening and in flight.

7.5 Objects of physical culture, sports and sports and leisure purposes

Premises for spectators

7.5.1 At the stands of sports and entertainment facilities intended for competitions in Paralympic sports, seats for spectators in wheelchairs should be provided at the rate of at least 1.5% of the total number of spectator seats. At the same time, 0.5% of seats can be organized by temporary transformation (temporary dismantling) of a part of the seats for spectators.

7.5.2 Places for the disabled in stadiums should be provided both in the stands and in front of the stands, including at the level of the competition area.

7.5.3 Places for the disabled should be located mainly near emergency exits. Seats for accompanying persons should be located in close proximity to seats for the disabled (alternate or located at the back).

The width of the aisle between the rows where disabled people sit in wheelchairs must be clean, taking into account the wheelchair - at least 1.6 m (with a seat - 3.0 m).

7.5.4 Places allocated for the placement of disabled people in wheelchairs should be fenced off with a barrier. Places for accompanying persons should be located in close proximity. They can alternate with places for the disabled.

7.5.5 At sports, sports and entertainment and sports and recreation facilities, it is necessary to provide areas for walking guide dogs and other service dogs. In the guide dog area, it is recommended to use an easy-to-clean hard surface.

7.5.6 If sound information is provided in the stands of sports and sports and entertainment venues, then it must be duplicated with textual information.

Premises for physical culture and sports

7.5.7 It is recommended to ensure accessibility for MGN to all auxiliary premises in educational and training physical culture and sports facilities: entrance and recreational premises (lobbies, wardrobes, recreation areas, buffets), locker rooms, showers and bathrooms, coaching and educational and methodological premises, medical and rehabilitation facilities (medical rooms, saunas, massage rooms, etc.).

7.5.8 Distance of service premises for those involved, including the disabled, from the places of physical culture and sports activities should not exceed 150 m.

7.5.9 The distance from any place of stay of a disabled person in the hall to the evacuation exit to the corridor, foyer, outside or to the evacuation hatch of the stands of sports and entertainment halls should not exceed 40 m. The width of the aisles should be increased by the width of the free passage of a wheelchair (0 .9 m).

7.5.10 An accessible route for MGN must be provided to at least 5% of the bowling lanes, but not less than one lane of each type.

In outdoor sports fields, at least one accessible route of traffic must directly connect opposite sides of the field.

7.5.11 When arranging equipment in gyms, it is necessary to create passages for people in wheelchairs.

7.5.12 For orientation of persons with complete loss of vision and visually impaired, it is recommended: along the walls of the hall at the specialized pool baths and at the entrances to the hall from the changing rooms and showers, horizontal handrails should be installed at a height from the floor in the range from 0.9 to 1.2 m, and in the halls with a pool for children - at a level of 0.5 m from the floor.

On the main traffic routes and on the bypass paths of the specialized pool, special tactile strips for information and orientation should be provided. The width of the orientation strips for open bathtubs is at least 1.2 m.

7.5.13 In the shallow part of the pool bath for the disabled with damage to the musculoskeletal system, a gentle staircase with dimensions of at least: risers - 0.14 m and treads - 0.3 m should be arranged. It is recommended to arrange a staircase outside the dimensions of the bath.

7.5.14 The walkway along the perimeter of the baths must be at least 2 m wide in indoor and 2.5 m in open baths. On the area of ​​​​the bypass path, space for the storage of wheelchairs should be provided.

The edge of the pool bath along the entire perimeter should be distinguished by a strip that has a contrasting color with respect to the color of the bypass path.

7.5.15 It is necessary to have accessible dressing rooms in the following areas: first-aid posts/rooms for first aid, rooms for coaches, referees, officials. For these premises, it is allowed to have one accessible universal dressing room, designed for persons of both sexes and equipped with a toilet.

7.5.16 In the locker rooms at sports facilities for disabled people, the following should be provided:

storage space for wheelchairs;

individual cabins (each with an area of ​​at least 4 square meters) at the rate of one cabin for three simultaneously engaged disabled people using wheelchairs;

individual cabinets (at least two) with a height of no more than 1.7 m, including for storing crutches and prostheses;

a bench with a length of at least 3 m, a width of at least 0.7 m and a height from the floor of not more than 0.5 m. Free space must be provided around the bench for the entrance of a wheelchair. If it is not possible to arrange an island bench, a bench with a size of at least 0.6x2.5 m should be provided along one of the walls.

The size of the passage between the benches in the common dressing rooms should be at least 1.8 m.

7.5.17 The area in the common dressing rooms for one place for a disabled person should be taken at least: in the halls - 3.8, in the pools with a hall of preparatory classes - 4.5. Estimated area per disabled person involved in locker rooms with clothes stored in a separate dressing room - 2.1. The area for individual cabins - 4-5, common locker rooms for the disabled with an attendant - 6-8.

Specific indicators of the area include places for changing clothes, wardrobes for storing home clothes in common dressing rooms.

7.5.18 The number of showers for the disabled should be taken from the calculation - one shower screen for three disabled people, but not less than one.

7.5.19 In dressing rooms, a single closet for street and home clothes measuring 0.4x0.5 m clean should be used.

Individual lockers for storing clothes for disabled people using a wheelchair in locker rooms of gyms should be located in the lower tier, no more than 1.3 m high from the floor. At open method storage of home clothes, hooks in dressing rooms should be installed at the same height. Benches in dressing rooms (for one disabled person) should have dimensions of 0.6x0.8 m in plan.

7.5.20 In the rest room at the dressing rooms, an additional area should be provided at the rate of at least 0.4 for each of the disabled people in wheelchairs working at the same time, and the rest room at the sauna should be at least 20 square meters.

7.5.21 A handrail should be sunk into a niche in the wall, with which a hall for the blind is equipped. The walls of the halls must be absolutely smooth, without ledges. All fasteners for equipment, regulators, electrical switches must be flush with the wall surface or recessed.

7.5.22 For sports games disabled people in wheelchairs should use rooms with a rough, springy floor covering made of synthetic materials or sports parquet.

7.5.23 For sports games for people with visual impairments, the floor surface must be perfectly even and smooth, the boundaries of the playgrounds are marked with embossed adhesive strips.

7.6 Buildings and premises for entertainment, cultural and educational purposes and religious organizations

7.6.1 For the disabled, it is recommended to make the premises of the spectator complex accessible: lobby, cash lobby, wardrobe, bathrooms, foyers, buffets, corridors and corridors in front of the auditorium. In accordance with the design assignment, the following premises of the performance complex should be accessible to the disabled: a stage, a stage, artistic restrooms, an artistic vestibule, a canteen, bathrooms, lobbies and corridors.

7.6.2 The ramps in the halls leading to the rows in the tiered amphitheaters must have railings along the walls and illumination of the steps. With a ramp slope of more than 1:12, places for disabled people in wheelchairs should be provided on a flat floor in the first rows.

Spectacle institutions

7.6.3 Places for the disabled in the halls should be located in the area of ​​the hall accessible to them, providing: full perception of demonstration, entertainment, information, music programs and materials; optimal working conditions (in the reading rooms of libraries); rest (in the waiting room).

In the halls, at least two dispersed exits must be adapted for the passage of MGN.

In auditoriums equipped with chairs or benches, there must be seats with armrests, at the rate of at least one chair with an armrest for five chairs without armrests. Benches should provide good back support and space under the seat at least 1/3 of the depth of the bench.

7.6.4 In multi-tiered halls, it is necessary to provide places for the disabled in a wheelchair at the level of the first tier, as well as at one of the intermediate ones. It is necessary to provide places for wheelchairs in club boxes, boxes, etc.

At least 5% of the total number of reclining seats in the aisles, but at least one must be special seats, located as close as possible to the exits from the hall.

7.6.5 It is preferable to place seats for the disabled in the auditoriums in separate rows with an independent evacuation route that does not intersect with the evacuation routes of the rest of the audience.

In auditoriums with a seating capacity of 800 or more, seats for disabled people in wheelchairs should be dispersed in different areas, placing them in the immediate vicinity of emergency exits, but no more than three in one place.

7.6.6 When placing seats for spectators in wheelchairs in front of the stage, stage in the first row or at the end of the hall near the exit, free areas should be provided with a clear width of at least 1.8 m and a place for an attendant nearby.

In front of the stage, the stage in the first row, as well as in the center of the hall or on its sides, individually illuminated areas should be provided to accommodate sign language interpreters, if necessary.

7.6.7 In order to be able to participate in programs for people with disabilities in wheelchairs, a stage is recommended with an increase in the depth of a flat tablet up to 9-12 m and a proscenium - up to 2.5 m. The recommended height of the stage is 0.8 m.

For climbing to the stage, in addition to stairs, a stationary (mobile) ramp or lifting device must be provided. The width of the ramp between the handrails must be at least 0.9 m with a slope of 8% and sides on the sides. Stairs and ramps leading to the stage must have railings on one side with double handrails at a height of 0.7 / 0.9 m.

cultural institutions

7.6.8 Taking into account the needs of disabled visitors, for museums with an exhibition area of ​​up to 2000, it is recommended that the exposition be located on the same level.

Ramps should be used to organize sequential movement and simultaneous inspection of the exposition.

7.6.10 If it is impossible to use visual information for the visually impaired in rooms with special requirements for the artistic solution of interiors, in the exhibition halls of art museums, exhibitions, etc. other compensatory measures may be applied.

7.6.11 The hinged showcase must be located at a height accessible for visual perception from a wheelchair (the bottom at a mark of no more than 0.85 m from the floor level).

A horizontal showcase should have a space under it for the entrance of a disabled person in a wheelchair.

Showcases at a height of 0.8 m require a horizontal handrail with rounded corners. For people with visual impairments, a warning textured color strip 0.6 to 0.8 m wide at the floor level should be provided around the exposition table.

7.6.12 Passages in the reading room of the library must be at least 1.2 m wide.

7.6.13 In the service area for persons with visual impairments, reading places and shelves with special literature are recommended to be equipped with additional lighting. It is necessary to provide for a high level of natural illumination of this reading area (KEO - 2.5%), and the level of artificial illumination of the reading table - at least 1000 lux.

7.6.14 It is recommended to design rooms for classes in a club building with the participation of disabled people for no more than 10-12 people, including 2-3 people with disabilities in wheelchairs.

7.6.15 The number of seats for disabled people in wheelchairs in the club auditorium is recommended to be taken according to the capacity of the hall, not less than:

seats in the hall

7.6.16 In circus buildings, it is allowed to use service entrances for spectators to access the seats located on the flat floor in front of the first row. Places for the disabled in the halls of circuses should be placed near the evacuation hatches in those rows, the plane of which is on the same level as the foyer. In this case, the passage area must be increased to at least 2.2 m (in places where the disabled are supposed to be accommodated).

Cult, ritual and memorial buildings and structures

7.6.17 The architectural environment of buildings, structures and complexes for religious purposes, as well as ritual objects for all types of solemn ceremonies, funeral and memorial objects must meet the requirements of accessibility for MGN, as well as confessional requirements in terms of placement and equipment of places of ritual events.

7.6.19 Traffic routes intended for disabled people and other MGNs should not fall into the traffic zones of religious and other ceremonial processions and motorcade entrance routes.

7.6.20 In the seating area, at least 3% of the seats are recommended for wheelchair users (but not less than one).

When arranging in religious and ritual buildings and structures, as well as in their areas, places of ablution should be equipped with at least one place for disabled people in wheelchairs.

7.6.21 The distance from the edge of the path to the places of laying flowers, wreaths, garlands, stones, amulets, installing icons, candles, lamps, distributing holy water, etc. should not exceed 0.6 m. Height - from 0.6 to 1.2 m from the floor level.

The width (front) of the approach to the place of worship is at least 0.9 m.

7.6.22 In the territories of cemeteries and necropolises, access to MGN should be provided:

to burial sites, to columbariums of all kinds;

to the buildings of administration, trade, catering and household buildings for visitors, to public toilets;

to water folding devices and bowls for watering;

to exhibition areas;

to public memorials.

7.6.23 At the entrance to the territory of cemeteries and necropolises, mnemonic diagrams of the layout of cemeteries and necropolises should be provided on the right side in the direction of travel.

On the paths of movement through cemeteries, at least every 300 m, recreation areas with places for sitting should be provided.

7.7 Buildings of facilities for the service of society and the state

7.7.1 The general requirements for the accessibility of the main groups of premises, administrative buildings, where MGN is received, are:

their preferred placement at the entrance level;

mandatory availability of a reference and information service; possible combination of a reference and information service and an office on duty reception;

in the presence of premises for collective use (conference rooms, meeting rooms, etc.), it is desirable to place them no higher than the second level (floor).

7.7.2 In the lobbies of administrative buildings, it is recommended to provide a zone for service machines (telephones, payphones, sales, etc.) and a reserve area for kiosks.

The information desk in lobbies and areas of specialized services for the disabled should be clearly visible from the entrance side and easily distinguishable by visually impaired visitors.

7.7.3 Halls of court institutions should be accessible to all categories of persons with disabilities.

A place for a disabled person in a wheelchair must be provided in the jury box. The plaintiff's and attorney's seats, including the pulpit, must be accessible.

A place for a sign language interpreter should be provided in the hall, convenient for conducting cross-questioning by all participants in the trial.

If courtroom detention cells are provided, then one of the cells must be wheelchair accessible. Such a chamber may be designed for several courtrooms.

Solid partitions, security glazing or separating tables that separate visitors from those detained in the meeting rooms of penitentiary institutions must have at least one seat accessible to disabled people on each side.

7.7.4 The minimum size of the area of ​​the room (office or booth) for individual reception (for one workplace) is recommended to be 12.

In reception rooms for several service places, it is recommended to make one of the service places or several service places arranged into a common area accessible to MGN.

7.7.5 In the department of pension payments, intercoms with the possibility of two-way activation should be provided.

7.7.6 In the buildings of institutions and enterprises that contain operating and cash rooms intended for serving visitors, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the unhindered accessibility of the MGN.

In all buildings of credit and financial institutions and postal enterprises, it is recommended to provide for the installation of an organized reception system for visitors, consisting of an apparatus that issues coupons indicating the order of reception; illuminated panels above the doors of the respective offices and windows indicating the number of the next visitor.

7.7.7 The premises of banking institutions, in which the access of customers is not limited by technological requirements, it is recommended to include:

cash block (cash hall and depository);

operating block (entrance group of premises, operating room and cash desks);

auxiliary and service premises (negotiation rooms with clients and loan processing, vestibule, ante-lobby, pass office).

7.7.8 In addition to the operating and cash hall, it is recommended to include in the zone of visitor accessibility of enterprises:

entrance with a vestibule (universal type - for all groups of visitors);

pre-barrier (visitor) part of the delivery department, combined, if necessary, with an area for individual storage of subscription publications and correspondence;

call center (with booths for long-distance telephones, including automatic machines, and waiting areas);

currency exchange and sales kiosks (if available).

7.7.9 With several island (autonomous) workplaces of tellers, one adapts to serve the disabled.

7.7.10 When calculating the area of ​​office premises, the area per one disabled person using a wheelchair equal to 7.65 should be taken into account.

8 Special requirements for places of employment

8.2 When designing buildings of institutions, organizations and enterprises, workplaces for the disabled should be provided in accordance with the programs for the vocational rehabilitation of the disabled, developed by local social protection authorities.

The number and types of jobs for the disabled (specialized or ordinary), their placement in the space-planning structure of the building (dispersed or in specialized workshops, production sites and special premises), as well as the necessary additional premises are established in the design assignment.

8.3 Workplaces for disabled people should be safe for health, rationally organized. The design assignment should establish their specialization and, if necessary, include a set of furniture, equipment and auxiliary devices specially adapted for a particular type of disability, including taking into account GOST R 51645.

8.4 In the working area of ​​the premises, a set of sanitary and hygienic requirements for the microclimate must be ensured in accordance with GOST 12.01.005, as well as additional requirements established depending on the type of disease of the disabled.

8.5 The distance to latrines, smoking rooms, rooms for heating or cooling, half-showers, drinking water supply devices from workplaces intended for disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system and visual impairments should be no more than, m:

Adjacent placement of men's and women's latrines for the visually impaired is undesirable.

8.6 Individual closets in the amenity premises of enterprises and institutions should be combined (for storing street, home and work clothes).

8.7 Sanitary services for working disabled people must be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 44.13330 and this document.

In sanitary and amenity premises, the number of cabins and devices necessary for disabled people working at an enterprise or institution with a violation of the musculoskeletal system and visual impairments should be determined on the basis of: at least one universal shower cabin for three disabled people, at least one washbasin for seven invalids, regardless of the sanitary characteristics of production processes.

8.8 If it is difficult for disabled people in a wheelchair to access places of public catering at enterprises and institutions, a dining room with an area of ​​​​1.65 for each disabled person, but not less than 12, should be additionally provided.

official version

Based on the results of the monitoring, it was found that the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation do not use their rights due to the stereotypical delusion that only people with disabilities belong to the low-mobility group of the population. This misconception not only burdens the lives of the citizens themselves, but also adversely affects the health of the nation. What is expressed in the fact that from the very moment of birth, her newborn citizens are limited in walking in the fresh air, and at the same time, their not strengthened body periodically receives micro tremors - shakes when moving along the steps of the flight of stairs. Solving the issue of accessibility is of great social importance, because in every apartment building, at every entrance, there are not only people with disabilities and the elderly, but also citizens with children. This category of citizens does not belong to the temporary, but is permanent, due to the constant demographic (and other) changes (replenishment / renewal) of the population, which indicates the need to solve this problem in every residential building.

According to part 4 of Art. 6, parts 3 of Art. 42 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" SNiP are mandatory for use, since they are included in the List of National Standards and Codes of Rules approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 N 1047 -R.

According to: SNiP 35-01-2001, SP 35-101-2001 and other regulations: "Low mobility groups of the population (LMP) are people who have difficulty in independent movement, obtaining services, necessary information or orienting themselves in space. The low-mobility population groups here include: disabled people, people with temporary impairment of health, pregnant women, older people,people with baby strollers etc."

From which it follows that any person who has the desire or need to move along the march of the stairs of the stroller can be attributed to the low-mobility group of the population. For example: Grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, girlfriends, friends, neighbors, etc. - persons providing assistance in caring for a child (walking, moving for temporary care (supervision) outside the child's place of residence); persons involved professional activity as nannies, governesses (depending on the terms of the contract), etc.; any of the above persons - visitors (guests) of citizens living in this residential building - people (of Russian or foreign citizenship) with wheelchairs.

Output: Any person using even a wheelchair, even a baby carriage, belongs to the low-mobility group of the population.

Also, based on the results of the monitoring, it was found that a false statement is being spread among the citizens of the Russian Federation, which hinders the full development of the Accessible Environment program. This statement lies in the fact that the boards of housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as housing and communal services) convince citizens that it is forbidden to provide residential buildings with accessibility devices without the written consent of all residents of an apartment building. This statement is supported by a reference to Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, according to which any equipment located in a residential building belongs to the common property of the owners of an apartment building. From what the board of housing and communal services makes an assumption, but states it to citizens as a legitimate fact, allegedly specified in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, that an increase in the property of homeowners in an apartment building is allowed EXCLUSIVELY with the written consent of all homeowners of an apartment building. At the same time, in the "Housing Code of the Russian Federation" and in the "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491), there is no such "exceptional" requirement. As a result, the above false information has reached enormous proportions and continues to spread both by word of mouth and through television and the Internet (such statements are broadcast in various television programs and are present in various forums), significantly undermining the State Program "Accessible Environment". for 2011-2015” and thereby significantly infringing on the rights of the low-mobility group of the population.

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 39 of the "Housing Code of the Russian Federation" " The rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building are established by the Government of the Russian Federation", and not the owners of residential premises, or persons responsible for the maintenance of residential buildings. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" Owners of premises in an apartment building bear the burden of maintaining the common property in an apartment building", Article 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" " Owner of an apartment building obliged to bear the costs for the maintenance of the premises belonging to him, as well as to participate in the costs of maintaining the common property in an apartment building in proportion to his share in the right of common ownership of this property by paying a fee for the maintenance and repair of the dwelling. According to Art. 156 "Housing Code of the Russian Federation" " The payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises is established in the amount that ensures the maintenance of common property in an apartment building according from requirements legislation ". According to part 30 of the "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491) " The maintenance of the common property is provided by: the owners of the premises - at their own expense". At the same time, the legislation of the Russian Federation requires ensure the availability of use of buildings, structures, premises. This requirement is specified in: art. 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181 - Federal Law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation"; paragraph "c" of part 10 of the "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491), which states that common property should provide " availability of use of residential and (or) non-residential premises, common areas, as well as the land plot on which the apartment building is located". In addition, in accordance with part 1.1 of article 161 of the "Housing Code of the Russian Federation" " Proper maintenance of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building should be carried out in accordance with requirements legislation Russian Federation, including in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, on technical regulation, fire safety, consumer protection and should provide: ... availability of premises ".

According to part 42 of the "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491)

« Management organizations and persons providing services and performing work under the direct management of an apartment building are liable to the owners of the premises for violation of their obligations and are responsible for improper maintenance of common property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the agreement».

According to part 16. "Housing Code of the Russian Federation" " The person who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, within the scope of the provision of these services, is obliged to ensure the condition of the common property in an apartment building at the level necessary for the provision of utilities good quality services ».

According to part 23 of the "World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities" Any person in charge of any enterprise must also make it available to people who have defects. This applies to government agencies at various levels, non-governmental organizations, firms and individuals.". A similar legal norm is specified in part 2.2; 2.3 of article 161 of the "Housing Code of the Russian Federation". This requirement is also indicated in the State Program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment" for 2011 - 2015, in part 2 of section V. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2011, No. 175 “On the State Program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015”, according to which: “... organizations, regardless of the legal form in relation to objects owned by them, at their own expense, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carry out the following activities: bringing the condition of buildings and structures in line with the requirements of building codes and rules to ensure their accessibility for people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility...».

The unquestioning nature of the requirements put forward by the state to ensure an accessible, barrier-free environment for the low-mobility group of the population is confirmed by the introduction of administrative sanctions against persons who committed this violation. This is stated in Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", according to which "legal entities and officials for evading the fulfillment of the requirements provided for by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts to create conditions for disabled people for unhindered access to engineering, transport and social infrastructures ... bear administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation". Article 9.13 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses", provides for liability for evading the requirements for accessibility for disabled people of engineering, transport and social infrastructure in the form of an administrative fine of up to 30 (thirty) thousand rubles. In addition, according to Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, persons responsible for residential buildings and (or) residential premises, are liable in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of up to 50 (fifty) thousand rubles, for violation of the rules for maintaining residential premises. inadequate quality or in violation of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine of up to 50 (fifty) thousand rubles. In this way,the consent of the owners of the premises for the installation of technical accessibility devices in the entrance of a residential building is not required. The installation of accessibility devices is the direct responsibility of the residents of this entrance, as well as those responsible for the proper maintenance of residential premises.

It was also found that a needy low-mobility group of the population is denied the creation of accessibility conditions at the entrance of a residential building, referring to the impossibility of installing a RAMP in the entrance, the requirements for which are regulated in SNiP 35-01-2001. These denials are also illegal. In the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no restriction on the MANDATORY provision of residential buildings exclusively with ramps. This restriction is an unauthorized, not based on the law, decision of officials who do not want (or are misled) to voluntarily comply with the REQUIREMENTS of the legislation of the Russian Federation to create an accessible environment for a low-mobility group of the population. The legislation of the Russian Federation (as well as the legislation of other countries) requires to provide UNimpeded access for people with limited mobility to buildings and premises. This requirement is specified in all Federal laws and regulations related to the "Accessible Environment", and therefore it makes no sense to refer to a long list of names of these documents, but just enough to recall what exactly administrative responsibility was introduced for: Art. 9.13 "Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" "Evasionaccessibility requirementsfor disabled persons of engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles; for legal entities - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles ". At the same time, it is also worth noting that the regulations of the Russian Federation on the "Accessible Environment" contain a requirement to provide residential buildings and premises with any accessibility devices, including auxiliary devices, the movement of which is allowed with the help of an attendant. For example: According to part 5 of SP 59.13330.2012 Updated edition of SNiP 35-01-2001 "In buildings and structures, the conditions for the use of the premises in full for the safe implementation of the necessary activities independently must be provided for the MGNor with the help of an attendantand evacuation in case of emergency ". clause 4.3 of SP 35-102-2001 "For mass housing construction, as well as for reconstruction conditions, it is at least sufficient to ensure the availability of traffic (including the accompanying) a disabled person in a wheelchair from the entrance to the building to the floor of residence (apartment, living cell), andit is recommended to use, in addition to ramps, also their substitutes (for example, gauge ramps),including those with increased slopes, on which movement will be carried out with outside help ". In this way,The accessibility requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation are not limited to the installation of RAMPS, but apply to equipping residential buildings and premises with any accessibility devices.

In addition, it was found that officials, as well as managers and various specialists, evading the government's requirement to create an accessible environment for people with limited mobility, in their refusals to install accessibility devices in residential buildings (commissioned before 2001) , illegally refer to SNiP 35-01-2001 as not allowing them to equip the entrance of the house with an accessibility device. This refusal is not lawful and therefore not legal. This conclusion is based on the fact that SNiP 35-01-2001 "... created for design, construction and reconstruction buildings and structures... ". Therefore, the application of this normative act to residential buildings commissioned before 2001 applies only to buildings subject to RECONSTRUCTION. This regulatory act was adopted and entered into force on September 1, 2001 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated July 16, 2001 No. 73, as a result of which it applies to the DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION of residential buildings and industrial premises subject to design, construction and therefore commissioning from 16 July 2001 Respectively SNiP 35–01–2001 does not apply to residential buildings commissioned before 2001.

In addition to the above, it should be added that according to Part 4 of Art. 4.1 of the "Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" "The imposition of an administrative penalty does not relieve a person from the performance of the obligation, for the failure to fulfill which the administrative penalty was imposed." It is also worth adding that, on the basis of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On consumer protection"; Art. 150, Art. 151 of the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation”, any person belonging to a low-mobility group of the population can legally recover from those responsible for the maintenance of the premises (heads of housing and communal services, district / city administrations) compensation for moral damage due to the absence of an accessibility device in the entrance.

In pursuance of the state program "Accessible Environment" on the issue of free installation of an accessibility device, NTOM LLC provides free legal advice to any interested parties, as well as free representation of your interests in various judicial and supervisory instances.

Legal position prepared

APPENDIX A (mandatory)


Low mobility groups of the population (LMP)- people who have difficulty moving independently, receiving services, necessary information or orienting themselves in space. Here, people with limited mobility include: disabled people, people with temporary health problems, pregnant women, older people, people with prams, etc.

APPENDIX B (mandatory)


When using Appendix 2 of GOST 12.1.004 (Section 2 "Basic Design Dependencies"), additional calculated values ​​of the movement parameters of the MHD should be applied to take into account the specifics of the movement of the MHD along the evacuation routes.

IN 1. According to the mobile qualities of people in the flow of evacuees from buildings and structures, they should be divided into 4 groups according to Table B.1.

Mobility groups

General characteristics
mobility group people

Average plan area of ​​people
f, m 2

People who do not have mobility restrictions, including those with hearing impairments

Weak people whose mobility is reduced due to the aging of the body (disabled due to old age); disabled people on prostheses; visually impaired people using a white cane; people with mental disabilities


Disabled people using additional supports when moving (crutches, sticks)

Persons with disabilities moving in manual wheelchairs


IN 2. The calculated values ​​of the speed and intensity of the flow of people with different mobility groups should be determined by the formulas:

, (IN 2)

where and - the speed and intensity of movement of people in the stream along j-th type of path at a flux density Dj ;

D- density of the human flow in the area of ​​the evacuation route, m2/m2;

D0,j- the value of the density of the human flow on j-th type of path, upon reaching which the density of the flow begins to affect the speed of movement of people in the flow;

The average value of the speed of free movement of people on j-th type of path at flux density values D? D0,j ;

aj- coefficient reflecting the degree of influence of the density of the human flow on its speed when moving along j-th kind of path.

Values D0,j , , aj for flows of people of different mobility groups for formulas (B.1) and (B.2) are given in Table B.2.

Table B.2

Mobility groups

Parameter values

The value of the parameters by type of path ( j )


stairs down

stairs up

ramp down

ramp up




































V.Z. During the movement of human flows with the participation of MGN on the sections of the way in front of the openings, the formation of a flow density above 0.5 should not be allowed. At the same time, the calculated maximum values ​​of traffic intensity qmax through the opening of various mobility groups should be taken equal: M1 - 19.6 m / min, M2 - 9.7 m / min, M3 - 17.6 m / min, M4 - 16.4 m / min.

It happens that it is difficult for a person to move around. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Yes, and manifestations of lifestyle can also differ. But all people who have problems with movement are united by one term - low-mobility groups of the population. It doesn't have to be handicapped. This category may also include simply people who are temporarily deprived of the opportunity to fully move around. Let's take a closer look this group population.

Signs of people with limited mobility

Any groups singled out as the object of work of social workers and institutions involved in social policy have a number of features by which their members are united. There are also people with limited mobility. If not all of their members are people with disabilities, then what characteristics do such groups have? Low mobility groups are such categories of the population that should be somehow united.

1. Little ability to move is the main feature characteristic of these groups. There are plenty of reasons. It can be various violations, as well as pregnancy or walking with a stroller.
2. The need for social support. These groups of the population are initially more vulnerable than other segments of the population. Therefore, they should be provided with additional assistance, and urban infrastructure should be redesigned in such a way as to provide the most comfortable living conditions for members of these groups. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Russia.
3. The need for non-discrimination. At all, Russian society considered intolerant. This concerns not only religious, racial intolerance, but also the initially negative attitude towards people with special needs. For example, it will be much more difficult for the same disabled person to get a job that he can perform. The same applies to pensioners.

These three main features are characterized by low-mobility groups of the population. This is a very broad concept that includes a lot of people. Naturally, they are characterized by a larger number. But these points give a fairly broad description of these social strata.

Who are classified as low mobility groups?

Limited mobility groups of the population is a fairly wide category of citizens, which includes:

1. Disabled. Despite the fact that the musculoskeletal system is mainly responsible for movement, not only its diseases make a person with limited mobility. If he does not see well, then poor orientation in space can also prevent him from fully moving around.

3. Pensioners. This is a potentially sick category of citizens. Among pensioners, the percentage of disabled people is much higher, since they are prone to diseases. Even if a pensioner has not registered a disability, he may have diseases that limit his ability to move. In this case, assistive devices such as a cane or crutches are used. The speed of movement with them is much less. Walking with a cane will be at the level of fast walking in a healthy person.

4. Children preschool age. Lack of mobility is provoked by the fact that they either have not yet learned to walk or cannot fully navigate in space without the help of their parents. This includes other categories of the population.

Disabled people and people with limited mobility are sometimes a very big difference. This is especially true for young children, who are simply not that developed yet. But disability can sometimes remain for life.