Tarot star interpretation. Star (XVII Major Arcana Tarot): Tarot Card Meaning

A period of serenity and complete calm is promised by the Star card. The Tarot meaning for this symbol is often positive. The oracle convinces that the difficulties are already behind, new promising prospects are opening up before you. The card speaks of the upcoming renewal of the soul and body, so if a person has suffered a serious illness or stress, it is especially desirable for him in the alignment.


The card represents the 17th Arcana. "Star" (Tarot) value changes depending on the position in the scenario. As for the image, it remains unchanged: a woman kneeling near a pond. One leg of the young lady is on the shore, the second is lowered into the stream. In the hands of the girl is a jug from which she pours water. Part spills on the ground, the other - returns to the stream. The allegorical meaning of the card is patience. A person needs not only to be able to wait, but also to demonstrate the correct behavior in such a situation so that his inaction is not in vain.

The woman has seven stars above her head. In some decks, they are randomly scattered across the sky, in others they form a halo around the girl's hair. There are other options: one big star is drawn at the head of the young lady, sometimes small cosmic bodies are located near it in two columns, forming a kind of portal. The background of the card is a rural landscape. Sometimes in the background you can see a tree, in the branches of which

Direct position

This is a map of perspectives and new hopes. If you get a "Star" - the meaning of the Tarot in the upright position is promising. It speaks of the imminent implementation of plans, the fulfillment of desires, the successful completion of the plan. Now you need to rely on the blessing of higher powers, to believe that you will be shown the right direction. symbolizes balance and harmony. You interact perfectly not only with the outside world, but also with yourself. The main thing is not to forget: new roads will not open immediately, on the contrary, they are still quite far away and are still inaccessible.

"Star" in a direct position speaks of a surge of creativity and creativity. Now you are ready to generate new ideas. Your thoughts boil and suggest new solutions to problems, unexpected and ingenious. Your well-being improves: the body is in excellent physical shape, the soul is calm and peaceful. The card can be interpreted as unexpected help, the emergence of a new love in life, finding a faithful comrade. This is a happy sign, heralding the discovery of unknown and distant horizons.

"Star" inverted (Tarot): meaning

In this position, the card is interpreted differently. The interpretation takes on a negative connotation, indicating a sudden collapse of plans, unfulfilled hopes, a vain expectation. For girls, she can predict temporary infertility, the inability to conceive and bear a baby. The card says to the guys that a new relationship may not work out. The inverted "Star" is always a symbol of disappointment and impotence. Man, being self-confident, did not gain, but lost. He took a lot upon himself, forgetting about the wisdom of the people: "There is no warrior alone in the field."

Now you need to forget about desires and dreams - they are not yet destined to be realized. The problem may lie not only in self-confidence, but in excessive doubts. The fortuneteller thinks that he will not be able to cope and refuses the given chance. In addition, the card speaks of spiritual blindness, wandering in darkness. A person is in captivity of his own illusions, he is entangled in the threads of self-deception. All this prevents him from acting, winning and creating.

Fortune telling on a person

The meaning of the Star Tarot card when dealt with a specific person also depends on the position of the picture. If it is in a straight position, then it indicates a talented person. Perhaps he is in love and happy that he experiences such feelings. When the card is turned over, it characterizes the individual as a lazy person with potential, but devoid of the strength and desire to realize it. Most likely, he is a talker who spends his energy on trifles, forgetting about the main mission.

The "Star" with such fortune-telling warns of the need for self-knowledge. Only in this case can you use your talents for good. Delving into oneself, a person will discover such a strong energy that he did not even suspect. Ideas will simply overwhelm, pushing the individual to conquer new heights. Now he is ready to work hard, help other people, create useful product for society. Don't be afraid to run out of power. The oracle says: the flow of energy will not only not end, but will return a hundredfold.

"Star" (Tarot): meaning in relationships

When dealt with love, the card indicates high feelings, a promising union and joint plans. The value increases if the Lovers card appears nearby. In addition, a symbol in a direct position is interpreted as a new acquaintance, which promises to be long-term and lasting. When the card is interpreted as a date, which can develop into a long-term relationship. The "Ace of Cups" located next to the card speaks of great happiness, and the "Four of Cups" speaks of the successful outcome of a conceived love adventure. The last combination also indicates that the search for the second half will be successful.

The inverted "Star" is a sign of disappointment, impotence, deceived hopes. You can do nothing: fate takes away your loved one. In most cases, the fortuneteller needs to think about his behavior, as the card warns of his wrong actions, which obviously destroy relationships. A person is likely to tune in to the negative, thinking as follows: "Everything is too good to be true."


Zvezda promises new prospects. The value of the Tarot in this case is enhanced with the help of other cards. So, the “Emperor” that fell out next to it means professional development in current activities. Perhaps you will be appreciated and promoted. But in the case of the nearby “Death”, we are talking about a completely new work. The current career will be forgotten or destroyed, but this event will change life in a positive way.

The card in an inverted position predicts to a person that he will miss all the opportunities that fate presents him. He will not take advantage of the chance, and there may be several reasons for this: disbelief in the reliability of the new business, doubts in his own abilities, or banal stubbornness. The nearby "Justice" confirms the meaning of the card: it indicates excessive and excessive prudence and unnecessary caution. In combination with the "Devil", the card indicates that the fortuneteller himself destroys plans, acting contrary to himself.

“Believe in your strengths, appreciate opportunities,” is what the Star (Tarot) card tells us when divining. Its meaning can be interpreted in different ways, but the advice of the symbol remains unchanged: put hope on the future - the stars favor you. Intuition will tell you how to act and what exactly to do. Do not think about how fantastic your goals are, your intentions are realistic, your plans are reasonable. Do not stop halfway - and in the near future you will be pleasantly surprised.

"Star" is a sign that life is always in our hands. It shows that only we ourselves determine our own destiny. Nothing can interfere with those plans, the construction of which we undertook thoroughly and seriously. A person opens up broad prospects that go beyond the framework of specific agreements. He seems to have ascended into the heavens and from a height of flight he notices all the existing obstacles and at the same time the means to overcome them. The end goal is clearly visible. She is real.

Combination with other cards

Depending on which card is located nearby, the “Star” changes its interpretation: the meaning of the Tarot is transformed - it increases or, conversely, decreases. We have already considered many combinations. There are still a few cards that can interact with it. For example, the "Jester", which fell next to the "Star", is a symbol of unbreakable faith in fate, "The High Priestess" - hopes for a happy future and peace. The "Mag" located nearby indicates that the time has come for action. "Hierophant" indicates enlightenment of consciousness, "Emperor" - consolidation of a positive result, "Empress" - obtaining the desired. Remember that the "Star" speaks of strength and energy, hidden potential and creative possibilities. The card claims that it is not difficult to reach the heights, it is much more difficult to keep the result obtained at the level.

17th Arcana - Star

The seventeenth Arcana of the Tarot deck is called the Star. In addition, you can also find the names "Daughter of the Firmament" and "Hope".

Take a look at the image: in front of you, kneeling, a young girl is sitting. She holds two jugs in her hands: gold and silver. From one flows a trickle of gold, from the other - just water. Morning is coming, but the stars are still visible in the sky. There are eight of them, and all of them have eight rays. One, the largest, is located on top of seven others. The whole picture is imbued with a sense of peace and tranquility.

The main idea of ​​the 17th Arcana is the idea of ​​hope. You are still on your way, you have not reached the end of your journey. But you already feel that this end is not far off, and therefore you are worried: what will it be like for you? Take another look at the picture: the night is already completing its course, and the morning is on its way. Do not hesitate - it will be truly wonderful!

The lasso "Star", which fell out to you in a personal scenario, means that you are a creative and charming person. The first helps you create and implement your ideas, the second allows you to build harmonious relationships with others. Whatever business you undertake, it usually ends successfully.

Your character helps you out even in difficult life circumstances: even if at some point you enter a "streak of failures", you never lose optimism and faith in a better future. And in fact, soon everything will return to normal again, and your life continues to flow among successes and achievements.

In the layout of the situation, "Star" usually means a positive solution to the issue and indicates that you will undoubtedly achieve what you want. This card urges you not to lose faith in your strength, to sweep away doubts and despondency, and in no case do not quit what you started halfway.

Those who are concerned about the issue of health should also rely on fate: it will be truly favorable to you. If you are already sick, then you will definitely recover soon, but new diseases simply do not threaten you in the near future!

16th Arcana - Almshouse | >>

The happiest Major Arcana of the Tarot is the Star. This card promises good luck and life. 17 lasso can save even a negative alignment. It remains to look at the map. I will be using the Rider-White deck, the classic tarot deck.

As in previous tarot articles, I will begin the analysis of this lasso from the background. The seventeenth lasso is depicted on a blue background. Therefore, do not forget to connect the subconscious, intuition and hidden forces of the body when interpreting this provision.

It depicts a naked girl with two jugs. Symbol of purity and beauty. Water pours out of the jugs, symbolizing life. The girl pours one jug back into the river, which symbolizes the water cycle in nature, and pours the other on the ground, watering the plants and irrigating the soil.

Stars shine above the girl. One of them is bright yellow, and 7 others are white. This number in the Star Arcana is not accidental. After all, God created the world in 7 days. The Star Tarot card shows the process of creating life. Those who are familiar with the chakras know that a person has 7 main energy centers. And who is not familiar, heard about the seven colors of the rainbow.

When the 17th major lasso fell out in the layout, it's time to wake up.

I'm sure you know the expression: "To be born under a lucky star." A person is lucky throughout life, luck helps to achieve goals. Also, the brightest star helped sailors to choose the right path during a long voyage and the absence of other landmarks. The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot Star means the right path in life, a faithful assistant.

If you take a closer look at this Major Arcana, you will see that the night is ending. The sun has not yet come out, but it has already begun to lighten. All residents wake up. Just a moment left and the dawn will come. This symbolizes the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the light one.

In the distance you can see a bird on the tree, which has woken up and is ready for the start of a new day. Roosters in the villages wake up the locals. There are always birds in places where good conditions life.

17 lasso - meaning

Tarot Star means luck and popularity, optimism, success in career and personal life. In astrology, it symbolizes the transit of Jupiter through the 1st or 10th house, the planet Jupiter with its positive characteristics.

Tarot Star in the layout promises the presence of a guardian angel, a guiding star. She gives a positive answer. If you use fortune-telling "Yes-No", then definitely "Yes". The meaning of the 17th lasso is the fulfillment of desires, the emergence of new opportunities. You are moving on the right path. You have woken up from a long sleep.

Karmic meaning Tarot Star - movement in the right direction

In the scenario for the future, 17 lasso indicates that a favorable period has come in life. You need to use this time to solve difficult issues. Now many serious problems will be solved much easier. It's worth keeping on dreaming. Or an assistant will appear in your life who will solve many problematic issues in life.

The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot can be viewed from a different angle. When a Star falls, it often speaks of the end of a black streak, a negative period, a series of failures. You have the right direction to go.

Dream more often.

In the spread of love and relationships, this Star card is not so pleasant. She gives love and happiness, platonic feelings, spirituality. For young girls and women, it is better when a card with a man falls out in a layout. You may have a true friend, assistant, mentor.

In profession and business, 17 lasso shows far-reaching plans and hopes. Now you are only laying the foundation for future victories. You need to set a goal and go towards it. In business, the Star card speaks of expanding the scope of activities, the emergence of partners, and the establishment of trade. But success on this card does not come immediately. It sets the motion vector. The rest is up to you.

Star - reversed

The seventeenth major lasso in an inverted meaning is not as bad as the rest of the cards. Usually it means the collapse of hopes, the wrong way. Many of you have read the fairy tale about the golden fish or are familiar with the saying: "Beware of your desires, they may come true." I had a large flow of clients when the Star turned upside down, and answered mail all day. But there was no time for consultations. Popularity also has its downsides. The karmic meaning here is simple. You need to think: Is this what you really want? Are you on the right path?

Combinations in layouts

In combination with other cards, the 17 lasso of the Tarot Star gives a positive interpretation of the issue. With cards on a blue background, like, it enhances the influence of the subconscious, intuition on solving the issue, your hidden reserves.

If other cards in the layout do not give a clear answer, then the Star usually tugs the scales in positive side. It means: you need to move in that direction. Negative alignment, makes neutral. The card does not allow the 17th lasso to use its value.

You can get an answer to a question

The Star of Bethlehem tarot card is the 17th Major Arcana, which means hope. Basically, on this map there is a naked girl who is kneeling with two jugs by the reservoir. Water pours out of these jugs as a symbol of life. The rest of the picture is filled with wildlife and a virgin sky with eight stars. This card is a source of strength to achieve the grandiose plans set by man.

It is also believed that there is another interpretation. This card already has a different meaning: mortal danger and insidious love. This Arcana is a symbol of meditation, divination and hidden possibilities. And all this power is taken from the Star Goddess - she saturates everyone with her life-giving power.

The main meaning of the Star Tarot card

This card means faith, intuition, hope. If this card fell out, then some important decision and deeds await you, the results of which you will learn much later. That is why the card is associated with hope. The star tells us that we should not give up halfway through, but we must always continue to move forward, even if the result is not immediately visible. Perhaps you will do an unloved thing, on which, it would seem, nothing depends, but no, in the future it will be credited to you. Like a sprout, your action will grow and gain strength, so that later you will thank the owner in full. This card is considered the third guardian angel, which always speaks of a good outcome in any business.

Tarot card Star in normal position

A direct Star card will indicate that prosperity and joy await you soon. Inspiration will attack you, new ideas will fill you. Diseases will begin to pass, and the nerves will return to normal, waiting for you white stripe life. Words, when talking with people, will come to your mind on their own. The vital energy, which will begin to spread throughout the body, will help you complete any task. If you have been haunted by failures for a long time, then the card says that soon everything will get better and become much better. A bright life awaits ahead, with all its positive qualities. Also, the Star Tarot card carries the meaning of the fact that a great friend or a faithful soulmate will soon appear in your life.

Faith in life will be restored. Definition and implementation of previously set tasks and the general improvement of life. You will be pursued by luck in everything you undertake. New acquaintances will grow into a reliable friendship. The main thing is to realize your goals and believe in them, and then your life will be in harmony.

The Star card will have a more detailed and specific meaning in combination with other cards.

If you get an inverted card, then this has the following meaning:

  • Possible illnesses or chronic diseases
  • Extreme injury hazard, be careful
  • You should prepare for the blow of fate, something bad will happen
  • Too many bad intrusive thoughts
  • "Pink glasses" will fly off, and there will be a different view of the world
  • Are you in a hurry to make some important decision?
  • Chronic sadness, depression
  • Lack of desire to develop

The meaning of the Tarot card Star at work

The card gives success to all your plans, most of the undertakings will end positively. Possible job change or finding a great way out of a crisis situation. If you want to advance at work, then this will be the best period for this. Luck is on your side!

Meaning of the Star Tarot Card in Relationships

As mentioned above - this card gives success, relationships are no exception. On the road of your life you will meet a wonderful person with whom very fruitful communication will arise. This communication can develop into love, which will be a sign from above. Marriages that are concluded during this period are always happy and long-lasting!

In the layout for love, the direct position of the Star card means communication with a partner on a high, spiritual level, pure and bright feelings. Lonely, she portends a long-awaited meeting and subsequent relationships that will turn out to be strong and long.

An inverted star speaks of disappointment and unfulfilled expectations in love. In addition, an inverted card in a relationship layout indicates a negative attitude of the questioner, a lack of focus on success. In combination with other Tarot cards, they will tell you what exactly you should pay attention to.

The meaning of the Star card in health layouts

In matters of health, the Star card in a direct position promises healing, recovery and purification.

The inverted Star has the following interpretation: various disorders in the sexual sphere, blood problems, headaches, impaired attention.

Tarot card Star in combination with the Major Arcana

With "Jester" - a confident movement towards the goal;

With the "Magician" - a period of good luck for starting a new business;

With the "High Priestess" - serenity, guaranteed success;

With the "Empress" - actions will bring good results;

With the "Emperor" - to consolidate the success that has been achieved

With "Papa" - new knowledge, blinding faith;

With "Lovers" - in love - a relationship that has excellent prospects;

With the "Chariot" - a new place of residence;

With "Sila" - a dream, a cherished desire;

With "The Hermit" - passion for astrology;

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - changes for the better;

With "Justice" - dreams and goals that have real grounds;

With the Hanged Man - illusory goals;

With "Death" - to lose hope;

With "Moderation" - circumstances change for the better;

With the "Devil" - abandon your goals;

With the "Tower" - the collapse of hopes;

With the "Moon" - uncertain expectations;

With the "Sun" - the fulfillment of desires;

With the "Court" - confidence in success will return;

With the "Mir" - to discover the abilities in yourself.

Tarot card Star in combination with some of the minor arcana

With the "Ace of Wands" - decide on the goal;

With the "Two of Wands" - search for yourself;

With the "Four of Wands" - the meaning of this combination is healing;

With the "Eight of Wands" - good news; clarification of the situation;

With the "Nine of Wands" - this combination speaks of existing doubts;

With the "Page of Wands" - to catch luck;

With the "Knight of Wands" - inspiration;

With the "Queen of Wands" - self-confidence;

With the "King of Wands" - inspire enthusiasm in others.

With the "Ace of Cups" - love, more spiritual than physical;

With the "Two of Cups" - in love - union;

With the "Four of Cups" - uncertainty;

With the "Five of Cups" - this combination promises disappointment;

With the "Eight of Cups" - change plans;

With the "Nine of Cups" - the realization of a dream;

With the "Knight of Cups" - trust will reign in relations;

With the "Queen of Cups" - cleansing, recovery;

With the "King of Cups" - to help someone in matters of health.

With the "Ace of Swords" - the right idea at the right time;

With the "Three of Swords" - melancholy;

With the "Four of Swords" - healing;

With the "Six of Swords" - development, improvement;

With the "Eight of Swords" - to lose the last hope;

With the "Nine of Swords" - see no way out;

With the "Knight of Swords" - the collapse of a dream;

With the "Queen of Swords" - in health - difficulties with conception;

With the "King of Swords" - unpleasant results.

With the "Ace of Pentacles" - get a reward;

With the "Three of Pentacles" - good luck in the business or creative field;

With the "Four of Pentacles" - the situation will finally become stable;

With the "Six of Pentacles" - a reward;

With the "Eight of Pentacles" - improvements, happy changes;

With the "Ten of Pentacles" - a wedding;

With the "Knight of Pentacles" - work that will not be in vain;

With the "Queen of Pentacles" - in health - pregnancy

With the "King of Pentacles" - the disclosure of talents.

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The meaning of the Tarot Star in the old days was not always considered pleasant, but modern tarologists almost unanimously recognize this Arcana as a symbol of bright hopes, a favorable resolution of the situation and the path towards the realization of a cherished dream. This is a very light, thin, airy card, the appearance of which in the layout always pleases both the Master himself and his clients. It's always easier to talk about good omens, isn't it?

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

From the illustration of the seventeenth Arcanum in the Rider-Waite deck, calmness and harmony emanates. We see a naked girl standing by the light of the stars on the bank of a pond and pouring water from two jugs. The evening sky does not seem gloomy at all, and the brightest star in the sky illuminates a beautiful natural landscape - a green flowering meadow, a tree with a bird nestled comfortably on its crown, and mountain peaks somewhere in the distance. The plot of the Arcana directly hints at its main meaning - the light of the guiding star.

Keywords and ideas of the Star card in the layout

Actually, you can’t say a lot about this card. The meaning and interpretation of the Tarot Star fits well into a few basic ideas:

  • Following your dream
  • Favorable resolution of the situation
  • Hope that lights the way
  • inspiration, light
  • The guiding force of the Universe, leading a person along the path to the true goal
  • Fulfillment of desires
  • Implementation of the plan
  • Self-realization, recognition in society

The value of the card in the upright position

The meaning of the Arcana Tarot Star will always be associated with the fulfillment of what a person dreamed of. The appearance of this card in the layout is a sign that he is on the right track and he just needs to trust his feelings. This is the fulfillment of hopes, plans, the achievement of the desired, the discovery of excellent opportunities. This is optimism and faith that everything will definitely work out. Also, Arkan is often associated with the opportunity to realize one's talents, to achieve recognition in a certain circle. The star encourages us not to be afraid to dream, because all expectations can be fulfilled - if not right now, but in the not so distant future. The stars remain in the sky even when we do not see them, which means that our goals and plans must remain in force, even if at the moment we do not see ways to achieve them. The universe itself will lead you to the right path, the main thing is to trust it.

The meaning of the Arcana Star in an inverted position

The inverted Tarot Star can take on different meanings. Most often this is one of the following options:

  • The unfulfilled desire of a person to build a career in the field of art, creativity (which is called "does not shine")
  • Disappointment in one's own dream, collapse of ideals, loss of inspiration
  • Plans that won't come true
  • The end of a career or futile attempts to regain former popularity
  • Low self-esteem, complexes
  • Self-doubt, doubt
  • The desire to brag, boast of one's talent or recognition, arrogance
  • With unfavorable surrounding cards, it can indicate clouding of reason, suicide, rape and other crimes, dangers.

Star Tarot Card Meaning - video

The meaning of the card in matters of love and relationships

Of course, the seventeenth Arcana, full of inspiration and hope, in matters of personal life can only carry a positive meaning. However, it is worth considering all its possible manifestations.

Direct position

The traditional meaning of the Tarot Star in a relationship is an ideal union with great prospects, this is a partnership in which each of the lovers can fully open up and fulfill their needs, this is healing love, complete trust, an amazing sex life, complemented by beauty, tenderness, harmony, joint inspiration . Also, the card can indicate a union of creative people or a relationship in which partners cannot be disappointed in each other - this happens when lovers live at a distance and joint meetings are very rare, or when there is still only a platonic connection between people . Situationally, Arkan can symbolize the fulfillment of desires and joint plans.

inverted position

The meaning of the Tarot Star in love, if it turned out to be inverted, is disappointment in a partner or relationship that had high hopes, these are attempts to resurrect a union that was once very happy, but will never become so, sometimes boasting of your other half (“Let everyone know how handsome, smart, sexy he is - let all my girlfriends be jealous!”). Situationally - collapsed joint plans.

The meaning of the Arcana in matters of well-being and health

Let's talk about how the meaning of the Tarot Star manifests itself in health. It turns out that this card is fraught with many mysteries and will not always indicate the absence of problems.

Direct position

Great card for health issues. She speaks of a wonderful state of health, healing and rejuvenation of the body, as well as a complete deliverance from an existing disease.

inverted position

Under the reverse Arcana, such serious problems as depletion of vitality, imbalance in water balance, lung diseases, and in some cases even drowning (if there are confirming cards) can pass. Sometimes the Star reports rare allergies and illnesses due to causes that for many are actually myths or abstractions, such as dust mites.

The value of the card in the analysis of personality and assessment of the psychological state

Now let's analyze the meaning of 17 Tarot cards in such an area as a description of a person and the state of his soul.

Direct position

This is a very talented person with good creative abilities. A person who confidently moves towards his goal, even if the goal seems unrealistic to others. Such people usually have good intuition, they have what is called "inner wisdom." They are altruists who are ready to help others. Also, under the Star card, people often go in for spiritual practices, meditation, yoga, sometimes adherents of a particular religion, but not rabid fanatics. The state of mind is a huge inspiration that helps a person go through life.

inverted position

The Reverse Star describes a person who has lost his guiding thread. Often this is a person either completely detached from the real world and living in a fantasy land, or one who has lost faith in life and himself. Sometimes upstarts can pass through the map, considering themselves the most talented, although in reality they have “one, two and miscalculated” their real creative abilities. The state of mind is a deep disappointment, pain from the inability to realize your dream.

The value of the Star in matters of finance and work

Let's not bypass the sphere professional activity, because very often people turn to tarologists specifically for career issues.

Direct position

The meaning of the Tarot Star in work is the discovery of promising opportunities, far-reaching plans, favorable prospects. Often a card indicates that a person is “in his place”, i.e. does exactly what it should. This is an activity that brings spiritual satisfaction and the opportunity to fully realize oneself. Professions Stars are always associated with creativity - this is a map of poets, musicians, artists, theatergoers, show business. If the question is about finances, the reward will be received, but a little later.

inverted position

The reverse 17 Arcana symbolizes uninteresting work, the absence of any prospects, the hopelessness of plans, or the loss of inspiration from the work in which a person is busy. In financial matters - making a profit "does not shine."

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

Undoubtedly very important point The interpretation of the alignment is the combination of the Star card with other Tarot cards, and especially with Trumps. We will start with them.

  • : Hope "at random"
  • : Profession of an astrologer, the right time to implement plans
  • : Higher intelligence
  • : Excellent result
  • : Consolidate what has been achieved
  • : Spiritual development
  • : Relationship with good prospects
  • : Moving
  • : Make a wish
  • : Star-Hermit Tarot Combination - Study something alone
  • : Change for the better
  • : Worthy Goals
  • : Dubious plans
  • : lose hope
  • : Making things better
  • : Fuck all plans
  • : Shattered expectations, plane crash
  • Moon: A hazy future, pipe dreams
  • Sun: Happy realization of the plan
  • Judgment: Regain the joy of life
  • World: Combination Star and World Tarot - Talent Recognition

Interpretation of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now let's move on to considering possible interpretations of the proximity of the Star with the numerical and curly Arcana of the deck. Let's analyze all the suits one by one.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Light up "your star"
  • : Finding your purpose
  • : Strive for your goal
  • : Recovery of a sick family member
  • : Hope to find a better way out
  • : Belief in one's own ideals
  • : Hope to overcome difficulties
  • : Encouraging news
  • : Doubt
  • : Hope for good prospects
  • : Find something worthwhile
  • : Uplifting
  • : Believe in yourself
  • King: Give someone hope

With the suit of Cups

  • : Purely platonic relationship
  • : Love confession, reconciliation with a partner
  • : Experience relief
  • : Doubt yourself
  • : Dreams that didn't come true
  • : Old dreams
  • : Visualize what you want
  • : Abandoning a goal
  • : Fulfillment of desires
  • : A house where everyone is honest with each other
  • : conception
  • : Sincerity
  • : Soul Healing
  • : to heal someone

With suit of Swords