A bug for wiretapping schemes on clothes. Homemade bug - Radio microphones, bugs - Spy stuff

In order to organize wiretapping, you can resort to several ways to implement your plan. Electronic tracking devices can be purchased at a store or ordered via the Internet. However, a quality one will cost the consumer a pretty penny. As a rule, cheap Chinese devices quickly fail, and they are not particularly distinguished by practicality. One thing remains - to make a bug with your own hands, especially since this is quite feasible, and the cost of components (in order to manufacture this or that audio surveillance device) is essentially symbolic. However, let's get down to business.

Legal grounds

Of course, you need to understand that special means for listening are the prerogative of the special services. In case of violation of the constitutional rights of the individual and proven guilt in an infringement on the secret of private life, administrative punishment will follow. There are cases when it comes to criminal liability. Therefore, do not "abuse" the manufactured product. It is much wiser to use such a device as additional funds security or use it to exercise acoustic control over the territory of your own home. For example, a home-made bug for wiretapping will be an excellent “informant” if you are not sure about the decency of the nanny you hired or want to know what is happening in the classroom at school. But you never know life situations when the use of listening devices becomes a necessity.

Mobile "GSM bug": an incredibly simple solution

In order to make an eavesdropping device from a cell phone, you need a device that supports the "Auto-hook" function, you also need a headset (headphones). The device can be considered the most acceptable for such purposes, since the simplicity and reliability of the telephone allow us to count on the success of the project being implemented. By the way, it is a sign of profitability, the energy consumption of the device is significantly reduced. Believe me, such a do-it-yourself phone bug is an excellent substitute for expensive listening equipment. Moreover, literally everyone can do the simple actions described below. Perhaps let's get started.

  • Go to the phone menu and enter the "Call mode" section.
  • Create your personal mode. All items related to light indication, vibration, volume of the signal melody, screen saver, sound accompaniment of button presses and notification of incoming SMS messages must be deactivated.
  • Give the new mode a name.
  • Through the main menu, find the “Accessory Settings” section, which usually has two sub-items “headset” and “hearing aid”. In each of them, it is necessary to edit the operating parameters and the question of how to make a bug will be practically solved.
  • All "accessory" items must be included. Assign the newly created mode as active and exit the settings.
  • Cut off the cord from the headphones and insert the plug into the headset jack.
  • The display should show the activated mode.

We use the smartphone for other purposes

When leaving on a business trip or vacation, you can leave at home a kind of watchman, so to speak, a mobile “guard”. And you don’t need to solder anything, and the cell bug is a do-it-yourself converted smartphone. Everything else is just primitive.

  • Almost all smartphones are equipped with the "Auto-receiving calls" function.
  • In relatively new cellular units, the energy-saving mode technology is implemented. Therefore, taking into account the known good condition of the device, you can count on 5-7 days of your battery.
  • It is possible that the phone is connected to the charger, and a special device with a time relay acts as an intermediary between the socket and the charger. An hour a day is a completely acceptable power supply mode (considering the situation described above).
  • Turn off the sound notification, light indication and vibration mode in your phone.
  • It would not be superfluous to take such an action as installing headphones in the headset jack, since the sound background around the caller will be an unfavorable signal that will predetermine the location of the spy device.
  • Place the device in the middle zone of the living space. Do not forget: the device should not be in a conspicuous place, but it is not a solution either. Place the phone on the mezzanine or fix it on the back of a hanging picture.

A bug for wiretapping: do-it-yourself from "improvised means"

Usually not thrown away. Find a long-forgotten "electronic comrade", because it is from him that you will make an efficiently working sound pickup device. It is worth noting that almost any phone can be converted into an eavesdropping device. However, size plays an important role in the "spy life". Therefore, in such a delicate matter as wiretapping, it is more expedient to use small models of phones.

General flow diagram

  • Disassemble your phone.
  • Remove the screen and remove all LEDs (keyboard backlight - leave one for visual control).
  • Solder the power button.
  • Install the device - "Auto-accept a call", because the bug with its "hands" must pick up the phone.
  • Replace the microphone with a more sensitive (electret).
  • Build up the antenna (regular copper wire 15-20 cm).
  • Solder the battery and fix it on top of the keyboard pad (elastic band, adhesive tape).
  • You check the functionality.

The optocoupler shown in the diagram can be replaced with a KT315 type transistor or Western counterparts C9018, C9014. In this case, the capacitor is removed, and the resistor is set with a resistance value of 2.2 k.

miniature bug

You can make an FM transmitter with your own hands. A fairly simple circuit will allow you to receive a signal in the radio frequency range of 88-92 MHz. You should not immediately run to the store and buy parts, you may have faulty electrical equipment, from the board of which you can dismantle the necessary components.

You will need:

  • Bipolar transistor - 2N3904 or its equivalent.
  • Resistors - 4.7 and 330 kOhm.
  • Capacitors - 4.7 pF, 1 and 22 nF.
  • Trimmer capacitor, nominal value 30 pF.
  • Loop coil - winding diameter 6 mm, eight-turn, wire 0.5 mm.
  • The material for the board is foil fiberglass.
  • Battery type "Krona" at 9 watts.
  • (the most sensitive is used in tape recorders).

We collect the FM bug for wiretapping

  • First of all, a tuning capacitor is soldered (middle of the board). The transistor is mounted on the left.
  • Moving to the bottom, we install (from left to right) capacitors: the first is 4.7 pF, the second is 1 nF.
  • Now solder the resistors.
  • After - a 22 nF capacitor and a frameless coil.
  • The construction is completed by a wire - an antenna, installation of a microphone and soldering of the battery.

In conclusion

Now it is not a secret for you how to make a bug out of your phone and what is needed for this. The variants of GSM and radio products presented in this information review are only a part of the many electronic samples available, through which high-quality acoustic control can be established. However, it should be noted that practicality and quality are achieved through the application of the above recommendations. However, perhaps there will be a "craftsman" who will come up with a more rational way to realize the excellent performance of his inventions of the listening type. In the meantime, we will use what we have. Listen carefully!

Continuing the theme simple circuits for a radio amateur, consider how to make a simple bug for wiretapping with your own hands. A simple bug can be used not only for espionage, but also, for example, for listening to a room in which a small child sleeps. The wiretapping bug scheme has been simplified to the most simple assembly and has a minimum of details. But along with simplicity, the bug has a transmission range of up to 100 m. Below is the diagram of the bug itself. All radio components are common and it is not necessary to buy them in a radio store.

The microphone can be obtained from a Chinese tape recorder. Please note that the microphone has polarity, plus the microphone is connected from above according to the diagram. Transistor C3013 can be taken from the same tape recorder or receiver. You can also use its Russian counterpart KT368. Capacitors are taken from there. Coil L1 is wound with varnished copper wire with a diameter of 0.3 ... 0.5 mm. It is wound on a cylindrical mandrel with a diameter of 3 mm, 10 turns must be wound on it. To reduce the size of the element, it is better to buy.

The antenna can be made from the same wire as the coil. The length of the antenna must be at least 30 cm. After collecting the necessary parts, you can proceed with their installation. For mounting parts, a double-sided printed circuit board 2x3 cm is used. To obtain tracks, the board does not have to be etched, slots can be made with a cutter.

Setting up a bug for wiretapping

Adjusting the bug comes down to setting the operating frequency. First, scroll through the radio in the FM band and try to catch your voice. If it doesn’t work, we move the turns of the coil apart and catch again. As the coils move apart, the frequency of the transmitter increases. If the transmitter frequency matches the frequency of the radio station, it is necessary to shift it up or down.

For short distances. The transmitter was originally planned to be used at a frequency of approximately 100 MHz. Transmission range in line of sight conditions in the field - 110 meters. In a residential building, taking into account the walls, the transmission is 25-40 meters to the receiver, which is in a conventional telephone, if you take a more sensitive receiver, then the range increases to 50 meters. The microphone was set to a highly sensitive one (resistance 2.2 kOhm from a 1998 AIWA tape recorder). With him a quiet conversation is heard from 3-5 meters calmly. Minimal noise interference. If the transmitter is 3-4 meters from the receiver, then there is even a hum, self-excitation between the speaker and the microphone (acoustic Feedback happens).

Comrade troll helped bring the circuit to mind, for which I thank him :) If you use the indicated radio components, then the circuit works immediately and without problems - cleanly and clearly. The transistor used is an imported c9014 with a gain of 100, it makes no sense to use more than a hundred, verified.

After etching, the printed circuit board needs to be ringed for short circuits between the tracks and dried when one of the boards was made - the textolite peeled off a little and water got there. As a result, a resistance of a couple of megaohms formed between some tracks! So it's better to ring the tracks with a multimeter in 200 mΩ mode. And if necessary, dry for 30 minutes.

Capacitors are also selected, if the bug is used close to the body, then put the capacitor in the antenna 3-5 pF, if it is far away, then you can put 100 pF, but then you can only use it away from a person - a distance of a couple of meters, but a more powerful signal .

The supply voltage of the microphone is about 2-2.3 V. There should be 1.3-1.6 volts at the base of the transistor. Powered by a 4.5 volt battery, it should last for a long time, judging by such a considerable capacity. The current consumption of a bug for wiretapping is 6.5-7.2 mA. After assembling the circuit, be sure to include a milliammeter in the gap of the positive wire in order to immediately find out if everything is in order and avoid stupid questions, "why doesn't it work?" Comrade was with you. Redmoon.


The simplest listening device can be assembled from an old mobile phone. You just need to disassemble and remove the vibrating alert from the board, solder the transistor instead, which closes the raise button. It turns out auto-raising the handset with listening. And then everything is simple. It is necessary to leave the phone in a listening place and call it. The handset is turned on, everything that happens and everything about is possible through your phone.

Another method of manufacturing listening devices is an elementary bug on microelements. This consists of a power supply, antenna and microphone, located in some small case.

So, take a piece of plastic and cut out the required dimensions of the base of the bug with a knife. Keep in mind what case you are using for it. It can be a mobile phone, a pack of cigarettes, a powder box.
Using M2 screws, fasten the battery, the spiral antenna and the circuit board of the listening device to the base.

Attach the button microphone and the power off button to the base. Optionally, you can attach an LED to the base. Then the bug will show whether it is on or off. Assemble all the parts together on the plastic base. Customize the bug in the selected case.

Tune the bug with a variable frequency FM radio. The disadvantage of this bug is the possibility of wiretapping only from the receiver. The previous model was tapped from a mobile phone, which seems to be more convenient and maneuverable.

Thanks to cinema and detective stories, everyone knows that a "bug" means a miniature listening device, disguisedly attached to secluded places in offices to monitor ongoing negotiations. In the modern industry, a vast segment has been developed for the production and distribution of sophisticated spy devices, referred to in all official documents as special audio monitoring techniques, and covert recording for conducting operational search activities.


Such equipment has long been mass-produced and is on “almost free” sale, that is, it can be purchased after obtaining the appropriate license. If desired, with the necessary equipment and with imagination, as well as with some skills, it is quite possible to create "" on your own - at home or at work. To do this, get the smallest size. The smaller they are, the more convenient you can disguise the device during installation.

Get these microphones by dismantling them, for example, from digital voice recorders or concert headsets used by artists on stage.

Then think over and provide a way to transmit data, for the transmission of which it is planned to use the extracted microphone. If you have the skills to design and handle the radio, then use the wireless method via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

In turn, use the cable connection of the microphone if you are interested in proper quality listening and recording, therefore, it is with this method that noise interference will clearly not clog the air.

It is not enough just to successfully make a listening device, it is more important to install it professionally, while ensuring absolute inconspicuousness in combination with the environment and the maximum duration of effective use. In order not to be subjected to criminal prosecution under the relevant article, use as "bugs" for audio monitoring of the situation in the room and covert recording quite common means available on the market: microphones for mobile phones, small-sized voice recorders and webcams, but installed in disguise, so they are not conspicuous to those present.

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Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to remotely control the situation in one place or another - at home, in the office or in the car. Listening devices, of which there are a great many today, help with this. But it is not necessary to go and spend money on fancy spy gadgets. It is quite possible to deal with this problem on your own.


Use a special program for that allows you to remotely control all kinds of sounds and notify you about them. SkypeSpy can be used as an alarm system for your home or office, it can monitor the status of a , and of course it can be used as a .

Place with the installed program in a place where you need to control the sounds (in the children's room, in the office, etc.). The communication program connects to another device, and when it detects any sound, the smartphone sends an SMS, MMS or calls. Such programs can be found on ExSmart.Net, smart60.ru, alldown.ru, M-TEL.ru, dimonvideo.ru.

If you need to wiretap through a modem, download the ModemSpy program. Install it on your computer. Select File -> Preferences, in the Hardware tab select your modem. In the Recording tab, set up call recording modes.

With the help of the first setting, you can set all incoming and the recording start time counter to the machine. The second is responsible for outgoing calls. The last setting is responsible for filtering recording files of certain sizes. The disadvantage of the program is that you cannot record and listen to a conversation at the same time, as you can stick into it and find yourself. Link for downloading the program - http://www.izone.ru/business/communication/modem-spy.htm.

If you want to make wiretapping with your own hands, use the schemes for making wiretapping bugs. There are plenty of them on the Internet, from elementary to professional. This will require certain skills and experience in radio electronics.

If you want to install wiretapping in the next room, use a microphone and a recording device (up to the player). You can install such a device on a cabinet, or in a ceiling or sconce and bring the wires to the next room where the signal will go.

Use a statoscope. A primitive way on the principle of "glass to the door", but, oddly enough, it works. But this is absolutely in emergency situations, but you don’t have to spend money on expensive equipment or computer programs.


  • audition how to do

Films about government conspiracies and special agents are full of a wide variety of wiretapping devices. It seems that all this is out of reach for "mere mortals", but today you can safely make a bug for wiretapping, as in those same films, at home with your own hands. It is not difficult, and with a little experience in radio electronics, you can make it yourself.

For beginner radio amateurs, the following lesson on making a bug may seem too complicated. Transmitter circuits are quite simple, but setting up a radio transmitter circuit can be a little tricky. In this scheme, a minimum of details is used. The transmitter power is not that great, the range is about 100 meters in line of sight. But for a homemade radio bug, this is very good.

We will need

It is not necessary to purchase parts for the circuit. For example, you can pull out the M1 electronic microphone from an old Chinese voice recorder. You can solder capacitors and resistors from any radio receiver board. Remove the VT1 C3013 transistor from an old Chinese transistor player. Coil L1 is easy to make yourself. To do this, take a lacquered copper wire (diameter 0.5 mm), wind its coil to coil on a 3 mm mandrel and bite off the excess with wire cutters. Strip the tips of the varnish. For the antenna, copper wire is also suitable. Just cut off 30 cm from the wire, bend one tip into a ring, clean the second, tin it. Also get a 3V battery. That's all the parts we need.

And here is the diagram, in which only the most necessary details are left, with which we have already familiarized ourselves.

Installation of a radio bug

To assemble the circuit, you do not need to develop the board yourself. Just take a small piece of double-sided foil textolite 2x3 centimeters. On one side of the textolite, cut the foil into a couple of pieces with a cutter (as many as you need to mount the parts). Everything then needs to be carefully tinned. As you can see, this is not so difficult if you already have a little experience in creating electronic homemade products.

On the second side, cut into two parts - bigger / smaller. Most of it must be made in size so that the battery fits. You will get a positive contact, and for the negative contact, take a bent piece of stripped copper wire or a small rectangular piece of a spring (you can take it from a watch). Make a small cutout for the microphone on the board - this will reduce the size of the whole structure.

Now solder all the details according to the scheme. We solder the negative contact for the battery on the other side, do not forget about the connecting wires for power. Also solder the microphone in the correct polarity.

Setting up a radio bug

So, is the build complete? Now the fun part: insert a battery into the bug, take any FM receiver, try to catch your voice in the speakers. If it didn’t work the first time, try to slightly push the turns of the L1 coil, then try again. When the signal is caught, you will be able to achieve the desired frequency without any problems: when the turns are shifted, the transmitter frequency decreases, and when moved apart, it increases. Just tune in to the frequency you need and enjoy the work done!