Where do subcutaneous pimples come from. Why do acne occur and how to deal with subcutaneous acne

The most unpleasant of the rashes are subcutaneous or internal acne.

The inflammatory process occurs deep in the dermis, which significantly slows down their maturation.

It is not easy to pull out or squeeze out pus at home, since such elements do not have an outlet.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Fortunately, there are effective ways to deal with them.

But before you figure out how to remove a large subcutaneous pimple from your face, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance.

After all, only by eliminating them, it will be possible to quickly and permanently defeat rashes and restore a healthy appearance to the skin.

Reasons for the appearance

The mechanism of occurrence of the internal element is not particularly different from the usual pimple.

From an excess of secretion, a plug forms in the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. As a result of the active growth of pathogenic microflora, inflammation of the hair follicle and adjacent tissues begins.

Photo: the formation of a purulent element

Only pus is formed not in the epidermis, but much deeper - in the dermis.

Whereas large and dense is visible on the surface of the integument. A huge pimple is usually sore, takes longer and heals.

Most often, subcutaneous rashes provoke the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • hypothermia and colds;
  • overheat;
  • avitaminosis;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • metabolic disease;
  • harmful;
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy to synthetics;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs, antibiotics.

Photo: often the demodex mite becomes the cause of acne

It has been established that a large number of patients suffer from it precisely because of the rapid activity of the tick. He settles in areas of accumulation of hair follicles (in and eyelashes, above the lips,). Its presence is determined by scraping and detection of eggs. Such acne is always accompanied by peeling and itching.

Video: "Express method of getting rid of acne in 15 minutes"

How to remove subcutaneous pimple

If you neglect the treatment and start the inflamed focus, then there is a risk of spreading the infection.

From this rashes will become much more. After their healing, as a rule, unfilled cavities remain in the skin, in place of which scars appear. Therefore, you should not wait for acne and marks after them to disfigure the entire face and body.

It is important not to hesitate, but to start therapy on time.

In the clinic

First you need to contact a dermatologist who will diagnose.

Photo: in advanced cases, antibiotics are prescribed internally

  • In advanced cases, to destroy the infection, appoint( , Clindamycin, ). There are drugs for oral or external treatment. self-apply antibacterial agents absolutely impossible. They often cause allergies, digestive problems, and may also be contraindicated.
  • Effective, but dangerous drugs are considered (Roaccutane, Aknekutan) - derivatives of vitamin A. When prescribing such drugs, the doctor should be guided by the presence of real indications. An excess of a substance in the body leads to serious consequences. A person is tormented by headaches, nausea and aching joints, the number of skin rashes increases, severe peeling appears, and hair falls out.
  • Solutions for external use with tretinoin and zinc (Tritin, Airol) have shown themselves well in the treatment of chronic acne. They reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and the production of fat, smooth the epithelium, pull plugs out of the pores.
  • In a specialized clinic, a cosmetologist will offer a course of medical procedures. One of their inexpensive is darsonvalization. Sessions are carried out using an apparatus that generates pulses of high-frequency electric current. This reduces the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which prevents the occurrence of traffic jams and new rashes.

Photo: Darsonval will reduce sebum secretion and dry out rashes

The method has contraindications:

  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • the presence of a pacemaker.

You can remove dead cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and sebaceous deposits in the pores by:

  • vacuum;
  • ultrasonic;
  • chemical.

Ozone therapy

It not only shortens the recovery time, but also does not leave scars or.

The patient is given intravenous or subcutaneous ozone-oxygen injections, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the integument:

  • pathogenic bacteria are destroyed;
  • redness, swelling and discomfort disappear;
  • the period of maturation of cones is reduced to several hours;
  • metabolic processes in tissues are stimulated, which leads to an early restoration of the epithelium;
  • rashes quickly heal, leaving no noticeable marks.

Elos technology

This modern method based on exposure to beams of pulsed blue light. A special apparatus produces radiation.

The effect of the procedure appears after the first session:

  • the process of skin cell renewal starts;
  • irregularities, bumps and are smoothed out;
  • the ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleansed and narrowed;
  • microbes are destroyed;
  • irritation, peeling, increased fat content disappears.

At home

There is a great way to remove a subcutaneous pimple from the face at the stage of its formation.

For example, if a bump has just begun to appear, on the forehead or on the chin, it can be cauterized. Several times a day, a cotton swab should be treated with a bump, trying not to affect healthy skin.

Otherwise, severe burns may occur. It is not scary if a yellow spot remains in place of the pimple. It will disappear in a few days.

White bumps on the face can be removed overnight.

Photo: overnight you can get rid of purulent contents

To do this, make a compress from Vishnevsky's ointment.

  • A pea of ​​the product is applied to a cotton pad or a bandage folded four times, applied to the bump and fixed with a plaster.
  • The bandage is changed every 6-12 hours, but one procedure is often sufficient. Ichthyol ointment has a similar effect.

Multiple rashes are wiped with a solution of synthomycin.

Pharmaceutical emulsion is diluted in equal proportions with water. You can also use ready-made ointment.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine, herbal treatment is very welcome.

Chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, sage or mint are brewed at the rate of 2 tbsp. lies. dry raw materials for 1 cup boiling water.

Photo: decoctions of herbs can be used for washing

The healing liquid is infused, filtered and used in several ways at once:

  • wash themselves;
  • wipe covers;
  • frozen in ice molds;
  • make steam baths for the face.

Pull out pus or help a pimple dissolve easily with an aloe vera compress.

The leaf is cut and applied with pulp to the cone, and then sealed with a plaster. Of course, it is unlikely that large elements will disappear in one day. But after 2-3 procedures, the result will be noticeable.

  • Inflammation can be relieved by spot treatment of rashes with tea tree oil.
  • Purifies the intestines and blood, normalizes the metabolism in the body nettle decoction. A bunch of fresh grass is poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Then they insist, filter and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals for a month.

Photo: cucumber juice is suitable as a lotion

You can wipe the skin with natural lotions:

  • from lemon juice and water;
  • cucumber juice;
  • water with apple cider vinegar.

For the healing of subcutaneous acne, it is important to rid the epidermis of dead cells.

Photo: you can remove the dead layer of cells from the skin with a scrub

Scrubs will help with this:

  • from ground oatmeal, honey and olive oil;
  • based on white, green or blue cosmetic clay and water;
  • from semolina, powdered dry orange peels and oatmeal;
  • from coffee grounds;
  • from ground egg shells, sour cream and yolk;
  • with rice, barley flour and dry cream.

After the procedure, the face must be moisturized with a cream or serum.


Compliance with the rules of prevention will protect against the appearance of subcutaneous acne.

  1. It is important not to forget about the rules of hygiene. Take a shower every day, wash your face in the morning and evening, change bedding and wash clothes often. Baths with sea salt are useful, softening the epithelium, cleansing and disinfecting pores. You need to wipe yourself with an individual towel, and for the face it should be separate.
  2. Problematic skin must be treated with salicylic lotion every day. Also, to cleanse the pores, you can use tonics without alcohol. It is useful to periodically do hardware or mechanical cleaning of the face, peeling, masks in a beauty parlor and at home.
  3. Avoid synthetic underwear. The skin needs to breathe and sweat to evaporate from the surface. It is better to give preference to cotton, linen, silk, chintz and other natural materials.
  4. Women should be careful about the choice of cosmetics. This is especially true for foundation. Many products contain liquid lanolin, fats, mineral oils, and other comedogenic ingredients. Substances quickly clog into the pores, preventing the release of sebum to the outside. It is better to buy products marked "hypoallergenic", Oil free. It is good if the cream contains zinc, allantoin, as well as antioxidants.
  5. It's important to watch your diet. Do not abuse fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs, drink mineral water and natural juices. Do not forget about sea fish, lean meat and dairy products. It is advisable to give up bad habits.

Photo: when choosing cosmetics for skin care, it is advisable to give preference to hypoallergenic products

Questions and answers

In no case should you try to squeeze out a subcutaneous pimple.

It won't lead to anything good.

  • The pus will not be able to come out, and the thin film holding it in the cavity of the dermis will break through from the pressure.
  • As a result, the contents simply flow out into the surrounding tissues and enter the bloodstream. The infection will spread throughout the body, provoking the appearance of new rashes in healthy areas of the body.
  • There is even the possibility of bacteria entering the brain, causing meningitis. That's why you shouldn't risk your health.

Photo: self-extrusion can lead to complications

After all, extracting the contents of a large subcutaneous pimple is a real operation.

And the intervention should be carried out by a qualified doctor exclusively under sterile conditions.

How to quickly get rid of

To quickly remove an internal pimple, you can try an old grandmother's recipe.

  • Grate a little laundry soap, mix with butter and sugar.
  • Roll the mixture into a small ball and apply to the cone overnight.
  • Cover with cellophane and cover with plaster.

What is the difference from moles

A mole or nevus is an accumulation of pigment cells of melanocytes and blood vessels in the surface layers of the integument.

This is a benign formation that is formed in the fetus in the womb.

Some nevi appear immediately after birth, others - throughout life under the influence of external factors.

For example, from excess ultraviolet radiation, hormonal imbalance or stress.

Photo: a mole is a cluster of melanocytes

A pimple is an inflamed lesion in the skin filled with contents.

Photo: inflamed focus with purulent contents

The process of its appearance begins with a comedone or clogged fatty secretion, epidermal scales, dust particles of the duct of the sebaceous gland.

After ingestion of bacteria, an infection develops, which leads to the formation of a purulent cavity.

A healthy mole is a variant of the norm, but a pimple is a pathological process, the causes of which can be serious disruptions in work internal organs and systems.

Subcutaneous pimples on the face always appear at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is very important to understand the causes of their appearance and how to get rid of them.


When subcutaneous acne suddenly appeared on the face, this signals inflammation in the sebaceous glands resulting from the accumulation of sebum in the ducts. It is a favorable environment for the reproduction and life of bacteria, and in rare cases becomes the cause of a cyst in the subcutaneous fat.

When subcutaneous acne appears on the face, the reasons for this may be the following:

  • malnutrition;
  • hormonal imbalance (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, lactation period, sexually transmitted diseases and taking hormonal drugs);
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive sweating;
  • blockage of the subcutaneous ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • inflammatory process;
  • abuse of peels;
  • facial skin injuries;
  • bad heredity;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • insufficient or incorrect care for the skin of the face;
  • poor quality cosmetics.

There are three types of skin lesions.

First degree characterized by a small number of subcutaneous (up to 10 pieces). It is treated with the help of gels and tonics.

Second degree manifested by 10-40 inflamed places, including acne. It is treated with superficial agents in combination with hormonal drugs or antibiotics. The course of such treatment lasts 3 months.

For the third degree typical subcutaneous, whose number exceeds 40 pieces. For treatment, retinoic acid (Roaccutane), which is prescribed by a specialist, is used. It is much more difficult to remove such subcutaneous acne.


Hypodermia occurs at any age. In adults in 40% of cases, in adolescents - in 80%.

At first, its appearance is characterized by a seal on the skin. Then a white, yellowish or reddish tubercle forms in the same place. Squeezing of the subcutaneous tissue is accompanied mild pain sensations.

There are 2 types of inflammation.

Red subcutaneous pimples

Subcutaneous red acne on the face occurs due to inflammation of the dermis. In size, they reach 1 cm and develop more slowly than whites. Such acne is extremely difficult to remove due to its proximity to the surface of the skin. They are tubercles that appear due to:

  1. hormonal disorders;
  2. improper skin care, poor facial hygiene;
  3. allergic reaction;
  4. demodex (groups of pimples are bright red, itchy and flaky);
  5. excessive sweating;
  6. pathologies of the stomach, liver and pancreas;
  7. immunodeficiency;
  8. shaving.

white pimples

White acne (milk) is a cavity filled with exudate (pus). Such subcutaneous tissue can exist for a very long time. Most often, white acne appears due to:

  • low quality cosmetics used;
  • junk food;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • abrupt climate change.

In rare cases, surgery is used to remove whiteheads.

Place of education

The place of their formation can also indicate the reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous acne on the face.

On the forehead

Most often, such acne occurs due to improper skin care. It is important to pay attention to the cosmetics used. It must be of high quality and not cheap.

Subcutaneous rashes on the forehead are also formed from excessive consumption of fatty, sweet and spicy foods.

On the cheeks

When the subcutaneous tissue appeared on the cheeks, then, as a rule, this indicates:

  1. violation of the metabolic processes of the body;
  2. bowel diseases;
  3. malnutrition;
  4. bad habits;
  5. hormonal disruptions;
  6. staphylococcus;
  7. worms;
  8. helicobacter.

On the chin

If acne appeared on the chin, then all the factors mentioned earlier can be the reasons. You can also add to them:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • problems with small intestine(if acne appeared under the lower lip);
  • disruption of the ovaries (red scaly acne);
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • pathology of the uterus or prostate gland (center of the chin).


How to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face? The answer to this question is of interest to many, but it is important to remember that the fight against this unpleasant phenomenon is carried out in a complex manner. In addition to visual elimination, you also need to get rid of the causes of its occurrence.

First of all, when subcutaneous acne of red or white color appeared on the face, you need to seek the advice of a dermatologist. The specialist will take necessary tests examine and interview the patient. The results of the research will reveal the causes of the appearance of subcutaneous tissue.

In no case should you squeeze out subcutaneous acne, this procedure provokes the occurrence of even greater inflammation, and can lead to the appearance of boils, carbuncles or blood poisoning.

How can I get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face? There are several treatment rules.

  1. You should eat right and balanced. You will have to give up spicy, sweet, salty, fatty, smoked, alcohol, coffee and smoking. If these sudden changes in diet and habits are difficult, then it is worth introducing these changes into your life gradually.
  2. Walking in the fresh air also prevents the appearance of subcutaneous acne on the face.
  3. A person suffering from white and red subcutaneous lesions should exercise more often. This contributes not only to the health of the whole organism, but also speeds up the metabolism, which improves the quality of the skin.
  4. Compliance with the rules of hygiene will also help to avoid contamination of the skin. It is recommended to wash your face several times a day. You should also change pillowcases and face towels frequently.
  5. Getting rid of cosmetic products that clog pores (foundation, powders, correctors, highlighters, etc.) will help prevent the appearance of white and red subcutaneous tissue.
  6. It is recommended to use drugs to combat subcutaneous acne, after consulting with your doctor. Otherwise, such therapy can exacerbate the situation.

Sometimes the cause of subcutaneous acne on the face is demodex (a tick that lives under the skin). A completely different technique will help get rid of the consequences of his life.

The main means of struggle

In order to remove subcutaneous inflammation, patients are often prescribed: Adapalen, Levomekol, Klenzit, Differin. But with extensive red or white lesions of the face, subcutaneous acne is used:

  • antibiotics;
  • systemic retinoids;
  • local preparations;
  • Vishnevsky ointment. The treatment takes place in a course, the ointment removes inflammation and disinfects the skin;
  • hormonal agents;
  • salicylic ointment. Perfectly prevents the appearance of new acne;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • zinc preparations. Effectively dries the site of inflammation;
  • Sulfuric ointment. It kills germs, helps reduce inflammation and regenerates cells.
  • yeast;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • Omega 3.

It is very important to remember that improper treatment of white and red subcutaneous acne can lead not only to even more extensive inflammation, but also to residual spots and scars.

Additional means of struggle

After completing the main treatment, you can proceed to additional therapy.

  1. Ozone therapy. The ozone-oxygen mixture is injected subcutaneously and gets rid of scars on the skin left after subcutaneous acne and restores skin health.
  2. Mesotherapy. Effectively helps in the fight against bacteria in the subcutaneous fat.
  3. Ultraviolet (Elos-therapy). This exposure to blue light prevents the formation of bacteria under the skin and helps to get rid of existing ones.
  4. Cosmetology. Various procedures (acid peeling, facial cleansing, and others) carried out by specialists do not cure subcutaneous acne, but contribute to the speedy regeneration, improvement of skin quality and elasticity.
  5. Laser resurfacing. Removes dead cells, regenerates cells, allows you to get rid of acne and improves skin elasticity with a laser.


Many people prefer recipes traditional medicine to combat white and red subcutaneous acne. But they should be used only in combination with the main treatment. Compresses, lotions, masks and liquids for washing are popular.

There are many effective methods helping to get rid of hypodermic. These are just the most common ones.

  • Daily rubbing of the skin of the face with lemon water (lemon and water 1: 1), tincture
  • Applying aloe to the site of inflammation at night.
  • Iodine. This remedy is great for pimples. oily skin, but should be used with extreme caution, otherwise there is a risk of burns.
  • Steam baths. Such procedures contribute to the deep cleansing of pores from dirt and dust. For them, decoctions of sage, mint, celandine, chamomile and calendula are often used.
  • Oatmeal mask. Mix cereal with water and milk, apply on face. This product exfoliates the skin perfectly.
  • Aspirin mask (1 aspirin tablet per 40 ml of water).
  • washing tar soap is an excellent way to treat hypodermic.
  • Honey mask (1 tsp honey, 1 tsp onion juice). Keep this mask on your face for half an hour, every 2 days.
  • Clay-yeast mask (20 g of clay, some yeast and boiled water).
  • Tea tree oil. This is a great natural antibiotic to get rid of acne.
  • When fighting red subcutaneous acne, excellent tool is a decoction of birch buds (10 g of buds per 250 ml of boiling water), used as a facial tonic twice a day.

It is necessary to use all traditional medicine after consulting a doctor. Without his permission, it is better not to use such methods of treating subcutaneous inflammation.

To eliminate subcutaneous acne on the face, there are many means. But it is best to simply avoid the causes that provoke their appearance.

The article was verified by the instagram beauty blogger @lil4olga. .

“To know the causes of the phenomenon in order to act correctly” - doctors consider this approach to the treatment of acne to be optimal. But there is no unity among experts on many issues. For example, if subcutaneous acne occurs, can the reasons be related to the diet or not? A long-term discussion has unfolded on this topic between both Western dermatologists and representatives of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Subcutaneous acne: causes of appearance - the main and main

The point of view of TCM fans is reflected by various schemes that connect defects on the face with disorders in the functioning of internal organs. This explains why teenagers and adults develop subcutaneous acne with almost equal frequency. The reasons for the appearance, as it turned out, are associated not only with the hormonal changes characteristic of the puberty.

For people prone to subcutaneous acne, increased work of the sebaceous glands is characteristic.

Violations of the outflow of sebum are observed in their disease - seborrhea. The glands produce a fatty secret that fills the mouth of the follicle, and must pass through it to the surface of the epidermis. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands leads to blockage of the channel, this creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacterial microflora.

Subcutaneous acne: what are subcutaneous acne?

Outwardly, they look like white, yellowish, red bumps and nodules. Dermatologists associate the area of ​​​​their localization with areas of the skin, which in their structure are more prone to inflammatory processes. So, on the face, chest, back there are more sebaceous glands and hair follicles. It is with them that the appearance of comedones, acne is directly related.

The ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles are located in the thickness of the skin, penetrate the two upper layers and reach the hypodermis. Inflammation begins in the dermis, with swelling, a red internal pimple is formed, it is dense and rises above the surface of the epidermis. Pressure or other mechanical action increases swelling and inflammation, and as a result, it only gets worse.

Do not squeeze red internal pimples! Treat them in ways that do not cause but reduce inflammation.

White and yellowish pimples are papulo-pustules or cavities filled with sebum, dead bacteria, leukocytes, and their secretions. From above, such acne is covered with a layer of the epidermis, which does not allow pus to pour out.

Subcutaneous acne: causes - an overview of the TOP 10 appearance factors

    1. Changes in the balance of hormones in the body. The most obvious reason is that subcutaneous acne occurs more often during puberty. Girls and women often have hormonal subcutaneous acne on the chin. Causes are connected by certain phases menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause.

    2. An increase in testosterone levels is the explanation for the appearance of hormonal acne in adult men on the face, around the chin and jaw line. First of all, the edges of the face along the hairline are affected. The cause of these “bursts” of testosterone is not always possible to determine. Shaving, improper care only exacerbate the situation.

    3. genetic predisposition. In the case of acne, the child inherits from his parents not the disease itself, but skin characteristics, a predisposition to such reactions to external and internal factors.

    4. Sensitivity to the ingredients of perfumery, cosmetics. Wrong choice of skin care products.

    5. Changing the process of exfoliating dead cells. Horny scales do not separate with the required frequency and clog pores. Comedones then lead to pimples

    6. Violation of the barrier function of the skin. Excessively irritated as well as dry skin is more sensitive to acne bacteria. If the indicated reason is the main one, then after the person is “left alone”, acne disappears. What else leads to irritation: squeezing out blackheads, components of a scrub, peeling, masks, rubbing with clothes.

    7. Internal diseases. Cause subcutaneous acne dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas, liver and other digestive organs, diabetes, metabolic disorders.

    8. Toxins. With constipation, poor bowel function and the main "filter" of the body - the liver - toxins accumulate. They are released through the skin, resulting in subcutaneous acne.

    9. Lack of sleep, stress. An unfavorable psycho-emotional background can aggravate the skin condition and contribute to the formation of acne.

    10. Diet. Food and other allergies.

Meat and milk contain hormones to which a person may be hypersensitive (as is the case with food allergies). There is a reaction in the form of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks. Causes of this kind usually affect immediately, but sometimes it takes several days before noticeable elements of the rash appear.

Western doctors deny a direct link between diet and acne. But most dermatologists in Asian countries consider this reason to be one of the most important in accordance with the aphorism "We are what we eat." Excess carbohydrates, caffeine and alcohol exacerbate acne. Intolerance occurs most often in relation to such food components as milk, sugar, iodine in seafood, gluten, peanuts, soy and other ingredients.

Subcutaneous acne brings a lot of discomfort in aesthetic terms. Occurs with increased inflammation in the sebaceous glands. They are the result of the accumulation of exudate in the skin. As a result, harmful microorganisms multiply in the cells. Appear cystic formations that need to be cured, following the basic rules.

Subcutaneous acne is formed not only at a young age, but also in the older generation. They form during inflammation in the inner layers of the skin. The appearance of acne is possible with an increased amount of androgens. Under the action of hormones, accelerated production of sebum is detected, which, if excessive accumulation causes bacteria to multiply.

The note! On the surface of the sebaceous ducts increased amount keratinized epithelium, dead cells, due to which their blockage occurs. The action of infection, increasing inflammation provoke the formation of seals.

The formation of subcutaneous acne is influenced by predisposing factors, including:

  1. Violations in the functioning of the immune system. If the body cannot cope with the infection, reproduction occurs pathogenic microorganisms, which causes pustular formations everywhere.
  2. Hormonal disorders. Appear in adolescence, during menopause. Perhaps the development of these disorders during pregnancy, lactation. If you use a large number of hormonal contraceptives, drugs that allow you to get rid of sexually transmitted and neuroendocrine pathologies, there is a risk of hormonal disruptions and related abnormalities.

On a note! To clarify the cause of the formation of subcutaneous acne, in some cases a medical examination is required. If these formations are found, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.


Subcutaneous acne can be cured with folk, medical and physiotherapeutic methods. It is forbidden to squeeze them out on your own; if the resulting wounds become infected, scars may form, which will remain for life.

General therapeutic measures

To get rid of subcutaneous acne as quickly as possible and prevent their appearance in the future, you should follow these steps:

Video - Subcutaneous acne

Folk remedies

Alternative methods are highly effective with a minimum area of ​​​​damage, on initial stages development of subcutaneous acne. There are several effective means with high popularity.

MethodImageMode of application
Salt and soda It is necessary to mix these components in equal quantities. Use a cotton swab, dip it in alcohol, then in the resulting mixture. Apply the mixture to all areas of the face where subcutaneous acne is located. If the formation data is spread over several areas, a new disk should be taken to treat each part of the face.
St. John's wort and calendula An infusion should be made from these plants. To make it, take 1/2 tsp. chopped part of each plant, pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused for several hours. When it cools down, you can wash your face with decoction. To achieve a lasting positive effect, you must perform this procedure every day.
Aspirin It will take 3-4 tablets of the drug, grind them, place them in water, mix until a homogeneous consistency is formed. This mixture should be used at least 2 times in 7 days. Rub the medicine into the skin, then rinse
Birch buds Take 1/2 tsp. crushed raw materials, place in a glass of water, heat. After boiling, you can remove the solution from the fire. Insist received medicine 2-3 hours. Treat the skin with a decoction 2-3 times a day. You can use the infusion not only for washing, but also to make lotions. To do this, you need a gauze napkin. Place it in a decoction, then apply on the affected area of ​​the skin
Green tea Make a drink by placing tea leaves in water. Wait until it cools down. Dip a gauze into the solution, apply to areas of the skin where subcutaneous acne is visible. You can make a compress for 30 minutes. When using this procedure, you can gradually remove inflammation, get rid of discomfort
Coffee To prepare a medicine, you need to take a tablespoon of crushed grains, mix with 20 ml of tea tree extract. Before using this drug, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the face, it is advisable to steam the skin by washing with warm water. When the preparatory measures are carried out, you can apply the mixture to the skin
Lemon juice Squeeze the juice from a lemon or prepare it in a juicer, mix this solution with the same amount of water. Use the resulting mixture as a lotion daily.


There are physiotherapeutic methods of treatment with which you can stabilize the condition of the skin, eliminate infectious pathogens, and normalize metabolic processes. With the help of physiotherapy, you can not only get rid of subcutaneous acne, but also eliminate other problems.

The most common treatments are:

  1. Microdermabrasion.
  2. Acid peel.
  3. Laser resurfacing.
  4. Phototherapy.
  5. Ozone therapy.
  6. Elos therapy.
  7. Mesotherapy.

Medical masks

To properly cleanse the skin, reduce the inflammatory response, you can use special masks made from natural ingredients. As a result, you can get rid of not only acne, but also other similar problems, quickly eliminate already formed formations.

Classic clay mask

You will need:

  1. Talc in powder configuration - 10 g.
  2. White or blue clay in powder consistency - 10 g.
  3. Milk heated to normal skin temperature - 60 ml.

All listed ingredients must be mixed, achieving a homogeneous consistency. The resulting mixture should be like an ointment. The mixture must be evenly applied to the skin, wait 20 minutes. Then wash it off with water.

Video - Mask against acne and blackheads at home

Clay mask with lemon and calendula

You will need:

  1. Clay intended for cosmetic procedures - 3 tbsp. l.
  2. Calendula tincture made with alcohol - 20 ml.
  3. Lemon juice without impurities - 15 ml.

Add clay to the tincture, mix, then pour the lemon juice into the container. It is necessary to apply the resulting drug to problem areas of the skin, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Clay mask with yeast

You will need:

  1. White clay in powder consistency - 10 g.
  2. Yeast, packaged in granules - 10 g.
  3. Heated milk in the amount necessary to prepare a homogeneous mass.
  4. Honey - half a teaspoon.

Mix clay and yeast, then add milk. Add the liquid component until a homogeneous mass is formed, similar in consistency to 15% sour cream. Then add honey. This component must be used if you do not suffer from individual intolerance to it. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, hold for about 20 minutes, then rinse.

Aloe mask

You will need:

  1. Aloe leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  2. Water in the amount necessary to cover the leaves.

Take a few aloe leaves, fill with water. It is desirable that the liquid is absolutely clean. Mineral water can be used for the procedure. Leave the mixture for an hour. Then boil. When the water has cooled, you can take out the leaves. Grind these ingredients. The resulting mushy mass can be applied to problem areas of the skin, hold for about 15 minutes.

Garlic mask

You will need:

  1. A few cloves of garlic.
  2. Olive oil (optional)

You can use garlic without pre-treatment. Before carrying out the procedure, it must be crushed, rubbed on a grater. To reduce the risk of burns, you can pre-apply olive oil to your skin. Apply the resulting garlic slurry to your face, then cover with a gauze cloth. Leave the product on for 20 minutes, then remove. You can wash off the ingredients with both plain water and a decoction of chamomile. If you decide to use a decoction of this medicinal plant, you must prepare it immediately before the procedure.

On a note! With this mask, you can reduce the rate of appearance of new acne, improve microcirculation in the skin.


In order to prevent the formation of subcutaneous acne, as well as to cure those that have already appeared in a short time, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, adjust your diet, and completely get rid of bad habits. To reduce the risk of acne for a long time, you should give up alcohol. Add dishes created using milk to the diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, fish dishes.

On a note! Take daily walks in the fresh air, do your favorite sport.

To always maintain the skin in optimal condition, it is necessary to carry out procedures for cleansing and toning it. It is not necessary to visit a beauty salon for this. It is enough to use medicinal decoctions correctly. Useful plants can be collected independently or purchased at a pharmacy.

Eliminate the risk of traumatic damage to the skin. So you can reduce the likelihood of infection in the subcutaneous layers. It is possible to carry out cosmetic procedures only in proven salons, using the services of qualified craftsmen.

On a note! Treat in a timely manner chronic diseases, since the spread of infection throughout the body can affect the formation of rashes, subcutaneous acne.

In the treatment of acne, as well as when an increased tendency of the skin to form them is detected, the amount of decorative cosmetics must be reduced, if possible, it is completely excluded. The most dangerous are Foundation, powder, as they clog pores, prevent the normal removal of sebum.

If you use the necessary therapeutic measures in a timely manner, lead a healthy lifestyle, balance the diet, you can completely get rid of subcutaneous acne. In order to prevent their formation in the future, it is necessary to perform preventive actions, adjust your lifestyle, take care of your skin daily.

Subcutaneous acne on the face is one of the most common phenomena in people with problem skin. In addition to the fact that they cause a bunch of complexes in their owner, they also cause a lot of other problems. It is difficult to care for such epidermal integuments, since each incorrect measure taken to care for them can lead to the appearance of even more rashes.

So is it not effective ways with which you can get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face? Of course have. But before you do anything, you must determine exactly the reason why this trouble arose. Only then therapy will give the expected results.

Internal acne: causes, factors and risk groups

A subcutaneous pimple on the face can appear in every person without exception - both in an adult and in a small child. There are good reasons for this.

The reasons why subcutaneous acne appears on the face may be as follows:

  • failure of the sebaceous glands;
  • clogging of pores with subcutaneous fat, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops;
  • entry of pathogenic bacteria into inflamed areas epidermal covers;
  • digestive problems;
  • too rapid growth of hair follicles;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system.

If you do not eliminate the main cause or several causes of internal acne on the face at once, then all your efforts to get rid of the rash will be in vain.

At-risk groups

Facial bumps most often occur in individuals. They are the main risk groups. They include:

  1. Adolescents who are undergoing the process of puberty in the body.
  2. People whose relatives had or have similar skin problems (hereditary factor).
  3. Persons working in oil refineries or having frequent contact with other harmful substances.
  4. Patients undergoing treatment with phenytoin, corticosteroids, lithium salts.
  5. Women taking hormonal contraceptives.

In such cases, the reasons that subcutaneous acne appeared on the face are often hormonal disruptions or changes. In order to forget about the rash for a long time, it is necessary to treat not only it, but also to eliminate its cause in parallel. To do this, you will most likely need to contact a dermatologist and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Instrumental treatment of subcutaneous acne on the face

To get rid of internal acne on the face, medications won't be enough. In this case, such therapy may not be resorted to at all, since creams and ointments rarely have the desired effect on subcutaneous rashes. It is better to treat it with instrumental methods that are used in specialized beauty salons and medical clinics.

In order to remove a subcutaneous pimple from the face, the doctor may prescribe one of the methods described below.

Removal with ozone therapy

Even the oldest subcutaneous rash on the face, no matter how painful and intense it may be, will disappear after such a cosmetic procedure as ozone therapy. This is especially true for people suffering from acne or furunculosis.

The positive aspects of this procedure are:

  • effective fight against bacterial infection on the skin;
  • relief of itching, burning, pain;
  • removal of puffiness on the face;
  • getting rid of hyperemia;
  • stimulation of the body's production of natural elastin and collagen.

Another big plus of ozone therapy is that you can remove the internal pimple on the face without harming the integrity of the skin. This means that after the procedure, the patient will not have any wounds or scars on the treated area of ​​the epidermis.

Elos therapy

With the help of Elos-therapy, you can quickly and absolutely painlessly cure a subcutaneous pimple on your face. The essence of this method of therapy is the use of a special light beam of blue color. Due to its impulses that are not perceptible to humans, this beam has a destructive effect on the structure of the tubercle, which leads to the complete death of its tissues.

Thanks to this procedure, you can not only get rid of the internal pimple on the face, but also:

  • active renewal of dermal cells;
  • remove redness, scars, nodules and other defects from the surface of the skin;
  • narrowing of the skin pores.

If you are afraid that after such treatment of subcutaneous acne on your face you will have any traces, then in vain: this is an absolutely safe procedure that can be performed even by teenagers.

Here, in principle, and all the instrumental methods aimed at getting rid of all sorts of rashes. Of course, such services will not be cheap, so if you currently do not have the opportunity to afford such a pleasure, you can try the following folk remedies for the treatment of small subcutaneous pimples on the face.

Folk methods of dealing with subcutaneous rash

If you do not know how to quickly remove an internal pimple on your face, then the following remedies will be a real salvation for you.

  1. Prepare a not too strong saline solution and soak a cotton swab, a cosmetic disc, or a piece of clean cloth in it. Make a lotion on the pimple, hold for 5-7 minutes. Such compresses should be done every 48 hours.
  2. Lotions with a solution of sea salt.
  3. You can treat internal acne on the face with iodine cauterization. However, remember: you should not remove tubercles on the lip in this way. The skin in this area is very delicate, so iodine can easily burn it.
  4. Homemade masks that you can easily prepare yourself will help fight subcutaneous acne on your face. We will look at their recipes a little later.
  5. Compresses from herbal decoctions (chamomile, celandine, wormwood, peppermint, marigold, etc.).

To choose how to treat internal acne on the face from the above remedies, it is necessary to build on the severity of the situation. So, if the rash is too intense, homemade masks, lotions and tonics are suitable. If only individual pimples are visible on your face, then you can easily get by with compresses and lotions.

Now let's look at some effective recipes for home remedies with which it will be much easier to treat subcutaneous acne on the face.

Herbal lotion

There is nothing difficult in preparing this remedy - you just need to make a weak decoction of the medicinal plants that were mentioned in the list above.

Mix them in equal amounts so that you get exactly 1 heaping tablespoon of the mixture. Pour boiling water (300 ml) and put on fire. Boil for 4-7 minutes, remove the saucepan from the stove, cool the broth and filter. Add a little more boiled water to bring the liquid to its original volume.

The finished remedy for subcutaneous acne on the face should be poured into a glass bottle that can be stored in the refrigerator. Medicinal decoction should be used for daily washing in the morning and evening.

Lemon juice lotion

Cut one lemon in half, squeeze the juice from one half. Dilute it with cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1:2, respectively. Use the facial cleanser three times a day. Before using lemon lotion, the skin should be cleaned of dust and subcutaneous fat.

This mixture helps to remove subcutaneous acne on the face, as well as refresh the skin.

Talc mask

Mix cosmetic talc in equal proportions with white clay. Add a little milk, while trying to make the mass acquire the consistency of a thick cream.

Apply to problem areas, leave for 20-25 minutes. Carefully remove the remnants of the mask with a cosmetic disc dipped in a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Aspirin mask

If all the above methods of therapy did not give the expected results, and you no longer know how to treat subcutaneous acne on your face, then a mask made from aspirin tablets will definitely help you. However, be careful: acetylsalicylic acid can cause severe allergies, so you must be sure that your skin does not react too harshly to such masks.

Grind several aspirin tablets to a powder and pour a small amount of water. When the powder acquires a thick consistency, the finished mask must be applied to the skin. Wait 15 minutes, then carefully remove the mixture.

All of the above remedies are great for getting rid of different types skin rash. However, remember that if you do not know what causes subcutaneous acne on your face, and do not eliminate the cause of the anomaly to begin with, then all masks, lotions and tonics will have only a short-term effect.

Is it possible to squeeze out internal acne?

In order not to harm the health of the epidermal integument, in no case try to squeeze out an abscess or acne on your own - it is better to wait until it breaks through under the influence of drugs. If you perform a mechanical opening of each tubercle, this can lead to further spread of the infection. This is especially true of the rash near the lips. When squeezing out such acne, it is possible to provoke infection not only of healthy skin, but also of the oral mucosa.

However, if you are still aiming to get rid of the rash as quickly as possible, you should know how to squeeze a subcutaneous pimple on your face without harm to your health. To do this, follow the algorithm below.

  1. Cleanse the skin of the face, and all, and not just problem areas.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly, treat them with an antiseptic.
  3. Prepare cotton wool and alcohol.
  4. Gently grab the skin under the abscess, gently press it. This is necessary so that the contents of the pimple come out, and not get deep into the dermis.
  5. After you remove the pus from the tubercle, cauterize the wound with alcohol.
  6. Do all these manipulations with other acne, not forgetting to disinfect them with alcohol. If you do not want to use alcohol, you can take any antiseptic - chlorhexidine or furatsilin.

After the procedure, do not forget from time to time to lubricate the treated skin with antibacterial or antiseptics. This will help to avoid the recurrence of a subcutaneous rash in the face or other parts of the body.