Fix weight after losing weight. How to keep weight after losing weight - advice from a nutritionist

Many women know that after a diet that has finally ended, the damned kilograms, lost with such difficulty, return. And sometimes even more than they were.

So that the nightmare about the return of “prodigal kilograms” after losing weight never comes true, you should always remember a few important principles that will help you keep your weight down. And not only remember, but also constantly follow them in life.

Reasons for weight gain

There may be several of them:

  • After "fast" diets, the lost kilograms return just as quickly. This principle works here: the diet is over, the weight is “taken” - you can again eat your favorite dishes. Nothing like this! After losing weight in this way, you need to carefully review your menu and leave it mostly low-calorie foods.
  • Passive lifestyle. If you are on a diet and at the computer at the same time, nothing will work. Fasting without increasing physical activity will do little.
  • If the weight loss is 20% or more of the original, the body begins to prepare for hungry times and store fat for future use. Therefore, at the end of the diet and return to a normal diet, the weight can return in double size.

Proper nutrition

There should be a strict restriction on fried foods. It is better to replace them with boiled or stewed ones. In extreme cases, grilled vegetables, meat and fish are also suitable.

In order to avoid disruptions during the process of losing weight and maintaining weight, you need to eat varied. It would be nice to fill the refrigerator useful products- fish and meat of low-fat varieties, fruits and vegetables (can be frozen). It's good to have low-fat dairy products and eggs on hand. You can have a snack with berries and dried fruits. During this period, it is better to purchase cereals and products made from wholemeal flour.

It is necessary to abandon strong alcoholic beverages - they dull attention to the food consumed and also increase appetite. You can drink sometimes - but better than dry red wine. It helps to normalize digestion and metabolism.

worth spending general cleaning in the kitchen - remove jam, sweets and cookies from sight. Their place on the table should be taken by apples, carrots, any other fruits and vegetables. Berries will also fit perfectly into this company.

To reduce your calorie intake, you can reduce portion sizes. To do this, deep plates need to be replaced with smaller dishes.

You need to gradually increase the calorie content of the foods you eat. It will be enough to add 100-150 kcal per week.

Example: with a diet, the number of allowed kilocalories was 1200 per week.

  • After 7 days, you can add 150 kcal, you get 1350.
  • If after a week the weight has remained normal, you can add another 150 kcal.
  • If the increase turned out to be significant, it is necessary to return to the original figure - the one at which the fat left.

Great if you have the opportunity to play sports in nature or visit a fitness center. At least once a week on weekends. If you don’t have the time or money to train in the gym, at least you should forget about elevators at work and at home.

If possible, it is necessary to overcome any distance on foot or by bicycle. And everyone can definitely walk a couple of stops, returning from work.

To maintain weight after a diet, nutritionists recommend using simple "accounting" - income should be less than consumption. That is, the calorie content of food should be less than the amount of energy expended.

Weight loss rate

If weight loss occurs gradually - and the norm is 3-4 kg per month - you should not torture yourself with various prohibitions. Once a week, you can treat yourself to ice cream or such a high-calorie, but favorite hamburger. The main thing is not to get involved in "pampering".

In the case when it is uniform, the brain quickly gets used to new indicators, and the process of weight loss is much easier.

You should make a habit of obligatory breakfasts and light dinners.

  1. But if in the morning you can eat whatever you want - up to coffee with a bun, then in the evening there are much more strict prohibitions. At this time of day, it is better not to eat after 18:00.
  2. If the appetite is very played out - you can eat low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt. An apple or a pear will not harm.
  3. Before six in the evening, you also do not need to eat up. For dinner, a fish baked in foil or a piece of meat is ideal. Boiled vegetables will serve as a side dish.

It is better to take food not 3, as usual, but 4-5 times a day. But portions should be reduced. So hunger will torment less, and the metabolic process will go much faster.

Do not forget that food must be chewed thoroughly. You need to eat slowly, while not being distracted by reading or watching TV.

When maintaining optimal weight, as with losing weight, it is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible. Only it should never be carbonated drinks or coffee. You can drink freshly squeezed juices, compotes, decoctions of herbs or rose hips. Calculate the amount of liquid can be quite simple: for 1 kg of weight - 30 ml of water.

little trick

In order not to overeat, half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of clean water. The liquid will take a certain volume in the stomach, and the feeling of hunger will not be so strong.

Nutritionists advise you to make a “black” list of your favorite, but very high-calorie dishes. This can also include situations in which these products are most often used. For example, a package of nuts can be "destroyed" while standing in a traffic jam. And don't even notice it. Now the process will have to be controlled. The compiled list should remind you that you can use the delicacies indicated in it no more than 1-2 times a week.

The opinion of American scientists

American scientists from the University of Georgia conducted a study that showed that regular weighing helps to lose or maintain weight. According to experts, in this case, people carefully monitor their diet and physical activity.

A total of 111 adults aged 18 to 65 participated in the study. The researchers asked volunteers to try to maintain their weight for two months. After the end of the experiment, it turned out that people who regularly went through the weighing procedure either lost weight (by an average of 0.8 kg) or maintained their weight. At the same time, those who did not have weights gained an average of 2.2 kg.

What else to do to maintain weight

If there is not enough time for sports, then give up transport and go to work on foot. Take the stairs instead of the elevator simple exercises in the morning before work. To maintain weight, you can regularly ride a bike, do yoga, aerobics or dance. When we go off the diet and try to eat right, the metabolism goes into saving mode and slows down. Exercising will help speed up your metabolism.

To maintain weight, you should also:

  • enough rest (sleep should be at least 6 hours);
  • drink more water (it is recommended to drink about 6 glasses of water a day, it is important to drink water in the morning after sleep);
  • avoid stress, control emotions (to avoid eating problems with junk food, in particular, sweets);
  • live a healthy life.
All these recommendations are easy to implement on one condition: you just need to really want to see yourself always in great shape and with an excellent figure. If you lose weight under duress, and not at will, at least you can “earn” breakdown. As a maximum - any other diseases. The process of losing weight should be fun - just imagine yourself with a new figure and the compliments that are sure to follow.

Finally, the scales show the long-awaited figure, and you stand in front of the mirror, enjoying your new attractive physical shape. How sweet is this moment! But isn't it too early to raise a glass? Maybe now it’s worth taking aim at new peaks and thinking about how to maintain weight after losing weight?

Many young ladies with magnificent forms are sure that harmony is a kind of gift from above. Others think that a graceful silhouette is nothing more than a tribute to nature. But the fact remains - and harmony, much to the dismay of many lovers of not noticing the real reasons for their failures, is the result of many circumstances created by the owner of the body himself (similarly, by the way, with extra pounds). Appearance (shape, weight, volume) directly depends on physical activity, quality of nutrition and psychological mood. In a year, a person can turn into a spherical object, and transform, dropping everything superfluous into himself. Therefore, having lost weight once, you do not provide yourself with a slender figure for the rest of your life, because a beautiful body is a tireless process of caring for your health and appearance.

Change your lifestyle

There are different ways to achieve slim and toned shapes. If you don't know how to maintain weight after a low-fat or low-carb diet, then the first thing to do is to switch to proper nutrition. Such advice is especially useful for those who did not follow a balanced diet before the diet, which is quite logical, since the very fact that a person follows the principles of a healthy diet indicates that there are no extra pounds. And therefore, if you were the owners of those, the correct diet before the diet is out of the question.

Let's look at how to maintain weight after losing weight by following a set of key habits aimed at a healthy quality life, which is characterized by lightness in the truest sense of the word.

Habit number 1. About food

Frequent meals in small portions (on average 5-7 times a day). Eat slowly, chew food thoroughly, and finish the meal with a slight feeling of satiety.

Habit number 2. About breakfast

Owners of graceful forms often wake up with a good feeling of hunger, indicating a good metabolism. Food for healthy people is a source of replenishment of expended energy, and not a pastime option.

Habit #3: Needs

Slender people are well aware of the answer to the question of how to keep the weight normal, without violating the harmony that is present in relations with the body. They cannot be forced to drink or eat for company, and they never force (and sometimes do not allow) themselves to eat anything that can adversely affect their well-being. And at the same time, people with a good figure often indulge themselves with healthy sweets without a sense of awakened conscience, since the delicious food they prefer is a high-quality and healthy source of energy.

Habit number 4. About the emotional sphere, or How to keep weight after fasting / dieting forever

To get rid of the habit of overeating due to any trouble, you just have to not hold back your disappointment, resentment or sadness. It is necessary to allow yourself to experience all that flurry of emotions breaking out, and not to seize the experienced emotions. And if happiness overwhelms your soul, then there are a huge number of options for expressing it that are suitable for you personally.

Habit number 5. How to maintain weight after losing weight, being in a sleepy state

Night is for sleep, and sleep is for the production of somatotropin (in a different way, growth hormone), which stimulates weight loss. Therefore, to maintain weight, it is enough just to eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep.

To form the listed habits is quite simple - you just need to repeat certain actions day after day for 21 days. After three weeks, the above will become an integral part of your life. After passing, you will feel all the advantages of a healthy lifestyle and realize the main values ​​​​of slender people (to which you are already ranked, it remains only to consolidate the result). These values ​​are comfort, beauty and pleasure.

Switching to proper nutrition

Consider how to maintain weight after a diet through proper nutrition. Let's start with these recommendations:

1. Since after seven in the evening the metabolic rate stops significantly, after the indicated time it is advisable to limit the intake of heavy food to the maximum. After the specified hour, food is absorbed much worse, being deposited in the form of extra pounds.

2. One serving of food should not exceed 250 ml (one medium cup) - the size is not large, but it is quite enough, especially considering the fact that in general, at least six meals should be taken throughout the day. contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes, guaranteeing the loss of excess weight (if any) or its stabilization.

3. It is necessary to plan the menu in advance for each subsequent day or week.

We will draw up an approximate program of a balanced diet for a week, figuring out how to keep weight after fasting (therapeutic) or dieting.

Breakfast. morning meal

The diet of a healthy person is not complete without cereals. For example, to enjoy delicious oatmeal in the morning, just take 3-4 tablespoons of cereal, pour boiling water, add berries or apples, cinnamon, 2-3 crushed walnuts. This option is dietary compared to oatmeal with milk. Nutritionists claim that if you start the day with the right full breakfast, the question of how to keep weight after losing weight disappears by itself. It is worth noting that scientists have long proven that breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day.

  • Monday - oatmeal with herbs and vegetables.
  • Tuesday - rice porridge with coconut milk.
  • Wednesday - buckwheat porridge with basil and broccoli.
  • Thursday - rice porridge with juice (for example, apple).
  • Friday - oatmeal porridge with honey and apples.
  • Hercules porridge with honey and apples


The first snack can be a green apple, berries, fresh fruit, cottage cheese or yogurt.

Dinner. Third meal

Soup is a desirable, but not obligatory dish, most often used for lunch. The second course must necessarily include a protein product, such as poultry or fish, supplemented vegetable side dish.

  • Monday - chicken cutlets with vegetables.
  • Tuesday - rabbit meat with cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli or Savoy).
  • Wednesday - pike perch with fennel and vegetables.
  • Thursday - boiled
  • Friday - beef with apple mustard and leeks.

afternoon tea

Almond, walnuts or dried fruits.


The evening meal should be relatively light. fish with green salad or a vegetable side dish will serve as an excellent dinner.

The famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, in her book Easy Recipes for a Healthy Life, talks about the importance of understanding what a person is doing. The doctor says that in order to lose weight and maintain the acquired forms for a long period of time, it is necessary to take into account two important factors in their value: the amount of energy expended during physical activity, and the amount of energy obtained from food. The nutritionist emphasizes that simply reducing the amount of food consumed is not a panacea, since the principles of healthy eating include a combination of a considerable number of factors that must be constantly adhered to.

After the long-awaited achievement of optimal physical shape through various nutritional tricks, even a slight increase in weight becomes not entirely pleasant news. Consider how to maintain weight after a diet ("6 petals" or low in fat / carbohydrates - the essence is not important), following some unpretentious recommendations:

1. Keep a food diary so you don't fall back into old bad habits. Every 3-4 weeks, spend control days, writing down everything you eat for two to three days. This way you can make sure you don't fall back into old portions and habits. Replace the new high-calorie snacks with a healthier, lower-calorie option.

2. The next answer to the question of how to maintain weight after rapid weight loss is to increase the calorie content of the diet. To avoid unwanted bouts of hunger, add complex carbohydrates, for example, and proteins in the form of fish, to your healthy diet.

3. Having allowed yourself too much, arrange a vegetable fasting day. So, getting rid of accumulated toxins, you will maintain a good level of metabolic process.

Instead of a conclusion

To achieve lightning-fast and “inspiring” results, rearrange your daily diet and forget about sweet nostalgia.

Every losing weight woman has faced such a problem in her life: the difficult path of gastronomic deprivation has been passed, the results have been achieved, and all that remains is to enjoy her new body, but there is a risk of gaining all the lost kilograms.

This is a common and absolutely normal situation, since each organism reacts quite aggressively to getting rid of body fat, it tries to return everything that it stored so carefully and had to say goodbye to. However, it is possible to avoid such an outcome if you take into account the features and switch to proper nutrition.

Gaining excess weight after losing weight is primarily due to the fact that we do not understand what the essence of the diet was. A special nutrition system helps to say goodbye to extra pounds, but it is also designed to develop healthy eating habits for losing weight, which in the future will help keep the figure in shape. This means that at the end of the weight loss process, it is strictly forbidden to pounce on cakes, sausages and other dishes harmful to the body, they should appear in the diet in very small quantities no later than we are sure of weight stabilization.

It will be especially difficult to “freeze” the weight at the level at which it turned out after losing weight, it will be for those who often practice diets.

Remember, our body is a very complex and intelligent mechanism, it has the ability to remember every “hunger strike” and always prepares for it in advance.

This means that any new attempt to lose weight will be more and more difficult, the accumulated kilograms will not go away quickly and irrevocably. They, like persistent guests, will try to stay with you as long as possible, and then immediately return back. To prevent this from happening, you do not need to follow diets often, it is better to choose a rational method for reducing excess weight and keep the results.

Rules and stabilization of weight

According to nutritionists, getting rid of excess weight without a return is possible only with the help of balanced nutrition systems. However, after the diet, you should not relax, because you have only gone halfway and the achievement of the main goal - to keep the results obtained - is still ahead of you. In order to prevent excess fat deposits from appearing in problem areas, you need to follow simple rules:

    Smooth exit from the diet

For those who do not know how not to gain weight, you need to understand that the first day after the diet is not a feast for the whole world, but only a new stage in the weight loss program.

You need to return to the usual diet very smoothly, every week increasing the calorie content of dishes by about 150-200 units, but no more. Keep in mind that these kilocalories should include healthy foods, such as vegetable proteins, dairy products, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

    Correct calorie counting

In order to lose weight, you constantly cut your daily allowance calories, their intake was less than expenditure. This is the main reason for weight loss. However, our body in this mode begins to use energy very economically, therefore metabolism slows down.

So that after the diet, each new calorie does not turn into fat at the waist, make up your menu according to this simple formula: with a sedentary lifestyle, 1 kg of body weight accounts for 25 kcal, with regular training at least 3 times a week - 30 kcal, with constant intense physical activity - 35 kcal.

    Exercise to maintain weight

To fix the weight indicators obtained on a diet, do not neglect sports. This does not mean that you need to immediately run to the gym and lift dumbbells, on the contrary, power loads will be irrelevant in this situation, so it is best to replace them with cardiological ones. Every day, try to walk for at least 30 minutes, do exercises in the morning, jump rope, run or devote 45 minutes a day 3 times a week to an exercise bike. This will help not only speed up metabolism, but also tighten muscles and skin.

During classes, you can add up to a kilogram in weight. Do not get upset and do not be nervous, this is a normal phenomenon, which is the result of gaining muscle mass, not fat.

    The pleasure of food

Food should not only be good for your health and figure, but also tasty. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend experimenting with recipes, trying new combinations, eating in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoying it. Twice a week in the morning you can treat yourself to high-calorie foods, but no more. This will be an excellent psychological relief for you and will help you move further towards achieving your goals.

This is also a completely normal phenomenon, without which it is impossible to determine your ideal daily calorie content of food. By increasing energy value meals every week for 150-200 units, you will check your body for the ability to process all the food received into useful energy. When you reach the limit, a few grams may return, but this is not a problem. You will need to remember the number of calories that is optimal for you, cut back on your diet, and after losing weight, simply do not overeat. With this approach, the weight does not return, and you forever forget about problems with it.

What and how to eat to always stay in shape

After the diet, proper eating habits should become the foundation for you. Do not forget that in no case should you starve, you need to eat 4-5 times a day so that our metabolism does not slow down. During the introduction into the diet you need to gradually such products:

Remember that fast food, cakes, canned food, smoked meats and other unhealthy foods are still not advisable to eat, but you can treat yourself to them 2 times a week. Do not forget about the sense of proportion, if you decide to eat pizza, then 1 piece, not 5. The same goes for alcohol. You can drink 1-2 glasses of dry white wine, but try to beware of hard liquor, as they whet your appetite and slow down your metabolism.

To maintain a balance in nutrition, nutritionists recommend a very simple and interesting method. You take your usual plate for a meal and divide it into 4 parts. Two-quarters should be fruits and vegetables, one-quarter proteins, and another quarter carbohydrates. This approach will help you constantly control your nutrition.

Sample food menu after a diet

Losing weight is not a problem, maintaining the lost weight is a real art! Deciding to confirm this thesis, scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles analyzed the results of weight loss of 800 participants in the experiment, who over the past 3-5 years have been actively struggling with excess weight with the help of diets. This analysis shocked the public a lot, because it turned out that 670 participants in the experiment returned “their kilograms” within 5 years and even recovered even more!

Moreover, it turned out that attempts to radically change their own diet and limit the consumption of certain foods affected general state health, leading to problems with the heart and blood vessels, to diabetes, malfunctions immune system, and in some cases to strokes and heart attacks.

Why You Can't Maintain Weight

According to scientists, diets do not contribute to long-term maintenance of weight in the desired range, and do not provide any significant health benefits. What prevents this? We list the main reasons why dieters could not maintain their own weight:
1. As a result of the diet, a person has lost more than 20% of the original weight.
2. The process of losing weight took place in an extremely short time.
3. A dieter spent 5 or more hours in front of a computer or TV.

However, during the experiment, scientists managed to identify an interesting pattern. It turns out that if you maintain weight after losing weight for a certain time interval, our brain accepts such indicators as the norm, which greatly facilitates its retention in the future. On the contrary, the longer you have been overweight, the longer it will take the brain to “fix” new parameters.

Thus, it turns out that maintaining weight after losing weight is an incredibly difficult task, although not at all hopeless. Next, we give a number of rules, following which you can stabilize your own weight and make sure that the lost kilograms never come back.

How to maintain weight after weight loss

1. First of all, to stabilize your own weight, make it a rule to weigh yourself once a week. There is no need to stand on the scales every day, because daily weight fluctuations in the region of 1-2 kg will only knock you down. Just choose a specific day of the week, preferably in the morning, to weigh yourself on an empty stomach, and be sure to record the results in a diary. This will give you the opportunity to track the dynamics of positive changes. At the same time, you should not panic if, after the next weighing, the scales showed an increase of 2 or more kilograms. You just need to analyze and understand where the extra weight comes from, and then adjust your diet or increase physical activity.

2. Let's say right away that in order to maintain the desired weight, you will have to reconsider your diet. In this regard, 5 meals a day are considered optimal, with a mandatory breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two additional snacks. In this case, special attention should be paid to the calorie content of food consumed. The scheme is extremely simple: in order to systematically reduce and maintain the desired weight, you must spend more calories than you consume. The amount of calorie intake for each person is different, and therefore, on average, you should receive 30 kcal per kilogram of your weight per day. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then your norm will be 25 kcal per kilogram of body weight per day, and if you visit a fitness club three times a week or take daily runs, this figure can be increased to 35 kcal / kg.

3. Particular attention should be paid to the diet. Remember that the basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates, proteins and foods rich in fiber. TO complex carbohydrates includes cereals and pasta, legumes, potatoes, carrots, beets and other vegetables. Protein is rich in animal meat and fish, milk, dairy products and eggs. As for foods rich in fiber, these include all plant foods - greens, vegetables and fruits, berries and nuts. Based on this, try to start your day with whole grain cereals. Such a breakfast will not only “turn on” the stomach, but will also help ensure that you do not experience an acute feeling of hunger throughout the day. Lunch should be complete, with a predominance of plant and protein foods, and for dinner it is important that 75% of the portion is plant foods, and the remaining 25% is protein-rich food. At the same time, fats should also be present in the diet, however, in a small amount. And it should be healthy - polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are found in abundance in yogurt, cheeses, olive oil, eggs and olives.

Separately, let's talk about snacks. In order not to experience hunger between three meals, make it a rule to have a second breakfast and afternoon snack. Moreover, you need to eat during such snacks not with fast food purchased at the nearest stall or fast food restaurant, but with wholesome food that will perfectly saturate the body and will not add extra calories. As snacks, it is better to use nuts, dried fruits, as well as light vegetable salads and low-fat meat with pieces of chopped vegetables. Berries and ripe fruits will also become excellent tool snack between meals. Eating in this mode and adhering to the described diet, you will not experience hunger throughout the day and will be able to overcome the evening gorge, which becomes a stumbling block for many people trying to maintain their own weight.

Read also:

4. Adhering to proper nutrition, you should not strictly limit yourself to healthy food, especially if you have previously experienced cravings for "forbidden" foods. By completely forbidding yourself sweets, confectionery or fast food, you will constantly experience cravings for them, which means you risk breaking loose, and then all your efforts to maintain weight will go to waste. Allow yourself a couple of bars of delicious chocolate, ice cream or your favorite cake 1-2 times a week. In this case, you can safely say that you have no food restrictions, but at the same time you do not gain extra pounds. And to compensate for the portion of calories received from not the healthiest food, use "helpers" to help you quickly get rid of them. Such an assistant can be grapefruit, which is considered a real thunderstorm of fats, pepper, which improves metabolism, or pineapple, which allows better digestion of proteins, and at the same time interferes with the absorption of fats.

5. Having dealt with nutrition, be sure to think about physical activity. The fact is that by starting to eat right and gradually lose weight, your metabolism will go into saving mode, which means it will invariably slow down. And to speed up the metabolic processes in the body, it is important to engage in exercise. Moreover, it is not necessary to torment yourself with exhausting hour-long runs in the morning, especially if you have not paid attention to sports before. Start with jogging, 3 times a week for 25 minutes, but gradually increase each session to 45 minutes, and over time, go from three runs to five. If you have absolutely no time and opportunity to run, give up public transport and a car, and walk at least 2-3 blocks to work and back. A good help in maintaining weight will be regular walks on a bicycle or roller skates, aerobics, yoga or badminton. The main thing is that these classes should be systematic, and not from case to case.

6. True, it happens that even proper nutrition and enhanced exercise do not help get rid of extra pounds. Weight treacherously stands still, or even begins to increase. In this case, it makes sense to visit a doctor and undergo an examination of the body. It's possible you're low on hormones. thyroid gland, which very often turns into an increase in body weight. In this case, only replacement therapy will help. Maybe you are taking certain drugs that promote fat gain. It is also necessary to identify and, if possible, refuse medicines with such side effect. In addition, many women gain extra weight with the onset of menopause, when the production of female sex hormones decreases. Here, too, one cannot do without the advice of a doctor and ways to compensate for the missing hormones. The help of doctors, coupled with your efforts, will definitely give results and allow you to keep the desired weight within the normal range.

7. Finally, we must come to the understanding that it is impossible to maintain weight after losing weight if, as before, you sit in the evenings watching TV or reading books while lying on the couch. It is necessary to diversify your evening in such a way that there is no time left for passive sitting on the couch and periodic forays into the refrigerator. It will be great if you find yourself a hobby like knitting, modeling or creating origami. You can arrange evening trips to the theater or cinema, or arrange walks before going to bed. All this will perfectly affect the tone of your body, and you will not constantly think about food. If the new routine of life becomes a habit for you, with a high degree of probability it can be argued that you will emerge victorious in the fight against excess weight! Health and beauty to you!