Analysis of the macro-environment of the SPF "Akcent" OJSC and its impact on the formation of the marketing mix. Analysis of the microenvironment of an enterprise To analyze the macroenvironment of an enterprise, they use

The analysis consists of the following four steps:

1. Scanning environment to identify existing and emerging changes.

2. Monitoring individual environmental trends and patterns of change in order to determine the nature of their evolution.

3. Design- determination of the future direction of changes in the environment.

4. Evaluation current and future environmental changes in terms of strategies and their implications for the organization.


Scanning informs the organization of future conflicts or opportunities. As a result, she has time to consider alternative courses of action in advance and adapt to them. Indeed, a successful scan draws the organization's attention to certain future events, both beneficial and fraught with danger, long before other organizations understand their nature.

Scan delivers first indicators potential technological changes, which are then used in monitoring and forecasting processes. When an organization learns about potential changes, it begins to monitor their development, predict their evolution, study their consequences.

Often, a scan receives indicators of change that require immediate action. Many of the critical questions that set the overall direction of scanning and monitoring are listed below:

1. What segments of the macro environment are especially significant?

Which segments are most important?

What areas within each segment are most important?

2. What are the current and emerging trends?

What is each trend?

What are emerging trends?

3. What are the current and emerging designs?

What are the specific samples?

What do trends bring to each sample?

What designs are most likely to appear in the near future?

4. What are the indicators of these trends and patterns?

Which indicator applies to each trend?

Does more than one indicator indicate a particular trend?

5. What is the historical evolution of these trends and patterns?

How often does each indicator change over time?

What is the time period?

6. What is the degree of change in the examined samples?

Are these changes small or large?

How different are the expected changes from the current state or past results?


Monitoring includes tracking a specific change in the macro environment over time. Analysts watch the evolution of trends (eg demographic, economic or environmental indicators), the sequence of events (eg technological or political nature) or the dynamics of activities.

The purpose of monitoring is very different from the purpose of scanning. Analysts monitor to obtain enough data to enable them to detect the emergence of pattern behaviors. These patterns are likely to consist of several new trends, for example an emerging lifestyle pattern may include changes in entertainment, education, consumption, work-related habits and location preferences.

During the monitoring phase, the search for data becomes more focused and more systematic than in progress scanning. As monitoring continues, trends accumulate as samples. A picture of the dynamics of change, which at first, when it occurs in progress scanning, may be vague and indefinite, during monitoring begins to be understood more deep and comprehensive.


The goal of design is the development of quite achievable parameters scale, direction, speed And intensity changes in the macro environment. A few typical focal phenomena are shown below:


1. How will the demographic structure (number of people in each age group) change in the next 20-40 years?

2. What lifestyle changes are likely to occur for people who are now 25 to 40 years old when they enter the 40 to 55 age group?

How will the composition of the family change?

How will consumption patterns change?

How will the patterns associated with their work change?

What changes will occur in how these people spend their free time?

3. How will social values ​​change?

Will there be an increase in political conservatism?

Will more people show agreement on the need to cut military spending?

Will people be more or less willing to bear the costs of reducing emissions of harmful substances into the environment, or will they stop such practices altogether?


1. What will be the rate of inflation in 3 years?

2. Will the gross national product increase or decrease in 5 years?

3. Which service industries will become stronger or weaker over the next decade?


1. Which political parties will become stronger or weaker in the next two or three elections?

2. What significant changes will occur in the methods used by the authorities, what laws and regulations will be adopted in relation to individual industries?

3. What decisions at various levels of the legal system are likely to affect industries?

4. Will existing social and political movements, for example, supporters of consumerism or environmentalists, lose or, conversely, gain public support?


1. When and how are the next major research breakthroughs that could lead to new commercial products?

2. What links will occur between which technologies before a particular technological event or breakthrough (for example, the creation of high-definition television) occurs?

3. What could be some new applications of currently available technologies?


1. In which countries will pollution continue to increase?

2. What events are likely to lead to an "environmental catastrophe"; how and why these events can occur?


1. What bottlenecks can be in different elements (road, railway, sea) of the overall transport system?

2. What changes can happen in the telephone industry over the next 5 years?

3. What new roles could emerge for universities and other centers of learning over the next decade?

There are two different types of design.

1. comes from simple design indicators. These indicators are based on obvious trends that can be expected to generally hold over time. Many demographic trends can be predicted with sufficient a high degree accuracy. To take another example, technological trends can often be accurately predicted in terms of the rate of diffusion of new products or changes in performance.

2. built on the basis of development alternative options development of the future. They are based on a non-standard interpretation of current trends or new ideas about events that can be caused by external groups of influence. Some leading corporations use scenario sets to consider a range of possible future development alternatives.


Assessment involves determining the nature of the impact of macro-environment factors on the strategic management of the organization. In linking macro-environment analysis and strategic management, the critical question can be formulated as follows: Will a change in the macro-environment have a positive or negative impact on the current and future strategies used by the organization?

To explain the concepts of scanning, monitoring, predicting, and estimating, we have shown them sequentially, as if they were separate activities of analysts. However, in practice they are all interconnected and intertwined with each other. For example, a scan often generates interest in a factor and provides indicators of change that encourage companies to assess the impact of that factor on the industry and on the company's future strategies. Forecasting requires pre-evaluation, which helps ensure that the organization is investing efforts on the most important aspects for itself.


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The analysis of the microenvironment is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the external environment with which the enterprise is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that an enterprise can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction and thus actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in the prevention of threats to its further existence.

Components of the enterprise microenvironment analysis:

Supplier Analysis is aimed at identifying those aspects in the activities of entities that supply the enterprise with material resources, on which the efficiency of the enterprise, the cost and quality of the goods it produces depend. When studying suppliers, it is necessary to track such characteristics as the cost and quality assurance of the goods supplied, the time schedule for delivery, and the obligation to fulfill the terms of delivery. Not only real suppliers are analyzed, but also potential ones in order to study the capabilities of various suppliers, select the most reliable and economical supplier in terms of capital and current costs of the enterprise. A necessary condition for economic evaluation when justifying the choice of a supplier is a comprehensive study of the chain "supplier-company-consumer".

Consumer Analysis includes an analysis of legal entities and individuals who purchase goods of the enterprise for the purposes of final production use or consumption in personal households. Consumer analysis consists in the constant study of the consumer's behavior, his needs, the reasons for deviations in his attitude to the enterprise's product in order to timely develop corrective measures for the enterprise's activities aimed at maintaining effective communications with consumers. Consumer analysis allows you to determine which combination of properties of the manufactured product suits the buyer the most, what sales volume you can count on, how high the degree of consumer commitment to the product of this particular enterprise, whether there are opportunities to expand the circle of potential consumers, what are the market prospects for this product.

Competitor analysis is aimed at studying legal entities and individual entrepreneurs competing with this enterprise for the consumer and for resources obtained from the external environment to ensure their existence. This analysis occupies an important place in strategic management. Competitors, by their actions in the market, when choosing suppliers, intermediaries, consumer audiences, can influence the performance of rival enterprises, their competitive position and advantages. The main task of competitor analysis is to identify their strengths and weaknesses in comparison with the activities of our company. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors allows the company to assess and constantly strengthen its strategic potential, adjust the goals of the activity, the current and future business strategy.

Intermediary Analysis is aimed at studying the impact on the enterprise of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who help it in the promotion, marketing and distribution of its goods among the clientele, as well as in providing financial, labor and information services. In the course of the analysis, they study logistics, marketing, financial intermediaries, as well as intermediaries in providing the enterprise with labor resources. Logistics intermediaries include resellers, firms providing services in the system of warehousing, transportation, goods and flow. The analysis of resellers is carried out from the standpoint of providing more convenient places, time and procedure for purchasing goods, and the level of logistics costs. Resellers create convenience of location by stockpiling at customer locations, convenience of time by displaying and ensuring that goods are available at times when consumers want to buy them. Warehouses-enterprises ensure the accumulation and safety of goods on their way to their destination. Transportation firms: railways, trucking companies, airlines, freight water transport and other cargo handlers move goods from one place to another. Analysis transport companies is carried out from the standpoint of the cost-effectiveness of shipping methods, taking into account the cost, volume and speed of deliveries, as well as the safety of goods.

Marketing services are provided by marketing research firms, advertising agencies and marketing consulting firms. They help a business to more accurately target and move products to market. The study of marketing intermediaries is carried out from the standpoint of assessing their assistance in the system of interaction between the enterprise and all market entities, in the field of organizing marketing research and optimizing the demand for the enterprise's goods.

Financial intermediaries are analyzed in terms of the effectiveness of their banking, credit, insurance and other financial services.

Analysis of contact audiences. A contact audience is any group that shows an actual or potential interest in an enterprise or influences its ability to achieve its goals. Contact audiences can both contribute to and counteract the activities of the enterprise.

Any enterprise operates in an environment of contact audiences of seven types

1. Financial circles. They affect the ability of the enterprise to provide itself with capital. The main contact audiences of the financial sector are banks, investment companies, stock exchange brokerage firms, and shareholders. An enterprise can win over these audiences by providing evidence of its financial soundness.

2. Contact audiences of the media. These are organizations that distribute news, articles, and editorial commentary. First of all, these are newspapers, magazines, radio stations and television centers. The enterprise is interested in the fact that the media cover its activities more and more favorably.

3. Contact audiences of public authorities and administration. Management must take into account everything that happens in the public sphere. The enterprise must respond to the problems of product safety, the veracity of advertising, consumer rights. You should think about interacting with manufacturers of similar products in order to jointly achieve the necessary laws.

4. Civic action groups. An enterprise's marketing decisions may raise questions from public consumer organizations, environmental groups, representatives of national minorities. The public opinion organization department of the enterprise should contribute to maintaining constant contact of the enterprise with all consumer groups

5. Local contact audiences. These are local residents and local organizations

6. General public. The general public does not act as an organized force in relation to the enterprise, but the image of the enterprise in the eyes of the public affects its commercial activities.

7. Internal contact audiences. These are workers and employees of the enterprise, managers, members of the board of directors, his voluntary assistants. The positive attitude of workers and employees to their own company is transmitted to other contact audiences.

At the end of the analysis of the external environment of the enterprise, we present a description of various types of the external environment:

1. Changing environment. It is characterized by rapid changes: innovations, economic changes (changes in inflation, interest rates), changes in legislation, innovations in competitor policies, etc. Such an unstable environment creates great difficulties for management

2. Hostile environment. Provided by fierce competition, the struggle for consumers and markets. An example is the automotive industry in the United States, Western Europe and Japan.

3. Diverse environment characteristic of global business. A typical example of a global business is a firm MS&Donalds, operating in many countries (and therefore associated with the service of numerous customers who speak different languages), with diverse cultures and gastronomic tastes of consumers. This diverse environment affects the activities of the company, its policy of influencing consumers.

4. Technically difficult environment. The provision of complex information and highly qualified service personnel is required. In such an environment, for example, electronics, computer technology, and telecommunications are developing. Strategic management of enterprises in a technically complex environment should be focused on innovation, as products in this case quickly become obsolete.

Methods for analyzing the external environment of an enterprise are: Competitive analysis, expert forecasting method, questioning, survey, calculation of satisfaction rates, marketing research, comparative analysis.

PEST analysis is one of the most popular methods for studying the macroenvironment of an enterprise. There are a lot of macro-environment factors. In order not to overload the analysis of the macro environment, this method recommends limiting itself to four nodal directions (Figure 5.1), the analysis of which is called PEST analysis (PEST - by the first letters of English words (political-legal - political and legal, economic- economic, sociocultural- sociocultural, technological forces - technological factors).

Table 5.1 presents an approximate set of macro-environmental factors considered in each of the directions. PEST- analysis.

PEST- the analysis consists not only in highlighting the list of macro-environment factors that have a direct impact on this area of ​​business, but also in identifying trends in the development of factors, the dynamics of their change, taking into account ongoing changes when developing or adjusting strategies.

Order of conduct PEST- analysis includes the following steps:

1. A list of macro-environment factors that have a high probability of manifestation and impact on the enterprise is distinguished

2. The probability of manifestation of each factor on the activity of the enterprise is estimated. Estimates are given in fractions of a unit. The sum of all significance weights must be equal to one.

3. An assessment is made of the degree of influence of each factor on the strategy of the enterprise. For these purposes, a point scale is used. For example, a 5-point scale: "five" - ​​strong impact, serious danger; "unit" - the absence of impact, threat.

The weighted average estimates are determined by multiplying the probability of the factor manifestation and the strength of its impact, which are then summed up.

The resulting total score reflects the degree of readiness of the enterprise to respond to current and predicted environmental factors.

Internal environment of the enterprise- this is that part of the general environment that is located within the enterprise. It has a permanent and most direct impact on its functioning.

The success of any strategy depends on whether the enterprise has the necessary capabilities to implement the strategy. The analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise is aimed at identifying these opportunities, determining the potential that the enterprise can use in the process of achieving its goals. The range of potential opportunities includes the functional areas of the enterprise, organizational culture, as well as corporate governance. Strategic analysis of the internal environment provides for the analysis of the following functional areas, typical for most enterprises: marketing, production, finance, personnel. The result of the analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise is to identify its strengths and weaknesses in comparison with competitors.

One of the most common approaches to the analysis of the internal environment of an enterprise is the selection of several of its sections, which together form a range of potential opportunities for the enterprise.

Analysis personnel a cut of the internal environment provides for the analysis of such processes as the interaction of managers and workers, hiring, training and promotion of personnel, evaluation of labor results and stimulation, creation and maintenance of relations between employees, etc.

Analysis production The section consists of the analysis of the manufacturing process of the product, the analysis of the supply and storage process, the maintenance of the technological park, the implementation of research and development.

Analysis marketing The section of the internal environment of the enterprise covers the areas of analysis related to the sale of products: analysis of the product strategy, pricing strategy, product promotion strategy on the market, selection of markets and distribution systems.

Analysis financial The cut includes an analysis of the processes associated with ensuring the effective use and movement of the company's cash: maintaining an adequate level of liquidity and ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities, etc.

Analysis organizational cut includes the analysis of communication processes, organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities, hierarchy of subordination, analysis of the organizational culture of the enterprise.

A special place in the analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise is the study of organizational culture. The organizational culture of an enterprise as a whole depends on the culture of the entrepreneurs themselves, on entrepreneurial ethics, business etiquette and many other elements that generally make up such a concept as culture. Any newly emerging organizational structure develops its own culture, which predetermines the place of this structure, its internal and external relations, and is, as it were, a model, a stereotype in the formation of a strategy, distribution of power, decision-making, in the behavior of personnel. The essence of the culture of this enterprise is expressed in the prescription, accepted rituals and ceremonies, as well as in patterns of informal behavior.

The main factors influencing the organizational culture of the enterprise: the goals of the enterprise; his system of values ​​and ideas; standards and rules adopted by the enterprise, etc. Elements of organizational culture are formed both under the influence of the experience of this enterprise, and as a result of the attitudes of its leaders.

An important component of the organizational culture of an enterprise is entrepreneurial ethics, which reflects the ethical norms of an enterprise's behavior in relations with the state, consumers, suppliers, and employees. Entrepreneurial ethics is based on the general ethical norms and rules of conduct that have developed in the country, in the world, as well as on professional ethics, manifested in a particular field of activity. In general, under ethics is understood as a system of norms of moral behavior of people, their duties towards each other and society as a whole.

In connection with the general ethical norms of behavior of citizens, business ethics is inextricably linked with such concepts as honesty, conscience, authority, nobility, courtesy, ambition, pride.

Professional ethics reflects the features of moral consciousness, behavior and relationships of people, due to the specifics professional activity. Professional ethics defines the ethical principles and norms of people's behavior within a certain type of work activity. The decisive conditions for success are diligence, professional skills and talent. To activate these qualities, a moral approach and a high level of moral consciousness are important. Important in professional ethics is an objective and benevolent attitude towards people, their professional opinion, official claims. The real manifestation of professional decency is the unity of word and deed. Many businesses have their own codes of ethics. At the same time, they proceed from the fact that high ethical standards ensure stable profits.

Employees of the enterprise should create an image for it, observing business etiquette. Business Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior of an entrepreneur that regulates his external manifestations with the outside world, with other entrepreneurs, competitors, employees, with all individuals with whom the entrepreneur contacts not only in the course of his business, but in any life situation

To master the skills of correct behavior, you need to follow the rules of introduction and acquaintance, the rules for conducting business contacts, the rules of conduct in negotiations, the requirements for appearance, manners, business attire; requirements for speech, culture of service documents and other elements of business etiquette, which is integral part business ethics.

Organizational culture is difficult to analyze, especially if its elements are not reflected in special documents (code of ethics, declaration of corporate values, etc.). An idea of ​​the organizational culture can be obtained by tracking such points as the attitude of employees to each other and to the enterprise as a whole, the moral and psychological climate, the system used at the enterprise to reward and punish employees, the career development system and its criteria, the ethical norms prevailing at the enterprise, and values, stable traditions existing at the enterprise, corporate events, unwritten norms of behavior; the system of relationships with the external environment, the methods of competition used.

Methods for analyzing the internal environment of an enterprise are: BCG matrix, SWOT analysis, McKinsey matrix, PIMS model, etc.

Often, the STEP_analysis technique is used to analyze the macro environment. The term "STEP" means the analysis of the marketing macro environment, based on the study of social (Social), technological (Technological), economic (Economic) and political (Political) factors.

There are two main variants of STEP- and PEST_analysis. The STEP_analysis variant is used for countries with developed economies and stable political systems, the priorities are taking into account social and technological factors. To analyze the macro environment in countries with underdeveloped economies or economies in transition, a form of PEST analysis is used, where political and economic factors come first.

This type of analysis can be carried out using various formats, often two options: a simple four-field matrix and a tabular form of STEP_analysis. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the analysis method depends on the goals of the analysis, the degree of preparedness of the experts, and a number of other factors.

STEP_analysis technique using a four-field matrix

Stages of implementation of the methodology:

Definition of the object of analysis: the enterprise as a whole, individual divisions (branches, etc.) or business units.

Definition of selection criteria and selection of experts (the analysis is carried out by the method of expert assessments or the Delphi method). If necessary, setting rating coefficients for various experts.

Development of a format for entering the results of the analysis of factors by experts and development of the final form. If necessary, test the analysis format. One of the advantages of the four-field matrix is ​​that it is easy to fill in, but there are often difficulties in generating the final matrix.

Filling in the STEP_analysis format. This technique usually does not impose restrictions on the number of factors assessed by experts. Each expert independently determines a set of macro-environment factors that, from his point of view, can have the strongest impact on the enterprise and determines the groups to which they belong: social, technological, economic and political.

Preparation of the final format for the analysis of the macro environment. Here, problems often arise due to the low formalization of the analysis. In addition, this format does not provide for a quantitative assessment of factors in terms of importance, strength of influence, as well as the rating of indicators by different experts. This, in turn, reduces the value of the analysis and complicates the use of the results in the development of programs and action plans of the enterprise, taking into account the factors of the macro environment.

Using the results of the final format of the analysis of the macro environment in the process of strategic and tactical planning.

Evaluation of planned actions after the end of the planning period to find out whether they managed to reduce the negative impact and use the positive impact of the macro environment.

STEP_analysis technique using tabular format

Stages of implementation of the methodology:

1. Definition of the object of analysis: the enterprise as a whole, individual divisions (branches, etc.) or business units.

2. Definition of selection criteria and selection of experts (the analysis is carried out by the method of expert assessments or the Delphi method). If necessary, setting rating coefficients for various experts.

3. Development of a format for entering the results of the analysis of factors by experts and development of the final form of analysis. If necessary, test the format. The tabular form of the analysis has the form presented in Table. 1.1. This form devoid of the shortcomings discussed earlier in Fig. 1.2 analysis options, in addition, it becomes possible to conduct quantitative assessments of the importance and strength of macro-environment factors.

Table 1.1. Tabular form for step_analysis

Evaluation of the marketing environment of the enterprise

4. Filling in the STEP_analysis format. The format is filled in independently by each expert as follows:

Column 1 - the group to which the factor belongs is selected.

Column 2 - factors of the macro environment that are significant from the expert's point of view, as well as important events that may affect the company's activities, are recorded.

Column 3 - the influence of each factor is analyzed, whether it creates a danger or an opportunity for the enterprise. Sometimes the same factor can create an opportunity or a danger at the same time, in which case both options are considered. In this column, the signs "+" (opportunity) or "-" (danger) are put down.

Column 4 - each factor or event included in the analysis is evaluated in terms of the probability of its manifestation or the occurrence of an event (the scale can be quantitative - from 100% to 1 - or qualitative: high - medium - low).

Column 5 - the importance of factors is assessed on a scale from 1 (least) to 1.0 (most).

Column 6 - the impact of each factor on the company is calculated by multiplying columns 4 and 5 and adding the sign from column 3.

Column 7 - based on the analysis, possible actions of the enterprise to take into account the influence of the macro environment are proposed. Thus, the final form will contain the programs of the expected actions of the enterprise from the point of view of experts.

5. Preparation of a single final form for assessing the influence of macroenvironment factors, summarizing the results of the work of all experts, and developing an action program for each group of factors and individual events and factors by the enterprise's specialists.

6. Using the results of the final format of the analysis of the macro environment in the process of strategic as well as tactical planning.

7. Evaluation of planned actions after the end of the planning period to find out whether they managed to reduce the negative impact and use the positive impact of the macro environment.

The STEP_analysis technique, like all the macro environment analysis techniques that will be discussed, gives the greatest result if the analysis is carried out regularly using the same format. In this case, the dynamics of factors and their impact on the enterprise is recorded. As a result, you can get the so-called model of the reaction of a particular enterprise to a set of macro-environment factors. This is nothing more than a kind of experience model that can improve the quality of enterprise management decision making.

The disadvantage of STEP analysis methods is that they do not take into account the possible relationship and mutual influence of factors and events in the macro environment.


Target term paper, identify what factors of the macro environment exist, what role they play in the sustainability of the enterprise. Also consider a number of problems caused by the enterprise, and consider ways to eliminate them.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the modern external environment of enterprises is characterized by an extremely high degree of complexity, dynamism and uncertainty. The ability to adapt to changes in the external environment is a basic condition in business and other areas of life. Moreover, in an ever-increasing number of cases, it is a condition for survival and development.

To achieve the stated research goal, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks:

Define the term macroenvironment and identify its elements.

Find out what are the stages of macro environment analysis.

Conduct an analysis of the impact of the macro environment on the marketing of Starbucks and the market situation as a whole.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the course work was a number of works of domestic and foreign researchers. The work used materials from advertising and marketing literature, thematic materials of periodicals, as well as materials obtained in the course of practical work.

Within the framework of solving the set research tasks, general scientific methods are used in the work, which include descriptive and comparative methods of qualitative and quantitative data analysis and observation. In addition, the sociological method should be considered the basic method of the entire work, the theoretical foundations of which, along with system analysis, are given special attention in the second chapter of this study.

The paper uses terms that correspond to the goals and objectives of the study.

In accordance with the purpose and tasks to be solved, the structure of the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Analysis of the company's macro environment

Definition and elements of the macro environment

The external marketing environment of the company is made up of microenvironment and macroenvironment. All without exception, objects, conditions and phenomena that are outside the company's boundaries and have a direct impact on its functioning belong to it.

The macro environment is the external sphere of the company, which indirectly has a great influence on it. The macroenvironment is depicted by demographic, economic, technical and environmental, natural, political, and cultural conditions. An individual enterprise is in no way capable of exerting an influence on the macro environment. This can be done only by combining actions with other market entities. Basovsky L.E. Marketing: a course of lectures. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010.

The work of each company is regularly affected by a large number of environmental conditions. Of course, the diverse environment of the company can not be reduced to a set of separate, in no way connected with each other variables. Some conditions have a great influence on others and vice versa. Along with this, in the economic literature, the concept of external uncontrollable factors of the company's macro environment has been established.

Demographic environment - the main characteristic of this environment is to track the size and density of the population.

Economic environment - in this environment, the focus is on the observation of the general purchasing power of the population, which is related to economic factors (prices, incomes, unemployment, etc.)

Technical and environmental environment - in this environment, new technologies that can lead to global changes in the economy of a country or the world must be tracked. There is also increased control over product quality. Inadmissibility of the product for sale if it is environmentally hazardous.

Natural environment - for a long time society has become concerned about the natural environment and its pollution. Various measures were put forward to protect it. Due to the change in the natural environment, the product itself, offered to the market, also changes.

The political environment is a huge number of laws, documents, acts that affect the actions of various organizations or individuals. Marketers need to know the laws of the place where they live, and which are subject to marketing activities.

Cultural environment - this environment can greatly influence marketing decisions due to the peculiarities of the cultural structure of the country. This includes: cultural values, norms of behavior, customs and much more. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. - M.: Publishing house "Firma Gardarika", 2010.

Modern changes in society forced to focus on the external environment even more interest than it was originally. Even if the changes were not so impressive, managers would still have to take into account the external environment, since the enterprise, as an open, relatively isolated concept, is dependent on the outside world in the relationship of material flows - the supply of resources, energy, employees, specific customer demand and informative flows - legislative actions, conclusions of various bodies, market situations, etc.

The ability to monitor the factors of the macro environment depends on the life of the organization, so the manager must monitor and be able to adapt to their changes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take into account all the factors that affect the organization, as a result of which there is a problem with determining the main aspects.

It can be such characteristics of the external environment:

Interrelation of factors.

Variety of factors.

Significant activity of changing factors.

Uncertainty, both in the period of influence and in the strength of the impact.

Features of the macro environment:

It affects not only the company, but also the microenvironment: competitors, partners, customers;

The company itself will not be able to influence the macro environment. No matter how the company’s management relates to such circumstances of the external environment, such as political instability and the lack of a well-established legal framework, it is not able to change them directly, but it is obliged to take these conditions into account in its work and have the ability to adapt to them. Golubkov E.P. Marketing research: theory, practice and methodology - M.: Izd. "Finpress", 2014.