Development strategy of a motor transport enterprise. Development of a development strategy for a transport organization mikad llc


The need for continuous and purposeful development of ATP is determined by the fact that cost-effective transformation of ATP is a prerequisite for extending its life cycle.

Each ATP goes through certain stages of change. Sometimes the reason for these changes is determined by the external environment. Thus, the massive downsizing of domestic ATP in the 90s. 20th century due to the general economic situation in the country. In other cases, enterprise managers themselves come to the idea of ​​the need for innovation, for example, they recognize the need to purchase such vehicles that would make it possible to master international transportation, and / or the need to expand the marketing function in a certain situation in the transport services market. Changes, if grouped by area of ​​implementation, may relate to:

Technique used at the ATP, and technology for the production of transport services. Such changes affect the methods of organizing transportation and technical impact on the rolling stock, affect the composition and structure of the car fleet and other fixed assets, etc. The changes also consist in updating the knowledge and skills of employees, corresponding to technical and technological innovations;

List and structure of transport and other services produced by ATP. These can be both changes in the quality parameters of already mastered transport services, and the implementation of new services for a given ATP or its entry into a new market segment, etc.;

Structures of the organization of ATP management. The changes here concern not only the size of the ATP or the type of its organizational structure, but also the system of employee remuneration, the organization of labor relations, the control and information system, financial reporting and planning methods, etc.;

corporate culture. Here we are talking about changes in attitudes, expectations, behavior of employees, changes in the norms and rules adopted at the ATP, etc.;

Other changes.

Substantiation and choice of ATP development strategy. Changes made in the ATP should be consistent with the ATP strategy (see Figure 3.5), for the development of which the employees of the highest levels of management are responsible. In today's economic conditions, substantiation of the ATP development strategy is one of the leading tasks in managing its production and financial activities.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that often the strategy for the development of ATP is determined without the help of modern methods, as a result of which the strategy is replaced by a long-term plan for the development of ATP. Such a substitution is unjustified, since long-term planning due to the turbulent dynamics of the external environment is currently often untenable.

The ATP development strategy involves the use of such a form of managed development as innovation. Those changes that occur in the ATP in addition to the will of managers do not belong to innovations. Also, a simple increase in quality or quantity according to some specific feature (for example, an increase in the number of drivers, renewal of the same type of rolling stock, etc.) is not considered an innovation either. innovation can be called that purposeful change that introduces new relatively stable elements into the ATP. This is a sign of the transition of ATP as a system from one state to another (more stable).

The justification of the development strategy is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the external environment of the ATP and internal factors of the effectiveness of its activities, taking into account their interrelations and the synergistic effect due to these interrelations.

Present study guide we do not detail the content and methods of analysis prior to the development of the strategy, as they are the subject of consideration academic discipline"Strategic planning". Literature on these issues is presented quite widely. In addition, in ch. 7 given general description organization of analytical work at the enterprise. Without dwelling on the analysis procedure, we nevertheless emphasize that the correct choice of a strategy for the development of ATP largely depends on the quality of its complex diagnostics.

The development strategy of an enterprise should reflect not only the direction in solving its main problems, but also the real capabilities of the ATP (financial, organizational, personnel), and also take into account the most likely changes in the external and internal environment. The characteristic features of the strategy are its continuity and transformation, which determines the need for continuous management of the development of ATP.

In addition to the development strategy common for ATP, a large ATP can also develop:

business strategy, aimed at providing effective strategies for the development of certain types of activities, for example,

Measures: container shipping; forwarding activities; international transport, etc.;

operating strategy, established for the main structural units, for example, for the territorially separated branch of the ATP;

functional strategy, formed for each functional area of ​​a certain area of ​​activity of the ATP. So, it can be a logistics strategy developed by ATP, a financial strategy, a marketing strategy, a personnel strategy, a strategy for information and analytical support for enterprise management, etc.

The development of ATP in accordance with the strategy chosen by him can take place in the form organizational redesign, which is achieved by the following interrelated actions:

Determining the prospects and goals for the development of the ATP, developing indicators for achieving these goals and a general program of necessary actions to transform the ATP;

restructuring(structural reform) - carrying out a set of measures for the comprehensive reorganization of the ATP in accordance with the strategy for its development. This is a chain of interrelated organizational innovations designed to enable an enterprise to adequately respond to dynamic changes in the external environment and achieve current and long-term competitiveness;

Establishing clear procedures for improving the relationship of ATP with the external environment, which allows to increase the adaptability of ATP through intra-organizational restructuring;

Providing ATP employees with new knowledge, new skills and tasks, forming a positive perception of employees about the benefits expected as a result of restructuring and remuneration systems for work.

The restructuring of the ATP can be considered a highly effective lever for increasing the competitiveness of the ATP, as it involves improving the structure and management functions; technical and technological transformations; change in the financial and economic policy of the ATP. The implementation of the ATP restructuring program is directly related to its innovativeness - the ability to master innovations in the technical, technological, managerial and other areas of the ATP's financial and economic activities. As a rule, restructuring includes the restructuring of ATP assets.

Determining the priority of restructuring tasks and the order of their solution. Despite the fact that the restructuring should be comprehensive, nevertheless, in its course, it is necessary to establish the priority of the tasks to be solved and determine the order of implementation of projects. Such an assessment can be carried out on the basis of an analysis of development tasks

ATP identified as a result of its diagnosis. Such tasks may include the renewal of rolling stock; use of subcontract relations; transition to another type of organizational structure; merger with another transport company; use of progressive methods of transportation organization; development by the enterprise of the production of other services (other products); implementation of a transportation quality management system or a general quality management system; decentralization of management and formation of responsibility centers; change in the scheme of material and technical supply; optimization of administrative workload; introduction of adequate information technologies; introduction of norms of behavior for ATP employees, etc.

Having compiled a general list of restructuring tasks, it is necessary to streamline this list - to exclude duplication of tasks, their mutual inclusion, and also to equalize the scale of tasks. Task formulations that do not meet these requirements should be excluded from their general list. Thus, comparability, interconnection and, at the same time, some autonomy of tasks are achieved.

An updated list of restructuring tasks should be subject to expert evaluation, as a result of which the rank (significance) of each task is established and the tasks that are most relevant for the ATP at the current moment of its existence are selected. Tasks that do not require an immediate solution can either be excluded from the list or placed on the list of tasks of the next queue.

The most urgent restructuring tasks are then evaluated from the standpoint of the probability of their successful solution. Here, both the financial capabilities of the ATP and the degree of its competence in solving individual problems are taken into account, that is, to the extent possible in the course of solving problems to overcome the influence of external factors. At this stage, tasks are selected again, i.e. the list is shortened again.

Those tasks that are successfully formulated and at the same time are assessed as particularly relevant, and can also be solved mainly by the forces of the ATP itself, are considered further from the point of view of the ATP strategy: it turns out to what extent the solution of these tasks corresponds to the strategic goals. The restructuring program includes those tasks that meet this requirement.

Such a multi-stage selection of tasks makes it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the measures provided for by the ATP restructuring program and to avoid dissipation of the forces and resources of the enterprise.

Restructuring (reforming the structure) may include any changes in the range of services provided by the ATP: a change in the structure of its capital; business education

Nes-units; merger procedures, etc. Therefore, restructuring is not only an economic and organizational and managerial category, but also a legal one.

Most often, restructuring includes four main stages:

1) diagnostics of the financial position of the ATP, analysis of its technical and economic condition, assessment of strengths and weaknesses, marketing research in the market of transport services, ranking problems, identifying the main tasks of restructuring;

2) refinement of the enterprise development strategy, taking into account the results of diagnostics and the allocation of individual strategic sub-goals. Formation of the organizational concept for the development of ATP;

3) designing changes in the composition and organizational structure of management and in the composition and structure of the management personnel of the ATP. If radical changes are expected (reorganization of the enterprise), then it is necessary to develop a detailed project of these changes, providing for the solution of personnel selection, legal support, engineering and information support for the activities of new structural units, internal pricing, financial control, etc.;

4) development and implementation of a program of measures for the restructuring of the enterprise in accordance with the conclusions made during the first two stages. The program indicates not only specific activities, but also the timing of their implementation, responsible executors, as well as the necessary financial resources.

Overcoming the socio-psychological problems of reforming the ATP. A group of social factors in the development of ATP should be singled out. Particular attention to social factors is explained as follows.

The need to find common solutions to economic and social problems that arise in the course of a person’s labor activity within a certain ATP is determined by the fact that the economic phenomena of the ATP should be analyzed and designed taking into account the interests of both workers and the ATP, and not only in connection with the final results of production financial activities of ATP.

When designing solutions aimed at the development of ATP, most often they proceed from the premise that all employees unconditionally share this goal and subordinate their other interests to it.

However, there are factors that supplement, clarify, limit or even replace the goal of developing ATP for a particular employee (group of employees). Some of these factors are listed below.

1. In an effort to maintain good relationships and not offend employees, employees may refuse to strictly adhere to those procedures that ensure the development of the ATP. Thus, a transportation manager can deliberately weaken control over the activities of drivers, based on the desire not to come into conflict with them, and give the opportunity to assign work volumes, work “on the side”, etc.

2. Some performers may refrain from proposals and actions aimed at the development of ATP, as otherwise it will violate the order established and promoted by the head. This applies, for example, to the widely used practice of involving drivers in repair and maintenance work, which is an economically irrational, but, unfortunately, traditional solution for many ATPs.

3. The desire of employees to avoid risk can lead to the refusal to implement some development methods, even if these methods have been sufficiently tested and justified in the practice of other enterprises. In road transport, this desire is especially characteristic of small enterprises that prefer risk aversion.

4. The interests of employees can be directed primarily to their own wages, and this interest is often stronger than the interest in the profits of the ATP, the income of its owners, etc.

5. It is possible that interest in the development of ATP fades into the background due to the desire of a certain group of leaders (managers) to retain control in their hands. In particular, the struggle for power, the desire to improve status, etc. may lead to decisions that are contrary to the development goals of the ATP.

6. Such seemingly unexpected factors as the desire of the manager to carry out charitable activities or the desire to be in harmony with his own conscience, as well as the desire of employees for special skills, self-valuable demonstration of their professional capabilities and etc. These factors are likely to conflict with individual decisions.

7. If there is a conscious desire of employees to develop ATP, this goal may still not be fully achieved due to the insufficient level of their professional competence, which may not be realized by the employees or they may not be fully realized.

So, it can be noted that each of the problems of restructuring the ATP is associated with the adoption of rather complex decisions, with overcoming not only information uncertainty, but

And the traditional underestimation of the socio-psychological problems of reform. However, if these problems are neglected during the transformation, then the structural reform (restructuring) of the ATP will not achieve its goal, and the enterprise will not move into a qualitatively new highly efficient state.

The overall economic effect of restructuring consists of four components: the effect from the point of view of the owner (manager) of the enterprise, from the point of view of creditors, from the point of view of the budget and the social effect.

As a rule, the development of an enterprise requires investments of funds, and here the problem of investing an enterprise comes to the fore, briefly presented in the next subsection and discussed in more detail in Chap. fourteen.

OJSC "DalTrans" is a motor transport company providing transport services to individuals and legal entities for the transportation of goods both short and long distances within the Far East region (although the company's development strategy includes plans to organize transport services in the Siberian region). The company started its activity in 1993.

The production capacity of the fleet is designed to operate 150 units of rolling stock.

The geographical scope of all transportation carried out by JSC "DalTrans" extends primarily to the following regions of the Far East - Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region; The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia; Jewish Autonomous Region Evdokimov N.S. Analysis of the external environment at transport enterprises // Problems of theory and practice of management. - 2001. - No. 1 - S. 62-70. .

Today, the enterprise is experiencing economic difficulties, consisting in the lack of proper overhaul of rolling stock and, as a result: a reduction in its number.

During 2003, 13 KamAZ-5320 trucks were decommissioned due to the lack of spare parts for the repair; 3 Ikarus-280 buses; 2 gazelles.

Definition of the mission and goals of the organization. Building a goal tree

The mission of the motor transport enterprise according to the Charter of JSC "DalTrans" is to meet the public needs for transport services in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District.

Based on the mission, the main goal of JSC "DalTrans" is the organization of cargo and passenger transportation on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. This goal is detailed into more specific tasks, which are presented in the "goal tree" (Fig. 5).

Fig.5. The goal tree of OJSC "DalTrans"

Thus, the company's strategic goals are very far-reaching and broad, which makes it possible to always have a guideline for further development.

Characteristics of the state and prospects for the development of the industry

In the transport complex - one of the leading branches of the region - almost all types of transport communications are represented. We will be interested in road transport.

The road network is concentrated mainly in the southern part of the region. The length of public roads is more than 5 thousand km, including 4.5 thousand km with hard surface. Main highways:

federal roads "Amur" (Chita-Khabarovsk with a bridge over the Amur River), "Ussuri" (Khabarovsk-Vladivostok) and "Vostok" (Khabarovsk-Nakhodka);

regional roads Khabarovsk-Komsomolsk-on-Amur; Selikhino-Nikolaevsk-on-Amur; Vanino-Lidoga and others.

In the northern part of the region and the Federal District, there are often no roads, which makes it difficult to communicate and achieve some of the goals of the DalTrans company.

An analysis of current trends and problems in the development of transport infrastructure and fixed assets indicates that they have become systemic and require an integrated approach to their solution. The predicted increase in demand for the transportation of all types of transport, on the one hand, and the negative phenomena in the transport system as a whole and its individual sub-sectors, on the other hand, pose a threat to the general economic growth of Russia as a whole and its individual regions, weakening Russia's position in the global transport services market. In the international transport markets, in the conditions of constant tightening of technical requirements for vehicles, the result is a decrease in the competitiveness of domestic carriers.

The technical and economic characteristics of the majority of operated vehicles in the Khabarovsk Territory, including new ones supplied by transport engineering, are significantly below the world level. In the transport infrastructure of Khabarovsk, the most significant lag in the use of modern transport technologies, as well as in the informatization of transport Evdokimov N.S. Transport enterprises of the Khabarovsk Territory // Problems of theory and practice of management. - 2001. - No. 3 - S. 30-42 ..

The consequence of this in the domestic market of the Khabarovsk Territory is the insufficient quality of the services provided, the high level of costs, the persistence of unacceptably high rates of transport accidents and the negative environmental impact of transport.

Thus, OJSC "DalTrans" lacks modern technologies for the efficient operation of a transport enterprise in accordance with world standards. There are no necessary spare parts, lack of fuel, automation equipment, insufficient rolling stock of the enterprise.

A. Chandler, the author of one of the pioneering works in the field of strategic planning, believes that strategy is the definition of the main long-term goals and objectives of the enterprise and the approval of a course of action, the allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals.

This definition is a classic view of the very essence of strategy. Here we are faced with a pragmatic and useful definition of the essence of the strategic planning and management process. First of all, in this case, it is necessary to determine the long-term goals of the company's development. These goals should be constant and not change until external conditions and (or) internal changes force management to reconsider the long-term guidelines for the development of the company. There can be nothing more destructive for an enterprise than the constant change of development goals or the fluctuations of top management in determining the future orientation. A frequent change in the development goals of an enterprise can end in failure, as the actions will become incomprehensible to both external partners (suppliers, consumers, investors) and its employees. At the same time, the stability of goal-setting does not imply the same stability in the courses of action aimed at realizing the set goals. Ultimately, the courses of action are concretized in the form of certain action programs, which are most often focused on a shorter period than long-term goals, which is why they can be adjusted, which makes it possible to ensure greater efficiency in the implementation of the strategic guidelines for the development of the enterprise.

Resource support for strategic decisions as the third element of A. Chandler's conceptual triad of definitions (goals - courses of action (programs) - resources) acts as a limitation for the implementation of this process. Indeed, finding some correspondence between the goals and programs that ensure their implementation, on the one hand, and the distribution of human, financial, technological and other types of resources, on the other hand, implement one of the requirements of the strategic process - its stability.

The famous question "Which directions economic activity should be developed?”, proposed by the scientists of the Harvard group under the leadership of K. Andrews and R. Christensen, significantly complements and develops the definition of the strategy of A. Chandler.

We are talking about the segmentation of the business activity of an enterprise, defined in Western literature as a structure of entrepreneurship. This question is considered in the context of the other two questions: “What areas of economic activity are we engaged in, but should not be engaged in?” and “What areas of economic activity are we not engaged in, but should be engaged in?”. Despite the legitimacy of the statement, practical answers are fraught with enormous difficulties. This is due to the lack of clear criteria for the problems of predicting the efficiency of a type of business in the long term and the isolation of the very direction of economic activity (for example, industry or market affiliation). At the same time, the answer essentially determines both the process of strategy formation itself and the functioning of the enterprise as a whole (for example, its organizational structure).

The choice of directions of economic activity (business structure) is more an art than a science, since it is impossible to find an adequate formalized algorithm that provides complete confidence in the effective solution of the task. This is a very important statement that largely determines the procedures and methods of the strategic planning and management process.

A well-known specialist in the field of strategic planning, I. Ansoff, defines a strategy as "a set of decision-making rules that guide an organization in its activities."

According to I. Ansoff, there are four different group strategies:

The rules used in evaluating the performance of a firm in the present and future. The qualitative side of the evaluation criteria is called a guideline, and the quantitative content is called a task;

The rules by which the company's relations with its external environment are formed (what types of products and what technologies to develop, where to sell, etc.). This set of rules is called product-market strategy, or business strategy;

The rules by which relationships and procedures are established within an organization. These rules are called the organizational concept;

The rules by which the company conducts its daily activities are the main operational methods.

I. Ansoff highlights several distinctive features strategies.

1. The strategizing process does not end with any immediate action. It usually ends with the establishment of general directions, the promotion of which ensures the growth and strengthening of the company's position.

2. The formulated strategy should be used to develop strategic projects using the search method. The role of strategy in search is, firstly, to focus attention on certain areas or opportunities, and secondly, to discard all other possibilities as incompatible with the strategy.

3. The need for this strategy disappears as soon as the real course of events will lead the organization to the desired development.

4. While formulating strategies, it is not possible to foresee all the possibilities that will open up when drafting specific activities. Therefore, it is necessary to use rather generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.

5. As more accurate information becomes available, the validity of the primary strategy may be questioned. Therefore, it is necessary Feedback to ensure timely reformulation of the strategy.

The definition of strategy given by I. Ansoff, despite its simplicity and popularity among domestic specialists in the field of strategic planning and management, is too general. Moreover, it is not clear from the initial definition of strategy how strategy differs from the policy of the firm's top management. That is why I. Ansoff is forced to give explanations immediately after the initial definition of the strategy, introducing a number of auxiliary terms into circulation, such as the organizational concept, tasks, guidelines (goals) and a number of others.

Moreover, from the definition of I. Ansoff it follows that most often the strategy cannot be expressed explicitly. “Strategies usually try not to detect. They exist either as ideas that are not publicly available, or as a vague idea of ​​the general purpose of the firm, shared by all, but, as a rule, far from a clear formulation. True, even I. Ansoff, contradicting himself, emphasizes that more and more supporters of a well-thought-out and correctly formulated strategy have recently appeared. He notes that: "This is good in a rapidly changing environment, when there is little time for adaptation, the concentration of efforts of all employees is necessary."

At the same time, the definition of strategy as a set of rules for decision-making allows us to come to a conclusion that is very important and essential for the procedure of strategic planning and management - the strategy must be formulated when the transformation of the external environment has occurred or is planned, as well as qualitative changes in the value system of the company's top management.

An attempt to give the most generalized definition of strategy is made by G. Mintzberg. He views strategy as a unity of "5Rs": plan (plan), pattern, model, pattern (pattern), positioning (position), perspective (perspective) and trick, distracting maneuver (ploy).

According to G. Mitzberg, strategy as a plan is a certain set of courses of action formed in accordance with the situation. Strategy as a plan leads us to a fundamental understanding of the process of human cognition - that first, the intentions of top management are formed in their minds. This happens in accordance with the values ​​(priorities) that the leaders of the organization have and use when making business decisions.

Thus, in the strategy as a plan, the mental implementation of the predetermined intentions of top management is formulated.

Strategy as a template, or model, draws our attention to the fact that this concept should take into account the behavior of the top management of the organization. Such an understanding of the strategy ensures convergence, the achievement of constancy in organizational behavior. Stereotypes of behavior, which, according to many specialists in the field of strategic planning, must be overcome in a strategic plan as a condition for its effectiveness, are perceived by G. Mintzberg as a condition for its feasibility.

Strategy as positioning is the correlation of an organization, an enterprise, with what in management theory is usually called the external environment. Moreover, this correlation interests us not just in a “purely theoretical” aspect, but as the achievement by an enterprise of certain competitive advantages in relation to other rival firms and finding compromise (effective for all parties) solutions for partner enterprises (organizations). As G. Mintzberg says, in this case, the enterprise is like an organism that is looking for its economic niche in order to successfully fight for survival in a world of hostility and instability.

Strategy as a perspective is understood by G. Mintzberg as a concept of the organization's business. It is defined as "the perceived way of conquering the world", i.e. some developmental ideology. Yes, for a company IBM- this is a technological culture, for the company McDonald's- "quality, service, cleanliness, price". This presentation of the strategy is very important for understanding the fact that it (as a concept) cannot exist only in the minds of the top management of the enterprise, but must be accepted by all its employees. Moreover, strategy as a perspective is the realization of the action of the "collective mind", i.e. individuals united by a common understanding of the problems and (or) the unity of stereotypes of behavior.

Finally, strategy as a trick is some specific maneuver aimed at outsmarting a competitor. The essence of this presentation of the strategy is that it should clearly express the goals and objectives of the development of the enterprise for all its employees, but be non-obvious to competitors. In this sense, strategy is a red herring to achieve competitive advantage and high and sustainable profits.

The understanding of strategy proposed by G. Mintzberg is of a qualitative nature, presenting strategy as an essential category of economic science, ensuring the management of various socio-economic systems (national economy, region, etc.).

This is the strong point. G. Mintzberg emphasizes the multidimensional nature of the economic category. So, not any plan will be a strategy if it does not take into account the behavioral characteristics of top management based on its values, or does not carry the ideology of socio-economic development. Only the combination of the five indicated characteristics (“5P”), according to G. Mintzberg, allows the strategy to act as a system characteristic that ensures the development of an enterprise (organization).

It should be noted that the definition of enterprise development proposed by G. Mintzberg combines the definitions of this concept given by A. Chanler and I. Ansoff. However, the “too theoretical nature” of this definition of strategy does not allow it to be used in the formulation of basic models of strategic planning, i.e. develop specific practical tools - an algorithm for the development strategy of the enterprise. Because of this, the most convenient for practical implementation is the classical definition of strategy proposed by A. Chandler.

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