What seriously ill people see before they die. Dying (lying) patient: signs before death

Death is, in any case, an inevitability that sooner or later overtakes every living person. She does not ask for age and gender, but “knocks on the door”, it would seem, at the most inopportune moment.

But what happens before death, how does a person feel the approach of the end? Unfortunately, no answers to this question have been found so far, because, as you know, no one has returned from the next world. Of course, there are no facts, but there are a great many assumptions, and they are mostly spoken by soothsayers, sorcerers, shamans and magicians. It is also doubtful to believe their words, since too many divorced around charlatans.

And, nevertheless, the question of what people see before death is still acute. Many survivors of clinical death share what they saw and felt impressions. However, their stories are somewhat different from each other, but the essence is the same.

Story one. One person who survived clinical death managed to return to a full life, and when asked what he saw at that moment, he told a traditional story that you can watch on TV. This is the light at the end of the tunnel. He said that at first he was in the dark and did not know where to go next, but then he began to notice a flickering light in front of him. The flame was so beautiful and attractive that the legs themselves led to it. When there was very little left before him, the patient returned to consciousness and learned that all this time he was considered dead for medical reasons.

Second story. Another man, who had been in a coma for six months, told everyone that he had been in a hospital ward all this time, but no one had seen or heard him. He looked at himself from the outside and tried to attract everyone's attention, but again in vain. Then he did not think about who they saw before death, because, according to his inner perception, he considered himself absolutely healthy. He was only interested in one question, why is he not noticed, and how long will it last? Perhaps his movement around the hospital ward would have continued further if not for the unexpected exit from the coma.

Story three. The third person, whose heart stopped for a few seconds during the operation, during his long rehabilitation, said that for a few moments he saw his late grandmother, who extended her hands to him. At first, he began to move towards her, but then some unknown force again returned him to the body and forced him to breathe. He is sure that people see their relatives and friends of the deceased before death, which is why sometimes they simply refuse to fight for their own lives.

So people's opinions on this topic differ, but there is that category of patients who are simply sure that there is no life after death, so a person cannot see anyone before her arrival, but simply closes his eyes and dies, as if falling asleep. This opinion also has the right to exist, especially since the rest have not yet found their real confirmation.

The study of the afterlife is a science in which there is always a lot of unknown and unsolved. For example, it is still unknown what people see before death, where they go immediately after its arrival, and where they spend eternity in the future. In addition, all kinds of reality shows and mystical television programs, which also put forward their versions of what a person sees before death, are even more misleading. So it is not clear who and what to believe, and where to simply ignore the next nonsense.

Scientists are still concerned about this issue, so they do not stop their numerous studies, which so far have not yielded positive results. Probably, only the person who, on one unfavorable day, meets death face to face knows the correct answer; but to ask him about it, alas, is no longer possible.

So who do people see before they die, and what do such visions mean? Although this topic has not yet been fully studied, it presents to all those interested a huge number of assumptions, opinions and hypotheses.

Throughout life, the question of how a person dies of old age concerns most people. They are asked by the relatives of an old person, the person himself, who has crossed the threshold of old age. The answer to this question is already there. Scientists, physicians and enthusiasts have collected a lot of information about this, based on the experience of numerous observations.
What happens to a person before death

It is believed that it is not aging that leads to death, given that old age itself is a disease. A person dies from a disease with which a worn out organism cannot cope.

Brain reaction before death

How does the brain react when death approaches?

During death, irreversible changes occur in the brain. There is oxygen starvation, cerebral hypoxia. As a consequence of this, there is a rapid death of neurons. At the same time, even at this moment, its activity is observed, but in the most important areas responsible for survival. During the death of neurons and brain cells, a person may experience hallucinations, both visual, auditory, and tactile.

Loss of energy

A person loses energy very quickly, so droppers with glucose and vitamins are prescribed.

An elderly dying person experiences a loss of energy potential. This is manifested by longer sleep and a shorter period of wakefulness. He constantly wants to sleep. Simple activities, such as moving around the room, exhaust a person and he will soon go to rest. It seems that he is constantly sleepy or in a state of permanent drowsiness. Some people even experience energy depletion after just talking or thinking. This is explained by the fact that the brain requires more energy than the body.

Failure of all body systems

  • The kidneys gradually refuse to work, so the urine they secrete becomes brown or red.
  • The intestines also stop working, which is manifested by constipation or absolute intestinal obstruction.
  • Respiratory system fails, breathing becomes intermittent. It is also associated with a gradual failure of the heart.
  • Function failure circulatory system leads to pale skin. Wandering dark spots are observed. The first such spots are visible first on the feet, then on the whole body.
  • Hands and feet become icy.

What feelings does a person experience at death?

Most often, people are not even concerned about how the body manifests itself before death, but about how the old person feels, realizing that he is about to die. Karlis Osis, a psychologist in the 1960s, did a global study on this topic. Doctors and medical staff of departments for the care of dying people helped him. 35,540 deaths were recorded. Based on observations of them, conclusions were drawn that have not lost their relevance to this day.

Before death, 90% of dying people do not feel fear.

It turned out that dying people had no fear. There was discomfort, indifference and pain. Every 20th person experienced a spiritual uplift. According to other studies, the older a person is, the less afraid he is of dying. For example, one social survey of older people showed that only 10% of those surveyed admitted to fear of death.

What do people see as they approach death?

Before death, people experience hallucinations similar to each other. During visions, they are in a state of clarity of consciousness, the brain worked normally. Moreover, he did not respond to sedatives. Body temperature was also normal. On the verge of death, most people have already lost consciousness.

Often, visions during brain shutdown are associated with the most vivid memories of a lifetime.

Predominantly, the visions of most people are related to the concepts of their religion. Those who believed in hell or heaven saw the corresponding visions. Non-religious people saw beautiful visions related to nature and wildlife. More people saw their dead relatives, calling them to go to another world. Observed in the study, people suffered from various diseases, had different level education, belonged to different religions, among them were staunch atheists.

Often the dying person hears various sounds, mostly unpleasant. At the same time, he feels himself rushing towards the light, through the tunnel. Then, he sees himself separate from his body. And then he is met by all those close to him, dead people who want to help him.

Scientists cannot give an exact answer about the nature of such experiences. Usually they find a connection with the process of neuronal death (vision of the tunnel), brain hypoxia and the release of a fair dose of endorphin (visions and a feeling of happiness from the light at the end of the tunnel).

How to recognize the coming of death?

The signs of a near-death state of a person are listed below.

The question of how to understand that a person is dying of old age concerns all relatives of a loved one. To understand that the patient will die very soon, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The body refuses to work (urinary or fecal incontinence, urine color, constipation, loss of strength and appetite, refusal of water).
  2. Even if there is an appetite, there may be a loss of the ability to swallow food, water, and one's own saliva.
  3. Loss of the ability to close the eyelids due to critical exhaustion and retraction of the eyeballs.
  4. Signs of wheezing in an unconscious state.
  5. Critical jumps in body temperature - sometimes too low, then critically high.

Important! These signs do not always indicate the arrival of the mortal end. Sometimes they are symptoms of disease. These signs apply only to old people, the sick and infirm.

Video: what does a person feel when he dies?


For more information about death, see Wikipedia.

As you can see, old people are rarely afraid of death. This is what statistics say, and this knowledge can help young people who are almost terribly afraid of it. Relatives whose close old man dies can recognize the first signals of the end coming and help the sick person by providing the necessary care.

Alas, it often comes quite suddenly. If a seriously ill person knows about his diagnosis and when his death comes, then the average person does not always anticipate this, although there are some signs that he will soon be. Does a person feel the approach of his death, even if he is not sick with a dangerous disease? In some situations, yes. And, although these signs are not absolute, even the presence of one of them can show that a person is in danger of death.

First of all, a person may have a premonition that his days are numbered. This can be expressed by great anxiety, fear, sometimes a strange and incomprehensible feeling of anxiety and longing just like that, for no apparent reason. This is one of the signs of death, but also not absolute. Depression and a similar condition may precede changes and the fact that a person goes crazy or can simply become very mentally ill. Each of us can have periods of wakefulness and depression, when everything falls out of hand and nothing works. Therefore, even if someone, especially a suspicious and anxious person, tells you that he does not have long to live, it is not always worth believing this. Most likely, it will simply be the result of panic and anxiety.

Does a person feel the approach of his death? In fact, this does not always happen. It all depends on his spiritual state and outlook on life. Very often, before his death, a person performs some kind of karmic task, often fearing not to have time to do something, to fulfill it. One is accompanied by great luck, luck in everything, or something fatal that can terrify others. For example, an obedient and kind girl can change before her eyes, contact a bad company, or behave in such a way that even her relatives will not recognize her. At the same time, her behavior can become not just defiant, but too bold and provocative, and her parents begin to seriously fear for her life. And this is not due to what others think about her, but with some kind of unconscious anxiety and fear. Quite often they have to see strange dreams, often repeated plots of death with the same pictures. At the same time, the person himself does not always feel the approach of his death. Most often, his behavior changes radically. A cheeky reveler suddenly becomes thoughtful and calm, he may even ask to go to church for a service, so that the priest confesses him and takes communion. A person who is calm and quiet, on the contrary, can become very cheeky and behave in such a way that he gets into trouble.

Very often, it is not the person himself who sees the signs of approaching death, but his relatives. Here is what may have preceded his death:

Sudden change in behavior. A person becomes either very calm and even philosophical, or, on the contrary, dashingly cheeky, which was completely uncharacteristic of him before;

Often asks to suddenly give away his estate, writes wills, or asks to go to church to confess and take the sacrament, although he used to do this very rarely or did not do it at all;

Before death, a person's aura disappears, but only a psychic can see this;

Relatives begin to see symbolic dreams, which can be strange. For example, a person starts walking through a mine or electric field, flying, and those who are going to follow him answer that “you can’t come here”, leaves by train, flies away by plane, sits in a rusty elevator, the doors close behind him. Sometimes a girl begins to get married in a dream and leaves her parents forever. At the same time, if death is really close, then you can see a coffin in a dream, hear the name of the deceased person, or see the cry of his loved ones.

There are other signs of approaching death. These are the dreams of the dreamer himself, in which the dead man calls him. And, although such a dream does not cause physical death for everyone, some people simply feel its approach, which is why they are sure of it. And often such premonitions are justified.

Does everyone have this feeling?

No, not everyone. Some can even name the date of their death, others do not suspect anything even until the very moment of death. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer whether a person feels the approach of his death or not. Usually this can be determined not by the person himself, but by his relatives, and even then not always. The clue will be a certain kind dreams and signs that were described above.

The results of the study, which was conducted by a group of scientists from Kanisius College (New York), confirmed that almost all people who are in a dying state see their deceased relatives or friends.

The phenomenon known as "visions or dreams of the dying" has been known since ancient times and, despite the difference in cultures, the documented facts are practically the same. The representative of the research team did not give any refutation of the facts known as paranormal, but only confirmed that this is just a brain game. At the same time, the main version of the influence of “visions or dreams of the dying”, which is on a person who is on the verge of death, was expressed.

It has been found that these visions have a positive effect on the psyche of a person who is preparing for death, as well as that such visions help to more calmly accept the inevitable. It is obvious that the answer to the question: why do people before death see people who were close to them, but have already left this world, is hidden in the complacency of a person who knows that these are his last hours or minutes.

Scientists came to this conclusion through everyday conversations with 66 patients who knew that their life path was coming to an end. Patients said that they see dead people as a reality, it frightened them and calmed them at the same time. This is really a sharp contrast - fear and peace.

Most of the interviewed patients reported that, as a rule, their visions were associated with soothing, emotional conversations. Their relatives and friends seemed to be addressing them from another world and asking them not to be afraid of what awaits them. This really calms the person, and he ceases to be afraid of the very fact of death.

"Visions can appear for months, weeks, days or even hours before death, and are mainly aimed at getting rid of the fear of death, which helps in the transition to those who come", the researchers write in their report.

Scientists answer the question: why do people see the dead before death

The results of the study, which was conducted by a group of scientists from Kanisius College (New York), confirmed that almost all people who are in a dying state see their deceased relatives or friends. The phenomenon known as "visions or dreams of the dying" has been known since ancient times and, despite the difference in cultures, the documented facts are practically the same. The representative of the research team did not give any refutation of the facts known as paranormal, but only confirmed that this is just a brain game. At the same time, the main version of the influence of “visions or dreams of the dying”, which is on a person who is on the verge of death, was expressed. These visions have been found to have positive...

None of us can predict exactly when death will occur. However, doctors and nurses who deal with the critically ill know that the approach of death is accompanied by certain symptoms.

The signs of impending death vary from person to person, and not all of the symptoms listed below are "mandatory." But there is still something in common.

1. Loss of appetite

The body's need for energy becomes less and less. A person may begin to resist eating and drinking, or eating only certain foods (for example, cereals). First of all, a dying person refuses meat, since it is difficult for a weakened body to digest it. And then the most favorite foods no longer cause any appetite. At the end of a patient's life, it happens that even physically he is not able to swallow what is in his mouth.

It is impossible to force-feed a dying person, no matter how much you worry about the fact that he does not eat. You can periodically offer the patient some water, ice or ice cream. And so that his lips do not dry out, moisten them with a damp cloth or moisturize with lip balm.

2. Excessive fatigue and drowsiness

On the threshold of death, a person begins to sleep atypically a lot, and it becomes more and more difficult to wake him up. Metabolism slows down, and insufficient intake of food and water contributes to dehydration of the body, which turns on a protective mechanism and hibernates. This patient should not be denied - let him sleep. Don't push him to wake him up. What you will say to a person in this state, he may well hear and remember, no matter how deep the dream may seem. In the end, even in a coma, patients hear and realize those words that are addressed to them.

3. Physical weakness

Due to the loss of appetite and the resulting lack of energy, the dying person cannot do even the simplest things - for example, he cannot roll over on his side, raise his head, or draw juice through a straw. All you can do is try to make him as comfortable as possible.

4. Cloudy mind and disorientation

Organs begin to fail, including the brain. A person may no longer understand where he is and who is next to him, start talking nonsense or thrashing about in bed. At the same time, you need to remain calm. Every time you approach a dying person, you should call yourself by name and speak to him as gently as possible.

5. Difficulty breathing

The breath of the dying becomes erratic and uneven. Often they have the so-called Cheyne-Stokes breathing: superficial and rare respiratory movements gradually become deeper and longer, weaken and slow down again, then a pause follows, after which the cycle repeats. Sometimes the dying person wheezes or breathes louder than usual. You can help in such a situation by raising his head, putting an extra pillow or seating him in a reclining position so that the person does not fall on his side.

6. Self-isolation

As the vitality fades away, a person loses interest in what is happening around. He may stop talking, answer questions, or simply turn away from everyone. This is a natural part of the dying process, not your fault. Show the dying person that you are there by simply touching him or taking his hand in yours if he does not mind, and talk to him, even if this conversation is your monologue.

7. Violation of urination

Since there is little water in the body, and the kidneys are working worse, the dying person "walks a little" really little, and concentrated urine has a brownish or reddish tint. That is why hospices in last days life terminally ill often put a catheter. Because of kidney failure the amount of toxins in the blood increases, which contributes to the quiet flow of the dying into a coma and a calm death.

8. Swelling of the legs

When the kidneys fail, bodily fluids accumulate in the body, most often in the legs, instead of being expelled. Because of this, before death, many swell. Nothing can be done here, and it does not make sense: edema is side effect impending death, not its cause.

9. "Icing" of the tips of the fingers and toes

A few hours or even minutes before death, blood drains from peripheral organs to support vital ones. For this reason, the limbs become noticeably colder than the rest of the body, and the nails may become pale or bluish. A warm blanket will help to provide comfort to the dying person, which needs to cover him more freely so as not to create a feeling of swaddling.

10. Venous spots

On pale skin, a characteristic "pattern" of purple, reddish or bluish spots appears - the result of poor circulation and uneven filling of the veins with blood. These spots usually appear first on the soles and feet.