Rinonorm - instructions, use, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, analogues, dosage, composition. Rhinonorm nasal drops for children and adults - indications, dosage, side effects, analogues and price Interaction with other drugs

Depending on the type of nasal spray Rinonorm composition is 10 ml. of this medicinal product may contain either 5 mg. (for children) or 10 mg. (for adults) active substance xylometazoline hydrochloride .

In addition, the preparation contains such auxiliary compounds as: 85% , citric acid monohydrate, sodium citrate dihydrate, and water intended for injection.

Release form

Rinonorm is produced in the form of nose drops (clear liquid, odorless), packaged in dark glass bottles of 15 or 10 ml each, placed in cardboard packaging (one bottle in one pack) and equipped with a specialized dosing nozzle for more convenient use.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has vasoconstrictor and pronounced anticongestive effect on the human body.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This nasal spray is actively used for topical application in the practice of ENT doctors. Because contained in the drops xylometazoline refers to alpha adrenomimetics, this active compound promotes constriction of arterioles , which has a positive effect on mucous membranes of the nasopharynx by reducing and eliminating hyperemia.

Rinonorm helps to reduce the amount of discharge in the nasopharynx secrets just a few seconds after topical application. The medicinal effect of the drops persists for several more hours. The medicine restores patency nasal passages, eustachian tubes, and besides, sinus openings.

Under the influence of nasal drops, the well-being of patients improves significantly due to recovery airflow of the nasopharynx , and also reduces the likelihood of complications that inevitably arise with prolonged stagnation of the secret.

Indications for use

Rinonorm is indicated for use in therapeutic treatment (of an allergic, bacterial or viral nature), (in acute or chronic acute phases), as well as to eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tube with . In addition, drops are used as a preparatory agent before carrying out diagnostic manipulations in the nasal passages.

Contraindications Rinonorm

The absolute contraindications of Rinonorm include the following cases:

  • dry or atrophic rhinitis;
  • closed-angle;
  • age of patients up to 2 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug compound.

It is not recommended to use these nasal drops in the following conditions: hypophysectomy , as well as when taking tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors ( monoamine oxidase ).

Side effects

Quite rarely, however, the following side effects may occur:

  • increased excitability;
  • increase ;
  • nausea;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • burning or;

Rinonorm, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use Rinonorm differs depending on the type of drops. A children's spray containing a 0.05% solution of xylometazoline is prescribed in one dose (which is equal to one press on the dispenser - 0.14 ml.) In each nostril no more than three times a day.

Adult patients, as well as children over the age of 10 years, a drug containing 0.1% xylometazoline is prescribed at a dosage equal to one press on the piston device in each nostril no more than three times a day.

The total duration of use of the drug should not exceed seven days. It is advisable to observe a six-hour interval between the use of drops. To enhance the effectiveness of the spray, before using it, it is worth clearing the sinuses from the secret.


If the recommendations for the use of the drug are followed, an overdose is excluded. However, when the prescribed dosages are exceeded, symptoms such as promotion blood pressure, arrhythmia and loss of consciousness. In such cases, symptomatic therapy, gastric lavage, and the use of laxatives are indicated.


Given medicine incompatible with antidepressants belonging to the tri- and tetracyclic series, as well as with MAO inhibitors.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

At temperatures up to 25 C, in a place that will be inaccessible to children.

Best before date

The total shelf life is 3 years, after opening the bottle - 1 year.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the attentiveness and ability to drive a car or other potentially dangerous units and mechanisms.

Rinonorm's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Among the main analogues of Rinonorm are:

  • Spray ;
  • Brizolin;
  • Theiss Nazolin;
  • NOZ asterisk;

Release form


Active ingredient: xylometazoline hydrochloride Excipients: citric acid monohydrate; sodium citrate dihydrate; glycerol 85%; water for injection. Concentration active substance(mg): 1 mg

Pharmacological effect

Alpha-adrenergic agonist for local use in ENT practice. topical application xylometazoline causes constriction of arterioles, leads to a decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and a decrease in secretions. distinct local action the drug is detected after a few minutes and persists for several hours (up to 6-8 hours), manifesting itself in the restoration of the patency of the nasal passages, sinus openings and Eustachian tubes. Restoration of air permeability of the nasopharynx improves the patient's well-being and reduces the risk possible complications caused by congestion of the mucous secretion.


When applied topically, xylometazoline is practically not absorbed, so plasma concentrations are very low (not analytically determined).


Hypersensitivity to xylometazoline or other components of the drug. Inflammation of the skin, nasal mucosa and crusting (dry rhinitis). Use after hypophysectomy. Use in children under 2 years old. Angle-closure glaucoma. Taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) and tricyclic antidepressants.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms No effects on the ability to drive vehicles and control machines and mechanisms were noted.

Dosage and administration

Adults and children over 10 years old: Rinonorm, dosed nasal spray, 0.1% - 1 dose in each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day. The maximum frequency of use should not exceed 7 times a day. The interval between the administration of the drug should not be less than 6 hours. 1 dose (one click on the piston device) = 0.14 ml of solution. it is recommended to free the nasal passage from the secret, and during the administration of the drug, it is necessary to take a light breath through the nose.

Side effects

Simultaneous administration of tri- or tetracyclic antidepressants may increase the systemic exposure to xylometazoline. While taking the drug with MAO inhibitors, there may be a risk of increasing blood pressure.


Local reactions: burning sensation and dryness of the nasal mucosa; rarely - irritation of the nasal mucosa, oral cavity and larynx. From the side of the central nervous system: headache; insomnia, irritability. From the side of the cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, increased blood pressure. Others: rarely - nausea; skin reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

Precautionary measures

special instructions

Symptoms: in rare cases of overdose, occurring mainly in children, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, and in some cases loss of consciousness may occur. Treatment: symptomatic therapy is indicated under supervision. In severe cases, non-selective alpha-blockers can be used to lower blood pressure, as well as intubation and mechanical ventilation. Vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated. If you accidentally take a moderate or large amount of the drug inside, you should take activated charcoal and a laxative (for example, sodium sulfate), do a gastric lavage.

Dosed nasal spray (for children) - 1 ml:

  • Active substances: xylometazoline hydrochloride - 500 mcg;

Dosed nasal spray - 1 ml:

  • Active substances: xylometazoline hydrochloride - 1 mg;
  • Excipients: citric acid monohydrate, sodium citrate dihydrate, glycerol 85%, water for injection.

15 ml - dark glass bottles (1) with a dosing device and a nozzle for the nose - packs of cardboard.

Description of the dosage form

Dosed nasal spray (for children) 0.05% in the form of a clear, colorless solution.

Spray nasal dosed 0.1% in the form of a clear, colorless solution.

pharmachologic effect

Decongestant - vasoconstrictor (alpha-adrenergic agonist)


When applied topically, xylometazoline is practically not absorbed, so plasma concentrations are very low (not analytically determined).


Alpha-agonist for local use in ENT practice.

When applied topically, xylometazoline causes narrowing of arterioles, leads to a decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and a decrease in secretions. A distinct local effect of the drug is detected after a few minutes and persists for several hours (up to 6-8 hours), manifesting itself in the restoration of the patency of the nasal passages, sinus openings and Eustachian tubes. Restoration of air permeability of the nasopharynx improves the patient's well-being and reduces the risk of possible complications caused by stagnation of the mucous secretion.

Indications for use Rinonorm-teva

Rinonorm is used as a symptomatic therapy for the following diseases and conditions:

  • acute viral or bacterial rhinitis;
  • acute allergic rhinitis;
  • acute sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • spicy otitis media(to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube);
  • preparation of the patient for diagnostic procedures in the nasal passages.

Contraindications to the use of Rinonorm-teva

  • atrophic (dry) rhinitis;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • condition after hypophysectomy;
  • simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants;
  • childhood up to 2 years (for spray for children);
  • children under 10 years of age (for adult spray);
  • hypersensitivity to xylometazoline or other components of the drug.

The drug should be used with caution in arterial hypertension, severe heart disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes and patients taking bromocriptine.

Rinonorm-teva Use in pregnancy and children

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy.

The drug should be used with caution during breastfeeding.

Contraindication: children under 2 years of age (for spray for children), children under 10 years of age (for spray for adults).

Rinonorm-teva side effects

Local reactions: burning sensation and dryness of the nasal mucosa; rarely - irritation of the nasal mucosa, oral cavity and larynx.

From the side of the central nervous system: rarely - headache; rarely (

From the side of the cardiovascular system: extremely rare (

Other: rarely - nausea; rarely (

drug interaction

Simultaneous use of tri- or tetracyclic antidepressants may increase the systemic exposure to xylometazoline.

While taking the drug with MAO inhibitors, there is a risk of increasing blood pressure.

Dosage of Rinonorm-teva

Adults and children over 10 years of age are prescribed Rinonorm nasal spray 0.1%, 1 dose (1 press on the piston device) in each nasal passage no more than 3 times / day.

Children aged 2 to 10 years are prescribed Rinonorm nasal spray for children 0.05% 1 dose (1 press on the piston device) in each nasal passage no more than 3 times / day.

As much as possible, the drug can be used no more than 7 times / day. The interval between the administration of the drug should not be less than 6 hours.

The amount of fluid entering the patient's nasal passage (1 dose) is 0.14 ml of solution.

In order to avoid complications in the form of resumption of symptoms of the disease, the duration of continuous use of the drug should not exceed 7 days.

Before using the drug, the nasal passages should be freed from the secret. During the administration of the drug, a light breath should be taken through the nose.


Symptoms: in rare cases of overdose, occurring mainly in children, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, and in some cases loss of consciousness may occur.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy is indicated under supervision. In severe cases, non-selective alpha-blockers can be used to lower blood pressure, as well as intubation and mechanical ventilation. Vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated. If you accidentally take a moderate or large amount of the drug inside, you should take activated charcoal and a laxative (for example, sodium sulfate), do a gastric lavage.

Precautionary measures

There was no effect on the ability to drive vehicles and control machines and mechanisms.

P N014799/02 dated 04/24/2009

Trade name of the drug:


International non-proprietary name:


Dosage form:

dosed nasal spray [for children]


100 ml of the drug contains:
active substance : xylometazoline hydrochloride 0.050 g;
Excipients: benzalkonium chloride (in the form of a 50% solution) 0.040 g in terms of benzalkonium chloride 0.020 g, citric acid monohydrate 0.050 g, sodium citrate dihydrate 0.260 g, glycerol 85% 2.400 g, purified water up to 100 ml.


Clear colorless solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

anticongestive agent - alpha-adrenergic agonist.

ATX code:


Pharmacological properties

Xylometazoline is an alpha-agonist used for topical application in ENT practice.
When applied topically, xylometazoline causes narrowing of the arterioles, which leads to a decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and a decrease in secretions. A distinct local effect of the drug is detected after a few minutes and persists for several hours (up to 6-8 hours), manifesting itself in the restoration of the patency of the nasal passages, sinus openings and Eustachian tubes. Restoration of air permeability of the nasopharynx improves the well-being of patients and reduces the risk of possible complications caused by stagnation of the mucous secretion.

When applied topically, xylometazoline is practically not absorbed, so plasma concentrations are very low (not analytically determined).

Indications for use

As symptomatic treatment with the following diseases and conditions:
  • acute viral or bacterial rhinitis;
  • acute allergic rhinitis;
  • acute sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic sinusitis;
  • acute otitis media (to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube);
  • preparation of patients for diagnostic procedures in the nasal passages.


  • hypersensitivity to xylometazoline or other components of the drug;
  • inflammation of the skin, nasal mucosa and crusting (dry rhinitis);
  • use after hypophysectomy;
  • use in children under 2 years of age;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants.

Use with caution in patients with arterial hypertension, severe heart disease, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus.

Dosage and administration

Children from 2 to 10 years old:
1 dose (one click on the piston device) in each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day ( maximum dose should not exceed 7 times a day). The interval between the administration of the drug should not be less than 6 hours.
1 dose = 0.07 ml of solution, 35 mcg.
In order to avoid complications in the form of resumption of symptoms of the disease, the duration of continuous use of the drug should not exceed 7 days.
Before using the drug Rinonorm-Teva, it is recommended to free the nasal passage from the secret, and during the administration of the drug, it is necessary to take a light breath through the nose.
For use in adults and children over 10 years of age, use Rinonorm-Teva, a dosed nasal spray.

Side effect

Burning sensation and dryness of the nasal mucosa;
in rare cases - irritation of the nasal mucosa, oral cavity and larynx, headache and nausea;
rarely (<1/10000) - аритмия, увеличение артериального давления, повышенная возбудимость, кожные реакции.


In rare cases of overdose, occurring mainly in children, the following symptoms may be observed: irregular pulse, increased blood pressure, in some cases - loss of consciousness. In case of overdose, symptomatic treatment is indicated under supervision.
In severe cases, non-selective alpha-blockers can be used to lower blood pressure, as well as intubation and artificial ventilation of the lungs. Vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated.
If you accidentally take a moderate or large amount of the drug inside, you should take activated charcoal (adsorbent) and sodium sulfate (laxative), do a gastric lavage.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use of tri- or tetracyclic antidepressants may increase the systemic exposure to xylometazoline. While taking the drug with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), there is a risk of increased blood pressure.

special instructions

There was no effect on the ability to drive vehicles and control machines and mechanisms.

Release form

Dosed nasal spray [for children] 0.05%.
15 ml or 20 ml in a dark glass bottle with a dosing device for spraying, a nozzle for the nose and a protective cap.
1 bottle with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date

2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date.

Holiday conditions

Released without a prescription.


1. Merkle GmbH, Ludwig Merkle Strasse 3, 89143 Blaubeuren, Germany
2. Merkle GmbH, Graf-Arco-Straße 3, 89079 Ulm, Germany

Legal entity in whose name the RC is issued
Teva Pharmaceutical Enterprises Ltd., Israel

Rinonorm is a local vasoconstrictor. It is prescribed to eliminate nasal congestion due to edema in infectious, inflammatory and allergic diseases, which are accompanied by a profuse runny nose. The article provides detailed instructions for the use of Rinonorm for adults and children.

The chemical composition and medicinal properties of the solution

The main active ingredient of the drug is xylometazoline. This is an alpha-adrenergic stimulant - it affects the receptors that cause various functional changes in the body. The chemical is an anticongestant, has a vasoconstrictive, anti-edematous effect. When it enters the mucous membrane, it causes vasoconstriction - a narrowing of the lumen of small-caliber vessels.

Auxiliary components in the preparation:

  • citric acid - preservative, acidity regulator;
  • sodium dihydrate - complexing agent;
  • glycerol - a stabilizer for the viscosity of the solution;
  • water for injections.

Rinonorm drops are intended for intranasal use in otolaryngology. The medicine narrows the small arteries of the capillary network of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. This eliminates puffiness, restores the patency of the nasal passages, and resumes breathing.

The drug reduces the severity of inflammation, hyperemia of the epithelium. The solution stabilizes the secretory glands. After applying the product, the production of pathological exudate decreases, profuse rhinorrhea (runny nose) disappears.

With allergic inflammation of the mucosa after irrigation with a solution, symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation disappear.

Rinonorm restores the patency of the paranasal sinuses, improves ventilation in them. This prevents the development of stagnant processes associated with the accumulation of mucus, the addition of a bacterial infection. The use of the solution reduces the risk of complications, especially in children:

  • eustachitis - inflammation of the Eustachian tube;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

After nasal administration, the drug begins to act after 5-7 minutes. The therapeutic effect lasts for 6-10 hours, depending on the characteristics of the body.

The drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation in minimal amounts; in a laboratory blood test using analytical methods, the substance is not detected.

Indications for prescribing a solution

Rinonorm nose drops are prescribed as part of complex therapy for infectious and inflammatory processes of the nasal mucosa and sinuses:

  • acute rhinitis of various etiologies (viral, bacterial, fungal);
  • chronic inflammation of the epithelium of the nose during an exacerbation;
  • sinusitis - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis;
  • inflammation of the nasopharyngeal organs, which are accompanied by severe runny nose;
  • allergic perennial rhinitis in the acute phase;
  • pollinosis - a seasonal allergic disease associated with inflammation of the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • eustachitis - inflammation of the duct connecting the nasal cavity and pharynx.

The instructions for use contain information that the solution is applied to the nasal mucosa before a diagnostic study using an endoscope.

A vasoconstrictor is used for severe edema before the introduction of antiseptic and disinfectants.

Rhinonorm for children is indicated for otitis media. Drops drip into the nose to restore ventilation and prevent the spread of infection.

Forms of drug release and treatment regimens

The drug is available as a solution for topical use.. It is a colorless transparent liquid, does not contain impurities, sediment and other particles. Solution without a specific smell.

Rinonorm spray is produced in concentrations of 0.05 and 0.1%. Sold in bottles of tinted glass with a volume of 10 or 15 ml, closed with a plastic cap. The set includes a special spray nozzle. In a carton box one bottle and instructions for use. Storage conditions - a room with a room temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. After opening, the solution retains its activity for a year.

The country of origin is Germany. The average price of 1 bottle of 15 ml is 70 rubles.

Before irrigating the epithelium, the passages must be thoroughly cleaned of mucus, pus and other pathological exudate using saline solutions for sanitation - Salin, Humer, Aqua Maris.

Rinonorm for children is a 0.05% solution. Spray is prescribed for babies over 2 years old. Treatment regimen: 1 injection in each nostril up to 3 times a day, at regular intervals (6-8 hours).

Adults and children after 12 years of age are prescribed a nasal spray concentration of 0.1%. In each nasal passage, 1-2 doses are injected 3 times a day.

The maximum therapeutic course should not exceed a week.

Side effects during treatment

Most often, patients experience side effects in the form of local allergic reactions, especially in children:

  • increased redness of the mucosa, swelling;
  • itching, burning, sneezing;
  • skin rashes, urticaria;
  • irritation of the nasopharynx, larynx.

Less commonly, reactive hyperemia develops - a sharp filling of blood vessels with a volume of blood that exceeds the norm by 5 times. This occurs after prolonged vasoconstriction (narrowing) of the capillary lumen.

When the solution flows into the gastrointestinal tract along the back wall of the nasopharynx, nausea occurs. Heartburn, discomfort in the epigastric region.

The drug may worsen the general condition of the patient. This is manifested by such symptoms:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • failures of heart rhythms;
  • slight increase in blood pressure;
  • insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day;
  • increased nervous irritability and excitability.


The facts of an overdose, subject to the prescribed scheme, are excluded. With abuse and frequent use, more than 5 times a day, in patients with cardiovascular pathology, pressure surges, arrhythmia, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness can be recorded.

When used for more than 7 days, drug rhinitis is manifested - a condition in which addiction to the solution occurs. In this case, the signs of rhinitis return with increased intensity.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the prescribed dosage in children under 5 years of age. The nasal mucosa of babies is different in that any medicine that gets on it is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. Vasoconstrictor drugs in the blood increase blood pressure and heart rate. This will significantly worsen the general condition of a small patient, provoke the appearance of seizures.

Contraindications for the appointment of a solution

Contraindications to the use of a nasal spray are such conditions and internal diseases:

  • atrophic rhinitis - degenerative changes in the nasal mucosa, followed by thinning and loss of function;
  • angle-closure glaucoma - overlap of the iris of the anterior chamber of the eye;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • individual intolerance to the chemical components of the drug.

Pregnant women are prescribed Rinonorm with caution. The solution is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, but there is an assumption that it disrupts the vascular tone of the placenta and the blood supply to the embryo. During lactation, the drug is safe.

Vasoconstrictor drops are contraindicated along with antidepressants.

Rinonorm for adults and children is an emergency drug for severe runny nose, severe mucosal edema, lack of nasal breathing. Its instant action allows you to quickly alleviate and stabilize the general condition of the patient. If the prescribed dosages are observed, the solution is safe for health. At a cost, the medicine is accessible to all social strata of the population.