Red-headed blue fly. Blow fly: how to fight and grow Fighting intruders


From a close species, the black-headed blue fly ( C. vomitoria), the imago is distinguished by two-colored cheeks, their front part is reddish, the back is black. Preimaginal stages are practically indistinguishable from other species of the genus calliphora.

Life cycle

Per year C.vicina at a temperature of 27˚ C gives up to five generations. Female C.vicina can lay up to 300 eggs. Flies lay their eggs on fresh corpses or on open wounds. The larva has three instars. First instar larvae hatch from eggs approximately 24 hours after laying. They molt to the second age after 20 hours, and after another 48 hours - to the third. Under favorable conditions, the feeding of larvae lasts from three to four days. When the larvae complete their development, they spread out in search of a place to pupate. The pupal stage lasts for C.vicina about 11 days. At 27˚C life cycle C.vicina takes approximately 18 days.


The historical distribution area is the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere of the Old and New Worlds, but recently C. vicina has spread more widely due to the intensification of sea and air traffic. Yes, in 1965. C.vicina was first discovered in South Africa, although it never became a mass species there.

Role in determining the time of death

When using fly larvae to determine the possible time of death, the time of settling is an important indicator. Imago C.vicina usually inhabit the corpse two days after death. Therefore, when determining the possible time of death, two days should be added to the maximum age of the larvae found on the body.


In forensics C.vicina plays an important role in determining the time elapsed since death. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the region in which the body was found, the temperature in the period preceding the discovery of the body, the time of day and the conditions in which the body was located. An expert entomologist must know the habits of the blowflies in the area where the body was found, and also require records of the ambient temperature at the crime scene, as well as a history of weather conditions prior to the discovery of the body. C.vicina adapted to low temperatures. In the "warm" part of the range (for example, in South America), it is often more common in winter than in summer. The threshold temperature for flight activity is in the order of 13-16°C, which is lower than for most carrion flies. Knowledge of the developmental temperature threshold allows the expert entomologist to calculate the time elapsed since death by determining the time during which the temperature exceeded the threshold. Some lifestyle features C.vicina well known. C.vicina- not the first species to appear on corpses, but it usually appears a day or two before Phaenicia sericata. At the same time, it should not be assumed that the features of behavior important for forensic examination C.vicina researched in an exhaustive manner. For example, for a long time it was believed that adults of this species are not characterized by nocturnal activity, but recently it has been shown that C.vicina active at night under certain experimental conditions.



  • Grunin K. Ya. Sem. Calliphoridae - Calliphorids // Key to insects of the European part of the USSR. T. 5. Diptera and fleas. Part II. / ed. G. Ya. Bei-Bienko. L.: Nauka, 1970: p. 607-624.
  • Mamaev B. M., Medvedev L. N., Pravdin F. N. Key to insects of the European part of the USSR. Proc. allowance for students of biol. specialties ped. in-comrade. Moscow: Education, 1976: 304 p.
  • Plavilshchikov N. N. Key to insects: A brief guide to the most common insects in the European part of Russia. M.: Topikal, 1994: 544 p.

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Blow flies belong to big family order of Diptera insects, the number of species of which is approximately 2500, of which about 300 can be found on our territory.

The scientific name for blowflies is sarcophagidus, which means flesh eaters in ancient Greek. Insects got this name due to the fact that traditionally they breed on the corpses of other animals.

Considering that the life cycle and reproduction of the screwworm is associated with the search for "non-living meat", which does not have to be in the form of an animal corpse, but may be human food, it is important to try to prevent the insect from eating. It's no secret that flies are carriers of various diseases and infections, and their larvae are very dangerous for humans.


The adult screwworm is distinguished by its rather large body size compared to ordinary houseflies. The length of the body can reach within 8 ... 20 mm, and its color will depend on the specific species to which the insect belongs.

The common features that unite all types of these flies include bristles that cover the entire body, as well as large compound eyes that have a red or dark red tint. Blow flies have excellent eyesight and notice the slightest movement. Some species of insects have 3-dimensional vision.

Flies possess a pair of membranous wings, as well as ground beetles that have transformed from the hindwings.
The head of the fly is quite large with a mouth apparatus, which is implemented in the form of a proboscis. With it, the fly can suck and lick liquid food.

The blowfly is a viviparous insect that produces larvae. One female can reproduce up to 20 thousand larvae, placing them in small groups in the meat. In order to lay their larvae, the fly searches for the corpse of an animal or meat products, landing on them in such a way as to touch the surface with its abdomen.

The larvae are very mobile and quickly penetrate into the tissues, which is facilitated by the release of a special fluid that acts on the protein by analogy, like pepsin. In places of accumulation of larvae, the meat becomes liquefied and soaked.


For food, flies and larvae use the meat of decaying corpses, rotting fruits and vegetables, meat products, as well as other organic substances that are in the process of decomposition.

Among other things, the blowfly larvae can eat the eggs of beetles, other flies, grasshoppers and caterpillars. They are characterized by extraintestinal digestion of food.


When the fly is not in search of food or a place to lay larvae, it can be found on various flowers, near cesspools and latrines.

As for the larvae, they can be not only on rotting fruits and decaying corpses, but also on feces, manure, in a polluted reservoir, and even in an open wound of an animal.

Types of blowflies

The most common types of blowflies include the following:

  • green;
  • grey;
  • blue.

The green blowfly has a body size of 5–10 mm in length, which has a greenish color that shimmers with a metallic tint. The belly of the insect has a slightly lighter shade.

The legs of the fly are painted black, the tentacles are slightly yellowish, and the wings are transparent.
This species of flies is very thermophilic and mostly found in hot summers.

Gray meat flies are distinguished by a fairly large body, the length of which can be from 10 to 15 mm. A white-yellow head is attached to the body, divided by a black stripe and having red eyes.

The chest of the insect is covered with light stripes, which are located longitudinally. The legs of the fly are distinguished by a thick short hairline.

blue fly

The blue meat fly is one of the largest - its body length can be 10 ... 16 mm, and the color is blue with a lighter tint. The head is attached to the body, painted in a yellowish-red color with a golden sheen, and having short antennae on the sides.

The chest of the insect is painted black with an iridescent bluish tint, and black stripes are visible on the back.

Functions in nature and harm to humans

The infection gets to the fly due to the fact that it is constantly in contact with dirty places that are rich in feces, decaying biological tissues, rotting organic matter, and so on. After that, the fly may end up on food, through which the infection will get to humans.

In addition to humans, blowflies are very dangerous for animals. For example, in countries with a warm and humid climate, there are many green blowflies that lead to the death of newly born lambs. Female flies can lay their larvae in sheep's wool, as well as in open wounds, which will lead to the fact that they will penetrate under the skin of the animal, corroding its tissues.

The blowfly can also harm fisheries or fish products. The female quite often lays her larvae in fresh or lightly salted fish, due to which it loses its marketable appearance and quickly deteriorates.

except negative sides, the blowfly also has a positive property - it is a nurse of nature. Since flies feed on carrion, as a result of their vital activity, they destroy rotting flesh and decaying organic waste, excluding pollution of the environment.

How to deal with blow flies

To quickly cope with annoying and quite dangerous meat flies will allow special means - insecticides. Today, the consumer market offers many different products, produced in one form or another. The most popular are listed below.

Spray can

This tool is sold in spray cans - it is very toxic and deadly to flies. Insects die almost instantly as soon as they enter the area where this insecticide was sprayed.

When using such products, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment, and after spraying in the room, leave it for a while. The most famous and popular drugs include:, Diclofos, etc.


They are devices that, with the help of small currents, can evaporate substances dangerous to flies, from which they subsequently die.

Among the most popular there are such as Raid, Taiga, Flop, etc.

Insecticide bait

It is available in the form of a powder or granules, which must be scattered in places where flies are most concentrated, or diluted with water and treated with insect habitats.

Such drugs are used in cases where there is no possibility of using aerosols. Among the most effective powders is Dust, and among granules - or Fly Byte.


This is one of the most common and inexpensive means against blowflies. They contain in their composition the poison of contact exposure. With the help of crayons, window and door openings are processed, the walls of the premises, after which, the fly in contact with the treated area will soon die.

To avoid human poisoning, the treatment should be carried out with protective gloves. Among the most popular crayons should be called.

Flies Prevention

So that the blowfly does not cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble to a person, various preventive actions should be carried out, which will reduce their number near the person’s residence. These measures include:

  • installation of special protective nets on the windows (especially in the spring and summer period);
  • timely disposal and removal of garbage that can attract flies;
  • laying a concrete or asphalt cushion under the garbage containers;
  • the presence of special drains for faeces and sewage on livestock farms;
  • the use of special equipment for effective flushing of sewage;
  • concreting floors in poultry and pig farms;
  • strict observance of sanitary and hygienic standards prescribed for food enterprises and livestock farms.


Considering the harm that a fly and a blowfly larva can bring to a person, it is imperative to always follow sanitary and hygienic standards and impeccably comply with them. To avoid infection with various diseases, it is necessary to carry out a set of preventive measures that will reduce the number of blowflies near a person.

If, nevertheless, the number of flies is very large, then you need to use special chemicals, which will allow you to quickly and effectively overcome these winged pests.


Carrion fly larvae are of two types: smooth and "hairy". The first are exclusively scavengers; the latter are predominantly active predators, feeding on smooth larvae, and appear on carrion later than the former.

The larvae go through three molts and then pupate. At room temperature (approx. 30 °C) the black carrion fly Phormia regina turns from egg to pupa in 6-11 days. The larva burrows into the ground, leaving the puparium after 14 days as an adult insect in favorable weather. Since the life cycle of carrion flies is well understood, they are used in forensic science to determine the time of death.

blue carrion fly

Adult carrion flies sometimes become pollinators of flowers, to which they are attracted by a strong smell, similar to the smell of rotting meat (like pawpaw).


The diploid set of chromosomes in the studied species is 2n=12.

The medicine

During the First World War, an unexpected property of carrion fly larvae was discovered, settling in festering wounds. It turned out that the larvae of green carrion flies ( Lucilia), blue carrion flies ( Calliphora), etc., feeding on decaying wound tissues, not only remove these tissues and small fragments of bones, but also prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria with their secretions. In addition, they secrete allantoin, a substance that promotes wound healing. However, flies taken from the natural environment can introduce tetanus rods or gangrene bacilli into wounds. Therefore, for clinical treatment difficult-to-heal wounds use laboratory-bred (sterile, that is, free from pathogens) larvae.

frog eater

One of the carrion flies - Cochliomyia hominivorax- described in Matthew Perl's bestseller "The Dante Club".

see also


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See what "Meat flies" are in other dictionaries:

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The common name of some species of insects of the family Calliphoridae and sarcophagidus of the Diptera order. Length 6 17 mm. Distributed widely. The larvae develop in meat and fish products or carrion, sometimes in wounds on the body of animals. Carriers… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    The common name for some species of dipteran insects of the family Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae. The body is 6 17 mm long, dark gray matte (gray M. m. Sarcophaga carnaria) or shiny blue with a metallic sheen (blue M. m. Calliphora ... ...

    General name some species of insects of this family. calliphorid and sarcophagid neg. Diptera. Length 6 17 mm. Distributed widely. The larvae develop in meat and fish products or carrion, sometimes in wounds on the body of animals. Carriers of pathogens of some inf ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sarcophaga carnaria ... Wikipedia

    - (short-whiskered), insects neg. Diptera. The flies are characterized by a compact body, short antennae, and lick-sucking or piercing-sucking mouthparts. They feed on plant sap, flower nectar, rotting organic remains, some - ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Short-whiskered Diptera (Brachycera), a suborder of insects of the Diptera order; contrasted with long-whiskered two-winged mosquitoes (See. Mosquitoes). See also True flies, Blow flies and articles on individual types of flies ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Genus Lucilia - Green blowflies In settlements, Lucilia illustris Mg. And L. ericata Mg. The first species is most numerous in the northern zones, and the second - in the south. Both types are facultative-village. They are found in markets and other places where food is sold openly, as well as in slaughterhouses. Rarely do they come into the house. They feed on meat, feces, especially on the ground, berries and fruits. They develop in animal carcasses, animal burial grounds, meat waste from slaughterhouses, kitchen waste, and faeces in latrines. The seasonal maximum number of flies is observed in the hottest months. Prepupae hibernate. Lucilia are important as carriers of intestinal infections, causative agents of tissue myases. May be involved in the spread of polio. They cause damage in fisheries, where the larvae develop both in fresh and lightly salted fish.


Calliphora uralensis Vill. - Blue meat fly. Distributed in the north and in central Russia. The main breeding sites are non-sewer latrines with wet faeces. Semi endophilic. They can fly into rooms attracted by strong smells of meat, fish, fruit juices.

rice. 13

The main source of food for flies is human excrement in yard latrines and on the ground. They also eat berries, fruits, dairy products and meat. Adults appear in June and reach their maximum abundance in August-September. They hibernate before pupae in a state of diapause in the soil. С.uralensis is a mechanical carrier of intestinal infections and invasions.

cheese fly

Imago is a small insect that looks like a small winged ant. The body is smooth, black, shiny; part of the head and legs are yellow. Body length - up to 4.5 - 5 mm. The eyes are naked, the eyes are short, the setae are naked, the proboscis is swollen at the base, with wide lips, the chest is slightly convex, the abdomen is elongated, the wings are long, with very delicate veins

The adult larva is long (up to 8 mm), cylindrical in shape. There are six cone-shaped outgrowths on the posterior side of the VIII abdominal segment of the larva. The location of the posterior spiracles of the larva is on short outgrowths, on the anterior spiracles there are 8-12 finger-like outgrowths ] . In case of danger, the larva is able to jump over a considerable distance - up to 15 cm (a distance almost 20 times the length of its body).

It is widely distributed, especially widespread in fishing areas.

The female cheese fly deposits salted or smoked fish or, more rarely, in old cheese (hence its name), bacon, ham, etc. on the surface at a time. 40--120 eggs. The larvae, called cheese worms or cheese mites or jumpers, reach a length of 8 mm and, when disturbed, can jump up to 15 cm ; during the summer, several generations of the cheese fly are replaced; overwinter in the pupal stage. Pupae, as a rule, are located in the soil, in the remains of products infected with cheese flies, as well as inside floor cracks, boxes, empty barrels, etc.

As a rule, people do not think about how many types of flies there are. Most of us only notice differences in color and size, not realizing that certain types of flies can be beneficial. The meat fly is quite large and has a bright color. The development of its larvae occurs in fish and meat products, as well as in animal corpses.

General information

Blue flies or calliphorids belong to the order of Diptera insects, the suborder of short-whiskers. The blue meat fly has a body length of 6-12 mm. Her face and cheeks are covered with black hairs, and her prothorax has yellow-orange spots. The color of an adult fly is blue with a metallic sheen.

The abdomen and mesoscutum of the insect have a light coating. The wings at rest are folded over the abdomen, but do not overlap each other. Such flies can often be found near fish or meat products - it is in them that the larvae develop. Also, their habitat is feces, carrion, some garbage in the stage of decay.

Surgical larvae

Recently, very interesting data have appeared on how blue fly larvae can be used instead of surgery. Back in 1917, an interesting case was described by an American surgeon. After one of the battles that took place during the imperialist war, two soldiers with complex fractures and wounds lay without food and water for 7 days.

After they were taken to the hospital, both soldiers had no high temperature and signs of blood poisoning. This was rather unusual, since the mortality rate for similar injuries, even with a qualified medical care was 75%. When removing clothes from the wounded, a large number of blowfly larvae were found in the wounds and areas adjacent to them. After disinfection of wounds, staphylococci and streptococci were found in an amount insufficient for suppuration.

The same surgeon found that blue blowfly larvae provide the best healing effect of any other treatment. The fact is that the larvae in the process of digestion consume pathologically altered tissues. In this case, the wound separation reaction occurs and the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases.

This issue has not been fully studied, but for many doctors this topic is very interesting and is still being researched. Today, laboratory-bred sterile larvae are used to treat wounds that do not heal quickly.

The harm and benefits of blowflies

There are approximately 900 species of carrion flies. Their main representatives are blue meat and green carrion flies. For the normal development of females of this species, approximately 800 micrograms of protein is required. As for the larvae of this type of fly, they can be smooth and hairy. Hairy are predators, as they prefer to eat smooth larvae.

Carrion flies are widely used in forensics, in particular, forensic medical examination with their help determines the time of death. In addition, it turned out that blue fly larvae, releasing allantoin, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.

However, in addition to the benefits that blue flies can bring to humanity, they can cause significant harm. Indeed, unlike laboratory-grown larvae, the flies that surround us in everyday life are carriers of many bacteria and viruses. The common blue fly can cause many serious diseases, such as cholera or typhoid fever.

Preventive measures

In order to reduce or completely eliminate the spread and appearance of the blowback blue fly, attention should be paid to the following activities:

  1. Timely and regular removal of household waste.
  2. It is desirable that the sites on which the garbage containers are located be asphalted.
  3. Installation of equipment for flushing sewage with water.
  4. Concreting of the floor on which the equipment for wastewater is located on livestock and poultry farms.
  5. Installation of mosquito nets on windows in the warm season.
  6. Strict observance of sanitary standards in all food enterprises.
  7. Activities, direction for the extermination of insects.
  8. Disinsection by mechanical means.
  9. Thorough and regular cleaning of the premises.
  10. Setting up bait traps.
  11. Installation of sticky tapes containing insect attractants.

None of the mechanical methods of dealing with flies can ensure their complete destruction. There are more radical chemical methods of disinfection.