Treatment of acute bronchitis at home. Causes of bronchitis

Bronchitis - inflammatory disease respiratory system, in which the bronchi are involved in the pathological process. Bronchitis is one of the most common reasons people seek medical care.

Causes and factors for the development of bronchitis

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of acute bronchitis are viruses and bacteria. Most often these are influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, pneumococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae and other viruses and bacteria.

Less commonly, bronchitis is caused by fungi or the inhalation of allergens or toxic substances. Sometimes the irritating factor is hydrochloric acid, which damages the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract during gastroesophageal reflux.

The route of infection is most often airborne - inhalation of infected droplets of saliva upon contact with an infected person.

The likelihood of developing acute bronchitis (or the transition of acute bronchitis to a chronic form) increases with tobacco smoking (including passive smoking). Factors in the development of bronchitis are also a weakened immune system and air pollution in the workplace.

Types of disease: classification of bronchitis

According to the International Classification of Diseases, there are two forms of bronchitis:

  • Acute bronchitis . This is an acute diffuse inflammatory process of the mucous membrane bronchial tree, which is characterized by an increase in the volume of secretion during coughing and sputum separation.
  • . This is a progressive lesion of the bronchi, in which there are changes in the secretory apparatus of the mucous membrane with an accompanying inflammatory process. In chronic bronchitis, there is a violation of the protective and cleansing function of the bronchi. Bronchitis can be considered chronic if the cough lasts at least three months a year for two years or more. Chronic bronchitis is the most common nonspecific chronic illness respiratory system.

Symptoms of bronchitis: how the disease manifests itself

As a rule, the main symptom of bronchitis is a cough. Usually, chronic bronchitis develops in people working in production, as a result of smoking and exposure to certain environmental factors. Acute bronchitis in the vast majority of cases is the result of an infectious process.

Acute bronchitis can last for several weeks. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by a dry cough, runny nose and fever (sometimes up to 39-40 degrees). Although coughing is considered as a symptom of bronchitis, it is a kind of protective reaction of the body that allows you to remove sputum from the respiratory tract. In children, sputum often turns greenish or yellowish, indicating a bacterial infection. And if the mucus has a white and transparent color, then this indicates the absence of a bacterial infection. A wet cough is beneficial to the patient, because it allows you to get rid of accumulated sputum in a few days. Due to the formation of mucus masses in the lungs, the patient develops characteristic wheezing. In some cases, the cough is accompanied by hemoptysis and even pus. The latter indicates a weakened immune system. In many ways, the symptoms of bronchitis depend on its type. Consider the main symptoms of the most common types of bronchitis.

Infectious bronchitis is most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet one. In the case when infectious bronchitis proceeds with moderate severity, the patient is worried about a strong cough, which leads to pain in the chest and abdomen. In this case, the patient's breathing becomes difficult.
  • Feeling weak and feeling tired.
  • Feeling of discomfort in the chest area.
  • An increase in temperature to subfebrile values, sometimes higher.
  • Listening to hard breathing and wheezing.
  • No infection according to laboratory blood tests.

Concerning allergic bronchitis, then it occurs by direct contact with the allergen. For example, it can be plant pollen, the smell of perfume, wool, household chemicals. In this case, the sputum is never purulent, and there is no increase in temperature. The most common symptoms of allergic bronchitis are:

  • Cough against the background of the absence of an increase in body temperature.
  • Dry scattered rales.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath that occurs when inhaling.
  • After elimination of the allergen, the signs of exacerbation of bronchitis, as a rule, are eliminated.

Toxic (or chemical) bronchitis develops in response to the entry into the respiratory tract of certain chemical compounds that irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The most common symptoms of toxic bronchitis are:

  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • painful cough;
  • chest pain;
  • development of signs of respiratory failure;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of hard and dry wheezing;
  • appearance of signs of hypoxemia.

And finally, the most common - acute bronchitis characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a strong cough (first dry, then wet);
  • an increase in temperature, which can reach 39-40 degrees;
  • general malaise and increased sweating;
  • the appearance of chills and loss of working capacity;
  • moderate or severe symptoms (depending on the severity of the infectious process);
  • when listening to the chest, dry rales and hard breathing are heard;
  • severe shortness of breath (in case of severe course of the disease);
  • the duration of the disease is no more than two weeks.

Patient's actions in bronchitis

If you have a cough with opaque sputum, discomfort, sore or sore throat, fever, you should consult a doctor, especially if these symptoms do not go away within 2-3 days. In the presence of concomitant diseases such as bronchial asthma and heart failure, the patient should be especially careful.

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of the patient's complaints and objective data obtained during the examination and examination of the patient.

Auscultation reveals wheezing in the patient. A general blood test reveals neutrophilic leukocytosis.

With the help of spirometry, obstructive syndrome is detected, which accompanies acute bronchitis.

Treatment of acute bronchitis is reduced to the appointment of bed rest, heavy drinking and distracting procedures. Drug therapy consists in the appointment of drugs that alleviate cough and promote speedy recovery(expectorants and mucolytics). With a dry cough without secretions, antitussive combination medicines are taken.

As for expectorants, these are drugs that stimulate the separation of mucus during wet cough. There are two subtypes of expectorants:

  • Expectorant drugs of reflex action. Medicines from this group, when they enter the gastric mucosa, activate the gag reflex. True, the patient does not vomit, but the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles is activated, which leads to an increase in the amount of mucus produced in the bronchi. Thus, the process of expectoration improves.
  • Expectorants of direct resorptive action. Substances of this group, when absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Thus, it is possible to increase the volume of sputum secreted.

Mucolytic drugs for bronchitis are necessary to facilitate the separation of too viscous and thick sputum. These drugs are also different:

  • Mucolytic agents that affect the viscosity and elasticity of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Mucolytic drugs that stimulate the excretion of sputum.
  • Mucolytic drugs that inhibit and limit the formation of bronchial mucus.

At high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed. When pneumonia is attached, antibiotic therapy is performed.

Complications of bronchitis

Bronchitis can be complicated by the development of the following conditions:

  • the transition of acute bronchitis to the chronic form of the disease;
  • the development of pneumonia;
  • lung inflammation with the possible onset of a septic process;
  • appearance bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis. Especially often this complication is observed in people prone to allergic reactions.

Prevention of bronchitis

Prevention of bronchitis in the first place is to eliminate all adverse factors. The patient should stop smoking, as well as take measures aimed at minimizing infection with a viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract.

Clinical examination. After talking with you, asking about your complaints and the timing of their detection, the doctor will begin a clinical examination. To do this, you will have to undress to the waist. This is necessary for your doctor to examine your chest.

Auscultation performed using a special tool - a stethoscope. When breathing, air passing through the respiratory tract creates specific sounds that are picked up by a stethoscope and transmitted through a system of flexible tubes to the doctor's ears. Thanks to this study, it is possible to detect wheezing, noises, crepitations of the lungs. This will allow the doctor to diagnose bronchitis and differentiate this disease from a number of diseases similar in symptoms (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma). With bronchitis, hard breathing is detected (a more distinct sound of air passing through the airways), and when a sufficient amount of sputum is formed in the airways, scattered wheezing over the lung tissue becomes clearly audible.

General blood analysis- the results of this examination serve as a criterion for diagnosing an infectious-inflammatory process in the body.

With viral bronchitis, there is a decrease in the total number of immune cells, an acceleration of ESR. When a bacterial infection is attached or if bronchitis is initially caused by bacteria, the picture general analysis blood is different - a pronounced increase in the level of leukocytes is detected due to immature forms (stab) neutrophils, an increase in ESR values.

Chest X-ray. An x-ray with bronchitis reveals an increase in the basal pattern of the bronchi. At the same time, large bronchi, which are located closer to the midline of the chest, look more contrasting.

Bronchoscopy, as a rule, is performed in chronic bronchitis, when it is necessary to diagnose a form of chronic bronchitis, exclude an intrabronchial neoplasm, or remove a foreign body from the bronchus.
The study is performed using a special apparatus - a bronchoscope. Which consists of a flexible fiber optic part, which is inserted into the airways - through the mouth, larynx into the trachea and bronchi. Visual information is transmitted through a system of fiber optic conductors to the receiving device and displayed on the monitor screen in real time.

Bronchitis treatment

Bed rest- do not interfere with the body to fight the disease. Acute bronchitis is treated only if bed rest is observed. Elevated body temperature indicates that the body needs rest in order to actively fight infection.

Plentiful drink- intoxication syndrome is primarily eliminated by active hydration of the body. At the same time, drinking plenty of water is the key to preventing dehydration of the body (high body temperature contributes to dehydration), as well as the active work of the kidneys allows, in conditions of excess incoming fluid, to more actively remove toxins. In addition, a plentiful warm drink contributes to the liquefaction of sputum and its speedy removal. Preference should be given herbal teas, fresh juices and fruit drinks.

Diet for bronchitis

As with all infectious and inflammatory diseases, the diet should be enriched with antioxidant vitamins (A, C, E), easily digestible proteins (boiled chicken breast meat, veal, lean fish).

The diet should be enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits, nutrition should not be excessive - the daily calorie content of food should not exceed 3000 kcal. The fact is that the breakdown of food, especially proteins, requires a large amount of energy and an increase in the activity of all structures of the digestive system. In the conditions of fighting an infection, it is not worth distracting the body with this work. However, the immune system also needs energy and protein, so in this case it is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance.

The room in which the patient is located should be bright, ventilated and warm. The air in the room must be sufficiently humidified. It is desirable that drafts of all kinds of chemical fumes in the air be excluded. The fact is that with bronchitis, the bronchial mucosa is inflamed and defenseless for all kinds of microbes and dust. Therefore, the dynamics of the disease largely depends on air quality.

Medical and physiotherapeutic treatment of bronchitis should be comprehensive and pursue several goals:

Stimulation of immunity in bronchitis

The state of immunity is a determining factor in the dynamics of the disease. Actually, a decrease in immunity in many cases leads to the development of bronchitis. To increase the protective properties, it is necessary first of all to normalize your emotional background (avoid stress and neuropsychic overload), organize a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. However, in the acute period, drug stimulation of the immune system is indispensable.

vitamins- Helpers of the immune system. To do this, you should start taking vitamins from the group of antioxidants (A, C, E). These vitamins help the immune system fight the damaging effects of toxins, accelerate the elimination of toxic substances, and help restore tissues damaged as a result of the disease.

Immunostimulants of plant origin. Currently, there are many drugs in this group, we will give an example of the mechanism of action of the drug Immunal. This drug contains extracts of the Echinacea plant. The mechanism of action on the body is to stimulate the reproduction of leukocytes and stimulate the absorption immune cells infectious agents. Due to this action, in most cases, the time for complete recovery of the patient is reduced. However, like all immunostimulating drugs, the appointment of immunal should occur only after a personal consultation with the attending physician. Unfortunately, the drug has a number of restrictions for use and a list of side effects. Only a doctor can determine possible contraindications and prescribe the optimal course of treatment with this drug.

Stimulation of mucus excretion

The sputum formed during the disease contains viruses, desquamated cells of the bronchial epithelium, leukocytes with absorbed bacteria and a lot of mucus. The speedy removal of this sputum from the lumen of the bronchi leads to the restoration of airway patency and detoxification of the body. In order to speed up the process of cleansing the bronchi from sputum, medications and folk methods are used with equal success. We begin the description of treatment with widely used folk methods: mustard plasters, cans on the back, rubbing.

Mustard for bronchitis

Answers to frequently asked questions on the use of mustard plasters for bronchitis. What is the therapeutic mechanism of action of mustard plasters in bronchitis?
The mechanism of action of mustard plasters is based on reflex stimulation of the secretion of the bronchial glands. The point is that the innervation internal organs associated with the innervation of certain areas of the skin. Irritation and heating of these areas of the skin are able to cause vascular reactions in the relevant organs. When heated with mustard plasters, chemical irritation of the skin occurs, this causes local expansion of the skin vessels. At the same time, due to this, reflexively, the expansion of blood vessels supplying the bronchi occurs, which contributes to a more active formation of sputum with its subsequent excretion.

Stages of applying mustard plasters
1. Washing and rubbing the skin. Before application, it is necessary to cleanse and moisturize the skin. To do this, it can be wiped with a damp sponge (warm water).
2. The position of the patient should be either on the back (when applying mustard plasters on the chest) or lying on the stomach with a raised head section of the body (when applying mustard plasters on the back).
3. The application of mustard plasters should be preceded by the preparation of the necessary material: the mustard plasters themselves, a plate or bowl of warm water, a blanket and a towel.
  • After laying down the patient, it is necessary to lower the mustard plaster for a few seconds in warm water.
  • After extraction, it must be immediately applied to the skin.
  • After applying all the mustard plasters to a given area, it is necessary to wet the mustard plasters from the outside with a sponge or cloth and cover the heating area with a clean towel.
  • After applying mustard plasters to the chest, the patient can roll over and prepare his back for the application of mustard plasters to this area. Now the procedure can be repeated.

Banks on the back, how to use it correctly?

For sure, for everyone in childhood it was an unusually fascinating procedure, when heated jars appeared on the back, which created an unusually pleasant feeling of warmth and tightening of the skin. After each such procedure, the skin of the back acquired an intricate polka-dot pattern, very reminiscent of that of a ladybug or fly agaric. However, in addition to the aesthetic effect, cupping is a good method of treating bronchitis. In fact, the mechanism of action of cans is similar to that of mustard plasters. Local mechanical and thermal irritation of the skin leads to reflex expansion of the vessels of the corresponding organs, which leads to increased blood circulation in the internal organ.
Cans application steps
1. It is necessary to prepare everything necessary for the procedure: a set of jars, medical alcohol, a medical clip or stick, a cotton or gauze swab, a large warm towel.
2. Before heating the jars, it is necessary to inspect them - the presence of a defect in the glass can lead to the fact that the jar will burst when heated.
3. The patient should lie on his stomach with the head end of the body elevated.
4. A cotton or gauze swab must be moistened and fixed on a stick or clip.
5. Ignition of a swab soaked in alcohol leads to its immediate ignition.
6. Now it is alternately necessary to bring a burning swab into the jar. A burning swab should not be in the jar for long - a few seconds.
7. Next, you need to immediately press the heated jar to the skin tightly. As it cools, a vacuum is created inside the jar, which provides attractive properties.
8. After all the banks are installed, it is necessary to cover the patient with a warm towel or blanket over the cans.
9. Within 10 minutes, the patient should lie down and try not to make any movements. This may break the tightness of the contact between the jar and the skin.
10. Removing cans also has its own characteristics. To do this, it is enough to provide access to atmospheric air inside the can. As a rule, banks are removed when it is tilted to the side. Banks need to be removed one by one.

Inhalations, nebulizers, types of inhalations

This is the most simple and effective method impact directly on the damaged surface - on the bronchial mucosa. Due to the effect of warm and humidified air on the wall of the bronchi, it is heated and moistened. This leads to the expansion of blood vessels supplying the bronchi, which activates the processes of sputum discharge and removal of infection (sanitation of the bronchial tree). In the case of inhalation with the use of essential oils, medications or alkalis, the effect is enhanced by the properties of additional ingredients.

Inhalation can be done with modern means– inhalers or nebulizers.

Nebulizers - these devices create a finely dispersed air suspension, which ensures a stable concentration of the smallest droplets of liquid in the inhaled air. The device independently maintains the temperature of the inhaled air, which makes it possible to carry out inhalations every day at a convenient time for you.

What drugs can be used for inhalation with bronchitis?

Inhalation with onion or garlic juice. For this inhalation, it is necessary to squeeze out 0.5 ml of onion or garlic juice, dilute it with 5-10 ml of water. The resulting solution can be placed in a nebulizer for inhalation. The duration of inhalation is 5-10 minutes.

Alkaline inhalations . To prepare these inhalations, it is necessary to prepare an alkaline solution. At home, this is not difficult to do: you need to dilute ½ baking soda in 200 milliliters of warm water. Also for inhalation, you can use mineral waters with an alkaline environment (Essentuki, Narzan, Borjomi). The duration of inhalation is 5-10 minutes.

Antibacterial or antiviral treatment

This drug treatment prescribed only by the attending physician. The fact is that even an experienced doctor is sometimes difficult to determine the causative factor of bronchitis without a comprehensive examination (viral, bacterial infection or pathology caused by air pollution). We present information about some drugs that are used in the fight against bronchial infection.


Arbidol - this drug prevents the penetration of the virus into the affected cell, which leads to a decrease in infectious damage and accelerate the recovery of the patient. Also, this drug stimulates the production of interferon, which mobilizes the immune system to fight infection.

Scheme of taking the drug: is prescribed for adults with bronchitis at a dosage of 0.2 g 3 times a day. The duration of active treatment is 5 days, followed by maintenance treatment of 0.2 g once a week (the duration of maintenance treatment is 3-4 weeks).

There are currently many antiviral drugs, which block the reproduction of the virus (Amantadine / Rimantadine) and prevent its spread throughout the body (Tamiflu). However, treatment with these drugs can only be prescribed by the attending physician. To do this, he must exclude possible contraindications, and regular monitoring of the dynamics of the process will prevent the occurrence of side effects.

antibiotics for bronchitis

As a rule, bronchitis is accompanied by a bacterial lesion of the bronchial tree. Even if the disease was initially caused by a lesion of the bronchial mucosa by the influenza virus, parainfluenza or rhinovirus, then later a bacterial lesion is added. Therefore, the treatment of bronchitis should always be comprehensive and take place under the supervision of the attending physician. Prescribing antibiotics can significantly reduce the activity of a bacterial infection, up to its complete destruction.

Before prescribing treatment, a personal consultation with the attending physician is necessary!

Antipyretics, when to take them?

The use of antipyretics in some cases is necessary measure. However, not everyone understands the fact that fever in bronchitis is not an additional disease that must be fought mercilessly. An increase in body temperature during an infectious process is only a protective reaction of the immune system. Changing the temperature regime leads to containment of the spread of infection. However, in some cases, the increase in temperature is out of control of the central nervous system, but excessively heat damages the entire body. In these cases, taking antipyretics is necessary.

Conventionally, an indicator for the use of antipyretics can determine a temperature of 38.5 degrees. In most cases, an increase in temperature above this figure adversely affects primarily the functioning of the central nervous system and can cause functional disorders.

Antipyretic drugs block reactions that produce a lot of inflammation-supporting special substances (prostaglandins) in the body. There is a decrease in the concentration of synthesized pro-inflammatory substances in the systemic circulation. Therefore, the intensity of the effect of prostaglandins on the thermoregulation center in the brain also decreases. Thanks to this, the temperature level, which is regulated by special structures of the brain, is set at acceptable values ​​(below 38.5 degrees).

Prevention of bronchitis

To prevent bronchitis, you need to follow a number of simple rules. Of course, their observance does not guarantee that you will not get sick with bronchitis, however, they will help to reduce the incidence of this disease:

Balanced diet
Active lifestyle
Exclusion of neuropsychic and physical overwork
Contrast shower and hardening

No smoking (active and passive)
Avoid places with high levels of chemicals and dust in the air.
Timely treatment of the common cold, sinusitis, laryngitis and other chronic diseases of the airways.

These measures will maintain the protective properties of the airways at a high level, which will be a good prevention of the penetration of damaging factors into the lower respiratory tract. Well-humidified, warm, dust-free and germ-free air allows the bronchi to work normally.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the treatment of bronchitis is usually done at home. At the same time, creating optimal conditions for the patient is the most important task for the rest of the family. The organization of a balanced diet, inhalation or the use of mustard plasters, and just a warm atmosphere in the house will help the patient cope with the infection. Timely consultation with a general practitioner will eliminate possible complications of the disease and prescribe adequate medication.

What are the symptoms of bronchitis in infants?

When the first symptoms of bronchitis appear in infants, you should consult a doctor. The fact is that the disease can cause very dangerous complication- pneumonia. It is important that the pediatrician not only make a diagnosis, but also regularly examine the child, otherwise you can miss the deterioration, which happens even with the right treatment.

Symptoms of bronchitis in infants

  • Dry cough, which began against the backdrop of full health. A cough without a runny nose is a serious reason to see a doctor. After 2-3 days, the cough intensifies and becomes wet.
  • Temperature rise. In children up to a year, it rises above 38-39 degrees. In some children, the rise in temperature may be insignificant up to 37.5. Dry cough without fever is a sign of allergic bronchitis.
  • Manifestations of intoxication. The child is lethargic, whiny, apathetic, eats poorly, his sleep is disturbed. With bronchitis caused by bacteria, children suffer from severe intoxication, and bronchitis of viral etiology is usually more easily tolerated. With allergic bronchitis, the child's condition remains normal.
  • Wheezing and hard breathing the doctor detects when listening to the chest. Breathing is difficult, whistling is heard on exhalation. If wheezing in the chest is heard with the “naked ear” without a phonendoscope, this indicates obstructive bronchitis in the baby.

Why does obstructive bronchitis occur in children?

Bacteria, viruses or allergens enter the bronchi with the air flow. They settle on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and irritate it. In response to this, the mucous glands of the bronchi secrete a large amount of mucus in order to wash away foreign particles. If the evacuation of mucus is impaired, then it thickens and sticks to the wall of the bronchus, narrowing its lumen - it develops obstruction or blockage of the bronchus (it can be complete or partial). At the same time, air hardly passes through the narrowed bronchus into the alveoli of the lung. They create favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms, and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) can develop.

In addition, special substances are released in the inflamed bronchial mucosa. They penetrate the smooth muscle layer of the bronchus and irritate its receptors, causing a spasm - a sharp contraction of the circular muscles. As a result, the lumen of the bronchus can completely overlap. In this case, urgent application is necessary. antispasmodic drugs(Eufillin) or inhalation of steroid hormones (Pulmicort, Flixotide).

If obstructive bronchitis in children is accompanied by elevated temperature, it says that it is associated with viruses or bacteria. Therefore, antibiotics (Amoxicillin clavulanate, Cefalexin, Cefaclor) are included in the treatment regimen. Indications for their use:

  • mucopurulent or purulent nature of sputum;
  • high temperature over 3 days;
  • severe intoxication.
In the event that obstructive bronchitis in children occurs no temperature, it is required to find out what stimulus could cause allergic reaction. Bronchial obstruction may be associated with:
  • using household chemicals: washing powders, aerosols, air fresheners;
  • allergic to pet hair;
  • with varnishes and paints during the repair. New linoleum and vinyl wallpaper can also provoke an attack of obstruction;
  • with the purchase of upholstered furniture made from low-quality materials;
  • with soft toys;
  • with house dust accumulated in carpets or textiles (spreads, curtains).
Eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamines dramatically improves the condition of patients. Antibiotic therapy is usually not prescribed.

How to treat bronchitis in children at home

1. Strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. Do not try to treat bronchitis in children at home on your own. Until the age of five, the bronchial lumen is narrow, and children cannot cough up a lump of mucus on their own. Therefore, without qualified medical care is indispensable.
2. Don't cancel medications on one's own. This is especially true for antibiotics. Often, relief occurs on the 3rd day of treatment. But if you have been assigned a 7-day course, then it must be completed in full. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing chronic bronchitis, when the bacteria weakened by the antibiotic are not destroyed, but continue to exist in the bronchi. With a decrease in immunity and hypothermia, they cause an exacerbation of bronchitis.
3. Drink the child. If the baby will consume a sufficient amount of fluid, then the mucus in his bronchi will not dry out, and clots will not form that are difficult to cough up. This is especially important if the child has a fever. An indicator that a child is drinking enough is urinating every 2-3 hours. It is better to drink a child with a compote of fruits or dried fruits with the addition of raisins. If the baby prefers juices, then be sure to dilute them with water 1: 1 so as not to cause allergies. For the same reason, doctors do not recommend zealous with decoctions of herbs, which additionally allergize the body, which is especially dangerous for allergic bronchitis.
4. Humidify the air. This measure also prevents the mucus in the bronchi from drying out. You can use household humidifiers or at least hang wet terry towels on the battery during the heating season. Relative humidity in the nursery should be 50-70%.
5. Purify the air in the room. It is desirable that the window was constantly open, but avoid drafts. Carry out wet cleaning 2 times a day. Do not add any detergents to the water. In this way, you will eliminate dust and other allergens that can worsen the child's condition.
6. Do not overdo it with self-medication. Inhalations in childhood do only on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that if you soak a dried crust of mucus with the help of steam, it will increase sharply in volume and block the lumen of the bronchus, which will significantly worsen the condition of the child. Therefore, consult your doctor, even if you are going to inhale with saline (sodium chloride) or mineral water using a nebulizer. You can put cans, mustard plasters and soar your legs only after the temperature has returned to normal. Otherwise, these procedures do more harm than good.
7. Walks in the open air. Clean air contributes to the speedy cleansing of the bronchi from mucus. In addition, during a walk, ventilation of the lungs improves, which is a prevention of the development of pneumonia. However, you can walk if the child has normal temperature and it's not cold outside.
8. Massage. Massage helps to clear the bronchi of phlegm. But you can start it after the acute period of the disease is left behind, and the temperature has become normal.

How to do breathing exercises with bronchitis?

Breathing exercises for bronchitis begin on the 3-4th day of antibiotic treatment, when the temperature has returned to normal. A deep breath is taken through the nose. Exhale through the mouth, trying to push the air out of the lungs as much as possible. Exhalation is accompanied by the sound "pff". Each exercise is repeated 10-12 times.
1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered. Quick breath - fingers clenched into fists. Exhale - all muscles relax, fingers straighten.
2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, clenched into fists. Inhale - arms stretch along the body, fingers straightened. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. Inhale through the nose sharply and vigorously. Exhale - the body leans slightly forward, the shoulders drop, the chin is pressed to the chest, the arms hang freely in front of the body.
4. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. On inhalation, the arms slowly rise up and to the sides. On the exhale - lower the shoulders, cross the straightened arms in front of the chest, reducing the volume of the chest.
5. Starting position: standing, arms extended in front of you, palms up, feet shoulder-width apart. Exhale - grab yourself tightly, hitting your shoulder blades. Inhale - return to the starting position.
6. Starting position: standing straight, legs wide apart, arms extended in front of you, fingers interlaced into the castle. Inhale - straight arms slowly rise up and wind up behind the head. The exhalation is sharp, accompanied by a quick tilt, the hands make a chopping movement. Slowly return to starting position.
7. Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body. At the expense of 1-2-3, a diaphragmatic exhalation is made, while the stomach is drawn in as much as possible. At the expense of 4, a breath is taken - the stomach is inflated. Then contract the abdominal muscles and cough strongly.
8. Starting position as in the previous exercise. The knees are pulled to the chest, the arms are wrapped around the shins. On exhalation, the stomach is drawn in as much as possible. On an inhale, inflate your belly and return to the starting position. After that, it is necessary to tighten the muscles of the press and cough deafly.

How to treat chronic bronchitis folk remedies?

For the treatment of chronic bronchitis, folk remedies are used that stimulate the immune system, thin the viscous bronchial secret and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Black radish juice with honey. The radish is rubbed on a grater. The juice is squeezed through cheesecloth and mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture half an hour before meals and at bedtime. Another option: cut out the middle of a large radish and fill it with honey halfway. Juice is extracted from the pulp and mixed with honey. This mixture is taken according to the same scheme.
  • Milk with honey. In 200 ml of milk add 1 tbsp. l. honey and bring to a boil (unboiled honey increases cough). After cooling, a pinch of soda is added to the milk. The mixture is drunk warm, 200 ml in the morning and evening.
  • Milk with goat fat. To 300 ml of hot milk add 1 tbsp. l. loya (goat fat) and one and a half tablespoons of honey. Drink this drink hot in the morning and evening for 10 days.
  • Warm serum helps to thin the viscous sputum and clear the bronchi from it. It is heated up to 60 degrees. Drink 150 ml 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of horse mint. 2 tsp vegetable raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. The infusion is filtered, add a teaspoon of honey. Drink hot. You need to drink 2 glasses per day.
  • A compress of grated horseradish. Horseradish root is grated or passed through a meat grinder. They put gauze on the cellophane, and horseradish gruel on it. The compress is applied to the back from the side of the inflamed bronchi. Leave on for 10-20 minutes depending on skin sensitivity. After the compress, the reddened skin is smeared with honey, wrapped in cellophane, and on top of it with a woolen scarf. The procedure is done at night for 3-5 days.
Treat chronic bronchitis folk remedies possible only after consulting a doctor. Remember that a cough that lasts more than three weeks can be a sign not only of bronchitis, but also of other dangerous lung diseases. Therefore, before embarking on self-treatment, consult a therapist.

How to massage with bronchitis in children?

Before the massage, do some breathing exercises. The bronchi will expand and the mucus will come out more easily.

1. With superficial dry, obsessive cough techniques are used finger massage - shiatsu. This technique acts on reflex points and reduces cough urges.

  • The index finger is placed in the jugular notch in the lower part of the neck. This point is massaged with light rotational movements counterclockwise for 3-4 minutes. Repeat 4-5 times a day.
  • Ask the child to tilt his head - there is a small bump at the base of the neck. This is the protruding 4th cervical vertebra. Place your fingers on both sides over this tubercle. Massage in counterclockwise rotation for 3-4 minutes 4-5 times a day.

After such a massage, do 3-4 breathing exercises. Inhale - hands to the sides, exhale - blow strongly through the lips folded with a tube, and at the same time hug yourself, and then try to cough up sputum. You can perform these techniques from the first days of illness, even at elevated temperatures.

2. With a wet productive cough do drainage massage, which contributes to the discharge of sputum from the lower sections of the bronchi.

  • The child is undressed and laid down so that the buttocks are above the head.
  • Fingertips and the soft part of the palm make stroking movements from the spine to the armpit.
  • Fingertips make tapping movements from the spine, under the shoulder blades and to the armpit. In this case, the child is asked to cough.
  • With the edge of the palm, stronger tapping movements are made along the same lines from the spine to the armpits. At this time, the child should try to cough up.
  • Sufficiently strong rubbing with the palm of your hand from the middle of the back to the side. In this case, the front part of the chest is massaged, except for the heart area.
    The duration of each stage is 1-2 minutes.
General recommendations. Drainage massage for bronchitis in children is performed with hugging movements from the spine along the ribs. At the same time, the masseur's hands must be warm. The kidney area below the ribs is not massaged.
If during a massage session the child has an attack of strong dry cough, the massage must be stopped. You can try again after a few hours.

Drainage massage for bronchitis in children is contraindicated:

  • if the cough is dry and unproductive;
  • if the child has a fever or severe weakness;

How to treat bronchitis during pregnancy?

It is highly undesirable for pregnant women to self-medicate, since in their position most drugs are contraindicated. At the same time, it is necessary to treat bronchitis during pregnancy, since a strong hacking cough is not only unpleasant for a woman, but also dangerous for the fetus.

1. Antibiotics are prescribed in exceptional cases when there is a risk of developing pneumonia. From the first trimester of pregnancy are allowed:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Bioparox is an aerosol antibiotic that does not have a systemic effect, does not penetrate into the bloodstream and does not affect the fetus.
It is especially undesirable to take antibiotics in the first trimester of pregnancy, while the organs and systems of the fetus are being formed. But, fortunately, 90% of bronchitis is caused by viruses, and the disease can be overcome without antibiotics.

2. Antipyretics apply if the temperature has risen above 38 degrees.

  • tea with raspberry jam;
  • tea with honey;
  • linden decoction;
  • drugs based on paracetamol: Panadol, Efferalgan.
3. To remove intoxication and improve expectoration, you need to drink more warm liquids:
  • milk with honey and soda;
  • heated Borjomi or other alkaline mineral water;
  • lime blossom tea.
You can increase the amount of fluid if there is no tendency to edema or other contraindications.

4. With a dry cough without sputum, which can be annoying and painful, take drugs that reduce cough and eliminate bronchospasm:
  • Euphyllin preferably in the form of inhalation through a nebulizer;
  • marshmallow root syrup;
  • licorice root syrup;
  • inhalations with medicinal herbs: calendula, eucalyptus, mint. They can be done through a steam inhaler or inhale the steam over a pot of decoction.
5. With a wet cough necessary medicines that improve expectoration and stimulate coughing:
  • thermopsis potion;
  • syrup Bronchicum;
  • Sinupret;
  • Halixol;
  • Inhalations with expectorant herbs (thyme, thyme) and soda.

Prohibited drugs for the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy: most antibiotics, sulfa drugs (Streptocid, Biseptol), Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) antitussive drugs that affect the respiratory center (Codeine, Dionin).

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease. This inflammation affects the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchial tree. Bronchitis is of two types: acute and chronic. The symptoms of acute bronchitis last from a few days to three to four weeks. Such symptoms are characteristic of all acute respiratory infections that resolve with damage to the bronchial tree. A symptom of chronic bronchitis is a persistent cough. The reason for the development of this type of bronchitis is prolonged smoking and damage to the respiratory tract.

All diseases of our body are caused by contamination of the gastrointestinal tract. So, chronic bronchitis, surprisingly many people, is also to some extent associated with this.

It is often believed that most people with bronchitis are over 50 years old, but this is not entirely true. Of course, age plays a role, but people who are exposed to harmful environmental conditions, with poor ecology, poor nutrition, hypothermia, and poor living conditions are more likely to get sick with bronchitis. As well as people with low body weight. Both men and women are equally affected. Chronic bronchitis is most often fatal. The reasons for this outcome are the rapid development of pulmonary heart failure and the pathological expansion of air spaces.

Symptoms are characteristic external manifestations and signs of a disease that warn of disorders in the human body. Many people are not attentive enough to the symptoms of diseases, and diseases can be life-threatening.

There are three types of bronchitis in children:

    sharp simple.

    acute obstructive.

    acute bronchiolitis (occurs in infants and infants, affects the small bronchi).

Adults get sick more often than children. There are two forms of the disease in adults:

    acute form.

    chronic form.

Such a disease is quite common, every person has had bronchitis at least once in his life, and therefore its symptoms are well known and quickly recognizable. If there is a cough, runny nose, headache - these are the first symptomatic manifestations of the disease. It is easy to confuse bronchitis with the flu or a cold because the symptoms are very similar.

Turning to the doctor, you can accurately verify the diagnosis according to the patient's complaints. Often the main symptom of bronchitis is a bothersome and incessant cough. Chronic bronchitis develops in people working in hazardous industries due to smoking and exposure to environmental conditions. But mostly acute bronchitis in adults occurs when an infection enters the body.

The duration of the disease in acute form may last several days or weeks. The disease in an acute form is accompanied by a dry cough, fever up to 39C, runny nose. Although coughing is a symptom of the disease, it is a protective function of the body that allows you to remove mucus from the respiratory tract. Sputum in children may be greenish or yellowish gray, indicating a bacterial infection.

The white mass of secreted mucus means its absence. A wet cough brings benefits to the body, allowing the patient to get rid of accumulated mucus for several days. During the examination, it is possible to identify characteristic wheezing that occurs due to the formed mucus mass in the respiratory organs. The final recovery from acute bronchitis occurs after 10 days.

If the patient is not cured, then there is a high probability of the transition of the acute form to the chronic one. And then the malaise can drag on for an indefinite time. In the case of a chronic course of bronchitis in adults or children, the cough is present for several months, wheezing of a hissing character appears.

Sometimes the cough is accompanied by hemoptysis. It is imperative to ensure that the dry cough becomes wet, and sputum leaves. In infants, the symptoms of bronchitis at the beginning of the inflammatory process are frequent, dry, debilitating, without sputum discharge. Shortness of breath becomes pronounced, whistling noisy rales are noticeable when listening (auscultation), high temperature. In a neglected form, chronic bronchitis is converted into purulent.

Together with the fluid, pus is discharged from the bronchi. Purulent bronchitis can occur due to weakened immunity. Cough with sputum with impurities of pus, shortness of breath, pain in the sternum, high fever, weakness, increased sweating are symptoms of purulent bronchitis, which can develop into pneumonia.

Symptoms of bronchitis also largely depend on the type of disease and the nature of the course of the disease.

Symptoms of infectious bronchitis

If human light infectious bronchitis, it is characterized by the following features:

    Dry cough, which, with the development of the disease, will turn into a wet one;

    The emergence of a feeling of weakness, increased fatigue;

    Feeling of discomfort in the chest area;

    An increase in body temperature (sometimes to subfebrile marks, sometimes much higher);

    Harsh breathing and wheezing are heard;

    Laboratory blood tests do not reveal the presence of infection.

When infectious bronchitis is of moderate severity, the affected person experiences the following symptoms:

    He is tormented by a strong cough, which, due to muscle strain, causes pain in the chest and in the abdomen;

    The person experiences a feeling of weakness and general malaise;

    Breathing becomes difficult;

    During a cough, sputum is separated with impurities of pus, or it becomes completely purulent;

    When listening, rales are moist, finely bubbling and dry, breathing is hard.

If the patient has allergic bronchitis, then it will occur by direct contact with the allergen. It can be room dust, plant pollen, perfume odors, household chemicals, animal hair, bird fluff, etc. With an allergic type of disease, sputum is never purulent, there is no increase in body temperature. As a rule, all symptoms disappear after contact with the allergen stops.

Symptoms of allergic bronchitis

The following symptoms can distinguish the allergic type of bronchitis:

    No increase in body temperature;

    The appearance of dry scattered wheezing;

    The appearance of shortness of breath that occurs on inspiration;

    After the elimination of the provoking factor, the signs of exacerbation are quickly eliminated.

If the patient has a toxic or chemical form of bronchitis, then the manifestation of the disease occurs due to the ingestion of an irritating substance into the respiratory tract. These can be acid vapors, dust (organic and inorganic), gas (carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide).

Symptoms of toxic and chemical bronchitis

Among the symptoms of toxic-chemical bronchitis are the following:

    Lack of desire to eat;

    The appearance of headaches;

    The occurrence of a painful cough;

    The appearance of severe shortness of breath, which can lead to suffocation;

    The appearance of pain in the chest region of a stabbing character;

    The appearance of signs of respiratory failure;

    Blueness of the mucous membranes;

    The appearance of hard breathing and dry wheezing;

    The appearance of signs of hypoxemia.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis

If a person has acute bronchitis, then the following symptoms can be distinguished:

    The appearance of a pronounced cough, which soon becomes wet from dry;

    Body temperature increases and can reach 39 ° C;

    Increased sweating joins the general malaise;

    Chills occur, performance decreases;

    Symptoms are either mild or severe;

    While listening to the chest, the doctor hears dry rales and hard scattered breathing;

    If the disease is severe, then the patient has severe shortness of breath;

    As a rule, an acute illness resolves after two weeks.

There can be many causes of bronchitis, but the following risk factors for bronchitis are recognized by absolutely all medical organizations:

  • heredity - congenital lack of alpha-1 antitrypsin in the body;

    unfavorable ecological situation, namely the saturation of the atmosphere with various harmful gases, dust.

There are many other, secondary causes of bronchitis, such as passive smoking, alcoholism, living conditions, etc.

Bronchitis develops very quickly in cases where there is constant damage to the mucous membranes, bronchi by any particles in the air. Another cause of bronchitis is a climate that is not very favorable for humans, namely: constant dampness, frequent changes in weather conditions, fogs.

When the mucous membranes and bronchi are constantly damaged by some kind of smoke, dust, other particles, this is a kind of “push” to a constant increase in sputum production, which means that there is a need to cough often in order to eliminate sputum from the respiratory tract of a patient with bronchitis. Smoking is the No. 1 cause of bronchitis, as statistics show that smokers, regardless of gender, suffer from chronic bronchitis 3-4 times more often than non-smokers. Although, perhaps no less harm than smoking, work in hazardous production brings: workers in woolen, chemical, and bakery factories are also highly susceptible to bronchitis.

Importance of infection in the development of bronchitis

If a person has ever had an attack of acute bronchitis, then he has an increased chance that he will develop chronic bronchitis.

If during bronchitis an infectious infection joins it, then the situation in this case is far from the best, since the infection further increases the volume of secreting mucus, moreover, this liquid begins to resemble pus in composition.

Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis quite often pass with the direct participation of staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and infections - both mycoplasmic and viral. Most people in the winter, cold period of the year get an infection of the bronchi, respiratory throat - that is, the upper respiratory tract. And in patients with chronic bronchitis, the penetration of harmful bacteria is deeper, they go up to the lungs, so in winter, patients with bronchitis often experience sharp exacerbations. Such a viral disease as influenza also exacerbates the course of bronchitis, therefore, during epidemics, very frequent attacks of acute bronchitis are recorded.

The meaning of sputum color in bronchitis

The color of coughing up sputum is of great diagnostic value for the doctor. Thanks only to this sign, the doctor can determine the stage of the disease, its severity, and the cause of the onset. The composition of sputum includes saliva, which is produced in the mouth, cells produced by the immune system, particles of blood and plasma (visible or invisible), dust, pathogenic microorganisms.

White sputum

When the color of sputum is white, the patient's condition is regarded as the normal course of the disease. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to the amount of sputum discharge, the presence of foam in it. So, with foamy, abundant white sputum, pulmonary edema, tuberculosis or asthma can be suspected.

green phlegm

If the sputum is green for a long time, then this indicates an existing infection of a chronic nature. This color is the result of the decay process of neutrophils, which were trying to cope with pathogenic agents. Their death leads to the release of enzymes and myeloperoxidase.

Therefore, green sputum may indicate the following diseases:

    Chronical bronchitis;

    The transition of bronchitis to pneumonia;

    Cystic fibrosis of the lung.

If the disease is infectious in nature, then a green tint of sputum can also indicate the presence of a large amount of pus in the sputum. If the disease is of non-infectious etiology, then there will be more mucus in the sputum than greenery.

Yellow sputum

If the sputum is yellow, then this indicates the presence of white blood cells in it, namely neutrophils. They are always found in large numbers in allergic, infectious and chronic inflammations.

Therefore, according to the yellow color of the bronchial discharge, doctors most often determine:

  • Acute stage of pneumonia or bronchitis.

If yellow sputum is discharged, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor, as its morning analysis allows you to determine the presence of a bacterial infection. Often this color of sputum is separated from people who smoke for a long time.

brown sputum

Brown sputum is a serious sign that requires medical attention. A similar color of mucus indicates the breakdown of a large number of red blood cells and the release of hemosiderin.

By the brown color of sputum, you can suspect:

    Chronic bronchitis or pneumonia;


Black (dark grey)

If a patient has black or dark gray sputum, then most often this indicates the presence of dust from smoking tobacco in it. Also, blackening of sputum can be observed when taking certain medications.

Red sputum (with blood)

The presence of blood in the sputum may indicate a serious infection, or an open pulmonary hemorrhage:

    pneumococcal infection;

    Lungs' cancer;


    Pulmonary embolism.

Seeking medical help should be immediate, as there is a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient.

Complications of acute and chronic bronchitis

All complications of acute bronchitis are associated with a deterioration in the process of bronchial drainage. This contributes to the fact that infected mucus is aspirated into the distal sections of the bronchial tree and leads to inflammation of the lung tissue. Therefore, bronchopneumonia is one of the most common complications of acute bronchitis. It develops against the background of a decrease in local immune forces and as a result of the addition of a bacterial infection.

What will resolve the acute phase of the disease depends on the depth to which the bronchus wall is affected. Serous and mucous catarrh are easily restored, and purulent catarrh, bronchiolitis and destructive bronchitis lead to the development of pneumonia. The more often acute bronchitis occurs in a patient and the longer they exist, the higher the risk of chronicization of the process.

Complications of chronic bronchitis are:

    Acute pneumonia;

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

    Asthmatic bronchitis, which increases the risk of developing bronchial asthma;

    Pulmonary hypertension;

    expiratory stenosis of the trachea;

    Chronic cor pulmonale;

    Cardiopulmonary failure;


Nevertheless, the prognosis for recovery even with chronic (but not obstructive bronchitis) is favorable if all risk factors are eliminated and qualified treatment is started.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

    Is bronchitis contagious to others? When the cause of inflammation of the bronchi is a viral or bacterial infection, then there is a risk of infection of surrounding healthy people from a patient with bronchitis. However, in this case, a person does not become infected with bronchitis itself. He may develop an underlying infectious disease, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. Bronchitis is a complication of these diseases. Transmission of infection most often occurs by airborne droplets. The contact path in this case is of less relevance.

    How many days does the temperature last with bronchitis? From the start of treatment with antibacterial drugs, high fever with bronchitis should last no more than 2 days. At subfebrile levels, she can remain for another 5 days. If the body temperature does not subside, then a revision of the treatment is required.

    Can there be bronchitis without fever? Yes, this is possible. Moreover, the absence of temperature does not indicate only allergic bronchitis. It can remain normal in bronchitis, infectious bronchitis, and toxic-chemical bronchitis.

    Can bronchitis turn into asthma? Yes, such a probability exists, and it increases with improperly treated or frequently occurring acute bronchitis, as well as with chronicity of the process.

Prevention of bronchitis in adults

In bronchitis, both primary and secondary prevention are indicated.

Primary prevention of the disease is reduced to the following rules:

    Refusal of bad habits and, first of all, from smoking and drinking alcohol.

    It is necessary to avoid such activities that are associated with the inhalation of harmful vapors (lead, aluminum, chlorides, etc.).

    It is necessary to get rid of any sources of chronic infection in a timely manner, such as: tonsillitis, sinusitis, folliculitis.

    Avoid crowded places, especially during epidemics.

    Hypothermia should be avoided.

    It is necessary to maintain the body's natural resistance to infections. In this case, we are talking about maintaining immunity: balanced diet, hardening, compliance with the regime of work and rest, dosing physical activity, being in the fresh air - all these are simple and effective measures to prevent any disease.

    Seasonal influenza vaccination should not be ignored.

    The air in residential premises must be humidified, especially during the heated period.

    Walks in the fresh air should be daily.

Secondary prevention of bronchitis is necessary when the process is chronic.

This helps to reduce the number of exacerbations and prevents the development of serious complications:

    It is important to eliminate any risks of developing the disease.

    Diagnosis and treatment of acute bronchitis should be professional and timely.

    During epidemics, antiviral drugs are indicated for prophylactic purposes.

    Reception antibiotic therapy must be agreed with the doctor.

    Treatment must be comprehensive.

Which doctor should I contact with bronchitis?

When the first symptoms of the disease occur, it is necessary to contact a therapist. It is he who performs all diagnostic measures and prescribes treatment. It is possible that the therapist will refer the patient to narrower specialists, such as: a pulmonologist, an infectious disease specialist, an allergist.

Education: Moscow Medical Institute. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

Bronchitis is a common disease of the lower respiratory tract, characterized by an inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa. Symptoms of bronchitis and treatment tactics depend on the form in which the disease proceeds: acute or chronic, as well as the stage of development of the disease.

It is necessary to treat bronchitis of any form and stage in a timely and complete manner: the inflammatory process in the bronchi not only affects the quality of life, but is also dangerous with severe complications, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pathologies and dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Bronchitis in both children and adults in the vast majority of cases is a primary disease of infectious etiology. The disease most often develops under the influence of an infectious agent. Among the most common causes of primary bronchitis, the following pathogens are distinguished:

  • viruses: parainfluenza, influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus, measles;
  • bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, respiratory forms of mycoplasma, chlamydophila, pertussis pathogen);
  • fungal (candida, aspergillus).

In 85% of cases, viruses become the provocateur of the infectious process. However, often with reduced immunity, the presence viral infection favorable conditions arise for the activation of conditionally pathogenic flora (staphylococci, streptococci present in the body), which leads to the development of an inflammatory process with mixed flora. Identification of primary and active component pathogenic flora is a prerequisite for effective therapy diseases.
Bronchitis of fungal etiology is quite rare: with normal immunity, it is almost impossible to activate the fungal flora in the bronchi. Mycotic damage to the bronchial mucosa is possible with significant disturbances in the functioning of the immune system: with congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies, after a course of radiation or chemotherapy, when cytostatics are taken by cancer patients.
Other factors in the etiology of acute and chronic forms of the disease that provoke the development of the inflammatory process in the lungs include:

  • foci of chronic infection in the upper respiratory tract;
  • prolonged inhalation of polluted air (dust, bulk materials, smoke, fumes, gases), including smoking;
  • pathology of the structure of the organs of the bronchopulmonary system.

Photo: artskvortsova/

Classification of the disease bronchitis

In the classification of the disease, two main forms are distinguished: acute and chronic. They differ in manifestations, signs, symptoms, course of the disease and methods of therapy.

Acute bronchitis: symptoms and characteristics

The acute form occurs suddenly, proceeds rapidly and lasts for an average of 7-10 days with proper therapy. After this period, the affected cells of the bronchial walls begin to regenerate, a full recovery from inflammation of viral and / or bacterial etiology occurs after 3 weeks.
According to the nature of the course of the disease, mild, moderate and severe are distinguished. The classification is based on:

  • severity of respiratory failure;
  • the results of a blood test, sputum;
  • x-ray examination of the affected area of ​​the bronchi.

Allocate also different kinds according to the nature of the inflammatory exudate:

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent;
  • mixed catarrhal-purulent;
  • atrophic.

The classification is based on the results of sputum analysis: for example, purulent bronchitis is accompanied by the presence of an abundant amount of leukocytes and macrophages in the exudate.
The degree of blockage of the bronchi determines such types of disease as acute obstructive and non-obstructive bronchitis. In children under the age of 1 year, acute obstructive bronchitis occurs in the form of bronchiolitis, accompanied by blockage of both deep and small bronchi.

Acute non-obstructive form

The acute non-obstructive, or simple form is characterized by the development of a catarrhal inflammatory process in the bronchi of large and medium caliber and the absence of bronchial obstruction by inflammatory contents. The most common cause of this form is a viral infection and non-infectious agents.
As the disease progresses, with appropriate treatment, sputum leaves the bronchi during coughing, respiratory failure does not develop.

Acute obstructive bronchitis

This form is especially dangerous for children. preschool age in view of the narrowness of the respiratory tract and a tendency to bronchospasm with a small amount of sputum.
The inflammatory process, most often of a purulent or catarrhal-purulent nature, covers the bronchi of medium and small caliber, while blocking their lumen with exudate. Muscle walls reflexively contract, causing a spasm. Respiratory failure occurs, leading to oxygen starvation of the body.

Chronic form of the disease

In the chronic form, signs of an inflammatory process in the walls of the bronchi are observed for three or more months. The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is an unproductive cough, usually in the morning, after sleep. There may also be shortness of breath that worsens with exertion.
Inflammation is chronic, occurring with periods of exacerbation and remission. Most often, the chronic form is caused by constantly acting aggressive factors: occupational hazards (smoke, fumes, soot, gases, chemical fumes). The most common provocateur is tobacco smoke during active or passive smoking.

The chronic form is typical for the adult part of the population. In children, it can develop only in the presence of immunodeficiencies, anomalies in the structure of the lower respiratory system, and severe chronic diseases.

Photo: Helen Sushitskaya/

Different forms of bronchitis: signs and symptoms

Symptoms vary depending on the form of the disease, and in different age periods.

Symptoms in adults

A well-formed respiratory system, immunity and a longer exposure to negative factors than in children determine the main differences in the manifestation of both acute and chronic forms of the disease in adulthood.

Acute form in adults

Most often (in 85% of cases) occurs as a result of an acute respiratory viral infection. It is distinguished by the rapid onset of the disease, starting with the onset of discomfort in the chest area, painful bouts of dry, unproductive cough, which worsens at night, when lying down, causing pain in the pectoral and diaphragmatic muscles.

With bronchitis against the background of ARVI, there are general symptoms viral disease: intoxication of the body (weakness, headaches, aching sensation in muscles, joints), hyperthermia, layering of catarrhal manifestations (rhinitis, sore throat, lacrimation, etc.)

Cough in this disease is a protective mechanism that helps to remove inflammatory exudate from the bronchi. At proper treatment 3-5 days after the onset of the disease, the stage of a productive cough with sputum production begins, which brings some relief. When breathing in the chest with a stethoscope or without instrumental examination, moist rales are heard.

In acute respiratory viral infections, the stage of productive cough usually coincides with the onset of recovery from SARS: the manifestations of intoxication of the body decrease, body temperature normalizes (or stays within subfebrile limits). If no such phenomena are observed on the 3-5th day from the onset of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose the possible addition of a bacterial infection and / or the development of complications.

The total duration of the cough period is up to 2 weeks, until the bronchial tree is completely cleared of sputum. About 7-10 days after the end of the cough, the period of regeneration of epithelial cells in the walls of the bronchi lasts, after which complete recovery occurs. The average duration of the acute form of the disease in adults is 2-3 weeks; in healthy people without bad habits, the uncomplicated acute form ends with the restoration of full health of the lower respiratory tract.

Acute obstructive form

The acute obstructive form in adults is much less common than in children, and, due to physiology, is much less dangerous to health and life, although the prognosis is based mainly on the severity of respiratory failure in the patient.

Respiratory failure in acute obstructive form of the disease depends on the degree of obstruction of the bronchial lumen by inflammatory exudate and the area of ​​coverage of bronchospasm.

The acute obstructive form is typical mainly for people diagnosed with bronchial asthma, smokers, the elderly, who have chronic forms of lung or heart disease.
The first symptoms are shortness of breath due to oxygen deficiency, including at rest, an unproductive cough with prolonged painful attacks, wheezing in the chest with a pronounced increase in inspiration.

With moderate and severe respiratory failure, the patient tends to a half-sitting position, sitting, resting on the forearms. The auxiliary muscles of the chest are involved in the process of breathing, the expansion of the wings of the nose on inspiration is visually noticeable. With significant hypoxia, cyanosis is noted in the region of the nasolabial triangle, darkening of the tissues under the nail plates on the hands and feet. Any effort causes shortness of breath, including the process of speaking.

Relief with proper therapy occurs on the 5-7th day with the onset of a productive cough and sputum withdrawal from the bronchi. In general, the disease takes longer than the non-obstructive form, the healing process takes up to 4 weeks.

Symptoms and stages of the chronic form of the disease

The chronic stage is diagnosed with a bronchial cough for at least three months, as well as a history of certain risk factors for the development of the disease. The most common factor is smoking, most often active, but passive inhalation of smoke also often leads to an inflammatory process in the walls of the bronchi.
The chronic form can proceed in an erased form or in the alternation of the acute phase and remission. As a rule, an exacerbation of the disease is observed against the background of a viral or bacterial infection, however, the acute phase in the presence of a chronic form differs from acute bronchitis against the background of the general health of the bronchi in the severity of symptoms, duration, and frequent addition of complications of bacterial etiology.
An exacerbation can also be triggered by a change in climatic conditions, exposure to a cold, humid environment. Without appropriate therapy, the chronic form of the disease progresses, respiratory failure increases, exacerbations are more and more difficult.
During periods of remission in the early stages of the disease, the patient may be disturbed by episodic cough after a night's sleep. As the inflammatory process progresses clinical picture expands, complemented by shortness of breath during exercise, increased sweating, fatigue, bouts of coughing at night and during periods of rest lying down.
The later stages of the chronic form cause a change in the shape of the chest, pronounced frequent moist rales in the chest during breathing. Coughing attacks are accompanied by the release of purulent exudate, the skin becomes earthy, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is noticeable, first after exercise, then at rest. The late stage of the chronic form of bronchitis is difficult to treat, without treatment, as a rule, it turns into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Symptoms in children

Photo: Travel_Master/

Among the main causes of the disease in children, not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also allergens are distinguished. Acute bronchitis can also be a period of the course of childhood diseases such as measles, whooping cough, rubella.

Risk factors for developing bronchitis are prematurity and underweight in newborns, especially when fed with artificial substitutes. breast milk, abnormal structure and pathologies of the development of the bronchopulmonary system, immunodeficiency states, impaired nasal breathing due to the curvature of the nasal septum, chronic diseases accompanied by proliferation of adenoid tissue, chronic foci of infection in the organs of the respiratory system and / or oral cavity.

The acute form of the disease in preschool children is quite common and accounts for 10% of all acute respiratory diseases in this age period, which is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the organs of the respiratory system of the child.

Acute non-obstructive form in children

The acute non-obstructive form in childhood proceeds in the same way as in adult patients: starting with a dry cough and signs of intoxication of the body, the disease passes into the stage of sputum production for 3-5 days. The total duration of the disease in the absence of complications is 2-3 weeks.
This form is considered the most favorable for the prognosis of recovery, but it is more common in schoolchildren and adolescents. Children of preschool age, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system, are more likely to develop obstructive bronchitis and bronchiolitis.

Acute obstructive form in children: symptoms and stages of the disease

Acute obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in children under 3 years of age with a frequency of 1:4, that is, every fourth child before the age of three has had this form of the disease at least once. Children are also prone to recurrent episodes of the disease; several obstructive inflammatory processes in the bronchi during the year may indicate the manifestation of bronchial asthma. Frequent recurring episodes of the disease also increase the likelihood of developing a chronic form, bronchiectasis, emphysema.

The acute obstructive form occurs against the background of damage to the bronchi of small and medium calibers with the accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the deep sections of the respiratory organ, blockage of the gaps and the occurrence of bronchospasm. The increased likelihood of obstruction is due to the anatomical narrowness of the bronchi and the increased tendency of muscle tissues to contract in response to stimuli in the form of sputum, which is characteristic of the childhood age period. The obstructive form in children is manifested primarily by wheezing in the chest area, shortness of breath that increases when speaking, physical activity, increased respiratory rate, and difficulty exhaling.

Cough is not an obligatory symptom; it may be absent in infants or debilitated children. Respiratory failure leads to symptoms such as cyanosis (blue skin tone) of the nasolabial triangle, fingernails and toenails. When breathing, the movement of the retraction of the intercostal spaces, the expansion of the wings of the nose is expressed. Body temperature, as a rule, is kept in the subfebrile range, not exceeding 38 ° C. With a concomitant viral infection, catarrhal manifestations may occur: runny nose, sore throat, lacrimation, etc.

Bronchiolitis in children as a type of bronchitis: symptoms and treatment

Acute bronchiolitis is the most dangerous type of inflammatory lesions of the bronchial tissues in childhood. Most often, bronchiolitis is diagnosed in children under 3 years of age. The disease has a dangerously high number of deaths (1% of cases), the most susceptible to it are children of the age period of 5-7 months, born prematurely, with low body weight, fed with artificial mixtures, as well as babies with congenital anomalies of the respiratory organs and cardiac system.
The prevalence of bronchiolitis is 3% in children of the first year of life. The greatest danger is a viral infection: RV viruses, which have a tropism for the tissue of the mucous surface of small bronchi, provoke a significant part of bronchiolitis in children.
The following pathogens are also distinguished:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • human herpes virus;
  • chickenpox virus (chickenpox);
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas.

Most often, infection occurs in utero or during childbirth, the disease develops with a decrease in innate immunity, especially in the absence of breastfeeding.

The disease can be complicated by the addition of a bacterial inflammatory process upon activation conditionally pathogenic microorganisms present in the body (streptococci, staphylococci).
The development of the disease is sudden, rapid. Primary manifestations are limited to symptoms of intoxication (lethargy, drowsiness, moodiness), a slight increase in body temperature, and discharge from the nasal passages.
On the 2-3 day, wheezing during breathing, shortness of breath, the child expresses anxiety, turns out to be from food, cannot suckle the breast, pacifier, pacifier. The respiratory rate reaches 80 breaths per minute, the pulse accelerates to 160-180 beats per minute. Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, blanching or blueness of the skin, especially fingers and toes, is determined. There is a pronounced lethargy, drowsiness, lack of a revitalization complex, reactions during treatment.
Bronchiolitis in infants requires urgent initiation of inpatient treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose the disease, determine its causes, stage of development and the presence of complications, the following research methods are used:

  • collection of anamnesis, analysis of patient complaints, visual examination, listening to breath sounds with a stethoscope;
  • general blood analysis;
  • general sputum analysis;
  • x-ray examination to exclude or confirm pneumonia as a complication of bronchitis;
  • spirographic examination to determine the degree of obstruction and respiratory failure;
  • bronchoscopy with suspicion of anatomical developmental anomalies, the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi, tumor changes;
  • computed tomography according to indications.

Methods of therapy for different forms of the disease

Depending on the cause of the development of the disease, first of all, drugs that affect the pathogen are prescribed: antiviral drugs, antibiotics, antifungal agents, etc.
For etiotropic therapy, it is necessarily used in combination symptomatic treatment: antipyretics, mucolytic drugs (acetylcysteine, ambroxol), drugs that suppress the cough reflex, with severe painful coughing attacks, bronchodilators.
The drugs used are both general and local action(through inhalers, nebulizers, instillations and sprays into the nasal passages, etc.).

Methods of physical therapy, gymnastics, massage are added to drug therapy to facilitate the separation and removal of sputum.

In the treatment of the chronic form, the main role is played by the exclusion of the factor that provokes the inflammatory process in the tissues of the bronchi: occupational hazards, environmental conditions, smoking. After excluding this factor, long-term treatment is carried out with mucolytic, bronchodilator drugs, and general restorative drugs. It is possible to use oxygen therapy, spa treatment.

Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS! ", section" "!

In today's article, we will learn all the details about such a disease as - bronchitis. So, there is a lot of information, so without further ado, let's get to the point of the article...

General information

Bronchitis(lat. Bronchitis) - a disease of the respiratory system, in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process, i.e. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the bronchi. The bronchi, in turn, are an extensive network of tubes of different diameters that carry the inhaled air from the larynx to the lungs. In bronchitis, air circulation to and from the lungs is disturbed due to swelling of the bronchi and a large separation of mucus.

Bronchitis is one of the ten most common reasons for seeking medical care worldwide.

ICD-10: J20 - J21.
ICD-9: 466.
Mesh: D001991.

Types of bronchitis

The "International Classification of Diseases" includes two forms of bronchitis - "acute" and "chronic", but among specialists there is also another form - "obstructive" bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis- acute diffuse inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree, characterized by an increase in the volume of bronchial secretion with cough and sputum.

Chronical bronchitis- diffuse progressive lesion of the bronchial tree with a restructuring of the secretory apparatus of the mucous membrane with the development of an inflammatory process, accompanied by hypersecretion of sputum, a violation of the cleansing and protective function of the bronchi.

Obstructive bronchitis- a form of bronchitis, when due to swelling of the mucous membrane, blockage of the bronchi develops.

The main symptom of bronchitis, both acute and chronic forms is.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis

In acute viral bronchitis (for example, during) in the first days of illness, the cough is dry, obsessive. Such a cough can often be the cause of restless sleep, or vomiting in children. In the following days, the cough becomes wet - sputum (white-greenish in color) begins to stand out, which indicates the addition of a bacterial infection. A wet cough is not as painful as a dry one and in most cases brings relief to patients. Coughing up uncolored or white mucus is not a sign of a bacterial infection.

It is important to remember that coughing is one of the most important protective functions of the body. Its role is to clear the airways. However, only a wet, productive cough is useful, in which thin sputum is easily removed.

Cough in acute bronchitis can last 1-2 weeks or more. If the cough has not gone away even after three weeks, this indicates a decrease in the body's regenerative abilities and high risk transition of bronchitis into a chronic form.

Important! Normally, the bronchi produce about 30 grams of mucous secretion daily.

The next symptom of acute bronchitis is a slight increase in temperature. In moderate and severe forms, if accompanied by influenza or other acute respiratory infections, body temperature can also reach 40 ° C.

Quite often, acute bronchitis can occur as an independent acute respiratory disease of a bacterial nature. In this case, the disease (acute bronchitis) is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, wet cough, headache, weakness. Many patients (especially adults) can endure the disease, as they say "on their feet" attributing cough and normal temperature.

Usually the course of acute bronchitis (especially with adequate treatment) is favorable. However, in some cases, acute bronchitis can cause complications such as bronchiolitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

It is customary to talk about chronic bronchitis when a patient has a chronic cough (more than 3 months a year) for 2 or more years. Thus, the main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a chronic cough.

Cough in chronic bronchitis is deaf, deep, intensifies in the morning, and is also observed in the morning. copious excretion sputum with cough - this may be a sign of one of the complications of chronic bronchitis - bronchiectasis.

The temperature in chronic bronchitis rises rarely and slightly.

Chronic bronchitis is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis are usually associated with episodes of acute respiratory infections, often appear in the cold season.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

Another common symptom of bronchitis is progressive shortness of breath. The occurrence of shortness of breath is associated with gradual deformation and obstruction (blockage) of the bronchi. On the early stages In chronic bronchitis, bronchial obstruction is reversible - after treatment and mucus secretion, breathing is restored. In the later stages of chronic bronchitis (usually without any treatment), bronchial obstruction becomes irreversible due to deformation and narrowing of the bronchial walls. In chronic obstructive bronchitis, patients complain of shortness of breath that occurs during physical exertion.

So let's sum it all up possible symptoms bronchitis:

Causes of bronchitis

With methods functional diagnostics(assessment of lung volumes, bronchial patency, gas exchange) the degree of decrease in lung functions is determined. Sometimes clarification of the diagnosis requires bronchoscopy and the use of other methods.

Laboratory research

Antibiotics and sulfonamides are indicated when added.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

In the phase of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process in the bronchi, improving bronchial patency, restoring disturbed general and local immunological reactivity.

Antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed in courses sufficient to suppress the activity of the infection. The duration of antibiotic therapy is individual. The antibiotic is selected taking into account the sensitivity of the sputum microflora (bronchial secretion), administered orally or parenterally, sometimes combined with intratracheal administration.

Inhalation of garlic or onion phytoncides is shown (garlic and onion juice is prepared before inhalation, mixed with a 0.25% solution of novocaine or isotonic sodium chloride solution in a ratio of 1 part juice to 3 parts solvent). Inhalations are carried out 2 times a day; for a course of 20 inhalations.

Simultaneously with the treatment of active bronchial infection, conservative sanitation of foci of nasopharyngeal infection is carried out.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Since the narrowing of the bronchi plays the main role in the development and progression of chronic obstructive bronchitis, for permanent treatment diseases are used mainly drugs that dilate the bronchi.

An ideal bronchodilator for the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis should meet the following requirements:

- high efficiency;
- the minimum number and severity of adverse reactions;
- maintaining effectiveness despite long-term use.

Today, inhaled anticholinergics meet these requirements most of all. They act mainly on the large bronchi. The drugs of this group are characterized by a pronounced bronchodilatory effect and a minimum number of side effects. It includes Atrovent, Troventol, Truvent.

These drugs do not cause tremors (tremors), do not affect the cardiovascular system. Atrovent treatment is usually started with 2 inhalations 4 times a day. A decrease in bronchial obstruction and, consequently, an improvement in well-being occurs no earlier than 7-10 days after the start of therapy. It is possible to increase the dose of the drug to 16-24 breaths per day. The drugs of this group are used for basic long-term bronchodilatory therapy. It is preferable to use a metered dose inhaler with a spacer.

Medicines for bronchitis

  • Means that stimulate expectoration

These include preparations of thermopsis, istoda, licorice, coltsfoot. When taken orally, drugs of this group have a moderate irritant effect on the receptors of the stomach, which reflexively enhances the secretion of the salivary glands and mucous glands of the bronchi. The action of these drugs is short-lived, so frequent small doses (every 2 to 4 hours) are necessary. Of the expectorants, an abundant alkaline drink, infusions and decoctions of marshmallow, thermopsis are prescribed - up to 10 times a day. Expectorants are used both during the period of exacerbation of the disease, and during the period of remission.

Resorptive drugs: sodium and potassium iodide, sodium bicarbonate and other salt preparations. They increase bronchial secretions, cause liquefaction of bronchial secretions and thereby facilitate expectoration.

  • Mucolytic drugs

"Ambrobene" (Ambroxol). Tablets of 30 mg 20 pieces per pack. Capsules retard 75 mg, 10 and 20 pieces per pack. Solution for oral administration of 40 and 100 ml in vials. Syrup 100 ml in vials. The usual daily dose of the drug in tablets is 60 mg. Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day with food with a small amount of liquid. Extended-release capsules (retard capsules) are prescribed 1 in the morning. The solution during the first 2-3 days is prescribed 4 ml 3 times a day, and then 2 ml 3 times a day. The drug in the form of a syrup is recommended for adults in the first 2-3 days, 10 ml 3 times a day, and then 5 ml 3 times a day.

Bromhexine. Tablets and dragees 8, 12, 16 mg. Medicine in a vial. Syrup. Solution for oral administration. Adults are prescribed 8-16 mg 4 times a day.

Bisolvon. Tablets of 8 mg 100 pieces per pack. Solution for oral administration. Elixir. Assign 8-16 mg 4 times a day.

"Lazolvan". Tablets of 30 mg 50 pieces per pack. Syrup 100 ml in vials. Assign 30 mg 2 to 3 times a day.

  • Combined drugs

“Doctor MOM, broncholithin, bronchicum, etc.

  • Bronchodilators

"Atrovent", "Troventol", "Truvent".

  • Other drugs recommended in the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis

Short-acting inhaled B-2 agonists

This group of drugs also has a bronchodilatory effect. These drugs in chronic obstructive bronchitis are less effective than anticholinergics. Preparations of this group are recommended to be used no more than 3-4 times a day or as a prophylaxis before physical activity. Combined use of inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis more effective than therapy with bronchodilators of the same group.

Important! Caution is required in the use of drugs of the beta-2-agonist group in the elderly, especially in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects of drugs "B-2-Agonists": possible trembling of the hands, internal trembling, tension, palpitations,.

The most common drugs in this group are the following:

"Berotek" (fenoterol). Metered aerosol for inhalation. 300 inhalation doses of 200 mcg.

"Berotek-100" (fenoterol). (Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany). Metered aerosol containing a lower dose of the drug - 100 mcg.

"Salbutamol". Metered aerosol 100 mcg per dose.

"Ventolin" (salbutamol). Aerosol inhaler 100 micrograms per dose.

There is a drug that is a combination of these two groups of drugs.

"Berodual" (20 micrograms of ipratropium bromide + 50 micrograms of fenoterol). The two bronchodilators contained in Berodual have a stronger effect in combination than either of them alone. If combined treatment with inhaled anticholinergics and short-acting beta-2 agonists is ineffective, your doctor may recommend another group of drugs for you.

  • Methylxanthines group

The main representative of the methylxanthines group is theophylline. It has a weaker bronchodilatory effect compared to inhaled anticholinergics and beta-2-agonists.

However, in addition to the bronchodilator action, the drugs of this group have a number of other properties:

- prevent or reduce fatigue of the respiratory muscles;
- activate the motor ability of the ciliated epithelium;
- stimulate breathing.

Side effects of drugs of the methylxanthines group: irritation of the gastric mucosa, pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, agitation, anxiety, headache, trembling, palpitations,.

  • Theophylline group

Of the drugs of the theophylline group, its extended forms are of the greatest interest. There are a large number of proposed drugs in this group. They are prescribed by a doctor. The dose and treatment regimen depend on the severity of the disease and some other individual factors.

Preparations of the 1st generation (taken 2 times a day):

"Theotard". Retard capsules of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 g. 20, 60 and 100 pieces per pack.

"Theopec". Tablets of 0.3 g. 50 pieces per pack.

"Retafil". Tablets of 0.2 and 0.3 g. 100 pieces per pack.

"Slow Fillin". Tablets of 0.1 and 0.2 g. 100 pieces per pack.

"Durophyllin". Capsules of 0.125 and 0.25 g. 40 pieces per pack.

II generation drugs (taken once a day).

Euphylong. Retard capsules of 0.375 and 0.25 g. 20, 50, 100 pieces per pack.

  • Group of glucocorticosteroids

Another group of drugs that can be advised to take as basic therapy are glucocorticosteroids. In chronic obstructive bronchitis, they are prescribed in cases where airway obstruction remains severe and causes disability despite smoking cessation and optimal bronchodilator therapy. The doctor usually prescribes these drugs in tablet form against the background of ongoing therapy with bronchodilators. The most common of this group is the drug - "Prednisolone".

  • In conclusion, about medical preparations for the treatment of bronchitis ...

All of the above drugs are basic therapy, that is, when prescribed, they should be taken regularly for a long time. Only in this case, you can count on the success of therapy. We would like to once again emphasize the need to stop smoking as one of the factors that significantly aggravate the condition and accelerate the progression of the disease.

In chronic bronchitis, methods are used to increase the nonspecific resistance of the body. For this purpose, adaptogens are used:

Systematic anti-relapse treatment can significantly reduce the number of exacerbations. In the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis, an important place is occupied by the training of the respiratory muscles - therapeutic breathing exercises. There are various exercises offered to patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis. They are aimed at treating fatigue and tension of the respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm. There are also special exercises aimed at improving sputum discharge. These are the so-called drainage exercises.
With prolonged airway obstruction, the increase in the tension of all respiratory muscles becomes chronic. Treatment of fatigue of the respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm, is important along with the use of medications for the treatment of chronic bronchitis. Various workouts are widely used to ensure the normal mode of muscle work.

Therapeutic exercise, aimed at reducing muscle tone and improving bronchial patency, gives the best effect in bronchial obstruction.

Breathing exercises

The most simple, but very important exercise is breathing training by creating positive end-expiratory pressure. These exercises are easy to do. You can use non-corrugated hoses of various lengths through which the patient breathes, and create water lock installations (a jar filled with water). After a sufficiently deep breath, you should exhale as slowly as possible through a hose into a jar filled with water.

To improve the drainage function, special drainage positions and exercises with forced extended exhalation are used.

Positional (postural) drainage is the use of a certain position of the body to better expel sputum. Positional drainage is performed in patients with chronic bronchitis (especially in purulent forms) with a decrease in the cough reflex or too viscous sputum. It is also recommended after endotracheal infusions or aerosolized expectorants.

It is performed 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening, but more often) after a preliminary intake of bronchodilators and expectorants (usually infusion of thermopsis, coltsfoot, wild rosemary, plantain), as well as hot linden tea. After 20-30 minutes after this, the patient alternately takes positions that contribute to the maximum emptying of sputum from certain segments of the lungs under the influence of gravity and the "draining" of sputum to the cough reflexogenic zones.

In each position, the patient first performs 4-5 deep slow respiratory movements, inhaling air through the nose, and exhaling through pursed lips. Then after a slow deep breath produces 3 - 4-fold shallow cough 4 - 5 times. A good result is achieved with a combination of drainage positions with various methods of chest vibration over the drained segments or chest compression with hands on exhalation, massage done quite vigorously.

Postural drainage is contraindicated in patients with hemoptysis, pneumothorax, and significant dyspnea or choking during the procedure.


Massage is included complex therapy chronic bronchitis. It promotes sputum discharge, has a bronchodilator effect. Classical, segmental and acupressure massage is used.

The latter type of massage can cause a significant broncho-relaxing effect. For a non-specialist, the following acupressure techniques are most accessible: light touch and stroking, light finger pressure and deep pressure. Finger pressure during acupressure should be strictly vertical, without displacement. The movement of the finger should be rotational or vibrating, but must be non-stop. The stronger the impact on the point, the shorter it should be.

Most of the points used are processed thumb. Acupressure is recommended for no more than 10 minutes. During pressing, a person should not experience discomfort. In chronic bronchitis, massage of the following points is used:

"Haegu"- one of the most popular points, known in acupressure as the "point of a hundred diseases." It is located in the fork between the thumb and forefinger on the back of the hand at the top of the muscle tubercle;

"Dazhui"- in a depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra;

"Tiantu"- in the center of the depression above the middle of the jugular notch;

You can complete the massage by kneading the end phalanges of the thumbs on your hands.

Important! Acupressure is contraindicated for any tumors, acute, and, blood diseases, active forms, pregnancy.

Cupping massage

Cupping massage promotes sputum discharge when coughing. A jar with a capacity of 200 ml is applied to the skin lubricated with petroleum jelly. With a suction jar, sliding massage movements are made from the lower back to the cervical spine. Duration 5 - 15 minutes. Then the patient is wrapped in a blanket, they give him a glass of tea with or raspberries. This procedure is carried out every other day.


Physiotherapy is used in patients with chronic bronchitis to suppress the inflammatory process, improve the drainage function of the bronchi.

1. UHF currents - 10 - 12 minutes per area of ​​the roots of the lungs every other day in an oligothermal dosage.
2. Microwave therapy (decimeter waves using the Volna-2 apparatus) - on the area of ​​​​the roots of the lungs daily or every other day, 10 - 15 procedures (improves bronchial patency).
3. Inductothermy or short-wave diathermy on the interscapular region for 15-25 minutes, daily or every other day (10-15 procedures in total).

With an abundant amount of sputum - UHF in alternation with calcium chloride electrophoresis on chest, with dry cough - potassium iodide electrophoresis.

4. Electrophoresis with heparin on the chest.
5. With a subsiding exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, applications of mud, ozocerite, paraffin on the chest, UVI can be used in the warm season in a phase close to remission; coniferous, oxygen baths.

Inhalation aerosol therapy

In chronic bronchitis, inhalation aerosol therapy is prescribed. This method of treatment is carried out using individual (home) inhalers (AIIP-1, "Fog", "Musson", "Geyseo-6", etc.) or in hospital and sanatorium inhalatories.

Combination of expectorants

Combinations of several expectorants are used, for example, first thinning sputum (acetylcysteine, mistabron), and then stimulating its expectoration (hypertonic solutions of potassium and sodium iodide, sodium bicarbonate, mixtures thereof). The duration of one course of treatment is 2-3 months. Inhalations are prescribed 2 times a day.

1. Bronchodilator mixture with adrenaline:

a) 0.1% adrenaline solution - 2 ml, 0.1% atropine solution - 2 ml, 0.1% diphenhydramine solution - 2 ml. 20 drops per 10-20 ml of water.
b) Eufillin solution 2.4% - 1 ml, adrenaline solution 0.1% - 1 ml, diphenhydramine solution 1.0% - 1 ml, sodium chloride solution 0.9% - up to 20 ml. 20 ml for 1 inhalation.

2. Alkaline Expectorant Blend:

a) Sodium bicarbonate - 2 g, sodium tetraborate - 1 g, sodium chloride - 1 g, distilled water - up to 100 ml. 10 - 20 ml per 1 inhalation.
b) Sodium bicarbonate - 4 g, potassium iodide - 3 g, distilled water - up to 150 ml. 10 - 20 ml per 1 inhalation.


Collection number 1. The dominant property of the collection is antiseptic.

Plantain leaves - 1 part;
Licorice root - 1 part;
Sage leaves - 1 part;
Pine buds - 1 part;
Black elderberry flowers - 1 part.

From collection No. 1, an infusion or decoction is prepared. For this, 1.5 - 2 tbsp. l. collection is placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and infuse for 15 minutes (wrapped) or put in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes with frequent stirring, then filter, squeeze out the rest of the raw material, bring the finished extract with boiled water to 200 ml . Take 1 tbsp. l. after 1.5 - 2 hours, that is, 8 - 10 times a day.

Collection number 2. The dominant property of the collection is bronchodilating.

Leaves of coltsfoot - 1 part;
Oregano herb - 1 part;
Licorice root - 2 parts;
Ledum herb - 2 parts.

It is mainly used for obstructive chronic bronchitis, prepared as collection No. 1.

Collection number 3. Anti-inflammatory and expectorant action.
Elecampane root - 1 part;
Althea root - 2 parts;
Oregano herb - 1 part;
Birch buds - 1 part;

Collection No. 3 is used in patients with a mild exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and in the absence of an exacerbation (as a predominantly expectorant). Preparing, as well as collection number 1.

Collection number 4. For each patient, the collection must be selected individually. If the patient has a strong cough and bronchospasm, then grass, grass, oregano are added to the collection. With a strong irritating cough with hemoptysis, the amount of mucus-forming raw materials (marshmallow root, mullein flowers, coltsfoot leaves) increases in the collection.

Althea root - 2 parts;
Leaves of coltsfoot - 1.5 parts;
plantain leaves - 2 parts;
Flowers - 2.5 parts;
Licorice root - 1.5 parts;
Cudweed herb - 2 parts;
Spring primrose roots - 2 parts;
Pine buds - 1 part;
Leaves and fruits of black currant - 5 parts;
Oat seeds - 5 parts.

2 tbsp. l. collection No. 4 pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for about an hour, use during the day.

Collection number 5

Ledum herb - 10 g;
Leaves coltsfoot - 10 g;
Plantain leaves - 10 g;
Chamomile flowers - 10 g;
Licorice root - 10 g;
Grass violet tricolor - 10 g;
Calendula flowers - 10 g;
Elecampane root - 10 g;
Anise fruits - 10 g.

2 tbsp. l. collection No. 5, place in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of water, close the lid, bring to a boil in a water bath, boil for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes at room temperature. Squeeze out the remaining raw material. Bring the volume of the resulting infusion with boiled water to 200 ml. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day (mainly for chronic obstructive bronchitis).

Collection No. 6

Licorice root - 15 g;
cyanosis root - 15 g;

Valerian root - 10 g;
Grass - 10 g;
Mint herb - 10 g;
Grass - 10 g.
Prepare as collection number 5. Take ¼ cup 4-5 times a day after meals (mainly for chronic obstructive bronchitis).

Collection number 7

Leaves coltsfoot - 20 g;
Chamomile flowers - 20 g;
Oregano herb - 10 g.
2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist for 6 hours, drink ½ cup 4 times a day before meals in a warm form. Brew better in a thermos.

Gathering #8

Plantain leaves - 20 g;
St. John's wort - 20 g;
Linden flowers - 20 g.
Prepare as collection number 7. Take ½ cup 4 times a day.

Gathering #9

Elecampane root - 30 g;
Calendula flowers - 30 g;
Plantain leaves - 50 g;
Thyme grass - 50 g;
Leaves coltsfoot - 50 g.
2 tbsp. l. collection No. 9 brew 200 ml of water, leave for 40 minutes. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day.

Collection number 10. The collection has an expectorant and softening painful cough action.

60 g (3 tablespoons) of crushed flaxseed are poured into 1 liter of hot water, shaken for 10 minutes, filtered. 50 g of licorice root, 30 g of anise fruits, 400 g of honey are added to the resulting liquid and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is brought to a boil, insisted to cool, filtered and taken ½ cup 4-5 times a day before meals. Not recommended for honey intolerance.

Collection number 11. The collection has an expectorant and antioxidant effect.

Alder cones - 50 g;
Grass violet tricolor - 50 g;
Grass - 50 g;
Grass mountaineer kidney - 50 g;
Black elderberry flowers - 50 g;
Fruits - 50 g;
Immortelle flowers - 50 g;
Blackcurrant leaves - 50 g;
Plantain leaves - 50 g.

Mix 10 g of the mixture, pour 300 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, squeeze. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Prevention of bronchitis

First of all, in order to prevent the recurrence of bronchitis, it is necessary to immediately stop smoking for patients with bronchitis. If the work of a patient with bronchitis includes factors harmful to health, then they must either be eliminated or the patient with bronchitis should be employed. Moreover, the new work should exclude such risk factors for bronchitis as the presence of numerous dust in the air, temperature changes, and strong air pollution.

When a patient with bronchitis goes into remission, it is quite possible for a doctor to prescribe a course of treatment and prevention with various tonic and strengthening agents for the entire body. These include, for example, ginseng tincture, Methyluracil, Pyrogenal, Prodigiosan, some vitamins from the groups, and. Also, a patient with bronchitis may be shown physiotherapy.

In order for the prevention of chronic bronchitis to be effective, it is necessary in the event of acute or not very inflammation of the respiratory throat, lungs, to try to cure such diseases as quickly and correctly as possible. You also need to pay special attention to such childhood diseases as. Timely cleansing of the nasopharynx from sputum is also important in the prevention of bronchitis. Of course, if a person goes in for sports or just physical education, he is much less likely to get sick with bronchitis.

For the prevention of bronchitis, it is also necessary to detect and eliminate in a timely manner various diseases ear, throat and nose. For example, polyps and other diseases that are not cured in time increase the risk of getting sick with bronchitis, since they, firstly, represent a source of infection in the body, and secondly, increase its sensitivity to future diseases, such as bronchitis.

It is necessary to remove polyps (if any), treat the curvature of the nasal septum to improve breathing.

Prevention of chronic bronchitis is also successfully carried out with the help of staying in sanatoriums and medical institutions. Of course, warm sea regions are the best way to prevent bronchitis, and resorts with a mountain or steppe landscape are also a good option. When you choose the place where you will rest for the prevention of bronchitis, you should take into account that a sharp change in air temperature on vacation can, on the contrary, cause an attack of acute bronchitis.

Significant in the prevention of chronic bronchitis are constant breathing exercises, hardening procedures (preferably with the participation of water, for example, a cool shower every day or wiping), physical education in general and exercise therapy in particular. If a person is sick with chronic bronchitis, then he should always be in the field of view of the local clinic.

Risk factors in the development of bronchitis

The risk of acute bronchitis or its transition to a chronic form increases several times if you smoke or passively inhale tobacco smoke. This is especially true for children whose parents smoke. In this case, in addition to bronchitis, children have an increased risk of developing, and pneumonia. In cases where your immune system is weakened by an acute or chronic illness, the risk of developing bronchitis also increases.

If you work in places with a high content of dust in the air, such as cotton, as well as chemicals, acids, alkalis, peroxides, the risk of developing bronchopulmonary diseases increases.

Bronchitis in children most often develops as a complication of nasopharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, and also as a symptom of an acute respiratory viral infection. A prolonged or repeated disease process often occurs in young children. It is not uncommon for bronchitis to be asthmatic in nature. Of great importance in the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the bronchi is general state child health, immunity.

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

The disease develops slowly in children. The onset of the disease can be inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The child becomes weak, the temperature rises. Then a cough appears - at first dry, then with copious sputum. Young children are unable to cough up and swallow mucus, which may cause vomiting. In the case of an inflammatory process in the small bronchi, the child's condition worsens, shortness of breath appears. Typically, acute bronchitis lasts seven to fourteen days.

Treatment of bronchitis in children

Treatment for acute bronchitis in most cases is symptomatic.

- Bed rest until body temperature returns to normal.

— Dairy-vegetarian diet enriched with vitamins.

- Plentiful drink (tea, fruit drink, decoction, alkaline mineral water, hot milk with "Borjomi" in a ratio of 1: 1).

- Restoration of nasal breathing. Various vasoconstrictor drugs are used: Oxymetazoline, Tetrizoline (tizine), Xylometazoline, including combined ones (with antihistamines, glucocorticoids). The use of drops, especially vasoconstrictors, should not be prolonged, as it can lead to atrophy or, conversely, hypertrophy of the mucous membrane.

- Antipyretics in an age dosage with an increase in body temperature above 38.5 - 39.0 ° C. The drug of choice is "". A single dose of paracetamol is 10-15 mg/kg orally, 10-20 mg/kg suppositories. Amidopyrine, antipyrine, phenacetin are excluded from the list of used antipyretic drugs. Due to possible side effects, it is not recommended to use acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and metamizole sodium ("").

- Antitussives: "Butamirat" (sinekod), "Glautsin", "Prenoksdiazin" (libeksin) are used only in case of dry obsessive cough. Mucus hypersecretion and bronchospasm are contraindications to the appointment of antitussives.

- Expectorants (drugs of thermopsis, marshmallow, licorice, essential oils, terpinhydrate, sodium and potassium iodides, sodium bicarbonate, saline solutions) and mucolytic ("Cysteine", "Acetylcysteine", "Chymotrypsin", "Bromhexine", "Ambroxol") preparations are indicated for all clinical variants of the course of bronchitis. Sputum evacuation agents are usually administered orally or by inhalation using a nebulizer or aerosol inhaler. Currently, there are a large number of effective combined drugs that have a multidirectional effect: muco- and secretolytic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, reducing mucosal edema (Bronchicum, etc.).

- Bronchodilators are used for clinical signs bronchial obstruction in the form of inhalation (through a nebulizer, using spacers), inside, less often rectally. ß-agonists, anticholinergics have a bronchodilator effect: ipratropium bromide (Atrovent), ipratropium bromide + fenoterol (Berodual) and methylxanthines (theophylline preparations, including prolonged ones). Use "Salbutamol", "Fenoterol", "Clenbuterol", "Salmeterol" (serevent), "Formoterol" (oxys turbuhaler, foradil). Fenspiride (Erespal) is also prescribed, which has a bronchodilatory, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces bronchial reactivity, reduces mucus secretion, and normalizes mucociliary clearance.

- Rehydration of the respiratory tract is carried out with moistened aerosols, steam inhalations with alkaline solutions, including mineral ones, to which essential oils can be added in the absence.

- Drainage and removal of sputum with therapeutic gymnastics, vibration massage, postural drainage.

- They also fight against dehydration, acidosis, heart failure, prescribe.

Antibacterial and antiviral therapy is prescribed only for strict indications:

- febrile fever for 3 days or more;

- an increase in signs of infectious toxicosis and respiratory failure;

- pronounced asymmetry of physical data;

- inflammatory changes in peripheral blood tests (neutrophilic leukocytosis, increased ESR).

Prevention of bronchitis in children

Preventive measures of bronchitis in children include hardening of the body, summer trips to the sea, a balanced diet, walks in the fresh air, and observance of the daily regimen. If the child is sick especially often, vitamins and adaptogenic drugs are recommended. When the cause of frequent bronchitis is a chronic disease of the nasopharynx, it is necessary to sanitize the foci of infection in the summer. In addition, weakened children are recommended breathing exercises and a set of exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle.

Important! In all cases, for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bronchitis in children, you should contact your doctor, and in no case should you self-medicate.

Bronchitis, like any other disease in the case of pregnancy, should be treated with extreme caution, because. with a standard approach, you can harm not only yourself, but also the child you are carrying. Therefore, in case of any health deviations, immediately contact your doctor! Thanks to!!!

Symptoms of bronchitis during pregnancy

Bronchitis begins in the same way as a cold. There is a slight increase in body temperature (usually up to 38 ° C, but in some cases the temperature may remain normal), malaise, fatigue, cough - first dry, then with a small amount of mucous or mucopurulent sputum. On the 2-3rd day, there are sore sensations behind the sternum. When the above symptoms appear expectant mother you need to see a doctor for treatment. This is very important, since changes in the body that are natural for pregnancy, such as swelling of the bronchial mucosa (this is due to hormonal levels), high standing and low mobility of the diaphragm (it is pushed up by the pregnant uterus), make it difficult to discharge the resulting sputum. Sputum stagnant in the bronchi can maintain inflammation for a month or more. It is harmful to both the mother and the fetus.

If the disease lasts no more than 2 weeks, then we are talking about acute, and if up to 1 month or more - about a protracted course of bronchitis. Usually, acute bronchitis does not adversely affect either the fetus or the course of pregnancy. However, prolonged bronchitis in rare cases can lead to intrauterine infection of the child. Therefore, the treatment of bronchitis must begin from the very first days.

Diagnosis of bronchitis during pregnancy

Diagnosis of bronchitis is based on the identification of characteristic complaints of the examination data and laboratory examination. An X-ray examination for pregnant women is prescribed only if the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis, the disease has acquired a protracted course or complications have arisen.

Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy

The main drugs in the treatment of acute bronchitis are antibiotics. But for pregnant women, they are still undesirable, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors usually try to avoid antibacterial drugs and they are used only in extreme cases, if there is a threat of developing pneumonia - pneumonia, intrauterine infection of the fetus, or in severe protracted bronchitis.

In the case when it is not possible to avoid taking antibiotics, penicillin preparations are prescribed: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab. These drugs are approved for use during pregnancy, do not harm the fetus.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to use antibiotics from the group - cephalosporins.

For the treatment of acute infectious processes in the respiratory tract, the inhaled antibiotic "Bioparox" (fusafungin) is also intended. This drug has an exclusively local effect and does not have a systemic effect, that is, it acts only in the respiratory tract, without penetrating the placenta, which is important for a pregnant woman. A feature of "Bioparox" is a combination of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. "Bioparox" is taken every 4 hours for 4 inhalations in the mouth and / or 4 in each nasal passage.

Without antibacterial drugs, the treatment of acute bronchitis consists in removing intoxication and restoring impaired bronchial function.

Other remedies for bronchitis during pregnancy

Cough relievers

1. Frequent warm drinking:
- hot tea with honey and;
- lime tea.

2. Expectorants that increase sputum secretion (with dry cough):
- essential oils of camphor, thyme, thyme (inhalation);
- mixture from thermopsis (used at any time);
- potion from the root of ipecac - irritates the gastric mucosa, is not used for early toxicosis;
- Sinupret.

3. Mucolytics - thinning sputum (with viscous, difficult to expectorate sputum):
- "Bromhexine" - a single dose of 50 mg, daily 200 mg;
- "Ambroxol" - a single dose of 16 mg, daily 64 mg;
- "Mukaltin" - a single dose of 30 mg, daily 90 mg;
- "Chymotrypsin" (solution for inhalation) - a single dose of 10 mg, daily 20 mg;

The effect is achieved with a sufficient one-time and daily dose drugs, with underestimated efficiency is sharply reduced.

4. Antitussive drugs - with a constant painful cough:
- Mucous decoction of marshmallow root, or the drug "Alteika";
- Tonsilgon.

5. Relieving bronchospasm (asthmatic component of cough, wheezing, difficult exhalation):
- "Zufillin" - tablets and inhalations.

6. Physical heating - local:
- mustard plasters;
- banks.

Strictly prohibited!

The following antibiotics should not be taken during pregnancy:

Video about bronchitis

Well, here we come with you, dear readers, to the end of this huge article. Hope it helps you find answers to your questions!