What is hyperthermia? Causes, symptoms, types and features of treatment. Hyperthermia (high body temperature, fever) Evening hyperthermia in adults causes

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Hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature associated with an imbalance between heat production and its removal.

Unlike fever, it is not associated with the effect of microbial toxins on the thermoregulatory center and cannot be treated with antipyretics. Most often, hyperthermia develops in children under one year old due to the imperfection of the mechanisms of thermoregulation.

general information

Normally, the human body maintains the temperature of the core of the body - the liver, heart, brain at a level of 37-37.5 degrees C. Such conditions are optimal for the course of biochemical reactions in cells. All tissues of the body produce heat, but this process occurs most intensively in the skeletal muscles and liver.

Responsible for removing heat from the body:

  • Blood vessels are those that are adjacent directly to the skin and mucous membranes. Their expansion leads to an increase in heat transfer, and their narrowing leads to its reduction.
  • Skin - sweat glands moisten its surface with their secret, thereby increasing the removal of heat. Under the influence of cold, the smooth muscle fibers of the skin contract and its hairs rise - they hold the heated layer of air near the body.
  • Lungs - The evaporation of fluid from breathing lowers body temperature. It is directly proportional to the intensity of blood flow in the alveoli.

In cases where heat production prevails over heat transfer, hyperthermia develops. An increase in body temperature disrupts the normal functioning of the body, primarily the circulatory system suffers.

Disseminated coagulation syndrome (DIC) develops - blood proteins coagulate in the vessels, and its liquid part leaves the vascular bed, hemorrhage occurs in various organs. DIC is the leading cause of death from hyperthermia.


Hyperthermia in children and adults develops as a result of external and internal factors. In this regard, the following forms are distinguished pathological condition:

  • Endogenous - body temperature rises due to substances that the body produces itself (hormones thyroid gland and adrenal glands, progesterone). In other cases, the process of heat transfer is disturbed, for example, with obesity of 3-4 degrees.
  • Exogenous - occurs under the influence of physical factors external environment: high temperature and humidity. Often it is associated with substances for inhalation anesthesia - in this case, malignant hyperthermia develops.


Causes of hyperthermia can be external and internal. Endogenous hyperthermia develops as a result of:

  • Increased heat production - Normally, the cell stores energy in the form of ATP molecules due to oxidation and phosphorylation reactions. An excess of thyroid, adrenal or corpus luteum hormones disrupts this process and all the energy of oxidative reactions is released in the form of heat.
  • Reduced heat transfer - it is associated with narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin due to increased sympathetic tone nervous system. In this case, white hyperthermia develops, so named because of the pronounced pallor of the human skin. Prevents the release of heat excessively developed subcutaneous fat in obesity. It has practically no blood vessels and has low thermal conductivity.

A head injury with damage to the hypothalamus, in which the thermoregulatory center is located, leads to hypothermia by one of the considered mechanisms.

Exogenous hyperthermia may be associated with:

  • High ambient temperature (visiting a bath, relaxing in hot countries, working in fires or hot shops) - in this case, the body is not able to remove the heat received and overheats.
  • High humidity - in such conditions, sweating is impossible, so one of the main cooling mechanisms is turned off.
  • Wearing synthetic clothing in hot weather - it does not transmit heat and moisture well, thermoregulation mechanisms become ineffective.
  • Preparations for inhalation anesthesia - some of them cause overexcitation of the skeletal muscles with a sharp increase in heat production. The risk of developing malignant hyperthermia increases the introduction of muscle relaxants during anesthesia.


Symptoms of hyperthermia depend on the mechanism of the pathological process. However, in all cases there are:

  • increase in heart rate;
  • clouding or loss of consciousness;
  • progressive increase in body temperature;
  • severe weakness, adynamia;
  • convulsions;
  • heaviness and pain in the head;
  • feeling of heat;
  • agonizing thirst;
  • increased nervous excitability (irritability, euphoria).

Quite often at patients delirium and hallucinations develop, nausea, vomiting can join.

With white hyperthermia, a person's skin is pale, moist and cold to the touch. If heat production is increased, and heat transfer mechanisms are working normally, then the skin is red, hot, covered with drops of sweat.

Malignant hyperthermia develops on the operating table or in the early postoperative period. One of its first symptoms is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the exhaled air. This parameter is controlled by an anesthesiologist, he is the first to notice the development of the pathological process.


At the first signs of overheating, first aid should be provided and an ambulance brigade should be called. Emergency care for hyperthermia is as follows:

  • remove a person from a heat source, take him to the shade;
  • undress or uncover the patient;
  • give a plentiful cool drink (with white hyperthermia, the drink should be warm);
  • apply cold to the projection sites of large vessels (armpits, groin, lateral surface of the neck) - a heating pad with ice, frozen foods from the freezer, a cold bottle of liquid. Ice should be wrapped in a cloth to prevent frostbite on the skin;
  • wipe the patient's skin with a weak solution of vinegar or alcohol;
  • put the person in a bath of cool water.

If possible, direct a stream of air to the patient with a fan or lay it near an open window. In the case of white hyperthermia, it is necessary to warm the limbs - this will lead to the expansion of blood vessels and normalize heat transfer. For this purpose, put on mittens and socks, rub the skin, place the feet and hands in warm water.

Treatment of hyperthermia is also carried out by physical methods of cooling. Drug therapy is required in the case of white hyperthermia - intramuscularly administered vasodilators (papaverine, no-shpu) and a malignant form - intravenous infusions of dantrolene. To reduce body temperature in a hospital, it is possible:

  • intravenous administration of cool solutions;
  • rinsing the nasal cavity with ice water.

During treatment, control the level of potassium and blood glucose, its clotting ability. It is important to take into account the volume of urine excreted, with its decrease, mannitol, furosemide are prescribed. Cooling of the patient is stopped when the body temperature reaches 38.5 degrees C.

Patients with malignant hyperthermia are referred for genetic testing - it is often associated with a hereditary pathology of calcium channels on the membrane of muscle cells. Inhalation anesthesia is contraindicated for such people.

Hyperthermia most often develops in persons with imperfect thermoregulation - these are infants under one year old and the elderly. They should limit exposure to the sun, visit steam rooms and avoid vacations in hot countries.

Hyperthermia - symptoms:

  • Elevated temperature
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cardiopalmus
  • convulsions
  • sweating
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Tearfulness
  • Rapid breathing
  • lethargy
  • Increased arousal

Hyperthermia is a protective and adaptive reaction of the human body, which manifests itself in response to the negative effects of various stimuli. As a result, the processes of thermoregulation in the human body are gradually rebuilt, and this leads to an increase in body temperature.

  • Etiology
  • Varieties
  • Symptoms
  • Urgent care

Hyperthermia begins to progress at the maximum tension of the thermoregulation mechanisms in the body, and if the true causes that provoked it are not eliminated in time, the temperature will rapidly increase and can reach critical levels (41–42 degrees). This condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for human life.

General hyperthermia, like any other type of hyperthermia, is accompanied by metabolic disorders, loss of fluid and salts, and impaired blood circulation. Due to circulatory disorders, vital organs, including the brain, do not receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen. As a result, there may be a violation of their full functioning, convulsions, impaired consciousness. It should be noted that hyperthermia in children is much more severe than in adults.

The progression of hyperthermia is usually facilitated by an increase in heat production, a violation of the mechanisms of thermoregulation. Sometimes doctors create artificial hyperthermia - it is used to treat certain diseases in a chronic form. This pathological condition can occur in a person of any age category. It also has no gender restrictions.

Causes of hyperthermia

Hyperthermia is the main symptom of many ailments that are accompanied by an inflammatory process, or as a result of which the thermoregulatory center in the brain is damaged. The following reasons contribute to the development of this pathological condition:

  • mechanical trauma of the brain of varying severity;
  • ailments respiratory tract inflammatory nature, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • stroke (hemorrhagic, ischemic);
  • inflammatory pathologies of ENT organs, such as otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.;
  • acute food poisoning;
  • sharp viral infections upper airways - adenovirus infection, influenza, parainfluenza, etc.;
  • diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat, which are accompanied by a purulent process - phlegmon, abscess;
  • inflammatory diseases of the retroperitoneal space and abdominal cavity of an acute nature - acute cholecystitis, appendicitis;
  • pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Varieties of hyperthermia

According to temperature indicators:

  • subfebrile;
  • low febrile;
  • high febrile;
  • hyperthermic.

According to the duration of the pathological process:

  • ephemeral - lasts from 2 hours to 2 days;
  • acute - its duration is up to 15 days;
  • subacute - up to 45 days;
  • chronic - more than 45 days.

By the nature of the temperature curve:

  • constant;
  • laxative;
  • intermittent;
  • return;
  • undulating;
  • exhausting;
  • wrong.

Types of hyperthermia

red hyperthermia

We can conditionally say that this type is the safest of all. With red hyperthermia, blood circulation is not disturbed, blood vessels expand evenly, and increased heat transfer is observed. This is a normal physiological process of cooling the body. Red hyperthermia occurs to prevent overheating of vital organs.

If this process is disturbed, then this entails the development dangerous complications, up to a violation of the functioning of organs and a violation of consciousness. With red hyperthermia, the patient's skin is red or pink, hot to the touch. The patient himself is hot and sweating increases;

white hyperthermia

This condition is extremely dangerous for the human body, since with it there is a centralization of blood circulation. This suggests that the peripheral blood vessels spasm and, as a result, the heat transfer process is significantly impaired (it is practically absent). All this causes the progression of life-threatening conditions, such as convulsions, cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, impaired consciousness, and so on. The patient notes that he is cold. The skin is pale, sometimes with a bluish tint, sweating is not increased;

Neurogenic hyperthermia

This form of pathology usually progresses due to brain injury, the presence of a tumor of a benign or malignant nature, local hemorrhages, aneurysms, etc.;

Exogenous hyperthermia

This form of the disease develops with a significant increase in ambient temperature, or with a large intake of heat into the human body (for example, heat stroke). It is also called physical, since the processes of thermoregulation are not violated. It is manifested by redness of the skin, headache and dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, impaired consciousness is possible;

Endogenous hyperthermia

It develops due to an increase in the production of heat by the body and its inability to fully remove it. The main reason for the progression of this condition is the accumulation of a large amount of toxins in the body.

Separately, it is worth highlighting malignant hyperthermia. This is a rather rare pathological condition that threatens not only health, but also human life. It is usually inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Malignant hyperthermia occurs in patients if an inhalation anesthetic penetrates into their body. Among other reasons for the progression of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  • increased physical work in conditions of high temperature;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages and antipsychotics.


Ailments that can contribute to the development of malignant hyperthermia:

  • Duchenne disease;
  • congenital myotonia;
  • adenylate kinase deficiency;
  • myotonic myopathy with short stature.

ICD-10 code - T88.3. Also in the medical literature you can find such synonyms for malignant hyperthermia:

  • malignant hyperpyrexia;
  • fulminant hyperpyrexia.

Malignant hyperthermia is an extremely dangerous condition, in case of progression of which it is important to start treating as soon as possible. emergency care.

Symptoms of hyperthermia

The symptoms of this pathological condition in adults and children are very pronounced. In the case of progression of general hyperthermia, the following symptoms are observed:

  • increased sweating;
  • the respiratory rate increases;
  • the patient's behavior changes. If hyperthermia occurs in children, then they usually become lethargic, whiny, refuse to eat. In adults, both drowsiness and increased arousal can be observed;
  • tachycardia;
  • with hyperthermia in children, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible;
  • and when the temperature rises to critical levels, an adult can also lose consciousness.

When the first symptoms of pathology appear, you should immediately call ambulance, and before her arrival, you need to start helping the patient yourself.

Hyperthermia treatment and emergency care

Every person should know the basic rules for providing emergency care for hyperthermia. In the event of an increase in temperature indicators, it is necessary:

  • put the patient to bed;
  • unfasten or completely remove clothing that may constrain him;
  • if the temperature has risen to 38 degrees, then in this case, methods of physical cooling of the body are used. The skin is rubbed with alcohol, cold objects are applied to the inguinal regions. As a treatment, you can wash the intestines and stomach with water at room temperature;
  • if the temperature is in the range of 38–38.5 degrees, it is indicated to use tableted antipyretic drugs (paracetamol) as a treatment, rectal suppositories with the same effect;
  • to bring down the temperature above 38.5 is possible only with the help of injections. In / m enter a solution of analgin.

Ambulance doctors can administer lytic mixtures to the patient to reduce the temperature or else. The patient is usually admitted to a hospital for further treatment. It is important not only to eliminate the symptoms of pathology, but also to identify the cause of its development. If this is a pathology that progresses in the body, then its treatment is carried out. It should be noted that a full-fledged treatment plan can only be prescribed by a highly qualified specialist after a full diagnosis.

Hyperthermia - symptoms and treatment, photos and videos

What to do?

If you think that you have hyperthermia and symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: therapist, pediatrician.

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Hyperthermia is called a protective reaction of the body, manifested in response to the harmful effects of various stimuli. This leads to a violation of the processes of thermoregulation, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to critical values.

Site Editor-in-Chief: Pharmacist

The pathological condition actively progresses at the limiting tension of the mechanisms of thermoregulation. If the cause and / or factors that provoked hyperthermia are not leveled in a timely manner, then the temperature rises to 41-43 degrees, which poses a threat to both the health and life of the patient.

General hyperthermia, like other varieties, is characterized by a violation of metabolic processes, dehydration, intensive removal of salts from the body, and impaired blood circulation. Because of the disorder of blood flow, systems and organs suffer, including the brain - hypoxia is detected, since little oxygen enters the brain.

Sometimes doctors create artificial hyperthermia - it is used to treat certain chronic diseases. A pathological increase in body temperature can occur regardless of the age and gender of a person. Consider the causes and symptoms, emergency methods.

Etiology of hyperthermia

So what is hyperthermia? This is a condition that is accompanied by an abnormal and rapidly progressive increase in body temperature; is a consequence of some disease in the body or the influence of an external factor.

Normally, against the background of a decrease in the temperature of the external environment, blood vessels located closer to the surface of the skin become narrower. Such an adaptive mechanism ensures proper blood circulation in the deep layers of the body, maintains normal temperature values. internal organs under conditions of hypothermia.

At high ambient temperatures, the opposite happens: the blood vessels expand, and blood flow is activated in shallow layers, which ensures heat transfer through convection.

Various diseases and pathological conditions lead to a failure in the described chain, which leads to a prolonged and progressive increase in body temperature.

Local hyperthermia - only one part of the body is heated. This may indicate an inflammatory or purulent process.

In medical practice, there are internal causes hyperthermia:

  • The defeat of the center of thermoregulation, which is located in the brain;
  • Overdose medicines that stimulate metabolic processes;
  • Active influence (pathological) of cortical centers on the center of thermoregulation (mental illness, hysteroid reaction);
  • Excessive load on the muscles in conditions of impaired heat transfer (for example, "drying" - used in professional sports, when training is carried out in special clothes that retain heat);
  • Some somatic diseases lead to the activation of metabolic processes, for example, pathologies of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands;
  • Spasm of skin vessels or decreased sweating due to drug intoxication.

External reasons include work in hot shops, prolonged stay in a bath / sauna, high ambient temperature against a background of high humidity, wearing clothes made of fabrics that impede heat transfer.

Varieties of the pathological condition

If the body temperature rises rapidly, this will mean that the development of hyperthermia is detected. In medical practice, the occurrence of a symptom is due to various reasons, most often the etiology is a serious pathology.

In medical practice, the condition is classified according to etiological factors. There is internal and external hyperthermia. Depending on body temperature, subfebrile, febrile, pyretic, excessive are distinguished. Hyperthermia is in the stage of decompensation and compensation.

According to external manifestations, hyperthermia is classified into pale (white) and red (pink). Separately, rapid hyperthermia is distinguished - malignant. It is characterized by an increase in body temperature over 41 degrees.

Learn more about status types:

  1. White hyperthermia in adults. The condition is fraught with serious complications, since centralization of blood flow is observed. What it is? This will mean that the peripheral vessels are in a state of constant spasms, which disrupts the heat transfer process. Lack of treatment and assistance leads to swelling of the lungs, brain, impaired consciousness. The skin cover is pale, the patient is cold, perspiration is normal.
  2. Red hyperthermia. Conditionally - the safest variety. Blood circulation is not disturbed, the vessels dilate, there is an increased heat transfer. The condition develops as a protective reaction that prevents the body from overheating. Symptoms: increased sweating, hyperemia of the skin, the patient is hot.
  3. neurogenic variety. Most often, the cause is: brain injury, tumor neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature, aneurysm, etc.
  4. Exogenous (physical) variety. The temperature rises due to the high ambient temperature.
  5. endogenous form. The body cannot fully remove heat.

Separately allocate a malignant form. The reasons include the penetration of anesthetic substances into the body during surgery, physical work at high temperatures, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the use of antipsychotics.

Malignant hyperthermia can be provoked by Duchenne disease, congenital myotonia.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

A characteristic sign of pale hyperthermia is the absence of reddening of the skin. The skin is cold to the touch, visually pale, in some paintings it is covered with a marble pattern. The prognosis of such a condition is unfavorable, since against the background of a spasm of superficial vessels, internal organs overheat, which leads to a violation of their functionality.

Hyperthermia is characterized by symptoms: increased sweating, rapid heartbeat and pulse, redness of the skin - it is hot to the touch. The patient has a significant increase in breathing, headache possibly dizziness. Visual perception is disturbed: “spots or flies” before the eyes.

The patient complains of nausea, sensations of heat (sometimes hot flushes). With a sharp increase in temperature, a short-term loss of consciousness is not ruled out. In severe cases, a neurological clinic is noted - a convulsive state, hallucinations.

Diagnosis of hyperthermia is based on clinical manifestations, resistance to antipyretic drugs, physical methods of cooling - cold rubdowns, body wraps, cool showers, etc.

Therapy and emergency care

With an increase in body temperature, the patient needs emergency help. Against the background of red hyperthermia, the patient should be put to bed, remove clothes that cause inconvenience. He is given cool water, it is imperative to ventilate the room, which allows for the movement of cool air. If the man is able, he can take a cool bath or shower.

To bring down the temperature, the patient is given antipyretic medicine. For example, paracetamol. If it does not help, while the thermometer is already 39 degrees, then it is recommended to call an ambulance.

With pale hyperthermia, a medical team is immediately called, since circulatory disorders are fraught with serious complications. Before the arrival of medical specialists, the patient is given a warm drink. An antipyretic medication (Ibuprofen) may be given. It is forbidden to rub the skin, especially with alcohol solutions.

Malignant hyperthermia in most cases develops as a result of the administration of an anesthetic drug. The actions of doctors are as follows:

  • Cancel the introduction of the drug;
  • If possible, stop the operation or introduce another medicine;
  • An antidote is administered - a solution of Dantrolene.

Treatment of other varieties of the pathological condition is focused on eliminating the primary source. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, sometimes they are combined with analgesics and antihistamines.

With a pale variety, antispasmodics, vasodilators are used - they help improve blood circulation and stop spasms of peripheral vessels.

Possible complications and prevention

Lack of emergency care leads to paralysis of thermoregulation centers, heat stroke, convulsions, paralysis of the vasomotor center.

At a temperature of 42-43 degrees develops kidney failure, the work of the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system is disrupted. There is a high risk of cerebral edema with subsequent death.

Special measures for the prevention of hyperthermia have not been developed. It is recommended to treat all diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature in a timely manner. In order to prevent an exogenous form, it is necessary to follow the rules for working in conditions of high temperature, it is reasonable to approach sports, choose the right clothes - in hot weather, they should be light and breathable.


Overheating is a process that every person has been associated with. For the first time, a person gets acquainted with this phenomenon on the first day after birth, when the body temperature can reach 37-38 degrees. Hyperthermia is the main symptom of the appearance of many diseases, which can develop as an independent disease. In this article, you can learn what hyperthermia is, the symptoms and treatment of the disease.

General description of the disease, etiology of development

Hyperthermia is the process of accumulation of excess heat in the body, accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Hyperthermia can occur on the basis of diseases, as the main symptom, or occur independently in violation of the mechanism of thermoregulation. Overheating is accompanied by a violation of metabolic pathways, circulatory processes, and there is an abundant loss of fluid. Occasionally, doctors induce artificial hyperthermia, which helps to treat chronic forms diseases. An increase in body temperature occurs in people of any age, gender.

The main causes contributing to the occurrence of hyperthermia:

  • mechanical damage to the brain of various degrees of severity;
  • hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • food intoxication;
  • pathological processes involving the kidneys, human urinary tract;
  • viral infection affecting the upper airways - influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection;
  • suppurative skin diseases that provoke the occurrence of phlegmon, abscesses, cause skin hyperthermia;
  • inflammatory lesions of the organs of the retroperitoneal space, abdominal cavity.

For your information. When the body temperature reaches 37-37.5 degrees, you should not immediately take funds to bring down the temperature. A slight increase in temperature favorably affects the enzyme systems of the body, which accelerate the chemical reactions occurring in the body.

Varieties of hyperthermia

Hyperthermic reaction, depending on the duration of manifestation, is divided into:

  • ephemeral - 2 hours - 2 days;
  • acute - up to 15 days;
  • subacute - up to 45 days;
  • chronic - more than 45 days.

Depending on maintaining the temperature at the same level, hyperthermia is divided into:

  • permanent;
  • laxative;
  • return;
  • undulating;
  • exhausting;
  • incorrect (differences in the values ​​of the temperature curve are sharp, significant).

Types of hyperthermia:

  1. Red. By far the safest. Does not cause circulatory disorders, is a manifestation of the physiological process of cooling the body. The protective mechanism is designed to protect internal organs from overheating. It is manifested by a change in skin color to pink, red. Touching a person, you can feel that the skin is hot. The person himself is hot, he has increased sweating.
  2. White. Represents a danger to humans, accompanied by spasm of peripheral vessels circulatory system, due to which the heat transfer mechanisms are violated. Prolonged exposure leads to swelling of the brain, lungs, impaired consciousness, and seizures. A person feels cold, the skin becomes pale, may have a bluish tint, there is no increase in sweating. Not to be confused with hypothermia.
  3. Neurogenic. The cause of occurrence is mechanical trauma to the brain, benign or malignant tumor, aneurysm, local hemorrhage. It is a dangerous type of overheating, as are the causes of its appearance.
  4. Exogenous. The reason for the development is a significant increase in ambient temperature, the intake of a large amount of heat into the body. The mechanism of human thermoregulation is not broken. Manifestations: redness of the skin, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally - impaired consciousness.
  5. Endogenous. Occurs with increased production of heat by the body against the background of the inability to remove it. A common cause is toxicity.

The causes of overheating are varied, which determines the choice medicines for the treatment of the disease.

Clinical picture, treatment

With a pronounced inflammatory syndrome, non-infectious and other diseases accompanied by hyperthermia, clinical picture pronounced. Symptoms are similar in people of different ages, are:

  • increased sweating;
  • increased respiratory rate;
  • tachycardia;
  • lethargy, refusal to eat, drowsiness.
  • in severe cases, convulsions, loss of consciousness in children, at a critical temperature - loss of consciousness in adults.

With a pronounced tachycardia, a prolonged increase in temperature, which is not knocked down medications, loss of consciousness, convulsions, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

To provide emergency assistance to an injured person, it is necessary:

  • put the patient to bed;
  • remove tight clothing from the patient;
  • at a temperature of 38 degrees, you can use alcohol to rub the body, and then apply a cold object to the inguinal region;
  • at a temperature of 38-38.5 degrees, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories;
  • a temperature over 38.5 degrees means that it can only be brought down using injections. An analgin solution administered intramuscularly is suitable for the procedure.

With critical temperature rises, an ambulance call should be done immediately. A hospitalized patient in a hospital setting will relieve the symptoms of hyperthermia, identify the cause of the latter, and eliminate it. Remember that you should be attentive to your health, paying attention to even minor periodic temperature rises.