Jintropin release form. Jintropin - instructions for use and side effects

V / m, with low growth due to inadequate endogenous secretion of growth hormone - 12 IU / sq.m / week or 0.6 IU / kg / week; with inefficiency, the dose is increased to 20 IU / sq.m / week or up to 0.8 IU / kg / week. The weekly dose should be divided into 3-6 injections (4 IU/m2 or 0.2 IU/kg). Injections should be made in the evenings.

With insufficient growth in patients with gonadal dysgenesis (Turner syndrome) - 18 IU / sq.m / week or 0.6-0.7 IU / kg / week. In the second year of treatment, doses may be increased to 24 IU/m2/week or 0.8-1 IU/kg/week. The weekly dose of the drug should be divided into 7 single s / c injections of 2.6 IU / sq.m or 0.09-0.1 IU / kg.

In some cases, when treating patients with Turner's syndrome, it may be necessary to increase the doses already in the first year of treatment. Treatment is stopped when the patient reaches a height sufficient for an adult, or when the epiphyses of the tubular bones are closed.

The supplied NaCl solution is used to prepare the solution; for injection, a strictly required amount of the drug is collected, the remaining solution is discarded. After adding the solvent, it is necessary to carefully, without shaking, rotate the vial until the contents are completely dissolved. The resulting solution should be clear. If the solution is cloudy or contains particles of undissolved drug, it should not be used for injection.

Norditropin penset: with growth hormone deficiency - s / c, 0.07-0.1 IU / kg or 2-3 IU / sq.m 6-7 times a week. With Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - s / c, 0.14 IU / kg or 4.3 IU / sq.m 6-7 times a week. With chronic renal failure in children, accompanied by growth retardation - s / c, 0.14 IU / kg or 4.3 IU / sq.m 7 times a week. The dry matter is dissolved with the supplied solvent.

Genotropin: the recommended dose is s / c, 0.5-0.7 IU / kg or 12-16 IU / sq.m per week. With Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - 1 IU / kg or 30 IU / sq.m / week. In chronic renal failure in children, accompanied by growth retardation - 1 IU / kg or 30 IU / sq.m / week. After 6 months of therapy, a dose adjustment is necessary. Adults with severe growth hormone deficiency - 0.125-0.25 IU / kg per week. Dose selection is carried out depending on the effectiveness, adverse reactions, the concentration of insulin-like growth factor in the blood serum. Elderly patients are prescribed lower doses.

Biosome: with growth hormone deficiency in children - 0.6-0.7 IU / kg or 18 IU / sq.m of body surface per week. For patients receiving the drug for a long time, as well as for children during puberty - 1 IU / kg per week. With Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - up to 1 IU / kg or 30 IU / sq.m per week. The recommended dose is divided into 6-7 injections and administered s / c in the evening. Better results are observed when treatment is given at an earlier age. Treatment is continued until puberty or until the closure of bone growth zones. It is possible to stop treatment when the desired growth is achieved. The drug is dissolved in the supplied solvent containing 0.9% benzyl alcohol: 4 IU - in 1.1 ml, 8 IU - in 2.1 ml. The volume of the solvent drawn into the syringe is injected into the vial, directing the jet of liquid onto the vessel wall and without affecting the drug. Shake the bottle with soft circular motions (do not shake!) until the drug is completely dissolved. Do not use solution that is cloudy or contains undissolved particles.

Humatrope: with growth hormone deficiency - 0.18 mg / kg or 0.54 IU / kg per week. The dose is divided into equal parts and administered for 3 or 6 days a week in / m or s / c. Maximum dose for replacement therapy - 0.1 mg / kg or 0.3 IU / kg 3 times a week. With Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - s / c, 0.3-0.34 mg / kg or 0.9-1 IU / kg (24-28 IU / sq.m) per week. The weekly dose is divided into 6-7 injections, preferably at night.

Zomacton: the dose is set individually. The recommended dose is 0.5-0.7 IU/kg or 14.8-20.7 IU/sq.m per week. The weekly dose is divided into 6-7 s / c injections. The maximum dose is 0.81 IU/kg or 24 IU/sq.m per week. Treatment continues for several years.

Treatment of cachexia on the background of AIDS: patients weighing more than 55 kg - s / c, 18 IU (6 mg) at bedtime, 45-55 kg - 15 IU (5 mg), 35-44 kg - 12 IU (4 mg) , less than 35 kg - 0.1 mg / kg / day.

Rastan: s / c slowly, 1 time per day (usually at night). With insufficient secretion of growth hormone in children - 25-35 mcg / kg / day (0.07-0.1 IU / kg / day), which corresponds to 0.7-1 mg / sq.m / day (2-3 IU / sq.m / day ). With Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, with chronic renal failure in children, accompanied by growth retardation - 50 mcg / kg / day (0.14 IU / kg), which corresponds to 1.4 mg / sq.m / day (4.3 IU / sq.m / day). With insufficient growth dynamics, dose adjustment is carried out. With growth hormone deficiency in adults, the initial dose is 0.15-0.3 mg / day (0.45-0.9 IU / day), followed by an increase depending on the effectiveness. When selecting a dose, insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) in blood serum can be used as a control indicator. The maintenance dose is selected individually, but should not exceed 1 mg / day (3 IU / day). In the elderly, lower doses are recommended.

Jintropintradename growth hormone preparation. Jintropin was developed, researched and currently manufactured in China. The world's most popular analogue of human growth hormone somatotropin. The growth hormone in the composition is a biosynthetic DNA recombinant somatotropin. Like natural growth hormone, Jintropin contains 191 amino acids. It is packaged in vials as a dry lyophinized powder or as a ready-made solution.

The development of Jintropin was a state order of the Chinese government. The order was financed by 50% of the government subsidies, and the remaining funds were invested by the Chinese scientist Li Jin. All work was carried out in the laboratory of Gene Science Pharmaceuticals Co. The first samples of the drug were released in 1998.

Jintropin, due to the wide scope of its application, and the almost complete absence of side effects, has reached extraordinary popularity in China, and then all over the world. In 2002, Jintropin is named the first pharmacological drug in China. Moderate prices for this drug have made it popular among athletes of the most various kinds sports and among the stars of show business.

There is information about the use of the drug by Madonna to maintain physical fitness. There was a scandal at the Australian border involving Sylvester Stallone. Jintropin was found in the actor's luggage, which Stallone tried to illegally enter the country.

In 2007, due to a huge number of scandals related to the distribution and importation of Jintropin into the United States, the country's authorities accused Lee Jin of smuggling and banned the sale of the drug in their country. This and numerous other allegations of illegal distribution of the drug led the Chinese government to stop the production of the drug for the period from 2007 to 2010.

Somatotropin is currently produced in limited quantities and imports to other countries occur only through official GenSci distributors. However, this does not prevent the circulation in the markets of various countries of a huge number of fakes of Jintropin, including in Russia.

The action of the growth hormone Jintropin

Once in the body, Jintropin accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and general metabolism, leads to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle fibers, and reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat in the body. It also has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails, cartilage and joints. It tends to rejuvenate the body, prevent age-related changes and accelerate the healing of injuries, including the consequences of surgery.

In addition, Jintropin is used in the treatment of burns, peptic ulcer legs, veins and in general AIDS therapy. In bodybuilding, Jintropin is actively used on the mass gain course and in preparation for competitions, that is, on “drying”. The drug slows down the processes of muscle catabolism even on a diet, maintains a positive nitrogen balance.

How to take Jintropin

To introduce Dzhitropin into the body, it must be diluted in an ampoule with special bactericidal water, which must be in the package. Liquid is injected with an insulin syringe, slowly along the wall of the ampoule. Then, without shaking, the drug is stirred and injected subcutaneously into the fat folds on the abdomen, buttocks, and arms. It is recommended to alternate injection sites. If this is not done, body disproportion is possible due to too much local fat burning.

How to take the drug depends on the goals:

For professional athletes

  • 8-12 units per day. Stimulates muscle gain and fat burning.

For amateur athletes

  • 4-8 units per day. When included in the course, jintropin will not only improve body composition, but also heal injuries and strengthen joints.

In old age for rejuvenation

  • 1-4 units per day. Children with a lack of growth are prescribed a similar dosage.

It is best to divide the daily dose into 2 or more servings of approximately 2.5 units per injection.

Side effects from Jintropin

Production of antibodies. This often happens with preparations that have not been purified of proper quality. Therefore, the occurrence of this side effect indicates a fake of Jintropin. According to the results of studies in Russia, not a single side effect was recorded in the group of subjects.

Jintropin is a synthetic growth hormone that has state certification in Russia and Ukraine and is sold in pharmacies. The company "Europharm" acts as a distributor of the drug in the CIS. The release of the drug is carried out in vials that are filled with dry powder of growth hormone for injection.

Amateurs and professional athletes use Jintropin courses:

  • for rejuvenation;
  • for fat burning and weight loss;
  • for strength;
  • to the mass.

The production of Jintropin is carried out according to the technology of genetic engineering - at the factory, the growth hormone gene is introduced into a special bacterial DNA. As a result, bacteria carry out the synthesis of somatotropin.

Structurally, the drug is presented as a peptide, which consists of the 191st amino acid. The amino acid sequence fully corresponds to the sequence of human somatotropin, which is produced by the pituitary gland. In the pharmacy "Samson Pharma" and other pharmacy chains, you can find analogues of Jintropin: Omnitrop, Rastan, Norditropin nordilet.

Before injecting Jintropin, it is necessary to dilute the dry powder with sterile or bactericidal water. All people can administer the drug on their own, because it is necessary to inject Jintropin with an insulin syringe at an angle of 45 degrees. This is easy to do.

Jintropin is used in professional sports (often a course is used along with fat burners, powerful androgens). The drug is not sold in tablets - only in the form of injections.

You can check the authenticity of the purchased drug as follows:

  • Each official package contains five vials, five ampoules, five syringes. At the same time, packages for 10-20 bottles can be sold. Inside there is an instruction for use, a registration number in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  • The original packaging is equipped with a special sticker that must be torn to open. The sticker has a silver stripe that can be removed to see security code. It can be entered on the gensci-china.com website to verify the authenticity of the drug.

Jintropin courses

The most popular Jintropin courses can be distinguished:

  1. To the mass. The duration of the course is 30-60 days. The course includes two stages: basic and preparatory. During the preparatory phase, you need to take Jintropin 5 units once a day. During the main stage (starts from the third week), the drug should be taken 5 units twice a day.
  2. For newbies. Jintropin is well suited for use by novice athletes who often do not know how much to inject. The maximum dosage for all beginners is no more than 4-8 units of the drug. The drug should be administered on an empty stomach in the morning or after training (about half an hour to an hour before a meal).
  3. For burning fat. The classic version of the use of Gynotropin for fat burning is as follows: injections in the amount of 5 units of the drug (in the first week) and 10 units (in the second week). You need to poke every day. If side effects occur, the use of somatotropin is recommended to be discontinued.
  4. To dry. For drying, it is recommended to use Ginotropin solo (i.e., without the inclusion of other anabolics in the course). The duration of the course is no more than 2.5-3 months. If a second course is required, then before starting it, you need to take a break of several weeks. In the first week of the course, it is required to inject the drug in the amount of 5 units. In the following weeks, you can increase the dose to 10 units, dividing it into two primings (optimally - in the morning and before training). It is recommended to keep sugar levels low.

If we talk about what to pierce Gynotropin with, then you can immediately highlight various steroid drugs (Anavar, Winstrol,) and fat burners (Thyroxine). When combined with steroids, you can achieve high results in gaining muscle mass, improving relief. When used together with fat burners, a person can get a significant improvement in the relief of the figure, a noticeable weight loss.

Application instruction of Jintropin

The main indications for the use of Jintropin for medicinal purposes are:

  • Lack of natural growth hormone (congenital or acquired).
  • Growth retardation in children.
  • Anti-aging therapy (slowing down the aging process of the body).

It is these conditions for taking the drug that are prescribed in the instructions for it. But Jintropin is actively used in professional bodybuilding, which does not correspond to official indications. The release form of this growth hormone is a lyophilizate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration.

Since you need to take Jintropin 5-10 units per day to burn fat and gain muscle mass (should be divided into two doses), you can use various steroids (the same Testosterone), fat burners and insulin with it. The method of application must be chosen based on the goals.

The dosage for women, regardless of what growth hormone is used for, should be approximately 2-3 units of the drug in the first week and 3-6 units of somatotropin in the following weeks of the course. When passing such a course, it is necessary to give up sweets and maintain a low blood sugar level.

The rules for storing the prepared solution are as follows: at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees (no more than 2 weeks).

In Russian pharmacies, Jintropin can be purchased without a prescription (in theory, such a prescription can also be prescribed by an endocrinologist).

Side effects from the use of Jintropin

If the dosage is exceeded, Jintropin will almost always have a negative effect on the human body. Side effects look like this:

  • tunnel syndrome (numbness, pain in limbs). If such a side effect occurs, it is recommended to reduce the dose or refuse to take growth hormone.
  • Raise blood pressure(it is recommended to add antihypertensive drugs to the course).
  • Local reactions (pain at the injection site, itching, rash, swelling, etc.).
  • Acromegaly (if the dosages and duration of the course are observed, it does not occur).
  • Violations at work thyroid gland(You can add Thyroxin to the course at 25 mcg per day).
  • Hypertrophy of the heart and others internal organs(relevant when dosages are exceeded).
  • Feeling of weakness, pain in muscles and joints, fever in the morning.
  • Increased sleepiness (at lunchtime).

You can suffer from taking Jintropin only if the generally accepted dosages are not observed (no more than 10 IU per day). In such a situation, the impact on the human body will be extremely negative - acromegaly, hypertrophy of internal organs and other dangerous pathologies develop. In general, more harm than good.

Jintropin has zero compatibility with alcohol. You can not drink alcohol during the course (especially if the course is combined and includes insulin, steroids).

The prepared solution can not be stored without a refrigerator at room temperature.

Jintropin or Ansomon?

Today, these drugs in their category are among the most popular and effective. So it's hard to say which is better.

They have the same structure (191 amino acids), but Ansomon is considered to be a little worse in quality, because there are certain problems with antibodies (the human body, when taking this drug, begins to produce antibodies that block any action of synthetic growth hormone). You can also often find fakes, mainly Ansomon, while Jintropin is practically not faked.

Some professional athletes include both Jintropin and Ansomon in their course for mass or cutting, alternating their intake (for example, one drug for 15 days, another for 15 days).

Jintropin from China

Jintropin is a drug made in China. The product is manufactured at the Gene Science Pharmaceuticals pharmaceutical plant, which is located in Changchun Province. Ginotropin has been produced at this factory since 1998.

Jintropin in bodybuilding

Jintropin is actively used in professional bodybuilding, as well as by athletes involved in martial arts and other sports where strength training is a priority.

With the help of Jintropin, you can conduct courses for cutting, for gaining muscle mass, for relief, for burning fat. It is perfectly combined with various anabolic steroids, insulin, fat burners.

Instructions for use:

Jintropin is a recombinant somatotropic hormonal drug.

Composition and form of release of Jintropin

Jintropin is produced in the form of a lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for s / c administration in dosages of 4 IU and 10 IU, containing active substance- somatropin - in the amount of 1.33 mg and 3.33 mg, respectively.

Auxiliary components of the drug are sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, glycine and mannitol.

Jintropin is produced in vials complete with a disposable syringe and solvent.

Pharmacological action of Jintropin

Jintropin is a genetically engineered growth hormone that promotes somatic and skeletal growth. The use of Jintropin has a rather strong effect on the metabolic processes of the body. The drug stimulates the growth of skeletal bones, affecting bone metabolism and epiphyseal plates of tubular bones. Increases muscle mass, which contributes to the normalization of body structure. In patients with growth hormone deficiency and osteoporosis, hormone therapy contributes to the normalization of bone density and mineral composition.

According to the instructions, Jintropin also lowers cholesterol levels and stimulates the transport of amino acids into cells and protein synthesis, affecting the profile of lipoproteins and lipids. Increases the size of muscle cells, thymus, liver, gonads, thyroid and adrenal glands. Inhibits the release of insulin. It retains phosphorus, potassium and sodium in the body. Increases physical endurance, muscle activity and body weight.

Indications for the use of Jintropin

According to the instructions, Jintropin is prescribed to children with growth retardation due to insufficient production of growth hormone by the body, with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, as well as with chronic renal failure (with reduced kidney function by more than 50% of normal) in puberty.

For adults, Jintropin is prescribed for acquired or congenital growth hormone deficiency as a replacement treatment.


Jintropin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding(in the case of the use of Jintropin, it is advisable to refuse breastfeeding);
  • active brain tumors;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hypersensitivity to somatropin and additional components of the drug;
  • depressed states (in particular, after heart and abdominal operations, with acute respiratory failure).

According to reviews, Jintropin should be prescribed with caution in intracranial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism.

Method of application of Jintropin and dosing regimen

According to the instructions, Jintropin is injected s / c, slowly, no more than once a day, usually at bedtime. To prevent the occurrence of lipoatrophy, the injection sites should be periodically changed.

The contents of the vial must be dissolved in 1 ml of the solvent supplied with the preparation. To do this, the solvent is drawn up with a syringe and injected into the vial through the stopper. Stir until completely dissolved (without vigorous shaking). The finished solution can be stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees for no more than 14 days.

Dosages for patients are selected individually depending on the severity of the lack of growth hormone, body weight and effectiveness of the application.

With insufficient production of growth hormone in children, the dosage is 25-35 mg per kg of body weight per day. Treatment should be started as early as possible and continued until puberty or until the bone growth plate is closed. When the desired result is achieved, treatment can be stopped.

With a lack of growth hormone in adult patients, the initial dosage of Jintropin, according to the instructions, is 0.15-0.3 mg per day, and subsequently it is increased to achieve the desired effect.

With Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, as well as with chronic renal failure in children, which is accompanied by growth retardation, the recommended dosage is 50 mcg per kg of body weight per day.


Acute overdose of Jintropin, according to reviews, can lead first to the development of hypoglycemia, and then to hyperglycemia. In case of prolonged overdose, symptoms characteristic of an excess of growth hormone in the body are noted: gigantism, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, a decrease in the concentration of cortisol in the blood serum.

In case of an overdose, the drug should be discontinued and symptomatic therapy should be carried out.

Side effects

According to reviews, Jintropin can cause such side effects, as increased intracranial pressure, hyperglycemia, decreased thyroid function, epiphysiolysis of the femoral head, leukemoid reactions, myalgia, arthralgia, fluid retention in the body with the development of peripheral edema, tunnel syndrome.

As a rule, all of the above symptoms are dose-dependent and disappear after dose adjustment.

Sometimes allergic reactions such as itching and skin rash are possible. Very rarely, antibodies to the drug can form in the body, which reduces its effectiveness.

Local reactions to the use of Jintropin may be as follows: itching, pain, swelling, hyperemia and lipoatrophy at the injection site.

Interaction of Jintropin with other drugs

The stimulating effect of somatropin on growth hormones reduces GCS.

Simultaneous treatment with other hormones (gonadotropin, estrogens, anabolic steroids, thyroid hormones) can affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored in a dark place at a temperature of 2-8 degrees. The finished solution should not be stored for longer than 14 days. Jintropin is a prescription drug with a recommended shelf life of 24 months.

Not always a disadvantage, especially when it comes to women. Little girls look like princesses and are always popular with the opposite sex. But short stature can be a symptom of a developmental delay. If parents have any suspicions, they should seek specialist advice. In some cases, it is impossible to do without hormonal treatment. Good results are shown by the drug "Jintropin", but it should be taken strictly according to the instructions.

Composition, form of release and packaging

The drug belongs to the group of recombinant growth hormones. The main active ingredient is somatotropin. Additionally, components such as mannitol, glycine, dihydrogen phosphate are used, and the drug is supplied to pharmacies complete with a solvent. On sale, the drug "Jintropin" can be found in a special cardboard box. The drug, like other hormonal drugs, is released only by prescription.

The drug "Jintropin" refers to genetically engineered somatotropic hormones. Due to the special composition, the drug affects the metabolic processes in the body, and also stimulates skeletal and somatic growth. The drug also affects the formation of the muscular body. The body begins to proportionally increase. Patients who have growth hormone deficiency receive quality replacement therapy. Mineral composition and bone density are normalized.


Not in all cases, the drug "Jintropin" can be taken. Instructions for use states that the medication is prescribed primarily for children who have growth hormone deficiency. An indication for the use of the drug is also Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. Numerous studies have shown that growth retardation in children can provoke kidney failure. In 50% of cases, small patients need hormone therapy. According to the reviews - "Jintropin" helps to restore the growth processes in children.

The medication can also be prescribed to adult patients. The hormone is used as replacement therapy in patients with congenital or acquired growth hormone deficiency. It should be borne in mind that any hormone-based treatment may have its own side effects. Therefore, the use of the tool must be strictly on the recommendation of a specialist.


Before using the drug "Jintropin" instructions for use should be carefully studied. There are a number of contraindications to the appointment of growth hormone. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug to people who have malignant tumors. The problem is that the main active ingredient can affect not only the bone apparatus and muscles, but also other tissues. The drug can cause tumor growth, which is fraught with death.

Reception of "Jintropin" should be stopped in case of urgent conditions of the body. These include the effects of heart surgery, as well as respiratory failure. The drug is taken with caution in patients with hypertension and diabetes. Treatment should take place in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.

Women can not always use the drug "Jintropin". Use during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. If it is necessary to continue hormone therapy after the birth of a child, a woman should stop breastfeeding.

In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the main component of the drug develops. It appears in the form of allergic reactions like skin itching, redness, urticaria. If these conditions are treatable with antihistamines, the drug "Jintropin" should not be canceled.

special instructions

If there is a need for replacement therapy in adult patients with diabetes mellitus, dosage adjustment of hypoglycemic drugs may be necessary. Patients who are forced to take thyroxine may develop hyperthyroidism. In this regard, patients with chronic diseases should take the drug "Jintropin" under the supervision of a doctor. The dosage will be determined by a specialist in accordance with the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

People who suffer from intracranial hypertension should regularly monitor their condition. The drug "Jintropin" can have a negative effect. If swelling is observed, the use of growth hormone should be stopped immediately.

The bone apparatus in patients with growth hormone deficiency may increase unevenly. As a result, lameness may develop. This condition requires careful monitoring by a specialist. Correction can be carried out thanks to physiotherapy exercises.

For many patients, the question often arises of how to inject Jintropin. The medicine is administered intramuscularly. Experts recommend constantly changing injection sites to avoid the development of lipoatrophy.


The drug must be administered slowly, once a day. Experts recommend taking the drug "Jintropin" at night. It is at this time that the full growth of the bone apparatus and muscle tissue occurs. Initially, it is necessary to dissolve the contents of the vial in the attached liquid. The drug should be administered only when it acquires a uniform consistency. The solution can be prepared in advance. It should be borne in mind that it can be stored for no more than 14 days at a temperature of 3 to 7 degrees Celsius.

If you are prescribed the drug "Jintropin", the doctor will tell you how to take it correctly. The dosage is determined depending on the individual parameters of the patient's growth hormone deficiency. The recommended dose for children is 25-35 mcg/kg/day. Treatment can be started at a very early age. The course can be quite long. It is recommended to stop treatment only when the child reaches puberty.

If an adult patient has an acquired growth hormone deficiency, the initial dosage is 0.15-0.3 mg / day. Depending on the effect, the daily allowance may be subsequently increased. For elderly patients, the dosage is selected in accordance with the symptoms of possible chronic diseases. Treatment takes place only under the supervision of a doctor.


Were held clinical researches, which showed that overdose initially leads to hypoglycemia, and subsequently to hyperglycemia. If the drug is taken in an increased dosage for a long time, the patient may experience symptoms characteristic of an excess of growth hormone. In the most difficult cases, gigantism develops. Most often, such problems occur with uncontrolled intake of the drug "Jintropin" in childhood.

Treatment of side effects caused by overdose, in most cases, is not prescribed. The doctor may recommend stopping the drug or adjusting the dosage. Symptomatic therapy may also be performed.

In rare cases, an overdose can provoke the development of allergic reactions in the form of a skin rash, itching or hives. As the reviews testify, "Jintropin" does not need to be canceled when such symptoms appear. Just enough to get started antihistamines. If the treatment does not give a positive result, the drug is stopped. You should immediately apply for medical care if, immediately after the injection, the patient develops swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The most dangerous is the Quincke effect.

Side effects

In the first days of treatment, the growth hormone "Jintropin" can provoke the development of poor health in adult patients. Reviews show that intracranial pressure most often rises. This condition may be accompanied by migraine, dizziness, nausea. These symptoms are dose-dependent, so it is recommended to start therapy with a small dose. daily allowance drug.

In most cases, local side effects develop. There is often swelling and pain at the injection site. A small area of ​​the skin may turn red, less often cyanosis occurs. Such symptoms do not require discontinuation of the drug. Special alcohol compresses help to return the skin to normal.

During the first 8 weeks of treatment, side effects such as weakness, fatigue, and papilledema may occur. Most often, these symptoms appear in young patients suffering from Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. In rare cases, otitis media develops, as well as hearing loss. Adult patients may complain of the progression of scoliosis. Taking the drug in an increased dosage sometimes leads to subluxation of the hip, which is accompanied by limping. This problem is associated with excessively rapid growth of the lower extremities.

In patients on initial stage treatment, an increased content of inorganic phosphate in the blood can be observed. In this regard, the activity of the thyroid gland increases. Treatment of patients who are prone to such a problem occurs strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

drug interaction

The stimulating effect of somatropin on the growth process may be impaired if the drug "Jintropin" is taken together with other hormones. Treatment must be agreed with the doctor. It is not recommended to take the drug together with estrogens and thyroid hormones.

If you need to use growth hormone in conjunction with contraceptives, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist. The drug "Jintropin" can interrupt the action birth control pills, as well as influence menstrual cycle. Experts recommend giving up hormonal contraceptives for the duration of treatment.


To purchase the drug "Jintropin", you will have to write a prescription from a doctor. Without it, the medication is not released. But even with a prescription, the drug can not always be obtained. The problem is solved by acquiring a high-quality analogue. To eliminate growth problems, for example, the Humatrope medication can be used. This medicine is also made on the basis of somatropin, so it may well be used to treat patients with growth hormone deficiency.

The drug can be prescribed to patients of the earliest age. The dosage is determined by the doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child's body. According to numerous reviews, "Jintropin" completely repeats the composition of the drug "Humatrop". Medicines differ only in price. The latter is more costly.

The drug "Humatrope" is contraindicated for brain tumors, as well as neoplasms of any localization. The drug can provoke the development of metastases in cancer patients. For this reason, growth hormone therapy begins only after a complete examination of the body. Stimulation cannot be performed on children with a closed growth plate. Treatment of small patients with congenital hormone deficiency can occur only before they reach puberty.