Nystatin in urology: what is it intended for and how to take it? How to treat oral thrush About the medication in the context of the treatment of stomatitis.

Pathogenic and opportunistic fungi cause diseases that are widespread today. For the treatment of such diseases (mycoses), various antifungal drugs are produced, which are used in accordance with the sensitivity to them of certain pathogens of fungal infections.

How do nystatin tablets work?

Nystatin tablets when taken orally act mainly locally, on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, after which most of the nystatin is excreted in the feces. A small part of the ingested nystatin is absorbed into the blood, therefore, for the treatment of fungal infections of other internal organs, for example, the respiratory system, it must be taken in very large doses. Today, this is considered impractical, as there are other, more effective antifungal drugs.

Nystatin acts mainly on fungi of the genus Candida, so it is used to treat candidiasis (candidomycosis) - fungal infections caused by this type of fungus. Nystatin has an affinity for certain substances that are part of the cytoplasmic membranes of cells of Candida fungi, it enters the membranes and disrupts their permeability, which contributes to the suspension of vital activity and the destruction of fungi. Sometimes, in the treatment of candidiasis, resistance (immunity) of the causative agents of this fungal infection to nystatin develops, this dangerous complication, since fungi insensitive to the drug begin to multiply rapidly and spread throughout the body. In this case, an immediate replacement of nystatitne with another antifungal agent is required.

How candidiasis of the digestive system manifests itself

Candidiasis can develop anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, from oral cavity and pharynx and ending with the rectum. The entire gastrointestinal tract is often affected.

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush or candidal stomatitis) Stomatitis - to keep the breath fresh oral cavity) is manifested by redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, on which white curdled plaques appear. The same attacks can occur on the tongue (candidal glossitis), as well as on the walls of the pharynx (candidal pharyngitis) and on the palatine tonsils. When the pharynx is affected, it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow. Most often, candidal stomatitis occurs in infants and the elderly, who have a decrease in immunity.

With candidiasis of the esophagus and stomach, heartburn, nausea, and loss of appetite appear. Vomiting often develops, while white crumbs or even films can be seen in the vomit, depending on the degree of damage to the mucous membranes by the fungus.

Intestinal candidiasis is manifested by flatulence - bloating of the intestine due to increased gas formation. This happens because if there are a large number of fungi in the intestines, the process of digestion of food is disrupted. There are also debilitating, long-term diarrhea, as a result of which the patient is deprived of part of the substances necessary for metabolism Metabolism: the basis of the life of all living things food ingredients. The stool is usually mucus, and may be streaked with blood.

Nystatin tablets in the treatment of candidiasis of the digestive system

Since nystatinNystatin - will help with candidiasis acts mainly locally, on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, it is often used for candidiasis of the digestive system. If there is a suspicion of candidiasis of the broncho-pulmonary or urinary systems, then other antifungal drugs are used.

With candidal stomatitis, glossitis and pharyngitis, nystatitne tablets can be sucked - this will be more effective than just swallowing. You can dissolve in this way on a tablet (500,000 IU) six to eight times a day. For small children, tablets are rubbed and powdered on the mucous membranes also several times a day, using one to one and a half tablets of 250,000 units per day.

With candidiasis of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, nystatin is administered orally to adults, one to two tablets (500,000 IU per tablet) four times a day for at least two weeks. Children are given a smaller dose depending on age.

Side effects

Nystatin tablets, when taken orally, can have a negative effect on the liver, so they should not be used in liver diseases with impaired liver function. You can not use nystatin in inflammatory processes in the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - things you need to know (pancreatitis), as well as gastric ulcer and duodenum. And, of course, nystatin tablets are not prescribed for individual intolerance to this drug.

Nystatin is non-toxic and well tolerated when taken orally. Sometimes when taking it, phenomena such as decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may appear. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Nystatitna tablets are still used today to treat candidiasis.

Galina Romanenko

A lesion of the mucous membrane in the mouth, which leads to the formation of sores and blisters, indicates the presence of a disease such as stomatitis. The cause for the inflammatory process can be fungi, viruses and bacteria that have penetrated both from the inside of the body and from the outside.

Nystatin - medicinal product, which is prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist for the treatment of fungal stomatitis. The causative agent in this case are fungi belonging to the genus Candida.

Nystatin is available in the form of tablets, ointments or drops, and there are also suspensions on sale that are intended for rinsing. Tablets, as a rule, are packaged in packs of ten or twenty pieces, ointment from fifteen to twenty grams in a tube, drops of five milliliters, suspension is dosed in two hundred thousand units.

About the drug in the context of the treatment of stomatitis

Fungal stomatitis (candidiasis or thrush) is observed both in adults and children, and in newborns. Even small doses of Nystatin can slow down further development thrush, and systematic therapy should completely destroy the fungus.

For the treatment of stomatitis, nystatin ointment is actively used, which destroys the permeability of fungal cells, so the main bacterial components are destroyed.

Due to the fact that Nystatin neutralizes fungal infections, it is recommended only for candidal stomatitis of the oral cavity.

The molecule of the active ingredient of the drug consists of double bonds, which causes the penetration of the active element into the cells of the fungus. Then there is an increase in the electrolytic process, due to which the fungal cell is destroyed. Resistance or resistance is practically not observed.

In addition to the fact that the medication is used in the treatment of candidal stomatitis, it is also effective as a prevention of this disease.

As a preventive measure, Nystatin is effective in preventing the development


in the case when a rather long treatment is expected with such drugs as Penicillin, tetracycline antibiotics, Neomycin, Levomycetin and others.

Instructions for use - doses and intended course of treatment

In the treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults, Nystatin tablets are used, which need to be absorbed, ointment is less commonly used. Tablets are recommended to be taken after meals, maximum - four times a day.

The ointment is applied to the damaged area twice a day, the course of treatment lasts until the complete disappearance of the pathological plaque in the oral cavity.

Often, the treatment of stomatitis is associated with the use of other medications. With the simultaneous administration of Nystatin and Tetracycline, an antimicrobial effect is achieved. When the drug is combined with bactericidal antibiotics, the effect of the latter, as proven, is reduced.

Nystatin also reduces the effect of indirect anticoagulants, clotrimazole and oral contraceptives.

Therapy for young patients

For children, an aqueous solution is most convenient, for which you need to dissolve a Nystatin tablet (two hundred and fifty thousand units) in a glass of water.

Older children can already be offered a dragee for oral administration. In this case, only a doctor can calculate the exact dosage based on how the body reacts to the drug in question.

The full dose, consumed after meals and washed down with plenty of water, is divided into several doses. Treatment of stomatitis in children takes a maximum of two weeks. In addition to dragees, children are also prescribed a five percent ointment, which is applied three times throughout the day with cotton swabs.

Until the age of fourteen, a child can be given a dragee to dissolve. When taking Nystatin orally, it is necessary to take into account the multiplicity, duration of the course, dosage and characteristics of the child's body.

Local treatment is also possible with the help of an ointment, which should cover all foci of infection. Penetrating into the gastrointestinal tract, the ointment is not absorbed, respectively, it is excreted in its original state.

Treatment of infants

Stomatitis in infancy is treated ready aqueous solutions Nystatin, drops, or mixed with vitamin B12 if local treatment is needed. In this embodiment, one tablet is ground into powder and combined with vitamin B12.

After that, the finger is wetted with a ready-made homogeneous mixture, which must first be wrapped in a sterile bandage. Then the plaque area in the mouth is treated.

The procedure for treating the baby's oral cavity should be carried out four to five times a day after meals. Upon completion, it is necessary to withstand thirty minutes without drinking and water.

Contraindications and special instructions for use

Immediately before using the drug, it is strongly recommended that you read the attached instructions, paying special attention to the indicated contraindications. These include the following:

the presence of pregnancy; diagnosis of gastric ulcer; existing allergic reaction to the components of the drug; manifestation of sensitivity to the drug; pancreatitis; impaired activity of the kidneys and liver; lactation.

There is a possibility of developing side effects such as nausea, pain, itching, stool changes, vomiting, and swelling in the oral cavity may also occur. The manifestation of one or more of these symptoms is a strong argument for visiting a qualified specialist.

It is also important to properly store the medication, which must be kept in a dry and dark place where the temperature is at least six degrees.

seasoned word

The use of Nystatin for the treatment of candidal stomatitis is quite popular, as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews available on the network.

Nystatin ointment is always at hand, as I have two children. It is quite easy to apply, especially since it requires very little. The main thing is to avoid overdose and follow the annotations.

Natalia, 30 years old

The medication is well tolerated and costs a penny, especially since it really helps with stomatitis, it has been verified from our own experience.

Svetlana, 39 years old

For as long as I can remember, stomatitis has always bothered me. I tried the most advertised and expensive drugs, but later I found out about Nystatin and was simply amazed at the speed of its action and, most importantly, its cheapness.

Egor, 34 years old

Summing up

The main advantages of Nystatin are:

low cost; it is possible to treat wounds even in newborns; ease of use; exclusion of cases of absorption into the systemic circulation.

But it should be remembered that with an overdose of the drug, the body reacts with burning and itching, and severe swelling can also be observed.

Thus, the treatment of stomatitis with Nystatin actually stops the development of the disease, and active ingredients medicines destroy pathogenic fungi in the oral cavity.

Question:“By all indications, a fungal infection of the upper respiratory tract after using antibiotics for bronchitis (sputum for tests passed). The instructions for use of nystatin indicate only oral administration without chewing. Although a few years ago, the doctor recommended that I dissolve them. The question is - is this acceptable (although oh-oh-oh-very disgusting :-))) and more effective for the bronchi than just swallowing. Sincerely"

Good afternoon.


has low absorption in the intestine and is used as a means of local action. With the localization of the candidal focus in the oral cavity, the tablets are subject to resorption. If it is necessary to influence the digestive tract, the tablets are swallowed whole, do not chew. The effectiveness of the drug in fungal infections of the upper respiratory tract is doubtful due to local action nystatin. Otherwise, it should be nystatin aerosol or, most likely, another antifungal drug. Surely the instructions for the drug do not indicate the use of nystatin for candidiasis of the respiratory tract. Don't get busy


And see a doctor. It is possible that you have residual effects after suffering bronchitis.

The drug Nystatin belongs to the pharmacological group of polyene antibiotics, it is used for and and aspergillus.

In order to get acquainted with the unique properties of the drug, it is necessary to consider the main characteristics and features of the drug. A unique new generation remedy belongs to the pharmacological group and, accordingly, is actively used for skin and mucous membranes affected by fungi of the genus Candida and Aspergillus. According to doctors, the drug does not enter directly into the blood. Since the drug acts directly on the cause of the development of the fungus.

Scientists carefully selected components to enhance the effectiveness of the drug. It should be noted that there is an active substance that causes the destruction of a fungal infection. With such an action, their capacity is violated and, naturally, this process leads to the death of microbes that spread throughout the body. Nystatin can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. The new generation medication is produced in the form of powder, tablets, cream, suppositories. Therefore, before using this medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to attract unnecessary health problems.


Dosage forms

Nystatin is produced in the following forms:

  • Powder for suspension preparation
  • Tablets for oral use
  • Skin cream
  • Suppositories rectal
  • Suppositories vaginal

The method of application and dosage form are selected depending on the localization of candida.

IMPORTANT: If we compare this medication with others, then this drug does not have a negative effect on the internal organs. Therefore, this drug has a rich composition, fast action. The drug is used to fight fungal infection. To treat foot fungus does not mean to carry out a wellness procedure against colds or acute respiratory infections, with which we are accustomed to dealing with improvised means. Fungus is a dangerous disease for the body as a whole. In the process of life, the infection releases toxins and harmful substances, due to which there is a significant decrease in immune system and, as a result, diseases of the internal organs develop. In addition, the disease can cause an allergic reaction.

In people over 40, a fungal infection is one of the main causes of frequent colds, bronchial asthma, violations of the internal organs. During this period, an infection on the nail can lead to dermatitis throughout the lower leg. Therefore, it is impossible to delay treatment in any case. A neglected disease will only lead to the formation of a dystrophic form of onychomycosis. This disease can cause complications that threaten a person's life.

Indications for use

Nystatin is used for the prevention and treatment of skin, urogenital and intestinal forms, as well as fungal infections in the oral cavity. It is also used for prophylaxis after treatment. chemicals, ionizing radiation, a long course of antibiotics, in patients in serious condition, as well as in people with reduced immunity.


The main contraindication is individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Nystatin is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • In the presence of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum as acute form, and chronic in the period of exacerbation. During clinical remission, it can be prescribed under the supervision of the attending physician
  • With inflammation of the pancreas
  • Nystatin is not prescribed for chronic liver diseases, cirrhosis, hepatocyte dysfunction
  • In case of identified allergy to the components of the drug

To avoid the development of an allergic reaction, it is better to conduct an allergy test before starting treatment.

Nystatin has little effect on the human body, as it does not enter the bloodstream. In rare cases, the following side effects have been observed:

  • For skin application: discomfort, burning, redness and dryness of the skin, allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, peeling of the skin. Rarely, erythema multiforme develops.
  • When taken orally may develop diarrhea, vomiting, moderate abdominal pain, self-passing when the drug is discontinued
  • When using a suppository local occurring allergic reactions, burning, pain during urination or defecation, depending on the type of suppository
  • When taking any form there may be an increase in body temperature, a general deterioration in well-being, nausea, itching, symptoms similar to SARS. This type of lesion is especially common in people suffering from congenital or acquired immunosuppression.

If one or more symptoms of intolerance to the drug occur, it is canceled and other drugs are selected. Symptoms after discontinuation of the drug disappear on their own within 24 hours. Before using the ointment, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test: a small amount of the substance is applied to the skin of the wrist or elbow joint, then wait 24 hours.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug is not prescribed, and during lactation, Nystatin is not recommended. If it is necessary to treat during pregnancy, it is necessary to select safe analogues of the drug: Pimafucin, Pimafukort.

If there is a need to take pills, the child will temporarily need to be transferred to milk formulas.

During the period breastfeeding you can use the ointment without applying it to the mammary glands.

Method of application and dosage

The dosage of Nystatin and the number of doses per day is calculated by the attending physician based on the age of the patient, his general condition and localization of the disease.

For intestinal candidiasis

With intestinal candidiasis, the recommended course length is from one to two weeks. Tablets are taken regardless of food intake 2 times a day: morning and evening. The tablet must be swallowed whole, without sucking or chewing, with a glass of boiled, slightly warm water.

With candidiasis of varying severity, adults are prescribed up to 0.5 million units, with generalized candidiasis - up to 6 million units.

Children under 3 years of age are prescribed no more than 205 thousand units, children aged 3 to 12 from 250-500 thousand units, depending on the severity of the disease. The course of the drug lasts from ten days to two weeks, if necessary. It can be repeated with a break of three weeks.

Pharmacologist's recommendations: Unique tablets are produced in 250 and 500 thousand units, ten pieces in a blister, 20 pieces in a package. In pharmacies, granules are also presented in order to prepare suspensions (Fungostatin) - 100 thousand units in 1 granule of 7.5 g in a vial. The drug, presented in the form of an ointment - 100 thousand units per 1 g, 15 or 30 g in tubes; rectal suppositories - 500 thousand units, 10 pcs. packaged; vaginal suppositories - 250 or 500 thousand units, 10 pieces per pack.

Suppositories should be administered after the toilet of the perineal area. When implementing this procedure, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of specialists in order to avoid serious consequences. A unique topical ointment is widely used to treat skin candidiasis. In addition to Nystatin, its composition includes other components that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Such substances include white vaseline and lanolin. They, in turn, provide a uniform distribution of active substances that penetrate the human body. As a result, microorganisms are eliminated in a natural way. In most cases, a unique development for external use, can be used not only for the treatment of skin candidiasis, but also for the treatment of candidiasis of the vulva and anus.

For oral candidiasis

In case of fungal infection of the oral mucosa, it is necessary to place the tablet on the cheek once a day and hold until complete resorption. The drug effectively suppresses the manifestations of the fungus of the oral cavity in both adults and children.

For children of the first year, you can prepare your own means for treating the oral cavity. To do this, it is necessary to dilute the granules for the preparation of a suspension in a preparation of vitamin B12, and lubricate the child's mouth with the resulting mixture. Vitamins can be replaced with ordinary boiled water.


Both rectal and vaginal suppositories are placed twice a day, morning and evening for 1-2 weeks. It is necessary to apply suppositories after performing hygiene care, before setting rectal suppositories you can perform a cleansing enema. Before performing the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands with bactericidal soap and wipe dry with a sterile cloth.

The candle is inserted to the maximum possible depth, after which it is necessary to refrain from physical activity for half an hour. To prevent the contents from leaking, you can use a gasket. In the evening, the suppository is best used immediately before bedtime.


With the skin form of candidiasis, the use of an ointment is recommended. It is applied in small portions to the affected areas of the skin, rubbing in with careful circular movements. The procedure is repeated twice a day, if necessary, the frequency can be increased up to four times a day.

To treat the skin of a child, you can prepare the product yourself, using granules to prepare a suspension.

When treating the vaginal form of candidiasis, it is necessary to simultaneously treat the partner, treating the head of the penis with ointment. This is due to the fact that men can be carriers of the Candida fungus, but males show less clinical symptoms. During menstruation, treatment is not interrupted.

From sexual life in the continuation of the course of treatment, you must refrain from: the drug can create discomfort, a burning sensation during intercourse.

To prescribe a suppository, a bacteriological smear is performed, and an analysis is also given at the end of therapy to determine its clinical effectiveness.

With recurrent thrush, the simultaneous use of suppositories, ointments and tablets is possible to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Candida strains practically do not develop resistance to Nystatin preparations; the drug can be used for relapses for one year, while the effectiveness of the drug will not be reduced.

Compatibility with other drugs

Nystatin can be combined with tetracycline, since the activity of tetracycline in the presence of the drug is enhanced.

Penicillin and cephalosporin preparations when taken in combination, they lose some of their effectiveness.

Combined antibiotics. For example, Polymyxin enhances its effect when combined with Nystatin.

When combined with an oral group of contraceptives there is a risk of violation menstrual cycle and the development of bleeding outside the menstrual period.

Do not combine the drug with vitamin A- with this combination, intracranial pressure increases.

Compatibility with alcohol and food

During the course of the therapeutic course, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol: the drug in combination with ethanol has a toxic effect on the liver. In addition, alcohol can provoke an exacerbation of the infection or its transition to a chronic form.

When using ointments and suppositories, it is better to refuse alcoholic beverages during the treatment period.- combinations with ethanol can cause a serious allergic reaction.

During the period of treatment with Nystatin, you need to follow a diet low in carbohydrates. All doctor's instructions should be followed in order not to reduce the therapeutic effect.

Analogues and cost

The cost depends on the region of purchase and dosage form drug. The low price is one of the significant advantages of the drug. For a tablet form, the price starts from 70 rubles, for candles - within 90 rubles. Nystatin in the form of ointments from 20 to 60 rubles, depending on the size of the tube.

Terms of purchase and storage

Nystatin belongs to group B drugs and is sold strictly by prescription. The shelf life of the drug is two years, starting from the date indicated on the package. Storage and use of the drug beyond the expiration date is prohibited.

The drug should be stored in a dark place, protected from moisture, at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to protect the drug from children.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to use the tool for a certain time, which is indicated in the instructions. The latest development should not be abused, as there may be adverse consequences that threaten human life. The antifungal agent competes with such medicines, how and clotrimazole. These funds are available in the form of tablets and have a number of contraindications. Therefore, drug therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician. Under observation side effects, another substitute is prescribed, which is well absorbed by the human body.

Fungal diseases must be treated at the first appearance of symptoms, otherwise damage to all organs and tissues of the body may occur.. One of the most popular and effective remedies for fungi is Nystatin. It should be considered what kind of drug it is, and for what diseases it is prescribed.

Description of the drug

Despite the fact that Nystatin is intended for the treatment of fungal diseases, it is not considered an antimycotic agent, but its pharmacological group- polyene antibiotics. This is a narrowly targeted medicine of natural origin, with a high sensitivity to yeast-like and mold fungi.

Release forms:

Molecules of Nystatin in contact with fungi quickly penetrate the cell membrane. Having reached the required concentration, the drug forms pores in the shell of fungi, which leads to suppression of growth and slowing down their activity. Fungal cells lose electrolytes, there is an excess intake of salts and fluids, and as a result, the death of microorganisms occurs. Even a small amount of Nystatin in the body reduces the intensity of reproduction of fungi, and at a high concentration completely destroys them.

Nystatin almost does not react with other drugs, this is due to its low absorption. When taken orally, the drug is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. But, if Nystatin is used simultaneously with other drugs, you should know how the drugs can act on each other (Table 1)

Table 1 - The use of Nystatin in conjunction with other drugs

Important! It is necessary to warn the doctor about taking any medications if Nystatin is prescribed.

This is especially true for internal reception. External agents with this active substance are practically not absorbed into the blood and cannot affect the effect of other drugs.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for Nystatin is the treatment of diseases that develop as a result of the active reproduction of fungi. Depending on the location of the infection, the doctor prescribes the most appropriate form of the drug.

It is important to know when choosing Nystatin why this drug is used in tablets:

Vaginal Nystatin suppositories are used for:

  1. Therapy of candidiasis, vulvovaginitis and colpitis of fungal origin.
  2. Prevention of fungal infections with topical antibiotic therapy.
  3. Prevention of candidiasis after operations.

Dosage form for rectal application:

  1. With fungal infection of the anus and colon.
  2. Before and after proctological operations.
  3. To prevent the reproduction of the fungus in the presence of hemorrhoids, cracks, fistulas of the anus.

For Nystatin ointment, the indications are as follows:

  1. With the defeat of the skin by fungi.
  2. Fungal infections of the genitals.
  3. Stomatitis and thrush in the oral cavity.
  4. With extensive diaper rash to prevent the addition of a fungal infection.
  5. Treatment of fungus on the nail plates.

Many people think that Nystatin is used only in gynecology, but this is not so. It is widely used in urology: for the treatment of fungal prostatitis, cystitis and urethritis. In this case, both tablets for oral administration and an ointment for application to the mucous membrane of the genital organs are prescribed. With inflammation of the kidneys of fungal origin, a course of Nystatin in tablets is necessary. In addition, at long-term treatment diseases of the urinary system with antibiotics, you must take this drug to prevent the development of fungal inflammation.

In surgery, this remedy is used to avoid the addition of fungal infections in the postoperative period. Nystatin is prescribed for elevated roseola and severe infections to prevent fungal infections in debilitated patients.

Important! Nystatin is categorically contraindicated when carrying a child at any time and during lactation.

If it is not possible to replace the drug with another, then breastfeeding is stopped for the duration of treatment. Even 4 months before the planned conception of a child, it is necessary to stop taking Nystatin, especially for men, as it can affect the quality of sperm.

The drug is contraindicated in liver dysfunction, peptic ulcers stomach and intestines, pancreatitis. It is not prescribed if cases have been recorded allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug.

Treatment regimens

Treatment with Nystatin cannot take place without a doctor's prescription. Only a specialist will be able to assess the patient's condition, take tests to identify the causative agent of the infection and choose the right dose of the drug.

If diseases of the genital organs are being treated, then both partners should use the drug, even if only one of them has signs of inflammation.

Therapy of candidiasis of the genital organs:

In case of skin diseases that occur without damage to internal organs, it is enough to lubricate the lesions twice a day. The course of therapy is at least 10 days.

The use of tablets is indicated for internal lesions. How to take Nystatin:

  1. Adults on a tablet (250 thousand units) up to eight times a day.
  2. Adults on a tablet (500 thousand units) three times a day.
  3. Children from 12 months to 3 years of age are prescribed a tablet (250 thousand units) three times a day.
  4. From the age of 3, the dosage increases: per tablet (250 thousand units) four times a day.

With severe lesions, the dose can be doubled, but only as directed by a doctor. The duration of therapy is from 7-10 days, if necessary, the course is repeated. For children under one year old, only a doctor can choose the dosage based on the condition of the child, his weight and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Nystatin for cystitis, prostatitis and urethritis is taken not only inside, but also applied ointment to the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the opening of the urethra to improve the effect of treatment and prevent re-infection.

For diseases of the oral mucosa, an ointment is used or the lesions are wiped with a solution of water and Nystatin tablets. Adults can keep the tablet in their mouth until it dissolves.

Nystatin is a low-toxic drug, so side effects are not common. What the patient may feel:

If side effects occur when taking Nystatin, you should consult a doctor to select another antifungal agent with a different active ingredient in the composition. However, if you follow the doctor's recommendations, the drug in most cases is able to completely neutralize the action of pathological microorganisms.

Nystatin: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Nystatin

ATX Code: A07AA02

Active substance: nystatin (nystatin)

Producer: Biokhimik (Russia), Biosintez, OJSC (Russia), Irbit chemical pharmaceutical plant (Russia), NIZHFARM (Russia), Borisov plant of medical preparations (Republic of Belarus)

Description and photo update: 14.08.2019

Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic drug.

Release form and composition

Nystatin is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Coated or film-coated tablets: light yellow with a greenish tint, with a slight smell of vanillin, on a cross section - two layers (20 pieces each in dark glass jars, plastic containers or polyethylene bottles, 1 jar, container or bottle in carton pack, 10, 20 pieces in blister packs, 1-3, 5 packs in a carton pack);
  • Suppositories for rectal use: yellow, torpedo-shaped, with a maximum diameter of 1.2 cm (5 pcs in blister packs, 2 packs in a carton box);
  • Vaginal suppositories: yellow, torpedo-shaped (5 pcs in blister packs, 2 packs in a carton box);
  • Ointment for external use: brownish-yellow or yellow (10, 15, 25 or 30 g in aluminum or polymer tubes, 1 tube in a cardboard box).

The composition of 1 tablet includes:

  • Auxiliary components: milk sugar, vaseline oil, basic magnesium carbonate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (OPMC), calcium stearate, potato starch, MC-16 (methylcellulose), pigment titanium dioxide, trolein O, tween 80, vanillin.

The composition of 1 rectal suppository includes:

  • Active ingredient: nystatin - 250,000 or 500,000 IU (action units);
  • Auxiliary components: propyl ester of paraoxybenzoic acid, food citric acid, vaseline oil, Witepsol W-35, Witepsol H-15.

The composition of 1 vaginal suppository includes:

  • Active ingredient: nystatin - 250,000 or 500,000 IU (action units);
  • Auxiliary components: propyl ester of paraoxybenzoic acid, food citric acid, Witepsol W-35, Witepsol H-15.

Contains 1 g external ointment includes:

  • Active ingredient: nystatin - 100,000 IU;
  • Auxiliary components: anhydrous lanolin, medical vaseline.

Pharmacological properties


Nystatin is a polyene antifungal antibiotic with antifungal (fungicidal and fungistatic) activity. The structure of the drug has a large number of double bonds, which determines its high affinity for sterol formations in the cytoplasmic membrane of fungi. At the same time, the molecule active substance is embedded in the cell membrane with the formation of a large number of channels that provide uncontrolled transport of water, non-electrolytes and electrolytes. Under the action of this mechanism, the cell lyses due to the loss of resistance to the influence of external osmotic forces. Resistance to the drug develops very slowly.

Nystatin is active against Aspergillus and yeast-like fungi Candida. It has a fungistatic and fungicidal (in large doses) effect. Tolerance of sensitive fungi to nystatin develops very slowly.


Nystatin, a 19-mycosaminyl nystatinolide, is an antibiotic of the polyene group and is produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces noursei.

It is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bulk of the drug taken orally is excreted in the feces. Does not show cumulative properties.

It is not absorbed from the skin surface.

At topical application practically not absorbed through the mucous membranes.

Indications for use

Tablets and ointment

  • Candidiasis of internal organs;
  • Candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • Candidiasis with prolonged treatment with antimicrobial drugs, especially in debilitated and malnourished patients (prophylaxis).

Suppositories vaginal

  • Vaginal candidiasis;
  • Fungal complications during local antimicrobial therapy (prevention).

Suppositories rectal

  • Candidiasis of the lower intestines;
  • Fungal lesions in the pre- and postoperative periods (prevention).


  • Functional disorders of the liver;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use Nystatin: method and dosage


Nystatin tablets are taken orally, regardless of the meal.

In the treatment of candidiasis of internal organs, the following dosing regimen is recommended:

  • Adults - 4-8 times a day for 500,000 IU (with generalized candidiasis - up to 6,000,000 IU per day);
  • Children 1-3 years old - 3-4 times a day for 250,000 IU; children from 3 years old - 4 times a day for 250,000-500,000 units.

The duration of the course is 10-14 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a week.

External ointment

In the treatment of candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin, the ointment is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer 2 times a day. Treatment should be carried out daily for 7-10 days.

It is possible to carry out combination therapy with Nystatin in the form of tablets.

Suppositories vaginal

Nystatin should be injected into the vagina after hygiene procedures.

Suppositories rectal

Suppositories Nystatin is injected deep into the rectum.

Single dose - 1 suppository, frequency of use - 2 times a day (in the morning and evening). The duration of the course is 10-14 days.

If necessary, it is possible to conduct repeated treatment courses.

Side effects

  • Digestive system: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (for tablets and rectal suppositories);
  • Allergic reactions: chills, itching, fever;
  • Others: there is a possibility of the spread of resistant forms of fungi, which can lead to the abolition of therapy.


Cases of overdose of Nystatin have not been recorded.

special instructions

In cases of side effects, it is necessary to reduce the dose or cancel therapy.

Interrupt treatment with vaginal suppositories during menstruation should not be. In case of fungal diseases of the vagina, simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner is recommended. During therapy, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is forbidden to use Nystatin in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories during pregnancy.

The drug in the form of rectal suppositories can be used to treat pregnant women, provided that the expected risk to the fetus is lower than the potential benefit to the mother.

Nystatin in the form of an ointment can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Data on the release of the drug in the form of tablets with breast milk are absent, therefore, if it is necessary to use it during lactation, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

It is allowed to use Nystatin in the form of vaginal suppositories and rectal suppositories during lactation (the drug is practically not absorbed through the mucous membranes).

Application in childhood

Nystatin ointment is allowed to be used to treat children.

It is forbidden to use the drug in the form of tablets for the treatment of patients under the age of 3 years.

According to the instructions, Nystatin in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories cannot be used to treat patients under the age of 18 years.

For impaired renal function

Nystatin tablets should be used with caution in kidney disease.

For impaired liver function

Nystatin in the form of tablets is contraindicated for use in violation of liver function.

drug interaction

With the combined use of Nystatin with clotrimazole, the activity of the latter decreases.


Analogues of Nystatin are: Left, Natamycin, Ketoconazole, Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, Intraconazole.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

  • Tablets - 2 years at a temperature of 18-20 ° C;
  • Suppositories rectal and vaginal - 2 years at temperatures up to 5 ° C;
  • Ointment for external use - 3 years at temperatures up to 5 ° C.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Tablets are available by prescription, ointment and suppositories - without a prescription.

The drug "Nystatin" refers to antifungal agents. It is mainly used to treat infections such as yeast-like fungi - candida, as well as to prevent diseases caused by them. For example, candidiasis of various localization caused by the suppression of the flora of the gastrointestinal tract during antibiotic treatment. Especially in the treatment of "Tetracycline", "Neomycin" and other drugs. For preventive purposes, "Nystatin" is also prescribed to patients with weakened immune systems.

The mode of action of this drug is the destruction of the cell membrane, getting inside the cell and then destroying it from the inside. It takes some time for Candida to adapt to Nystatin. If the treatment is delayed, the drug loses its effectiveness. Therefore, if for treatment fungal disease or prevention of the latter prescribed by the application is extremely important.

The forms of release of the drug are different, since it acts directly on the area of ​​​​active growth of candida. "Nystatin" in the form of tablets or granules for dilution with water (for babies) is used to treat candidiasis in the gastrointestinal tract. In the form of vaginal suppositories, the drug is used to prevent and treat vaginal candidiasis, which is popularly called thrush. Another form of release - rectal suppositories - is necessary for the treatment of colon candidiasis. And, finally, the last form is Nystatin ointment. Its use is the treatment of skin areas affected by the fungus.

Such a variety of release forms is due to the fact that "Nystatin" is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which it cannot fight fungi that affect the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, mouth, as well as vaginal fungal infections. It should not be taken uncontrollably as it has side effects. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting - this is a list of such side effects that Nystatin can cause. Instructions for use determines the doses of the drug required in the treatment of candidiasis and its prevention, and also clearly indicates in which case it is preferable to use certain forms of release of this drug.

In particular, the instructions indicate in what quantity and for how long Nystatin should be used for various kinds candidiasis. Rectal suppositories apply twice a day for 1-2. They are entered into anus after cleansing the rectum naturally or with an enema. The duration of treatment is 1.5-2 weeks. Vaginal suppositories"Nystatin" is injected into the vagina in the same amount and over the same period of time. At the same time, the instructions stipulate that when used simultaneously with clotrimazole, "Nystatin" reduces the effectiveness of this drug.

Tablets are taken orally. Depending on the severity of the disease, adults are prescribed 250 or 500 thousand units. active substance 3 or 4 times a day, children under the age of one year - 125 thousand units each, from one to five years old - 250 thousand units each, children under 13 years old are invited to give the usual adult dose, but it must be divided into more tricks. With particularly complex diseases, it is allowed to take up to 6,000 thousand units.

Cases of allergic reactions to "Nystatin" are known. Instructions for use prohibits its use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as all other patients with sensitivity to this drug. Moreover, in recent years, quite a lot of other drugs have appeared that successfully replace Nystatin in the fight against fungal diseases, the spectrum of which is wider.

It is known that "Nystatin" is necessary in the treatment of antibiotics only in cases where the patient's body is weakened by a serious illness. For example, patients with HIV infection or cancer patients. In other cases, the human body is able to cope with fungal infections on its own, without the use of the drug "Nystatin". The instructions for use also indicate that the period of treatment with the drug should last at least 10-14 days, since if these terms are violated, there is a possibility of developing resistant types of fungi that are not sensitive to it. In this case, the use of the drug must be stopped immediately.

It must also be remembered that when using "Nystatin" or any other antifungal agent, it is recommended to combine them with the intake of dietary supplements, which include various vitamin complexes. This will enable the immune system to cope with the disease much faster.