The most dangerous and safest countries to travel. The safest countries in the world Top 100 safest countries in the world

Safety is one of the main criteria that a potential immigrant and an ordinary tourist rely on when deciding whether to move or visit a country for a short time. Unfortunately, today in different parts of the world there are armed conflicts, terrorist attacks are carried out and the overall level of crime is growing. It is on these factors that the security of people and the country as a whole largely depends.

International organizations and major travel agencies on an ongoing basis compile various ratings and lists of states with the highest level of security. According to experts, these are the most suitable destinations for both tourism and a comfortable life. Based on the data of the report "Global Peace Index 2019" compiled by the Institute for Economics and Peace, let's look at the TOP 10 safest countries on the planet in 2019-2020.


1. 1.072
2. 1.221
3. 1.274
4. 1.291
5. 1.316
6. 1.327
7. 1.347
8. 1.355
9. 1.369
10. 1.375



Iceland is deservedly considered the safest country in the world in 2019-2020. This small island nation is located in the North Atlantic Ocean next to Greenland and Great Britain. The population is just over 340 thousand people. Political stability, a strong economy, the absence of territorial disputes and the social cohesion of the inhabitants make Iceland an almost ideal place to live, work and play.



Austria is a prosperous democratic country in the heart of Europe. A great place for lovers of outdoor activities and winter sports. The greatest danger here is avalanches in the Alps, so tourists should be careful. On the whole, news professional activity, investing, studying at Austrian universities and just traveling around Austria is absolutely safe.


It is rather difficult to imagine a coup d'état or a civil conflict in Denmark. This northern country has a high standard of living and a reliable social security system, a high-tech economy and a stable political situation. In addition to security issues, according to many reputable publications, Denmark is on the list of the happiest countries in the world.


Living and working in Canada is more comfortable than in the United States, which ranks only 128th in the ranking of the safest countries. Mass killings and other types of terror are virtually absent here. The local government has developed effective programs for immigration to Canada, which gives a chance to thousands of foreigners from different countries on understandable and affordable conditions to come to the most beautiful Canadian cities for permanent residence.


In 2018, the city-state of Singapore scored three points and returned to its well-deserved place in the top ten safest countries in the world, and in 2019 it moved up one more position. Unlike many representatives of the Asian region, especially Pakistan, the Philippines and Bangladesh, Singaporeans feel completely safe both economically and physically. Largely due to the effective actions of the police and strict laws.


Slovenia is included in the list of the safest countries in the world, largely due to the high concentration of police officers on local streets, who monitor law enforcement and ensure the safety of the property of foreign visitors. In addition, cases of terrorist acts and other types of violence are very rare in the state. Joining the European Union allowed Slovenia to raise the standard of living of the population and ensured economic growth.


Japan is the second representative of Asia in the ranking of the safest countries in the world 2019, which, together with Slovenia and the Czech Republic, pushed out last year's participant from Europe - Ireland. Citizens of Japan are not afraid of hypothetical threats from North Korea and are completely satisfied with the work of law enforcement agencies of their state. Life in the Land of the Rising Sun is quite safe even despite periodic tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters.


The modern Czech Republic is not only a dynamically developing country with an industrial economy and low unemployment, but also a popular tourist destination. Foreigners visiting beautiful Czech cities with stunning historical architecture note the relaxed atmosphere and friendly attitude of the locals. There is practically no crime in the state and low military spending per capita.

In conclusion, we note that of the 163 states that are analyzed in the report, the safest country in the world 2019-2020 - Iceland, is already in first place. for twelve years (since 2008). The bottom lines of the rating are occupied by Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq.

The most peaceful and safe region on the planet is Europe. Among the CIS countries, Russia is located below all - 154th place. Ukraine is on the 150th line, and the Republic of Belarus is on the 97th.

Everyone would like to live in a safe and prosperous state, and when choosing a country for immigration, potential migrants pay attention to how peaceful the locals are, what the level of crime is, what foreign policy the authorities are pursuing. Statistical studies of recent years show that the same states continue to be leaders in terms of residential security, occasionally letting newcomers into their ranks. It is easy to see that the safest are, as a rule, countries with the highest standard of living, and vice versa - the more economic problems in the country, the more difficult it is to provide a sufficient degree of protection for citizens and visitors. Russian cities and regions are also quite heterogeneous in terms of security level: in some of them you can feel completely protected, in others additional precautions will be useful.

The safest countries in the world in 2017

The degree of safety of living in a particular country of the world is often determined using the so-called global peace index. This indicator is annually determined according to the methodology developed by the British magazine The Economist (more precisely, one of its divisions - The Economist Intelligence Unit) and published by the visionofhumanity resource. The peacefulness index reflects a number of factors that make it possible to classify a state as more or less safe. Factors to be taken into account include:

  • the involvement of the country in external or internal armed conflicts;
  • the number of casualties due to the participation of the country in hostilities;
  • relations of the state with neighboring countries;
  • the percentage of refugees in the total population of the country;
  • the number of crimes related to violence and murders in recent times;
  • availability of weapons;
  • the ratio of the number of persons serving sentences to the total population;
  • state policy on human rights;
  • stability of the political component;
  • the likelihood of terrorist threats;
  • presence of xenophobia;
  • degree of militarization of the country:
    • the ratio of the military budget to GDP;
    • export and import of weapons;
    • the number of military and intelligence officers per capita;
    • the number of weapons per capita, etc.
  • Video: which countries are most often included in safety ratings in 2017

    When calculating the final figures, 60% of attention is paid to internal factors, and 40% to external ones. For each point, the country receives from 1 to 5 points - the lower the points, the more peaceful and safer the state. Based on the results of these studies, the Institute for Economics and Peace determined that in 2017 the safest countries are:

  • New Zealand;
  • Portugal;
  • Austria;
  • Denmark;
  • Czech;
  • Slovenia;
  • Canada;
  • Switzerland;
  • Ireland;
  • Japan;
  • Australia;
  • Butane;
  • Norway;
  • Hungary;
  • Germany;
  • Finland;
  • Sweden;
  • Belgium;
  • Netherlands.
  • It should be said that Iceland has been the leader of this list since 2011. Russia in this rating is in 151st place, Ukraine - in 154th.

    The conditions that are created in Iceland for the residence of its own citizens and guests of the country are close to ideal. The "Land of Ice" is located in the North Sea near Greenland, but, despite this geographical location, it is not a cold Arctic country - the average annual temperature on the island does not fall below +4 degrees. The temperate climate is due to the influence of the North Atlantic and East Greenland currents, the temperature in July and August is kept at +20 degrees.

    Icelanders feel extremely secure

    In 2017, 330,000 people live in Iceland. It is estimated that the country has 1.8 murders per 100,000 people per year (for the US this figure is 5.8, for Russia - 9.2). The absence of territorial disputes, the well-established mechanism of the economy, and the stable political situation for a long time provided the country with the image of one of the safest and most convenient places to live in the world.

    Iceland is a fertile ground for innovation: the creative spirit of the Icelanders, backed by a good IT school, produces mostly successful startups. Some of them are financed by local investors, some by Silicon Valley venture capital funds. Since the summer of 2014, I have been working at Dohop, a metasearch engine for airline tickets, which, in more than ten years, has essentially ceased to be a startup, but has not lost its unique spirit. My task is to attract partners: online travel agencies, airlines. Technology is a new field for me, so here I had to start everything from the very beginning, although, of course, past connections help.


    Iceland does not participate in international conflicts, the locals are mostly friendly and peaceful, the strict northern nature predisposes to an orderly and measured way of life, that is, the country has everything for a person to live here in harmony with himself and the world around him.

    New Zealand

    90% of immigrants who have moved permanently to New Zealand recommend that their friends and relatives do the same. Today it is hard to imagine why an armed conflict could break out in the country, the crime rate in New Zealand is one of the lowest in the world. Cases of corruption, if they do occur, are equated to an emergency on a national scale and cause a wide public outcry.

    New Zealanders prefer to spend their free time doing sports, landscaping, chatting with friends in one of the many pubs. The authorities of the country pay special attention to environmental issues, guests invariably admire the New Zealand landscapes and beaches. In recent years, the country has been in the top 10 prosperous countries in the world and remains one of the most attractive for immigration.

    New Zealanders love extreme sports


    Based on the totality of all the factors taken into account in the study, Portugal in 2017 was among the three safest countries to live in. It is the high level of security that has attracted a large number of tourists and migrant workers to Portugal in recent years. Portugal's success in creating a favorable image is of particular relevance against the backdrop of difficulties in ensuring security in such popular tourist destinations among Russians as Egypt and Turkey. The wave of terrorist acts that swept through the most calm and prosperous European countries did not affect Portugal, crime rates in the country are steadily declining. It is generally accepted that if there is a certain danger of being robbed in Portugal, then it comes from pickpockets - cars and other large property are stolen extremely rarely.

    In 2017, Portugal was ranked among the top three safest countries in the world.


    Despite the refugee crisis, Austria continues to be one of the safest countries in the world. The Crime Index-2017 ranked the country 222 out of 225 in terms of criminalization - the crime rate is lower only in Singapore, Qatar and Taiwan. Over the past decade, the already small number of crimes has decreased by 2%, most often in Austria there are thefts of bags, bicycles, personal belongings from hotels and trains. Security issues in the country are in the competence of the police and gendarmerie. For a more effective fight against terrorism, law enforcement agencies receive additional support from the authorities in the form of funding and the provision of the latest equipment and protective equipment.

    Austrian criminal law is extremely humane, and only dangerous recidivists, drug dealers, and tax evaders are sent to jail. The practice of conducting preventive measures aimed at preventing possible crimes and offenses: this happens by communicating with football fans, analyzing the activities of certain groups on social networks, filming videos for teachers, educators, parents with instructions on how to protect children from unwanted psychological impact.

    the number of crimes committed in Austria is decreasing every year


    According to experts, the likelihood of a terrorist threat in Denmark is extremely low, even though over the past few years there has been a noticeable increase in migrants in the country. Among the dangers that hypothetically may lie in wait for the inhabitants of Denmark are petty theft, car hacking, bicycle theft, but the police are fighting these phenomena quite successfully, and in general the crime rate in the country is one of the lowest in Europe. The district of the city called Christiania is considered relatively dangerous, where the use of soft drugs is allowed, from time to time there are some clashes between groups of migrants or bikers.

    Most of the country's citizens are distinguished by extreme law-abidingness and integrity, regularly observe the rules of the road, and tend to maintain public order. Denmark has about one intentional homicide per 100,000 people a year, one of the best rates in the world. Man-made disasters are not typical for the country, natural disasters are rare, as a rule, in the form of floods in the north of the country caused by prolonged rains. The health of citizens and guests of the country is protected by highly professional medicine, which is easier to use if you have an insurance policy.

    Danish citizens are for the most part extremely law-abiding and respectable.


    Like most European countries, the Czech Republic has to a certain extent felt the consequences of the influx of refugees from the countries of the Middle East and North Africa in recent years. However, the country's authorities managed to minimize the inconvenience caused by the appearance on the territory of the state of a large number of illegal migrants, and prevent the emergence of irritation in society.

    If we compare the situation with Germany, then in the Czech Republic there are a negligible number of refugees, and even more so there are no pogroms, clashes and riots with their participation. I'm not sure that the people of Prague even noticed the presence of refugees. From my own experience and the experience of my friends, I can say that their presence is not noticeable at all.

    The Czech Republic is a fairly safe country, of course, everything is known in comparison, but if we compare it with the CIS countries, then the Czech Republic is calmer. There are cities that are more depressing, others that are less so. If we talk about the capital, then Prague is one of the safest capitals of the European Union.

    If we take statistics on intentional homicides, then the Czech Republic is in 24th place in terms of safety, along with countries such as Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. Russia in this list is at 151st place, Ukraine at 106th, and the United States at 98th.


    law and order in the Czech Republic provides 40 thousand policemen

    There have been no terrorist acts in the Czech Republic since 1980. Law and order in the country is provided by 40,000 police officers who protect citizens and guests of the Czech Republic from street swindlers, pickpockets and car thefts, and public unrest. Man-made disasters and natural disasters occur extremely rarely in the Czech Republic, because the country is not seismically dangerous, there cannot be tsunamis and earthquakes here. Sometimes there are floods caused by heavy rains.


    Slovenia - a state formerly part of Yugoslavia, today is one of the most developed and unequivocally the safest country among all the post-Yugoslav republics. Our compatriots who have visited Slovenia claim that there is practically no social tension in the country and almost no crime: there is no talk of terrorism here at all, there are thefts of personal belongings of tourists in hotels and hotels, sometimes vehicle theft.

    Slovenia is the safest country among all the post-Yugoslav republics

    For refugees from Syria and other countries, Slovenia is a transit zone through which they mostly travel to Western and Northern Europe. IDPs from regions covered by armed conflicts are registered in Slovenia, biometric data is taken, they are provided with seats on trains and sent to Austria, Germany, Norway and other countries.

    Yes, indeed, Slovenia has a relatively low crime rate, when compared, for example, with France or the UK, but the situation should not be idealized either. Since the beginning of the year, my still unfinished house almost in the center of Ljubljana has already become the object of attention of thieves twice. We had to install a fence and a burglar alarm. Is it synonymous with total security? I doubt. After talking with the police and security company employees, studying criminal statistics, which are freely available on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are even fewer reasons for idealization.



    In addition to being the Land of the Maple Leaf, Hockey and unique natural landscapes, Canada is also an extremely safe place to live. Any tourist can feel how the country's authorities ensure the protection of their own citizens already at the entrance to the territory of the state: the customs service will not allow perishable food, weapons, drugs, explosives, goods intended for resale, seeds and plants to enter Canada. Public order on the streets is ensured by a large number of police officers who advise visitors to be more careful on the outskirts of megacities - Montreal or Ottawa - where sometimes there are currency scammers, pickpockets, or simply people who are unfriendly to foreigners.

    Canada is a multiethnic and multicultural country in which representatives of many different nations, religions and social groups coexist peacefully. Canadian society is not affected by xenophobia, social intolerance and racial prejudice. The economy is developing intensively in the country, new jobs are being created, the standard of living is growing, and social standards are rising.

    Canada is considered to be one of the safest countries in the world.

    Tourists or residents of Canada who are planning to travel around the country by car in the winter, it would be useful to know the weather forecast in the area where the trip will take place: in some areas, for example, on the Atlantic coast, storms and snowstorms occur quite often in winter.


    In Switzerland, it is generally accepted that the level of security in the country is not always directly dependent on the number of law enforcement officers of the state, so today there are a little more than two hundred police officers per 100 thousand of the population of the confederation (less - only in Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Hungary). This fact does not prevent Switzerland from being constantly present in the lists of the safest countries in Europe and the world. The country's authorities are extremely effective in using public monitoring tools to prevent crime.

    When it comes to the level of security and the degree of social protection, Switzerland is always guaranteed to come out on top. This is due to the fact that people here intuitively value their level of personal security very highly, adding to the political stability of modern Switzerland.

    Malte Zeeck B2-%D1%88%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B8-_%D0%B2-%D1%88% D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B8-%D1%8D%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BF%D0 %B0%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B1%D1%8F%D1%82-%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0 %BF%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%B8-%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D0%BB% D1%8E%D0%B1%D1%8F%D1%82-%D1%88%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%86%D0 %B5%D0%B2/43486522

    Foreigners living in Switzerland, as a rule, communicate and maintain friendly relations with the same migrants, because local residents are considered somewhat distant, withdrawn and not dynamic enough.

    Swiss authorities effectively use public monitoring tools to prevent crime


    There are far fewer violent crimes in Ireland than in the rest of the British Isles. Cases of street crime or racial conflicts, if they occur, are extremely rare, and observance of elementary precautions, as a rule, is enough to feel completely safe both in the capital - Dublin, and in the Irish provinces. A driver violating the rules of the road may be in the field of view of the local policeman, sometimes there are checks on the transported luggage on the roads. It is more convenient and safer to live in Ireland if you have an insurance policy, which may be required if you visit a medical facility. Over the past year, about 2.6% of Irish people confirmed that they were victims of various kinds of crimes and illegal actions: the European average is 4%.

    Irish people often spend their leisure time socializing in pubs with friends

    The most dangerous countries

    The most dangerous countries for living in 2017 include:

  • Syria;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Iraq;
  • South Sudan;
  • Yemen;
  • Somalia;
  • Libya;
  • Sudan;
  • Central African Republic.
  • Safe cities in Russia

    Sociological studies conducted in 2017 by various analytical agencies indicated a trend towards changing the stereotypes that existed in the 90s and early 2000s regarding the safety of Russian cities. The capital of Chechnya, Grozny, which for many years was the center of an armed conflict, is today recognized as the safest city in the Russian Federation by both specialists and local residents. In the list of leaders among the safest cities in Russia today - Sochi, in the old days was considered one of the gangster centers. What causes such transformations?


    Residents of the Chechen capital believe that today you can walk the streets of their city at any time of the day without fear for your own safety. Experts can confirm that this is not a banal desire to present the hometown in a favorable light, but it is so. For a long time there was a war in the republic, the level of terrorism exceeded all permissible norms, and more than serious state funds were allocated to eliminate the consequences of hostilities. The results of such investments can be considered economic and political stability in the republic, as well as Grozny's leadership in ratings assessing the safety of Russian cities. The mono-ethnic character of Grozny's population plays its role: the traditional social order in such cases is, as a rule, an additional factor of stability and security.

    residents of the Chechen capital believe that today you can walk the streets of their city at any time of the day without fear for your own safety


    For the second year in a row, Nizhnevartovsk, one of the oil centers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, is among the ten most safe cities in the country for the second year in a row. The city is a little over 100 years old, the period of intensive development of oil fields in the Nizhnevartovsk region falls on the 60s of the last century. Since then, the city has become an extremely comfortable and safe place to live, although, according to local residents, gang fights (usually with the participation of Caucasians) still happen in Nizhnevartovsk, but they do not pose any particular threat to the life and tranquility of ordinary citizens.

    Nizhnevartovsk is among the ten most safe cities in the country for the second year in a row


    In addition to the image of one of the safest cities in Russia for living, Saransk, the center of Mordovia, has firmly established a reputation as a leader among the most comfortable cities in the country. Most of the population of Saransk works at the enterprises of mechanical engineering, metalworking and instrument making. It should be said that most of the crimes committed in Mordovia also occur in Saransk, however, law enforcement agencies manage to respond in a timely manner to emerging threats and localize or prevent pockets of lawlessness. Thanks to its high security record, Saransk is one of the cities that will host the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.

    Saransk will host matches of the 2018 FIFA World Cup


    Today, many people call Sochi the second capital of the country, due to the fact that it is here that many meetings of the Russian leadership with foreign guests and partners take place, international scientific, youth, and sports forums are held. For the Winter Olympics, which took place in Sochi in 2014, many of the most modern infrastructure and sports facilities were built in the city. Of course, all this would not have been possible without the observance of security measures at the highest level. Among other things, Sochi continues to be one of the main Russian beach resorts.

    Sochi continues to be one of the main Russian beach resorts


    In the 90s of the last century, Murmansk, like many other cities in Russia, was filled with criminal elements who were actively dividing zones of influence. Today the city lives quietly, enterprises are working stably, the largest of which is the Murmansk Sea Fishing Port, among the new and most promising projects- development of a gas field in the Barents Sea, which is being carried out by the ArcticMorNeftegazrazvedka company. Residents of the city receive quite a decent salary by Russian standards, cooperate with the authorities in improving the city's infrastructure, and consider their city worthy of being in the top ten safest cities in the country.

    in the 90s of the last century, Murmansk, like many other cities in Russia, was filled with criminal elements


    Armavir is a small town in the Krasnodar Territory with a population of 190 thousand people. Russians, Armenians, Jews and many other nationalities live here, but disputes on interethnic grounds never arise. Armavir is among the safest cities in Russia and deservedly so: the level of street crime in the city is much lower than the national average, and a special intelligent video surveillance system has been operating for several years, which allows recording not only traffic violations, but also the state of the environment and other offenses. A pilot project called "Safe City", implemented several years ago, made it possible to radically change the situation with violations of law and order in Armavir. Citizen-Police terminals installed on the streets of the city are designed so that at any time the injured citizen can contact the police or report an impending crime.Cheboksary

    The capital of Chuvashia - Cheboksary - is a city with 460 thousand people, developed mechanical engineering, electric power industry, and light industry. Citizens feel sufficiently protected thanks to the measures taken by the administration, such as the implementation of the Safe City project, which resulted in the installation of 2,130 CCTV cameras on the streets of Cheboksary. Now law enforcement officers have the opportunity to monitor the situation in courtyards, schools, kindergartens around the clock, and quickly respond to attempts at violations. The total score, reflecting the state of safety in the city, brings Cheboksary to the seventh position in the rating in 2017.

    the capital of Chuvashia - Cheboksary - has developed mechanical engineering, electric power industry, light industry


    Another representative of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, who claims to be the safest city in the country - Surgut - is on the eighth line of the list. At the same time, the most surprising is the fact that back in 2006 Surgut ranked first in Russia in terms of crime. Unprecedented measures taken by law enforcement agencies in the region. turned the city from a criminal capital into a comfortable, calm and safe industrial center of Siberia. Surgut is one of the Russian leaders in terms of the level of industrial development, the basis of the economy is oil-producing and oil-refining enterprises. Wages in the city are among the highest in the country, environmental issues are controlled by the authorities and business leaders.

    Surgut is on the eighth line of the list of the safest cities in Russia


    Nizhnekamsk is one of the youngest Russian cities built in the 60s of the last century. The city-forming enterprise of Nizhnekamsk - the petrochemical plant - in 2017 celebrates the 50th anniversary of commissioning. From the very beginning of its existence, the city solved its main problem - environmental. In the 80s, Nizhnekamsk was recognized as the most polluted city in the country. Today the situation has changed radically: environmental issues are among the priorities for the region. The level of crime in the city has always remained extremely low - there have never been mafia structures in Nizhnekamsk, law enforcement agencies are confidently controlling the situation, residents are not afraid to walk the streets at any time of the day.

  • Permian.
  • Living in these cities requires additional security measures.

    According to authoritative international rating agencies, Russia cannot yet compete with the most developed countries of the world in terms of ensuring the safety of living on its territory. Of course, any, the most objective rating can be assessed with a certain degree of skepticism, since one and the same phenomena can be looked at differently: for example, if you conduct a survey of residents of the Russian outback on the topic - in what part of the globe do they feel most protected, then with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that the answer will be - definitely in their homeland. But, nevertheless, world public opinion is formed today on the basis of statistical data offered by influential Western sociological organizations that determine the standards of state security. Among Russian cities, there are also more and less safe settlements for life: it is characteristic that the country's largest megacities are not among the leaders in terms of living safety.

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    Imagine if you could choose the safest country in the world to live in. What a luxury! The so-called global peace index will help you decide on the ideal corner. This is a universal indicator that analyzes the security of states according to 23 criteria. It determines the level of crime in the country, the degree of its participation in armed conflicts, the amount of military spending and political stability. In doing so, researchers use a wide range of reputable sources such as the World Bank and some UN agencies. In 2015, the list included 162 states. Since 2011, Iceland has been firmly holding the first place in safety. Since 2012, it has been steadily followed by Denmark, and the third place in turn is occupied by either Austria or New Zealand.

    We bring to your attention the top 20 safest countries in the world to live in.

    1. Iceland

    This is not only a very picturesque country. The literacy rate of 300,000 people in Iceland is almost 100%. To live among intelligent people who do not show intolerance towards various minorities - what could be more pleasant? But the best side of Iceland is that there are practically no murders here (1.8 per 100 thousand of the population per year). For comparison: in the US, this figure is 5.8 per 100,000 people.

    2. Denmark

    They say the Danes are the happiest people in the world! The workers are highly motivated to work and the social system is the envy of many in the world. Taxation is high, but the money is effectively spent to make the Danish way of life calm and well organized.

    3. New Zealand

    One of the cleanest countries in the world with great scenery. 90% of immigrants recommend Kiwi Land to their family and friends. New Zealanders have 30 days of paid leave so they have plenty of time to enjoy the scenery and sporting opportunities.

    4. Austria

    Austrian teenagers get the right to vote when they turn 16, but they can only drink alcohol from the age of 18. The country is famous for its impeccable environment, excellent transport system and a very low crime rate. It is also not as expensive as many people think. Here you can buy a bottle of drinkable wine for $4.

    5. Switzerland

    The secret of a healthy and happy Swiss population is that the country's authorities have invested heavily in the social sphere. There is an excellent education, excellent medicine and a high level of employment. Maybe they are known for their banks and watches, but they invested finances in their main asset - citizens.

    6. Finland

    If you don't mind long, gloomy cold winters, Finland has a lot to offer. There is practically no corruption, and social differences are very small. Gender equality is highly valued. Finland also has the best education system in the world. Finnish schoolchildren have a lot of holidays, they walk in the fresh (cold!) air, and therefore the country has a very low incidence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

    7. Canada

    Did you know that the average Canadian household income per year is one of the highest in the world and certainly higher than the OECD average. The country lives on the principles of meritocracy, so there are excellent job opportunities. Canada is a peaceful nation with a strong economy and beautiful scenery, making it a safe and enjoyable place to live.

    8. Japan

    You never have to worry about finding a clean toilet in Japan - they are spotless there! Throw in delicious food, impeccably polite people, and a transportation system that is the envy of the world. The Japanese may be working too hard, but they have built a peaceful and technologically advanced country in a relatively short time.

    9. Belgium

    If you're a fan of beer and chocolate and don't mind endless rain, then Belgium is another good place for you. There are wonderful old towns, castles and museums to visit. It is close to Paris and London from here, so you can enjoy all the best in neighboring countries. The capital of France can be reached in 70 minutes by taking a high-speed train.

    10. Norway

    Norway is a truly safe country with an incredibly low prison population. The ability to roam freely, exploring the magnificent surroundings, is enshrined in Norway in a law known as Allemannsret. This means you can camp and hike anywhere you like. Think also of the incredible lakes and fjords that make it one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries in the world.

    11. Sweden

    Another Scandinavian country. Sweden is for those who love long frosty winters and lots of snow. A high standard of living and generous maternity leave for moms and dads (up to 15 months) plus a strong social safety net justify the country's high rankings.

    12. Czech Republic

    The Czech Republic is famous for its musical traditions: Smetana, Dvořák and Janáček were its citizens. The last census showed that 34% of the population are atheists. The puppet theater and traditional healthy food with soups and meat add to the charm of this country. Czechs are very proud of their history, culture and beer!

    13. Ireland

    Surprisingly friendly people with a peculiar sense of humor live here. Every conversation with a local resident can turn into an event! The scenery is breathtaking and some of the golf courses are recognized as the best in the world. The only problem is the weather, but everything can't be fine!

    14. Slovenia

    Slovenia is rated by UNICEF as one of the best places in the world for children. The local cuisine is surprisingly tasty, it has inherited all the best from Italy and other neighboring countries. In Slovenia, you can feel completely safe: out of a population of 2 million, only 1,000 people are in prison.

    15. Australia

    Great place to be young, healthy and outdoors! The climate here is favorable, which is probably why the average life expectancy in the country is 82 years. The economy is benefiting from the mining industry and is quite flexible despite the recession. Friendly people and amazing wildlife make Australia one of the best countries on the planet.

    16. Bhutan

    Who came up with the concept of happiness as an indicator of a good life? Probably the government of Bhutan, which coined the term "Gross National Happiness". This concept was intended to indicate that material wealth, such as a gas-filled car or cheap supermarkets, cannot make a person happy. It is better to focus on the health, well-being and education of people. And what better place to do it than in the tiny Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan, tucked away in the Himalayas between India and China? Until recently, the country was a monarchy and is now facing increasing urbanization and the difficulty of establishing democracy.

    17. Germany

    Another Central European country in which the love of art, history and music is not considered the privilege of the elite. It is a normal part of cultural life and tradition. A high standard of living and excellent order in everyday life make Germany one of the best countries. And if you remember about a large amount of beer, heavenly conditions for climbers (there are even trails for nudists!), Christmas markets and fabulous medieval cities, then all doubts will disappear!

    18. Portugal

    Paradise for golfers! Here are the best training courses for this sport, incredible coastal scenery and an excellent climate. The crime rate is low, the pace of life is leisurely, eating out is satisfying and inexpensive.

    19. Singapore

    It is probably the most organized city-state in the world. Surprisingly green cityscapes that are not just pretty and decorative. Singapore leads the way in green initiatives in water conservation, energy conservation and environmental protection.

    20. Qatar

    One of the richest countries in the world where gasoline can cost less than water. There are people ready to help you when you fill up your car, eat out, or want to clean your apartment. This is a beautiful place that will be spoiled. As Qatar prepares to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup (the UN estimates that 500 immigrants arrive daily), there could be problems in the service sector.

    Life is scary, and traveling is even scarier: planes are shot down, bombs explode at the airport, people are shot at in hotels ... Sometimes it seems that it is better to lock yourself at home, close all windows and doors and look at pictures with landscapes and city views on Tumblr.

    But despite the turbulent situation, there are still countries in the world where you can just enjoy the trip without worrying about your life. But, of course, there are also such dangerous places that it is better to trust your inner paranoid and not tempt fate.

    Map of dangerous and safe countries according to the Global Peace Index

    Dark green is a very high level of security. Green - high level. Yellow - medium level. Orange - low level. Red is very low.

    5 Dangerous Country: Somalia, Africa

    For 20 years in a row, Somalia has been shaken by civil war: on the one hand, the Transitional Federal Government, supported by the United States of America, on the other hand, Islamist rebels. In addition, the country is torn apart by endless conflicts between opposing tribes. Criminal gangs operate on land, and pirates operate at sea. In recent years, about 20% of the population has fled from the African state. Tourists have nothing to do here either - medicine is extremely undeveloped, there are problems with telephone communications, and a trip by car can easily become a real disaster - there are few gas stations, so there is every chance of getting stuck in the middle of the desert.

    Somali children queue for food and water

    4 Dangerous Country: Afghanistan

    It is better for tourists to forget about Afghanistan: the Central Asian state was recognized as the worst place for women. The statistics are frightening: for example, in 2014, 2,026 cases of violence against women were registered, including 162 residents of the country who were beaten to death. Moreover, compared with the previous year, the figure increased by 15%. But the place is not safe for men either. The situation in the country is very turbulent, especially for foreigners - they can become victims of the Taliban. For example, in 2007, the Taliban kidnapped 23 Korean tourists from an ordinary city bus, killing two in the process.

    Afghan women celebrating New Year in Kabul. Author: Ahmad Masood/Reuters.

    3 Dangerous Country: Iraq

    The Islamist terrorist organization Daesh is operating in Iraq - it has control over the northern, western and central parts of the country, including the second largest Iraqi city of Mosul. It is dangerous to approach the borders of Iraq with Turkey, Syria and Iran. Terrorists do not spare anyone: representatives of the Red Cross, the UN, journalists and ordinary tourists are under attack. Hotels, restaurants, cafes and other places where guests of the country gather are the targets. Desperate travelers claim that the southern regions of the country are relatively safe, you just need to avoid "hot" spots, not get involved in conflicts, not stand out from the crowd ... But maybe it's still not worth it?

    2 Dangerous Country: South Sudan, Africa

    Do not go, children, to walk in Africa ... And certainly bypass South Sudan. Southern Sudan became a separate independent state after a referendum in 2011. Before the popular vote, Sudan promised to support any decision of the southerners, but since independence, conflicts between the northern and southern states have not stopped. The danger also comes from the Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan nationalist cult group whose bases and strongholds are believed to be in South Sudan. The Lord's army has become infamous for repeated kidnappings of children. The tourist will have to carefully think over the route: there are many minefields. In addition, in case of accidents, the traveler should not rely on local medicine - it does not differ in quality in the country.

    A man with the flag of South Sudan on the Independence Day march

    1 Dangerous Country: Syria

    It is difficult even to guess who would come up with the idea of ​​voluntarily going to Syria. For 2016, in the Global Peace Security Ranking, Syria is recognized as the most dangerous country in the world. Since the beginning of the conflict between the government of Bashar al-Assad and the opposition in 2011, more than 300 thousand people have been killed here. One fifth of the population of Syria (3.9 out of 21.9 million) fled to other countries, another 7.6 million people were displaced inside the country from their places of residence. The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch called the actions of the militants a crime against humanity. Governments are advising their citizens in Syria to leave the country immediately. At any moment, airports, roads and other means of communication can be blocked, and there will be no turning back.

    Syrian woman with a child in a military conflict zone

    1 Safe Country: Iceland

    Since 2007, Iceland has consistently proven to be the safest country in the world. The small island nation in northern Europe has no army, and the police don't even carry weapons. American international law student Andrew Clark traveled to Iceland twice to collect information for a project on the low crime rate of the Nordic country. There are 0.3 murders for every 100,000 people here, and the rate has been between 0 and 1.5 for more than a decade. Why is it so safe here? Andrew believes that the secret of Iceland lies in equality: 97% of Icelanders consider themselves to be middle class, the country is considered the first in the world in terms of women's rights, the rights of minorities are protected here and there is an almost complete absence of religious conflicts.

    Icelanders at the town festival

    2. Safe country: Denmark

    Crimes of extreme gravity are very rare here - the number of murders reaches only 0.8 per 100,000 people. For tourists, Denmark is safe - for example, in the capital of the country, Copenhagen, there are no "dangerous" areas. Sexual violence rates are also low, making Denmark one of the best countries for women traveling alone. Guests of the country should only observe reasonable security measures: for example, keep an eye on things at the famous music festivals in Aarhus. In the countryside, too, everything is quiet and calm, but it is worth remembering that the rural inhabitants of Denmark for the most part do not speak English, so in which case it can be difficult to seek help.

    Spectators at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival

    3. Safe country: Austria

    Austria is one of the safest countries in the world. The capital of Austria, Vienna ranks sixth in safety out of 215 cities. The number of murders is one per 100,000 people. Tourists can feel safe both in small towns and in the countryside, including in nature. Here you should be afraid of pickpocketing (as, indeed, everywhere else) and theft of bicycles. The latter is explained quite simply: the difference between bike lanes is not visible everywhere. Some tourists note an unfriendly attitude towards black people, especially in small towns.

    4 Safe Country: New Zealand

    In the 2016 Global Peace rankings, New Zealand was ranked fourth. The country did not lose its leading position in previous years either. The island nation also holds the title of the most non-corrupt in the world - New Zealanders are proud of their relaxed lifestyle, for which they can be grateful for an efficiently working legislative system and police, which you can always turn to. New Zealand is equally safe for city trips and outings. wildlife. True, sometimes it’s still worth being careful with the latter: although, unlike neighboring Australia, there are few dangerous and poisonous animals, ki parrots love to gnaw plastic from wipers, side mirrors and car doors and can significantly spoil the look of the vehicle.

    5. Safe country: Portugal

    In a frighteningly short time, several popular tourist destinations have become extremely unsafe at once: a suicide bombing at the Istanbul airport, the shooting of tourists in a Tunisian hotel, a plane crash in Egypt turned many travelers away from these countries. Warm European countries entered the stage, among which Portugal is the fifth safest in the Global Peace ranking. In Portugal, you can temporarily forget about terrorism and crime (1.2 murders per 100,000 people a year). The most common tourist complaints are dishonest, boorish taxi drivers, pickpockets in public transport, and broken chipped tiles on the main streets of cities.

    BOOM Festival in Idanha-a-Nova

    Ecology of life: Every day we see a huge amount of gloomy and terrible news about situations in different states around the world. Now you need to plan your trip especially carefully - the chance to get a whole heap of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute for Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least secure countries around the world. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.

    Every day we see a huge amount of gloomy and terrible news about situations in different states around the world. Now you need to plan your trip especially carefully - the chance to get a whole heap of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute for Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least secure countries around the world. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.


    In last place was Slovenia. Minor internal conflicts are forcing the state to use more police, which makes tourists feel more secure.


    It's hard to believe, but the former Asian Tiger is now considered one of the most peaceful and safe countries in the world. The low homicide rate, the ban on guns for citizens, and the innate calmness of the Japanese make the state a real gift to the expat.


    In Canada, apparently, it is too cold for any kind of illegal activities. This large, strong and reliable state is perfect for those who would like to live in peace and cut trees for their own pleasure.


    The position of indifferent neutrality in foreign policy has allowed Switzerland to become one of the most peaceful countries on the planet. Here you simply do not need to commit crimes in order to live well - just work is enough.


    The Czech Republic is slowly but surely becoming more attractive for life. The abundance of tourists implies the operational work of the police and special services: relatively few crimes are committed here and the percentage of disclosure is very high.


    Earlier this year, Lisbon was named the most underrated city in Europe by Condé Nast Traveler. Few tourists actually make it here, and for good reason: the beauty of Portugal, combined with the safety of the quiet streets of Lisbon, makes this place a great choice.

    New Zealand

    This country is increasingly chosen by those who have decided to try to radically change their lives. Low crime, gorgeous beaches and no drug problems - what else is needed for complete happiness?


    Robert Frost wrote that "good fences make good neighbors" and this statement works quite well at the state level. The borders with the Czech Republic (the center of European prostitution and drug trafficking) and Germany (migrants) did not affect the situation in Austria itself.


    Denmark is regularly ranked among the happiest countries in the world, and now it is recognized as one of the safest. The most serious conflict in many years was a territorial dispute with Canada over the right to possess a desert island. Problems with crime? Virtually none.