Sumamed analogues are cheaper - a list with prices, which is better. Sumamed and Azithromycin: which drug is better to replace Sumamed with a new antibiotic year

Since umamed is drug from the group of antibiotics based on the active ingredient azithromycin. The medicine is included in the group of macrolides and azolides, produced in the Republic of Croatia. In some cases, it becomes necessary to choose an analogue of Sumamed cheaper in price - the list includes eight drugs, including Russian production.

Possibility of substitution for a drug with an identical active substance or a medicine from the same pharmacological group is determined only by a doctor. At the same time, he takes into account the causative agent of the pathological process, the tolerance of the active substance, the presence of concomitant complications.

The effectiveness of Sumamed is due to the action of the active ingredient - azithromycin, which contributes to a wide range of effects. This substance is able to suppress the production of proteins of microbial cells, slow down the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The use of azithromycin in high concentrations has a bactericidal effect. The drug affects gram-positive, gram-negative, aerobic and intracellular microflora. It should be taken into account that a number of microorganisms can show resistance to azithromycin.

In most cases, Sumamed demonstrates effectiveness in relation to:

  • Gram-positive aerobes: penicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and pneumococcus, pyogenic streptococcus.
  • Gram-negative aerobes: Haemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus, Legionella pneumophila, Moraxella catharalis, Pasteurella multicide, gonococcus.
  • Anaerobes: Clostridia perfringens, Prevotella.
  • A number of other microorganisms: chlamydia, mycoplasmas, borrelia.
  • Azithromycin can penetrate cell membranes, which makes it effective against intracellular pathogens.

After administration, the active substance is rapidly absorbed and begins to be distributed in the body. Subsequently, phagocytes move the active substance to the site of the development of the infectious process, where azithromycin is released.

Preservation of the therapeutic concentration of the active ingredient after the last use of the drug is observed for 5 days-1 week.

Release form

The drug is presented on the pharmaceutical market in the following dosage forms Oh:

  • Tablets for oral administration of 125, 500 mg.
  • Powder for suspension for internal use 100mg/5 ml.
  • Capsule for oral use.

The selection of the dosage form, as well as the dosage, is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body.

Indications for use and contraindications

According to the instructions, the use of Sumamed is recommended for patients when diagnosing:

  • Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis.
  • Acute and exacerbation chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Secondarily infected dermatoses, impetigo, erysipelas.
  • The initial stage of Lyme disease, accompanied by erythema migrans.
  • Infectious diseases of the urinary organs provoked by chlamydia: urethritis, cervicitis.
From the use of the drug is recommended to refrain from patients with:
  • Individual intolerance to azithromycin, erythromycin and other substances from the macrolide group.
  • Phenylketonuria.
  • Severe liver and kidney dysfunction.
  • The need for the simultaneous use of ergotamine and dihydroergotamine.

The drug is not intended for self-medication, before use, a doctor's consultation and diagnostics are required.


The drug is intended for internal use, every 24 hours.

  • Capsules and suspension should be used 60 minutes before or 120 minutes after the main meal.
  • Taking pills does not depend on eating.
  • Patients older than six months are prescribed a suspension or tablets of 125 mg.

The dosage of the drug depends on the indications for the use of the drug and the age of the patient:

Dosage table depending on the pathology
Infections affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as the skin, excluding chronic erythema migrans.Adults are recommended to take 500 mg of medication per day, for children the dose is selected taking into account body weight. The course of treatment is 3 days.
Sexually transmitted infections.Uncomplicated urethritis, cervicitis: a single dose of 1000 mg of the drug.
Complicated, long-lasting urethritis, cervicitis: 1000 mg three times with an interval of 1 week.
Diseases of the digestive tract caused by Helicobacter pylori.1000 mg of the drug per day (double dose of 500 mg tablets) for 3 days. Additionally, it is required to take medications that contribute to the provision of antisecretory effects.
Chronic migratory erythema.Adults: once a day for 5 days. On day 1, taking 1000 mg, with 2 - 500 mg of medication per day.

When is the selection of an analogue necessary?

If it is necessary to select a replacement, it is recommended to consult with your doctor without fail. The clinical picture of the disease, the tolerability of the active substance and the therapeutic effect of the recommended treatment regimen are taken into account.

The selection of an exact structural analogue with the same active substance may be required if the cost of the original drug does not suit the patient.

When the drug does not contribute to the proper therapeutic result, the doctor revises the treatment regimen and may prescribe an antibacterial drug with a different active ingredient or replace it with drugs from other pharmacological groups.

In case of intolerance to the active ingredient and the development of undesirable side reactions, the issue of selecting a replacement is also considered.

List of cheaper analogues

The cost of Sumamed in December 2017 is:

  • Tablets 500 mg, 3 pcs. - from 470 rubles.
  • Tablets 250 mg, 6 pcs. - from 340 rubles.
  • Capsules 250 mg, 6 pcs. - from 480 rubles.
  • Dispersible tablets 1000 mg, 3 pcs. - from 1000 rubles.
  • Dispersible tablets 1000 mg, 1 pc. - from 465 rubles.

Pharmacies have a cheaper Russian analogue of Sumamed - Azithromycin in the form of capsules and tablets for internal use. Depending on the manufacturer of the drug, the cost for 6 capsules of 250 mg is from 120 rubles. for 3 tablets of 500 mg - from 130 rubles.

A list of inexpensive drugs with a similar effect, for the treatment respiratory diseases includes the following medications:

  • AzitRus - from 30 rubles.
  • Hemomycin - from 135 rubles.
  • Augmentin - from 250 rubles.
  • Azitrox - from 190 rubles.
  • Foemoxin solutab - from 250 rubles.
  • Amoxiclav - from 120 rubles.
  • Zi-Factor - from 200 rubles.

When choosing a replacement, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the difference in cost, but also to the dosage of the drug and its dosage form (capsules, tablets, powder for suspension preparation).

Sumamed or Azithromycin - which is better?

Azithromycin is a domestic analogue of Sumamed with an identical active ingredient, which can be purchased at pharmacies by prescription. The drug is presented in the form of tablets and capsules for oral administration, there is no release form in the form of powders for the preparation of a suspension.

Preparations differ in the composition of excipients, as well as cost.

In terms of effectiveness, both drugs have a wide spectrum of action and can be used in accordance with the indications for use described by the manufacturer.

Sumamed or Hemomycin

Hemimycin is the exact structural generic of Sumamed, which differs only in the manufacturer and in the composition of additional substances. Both drugs are made in accordance with the necessary quality standards: the tablets are film-coated, despite the fact that the analogue is much cheaper.

Row clinical research indicates that more expensive substitutes are better tolerated by patients, because during the production process all the necessary conditions are met and the medicines comply with the latest technological standards.

Sumamed or Suprax

The composition of the drug Suprax includes another active ingredient - cefixime, the drug is produced by the Jordanian company Khimka Pharmaceuticals. The drug belongs to the group of 3rd generation cephalosporin antibiotics, while Sumamed is an antibacterial drug from the macrolide group.

Indications for use in antibiotics are similar, Suprax is also used during complex therapy pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, uncomplicated gonorrhea and infections of the urinary system.

Suprax in the form of granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration can be used in the treatment of patients from six months.

Sumamed or Amoxiclav

Antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series, to which Amoxiclav belongs, have a weaker therapeutic effect. The expediency of prescribing a particular medication is determined by the doctor, taking into account the indications for admission and associated symptoms. The active components of Amoxiclav are amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid.

Since the active ingredients of drugs differ, the selection of a suitable drug is carried out taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the active ingredient, and not just because one is cheaper and the other is more expensive. The doctor may begin treatment with the use of antibiotics of the penicillin series, and if Amoxiclav is ineffective, the use of Sumamed is recommended.

Sumamed or Augmentin

Both drugs differ in composition, country of origin and method of application. The active components of Augmentin are amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid.

The drug belongs to the antibiotics of the penicillin series - it is an exact structural analogue of Amoxiclav, with the same mechanism of action, only cheaper.

As for the method of application, the course of treatment with Sumamed is shorter - from 3 days, while the average duration of Augmentin use is from 1 week. The drug should not be taken continuously for more than 14 days.

Sumamed or Flemoxin Solutab

Flemoxin is a substitute for Sumamed only for pharmacological group. The composition of drugs is different: the active substance of Flemoxin is amoxicillin, which belongs to the group of penicillins.

The drug can provoke the development of allergic reactions, therefore, before starting treatment, a thorough history taking is required in order to identify hypersensitivity reactions to penicillin.

Flemoxin can be used in the treatment of children under one year old, the dosage is selected individually. In some cases, penicillin antibiotics are better tolerated by patients than macrolides.

What to choose - Sumamed or Klacid?

Klacid is an antibacterial drug from the group of macrolides, however, the active substance differs from Sumamed: the active ingredient clarithromycin is included in the composition of the tablets and powder for the preparation of the suspension.

Both drugs have a similar mechanism of action, contraindications and possible side effects. Selection suitable remedy carried out after receiving the results of bacterial culture.

Sumamed or Vilprafen

Vilprafen is a more modern and effective antibacterial drug from the macrolide group. It has a more extensive list of indications for use than Sumamed.

If necessary, Vilprafen can be used in the treatment of pregnant women with chlamydial infections. The active substance of the drug is josamycin. The duration of the use of tablets is from 5 days and longer, under the supervision of specialists.

Sumamed's analogs for children

Children's analogues of Sumamed are selected taking into account the age of the child and the indications for the use of the medicine.

Any of the above can be used in the treatment of patients of younger age groups: some drugs are prescribed for patients younger than 1 year. The doctor may recommend the use of both dissolvable tablets and oral suspension.

Let's summarize

The selection of a suitable medicine can only be carried out by a doctor, after an internal examination of the patient, and according to the results bacteriological research. Self-selection and taking antibiotics is unacceptable, since all drugs act after a certain period of time, when the active substance accumulates in the cells to the desired concentration.

Violation of the frequency of admission, or premature termination of the course of treatment, is also unacceptable. In bacteria, resistance (resistance) to the active component is developed, and it will no longer affect this type of microorganisms. In some cases, such as diseases caused by Koch's wand, this will mean a death sentence for the patient.

In contact with

Has pregnancy restrictions

Prohibited at breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Has restrictions for the elderly

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

Sumamed is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. The active ingredient is azithromycin, a macrolide antibiotic. The drug is effective against many gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens, but causes many side effects and is poorly tolerated by some patients. The use of Sumamed analogues in therapy makes it possible to conduct a therapeutic course in such patients with minimal harm to the body.

Prescribe a medication in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • ulcerative pathologies that have arisen due to infection with Helicobacter microorganisms;
  • infectious sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia;
  • erysipelas, furunculosis;
  • Lyme disease and impetigo;
  • chlamydia and ureaplasmosis;
  • prostatitis;
  • cystitis and vaginitis;
  • gonorrhea and endometritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • intestinal infections.

Do not prescribe a medication for such concomitant pathologies in a patient:

  • allergy to components;
  • severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

With high caution, Sumamed is used in the treatment of patients with cardiac pathologies and diseases of the kidneys and liver of mild and moderate stages, as well as with arrhythmia. You can prescribe medication during pregnancy, but only as a last resort and under the supervision of a doctor.

All forms of release of the drug are intended for oral administration. Patients from 6 months of age are recommended a dosage of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The course of taking the medicine is 3 days. Adults need to take 1 time per day for 500 mg. Depending on the pathology, the treatment regimen may vary.

Prices for the drug and its analogues

Prices for Sumamed's analogues are in different price segments. The cost directly depends on the country of origin of the substitutes. With a similar composition, Russian counterparts are 2-3 times cheaper than foreign ones.

Substitutes for domestic production

Russian-made Sumamed analogues are not inferior in effectiveness to foreign analogues, but at their cost they are more accessible to a wide range of patients.


Zitrolide is an antibacterial medication that is produced in capsules based on the active ingredient azithromycin. Zitrolid is prescribed in the treatment of such infectious diseases:

  • infectious pathologies of ENT organs - otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis and rhinitis;
  • bronchitis and pneumonia of infectious pathology;
  • pyoderma, dermatitis of infectious origin, as well as Lyme disease;
  • chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea;
  • treatment of pathologies of the digestive organs provoked by Helicobacter pylori.

Zitrolid is not prescribed in such cases:

  • allergy to a medication;
  • kidney or liver dysfunction;
  • in pediatrics up to 12 years.

With high caution, a medication is prescribed to patients with cardiac pathologies, with arrhythmia and with mild disorders in the kidneys. During pregnancy, a medication is prescribed as a last resort, and during lactation, the medication can be taken only after transferring the child to artificial feeding.

The medicine must be taken 1 hour before eating in the following dosages:

  • ENT pathology - 500 mg once a day for 3 days;
  • skin infections - 1 day 1000 mg per day, and in the next 4 days, 500 mg.

During therapy with Zitrolide, the following negative effects may occur:

  • violation in the digestive organs - dyspepsia, pain in the abdominal region, loss of appetite and palatability, increased transaminases;
  • a change in the functioning of the central nervous system - drowsiness, dizziness and pain in the head;
  • irritability and increased anxiety;
  • side effects on the part of the myocardium and the blood flow system - myocardial rhythm disturbance, fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • skin allergies - rash, itching, urticaria.


Clarithromycin is an antibiotic with an active ingredient - clarithromycin. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for injection and in tablets.

Clarithromycin is prescribed in the treatment of such infectious diseases:

  • ENT infections - sinusitis and tonsillitis, pharyngitis and rhinitis;
  • streptoderma;
  • erysipelas, Lyme disease, folliculitis;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • dental infectious diseases;
  • Mycobacterium intracellulare infections;
  • the causative agent of Helicobacter pylori infections.

Do not prescribe medication to patients with such pathologies:

  • allergy to the components in the composition of the drug;
  • porphyria;
  • liver failure;
  • kidney dysfunction.

Do not use Clarithromycin in the treatment of pregnant women in the 1st trimester and at the time of lactation, as well as in the treatment of Terfenadine. With caution, a remedy is prescribed for the treatment of patients with diseases of the liver and kidneys.

From the age of 12, a dosage of 250-500 mg is prescribed twice a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1-2 weeks. With severe developments and complications of the pathology, the drug is administered intravenously at a dosage of 500 mg per day for 2-5 days. After treatment with intravenous injections, the patient is prescribed tablets. The total time of therapy with injections and tablets is 10 days.

Negative reactions of the body to the use of Clarithromycin in therapy:

  • headache and dizziness, as well as drowsiness or insomnia;
  • hallucinations and disorientation;
  • dyspepsia, abdominal and epigastric pain
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • increased nervousness and anxiety;
  • gastralgia;
  • thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.
  • skin allergies.

Analogues for therapeutic action for children and adults

There are substitutes for Sumamed, which are equally effective for both children from the first days of life and adult patients. Prescribing and contraindications for data antibacterial drugs are the same for an adult patient and a child, only the dosages and active substances differ.


It is a macrolide antibiotic with the main component clarithromycin. The drug is produced in tablets of 500 mg. Klabaks is used in the treatment of such infections:

  • throat pathologies - pharyngitis, rhinitis and tonsillitis;
  • sinus infections - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis;
  • pneumonia and bronchitis of infectious etiology;
  • skin infections - impetigo, infected wounds and abrasions, furunculosis and folliculitis;
  • odontogenic infections;
  • Mycobacterium intracellulare;
  • Helicobacter pylori.

You can not appoint Klabaks with:

  • pirouette type tachycardia;
  • allergies to the composition of the drug;
  • hypokalemia;
  • therapy with statins, pimozide, terfenadine;
  • violation of the rhythm of the heart - arrhythmias;
  • kidney and liver failure;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Children under 12 years of age are not prescribed the drug. You need to drink pills without being tied to eating. For patients older than 12 years, 1 time per day, 500 mg. If the pathology is in the stage of rapid progression, then you need to take the drug twice a day, 500 mg.

The duration of drug treatment is 6-14 calendar days.

Side effects:

  • gastroenteritis, erysipelas, dental candidiasis;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • thrombocytopenia and leukopenia;
  • eosinophilia and agranulocytosis;
  • leukopenia and neuropenia;
  • angioedema;
  • anorexia and hypoglycemia;
  • insomnia and dizziness;
  • hallucinations and anxiety;
  • disorientation and nightmares;
  • depression and mania;
  • headache and drowsiness;
  • tremor of the limbs and convulsions.

Bronchospasm and disruption of the digestive organs may also occur.


Amoxiclav is an antibacterial drug of the penicillin series with active ingredient amoxicillin. The drug is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. Amoxiclav is often prescribed in gynecology, otolaryngology. Often used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in the postoperative period.

Prescribe medication in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • infections of ENT organs - sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and rhinitis;
  • pneumonia and bronchitis of an infectious type;
  • dental infections;
  • pyoderma, infectious dermatitis, as well as erysipelas and Lyme disease;
  • chlamydia, gonorrhea and ureaplasmosis;
  • pathologies caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Do not prescribe a medication for:

  • allergies to the composition of the drug;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • mononucleosis;
  • elderly patient.

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to take Amoxiclav in the first trimester, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you can prescribe the medicine as a last resort. The components of the antibiotic penetrate into the mother's milk, so the use during the lactation period is not safe for the newborn.

The medication is taken orally, the dosage and duration of therapy are set by the doctor, based on the pathology and the degree of its progression:

  • for children and adult patients - the initial dosage of 250 mg, then 125 mg after a time interval of 8 hours;
  • severe infectious pathologies - 500-875 mg initial dose, after 125 mg with a time interval between treatments of 8-12 hours.

The duration of the course of therapy is 5-10 days. Among the main negative effects, such disorders are noted - pain in the epigastric and abdominal region, increased transaminases, allergies in the form of skin rashes and dermatitis.

Also, the medication negatively affects the central nervous system, and its reaction is manifested by headache and dizziness, as well as anxiety and nervousness. Often, patients noted sleep disturbance, pressure fluctuations and heart rhythm disturbances during the treatment period.


Vilprafen pilyule_ana-024 refers to antibacterial drugs of a number of macrolides. Vilprafen has bacteriostatic properties of action on bacteria, and also blocks the reproduction of bacteria.

The antibiotic acts on such pathogenic microbes:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma and ureaplasma;
  • streptococcal and staphylococcal gram-positive bacteria;
  • meningococci, gonorrhea microorganisms.

The drug is produced in tablets with a dosage of 500 mg of the main component of josamycin. Vilprafen is prescribed for such infectious diseases:

  • infections of the respiratory organs - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, as well as otitis media of various localization in the ear, pneumonia and bronchitis of infectious origin;
  • diphtheria as part of complex therapy;
  • whooping cough;
  • dental infections;
  • erysipelas, pyoderma, as well as acne and lymphadenitis;
  • sexual and urological infections - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea;
  • in combination with other medications for syphilis.

Vilprafen is not prescribed for:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding a newborn;
  • allergies to medical components in the composition;
  • failure of the liver and kidneys.

For children over 5 years of age, Vilprafen is prescribed 50 mg per day per 1 kg of weight. For adult patients, the average daily dosage is 2-4 tablets divided into 2-3 administration procedures. With severe progression of the infection - the daily dosage is 6 tablets. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the organism, the pathology and the degree of its development.

Adverse reactions of the body to taking Vilprafen are manifested as follows:

  • diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, epigastric pain, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions- Quincke's edema, skin itching and rashes, urticaria;
  • elevated transaminases and hepatitis.

The cheapest similar products

Sumamed is one of the most expensive antibacterial medications, which not all patients can afford. On the pharmacological market, there are analogues cheaper than Sumamed, but no less effective.


Azithromycin is a structural substitute for Sumamed, which has an identical principle of action on bacteria with it. The drug is prescribed in the treatment of such infections:

  • tonsillitis, sinusitis;
  • pathologies of the nasopharynx - rhinitis of infectious etiology, pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • infectious dermatosis, lyme disease, as well as acne and impetigo;
  • chlamydia;
  • urethritis and cervicitis.

It is forbidden to use Azithromycin for the treatment of such patients:

  • women in the lactation period;
  • children under 12;
  • with an allergy to azithromycin and additional components in the medicine;
  • with severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver failure.

With restriction, the medication is prescribed to patients:

  • during pregnancy;
  • at the time of therapy with Warfarin;
  • with arrhythmia and other cardiac diseases;
  • with pathologies of the liver and kidneys in the moderate and mild stages of the disorder.

The tablet must be swallowed whole 1 hour before meals and washed down with plenty of water. Azithromycin dosages are calculated based on the age of the patient and the development of pathology:

  • patients over 12 years old with ENT pathologies and skin infections - take 0.5 g once a day for 3 days;
  • Lyme disease - on day 1 of therapy 1 g, and on days 2-5 of treatment - 0.5 g once a day;
  • with chlamydia, urological pathologies and gonorrhea - one time 1 g.

Side effects of Azithromycin are identical to other macrolide antibacterial drugs.


AzitRus is the cheapest substitute for the Sumamed medication with the active ingredient azithromycin. AzitRus is prescribed for such diseases:

  • ENT infections;
  • pneumonia of an infectious type and bronchitis;
  • skin infections;
  • soft tissue infections;
  • sexual and urological infections;
  • pathologies of the digestive organs, provoked by Helicobacter pylori.

  • pregnancy in the 1st trimester;
  • age up to 3 years (for taking capsules);
  • age up to 6 months (for taking a suspension), and 12 years (for using tablets);
  • lactation period;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • allergy to the composition.

Carefully prescribed for cardiac diseases, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and for moderate renal pathologies.

The medicine should be taken 1 hour before eating. Dosages in the treatment of ENT diseases:

  1. For adults, including elderly patients - 0.5 g once a day for 3 days.
  2. For children over 3 years old - 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. Also, the duration of therapy is 3 days.

For skin infections, the duration of treatment is 5 days. On the first day of therapy for adults - once a day 1 g (children 10 mg / kg), and on the next 4 days - 500 mg for an adult and 10 mg / kg for a child. Urological and genital infections - one-time 1 g.

Sumamed is an antibiotic with a wide range of applications. It is equally suitable for people of any age and children from six months. This remedy and its analogues are prescribed only in the presence of bacterial microflora, which is determined by bakposev. Distinctive feature Sumamed from alternative macrolide antibiotics, its slow excretion from the body and this quality allows you to overcome infections in just 1-5 days, a single daily intake is enough.

Release form:

Taking the antibiotic Sumamed orally, azithromycin, which is the active substance of this therapeutic agent, is easily absorbed. It quickly enters the focus of the disease, and demetizes in the liver - it loses activity. At the end of the medication, azithromycin continues its action, maintaining the concentration for up to a week.

Dosage, rules of admission

The child, as a rule, is prescribed a suspension, while starting from his weight. Dosage - 10 mg per 1 kg. After 3 days of taking the amount increases by 2 times, the course continues for another 2 days (if necessary). The medicine in any form must be drunk before meals (an hour) or after - after 2 hours.

The required dosage is determined in accordance with the existing disease:

  • with acute sinusitis caused by bacteria - 10 mg per 1 kg (3 days);
  • with inflammation of the middle ear - 1 kg requires 30 mg per day or a three-day course of 10 mg;
  • with pneumonia - 10 mg per 1 kg is needed at the first dose, then the dosage must be reduced to 5 mg, the duration of administration is up to 5 days.

For the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis of a bacterial nature, a large dosage is required - 200 mg / 5 ml.

When are Sumamed analogues needed?

If the desired effect cannot be achieved or side effects occur, it is required to select a substitute for the Sumamed used. As analogues, only other antibiotics can be considered. Antimicrobial and nonsteroidal drugs will not have the proper effect, although they restore protective functions, accelerating recovery. It is necessary to choose a medicine that repeats the action of the original.

It happens that the drug is suitable for the patient, but the cost seems high, in this case there will also be an effective substitute.

While the majority antibacterial agents can become an alternative to Sumamed, only a doctor can choose them correctly, based on the diagnosis and clinical picture diseases. Cultures will be required to determine antibiotic resistance to bacteria.

Sumamed and analogues - indications and contraindications

Antibiotics are used for diseases:

  • respiratory system which include: pneumonia, tonsillitis, tracheitis, otitis media, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis caused by bacterial infections;
  • skin - secondary pyodermatoses, the initial degree of Lyme disease, acne vulgaris, etc .;
  • stomach, duodenum provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • genitourinary system caused by chlamydia, in particular, urethritis, cervicitis;

Infusion solution is prescribed for severe currents community-acquired pneumonia and diseases of the pelvic organs.


The main contraindications for taking Sumamed include:

  • violations (severe) of the kidneys, liver;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • taking ergotamine, dihydroergotamine.
  • children under six months should not drink the suspension, up to 3 years old - take tablets, produced at 125 mg, and up to 12 years old - 500 mg each, if the child's weight is up to 45 kg;

Relative contraindications:

  • violations (moderate) of the kidneys, liver;
  • taking warfarin, terfenadine, digoxin;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • hypokalemia;
  • diabetes (for suspension);
  • arrhythmia;
  • pregnancy, lactation - taking the drug is acceptable when the therapeutic benefit for the woman outweighs the likely risk to the child. If the medicine is required while breastfeeding, it should be interrupted.

List of analogues

When choosing antibiotics, one should be guided not only by the cost of an alternative drug, but also by its proven rapid therapeutic effect, contraindications and other factors.

Experts have identified the following cheap and most effective Sumamed analogues:

It is possible to replace Sumamed, as any of these means, and vice versa, but it is necessary to take into account comparative characteristics, since the composition of most of them differs, since these are not structural analogues. When choosing an alternative, one should compare a specific dosage form - the cost of Sumamed tablet and its analogue in tablets, a suspension - with the price of a suspension, etc.

Azithromycin and its benefits

Powerful, at the same time, one of the safest antibiotics and a structural analogue of Sumamed is the drug Azithromycin, which can be used for children. It is prescribed for mixed, severe infections. Indications for use, identical to those in the case of Sumamed.

Release forms:

  • powder for injection solution;
  • suspensions;
  • capsules;
  • tablets.

Dosage and application

A child from six months to 12 years old is allowed only suspensions of Azithromycin, 10 mg are taken per 1 kg of body weight. From the age of twelve, an adult dose of 0.5-1 g per day is required, it is determined by the doctor based on the diagnosis. The duration of the course is 1-10 days.

Dosage, duration and mode of administration are prescribed by the doctor!

Side effects

As a rule, the antibiotic is well tolerated, side effects occur in no more than 5% of cases. Children may experience: diarrhea, bloating, nausea, nervousness, increased activity. Allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Hemomycin properties and uses

The antibiotic Hemomycin belongs to the group of azalide macrolides. It effectively copes with gonococci, streptococci, meningococci, staphylococci and microorganisms that provoke atypical pneumonia. It is able to destroy intracellular pathogens.

Release form: capsules, powder for suspension, coated tablets, vials with lyophilized powder for infusion solution.

Dosage of Hemomycin for Children

From six months, children are allowed suspensions - 100 mg / 5 ml, starting from 1 year - 200 mg / 5 ml. Capsules, tablets are acceptable from 12 years old, calculate the dose based on body weight. For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, ENT infections for daily dose- 10 mg/kg of body weight. Course - 3 days. With body weight over 45 kg already use adult dosage- 500 mg once a day - 1 tablet or 2 capsules. Duration 3-6 days, the interval between food and medication is at least 2 hours.

Side effects

Hemomycin is one of the most non-toxic antibiotics. Possible mild dyspeptic disorders, skin allergic reactions, conjunctivitis, tachycardia, irritability, dizziness and headache. When taking the drug, direct sunlight should be avoided, since it is characterized by photosensitizing activity.

Comparative characteristics of Sumamed and analogues

As a rule, the attending physician, prescribing Sumamed, offers 1-2 more analogues. If for cost or for some other reason they are also not suitable, you should find out if it can be replaced with one of the above drugs.


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The drug Sumamed ® refers to macrolide antibiotics-azalides. The main active ingredient is azithromycin.

When prescribing high antibiotics, the drug has a bactericidal effect, and at low concentrations - bacteriostatic.

The antibacterial drug inhibits protein synthesis in the cell at the level of ribosomes. The cessation of synthesis and maturation of the protein leads to inhibition of the division of pathogens, the increase in the bacterial population is interrupted.

Sumamed ® has an effect on both intracellular and extracellular pathogens. Antibiotic-macrolide has activity against a number of Gram +, Gram - microorganisms and intracellular infectious agents. Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, pyogenic streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Legionella pneumophila, Clostridium perfringens, Plevotella, Mycoplasma hominis, etc. are sensitive to it. The average price for a drug in Russia is about 400 rubles.

Ecomed ®

The main active ingredient is azithromycin. The drug is widely used in otolaryngology, pulmonology, dermatology and urology. The antibiotic is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

Zitrolide ®

The main active ingredient is azithromycin. The agent creates high concentrations in inflamed tissues. The antibiotic is rapidly absorbed and well distributed in the body. Bioavailability is not more than 40%. Drugs are used in the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract, upper respiratory tract and urogenital tract. Zitrolid ® is not recommended for patients receiving treatment for diabetes- this is associated with the risk of an increase in the content of glucose in the blood serum due to a decrease in the effectiveness of tableted hypoglycemic agents.

Macrolide analogues with other active ingredients

Erythromycin ®

According to the mechanism of action, the antibiotic is similar to the antibiotic drugs of the penicillin series. It is active against gram + and gram - flora, has little effect on most strains of gram bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Roxithromycin ®

This is the 1st first semi-synthetic 14-membered macrolide. stable in acidic environments, acts on bacteria that produce enzymes that break down beta-lactam antibiotics. It is prescribed as a prophylaxis to persons who have been in contact with patients with meningitis. Roxithromycin ® is the active ingredient in Rulid ® and Esparoxy ® .

Zitrox ®

related to the azalides. Zitrox ® inhibits the transpeptidation reaction and inhibits the synthesis of the pathogen's cell membrane. Microorganisms producing beta-lactamase are sensitive to the antibiotic. It is prescribed for gardnerellosis, Hib infection, shigellosis and syphilis. Zitrox ® is relatively safe and well tolerated by the body. Taking drugs is fraught with the development of dyspeptic disorders.

When deciding to adjust drug therapy and purchase an inexpensive Sumamed ® generic, keep in mind that it will be inferior to the original drug in terms of pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties.

Klacid ® or Sumamed ® : which is better?

Both drugs are for macrolide antibiotics. The main active ingredient of Klacida ® is clarithromycin.

Sumamed ® is considered a prolonged drug, i.e. it provides a long period of therapeutic action of the medicinal substance enclosed in it.

It is not recommended to take Sumamed ® with food, as it contains active substances that, when absorbed, neutralize or even block the therapeutic effect of this antibiotic. The bioavailability of Klacid ® is in no way related to food intake, however, a high concentration of drugs must be maintained every twelve hours.

Klacid ® of foreign production costs about 1000 rubles.


Antibiotics help cure serious diseases. Among this group of drugs, doctors distinguish Sumamed - an effective modern drug with a wide spectrum of effects. Sumamed's analogues are used just as often, they are more affordable or have other features.

Sumamed - analogues are cheap

This antibiotic drug belongs to the group of azalide macrolides. Active substance The underlying drug is azithromycin dihydrate. It prevents the growth and reproduction of bacteria during illness. The manufacturer is the pharmaceutical company Pliva from Croatia, so the cost of Sumamed is higher than domestic drugs. The forms in which the drug is sold are suitable for any patient. For oral administration - suspension, tablets, capsules, substance-powder, there is also a solution for infusion.

If the medicine is poorly absorbed by the body or the price does not suit you, you can replace it with a more cheap analogue Sumamed. Now more than 20 names are known that replace the drug:

  • Azitrocin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Azitrus;
  • Azitral;
  • Azimed;
  • Azicide;
  • Azimicin;
  • Azivok;
  • Azitrox;
  • Vero-azithromycin;
  • Zitrolide;
  • Z-factor;
  • Zetamax retard;
  • Zitrocin;
  • Lyophilizate;
  • Zitnob;
  • Sumazid;
  • Sumamox;
  • Sumaclid;
  • Sumatrolide;
  • sumamecin;
  • Ecomed;
  • Tremak-sanovel;
  • Hemomycin.

Sumamed - analogues for children

The drug is often used to treat children, sometimes very young. Not every child will swallow tablets and capsules - other forms of medicine have been created especially for such patients. Sumamed's analogue for children is available in the form of:

  • ready solution;
  • granules for the preparation of a suspension in a measuring bottle.

If the child takes the medicine for the first time, his behavior should be observed - an allergy may appear. The pediatrician should prescribe the exact dosage and frequency of administration, because each type of disease has its own treatment. You can use the instructions provided with the powder for the preparation of the suspension, or read it on the Internet. One example of replacing Sumamed is Hemomycin, Sumamox is also used.

Generic Sumameda

Drugs that contain the same substance as the patented ones are called generics. They are produced by domestic companies and their price is much lower. This is because they repeat foreign analogues and are based on previous studies. The most common generic Sumamed is Azithromycin of the Russian company Vertex.

Like the original medicine, it is used to treat:

  • respiratory infections (bronchitis and pneumonia);
  • inflammation of the ENT organs (otitis media, laryngitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis);
  • inflammation of the organs in the pelvis.

In addition to the positive effect of the treatment that the Russian analogue of Sumamed has, it repeats the same side effects as the original, so its use must be agreed with the doctor. Buyers note that domestically produced drugs successfully replace imported ones, so you can safely purchase them for the treatment of adults and children.

How to choose analogues of Sumamed

All drugs are based on one component, but Sumamed and analogues can act differently. For the right choice, you should take into account all the characteristics, pay attention to the following properties:

  1. A variety of dosage forms (tablets, powders, liquids) for all patients.
  2. Quantity side effects. Sometimes they differ, you can read about this in the instructions for the medicine.
  3. Feedback from consumers who have already used the drugs.

The last point is very important: the opinions of other people who have already used medicine, allow you to get a picture of the future treatment, and Internet portals also ask a question of interest. Real reviews will help you decide which of the many Sumamed analogues on the market is best for a particular person to replace, because there may be options.

Price for analogues of Sumamed

The cost of drugs varies greatly. Some buyers prefer the original medicine, thinking that the brand will give a guarantee against fakes and allow you to recover faster, others trust generics. Medicines can be viewed and bought cheaply in an online store with a convenient catalog. It is easy to compare prices for Sumamed analogues in the table, a similar form and dosage is used.