Fox eyes. Women's classification by appearance

All of us in childhood listened to fairy tales about an unusually smart and cunning beast. The fox is indeed distinguished by resourcefulness and natural ingenuity, which allows her to quickly find prey and hide from her pursuers. Famous owners of a fluffy tail were able to settle in almost any natural area. The fox is an ordinary predator of forests, steppes, mountains and deserts. It would seem that everyone knows everything about this mammal. However, starting our story, we see that our description of the fox is quite stereotypical and based on a folklore image. Even this world-famous beast has its own secrets.

Fox classification

Fox is the common name of a genus from the wolf subfamily, which unites 11 species at once. Its structure is sometimes disputed, adding or eliminating some species. For example, this genus is attributed to the similarity in appearance of the fox. Until now, many zoologists cannot decide which family the polar fox belongs to. While this beast takes a position outside a certain kind. The following species are considered true foxes:

  • fox ordinary;
  • afghan fox;
  • bengal fox;
  • american fox;
  • american corsac;
  • African fox;
  • corsac;
  • South African fox;
  • sand fox;
  • fenech;
  • Tibetan fox.

The closest relatives of foxes are the following genera:

  • Arctic foxes (Arctic fox);
  • mikong (mikong or savannah fox);
  • big-eared foxes (big-eared fox);
  • gray foxes (island and gray foxes);
  • small foxes (small fox);
  • South American foxes (Securan, Paraguayan, Andean, Brazilian, Darwin and South American foxes);

Despite the stunning resemblance, the maned wolf does not belong to the fox. This unusual animal is a relic species that managed to survive the extinction of most of its former society.

Where does the fox live? Habitat

Nature has endowed foxes with the ability to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions. These mammals were able to confidently spread to almost all continents, with the exception of South America and harsh Antarctica. The habitat that different types of foxes have chosen includes:

  • North America, as well as some islands near the mainland (American corsac, arctic fox, red, island, gray fox);
  • South America (Maikong, Securan, Brazilian, Paraguayan, Darwin, South American, small and Andean foxes);
  • the entire territory of Eurasia (arctic fox, corsac fox, common, Tibetan, sandy, Bengal (from India), Afghan (Bukhara) foxes);
  • coasts of Africa and the Nile Valley (fennec fox, red, big-eared, South African, African sand fox);
  • Southern Australia (red fox).

The wide coverage of territories explains the great variety of species of these mammals and the huge number of adaptations for survival.

Many mistakenly believe that all types of foxes live exclusively in European and Siberian forests. Only a few species of these animals settled there. Foxes are sedentary animals and try to choose a suitable place to live. They carefully inspect the corner they like, remembering the location of ravines, holes, rivers and hills in order to profitably use them for shelters. The red fox perfectly hides from enemies, confusing and covering its tracks, suddenly disappearing right in front of the nose of its enemy. For such an extraordinary ingenuity, a talented strategist received the title of a cunning and intelligent beast.

In the dry steppes of Asia, in hilly areas with low vegetation, you can find deep burrows left by badgers and other animals, which were chosen by a cunning predator. The steppe fox does not like when her peace is disturbed, therefore, she fiercely guards her temporary possessions. Due to the arid climate, these animals have to constantly migrate. The steppe fox, or corsac, travels from the Volga delta and the Caucasus to the mountains of Western Siberia. Very rarely they move away from their usual parking place. Sometimes these cunning animals also enter the forest-steppe, where the common fox competes with them, often repelling prey from a smaller relative.

mountain foxes

Mountain foxes are inhabitants of harsh rocks. Their diet and lifestyle depends on the height of their "living zone". So, for example, the Crimean mountain fox equips abandoned burrows, holes in rocks and stones, caves and even tree hollows. This diversity is due to the fact that the Taurus Mountains, covered with forests, are quite low with a warm climate. The Tibetan fox, on the other hand, lives on the high Tibetan plateau and is sometimes found in areas north of the Himalayas. These animals dig their own houses and lead an extremely secretive lifestyle. Scientists still do not know exactly how long they live and what they eat highland foxes.

In semi-deserts and deserts, conditions are truly extreme! All the inhabitants of this dry and hot area will need to collect all the devices that nature has endowed them with in order to survive. The sandy area without a single hint of vegetation and coolness does not allow the spread of large herbivores and rodents on it. That is why only a miniature eared fox, for example, can live here. These animals settle in small dry bushes or in a tiny clearing of rare grass, where they make holes for themselves. In their shelters they wait for the night. What the fennec fox eats lives right next to the mink. The animal pulls out roots from the sand, preys on small rodents, reptiles and insects.

In the far north, in the land of eternal snow, fluffy sly ones also live. The polar fox even inhabited the territory on the islands in the Arctic Ocean. The usual natural areas for arctic foxes are tundra and forest tundra. The polar fox settles in hilly areas where you can easily find housing and food. Arctic foxes are distributed from Alaska to Chukotka. These animals feel great both in icy Greenland and on other islands abandoned in cold waters. When it gets colder, Arctic foxes move south, temporarily settling in new places.

Foxes are incredibly beautiful animals to which songs, poems, fables and even paintings were dedicated. Depending on the habitat, these predators acquire unusual, in comparison with the usual forest beauties, features of appearance.

The fox got its poetic name for a fur coat dyed in gold. The Slavs have always watched the inhabitants of the forest, noticing any distinctive details of appearance, behavior or even voice. Translated from the Old Slavonic "fox" meant "yellowish". Therefore, funny red mushrooms are also called "chanterelles".

There is another version of the interpretation of the word. A number of etymologists believe that "fox" is formed from the Slavic "lis" (wife, spouse). This theory is also explained in different ways: some explain that some species of these predators create monogamous pairs and raise cubs together, others suggest that cunning wives were called that. There is also a third assumption. The word "fox" comes from the Polish "liszka" (dashing). Thus, the mischievous nature of the animal is noticed.

All foxes have a fluffy long tail, which not only decorates the animal, but also serves as a useful survival tool. It allows you to develop greater speed when running, being a special pole for balance. The tail also serves as an effective rudder. When a predator (for example, a dog) is chasing a red cheat and is about to grab it, the fluffy train turns sharply at a right angle and the animal instantly turns to the side. The pursuer rushes on in bewilderment.

Many probably wondered: “Why is the tip of the tail of the fox white?”. The answer is simple enough. The fox in the forest must constantly monitor the cubs. In order not to lose sight of the kids among the foliage, a white beacon was created, which each crumb cheerfully raises for mom.

In its tail, the fox stores some nutrients"for a rainy day". This fluffy tool also serves as a blanket for the animal. In cold weather, the fox covers its nose or cubs with its tail. With this body part, animals can even communicate! When raised, it shows the strength of the beast, and the willingness to defend territory and prey.

Did you know that a fox's tail smells like violets? Right at its base is a fairly large gland that produces the scent of flowers. This is the perfect disguise! Leaving the chase, the fox covers its tracks in the forest and hides its scent.

How much does a fox weigh?

Depending on the species, foxes can reach a length of 40 cm to 90 cm. The length of the tail of an adult varies from 20 to 60 cm. And the weight is from 1.5 to 14 kg.

The eyes of a fox are one of the main weapons of an animal in hunting. Vision is tuned to moving objects, which allows you to instantly notice potential prey. Even a butterfly flying past will not be able to hide from a clever predator. Also, all types of foxes are perfectly oriented in the dark, since it is at night that animals go hunting. Not a single bird sleeping peacefully on the ground or in the thickets will go unnoticed.

Foxes have excellent visual memory. This allows predators to remember places of shelters, paths. This ability is very important for survival in the harsh conditions of the wild.

The condition of the coat of an animal for a normal existence in a certain area should be acceptable. All types of foxes are carefully prepared for the environmental conditions in which they will live.

In summer, the coat color of these predators is masking. Neither you nor the little animals will notice the approach of the fox. In the north, Arctic foxes are dressed in white furs that blend with the snow. In the mountains, where rocks and poor soil are combined, foxes disguise themselves in spotted (grey with ocher) fur coats. The inhabitants of dry deserts received from nature a yellow or light ocher coat. In the forest, the common fox, with its dull red robe, hides well against the background of branches, earth and fallen leaves.

Until now, scientists have not figured out why the coat of these predators does not adapt in color to other seasons. The fact is that many types of foxes become brighter with the onset of winter. Red, brown and black animals stand out strongly against the background of white snow, which, oddly enough, does not affect the effectiveness of hunting.

However, depending on the temperature, the structure of the fox coat changes. The animal adapts to nature. In summer, the fox's fur is sparse, dull, without undercoat, close to the body. This makes it much easier to keep the body cool. In winter, after seasonal molting, foxes put on tight clothes. The thick undercoat keeps the heat out and keeps you warm like a down jacket. The upper fibers are impregnated with a special secret that does not allow the predator to get wet (foxes often fall asleep in the snow).

All foxes are born hunters. These animals easily get food wherever they live. What a fox eats determines the area in which he lives, the time of year and the type of animal. It is also worth paying attention to the age of the predator: young animals are afraid to attack large prey.

A sandy little fox in deserts and semi-deserts can easily smell edible roots, hear the movements of lizards, tasty beetles and their larvae, scorpions under the ground, skillfully attack a gaping rodent. The animal extracts moisture directly from its meager diet.

There is not much suitable food in the north. However, the polar fox was able to adapt to the harsh nature. The diet of the beast includes more than a hundred species of animals and almost 30 species of plants: algae, blueberries, herbs and cloudberries! Everything that the fox can find, it will immediately eat or hide. The basis of the diet of the polar fox is made up of many species of small rodents (for example, lemmings) and birds common in the taiga. Sometimes arctic foxes catch or find fish on the shore, overwhelm deer calves that have lagged behind. Polar foxes are not against carrion, therefore they make up a retinue of a polar bear, which often shares a part of a seal carcass with a small predator.

What the common fox eats, almost everyone knows. The favorite delicacy of this predator is small mice, which in winter become the main source of food. The common fox also eats hares, but hunting them requires a lot of energy. The predator often raids the homes of these animals, eating the young. The cunning fox will not refuse to climb into the nest of some bird to feast on eggs and chicks. Also, the beast will gladly eat berries, fruits and herbs.

Contrary to popular belief, foxes rarely raid chickens and other poultry. An animal decides on such an act only in a critical situation, when it is difficult to get food in the forest. The predator often spoils cereal crops, which he eats in an unripe state.

Steppe foxes prey on a wide variety of lizards, snakes and turtles. They will not refuse to eat a toad or a frog. Korsak foxes perfectly catch rodents (their favorite dishes are ground squirrels, jerboas, voles), hares and birds. Sometimes this predator attacks a saiga calf. This happens extremely rarely: the corsac fox is a rather cowardly animal.

In the mountains, the stern Tibetan fox finds food difficult. Finding anything edible on the rocks is already a difficult task. The basis of the diet of a skilled predator is dexterous rodents, pikas. After them, the fox runs along the cliffs, driving them into traps, or waits at their shelters. But that's not all the fox eats. The beast catches mountain hares, birds, climbs into nests and destroys them, feasts on insects and reptiles. When a cunning animal finds berries suitable for food, it will eat them with pleasure. The Tibetan fox does not mind eating carrion.

What the fox eats also determines seasonality. So, for example, during salmon spawning, many predators stop hunting. Dying fish is enough for everyone for several months.

fox sounds

Everyone is interested in what sound foxes make when communicating. If you watch these animals, you can be pleasantly surprised at how rich their stock of signals is. Each sound of the fox is reserved for special occasions and situations. At different types own voice and language.

The common fox is unusually talkative. The mother is constantly in contact with her cubs with the help of a kind of sonorous purr, being interested in their well-being. If any fox goes too far or gets carried away by a dangerous occupation, the mother will shout the unlucky baby with a loud yelp. Sometimes these cunning animals talk to their buddies with a slight snort. A warning about the danger will be a heart-rending short cry, reminiscent of a loud "kar".

They live in families, they do not like to communicate with other brothers. In general, these mini predators have a rather nasty character, so the appearance of a stranger in their possessions is accompanied by nervous, offended chirping and hissing. With friends, little foxes can howl, whine and bark!

Large foxes living in harsh conditions, such as corsacs, "talk" in a very low voice. These predators live alone and occasionally exchange growls and uterine clatter.

fox breeding

Female foxes reach sexual maturity by two years. Smaller species - much earlier, by 9-12 months. On average, an animal can have offspring up to 6-7 years. In males, everything is arranged a little differently. They are already ripe for a year. It is young foxes who are especially willing to participate in courtship.

The time of mating games is distributed for each species of fox in its own way, depending on certain factors of the habitat (weather conditions, enemies, landscape, amount of food). Animals calculate the time so that the babies will appear by the warm period, when there will be plenty of food. As a rule, fox breeding occurs in the middle or end of winter.

Foxes are very smart animals. If the animals see and feel that their future family may be in danger (lack of food, emergencies, epidemic, cold snap), they postpone the breeding season for 2-3 months.

In the bitter cold, foxes begin their beautiful ritual of wooing. Males sing a long song, attracting a bride. Sometimes several boyfriends start fights for the lady they like, who stands aside for the whole fight and watches what is happening. After waiting for the winner, the female approaches her hero. A pair of foxes fold up. For a long time, these two will frolic: ride in the snow, play catch-up, “dance”, standing on their hind legs, playfully bite each other’s ears and jovially push. Then the foxes go into one of the holes.

Monogamy is a common feature for many species of these predators. The fox often chooses a partner for life. It is very important for animals to stick together. In a difficult situation, such a life saves the family. Korsaks, fennies, Bengal and Indian foxes are faithful to their halves. They take turns hunting and cleaning burrows. But the red fox enters into temporary marriages (they last no more than a year and a half).

Pregnancy in these animals lasts 48-60 days, depending on the size of the animal and habitat. The number of cubs in a litter is directly related to the amount of food. In times of famine, the fox does not turn on big family. Cubs are born one by one or two by two. Many brides never find suitors. And in prosperous years, each chanterelle is born from four to sixteen blind, deaf and toothless puppies.

fox species

Foxes are distributed throughout the world. The organisms of these animals are ideally adapted to various natural zones. Consider the most interesting types of foxes.

Arctic foxes rightfully bear the title of polar explorers. These snow-white chanterelles live both in the taiga and far beyond the Arctic Circle. Mischievous animals are able to withstand very low temperatures thanks to thick fur with a dense waterproof undercoat. In such suitable clothes you will not freeze, and you will disguise yourself well in the white snow! Snowshoe paws save the fox. The beast does not fall through when running in the snow.

Arctic foxes are perfectly adapted to the cold. They easily tolerate frost at -50 degrees. The rounded shape of the body minimizes heat loss. Scientists have found that the polar fox begins to tremble only when the temperature reaches -70 degrees!

The arctic fox is a typical predator of the tundra, subarctic and arctic natural zones. In summer, these animals live settled, occupying old burrows, and in winter they go wandering. Arctic foxes often accompany polar bears, who share part of their prey with them. During migration, northern animals go far beyond the Arctic Circle. Sometimes a polar fox travels 4,500 kilometers in a few months! It is amazing that animals easily find their way home.

There are two subspecies of the fox: white and blue. It all depends on the color of the coat. The coat of polar foxes is ideally suited for camouflage. In winter, these animals are white, and in summer they are black or brown.

In places where snow alternates with earth, there are polar foxes with a spotted color, ideally masking a predator.

Polar foxes feed on various small rodents (for example, lemmings), fish, birds, eggs, seal carcasses. Arctic foxes have the most developed, in comparison with other canines, hearing and vision. The animal can hear the movement of a lemming under the snow for several kilometers.

Arctic foxes live in families, which include a couple with small cubs and a previous litter.

The polar fox at home takes root well. If you bring them up from childhood, then in behavior they will resemble cats and dogs.

A cute mini predator is found in the dry desert. The fox is considered the smallest canine. Its dimensions are no more than 40 centimeters in length (with a tail - up to 80 centimeters).

The hardy animal got its unusual name from the colloquial Arabic word "fanak", which means fox. Fenki live in northern Africa in desert and semi-desert zones. The dwarf fox has adapted perfectly to these conditions. Thick wool grows on the pads of the paws of the fenki, allowing them to walk calmly on the burning sand. Large splayed ears are not only able to hear the slightest rustle of prey in the sand (small vertebrates and insects), but also increase blood circulation in the body, which allows you to cool.

They live in families in deep underground burrows that they build themselves. The number of one clan rarely exceeds 10 individuals. Males fiercely protect their territory from strangers.

Tibetan foxes are also medium-sized animals (body size without a tail is 60 centimeters, with a tail - up to 130 centimeters). They live on the hard-to-reach rocks of Tibet and the Himalayas, where they dig holes or find suitable cavities under stones.

Foxes hunt in pairs. Each spouse shares his booty. Tibetan foxes feed on pikas and other rodents, hares, birds, reptiles, insects and berries.

Tibetan foxes are not against neighbors. Many couples live and hunt in the same territory.

Big-eared foxes live on the southeast coast of Africa in the savannas. They thrive in hot climates. Outwardly, these small animals are like an ordinary fox, only with very large ears.

Predators rely on their acute hearing. The long-eared fox often accompanies herds of antelopes, where it finds scarabs and other tasty insects.

Animals are monogamous, but sometimes form triads (a male and two females). Each member of the family hunts alone. Animals settle in dug holes and devastated termite mounds.

The red-haired beauty familiar to everyone settled throughout Eurasia, North America, Australia and some areas of Africa. Such a wide distribution causes many options for the color and size of the predator. Among the fiery red brothers, there is even a black fox (silver fox).

The variability of the color of these animals is very much appreciated by people. The fox at home acquires a more saturated shade of wool.

Foxes hunt alone. Their prey are small and medium-sized rodents, hares, birds, lizards, frogs, snakes, turtles, fish and insects. In winter, food becomes much less. The common fox uses all its skills to catch nimble rodents under the snow. This method is called "mouse".

Fox enemies in the wild

Since ancient times, foxes have been known as cunning and cautious animals. Such qualities appeared in them for a reason. Foxes have many enemies from which you need to somehow escape.

Some animals purposefully attack tailed ones. Among the enemies of foxes:

Eagle owls, crows and hawks also attack cubs of red predators.

Recently, keeping a fox at home as a pet has become possible. Many people were able to fulfill a childhood dream and make an unusual friend.

The domestication of cunning animals began to be engaged in since 1959. Enterprising breeders have bred different breeds of foxes. However, wild instincts are not so easy to bring out. If you want to have a cute homemade fox, you need to be on the lookout. Without education, an animal can harm a person, other pets and interior items.

The fox at home is a fairly friendly animal. He will enjoy playing with you and other pets. This predator is very easy to train. You can teach him a funny trick.

When choosing an exotic pet, it is worth considering what lifestyle the animal is used to. So, for example, a popular decorative fox, the fennec fox is active at night. Sometimes such details can make life difficult for a person.

Do not forget that the fox at home needs some care. The animal can sleep in a spacious aviary or on a large bedding. The animal needs to be combed and bathed regularly. Taking chanterelles for walks is on a leash.

The Canadian marbled fox is considered one of the most popular pets. A beautiful black-gray-white fur coat attracts the eye and literally falls in love.

Decorative fox

- very active and nimble animal. His cute appearance is eye-catching: it's impossible not to fall in love with his big ears and beady black eyes!

The dimensions of the animal are very modest: with a body length of about 40 centimeters, the animal weighs 1.5-2 kilograms. Fenki are distinguished by their cunning and a little capricious character, although they perfectly find a common language with humans and cats. With their friends, they do not mind playing (for example, hide and seek or catch up).

Decorative chanterelles are very difficult to tolerate temperature changes (especially a sharp cold snap). Fenki feel comfortable in well-heated rooms.

Mini chanterelles need to be combed out regularly. Use soft bristle brushes or small combs with fine teeth for this procedure. Fenok himself really likes this kind of hair care.

A cat litter box can be used as a toilet for desert foxes. Fenks are very smart, so they quickly understand what this item is for.

What to feed a fox at home?

The fox is an exotic pet, so you won’t be able to buy special food in the store. It is worth trying to include in the animal's food what it eats in the wild.

These fluffy sly ones adapt well to the new diet, as they are almost omnivores. The basis of chanterelle nutrition should be processed meat (boiled or steamed). The diet of the animal can include fruits, vegetables, berries, insects, raw eggs. It is very important to supplement the animal's menu with meat offal: soft cartilage, trachea, bird spleen, offal, liver, beef tripe, heart. Do not give your chanterelle bones and raw unpeeled fish - this can lead to digestive problems.

These animals belong to canines, therefore, if it is not possible to feed them with natural food, you can switch to universal dog food. With this option, it is still necessary to occasionally reinforce the predator's body with vegetables, meat and protein.

How long does a fox live?

The lifespan of foxes is almost the same as that of wild dogs and wolves. The natural conditions in the habitat are quite severe, so not all animals manage to even reach adulthood.

In nature, how long a fox lives determines the amount of food, the presence of epidemics, the number of enemies in the territory. In the wild, the animal rarely reaches the age of six. The average lifespan of a predator is 2–5 years. The animal constantly spends energy in search of prey and survival.

However, a fox at home or in a zoo maintains excellent health for twenty years! Even at a respectful age, these animals remained cheerful and playful.

How long foxes live in captivity is also determined by the fact that any disease can be cured. Wild predators often die from various ailments.

  • All foxes are great parents. Unlike many predators, both the father and mother are equally involved in raising, protecting and feeding the cubs. Foxes tend to their pregnant wives by biting fleas, licking them and bringing food to the shelter. Parents together teach their kids to hunt small prey: lizards, insects, birds.
  • The amazing tail of foxes was popularly called a pipe for its interesting shape. Many people were touched by how these little predators proudly raised their useful tool. It was from the playful name that the expression "tail pipe" came from.
  • All of you probably know about the fearless hero Zorro. The defender of the weak, the noble robber, whose face is hidden by a black mask, has become the idol of many people. Zorro means "fox" in Spanish. Perhaps it was for the dexterity and ingenuity of red predators that this hero received such a name.
  • The fox is a frequent guest of mythologies and folklore of different peoples. In Japan, this beast, because of its cunning, is considered the personification of confusion and pranks. A sudden downpour in the middle sunny day the inhabitants of the eastern country called it "fox rain". The Japanese often identify strange phenomena with the tricks of fluffy tails. Wandering lights in the swamps are also called "foxes". It is believed that the beast makes fun of travelers, trying to scare them.
  • An ordinary fox is the owner of a chic tail, the main decoration of which is a bright white tip. And he appears immediately. In newborn puppies that do not yet have teeth, their eyes are not open, a light triangle already flaunts. There is a legend that once the tails of foxes were completely red, and when running they did not rise, but dragged along the ground. Over time, the color on the tip faded. The common fox, in order not to spoil the fur coat, began to raise its tail. Now the white tip is inherited by all foxes.

The polar fox occupies houses that have belonged to many generations of animals. The age of such holes can exceed 150 years, the number of passages - more than a hundred, and the area of ​​underground labyrinths - several square kilometers!

About a year ago it was already, but without photos. Now also supplemented by a couple of groups.
Disclaimer: This is just my vision! And any of these groups can include absolutely beautiful outwardly girls.

bird women

(Helena Bonham Carter, Helen Hunt)
Women become birds only because of their beak of the nose, chiseled, thin, with a hump or straight, but with the tip going down. The lips of a female bird are thin, small, often with a very noticeable contour, upper lip may move forward a little. And sometimes the lips are stretched, but also thin. Eyes can be absolutely anything: big, small, green, and black...
There are many predatory beauties among the Birds, the most real vamp women.

Pisces women

(Julian Moore, Isabelle Huppert, Renée Zellweger)
Also a very common type of women, but is usually the exact opposite of Birds. The main thing in Pisces is the eyes and skin. The skin is transparent, pale, through which pale lilac veins sometimes appear. Outside, she is often strewn with red freckles. The eyes of the Pisces Woman are most often large and always light, slightly watery. Eyebrows and eyelashes to light eyes, as it should be, are attached to the same light ones. The nose is often blurry, but it is not the main thing. Most often, Pisces Women are not very beautiful, if they are not made up, they are rather pale and inconspicuous, but when they make up, they are transformed. In addition, and just meet amazing beauties.

frog women

(Cameron Diaz)
They look like fish women, you can’t even single them out in a group, but sometimes you really want to. Their eyes are large and bright, bulging. And a big mouth, of course. Ideally - often smiling.

deer women

(Jane Birkin, Natalie Portman, Audrey Tautou)
The deer women are not very women, they are more childlike. Their eyes are expressive and often frightened. The neck, arms and legs are thin, and gestures are on the verge of plasticity and angularity.

Women are she-wolves

(Eva Green)
Wolf women - still b about Bigger vamps than birds. Their hair is usually dark, and their eyes are necessarily beautiful and light. The look is heavy with pronounced sexuality.

Women are foxes

(Juliette Binoche, Penélope Cruz, Emmanuelle Beart)
A very large group. It, for example, includes those who did not reach the she-wolves, who have the same external data, but at the same time not a strong enough look. Almost always beautiful or at least cute. The nose of the Chanterelle Woman is slightly upturned, maybe a bit long, a real fox nose. If the kit comes with big eyes with a veil, Chanterelle is just a beauty! Chanterelle's mouth can be anything, but almost always a sly smile.
More foxes: Julia Roberts, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ingeborga Dapkunaite.

cat women

(Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Scarlett Johansson)
Catwomen are, rather, not appearance, but self-awareness. But often they have a small nose or full lips. They themselves also seem soft and plastic, lazy and on their own minds.

Women are horses

(Alanis Morisset, Sarah Jessica Parker)
Their face is long oval with a pronounced lower part. And everything else (eyes, nose) - whatever.

dog women

(Kirsten Dunst, Paz Vega)
To recognize a Dog in a Woman, you need to look into her eyes and pay attention to her nose. Her eyes are usually with lowered outer corners and are most often brown, kind and understanding. The nose is either small or slightly wide. Dog Women are more often just cute than beautiful.

The eyes and gaze of a person are what people immediately turn their attention to when they meet. The look has always been considered an indicator of attentiveness, honesty, personal interest. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Let's look at the main features of a person with a certain shape of the eyes. At the same time, I take materials from physiognomists and ancient observations.

Physionists read a person by the eyes, using the following criteria: eye fit, shape, size, color.

Landing is the distance between the eyes. It is believed that the wider the eyes of a person, the more energetic and optimistic their owner is.

The size of the eyes suggests that the larger the eyes, the more sensitive, emotional and artistic the person is. Also, big eyes speak of masculinity and authority. Small eyes are a sign of caution, stubbornness and thrift.

The physiognomists interpret the shape of the eyes using analogies with the eyes of animals, so I will immediately ask you not to be offended by this comparison: it is taken from ancient Chinese texts.

Horse eyes. Large, round, well-defined, slightly protruding with double, slightly drooping eyelids. Qualities: intelligence, wit, artistry, courage and enterprise. But also hot temper, straightforwardness, inability to hide their feelings.

lion eyes. Large with folds on the eyelids, slightly elongated, and the upper eyelid is cut off at the top. Very calm and insightful. Qualities: determination, strength, wit, courage. Such people are leaders by nature and lead the team, they achieve success in business, politics and military affairs. Purposeful, efficient, independent, very demanding of subordinates.

Eyes of the Tiger. Yellowish in color, with a sheen, the eyelids give them the appearance of a rectangular shape, they are, as it were, cut off from above and below. At the same time, the eyes are rounded from the outer edges. Qualities: fearlessness, energy, strength and nobility. There is no greed for money, but money comes to them by itself. Also, like the owners of lion's eyes, they have clear leadership qualities, are stubborn, and have a rebellious character. Faithful and devoted friends.

wolf eyes. Small, elongated, light, the outer corners are slightly lowered, the whites are veined with red, the look is impassive and piercing. Quality: vindictiveness, cruelty, lust for power, injustice. They go over their heads. Often occupy a high position in society, always have influential friends.

Elephant eyes. These are narrow, elongated eyes, with double or even triple eyelids, because of this there is a feeling of "swollen" eyes. Usually these are light-colored eyes with large expressive pupils. Qualities: sociability, good nature, sociability, calmness. They have good health, despite the fact that they often have problems with being overweight. Slowly achieve success, very carefully and correctly moving towards their goal.

Sheep eyes. These are narrow, small eyes, with a large, often black and yellow iris. Surrounded by double beautifully defined eyelids, the protein is bright and white. Qualities: softness, modesty, indecision. Often scattered for their own purposes, smart and endowed with talents, but rarely believe in themselves.

boar eyes. Small, slightly scattered, there is a break in the upper eyelid, the iris is dull. Qualities: conservatism, cunning, suspicion, diligence. They do hard and boring work. Career is very hard.

Fox eyes. Small, angular, elongated, with corners down. Qualities: quick wit, sharp mind, cunning, stinginess, always see personal gain. Outwardly good-natured and sweet, often hypocritical. People with such eyes are smart, cunning and stingy.

cat eyes. They are similar to the eyes of a tiger, but smaller. Brilliant, bright, with a hard penetrating look, cut off from above and below. Qualities: attentiveness, sensitivity, increased sense of danger, courage and luck in business. Not as ambitious as the owners of the eyes of the tiger, but at the same time they often reach high positions.

The eyes of a snake. These are small, narrow eyes, with swollen eyelids, with a blue (light) iris. Qualities: prudence, lust for power, vindictiveness, attention to detail, often aggressiveness.

monkey eyes. These are rounded, shiny eyes, slightly protruding, the look is mobile (running), unfocused. Qualities: intelligence, ingenuity, impatience and cunning, suspicion and vindictiveness. But revenge is more like teenage pranks. They have an excellent memory, developed intuition, spontaneity. Often sexually liberated and attractive.

Bear eyes. These are large, but not intelligent eyes, slightly protruding, with white squirrels and small pupils, the gaze is absent-minded. Qualities: laziness, lack of planning, life "at random", often envious.

Peacock eyes. Incredibly round eyes, birdlike, with a bright iris and a large pupil. Qualities: enthusiasm, attentiveness, insight, but at the same time naivety. Often such people suffer from injustice, financial problems, and are looking for patrons.

Cow eyes. The eyes are of normal size, but with large pupils, the look is assertive, but at the same time soft and calm. Qualities: courage, reliability, patience and diligence, slowness, methodicalness, logic and mind. People inspire confidence, they are true friends.

Dragon eyes. These are large, shining, round eyes with half-closed, rounded eyelids, the lower eyelid is well defined, going slightly upward from the outer edge. The pupils are large. The look is domineering. Qualities: authoritativeness, authority, intelligence, nobility, pride, luck. Often such eyes can be found in the powerful of this world.

Phoenix eyes. Long eyes, with double eyelids and fishtail-like corners going up and down. The pupil is large. Qualities: nobility and kindness, authority, authoritativeness. Such people are often powerful, wealthy and talented. It is believed that this is the female version of the dragon's eyes.

Crane eyes. These are large eyes with dark pupils and beautiful double eyelids. The outer edges are raised. Qualities: artistry, great mind, intelligence. These are the eyes of the intelligentsia: doctors, writers, scientists.

deer eyes- small, akin to the eyes of a horse. Qualities: mind, good nature, sociability, acute understanding of danger, intuition is highly developed.

Information about human eye reading is very extensive, so we will continue to review human reading by this criterion in subsequent notes.

Vadim Sokolov

Physiognomy: eyes. character in the eyes

Irina Danilina

The eyes are the first thing that people pay attention to when looking at a person: this has been proven by research. They represent the internal energy of a person, being the “windows of the soul.” The character is easily determined by the eyes, because even without knowledge of the basics of physiognomy, it is clear by just one glance whether a person is kind or evil.

Knowing how to determine the character by the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. In this case, everything is important: the shape of the eyes, their size, location relative to each other, the color of the iris and whites, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the features of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and character are connected with each other.

1. Big, bulging eyes

Owners of large, expressive eyes are sincere, artistic, intelligent, sociable, natural in expressing emotions. The beauty of such eyes is undeniable, which can cause failures in personal life: they are too attractive for the opposite sex!

2. Bulging eyes

These are the eyes of a gambling, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitively feeling the possibility of a successful transaction. Women with such eyes are distinguished by sociability, impulsive behavior, the desire for dominance, a love of risk and a tendency to reckless actions, when literally everything is at stake.

3. Small eyes

Eyes of this type testify to punctuality, moral stability, firm principles of life, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such eyes are jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. It is easy for women to visually increase the size of the eyes with the help of makeup, and for men it is worth developing self-confidence.

4. Deep-set eyes

The owners of eyes of this type are characterized by such properties of nature as daydreaming, conservatism in views, gullibility, vulnerability, calm disposition. Due to their natural data, they are well versed in financial matters, but do not like to take risks, therefore they have stability and success in relation to money.

5. Slanted eyes

The owners of slanting eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, determination, self-confidence. However, the propensity for adventurism and carelessness can lead them to rash acts, recklessness and risk. However, these people's unshakable self-confidence tends to contribute to success and good fortune.

6. Eyes that have lowered outer corners

If the outer corners of the eyes are lower than the inner corners, then a sad expression is created in a person. People with this eye shape tend to care about the welfare of others more than about themselves. Their immense kindness can play a cruel joke with them: they will have to endlessly solve the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests because of their weak will. Women can visually change the contours of the eyes with makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to increase self-esteem, develop a strong will and desire to win.

7. Big eyes with a small iris

The eyes of this type look dilated, as if from an approaching danger. In such eyes, the protein is visible not only on the sides, but also from below - in the form of a white strip between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their owners have a stormy temperament and a feeling of constant anxiety, therefore they are not prone to long-term obligations. It is worth thinking about working with frequent business trips and a partner with whom separation for a short period of time is not excluded. Insight, cunning, generosity are the strengths of their nature.

Angelina Jolie - big, bulging eyes

Aishwarya Rai - bulging eyes

Patrick Swayze - small eyes

Cameron Diaz - deep set eyes

Lada Dance - slanted eyes

Stallone - lowered outer corners

Anton Makarsky - big eyes with a small iris

Character in the eyes: the influence of various signs

1. The location of the eyes

Of great importance for the harmonization of facial features is the location of the eyes relative to each other. Ideally, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates a person’s good relations with relatives and society as a whole.

Close-set eyes indicate a weak will and excessive influence of parents on a person's life. On the contrary, eyes that are disproportionately distant from each other indicate a strong personality who does not experience parental influence and care, perhaps being in a cool relationship with them.

2. The color of the iris of the eyes and whites

The dark brown color of the iris indicates the vital energy of a person. Blue eyes indicate the kindness of their owners, green ones indicate mystery and high intelligence, a yellowish tint of color indicates temperament, and violet indicates the charm of nature.

White and clear whites of the eyes are a sign of health. The redness and yellowness of proteins indicate the problems of the internal state of the human body. The bluish tint of proteins speaks of the mystery of nature: it happens in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too visible squirrels

Sometimes the eye has whites that surround the iris on all sides. Such eyes are people with an indomitable character who do not control their condition. They go berserk easily, so it's best not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

As a rule, insufficiently active people have thin and rare eyelashes. Short and thick eyelashes are characteristic of energetic, strong personalities with a rather aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of kindness and kindness of a person's nature.

5. Wrinkles in the eye area

The presence of wrinkles near the outer corners of the eyes, similar to "crow's feet", indicates a person's sexuality. Directed upward, these wrinkles testify to the perseverance of the nature of their owners, which allows them to always achieve their goals. Lowered down, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy eyelids

Heavy eyelids testify to the decisiveness of the character of a person who, at the same time, has sufficient sensuality.

Determining the character by the eyes allows you to recognize many personality traits already at the stage of acquaintance, which can manifest themselves only after a long time. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed"!

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The shape of the eyes and the character of a person

Since many are concerned about the question of how to determine the character by the shape of the eyes, I decided to resurrect my heading Physiognomy. I hope that detailed descriptions with photo examples will help you get to know and understand your friends, colleagues and just acquaintances better.

Widely spaced eyes

People with this eye shape are not interested in small things and details, they focus more on the big picture. Such persons do not like excessive fuss, they hate to make sudden movements or put forward ultimatums to someone. It is almost impossible to piss off a person with wide-set eyes. Despite the number of years lived, they will always be their mother's or father's child. By the way, the family for such people is of great importance, as it gives them a sense of security and reliability. It is this feeling that allows the "wide-eyed" to act without a shadow of a doubt, take risks and embark on adventures. These are cheerful and optimistic natures who know how to enjoy life and enjoy freedom.

Close-set eyes

It is about the owners of this eye shape that one can say: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself.” These are avid perfectionists who trust only themselves and believe only in their own strengths. They are wary of other people because they cannot fully control them. People with close-set eyes are very stubborn and intolerant, if they have entrusted something to you, they will demand the impeccable performance of the work. Their difficult nature scares others, sometimes it is not easy for them to make friends or build relationships. If you want a calm relationship with a partner who has close eyes, then be patient and be prepared for the fact that you will be adjusted to the ideal. Despite the difficult nature, such people are excellent at controlling themselves and coping with stress. They never fall into depression, but go headlong into fitness. Persons with wide-set eyes stand firmly on their feet and do not stand castles in the air, and they know how to turn any unprofitable situation to their advantage.

Large and expressive eyes

People with this eye shape are very emotional and impulsive, often acting according to their mood and under the influence of the moment. They instantly lose their temper, it is worth the situation to turn not in their favor. Persons with big eyes often suffer from an excellent student complex, trying to always and everywhere win. Despite their leadership manners, they are quite soft and homely. Having fallen in love, they never lose their heads, and love to be in the spotlight and bask in the rays of adoration.

Small eyes

Such people are very picky about trifles and nothing can escape their gaze. They seem to scan the interlocutor with their eyes, so do not even try to hide something from them. Persons with small eyes have iron restraint and a calm disposition. They are closed, experience everything in themselves and never share their feelings with others. People with small eyes are desperate debaters and love to defend their beliefs in heated debates. They are very self-confident and have no doubts about their irresistibility. If they are jealous of someone, then this is just a way to keep the partner in good shape.

Cat eyes with raised corners

In the character of people with this eye shape, stubbornness and generosity are combined. They never admit their mistakes or show their weaknesses to others. If their personal life is far from ideal, then they will keep their face to the last and fight for their family happiness, and they will not do it in the most correct and correct ways. If you want to leave your cat-eyed partner, then be prepared for a fierce battle that you will most likely lose. These persons are great pragmatists and skeptics and often fall into depression. They quickly get carried away and cool down just as quickly, losing interest both in the person and in the occupation. They love new acquaintances and often neglect old friends.

bulging eyes

The owners of this eye shape combine seemingly incongruous character traits, for example, adventurism and common sense, passion and a cold mind. They love everything new and hate the routine. If people with bulging eyes have to do routine work, then they can even get sick from boredom and monotony, so such people often choose creative professions for themselves. They are very kind to their friends, they know how to maintain good relations with former lovers. Easily making new acquaintances, they never forget about old friends. Such people are very amorous and at the same time very faithful.


We continue to consider the character of a person in the shape of the eyes.

wolf eyes

The eyes are elongated in shape with a large iris, usually light, with downwardly directed outer corners and squirrels covered with red streaks.
The look of such people is hard and cold, the pupils are cast blue.
People with such eyes are endowed with a cruel character, lust for power, exorbitant pride, they are vengeful and often unfair. But thanks to assertiveness, the ability to go forward, without hesitation, they reach high positions.
By nature, they are quick-tempered, they do not know how to control themselves. Not too smart. Often, due to their nature, they are victims of violence. But they themselves often turn out to be gang leaders, murderers.

fox eyes

The eyes of the fox are small, elongated, with the corners lowered down.
People with such eyes are smart, cunning and stingy.
Usually they try to appear good-natured, but when it comes to personal gain, they show their fox qualities.
In the team they develop a difficult relationship.

cat eyes

The eyes of a cat are slightly similar to the eyes of a tiger, but smaller.
They are shiny, bright, with a hard penetrating look.
It is believed that people with such eyes are attentive and sensitive to the slightest danger, very lucky, brave and strong.
They are less proud than people with the eyes of a tiger, often reach high positions, but do not suffer if they have to obey others.

snake eyes

Small, narrow eyes, with swollen eyelids, with a blue iris.
The snake in the East symbolizes the mind, cunning, aggressiveness.
Blue eyes for an oriental person are a symbol of danger.
People with the eyes of a snake are ruthless, vengeful, cruel, very prudent and power-hungry, do not forgive disrespect for themselves.
Often people with snake eyes are engaged in intelligence activities.

monkey eyes

Rounded, shining eyes, slightly protruding, mobile, unfocused look.
People with such eyes are smart, inventive, active, endowed with intuition and excellent memory.
But they are too prudent and cunning, impatient, sexually preoccupied, suspicious and vengeful. True, their revenge is expressed in small dirty tricks, over which they themselves then laugh.
And the people fooled by them also do not get angry for a long time: people with the eyes of a monkey behave too directly.

bear eyes

The bear's eyes are large, but not smart, slightly bulging, with white proteins and small pupils, the gaze is absent-minded.
People with such eyes are not very intelligent, they are lazy by nature, often very envious. They do not know how to plan their lives, often they do not know at all what to do and how to do it. Due to specific character traits, they are often dangerous to others.
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Eye color meaning

About eye color, eye shades, character by eye color Psychologists say: if you want to get to know a character better, look into his eyes. I’m sure that yes, indeed, the eyes reflect certain features of our character, or maybe even quite the opposite - the character, due to the formation or change in our psyche, as well as mores, preferences, and the like, may partially change the shades of the eyes.

By the way, if you are one of those who are at a loss as to why the color of the eyes changes, then now
stop panicking: in the overwhelming majority of cases, the effect of changing the color of the eyes, fortunately, does not contain anything bad and is more perceived as an amazing observation, which some just associate with certain processes in the psyche or a change in the basic features of mores. But so far these are only assumptions, but it is difficult to deny the direct fact of the connection between the color of the eyes and the character traits of their owners. And yet, in life there is always a place for exceptions, only today, fortunately =))), not about them, but just about the reliably proven significance of eye color in human life.

Eye color and personality

Gray eyes - put on a pedestal

Gentlemen with "cold" eyes - gray, blue, blue - personalities are creative, energetic and very impulsive. Do not feed them bread, let them be creative: come up with a non-standard solution to the problem, dance on the table, quarrel with the boss, defending some idea. True, they cool down as instantly as they ignite, and that is why they do not always achieve their goals.
The only thing in which light-eyed people are more or less constant is in love and friendship. They raise their partners on a pedestal, adding sometimes completely non-existent qualities to them, and as a result they can worship the created idol for years. However, the proverb "From love to hate is one step" is also about the owners of blue, blue and gray eyes. True, in order to make such a revolution in the soul of the gray-eyed, the former "idol", you will have to try very hard.
Also, light-eyed people are very fond of broad gestures: they can literally and figuratively give the last shirt to the needy or organize a noisy party for acquaintances and friends, even if they are well aware that the next day they will have nothing to buy a tram ticket.

Nuance! Shades of eye color bring additional lines to the overall picture. So, for example, bright blue eyes endow their "master" with complacency, constancy and peace of mind. And gray with shades of steel is a sign of energy, assertiveness, ardor of nature and at the same time housekeeping.

Hazel eye color - brown burst

A person with brown eyes is a real bunch of energy. Such a character is cheerful, witty, resourceful. It can sometimes flare up because of a trifle, but it is not capable of being offended for a long time - innate optimism takes its toll.
Brown-eyed, adore emotional love interests. True, most of their novels do not last long. Unlike gray-eyed people, they are not disappointed in a partner, but simply cool off towards him. But in terms of friendly relations, you can rely on them one hundred percent.

Nuance! The lighter the eyes, the softer the character of their owner. Citizens with hazel eyes are shy, hardworking, diligent. They like to fly in their dreams and hate to take responsibility, so the leaders of them are not so hot. But they are magnificent subordinates - hardworking, diligent and executive.

Green eyes - drawn to talent

Green-eyed characters are very determined and strong-willed people. Having defined a clear goal in front of them, they will move towards it like tanks, not paying attention to the obstacles and faces encountered. It is no wonder that sooner or later people with green eyes achieve their goal: they make a stunning career, earn big money, or fall in love with the queen (king).
True, there is no need to envy a royal person in love: the owners of green eyes do not really like to show their true feelings and swear love. But they, which is many times more important, are quite reliable and faithful.

Nuance! According to statistics, people with green eyes are extremely often gifted with talents - in music, literature, painting and other areas of art.

Black eyes - impossible to resist

"Black eyes, passionate eyes," as a rule, complement the nature of a sensual, ardent, amorous, addicted and very selfish. Constancy in feelings is not their element. However, being seriously carried away by any idea, deed or person, the owners of black eyes are able to move mountains for the sake of fulfilling their dreams. And they often get their way.

Nuance! It has been noted that women with black eyes often also have psychological superpowers - men are not able to resist their charms.
different eye color

Sometimes it happens that the color of the eyes is of different colors or, more precisely, of different intensity. So in such cases, if, for example, the left eye is colored more intensely, this means that the right hemisphere of the brain dominates in a person and, accordingly, the left side of the body is used more actively. If, on the contrary, the right eye is more brightly colored, the opposite picture occurs.

"Left-eyed" people are soft. They do not like open confrontations, easily compromise and maintain a close relationship with their mother.
"Right-eyed" are much tougher, more organized and more drawn to their father

Eye shape and character

So, we talked about eye color enough. At least I hope so. But there is another important and very interesting aspect - the shape of the eyes gives out the character of a person no less than their color.

Big eyes

So, according to psychologists, big eyes speak of courage, the desire to constantly be a leader and at the same time - about spiritual subtlety and sensitivity. True, when the eyes are disproportionately large in relation to the rest of the facial features, and even shine too much, then their owner, most likely, is a very hard-hearted person. In addition, having big eyes has always been considered beautiful, but then again, when everything is in moderation.

Small eyes

Small gimlet eyes are a sign of self-sufficiency and stubbornness. The owners of such eyes almost always achieve success or what they want most. And they are very affectionate and constant in feelings.
Round eyes

Round-eyed people crave recognition and success. But, unfortunately, they do not really like to take responsibility. That is why they manage to reach the absolute pinnacle of glory not so often.

Triangular eye shape

A triangular-shaped eye section usually indicates signs of a light character and relative talkativeness. But at the same time - wisdom and talent.

slanted eyes

Slanted eyes are possessed by kind, tolerant, warm-hearted and a little sentimental people.

almond eyes

Huh, I'm a little tired already. If you are too, then let's hope that there is already a little left, but for now we continue =)))
So, almond-shaped eyes - this, who still does not know, is like a fox. This eye shape is considered one of the most beautiful. In addition, the almond-shaped form, asserts the signs of sophistication of nature. Such individuals are obsessed with art and highly value friendships.

Eyes slightly protruding

Lady with slightly bulging eyes - leaders by nature, stubborn, domineering and sometimes unbalanced.

Eyes, the corners (external and internal) of which are on the same horizontal line, assert peace of mind, self-sufficiency, self-confidence and love for silence and loneliness.

When the outer corners of the eyes are raised up, their "owners" are brave, creative and at the same time greedy people: for the sake of a chance to get the vending jackpot, such people very often go to almost everything.

When the outer corners of the eyes look down, it says that these characters are determined, good-natured and very charming. Their main feature is incorrigible optimism.

The outer corners of the peepers are very long and sharp, as if let down - a sign of high intelligence, insight, artistry and ruthlessness.

Do not believe your eyes - illusions (beginning of a film)

The ideals of external female attractiveness have changed at all times. What was considered perfect in the Middle Ages was not so in the 19th century, the ideals of beauty of the golden age of Hollywood were strikingly different from the standards of attractiveness of the 80s of the last century. To date, the standard of beauty, respectively, has its own specific features. A slender, toned body is in fashion, but without unnecessary thinness, with appetizing, exciting forms. As for the face, plump lips, wide, sable eyebrows, high aristocratic cheekbones and a neat, graceful nose are in priority. Of particular note is the current standard of ideal eyes.

If big eyes are the most attractive almost always, then ideas about their ideal shape have changed today. So, over the past few years, the global trend has become incredibly popular to give your look an incredibly seductive "fox" squint (starlook), capable of striking on the spot. It is known that one of the first to use this powerful "weapon of mass destruction" Hollywood actress Megan Fox. It was thanks to her famous “fox squint” that she became the favorite of millions of men around the globe.

Exciting beauty

Why is the owner of the "eye of the fox" so attractive and valuable for the stronger sex? It is impossible not to notice such a woman, to miss in the crowd. Catching a sly look, men literally fall under skillfully spread spells. A small squint, curved eyelashes in the outer corners of the eyelids, eyebrows raised at the temples - this is how the mistress of the “fox look” looks like.

How to achieve such an effect? There are two ways that have certain distinctive features. The first is a special make-up, the second is the surgical correction of the eyelids. Which one is better? Not quite the right question, because it depends on what result you want to achieve. If it is important for you to make your eyes “foxish” not for two or three hours, but forever, plastic surgery will help you.

A slight admixture of Asian genes gives Caucasians a more expressive look

"Look of a fox" with make-up

The effect of a sly look with the help of cosmetics can be easily created on any eyes, however, when applying such makeup for the first time, girls who do not have special skills will inevitably make any mistakes. For example, it is undesirable to use dark, aggressive colors of shadows in this case, you can not over-paint over the eyebrows, thereby giving your face an unnatural, gloomy expression. It is necessary to carefully draw the arrows, which are the main "chip" of this makeup.

"Fox eyes" - without makeup and forever

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity or desire to do such a painstaking make-up every time it is necessary, you should pay attention to aesthetic surgery. As noted plastic surgeons, the desire of patients to make their eyes slightly Asian, with a slight slanting, in order to obtain a “fox look effect”, has become especially common during the last three years. By the way, the almond-shaped form of the palpebral fissure with a characteristic Asian inclination and a raised outer tail of the eyebrow - something similar can be observed after endoscopic facelift the upper and middle zones of the face, but without the characteristic swelling in the cheekbones.

According to surgeons, a slight admixture of Asian genes gives Caucasians a more expressive look. But what if you don't have these genes? Take advantage of the vast possibilities of modern aesthetic surgery. A competent, highly professional specialist is able to “add” beauty and grace to your eyes in such a jeweler way that you don’t have to worry about the fact of undergoing plastic surgery.