How to store radish in the winter in the underground. Storing radish in winter: tips and tricks

A lot has been said about the benefits of radish. It is grown both in the adjoining plots, and sowed in a spacious box on the balcony. You can buy a vegetable in the market or in a store. To stock up on vitamins, healing and strengthening immune system product, you need to know some simple rules on how to store radish for the winter.


Before storage, they are determined with a vegetable variety. The winter grade differs in more saturated taste, juiciness and productivity. Most often, black radish is preferred. This root vegetable is good during cold infections. People love radish juice, which will save them in winter.

To increase productivity, the crop is properly watered and fertilized. It is impossible to allow the root crop to overripe, so that it does not bitter, does not waste its beneficial features and didn't disappear.

Tip: Harvesting is carried out before the first frost. The weather should be without precipitation, because the wet radish will become covered with mold and quickly rot.

It is important to follow the recommendations on how to properly store radishes. Before laying, the earth is carefully cleaned from each fruit. Make sure the skin is not damaged. The tops are cut off or unscrewed from the vegetables cleaned from the remnants of the soil. In order not to damage the root crop, leave 1 or 2 cm from the base.

Wet vegetables cannot be bookmarked. Dry the radish in a shady place. In the sun, vegetables wither and become depleted. After drying, the sparse areas are carefully examined. Rejected goods (wormy, withered, with sprouts) are thrown away. For winter storage, a strong radish of approximately the same size is selected. Small copies are used in the near future.

Which place to choose?

Radishes at home need to be stored, choosing the best place for it. If you store a vegetable in the refrigerator, then in a small amount and medium-sized specimens. Large volumes simply do not fit. For refrigeration, root crops are packed in plastic bags, which can lie in a special lower compartment for a month or two. The radish is periodically inspected for spots, dents or plaque. Spoiled redchins are removed.

If you have a homestead in a village or outside the city, you can store radishes for the winter in a pit. Its depth should reach 60 or 70 cm. The hole is dug 100 cm wide. Straw spreads at the bottom. The radish is placed on top. To sprinkle vegetables, use sand. A small earthen layer is poured on top. In frosts, the pit is covered with snow. Ventilation is not required in this storage method. Root crops can be taken out of the hole in the spring.

Favorable and basement storage of root crops in the winter. Prepare wooden containers in the form of boxes and barrels. Wet sand is used for pouring radish. Leave products in the basement in a cold place. The optimal temperature regime will be from 0 to "plus" 2 degrees. The space must be ventilated. The room is kept dry. Humidity should not exceed 90 percent. You can sprinkle the earthen floor with clean, dry sand.

Cellar storage in the winter allows you to use radishes even after six months of maturation. The cellar will be an ideal place for the preservation of the black root crop.

Before storing radish in the winter in the cellar, prepare a box or barrel. It is better that the container has holes for ventilation. Garden products are placed in a container in layers. Slightly damp sand is poured on top with a four-centimeter layer. Choose a cool corner in which they leave the container. You can put root crops on racks or in high thirty-centimeter piles. Products should be sprinkled with sand, which must be moistened periodically. Radish, which has been stored for some time with spoiled products, is sprinkled with crushed chalk powder.

Tip: To ensure a humidity level of at least eighty percent, you can pour water into buckets and place them around the perimeter of the cellar.

Instead of wooden containers, it is permissible to store bitter vegetables for the winter in plastic bags. The culture in them develops, being in vertical position. Products sprinkled with sand in bags will stand on the shelves. The package is not closed. Taking out a few redchins from the cellar, the unused ones are immediately put into the refrigerator.

Tip: Radish is not stored next to apple and pear crops. The aroma of a bitter vegetable can be transmitted to fruits, and fungi from apples and pears, which reduce the duration of injury, can be transmitted to it. And on the contrary, with potatoes and carrots nearby, radish will be stored normally all winter.

How to ensure the safety of the radish?

There are different ways to store black radish. Sometimes blanks are made from it for the winter. The root crop can be stored pickled. Rare salads are being prepared. Many people know how to make radish juice.

In addition to the black root crop, you can grow a green radish, this is a Chinese variety. Delicious white Japanese Daikon. Overseas varieties taste like radishes, are juicy and not as spicy as the black variety. They also use European species, which include "Winter Round Black", "May", "Winter Round White" and other varieties.

Summer radish will lie in storage for no more than 20 or 30 days. Winter and autumn varieties will lie for up to 9 months. In urban environments, in order to preserve greenery and other types of redness, you can use a glazed balcony. To do this, the radish is removed in polyethylene bags or bags with holes in them or in boxes and strong cardboard boxes. In order for the product not to freeze, the temperature must not be below zero. During frosts, vegetables are transferred to another place or wrapped in warm clothes.

Often, radish is used as a medicine for colds, bronchitis. The grated vegetable is mixed with honey and infused for a day. Radish juice is good for coughing. The grated root crop can be put away for storage in the freezer, packaged in plastic bags. Products can lie for ten months. Whole radishes should never be stored in the freezer.

In order for the radish to retain all its properties, it is possible to conserve it. To do this, use sterilized half-liter jars. The product is washed. Peel the skin off the vegetables. Grate raw materials with a coarse grater. A garlic clove is placed down the container, nine percent vinegar is added in the amount of a tablespoon. Fill the jar with grated products. Everything is sprinkled with grated carrots and chopped herbs. Sugar and salt are poured (only a teaspoon). Boiling water is added to keep the jar full. Close the glass container with a lid.

On the fire should be a saucepan in which water boils moderately. There you should put the workpiece. Roll up the jar. In order for the products to be evenly distributed in it, the container is rolled a little on the table. Cleaned in the cellar or refrigerator.

Radish is an extremely problem-free vegetable. It grows well on any soil, quickly forms a root crop and is perfectly stored. Essential oils and dense pulp with a high content of solids help her in this.

But in order to save the radish for the winter, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it. Only a combination of optimal temperature, humidity and fresh air will allow you to enjoy juicy crunchy root crops with an indescribable aroma throughout the cold period.

Cleaning and preparing radishes for storage

Despite all its unpretentiousness, only properly grown radish is well stored. During the growth period, it should receive a sufficient amount of potassium and moisture. With a lack of this essential microelement, immunity is weakened in plants, so such vegetables do not lie for a long time, quickly becoming ill with various rots. But it is impossible to fertilize beds with radish with fresh manure. The culture quickly gains green mass and looks great, but is not stored for a long time.

Uneven watering leads to cracking of the root crop and the appearance of voids in it. Vegetables of such low quality are tasteless even when fresh.

Also, the key to good keeping quality of radish is the timely fight against cabbage fly and cabbage white. Their caterpillars and larvae spoil the crop, eating roots and gnawing through numerous passages in ripening root crops.

The subtleties of agricultural technology for long-term storage

Radishes are harvested from the garden at the end of September and the first half of October. Even slightly frostbitten root crops will not lie, so they should be dug up before the start of frost. It is also not worth delaying harvesting because overripe radish accumulates a large amount of fiber and becomes hard and woody.

Pick a clear, dry day for harvesting. The radish is pulled out of the ground by the tops, helping if necessary with a shovel or fork. The collection is carried out carefully, trying not to damage the root crop itself and its “tail”.

After digging, the tops are cut off with a sharp knife, and the root crops are laid out in the shade to dry. Before storing, the radish is not washed, only the excess earth is shaken off the surface.

After drying, the vegetables are inspected, the damaged ones are set aside for immediate processing, and sorted by size or type.

Under what conditions is radish stored?

Any varieties and varieties of radish are perfectly stored in a deep dry cellar, where the following conditions are met:

  • temperature +2–4°С;
  • humidity 80–85%;
  • sufficient ventilation.

Approximately the same storage conditions can be created in other places - on the balcony or in the refrigerator.

The key to long-term storage is the constancy of these three components. In this case, the products will be at rest for a long time, without releasing points of growth and without spoiling.

With significant changes in the storage mode, vegetables can freeze or start growing, dry out or, conversely, rot.

Rules for storing radish in the cellar or basement

Before storing, the cellar is carefully prepared so that summer labors are not in vain. All the remnants of last year's products are cleaned out of it, dried, taking boxes and racks to fresh air, and the floor and walls are treated with any fungicide. Next, you should make sure that the ventilation is working. The air in the storage should be changed regularly, taking with it pathogenic spores and excess moisture.

The containers are inspected, repaired if necessary, coated with a fungicide and dried. There should be no mold on it.

  • put in boxes, pouring dry sand;
  • place in plank bins up to a meter high;
  • arrange in boxes on racks, providing between them a distance for ventilation.

Radish can be left next to other vegetables - potatoes, carrots and beets, but she does not like neighborhood with apples.

How to save radish at home

In the cellar, the harvest is stored the longest, but the harvested vegetables can be stored in other cool places if you try to create conditions close to underground storage for them.

In the apartment

At home, the radish is able to lie for a short time - no more than 2-3 weeks. To do this, choose the coolest place away from heating appliances. Healthy root crops without signs of spoilage are laid out in plastic bags in one layer and loosely tied.

Once every 2-3 days, the packages are opened to air and inspect the contents. Root crops that begin to deteriorate are selected for food in the first place.

On the balcony

If there is no cellar, it is convenient to store the harvest on insulated balconies and loggias, if in winter the temperature on them does not fall below + 1 ° C. The radish is poured into wooden boxes interspersed with layers of sand. In severe frosts, the boxes are additionally covered with old blankets or other warm clothes.

The boxes are placed on the balcony so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

In the refrigerator or freezer

A small amount of radish is easy to store in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. The conditions in it differ from the cellar in the lack of ventilation, so plastic bags with vegetables will have to be opened and inspected regularly. To improve air exchange, several small holes can be made in the package.

For the freezer, whole or slightly spoiled fruits are selected for storage. They are thoroughly washed, cleaned and cut out all darkened places.

Freeze radish, grated on a coarse grater or cut into thin plates. For freezing, it is convenient to use special containers from which all the air is pumped out. So the prepared product does not dry out and after defrosting it looks like fresh.

Varieties of radish and features of their storage

Gardeners grow several types of radish - black, white, green (the so-called Margelan) and daikon. Black radish is the easiest to save - it contains the most essential oils compared to the rest.

Among other species, late varieties with good keeping quality should be chosen. Summer varieties are able to lie even under optimal conditions for no more than a month, and winter varieties in the cellar will successfully last until spring.

All varieties of radish differ in that they do not lose vitamins and taste properties over time. Therefore, at the end of winter, when the diet is poor in fresh vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to cook dishes from it more often. All you need is to grow a crop and know how to properly store radishes in winter.

More and more often people are convinced that radish is a very useful root vegetable, and it can be used not only as a cure for colds and coughs. Therefore, there is a need to store radish. But how to do it right, and most importantly, where to leave the radish for the winter?

Only radish grown in the right conditions and with appropriate care is well stored. For this purpose, the plant is fed with potassium and provides the culture with a sufficient amount of moisture. fertilizers natural origin, for example, manure, cannot be used. Otherwise, the shelf life of the root crop will be significantly reduced.

The harvest of winter varieties of vegetables is harvested in late September - early October, that is, before the appearance of the first severe frosts. In this case, the day should be without precipitation. If the collection has not yet taken place, and the air temperature has already dropped to -5 °, you can forget about long-term storage of radish. Beaten by frost, it will quickly deteriorate even under ideal storage conditions. However, it is also not worth delaying the harvest, because, after overripe, the vegetable accumulates a large amount of fiber, which makes the fruit hard and tasteless. Sometimes the radish becomes completely unsuitable for eating.

How to save the harvest? In addition to timely harvesting, it is also necessary to carry it out correctly and prepare root crops for storage.

After digging the vegetable, you need to get rid of the remnants of the earth and remove the tops (unscrew or cut off). The spine must be left about 0.02 meters, no more. In this case, all manipulations should be done very carefully so as not to damage the vegetable itself.

After all, such a radish becomes very vulnerable to pathogens. various diseases and fungi. And this despite the fact that all cuts are quickly tightened with a thin skin.

The harvested crop must be well dried. This component of preparing the crop for storage is especially important if the fruits were harvested in rain or in conditions of high humidity. Indeed, in this case, the culture is susceptible to mold attack. It is necessary to dry the root crops in the shade, direct sunlight provokes the withering of the radish.

Next, the vegetables are sorted, separating the diseased, lethargic, wormy and germinated. For long-term storage, only healthy and powerful fruits are suitable. It is desirable that they have a similar size. Small, overripe and scratched vegetables are best consumed immediately. You can store them in the refrigerator in a bag with holes made in it. Thus, the freshness of the plants will remain for about a month.

It is necessary to prepare the cellar 14 days before the planned harvest. It takes 2 weeks to establish the microclimate in the room.

Video “How to properly store radish at home”

From this video you will learn how to properly store radish at home, on the balcony, in the apartment.

Cellar storage

Today there is a variety of varieties of radish, as well as a number of devices and technologies for its cultivation. Because of this, crops can be harvested from late spring to late autumn. Therefore, the question is: “How to store radish in winter?” becomes more and more important every day.

You can store the crop of the plant in the cellar, basement, refrigerator, and even in the house, but in order to keep vegetables fresh for as long as possible, you should opt for a cellar or basement.

Preparation of a cellar for long-term storage of radish includes:

All the described activities are carried out annually before the planned storage of root crops. After all, the quality and safety of the radish directly depends on the state of the cellar.

When laying plants for storage, it is worth considering the proximity of vegetables and fruits. So, apples and radishes cannot be in the same room. Fruits absorb odors and lose their taste. At the same time, apples are a source of fungi harmful to radish. These microorganisms reduce the keeping quality of vegetables. Because of this, storing radishes next to pears is also not recommended.

Storage at home

You can store radish even if you do not have a cellar. After all, put the harvest on winter period easy even on a glazed balcony in the apartment. Vegetables should be placed in a bag with ventilation holes made in it and wrapped with a blanket in case of severe frosts. You should also control the temperature on the balcony. Under no circumstances should temperatures be allowed to fall below zero.

It is also possible to store radish of different varieties in a different way: it is enough to place vegetables in a box and cover them with wet sand. Such a “coating” should be moistened periodically, but in moderation. Too wet sand will provoke the germination of root crops. The most comfortable temperature, which ensures long-term preservation, is 1 ° - 3 °.

In addition, if the crop is small, then it can be successfully stored in the refrigerator. However, this preservation can last for a maximum of about a month. At the same time, the vegetables are sorted out and placed in a plastic bag with holes.

Next, the vegetables are placed in the refrigerator, in the vegetable tray. Periodically it will be necessary to check the safety of such blanks and their condition.

So, radish is becoming more and more popular every day. The main reason for this phenomenon is the wide range of applications of the root crop. Harvesting radish, as well as its storage, resembles similar procedures for beets. In order for root crops to be stored for as long as possible, it is necessary to properly collect and prepare them. You can save vegetables for the winter both in the basement or cellar, and in apartment conditions.

Video “How to keep a radish in the cellar”

From this video you will learn how to properly store vegetables in the cellar.

There are several ways to ensure the storage of radish for the whole winter. This healthy and nutritious vegetable is easily preserved by both the owner of a private house and the owner of an apartment in a high-rise building. The main thing is not to forget about some mandatory tricks. This vitamin-rich root crop deserves to diversify your menu with it in the cold season, when nutrients are in short supply.

At the same time, you can not do without a number of devices that will greatly facilitate the task of preserving the harvest of root crops. The gardener will need:

  • wooden boxes;
  • wooden boards for creating bins in the basement;
  • nails for them;
  • dry sand;
  • plastic bags for storage in the refrigerator.

As it is easy to see from this list, the storage of this vegetable is not something expensive in any of the chosen ways.

Collection and preparation

If the radish is planned to be stored in the winter, then they start harvesting later. Only in this way will the fruit be able to ripen and remain until the next harvest. On the other hand, it is impossible for the root crop to overripe, otherwise you will face the fact that its taste will deteriorate, it will become hard, “wooden”.

It is important to remember that this vegetable does not tolerate frost, so the weather forecast is monitored very closely. They are trying to have time to harvest before any significant frosts hit that can penetrate underground. If the root crop freezes, it will quickly begin to rot.

After all the radish is dug up, it is carefully sorted out. Get rid of all sick, too small and unripe specimens. They won't survive the winter. These fruits are eaten immediately.

In order to identify fruits that are not suitable for storage, they are often placed in a special pit, covering the top with 20 centimeters of earth. Store them in similar conditions for up to two weeks.

When cutting off the tops, they try not to injure the root crop, otherwise it leads to its infection and subsequent decay.

At what temperature to store and for how long

This vegetable is stored in a cool place. Only comfortable conditions ensure the safety of the crop for a long time.

The ideal temperature is considered to be, which, although consistently above zero (so that the root crops do not freeze), but does not exceed 3 degrees Celsius. If it is possible to achieve such a temperature in combination with a humidity of about 80-85%, then the radish will retain its attractive appearance. appearance and nutritional quality for at least six months.

Choosing a storage location

Radishes are stored in winter in various rooms, as well as in the freezer. The main thing is that the storage conditions are observed. Usually choose between:

  • cellar;
  • basement;
  • balcony.

Each of these spaces has its own advantages and disadvantages. Exist certain ways achieve the correct storage conditions.

Winter storage at home

Choosing between different ways of how to store radishes harvested for the winter, many opt for home conditions. This is due to the fact that this is the most economical way. It does not require finding or renting special premises. Moreover, the costs of the latter option would pay off only if the commercial sale of the harvested crop was planned.

There are various ways to store winter radish at home. But most often in private houses they resort to using cellars and cellars for this purpose.

Cellar storage

For winter storage of the harvested vegetable, the most optimal conditions will help create a cellar or basement. This is one of the main reasons for the special popularity of this particular method.

In order for the harvest to be preserved longer, it is important to observe certain safety standards in the cellar:

  • there should not be mice and other rodents;
  • groundwater should not be too close;
  • there should be no mold on the walls.

The absence of rodents is a very important parameter. If they are still there, then as part of the preparations for the storage of radishes, they must be disposed of. Otherwise, they will eat the entire crop.

The presence of fungi and mold on the walls, in turn, indicates an excessively high humidity in the cellar. This leads to the development of rot in root crops. To prevent such an outcome, the room is dried with heaters and well ventilated. The walls are treated with antifungal mixtures.

The very technology of storing vegetables in the basement is quite simple. Peeled from tops and earth, dried root crops are placed in wooden barrels or boxes, alternately with sand. First, fruits are placed at the bottom, then they are covered with completely dry sand, and the next layer of vegetables is on top, and so on until the container is filled.

Another storage option in the cellar or basement involves the construction of special bins from wooden boards. Their sides should have a height of up to a meter. Ventilation holes are required.

In the apartment - in the refrigerator or freezer

One of better ways saving the harvest of radish for residents of city apartments is to freeze it in the freezer or store it on the refrigerator shelf.

It is believed that freezing is not suitable for all types and varieties of radish. Many of them, as a result of such a procedure, lose part of their palatability. The fruits become too soft. It is worth freezing either the hardest varieties, or the radish that they plan to use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In the second case, the root crop is rubbed on a grater and placed in a container for storage. Thus, it remains usable for at least a year.

Storage of root crops in the refrigerator itself, at temperatures not exceeding 4 degrees, is suitable for almost all varieties of this vegetable. Although some of them in this case remain suitable for no more than one and a half months from the date of harvest. Daikon is one of these non-long-lived types of vegetable.

In order to preserve the crop in this way, several root crops are placed in plastic bags, which are tightly closed and very small holes are made in them for ventilation. Such a package should simply be placed on one of the shelves of the refrigerator. The condition of the vegetable is regularly checked and, at the slightest sign of spoilage, it is thrown away.

On the balcony

Balcony storage - another one good way save radish indoors. True, for this it is necessary that:

  • the balcony was glazed;
  • the temperature on it did not fall below zero in winter.

Most modern urban residents are able to provide such conditions. The glazing of the balcony is important not only because it is better able to keep the temperature, but also because then atmospheric precipitation does not fall on the root crops.

On the balcony, the radish is stored in boxes, as in the cellar. That is, root crops are interspersed with dry sand, layers. If there is too much frost on the street, and there is a real danger of the temperature dropping to critical values ​​on the balcony, the boxes are covered with blankets.


Radishes for the winter are also preserved with the help of conservation. To do this, it is pickled and closed in sterilized jars with other root crops (for example, carrots).

The easiest way to save looks like this:

  1. First, the radish is washed and cleaned.
  2. Then it is rubbed on a grater or finely chopped.
  3. Banks are sterilized.
  4. At the bottom put one or two garlic cloves.
  5. Pour a teaspoon of table vinegar.
  6. Throw out the radish.
  7. Add other ingredients (greens, carrots).
  8. A teaspoon of salt and sugar.
  9. Completely fill the jar with boiling water.
  10. Place it in a pot of moderately simmering water and cover with a lid.

This vitamin salad is a good addition to the winter menu. They also pickle radishes.

Features of storage of different varieties

The prevalence of various varieties of radish has led to the fact that gardeners do not always know how to preserve one or another variety of the grown vegetable. Differences in radish storage are minimal, but they are still present. In particular, the terms for which the crop can be saved differ.

So, Margelan green and black radish are stored for the longest time. Under the most favorable conditions, it lasts up to a year. At the same time, the white Japanese radish (aka daikon) usually retains its edibility for no more than two months. Although, in some cases, the preservation period is extended twice.



Autumn varieties of radish are stored almost the same as winter ones. But, first of all, they are grown for consumption during autumn and in the first half of winter. Therefore, they have enough storage in the refrigerator. Also, this radish is great for conservation.

If the harvest of autumn root crops turned out to be large, then it is placed in a cellar or on a balcony. But they are stored separately from the pre-winter collection.


Winter varieties got their name from the season for storage and consumption in which they are intended. All varieties of this vegetable grown in Russia are winter.

Regardless of the variety and variety, the principles of storage of winter radish are consistent with those described in the previous sections. But, it is worth considering that not all of them are stored for the same time even under ideal conditions. So, the shelf life of the daikon rarely exceeds 5 months, while the black winter radish can lie in a cool, well-ventilated cellar for up to 9 months.


Preserving the nutritional properties of radish for the whole winter is not so difficult. The main thing is to provide it with the right temperature - without frost, but not higher than 3-4 degrees, as well as access to fresh air. She does not like excessive moisture, as well as dryness. Wooden boxes are considered the best container for harvesting.

  • After digging up the root crop, shake it off and cut or unscrew the tops, leaving a spine of about 2 cm. It is very important not to damage the radish - despite the fact that the “wounds” will heal, damaged root crops will become very vulnerable to fungus and infections.
  • Dry the root crops, especially if you harvested the root crops in rainy weather. Dry the vegetables in the shade on paper, as the sun's rays will lead to the withering of the radish.
  • After drying, select healthy root crops, setting aside sprouted and diseased specimens. For storage, it is desirable to select medium-sized vegetables. But it is advisable to use very ripe, small root crops in the very near future.

If you have a basement in your country house or cottage, then it is best to store root crops there. There are several options for how to properly organize the space for this vegetable. So, you can just sprinkle the radish on the floor, laying it on top of paper towels. However, it is much better to make special bins with walls up to a meter and a wooden grate on the floor or wooden boxes.

Alas, not every person can boast of having a suburban area. In this case, the crop can be stored in the apartment. True, there are a number of recommendations that it is advisable to follow here:

  • If you are thinking about how to keep the radish on the balcony until spring, it is advisable to make wooden boxes insulated on the sides for the winter. We put the radish in rows in boxes, sprinkling each layer with sand. Here it is very important to ensure that the temperature on the balcony does not fall below 0 ° C, otherwise the root crops will freeze.
  • You can also store root vegetables in plastic bags in the refrigerator. To do this, take dry bags and carefully fold the root vegetables into them. This method has the main advantage - the air inside the bag becomes more humid over time, the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, due to which the radish can be stored for a longer period.