GFS lesson analysis: sample, tips and explanations. Analysis of an English lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard: sample, methodological developments Sample analysis of an English lesson in an elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson Analysis in English on this topic

"Healthy lifestyle"

Grade 9

Analysis of the goals and objectives of the lesson:

Lesson Objectives:

Didactic - continue to activate vocabulary on the topic "Healthy lifestyle"

in a series of speech and language exercises;

Develop reading (with full reading comprehension and search comprehension) and listening skills;

Improve and control the skills of practical language proficiency in a given communication situation;

Activate the use of grammatical material (imperative mood-

nie, subordinate clauses of the condition)

Educational - development of thinking and evaluative skills in a situation of a healthy lifestyle

The use of lexical units, taking into account the compatibility of words

according to communication intentions.

Educational - fostering respect for one's health, promoting

healthy lifestyle.

The content of the lesson corresponds to the goals and objectives. Lesson objectives achieved.

Lesson structure analysis:

Organizing time

Speech charging


Development of speaking skills (dialogical speech)


Automation of lexical units

Improvement and control of listening

Control of oral speech skills


Summing up the lesson. Explanation of homework.

The duration of the stages of the lesson is justified, the transition from one stage to another is carried out in accordance with the logic.

The structure of the lesson corresponds to the methodological recommendations.

Lesson content analysis:

During the lesson, the skills of listening based on the text, speaking (monologue and dialogical speech) using the given speech situations were formed, lexical and grammatical skills, reading skills were improved and controlled.

The trained language material (lexical) and grammatical corresponded to the level of education and the interests of the students.

The introduced language material (lexical) corresponded to the age of the students, their interests, and the level of education.

To activate the language material in the students' speech, the teacher used different forms of work: frontal, group and pair work, created speech situations that stimulate communication and increase students' interest in a given topic.

The teacher took into account the educational possibilities of the educational material.

During the lesson, the teacher relied on the following principles:

Consciousness and activity;


Taking into account the individual characteristics of students, etc.

Analysis of the results of the lesson:

In general, summing up, it can be noted that the lesson turned out to be very effective in terms of fulfilling the purpose and objectives of the lesson, and corresponding to the educational level of students. Analysis of controlled activities and work performed by students indicates the assimilation of educational material. The lesson corresponds to its structure and content. In the process of educational activities, there was a wide interaction between the teacher and students, which leads to fruitful and effective learning.

As for the students, they were passionate about the lesson, followed every movement of the teacher, actively worked. The lesson was built on the cooperation of the teacher and students, as a result, it was successful and interesting.

Deputy Director

2015 schools for water resources management _____________ / Lvova R.G.

MBOU "Mokovskaya secondary school"


English lesson in 7th grade

at the level of MBOU "Mokovskaya secondary school"

Kursk district, Kursk region

Topic:Practicing Reading Skills

Teacher Tukureev I.A.

Date 21.01.2013

Topic: Working out the entered vocabulary

Goals : Development of reading skills in English, consolidation and systematization of the introduced vocabulary, development of oral speech skills, systematization of the studied grammatical material (degrees of comparison of adjective names), expansion of the active vocabulary with new lexical units, development of communication skills, stimulation of cognitive interest in the culture and history of the country the language being studied.

Practicing the formation of the plural of nouns, familiarity with exceptions to the rules.

Equipment: TMC Afanasiev, Mikheev "English language" grade 7, notebooks, dictionaries, multimedia presentations, illustrative material of the sights of England, illustrative stand, didactic material.

During the classes:

1. Organizing moment.

2. Formulation of the topic of the lesson. The teacher's story in English about the goals and objectives of the lesson.

3. Phonetic warm-up. Repetition of words on the topic studied. page 97 exercise 7

Presentation Slide 1

choaboutse- to choose

die- die

difficult [ difikə lt] - difficult

easy [ i: zi] - easy

money- money

success[ sə kses] - success

successful [ sə ksesful]- successful

talk [ to: k] - talk

woman[ wumə n] - female

become [ bikm] - become

goout- go out, go out

lookafter- take care

3. Checking homework. front poll. Exercise 8 page 105

Reading, translation.

Working with footnote words

Checking the correctness of filling in the table Slide 2

She traveled a lot. For a year she lived in New York.

Breatney Spears recordered her first album. 1997

Breatney Spears recordered her second album

Breatney Spears acted in the film “Crossroads”

Breatney Spears opened her restaurant in New York

4. Work with the textbook. Execution of ex. 10 p.106 Complete the sentences by inserting words according to the content of the text.

Individual work in a notebook.

slide 3


1. singer

2. Kentwood

4. singing

5. success

6. New York

7.talented children

8. she was in television show

9. she started working on her first album

10. when she was 16

11. “Oops! I did it again”

12. recordered her third album

13. she lives in Beverly Hills

14. a restaurant

15. Follow Your Dreams!

16. successful

5. Presentationanimals

Listening answers to the teacher's questions.

Presentation test.

6. Working withActivityBook. ListeningCD(according to the course of the lesson).

7. Working with a dictionary.

8. Working with the presentationLondon.

9. Summing up the lesson.

10. Homework. Ex. 11. p. 106. Briefing on implementation.

Lesson grades.

Analysis of the lesson

The objectives of the lesson were:

Educational: Practicing reading skills in English. Consolidation and systematization of the introduced vocabulary, development of oral speech skills, systematization of the studied grammatical material (degrees of comparison of adjective names), expansion of the active vocabulary with new lexical units, development of communication skills, stimulation of cognitive interest in the culture and history of the country of the language being studied.

Practicing the formation of the plural of nouns, familiarity with exceptions to the rules.

Developing: development of logical thinking, monologue speech.

Educational: to instill interest in the culture of the country of the language being studied.

Type of lesson: consolidation of acquired knowledge.

The lesson was based on the following principles:



Sequence and systematic


Consciousness and activity

Connection with life.

The lesson consisted of the following stages: org. moment. (Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson), phonetic exercises, checking homework, formulating the topic of the lesson, developing speaking and listening skills, physical education, working with teaching materials, computer presentation, final part.

I believe that such a plan corresponds to the chosen type of lesson.

At the first stage of the lesson, I explained the objectives of this lesson.

During phonetic exercises, I set myself the goal of introducing students to a foreign language environment. I think it was successful repetition of words from the textbook. During the third stage, the main goal is the development of speaking skills. I pay special attention to working on new vocabulary, since the correct pronunciation depends on the teacher, how he reads this word for the first time. Students need to be taught to perceive English speech orally.

Physical education was done on time. Fizkultminutka ensured high performance of students during the entire lesson.

Each previous moment of the lesson is connected with the next, continues it.

At the end of the lesson, the results were summed up, marks were given. When explaining homework, an understanding of the purpose, content and methods of implementation was provided.

In general, the lesson turned out to be successful because the “success situation” was used in the lesson, i.e. Students were rewarded with tokens for correct answers. This method, the use of tokens, makes the lesson more interesting and encourages student activity. To maintain interest in the lesson, multimedia equipment was used, and already students at the beginning of the lesson became interested in the lesson, looking forward to new and new tasks. The children were active.

The main forms of organization in the lesson were: individual and group. The lesson developed the following types of speech activity: listening, speaking, monologue speech.

I believe that the lesson achieved its goals.

Analysis of lesson No. 1 on the topic "My favorite activities" (17 lessons in the topic)

English (2 hours per week) 68 hours per year according to the program

Grade 2 (1st year of study)

A textbook for grades 2-3 of educational institutions at the beginning of education from grade 2. (M.Z. Biboletova, N.V. Dobrynina, E.A. Lenskaya)

according to the schedule lesson number 2

teacher: Rodina I.A.; attended: 15 people, according to the list -15 people.

  1. The purpose of the lesson corresponded to the place of the lesson in the topic, program requirements. The purpose of the lesson was stated and communicated to the students. The characteristics and interests of students were taken into account.
  2. The structure of the lesson corresponded to the type of lesson, it is logical. The time was expediently distributed over the stages of the lesson, but the result of the lesson (homework and the moment of reflection) was already summed up at the break.
  3. The content of the lesson corresponded to the individual characteristics of the students and the level of complexity of the material (from simple to complex)
  4. The methods and techniques used in the lesson were justified, sufficient, logical, and accessible. Exercises are adequate to the goals. Various modes of operation were used. All exercises contributed to the achievement of the goal. At the lesson, the fundamental methodological principles were implemented. The equipment of the lesson contributed to an increase in the level of formation of the lexical skill of speaking and interest in mastering the educational material.
  5. The class was active. Most of the work took place under the guidance of a teacher, but this is justified, since the children have just begun to learn the language. The share of independence in the performance of tasks is low. Everyone was involved in speech-cogitative activity, even weak children. But one girl in the class does not speak aloud at all, even in other subjects, so there are problems when grading for oral speech.
  6. On the control was an exercise-imagining yourself when writing a letter. According to the degree of independence - control by the teacher. Evaluations in the lesson sounded and were argued at the level of understanding for students in grade 2. Errors affecting understanding of the content were corrected by questioning.
  7. There was a favorable psychological and pedagogical climate at the lesson, which also contributed to the achievement of the goal.
  8. The teacher's speech was correct and expressive. The speech of the teacher in the lesson was more than the speech of the students. The teacher has organizational skills and was able to organize the attention of the children to achieve the goal.
  9. The result was consistent with the purpose of the lesson. Almost all children participated in the writing of the letter and introduced themselves using the new words at the sentence level and superphrasal unity.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

English teacher MKOU secondary school No. 10, Lebediny, Aldan district, RS (Y) Servatovskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna "Analysis of the English lesson

in this document, the teacher analyzed the English lesson in the 8th grade. The analysis of the lesson is given in detail ....

An example of an analysis of an English lesson

The material presents an analysis of an English lesson using the example of Lyubov Eliseeva's lesson posted on the Internet. Link to the video lesson:


The teacher conducting the lesson is given the first word for self-analysis of the lesson and he has the right to participate in the discussion of any issue of the structural analysis of the lesson, and in order to do this, you must have a brief diagram of the structural analysis of the foreign language lesson, the consistency of each stage of the lesson in time.
When planning, the teacher needs to know the methodological concepts of the author of the teaching kit, the components of the teaching kit for each class, and the basic requirements for modern lesson foreign language.
Topic and number of the lesson.
The place of this lesson in the system of lessons on the topic under study, the timeliness of its implementation.
1. Was the level of readiness of the class taken into account, the level of language proficiency of this class, their attitude to the subject, their general level of development? Did all the students in the class work?
2. What motivated the selection of educational material for this lesson?
The date of the.
Surname, name, patronymic of the teacher.
Goals and objectives of the lesson.
1. Did the teacher correctly formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson, taking into account the characteristics of the educational material, the place of the lesson in the curriculum and topic, and the level of preparedness of the class?
2. Was there a rationale for the goals?
3. Does the structure of the lesson match its objectives?
Lesson type.
1. Has the teacher determined the type of lesson and its place in the system of lessons on this topic?
Educational material.
1. Did you use language material (new lexical units, grammatical structures…) and speech material (texts, dialogues…)?
2. Did you use additional material and repetition material?
Intersubject communications.
Lesson equipment.
1. What types of visualization were used?
2. Did you manage to effectively use the equipment and visibility available in the office? How were they applied at different stages of the lesson?
3. Is the classroom prepared for the lesson? Didactic, visual and audio materials prepared?
4. Did you use information and communication technologies in the lesson?


Organization of the beginning of the lesson.
1. How was the stage of introducing students to the lesson ( Organizing time)? Was there a traditional greeting, a conversation with the attendant? Did you work individually, with pickup, in chorus? Had a lesson mobilizing start?
2. Did you manage to introduce students into the atmosphere of a foreign language?
3. Was the attention of the students attracted through the conditions or means the teacher used to focus the attention of the students on the work in the classroom?
4. How was phonetic exercise and speech training carried out? Were they related to the subsequent stages of the lesson?
5. How much time was spent on stage 1?
Checking homework.
1. What is the nature of homework (training, creative, reinforcing, developing) and its rationality?
2. Does homework stimulate the mental activity of students (synthesis, analysis, comparison, generalization)?
3. Is checking homework rationally organized?
4. How much time was spent on checking homework?
5. Was the homework aimed at consolidating the main questions on the topic?
Learning new material.
1. What tasks were set when studying new material? Was there a connection between the new material and the old?
2. What sources were used when studying new material?
3. Were there language difficulties in perception? Was the material presented in an accessible way?
4. Did the new educational material have an educational orientation and informative content?
5. What conditions have been created in order to increase the activity of students, their initiative and independence?
6. How long did it take to learn new material?
Consolidation of new material.
1. Were the exercises to consolidate the new material correctly selected according to the objectives of the lesson?
2. Was there a relationship between the exercises and their logical sequence? Did they contribute to the formation of skills on the topic of the lesson?
3. Did you use a variety of methods and techniques to consolidate and summarize the lesson material?
4. Did the teacher give clear goals before doing the exercises?
5. Did the teacher stimulate active cognitive activity of students?
6. What is the coverage of students with the exercises performed?
7. How long did it take to fix?
Checking students' knowledge.
1. What are the types of verification of the assimilation of the material covered?
2. Were the grades given objectively?
3. How long did the control take?
1. Did the content and volume of homework correspond to the age characteristics of the students? Is it aimed at consolidating new material on the topic?
2. Are students prepared to do it?
3. How did the students perceive the homework?
4. Was homework given on time?
Organizational end of the lesson.
1. Summed up the lesson?
2. Have the objectives been achieved in the lesson?
3. Are grades communicated to students?
Each teacher can change the lesson analysis scheme depending on their individual lesson. Success!

This material presents a detailed analysis of the English lesson in the 2nd grade according to the teaching materials of the authors Buzhinsky, Pavlova, Starikova.

The lesson was conducted by Zakharova Tatyana Mikhailovna.

I also added a summary of this lesson.



No. p / p

General lesson

Objectives for this lesson

Correctness of their definition

4) development of monologue speech skills on the topic: "Russia";

5) fostering a patriotic attitude towards one's country;

6) education of a tolerant attitude towards other nationalities and nations;

7) the ability to work in pairs.

Clarity and ways to bring them to the consciousness of students at different stages

Tasks are brought to the consciousness of students at different stages. Setting new tasks for the children at each stage of the lesson will help maintain the attention of students when completing each task. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, the teacher, if necessary, switches to Russian.

Selection of material in accordance with modern requirements

The material is selected in accordance with modern requirements.

The language material of the lesson is meaningful and informative, corresponds to the level of development of knowledge, skills and abilities of 2nd grade students, their age characteristics and interests.

The content of the lesson material was personality-oriented for this class: children are motivated to learn English, have the ability to speak, the teacher develops these abilities throughout the lesson. Each part of the educational material was based on the ability to apply the knowledge gained in previous lessons in order to consolidate them firmly.

Selection and sequence of exercises for the formation of skills, development of skills in the field of oral and written speech

The selection of exercises and the sequence of their implementation in the lesson contribute to the formation of skills, the development of skills in the field of oral and written speech.The implementation of the exercises meets the goal of the lesson, which is methodologically justified.

Methodological structure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson, their general characteristics

The structure of the lesson orients students towards the achievement of educational, developmental and educational tasks.

1. Organizational moment

2. Voice charging. Repetition of the alphabet and vocabulary on the topic: "Colors"

3. Phonetic warm-up.

4. Working with the map. Listening.

6. The game "Snowball". Development of monologue speech skills.

7. Physical education.

8. Repetition of grammatical material.

9. Final stage

So, for example, during the organizational moment and the speech charging that follows from it, the teacher establishes contact with the class (group). To do this, one of the students acts as a teacher. The teacher during the speech warm-up uses materials on the educational topic of the lesson and focuses the speech warm-up on achieving the goals and objectives of the lesson.

In teaching listening, the teacher achieves the task. A tape recorder is being used. Students understand the text and put the sentences in the correct order.

A physical education session was held, which was conducted by one of the students.

When repeating and consolidating grammatical material, various task methods are used, as well as visual material. Control of understanding is carried out with the help of rational methodological techniques.

Determination of the general logic of the lesson (its purposefulness, integrity, dynamism, coherence)

The structure of the lesson is fully consistent with the logic of the declared type of lesson, since the main organizational task was to create conditions for the generalization of previously studied material.

All stages of the lesson were interconnected, each stage logically followed from the previous one.

In general, the lesson is quite dynamic, includes various types of speech activity, which does not allow children to get tired. I would like to note the holding of a physical education session, which is quite important: the health-saving component of education is taken into account.

Compliance of the methodological structure of the lesson with its objectives and learning conditions

The methodological structure of the lesson corresponds to its objectives and learning conditions: The emphasis was on achieving the main goal of the lesson.

Ways of organizing, stimulating, managing and developing the educational activities of students

Organizational work, their adequacy to the tasks, the ratio at different stages of the lesson

Working in pairs is a very effective form of work, many factors speak in its favor: developing the ability to communicate, strengthening interpersonal relationships, contributing to the growth of motivation for learning

Role, place of independent and creative work students in the classroom, preparing for independent homework

The teacher plays an important role independent work. So, at various stages of the lesson, students play the role of an English teacher, an announcer, a physical education teacher, in a word, they actively work in the lesson.

The students independently made a transcription of the proposed countries, and also made unplanned (creative) statements.

Methodical purposefulness and effectiveness of lesson equipment

Oral assignments alternated with work in a textbook, cards - with work at the blackboard, pre-prepared visual teaching aids were used, which contributed to the development of students' speech. It is important to note that dgrammar, as an aspect of the language, is quite difficult to perceive on initial stage learning foreign language, but thanks to the use of visual material, the children cope quite well with the task.

Organization of control and self-control, objectivity in assessing the level of formation of communicative competence

Control in the lesson is organized through teacher evaluation.The teacher closely followed the answers of the students, fixed and, motivating, corrected the mistakes.During the lesson, the teacher showed attention to the students, the work took place in a psychologically calm and positive atmosphere.

Individualization of the educational process, taking into account the personality traits of students, their level of learning

The teacher simultaneously takes into account personal interests in the choice of tasks, different level preparation. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, the teacher, if necessary, switches to Russian.

Implementation of multi-level training

The teacher uses differentiated forms of encouragement and reprimand, depending on the personal characteristics of the students.A differentiated approach in the lesson was also implemented in different modes of work: teacher - class, (frontal mode of operation), student - student (pair mode), student - class.

Techniques for organizing perception, comprehension of educational material, development of memory, thinking, and imagination of students

Thanks to the selection of exercises and the combination various kinds and forms of activity, the tasks set were achieved in the lesson. All this contributed to the development of mental operations, memory and at the same time the rest of the children.

The teacher as a speech partner of students (the ability to communicate, evoke communicative motivation in the interlocutor, pedagogical tact, observation, teacher's prompt response)

The teacher has all of the above qualities.

During the lesson, the teacher showed attention to the students, the work took place in a psychologically calm and positive atmosphere. The teacher used the speech material available to the students in the most optimal way to achieve the goals of the lesson.

The psychological climate was maintained by the even and calm voice of the teacher, with the help of question-answer exercises, the teacher maintained the atmosphere of communication. The teacher's behavior can be qualified as democratic, as children communicate freely and express their own opinion.

Conclusions on the results of the lesson

Achieving the set goals

Thanks to the selection of exercises and a combination of various types and forms of activity, the goals set were achieved in the lesson.

Evaluation of constructive (the ability to plan and select material), organizational (implementation of the lesson plan), communicative (establishing contact with students), gnostic functions of the lesson

The lesson made a favorable impression, it was carefully and professionally planned, the teacher had a pedagogical contact with the class.

Proposal to eliminate deficiencies in planning, lesson methodology

As a wish, I would like to note the use of more modern technologies in the classroom, such as ICT: computer, presentation, interactive whiteboard…


Teacher: Plaskina Maria Vladimirovna

English lesson by Zakharova Tatyana Mikhailovna in the 2nd grade.

1. The place of the lesson in the system of lessons on the topic is a general lesson.

2. Goals and objectives of this lesson.

Goals: 1) to teach to talk about their country;

2) create conditions for the manifestation of creative activity

Learning objectives: 1) consolidation and repetition of lexical material on the topic "Colors";

2) consolidation of grammatical material on the topic "The verb to be in affirmative and interrogative sentences";

Developing tasks: 1) development of listening skills;

2) development of monologue speech skills on the topic: "Russia"

Educational tasks: 1) education of a patriotic attitude towards one's country;

2) fostering a tolerant attitude towards other nationalities and nations;

3) the ability to work in pairs.

3. Expected results: personal, metasubject, subject.

Personal results: - formation of a respectful attitude towards other nations and nationalities;

Metasubjects: -the formation of skills to work independently, in pairs;

Subject: - developmentlistening skills;

Development of monologue speech skills on the topic: "Russia"

– development e grammar skills on the topic "The verb to be in affirmative and interrogative sentences»;

Development of pronunciation skills based on learned and new words on the topic.

4. Teaching aids (main: teaching materials, auxiliary: handouts, TCO, etc.).

UMK - a textbook for grade 2 and a workbook for grades 2-4. (authors - Buzhinsky, Pavlova, Starikova), handouts in the form of cards (on grammar and phonetic signs), visual material in the form of a world map and a board, TSO (audio recording and tape recorder).

5. Lesson progress:

Stage of the lesson and its tasks

Teacher actions


Student Actions


Brief comments

1. Organizational moment


The teacher asks how she is doing?

How are you?

Students answer the question.

The student asks a question.

One student acts as a teacher and asks a question.

The teacher guides and motivates children to communicate.

2. Voice charging.

Repetition of the alphabet and vocabulary on the topic: "Colors"

The teacher asks: “Is alphabet OK?”. Asks to arrange the letters in alphabetical order and fill in the missing letter (J).

At this time, the teacher invites the rest of the students to repeat the words on the topic: “Colors”, shows the colors.

The teacher names the color

The teacher asks to pronounce the name of the countries alphabetically.

One of the students works at the blackboard. He needs to arrange the letters in alphabetical order and fill in the missing letter (J).

The rest of the students name the colors.

Students work with the textbook, find and read words with a certain color.

After the student has completed the work, the task is checked. Students say the letters in alphabetical order.

The students complete the task.

This task demonstrates 2 forms of work: individual and frontal.

3. Phonetic warm-up.

He asks to pay attention to the board where the transcription icons are located.

Distributes cards with transcription icons.

Evaluates the work in pairs, what worked, what did not work.

Read the vowels, then the consonants.

Make a transcription of the proposed country (France, Russia, America ...)

Front work.

Work in pairs.

At this stage, the teacher evaluates the work of each pair, which is very important.

4. Working with the map.


The teacher explains the task, which is to listen to the text and put the sentences on the board in order.

Students find the suggested countries on the map (France, Russia, the UK, the USA, Italy, Germany).

Students listen to the recording while doing the task at the blackboard.

At this stage, it is possible to note the linguo-cultural material.

5. Development of pronunciation and reading skills

One of the students acts as an announcer, reads the text from the textbook. The others repeat after him.

Development of pronunciation skills. The teacher acts as an assistant, directs the activities of students to independent work.

6. The game "Snowball"

The teacher makes a sentence about Russia.

Students must repeat the teacher's proposal, name their own (performed in a chain).

The game element is important here. Thus, the activity of students is switched.

7. Development of monologue speech skills.

Students talk about Russia.

At the initial stage, the teacher tries to form the skills of monologue speech on the topic.

8. Physical education.

One of the students acts as a physical education teacher and conducts a warm-up.

It has a health-saving element of education, which is very important at the initial stage.

9. Repetition of grammatical material.

Why is the same word written in capital and small letters on my cards?

The teacher places the cards on the board.

Puts a question mark at the end of a sentence.

What happens when a question mark is placed?

One word is at the beginning of a sentence, the other is at the end.

Read the pronouns on the cards and match the forms of Ch. to be.

Changes in intonation and word order.

Do students form interrogative sentences?

It seems to me that visual material plays an important role here. Grammar, as an aspect of the language, is quite difficult to perceive at the initial stage of learning a foreign language, but thanks to the use of visual material, children cope with the task quite well.

10. Final stage.

The teacher thanks everyone for the work, puts marks in the diaries.

The teacher evaluates the work of each student, which is very important, given the age characteristics of children.

No. p / p

Analysis of the English lesson by Zakharova Tatyana Mikhailovna in the 2nd grade (EMC of Buzhinsky, Pavlova, Starikova)

The place of the lesson in the system of lessons on the topic

General lesson

Objectives for this lesson

Correctness of their definition

The objectives of the lesson are well defined. They correspond to its place in the educational topic, the requirement of the foreign language training program and the curriculum for this class.

The legitimacy of their planning in the cycle of lessons on this topic

The tasks are rightly defined in the cycle of lessons. Given that this is a general lesson on the topic, the tasks are as follows:

1) consolidation and repetition of lexical material on the topic "Colors";

2) consolidation of grammatical material on the topic "The verb to be in affirmative and interrogative sentences";

3) development of listening skills;

4) development of monologue speech skills