What to feed an 8 month old baby. Menu for an eight-month-old bottle-fed baby

Important foods in an eight-month-old baby's diet

At this age, the main food of the child is still breast milk or formula. Their volume will reach up to 700-900 milliliters per day. But adult food is still in second place, although the composition of complementary foods is already expanding. The child becomes more and more familiar with new tastes, he develops food interest.

Let's see what can be added to the diet:


In addition to buckwheat, rice and corn grits add oatmeal. Also, a child can already try pasta and vermicelli for soups. But it is better to introduce bread not earlier than a year.


Additionally, broccoli and cauliflower, spinach, and green beans are introduced.


The child may already taste bananas, prunes, plums, peaches, nectarines and apricots.


Add turkey, rabbit, chicken and veal to the menu. But soups with meat broth should be avoided for the time being.


Since eggs are the cause of allergies, they first give a try to the hard-boiled yolk. A whole egg can be given after a year.

A fish

This is a new food item. For an eight-month-old baby to get acquainted with fish, cod is suitable.


Give preference to butter, olive and sunflower oils.

Dairy products

Many mothers introduce them as early as possible to provide the baby with calcium. You can give pureed cottage cheese and yogurt.


Children's cookies should be added in small portions and if the child is already chewing well.

The drinks

In addition to breast milk or formula, offer your child other liquids: water, juice or compote.

How to cook and offer food

The child can be given thermally processed vegetables and fruits. We cook food mostly still in a soft and puree form. It is better to make porridge boiled to feed the baby.

At this age, the child begins to grab food on his own and already knows how to chew better. To practice these skills, offer food in the form of pieces so that he can take them by hand. For example, bananas, pasta, meat and vegetables. Never leave your baby unattended while feeding. Do not give grapes, raw carrots, raisins, as they are easy to choke on.

Offer new food in the morning. And in the evening you can have the dishes familiar to the child.

A table with an example of what a daily menu for an 8-month-old baby might look like (suitable for both breastfeeding and IV):

Remember that this is just one example of nutrition at this age.

Every day the baby becomes more active, more inquisitive, he needs more energy, which you can get with food. That is why new types of food are added to the diet. The nutrition of the child at 8 months becomes more balanced.

During this period, the baby should form a daily routine. The baby no longer has night feeding, during the day he is fed 5 times with an interval of at least 4 hours. Do not feed children separately from adults. The time has already come when the baby, along with his family, has breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Nutrition for an 8 month old baby breastfeeding almost the same as a baby on an artificial method of feeding. Nutritional recommendations are converging, now it is almost impossible to distinguish between the diet of an artificial baby and children who are breastfed.

From this age, fish is added to the menu. Thanks to the introduction of fish dishes, the child will begin to receive new useful substances - trace elements that will strengthen immune system to promote full development. It is better to give preference to ocean fish: salmon, pollock, hake.

For cooking, it is better to take a fish fillet, from which you can cook tender cutlets. The fish is boiled, crushed with a blender or meat grinder, the resulting slurry is mixed with mashed vegetable puree. Despite the enormous benefits of fish dishes, it is worth limiting the consumption of this type of food to one day a week.

Together with fish, sour-milk products, for example, children's yogurt, kefir, are added to the child's diet at 8 months. Dairy products saturate the body with essential amino acids, improve the intestinal microflora. The baby begins to try new tastes.

  • Meat broth. It is entered only with the permission of the pediatrician. The first portions are not more than 20 ml.
  • Butter. Now it can be added to the second dishes in small portions.
  • Wheat bread. A piece weighing no more than 5 grams.
  • Cookies for children, as well as special children's crackers.
  • Natural fruit juice for children. When buying juice in a store, you need to check the composition, do not buy products with dyes and harmful additives. Juice made at home is slightly diluted with boiled water to reduce the concentration. You can not add sugar to the juice for the baby.

When feeding an 8 month old baby who is breastfed, breastfeeding should be continued. With mother's milk, the baby continues to receive irreplaceable nutrients that strengthen the immune system. But now mommy can only breastfeed in the morning and evening.

Almost the entire main food chain has been introduced into the diet of a healthy 8 month old baby. Now the task of parents is to combine the available varieties of food so that the baby receives the optimal amount. beneficial vitamins and substances so that the balanced absorption of food is not disturbed.

How to make a menu

The diet of a child at 8 months provides for five meals a day. Accustoming to a correct, healthy lifestyle should be started earlier so that the child does not have problems in preschool institutions.

Consider the diet for an 8 month old baby:

  • 6 - 7 o'clock in the morning. The first breakfast is breast milk. For an artificial baby - an adapted milk mixture. Serving volume: 200 ml.
  • 00 - 11.00. Second breakfast - porridge (portion up to 180 g). Porridge can be buckwheat, barley, rice, corn, different types croup. Butter is added to the porridge - from 1 to 5 g. Porridges can be boiled with the addition of dried fruits or fresh fruits. Fruit juice and half the yolk are added.
  • 00 - 14.30. Dinner. The baby has grown enough to receive a full meal of several dishes. In the menu: meat broth - 20 ml, vegetable puree - 160 - 180 g, wheat bread - 5 g, vegetable oil up to 5 ml and fruit juice - 30 - 50 ml. Meat broth alternates with fish broth. Instead of mashed vegetables, add fish cakes or mashed potatoes to the menu 1 or 2 times a week.
  • 00 - 18. 30. Dinner. Should not consist of heavy meals: vegetable baby puree - up to 65 - 70 g, children's cottage cheese or yogurt - 30 - 35 g, kefir - 130 ml. For dinner, the crumbs can be given a cracker or a baby cookie.
  • 30 - 22.00. Feeding before bed. In order for the baby to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly, at night it must be fed with breast milk or a special milk formula for children.

It is desirable to alternate products. For example, meat or chicken broth. If the baby is allergic to milk, then the porridge should be boiled in water. Do not add additional sugar or salt to the finished puree. To add flavor, pieces of natural fruit can be added to cereals. When cooking at home, mommy should adhere to the principles of healthy and wholesome food.

The nutrition of a small child of 8 months on breastfeeding is practically no different from what is fed to children who grew up on an artificial mixture. In the diet of an 8-month-old baby, compiled for every day, it is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Parents can be helped in this by tables containing such data for all food products.

How to introduce new products into the menu

When compiling a nutrition menu for a child for 8 months, it must be remembered that the health of the little man is the main priority for parents. Therefore, when adding a new type of food (juice, vegetable or fruit puree, meat or fish broth), the first thing to check is the presence of allergic reaction.

It is necessary to introduce new food products into the menu of an 8-month-old child gradually, starting with a small portion. First give a try, then wait and observe the reaction of the body. If there is no allergic reaction, then gradually, over several days, increase the portion.

It is not recommended to introduce more than 1 type of new product in one day. Let the body get used to one type, then introduce the next type of complementary foods. The first portions of meat or fish puree should be no more than 10 - 15 g. It is necessary to accustom to kefir from 30 g, gradually increasing to 180 g.

Alexandra is a constant expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about play, pregnancy, parenting and learning, baby care, and mom and baby health.

Nutrition in the eighth - ninth month of a child's life

At the age of 8 months, the baby's food is still 5 meals a day (and, of course, without night feedings), but now one more breast milk feeding is replaced by complementary foods (you introduce the so-called third complementary foods into the daily diet). The child has entered the taste of new dishes, and he likes his menu. He is full and cheerful, he is gaining weight very well. What dishes are better to use as a third complementary food?.. Nutritionists recommend fermented milk products; these products are good because they greatly facilitate the process of digestion - they are easily digested, easily absorbed. At this age, your breastfed baby's menu should look something like this:
6.00 - breastfeeding;
10.00 - milk porridge (cereals should be alternated) - 170 g, egg yolk (1/2), one of the fruit juices - 50 ml;
14.00 - meat broth - 20 ml, white bread cracker, vegetable puree - 170 g, meat puree - 50 g, one of the fruit juices - 20 ml.
18.00 - kefir - 100 ml, cottage cheese - 50 g, one of the fruit purees - 70 g;
22.00 - breastfeeding. The same menu can be designed for a bottle-fed baby, but only instead of breast milk at 6.00 and at 22.00 he receives milk formula or another adapted mixture.

Continue breastfeeding.

It is clear that as the addition of complementary foods, the child began to eat less breast milk. And you may have noticed that your lactation has decreased. Try, however, to keep the morning and evening breastfeeding. This is important because, together with mother's milk, the child receives antibodies in the required amount, making the baby's body less susceptible to disease. Not a single, even the best adapted formula, will replace mother's milk in this sense for a child. Save 2 breastfeeds until the baby is ten months old.

How to teach a child to a new dish.

Have you noticed that a child, after trying a new product, sometimes does not immediately accept it. In order for the child to get used to this product faster, try mixing it with a familiar dish, a favorite dish. You can mix a new product according to the following method: first add 1/10 of the new product, then increase the amount of this product every day. Do not think that the child refuses a new dish because he finds it tasteless. No, the dish is just unfamiliar and you still need to get used to it. Some mothers, in order to quickly accustom the child to new food, flavor the dish with various spices: garlic, spices, lots of onions ... Do not do this. Also avoid giving your child dishes with sauce, smoked meats, pates, spicy marinades.

Nutrition of the child at eight to nine months.

At 8-9 months, breast milk in your baby's diet should take up no more than a third of the total amount of food. Above, we have already listed a lot of different products, but this does not mean that you yourself should not try to somehow diversify the child's menu. Prepare vegetable purees from all the vegetables available to you (depending on the season). Do not miss the opportunity to add greens to vegetable purees - dill, parsley, lettuce (avoid hot seasonings and spices); when the child grows up - and onions. Some mothers prepare milk porridge only from oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and semolina. But if you try a little, you can pair delicious barley porridge. Many undeservedly have a bad attitude towards pearl barley. At about 10 months, you can start preparing fish dishes for your child (of course, low-fat) - hake, cod. Remove the bones from the fish very carefully. Fish can be given both in the form of steam cutlets, and boiled - in a mashed form. It is recommended to cook milk porridges with whole milk - do not dilute it with water. Store cow's milk in the refrigerator and boil before drinking. If you give your child boiled whole milk to drink, then by all means in a cup. But only pour milk into a cup little by little so that the child does not spill it on himself.

Babies usually begin complementary foods at the age of six months. So by eight months, the baby is already familiar with most foods. But many mothers, by virtue of their guardianship and distrust of pediatricians, try to limit the baby to the maximum from "adult" food, believing that it is too early for him to try this.

What can be given to a child at this age will tell the article.

Healthy foods

If the baby is breastfed - this is only a plus. You shouldn't give up on it. But it is worth replacing the main meals with "adult" food. In the morning and in the evening it is worth feeding the baby with breast milk, and at lunchtime we begin to introduce the baby to solid food.

If the baby is artificially fed, then the principle of feeding the crumbs with milk remains in force. It is only replaced by adapted milk mixtures.

Useful and allowed products at 8 months:

1. Kashi:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Buckwheat.
  • barley.
  • Rice.
  • Corn.

Do not give crumbs semolina. It contains gluten. At this age, the child's stomach will not be able to digest it. According to pediatricians, semolina is allowed from ten months.

It is advisable to dilute cereals with fruits and vegetables. Cook oatmeal with a banana or apple, corn and rice with pumpkin, and wheat porridge goes well with berries.

2. Fruits:

  • Bananas.
  • Apples are green.
  • Pear.

3. Berries:

  • Blueberry. It is incredibly beneficial for the eyes.
  • Raspberries. But be very careful with raspberries. This is the strongest allergen. Therefore, initially give the crumbs half a berry and look at the reaction. If diathesis does not appear, you can include it in the diet of the crumbs.

4. Meat:

  • Beef.
  • Chicken.
  • Rabbit.
  • Quail.
  • Turkey meat.

It is highly undesirable to give pork and lamb. These are fatty meats.

5. Vegetables:

  • Potato.
  • Carrot.
  • Onion.
  • Leek.
  • Beet.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Zucchini.

6. Eggs:

  • Chicken.
  • Quail.

But you should not give more than half the yolk once every three days. It is better not to include protein in the diet of crumbs. Remember that eggs are a very dangerous food product, so they must undergo a long heat treatment.

7. Oil:

  • Olive oil.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Butter.

8. Flour products:

  • Bread.
  • Bagels.
  • Galette cookies.

9. Seasonings:

  • Salt is very limited. It is better to use salt with the addition of iodine. This compensates for the iodine deficiency in the child's body and normalizes the work. thyroid gland.
  • Sugar. Pediatricians recommend using sugar syrup instead of sugar for cooking. Method of preparation: pour 100 ml of purified water into a container. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to the water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

10. Dairy products:

  • Kefir.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Yoghurts.

sample menu

Every mother is concerned about the question of what it is possible to feed a baby at this age. Namely, what dishes. After all, there are many products, but they are all recommended in limited quantities. In order to solve this problem, we present to your attention an approximate menu for a child’s nutrition for every day.

In the morning and in the evening we breastfeed or an adapted milk formula. In total, at this age, the baby should have 5 meals, including morning and evening. So, there are 3 meals left every 4 hours. At 10-11 in the morning we give the baby rice porridge with pumpkin.

Then we feed him meat soup with vegetables. We allow bread, but not more than 5-10 grams. At 4 days, we feed the crumbs with cottage cheese with fruits and sweet kefir.

Recipes for cooking crumbs

Every mother wants to feed her child only with homemade and proven products and dishes, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several recipes for children's dishes that you can cook every week for your baby:

  • Homemade curd. To prepare cottage cheese, you will need 200 ml of pasteurized cow's milk and kefir 2.5% fat. Pour milk into a clean container. Bring it to a boil. When the milk boils, pour in the kefir. We stir. After 2-3 minutes, cottage cheese will begin to form on the surface. It must be thrown back on gauze and allowed to drain. An eight-month-old baby is allowed to give no more than 30 grams of cottage cheese daily. If desired, fruits and milk are added to the cottage cheese. For convenience, all ingredients are whipped with a blender.
  • Vegetable puree. Peel zucchini (30g), potatoes (30-40g) and broccoli (25-30g). All vegetables are steamed for 15-20 minutes. When cooking, olive or sunflower oil is added to the vegetables. Everything is whipped up in a blender.
  • Meat broth. To prepare the broth, you need a meat fillet (50 gr.). It is washed, cut into pieces and boiled. Then potatoes (20 gr.), carrots (20 gr.), onions (15 gr.) are put in the broth and boiled until tender. All ingredients are boiled for one to two hours. By cooking, greens are added (preferably dill).
  • Buckwheat porridge with milk. Boil buckwheat in water. Boil a small amount of baby milk. Pour in the buckwheat. Add sugar syrup or sugar to taste. Stir.
  • Oatmeal with apple. Boil porridge in water. At the end, add some baby milk and sugar. Before serving porridge, grate half a green apple, mix.
  • Beet puree. Boil beets and carrots. Grate all the ingredients on a fine grater. Add salt and vegetable oil to taste. This dish helps cleanse the intestines.
Important Aspects

A baby at this age should eat up to 1100 grams of food, not including liquid food and water. But each child develops individually, so if your baby eats not so much, you should not worry. Children at this age often lose their appetite due to teething.

Pay attention to the amount of liquid consumed, namely plain water. On average, a baby should drink 30 ml of water for every kilogram of its weight. So, if the baby weighs 7 kg, then it daily rate fluid intake - 210 ml.

Your baby's first breakfast should start with breast milk. For second breakfast, we give crumbs porridge with fruits, kefir, fruit puree. At lunch, we feed the baby first courses. In the afternoon, we give the crumbs more satisfying food: cottage cheese, cookies soaked in milk or crackers. But it is worth remembering that if the baby is prone to constipation, then the amount of cottage cheese should be limited.


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The menu of a nine-month-old baby can already be safely called quite diverse. In addition to formula or mother's milk, he receives a number of additional products. The daily intake of complementary foods at this point is about 1200 ml.

Closer to the age of one, the child will be able to eat all the dishes from the common table, provided that the parents adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. However, at this stage, adults are still wondering what to feed their babies. We will tell you in more detail what should be the nutrition of a child at 9 months.

Refusal of night feedings

At 9 months, the baby should not wake up at night to eat.

Most babies sleep peacefully through the night and begin to loudly demand that they give him food as soon as they open their eyes in the morning. As a rule, this happens at 6-7 o'clock.

However, some 9-month-old babies still wake up at night. If the child eats with appetite during the day and steadily gains weight, you should try to wean him from feeding at night. Before starting the process, you need to ask the pediatrician how much the baby should weigh at 9 months, and check the parameters of your crumbs with normal values.

Normal weight for a 9 month old baby

Table of weight norms developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)

Body weight (weight) boys (kg)

How to wean a child from night feedings

If there are no deviations in the weight of the baby, then you can proceed to weaning from night feedings.

Often the reason for the baby's addiction to night snacks is the wrong behavior of the parents. Many mothers, barely hearing sobs from the crib, run to their kids with a bottle of formula or breastfeed them. However, some babies quite easily refuse night feedings and, after turning a little in the crib, fall asleep again.

If the child requires milk with loud crying, you should take it in your arms, shake it a little and offer a bottle of water. After a while, he will fall asleep again. During the first nights, babies can cry for 20-30 minutes, but you just need to endure this period. If the baby does not calm down for a long time, then he is really hungry. Perhaps he does not have enough daily complementary foods to fully saturate. In this case, you need to reconsider the diet.

Oksana, mother of nine-month-old Sergey: “My son refused night feedings at about six months with the introduction of dense complementary foods. We were artificially fed, and starting from the age of six months, we were already actively eating cereals, vegetable puree, cottage cheese. As a result, Seryozha ate well during the day, drank the mixture before going to bed and slept soundly from ten in the evening until six in the morning. We were happy and so was he."

Diet plan for a 9 month old baby

At nine months, the volume of breast milk or formula eaten by the baby is gradually reduced. Ideally, only the first and last feedings should be left. Everything else is food. Of course, it is allowed to supplement the crumbs with a mixture or milk after a meal, but in minimal quantities.

The correct daily routine of a nine-month-old baby includes 5 feedings.

On the day of a nine-month-old peanut, liquid food should be received twice and thick food - three times. Porridges and purees are digested an order of magnitude longer than mother's milk or formula, giving the baby an energy supply for a long time. Therefore, feedings are carried out at intervals of 4 hours. And if the baby gets hungry 2-3 hours after taking liquid food, you can offer him cookies or some fruit puree. An indicative table for 1 day will help parents create the optimal diet for the crumbs along with a suitable menu. It also shows how much a nine-month-old baby should eat per day:

Expansion of the diet

The diet of a child at 9 months includes a lot useful products and drinks. They provide the baby's body with such important nutritional components as vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals. A growing baby is no longer enough of the enzymes contained in the usual mixtures and mother's milk. It is worth noting that the diet of infants who are breastfed and artificially fed is almost identical. In addition to milk, mixtures, it should include the following components:

  • various compotes;
  • juices;
  • puree from fruits, vegetables;
  • meat purees;
  • cereals from different cereals;
  • egg yolk;
  • fresh cottage cheese;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • bread;
  • biscuit.

Introduction of new complementary foods

If any of these items are still not familiar to the baby, it is recommended to gradually add them. It is necessary to introduce complementary foods slowly, start with minimal portions, carefully watching how the child reacts. In the absence of allergies, you can gradually increase the volume of the product.

New complementary foods should be introduced at intervals of 5-7 days.


Nine-month-old children should regularly eat meat, boiled and chopped: turkey, rabbit, beef, veal. Also recommended items include chicken, beef or rabbit liver, tongue and heart. Due to the abundance of iron and vitamins, these by-products are especially indicated for infants with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood.

Where better to make minced meat with your own hands at home. But store-bought baby food (mashed potatoes, instant cereals) is quite acceptable, but it is better to resort to it in special cases. Canned purees will become indispensable for long walks and visits, as well as in the cold season, when it becomes very problematic to purchase high-quality fresh vegetables and fruits.

A fish

In addition to all of the above, white fish with a low fat content should be present in the diet. It can be flounder, hake, cod or pike perch. The frequency of the child's consumption of fish - once a week, it will replace one meat lunch. To begin with, it should simply be boiled and served to the baby along with vegetable side dish. After getting used to the taste of a new product, you can start cooking cutlets and meatballs from it.


Particular attention should be paid to the presence of oils of vegetable and animal origin in the diet. They are a real storehouse of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and proteins necessary for the harmonious development of the baby.

To useful vegetable oils include: olive, linseed, corn and sesame.

Butter should be added to cereal porridge, vegetable oil goes well with vegetable purees: 5 g per 1 serving is enough.

Dairy products

Mothers of breastfed babies are often quite reluctant to introduce fermented milk products into the diet of babies. However, 9 months is a suitable period for getting to know kefir and cottage cheese.

The daily volume of cottage cheese for a child at 9 months should not exceed 40-50 grams. Kefir should be administered with 20-30 ml, gradually increasing the dose to 100-200 ml. It is usually offered to the baby for dinner, used as an addition to the 18-hour feeding.

Dr. Komarovsky, pediatrician the highest category: “For the average mother, the optimal amount of product is equal to how much her child is ready to eat with appetite. Why are doctors so afraid to recommend kefir? Because it has a rather high concentration of protein, as well as in cottage cheese. The body of a child of the first year of life is not able to break down such an amount of protein. Hence, there is an excessive load on the kidneys. Therefore, kefir and cottage cheese are single-use products for children under the age of three. They should be given once a day in strictly limited quantities.

Cow's milk

Whole cow's milk at this stage of life does more harm than good.

The product contains too much protein, a considerable amount of calcium, overloading the kidneys. The maximum serving of milk for a nine-month-old baby is 150 ml. It is better to use it for making cereals, diluted a little with water, than to offer the baby in its pure form. For baby food, it is recommended to purchase pasteurized milk in a package.

WHO complementary feeding table

The WHO complementary feeding table assumes the presence of additional foods in the infant's diet from the age of three months. However, modern pediatricians strongly recommend feeding children only breast milk until the age of six months. Therefore, we present the table for informational purposes only:

Name of products and dishes 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9-12 months Note
Fruit juices, ml 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 90-100 from 3 months
Fruit puree, ml* 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 90-100 from 3.5 months
Curd, g 10-30 40 40 40 50 from 5 months
Yolk, pcs. 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5 from 6 months
Vegetable puree, g* 10-100 150 150 170 180 200 from 4.5-5.5 months.
Milk porridge, g 50-100 150 150 180 200 from 5.5-6.5 months.
Meat puree, g* 5-30 50 60-70 from 7 months
Fish puree, g* 5-30 30-60 from 8 months
Kefir and other fermented milk products, ml 200 200 400-500 from 7.5-8 months.
Bread (millet, higher growth), g 200 200 400-500 from 7.5-8 months.
Crackers, cookies, g 3,5 5 5 10-15 from 6 months
Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn), g** 1-3 3 3 5 5 6 from 4.5 - 5 months.
Butter, g** 1-4 4 4 5 6 from 5 months
Whole milk, ml 100** 200** 200** 200** 200** 200** from 4 months

* puree is introduced 2 weeks after the introduction of juice
** for cooking complementary foods (vegetable puree, cereals, etc.)

food consistency

Parents need to gradually accustom a nine-month-old baby to eating solid food, because the baby is moving to a new stage of its development. He has more teeth, which he is quite capable of using for their intended purpose. Changing the consistency of dishes has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby's digestive system, giving it additional stimulation.

If solid foods are not introduced in a timely manner, upon reaching the age of one year, the child may completely abandon them.

Therefore, homogenized meals should be gradually replaced with mashed ones. Do not grind potatoes and fish in a blender to a puree state, mixing them together. It is much better to put well-cooked foods on a plate separately and lightly knead them with a fork.

It is possible that at first relatively large pieces that come across in the dish will cause a gag reflex in the baby, but this will pass with time. As practice shows, nine-month-old peanuts willingly pull particles of unground food into their mouths and try to chew them. Therefore, it is worth treating the baby from time to time with a piece of bread, an apple, a pear or a biscuit cookie. The meat at this stage is still recommended to be thoroughly minced.

Margarita, mother of one and a half year old Sophia: “My baby got her teeth late. Now she only has eight. Until now, I have been grinding all baby food in a blender, worrying that my daughter will not be able to chew it. And only now, on the advice of the pediatrician, she began to try to give her food mashed with a fork. The baby frowns, chokes, vomiting appears. Apparently, we've been taking too long with the introduction of solid foods. The daughter simply refuses to accept it, although she nibbles on an apple and cookies with pleasure. But meat, cutlets, vegetables categorically refuses to chew. I already hid the blender in the far corner of the cabinet and stocked up on patience. I hope my daughter will soon get used to the thicker consistency of the dishes.

Approximate baby menu

The menu of a child at 9 months should include only freshly prepared dishes.

Cooked but not eaten food should not be stored and then reheated. Salting and adding sugar to them at this stage is also not recommended. The best mom's helper in the kitchen will be a double boiler. Yes, and many modern multicookers have the function of steaming dishes. In the absence of these devices, stew or boil food in a small amount of water under a closed lid. As for the crumbs menu, it can consist of many different positions that need to be alternated with each other day after day. Let's describe each meal in more detail:

First breakfast (6:00)

Consists of breast milk, infant formula or yogurt in a volume of 180-200 ml. If the baby is breastfed, then in the morning he needs to be given only the breast, and not its substitutes. This will help maintain lactation in the mother.

Second breakfast (10:00)

Buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, rice porridge must be included in the daily diet of a child at 9 months. Alternating them with each other, you can provide the baby with tasty and varied food. Since buckwheat is the most useful for crumbs, it is recommended to cook porridge from it at least three times a week. Rice porridge can cause stool upset in babies. In this case, it is necessary to exclude it from the crumbs menu, focusing on oatmeal.

Lunch (14:00)

Healthy vegetable purees from zucchini or cauliflower with steamed meatballs are ideal for an afternoon meal. An alternative to it can also be a vegetable broth soup made from grated meat and vegetables. Kids also like soup with meatballs. Recall that once a week for lunch, the child must be given fish.

Early dinner (18:00)

Toward evening, you should not organize a too hearty meal for the baby.

After all, this may not be the best way to affect the quality of his night's sleep. Therefore, porridge and meat dishes are not suitable for dinner. Where better to give the child fruit puree, cottage cheese or kefir.

Late dinner (22:00)

After the usual hygiene procedures and massage, the baby slowly sucks the mother's breast or a mixture from a bottle, then goes to sleep until the morning.

Many parents, when planning a baby's diet, try to follow a pre-compiled menu for a week every day. The table below will help provide the crumbs with not only tasty, but also varied food. It is possible to replace milk with infant formula, kefir.

Time 1 day 2 day 3 day Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
7-8 am - early breakfast Breast milk or 1 cup (200 g) cow's milk, cracker, biscuits
10 am - snack Fruit juice (30g) or raw grated apple (50g)
11 am - breakfast Semolina porridge -150g, kissel - 100g Pureed rice porridge - 150g, jelly - 100g Semolina porridge with breadcrumbs - 150g, kissel - 100g Pureed millet porridge - 150g, jelly -100g Semolina porridge with apples - 150g, kissel - 100g Pureed buckwheat porridge - 150g, apple puree -50g Oatmeal porridge mashed - 150g, mashed compote - 100g
2 pm - lunch Vegetable puree 100-150g, kissel 50-100g Mashed potatoes with liver or meat -150g, jelly \ juice -100g Ground meat -30g with mashed potatoes - 100g, apricot puree - 50g Mashed potatoes in broth, seasoned with yolks - 150g, kissel - 100g Vegetable puree with meat 150g, apple puree - 50g Broth with pureed meat, chicken -100g, mashed potatoes -100g, baked apple - 50g Meat pudding - 40g with mashed potatoes - 100g, jelly -100g
6 pm - dinner Porridge - 200g or apple mousse (on semolina or breadcrumbs) or pudding
9-10 pm - late dinner Breast milk or 1 cup (200 g) cow's milk with 5% sugar


You can find some recipes that will be useful to moms below.

Semolina porridge

Semolina porridge with breadcrumbs

boil thin semolina(without oil).
Melt 6 g butter. Mix with 2 tsp. crushed and sifted flour, combined with porridge, pouring in gradually, stirring constantly.

Semolina porridge with fruit puree

Boil liquid semolina. Prepare fruit puree from an apple, from 35 g of dry fruits or from 50 g of fresh fruits, which are pre-washed and stewed in a small amount of water under the lid. Then rub through a sieve or in a blender. Boil the resulting puree until thick with 1 tbsp. Sahara. Cool the finished puree and stir with porridge.

Other types of cereals

Butter-flour porridge (moro porridge)

Dissolve 10 g of butter in a saucepan, add 2 tsp. sifted flour, gradually pour in 1 cup of milk, stirring, bring to a boil. Add some sugar. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

Mashed rice porridge

3 tsp Rinse rice, pour 1 cup boiling water and cook until cooked until the rice becomes soft. Rub the boiled rice through a sieve until smooth, then stir with boiled milk (10 g). Add a little sugar and salt, put on the stove, stirring, bring to a boil several times, so that the porridge thickens. Add 6 g of butter to the finished dish.


2 tbsp Rinse oatmeal with clean water. Pour 1 cup boiling water, cook until tender, until the cereal is soft. Rub through a sieve, dilute with hot milk (3/4 cup) - gradually, so that there are no lumps, rub again, add a little sugar, boil for another 5 minutes.

Millet porridge

2 tbsp Sort millet, rinse to clean water. Pour 1 cup boiling water, cook until tender, until the cereal is soft. Rub through a sieve, gradually dilute with hot milk (1/2 cup) so that there are no lumps, add a little sugar, boil for another 5 minutes. Add ½ tsp to the finished dish. butter.

Buckwheat porridge

Cooked the same way as millet.

Vegetable purees

carrot puree

200 g carrots (2 pcs.) Rinse, peel, chop on a grater, place in a saucepan, pour a little water on the bottom of which, simmer under a lid in its own juice. Be careful not to burn, add water if necessary. Cooking time 30-40 minutes. Rub hot carrots through a sieve, season 2 tbsp. l. liquid semolina, bring to steam on the stove. Add ½ tsp to the finished dish. butter.

Mashed potatoes

Steam or bake in the oven 250 g potatoes. Clean, grind to a puree. Transfer to a saucepan, add 100 g of hot milk, salt, ½ tsp. butter, beat. Ready puree should be served immediately after preparation.

Puree from different vegetables

Vegetables are taken young and fresh. Carrots, turnips, cabbage wash, peel, chop on a grater. Simmer under a lid over low heat, adding a small amount of hot water. Rinse potatoes, peel, cut into large pieces, add to vegetables when they are stewed to half readiness. After half an hour, grind through a sieve hot. Add hot milk, salt, ½ tsp. butter, beat everything.


Thus, the menu of a nine-month-old baby should consist of healthy and varied dishes. Meat, as well as fish, various purees, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals - all this must be included in the baby's diet. Also, mother's milk and mixtures that are optimally suited for the first and last meals should not be neglected. At this age, the baby should be transferred to five meals a day at intervals of 4 hours. It is recommended to refuse night feedings.