How long after eating can you drink water, tea, coffee: health rules, tips. When is it better and right to drink water: before or after a meal, warm or cold? How to drink water after eating Is it possible to drink immediately after

Attention! This article was written several years ago based on information found on the most popular English-language sites. But every year, the theory that drinking water during a meal can dilute gastric juice, impair digestion and disrupt appetite has been increasingly criticized. So far, there are no studies that unequivocally confirm this (at least, we have not been able to find their published results). But the benefits of drinking unlimited amounts of liquid with meals or shortly thereafter have also not been fully confirmed. Therefore, there is no single unambiguous opinion, and any expert opinion found on the net is not necessarily correct.

The Mayo Clinic (one of the largest research centers in the world) says: “ There is no need to worry that the water will dilute the digestive juices or interfere with digestion.In fact, drinking water during or after a meal actually aids digestion. Water and other fluids help break down food so your body can absorb nutrients. Water also softens stools, which helps prevent constipation.This is one of the most authoritative answers.

Despite this, many professional nutritionists believe in the negative effects of drinking water shortly before, during, or shortly after a meal. Therefore, even most of the recently published articles are based on this theory and recommend abstaining from drinking for 30 minutes. up to 2 hours (recommendations in various sources).

In any case, do not take the text written below as an unequivocal opinion, but only as one of the theories that has not yet been refuted, but not confirmed either.

The question of the benefits of drinking water after eating is very relevant today. But recommendations about how long after a meal you can drink water differ. There are even tips that you can do it right away. But this is not so, according to most experts. Most studies show that drinking water immediately after a meal is not good for the digestive system.

Negative effects of drinking after eating

Between the entry of food into the stomach and the start of the process of its digestion, there is a time interval, which averages 30 minutes. The final breakdown of food and the absorption of useful nutrients occurs in special zones. small intestine largely due to the action of gastric juice.

Drinking liquid during or after a meal reduces the concentration of gastric juice. As a result, the duration of the digestion process increases significantly and, accordingly, the load on all organs that take part in this process increases by one and a half to two times (stomach, duodenum and etc.). Since the digestive process slows down, a person feels heaviness, the process of gas formation begins.

Moreover, the liquid helps to increase the speed of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, bypassing the zones in which absorption of nutrients occurs. If there is undigested food in the intestines, putrefactive processes begin in it, as a result of which highly toxic compounds are formed. They are absorbed into the blood and due to intoxication, serious disorders occur in all internal organs.

Regular drinking of water after a meal for a long time can lead to multiple disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, indigestion, low acidity, etc.).

How soon after a meal can you drink water? The interval depends on the food consumed and the duration of its digestion. Approximately so much time is needed for drinking to definitely not affect the digestion of food:

  • vegetables - approximately 60 minutes;
  • fruit - 30 min.;
  • milk - 2.5-3 hours;
  • protein food - 4 hours;
  • carbohydrate - about 2 hours.

But most sources say that it is enough not to drink ox after eating for an hour (this is an average figure).

Water after meals and weight loss

Scientists have experimentally proven that purified water allows not only to maintain health, but also get rid of extra pounds. This is due to the fact that fluid is necessary for the breakdown of fats in the body. In addition, it helps to eliminate waste and toxins. Based on this, nutritionists pay special attention to the consumption of the required amount of fluid when recommending all diets without exception.

Water is also a natural appetite suppressant. Lack of water in the body can cause increased cravings for food, as the brain does not perceive the difference between hunger and thirst. So when a person thinks they are hungry, the body may actually be signaling that they are thirsty.

Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 6-8 large glasses of water a day. It should be drunk 2-2.5 hours after a meal to complete the digestion process. Drinking liquids immediately after eating leads to the deposition of fat and prevents weight loss. The main goal when losing weight is to drink water constantly and gradually. If a person drinks too much and all at once, the liquid will simply be excreted from the body faster, enriching it less.

It is best to drink purified non-carbonated water. To give it a pleasant taste, you can add fresh orange, lemon or lime juice. The temperature of the water should be at room temperature, because when drinking a cold liquid, the body spends energy on heating it, while fats thicken and are less absorbed. Besides cold water reduces the duration of the period of food in the stomach (up to 20 minutes less), so the person soon feels hungry again, which sooner or later leads to additional weight gain.

A person can live without water for only a few days. The resource is the main component for the normal functioning of the body. It is important not only to drink regularly, but also to do it right. Recently, there has been an active debate among those who say that you can’t drink while eating, and those who are sure of the opposite. In the article we will try to understand this issue and tell you what drinks, in what quantities, you need to drink during the day.

After reading the article, you will learn:

Is it safe to drink while eating?

Many people drink liquids with food during meals. The habit of the older generation appeared at a time when scientists argued that a certain amount of food should account for the required amount of drinks.

Misconceptions have long been refuted. Modern scientists argue that it is not worth drinking food. Why you can not drink water during or after a meal is a topical issue. Experts explain the reasons for the ban simply.

Dry food contributes to the fact that a person will spend more effort to chew. In the process of chewing, the required amount of saliva will be released. It contains an enzyme that kills harmful microorganisms and promotes better digestion. Foods that have been chewed well are better broken down in the stomach and do not clog the intestines in the future.

When drinking liquids with food or after eating, a person may encounter certain problems:

  • the concentration of gastric juice decreases, which negatively affects the digestion process. Pieces may not be absorbed to the bottom, but immediately go to the intestines;
  • when drinking food, a person swallows large pieces that cannot be digested normally;
  • the time required for digestion increases. This is fraught with stress on other internal organs;
  • cold or sweet drinks help the pieces go to the intestines faster, without the necessary splitting;
  • poorly digested food begins to rot and ferment, which is fraught with gas formation and other unpleasant symptoms. The body will not absorb useful substances, but at the same time it will face weight gain and the deposition of toxins;
  • with the rapid passage of food through the stomach, a person begins to experience hunger earlier;

Cases when you can and should drink water with meals

In some situations, you can drink water during and after meals, but here it is important to follow the recommendations developed by nutritionists. If you can not cope with the desire to drink a dish, then do not torture yourself. This happens when you eat foods that are too salty, spicy, or dry. If, moreover, you do not like to bother yourself with long chewing, then large pieces that are unlikely to be digested enter the stomach.

In this case, it would be wise to drink a little at dinner. However, remember the following rules:

  • drink only the liquid that is at room temperature, but not hot or cold;
  • drink drinks in small sips and slowly;
  • try to mix water with saliva and food so that it does not enter the stomach directly.

It is best to take a small sip when you have already started chewing food. So the pieces will soften better before entering the digestive tract. However, don't drink too much. For lunch or dinner, 100 - 150 ml is enough for you. It is better to drink a glass of clear liquid in advance to prevent dehydration and not to suffer from thirst after eating. Remember that if you drink during lunch, it should be plain water, not juice, tea, or other sugary drinks.

Why you shouldn't drink a large meal or a small snack with water

If we formulate the general theses of harm to health, they will sound like this:

  • digestion worsens. This is fraught with both the usual increased gas formation and the occurrence of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • slow digestion puts a strain on other internal organs;
  • A large amount of water stretches the stomach, which increases the number of portions eaten, and, therefore, weight.

When can you drink water after eating?

The main question for people who monitor their health is how long after a meal you can drink. Nutritionists do not advise doing this in the first 20 - 30 minutes, even on the condition that not chilled, but warm drinks will be consumed. It takes a certain amount of time for the digestive processes to start. The time when you can drink water after a meal depends on what foods were eaten. Certain recommendations apply:

  • when snacking on fruits, berries, wait half an hour;
  • lunch, consisting of vegetables, should be digested within an hour;
  • the heaviest dishes (meat, fish, fatty, bakery products) require digestion for at least 2 hours.

Therefore, nutritionists recommend drinking drinks not during or after dinner, but before it. This will help start the digestive processes, clear the stomach for a new meal, allow you to get enough of fewer dishes, and, therefore, help to reduce excess weight.

Drink clear liquid 15 to 20 minutes before your meal. Juices and other sweets are better to drink earlier. Try to drink cool, but not too cold water.

What drinks can you drink after a meal

Scientists have long proven that drinking warm liquids has a positive effect on the digestion process. Cold quickly "slips" through the stomach, entering directly into the intestines. As a result, it itself is not absorbed, and interferes with the digestion of products.

When eating cold food during lunch, the pieces do not have time to break down and are immediately pushed into the intestines. A warm liquid, on the contrary, leads to the opposite result. When you drink it, you stimulate digestion. It reduces hunger and helps you eat less at dinner. It also promotes better intestinal motility and helps in the prevention of constipation.

The correct use of drinks (tea or coffee) implies that after lunch or dinner, 20 to 30 minutes should pass. Drinking immediately after a meal, they will not bring much benefit, although they will do less harm than cold water.

Chilled drinks should be consumed at least one and a half hours after dinner. In this case, they will benefit and will help improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to get rid of the desire to drink food

This will not be easy if you are used to always drinking during lunch or dinner. To reduce this urge, try drinking a glass of liquid shortly before a meal. Also, do not forget to chew food thoroughly so that the required amount of saliva is released. It is useful to eat slowly, without being distracted by conversations. Dinner should be dinner, so give it some of your time.

If you are tormented by an unbearable desire to drink what you eat, rinse your mouth to get rid of food particles.

Is there an effect on weight and weight loss

Drinking drinks at lunch or dinner can affect a person's weight. Since the digestion process worsens, the products are not absorbed completely. In fact, a person receives empty calories, but not useful substances. As a result, there is weight gain, but the feeling of hunger remains.

This forces you to snack more often, again drinking food. It turns out vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape. Experts say that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to use the right liquid.

First, try to drink shortly before meals - about half an hour. This is enough to start the mechanisms of digestion. You will eat less and feel full longer.

Secondly, keep track of how many drinks you consume. Drink about 2 liters per day. It should not be soda or tea, but pure water.

If you are used to drinking heavily when eating, you should reconsider your habits. In some cases, they can exacerbate existing health problems, add new diseases. Drink before meals if you want to improve digestion and eat less.

If you are unable to give up a bad habit, limit your fluid intake at dinner and drink according to the rules. Do not drink several glasses of food. Cut down the portion and drink in small sips. Follow these simple guidelines and your body will thank you.

A rare lunch, and sometimes breakfast, takes place without the usual glass of tea or compote. And how could it be otherwise, when from the very childhood we were usually put on the table the first, second and “something to drink”. Have you thought about the benefits of such a neighborhood at the table and in the stomach?

To drink or not to drink?

Digestion is a complex multi-stage process of intake, digestion and absorption of nutrients. The harmonious work of the digestive tract is based on a balanced ratio of nutrients, as well as the liquid that comes with them, and therefore you still need to drink something.

It is estimated that for the normal functioning of organs and systems, an average person needs about 30-40 ml of fluid per kg of body weight per day, however, this has its own nuances that must be remembered when choosing what, in what quantities and when to drink at dinner.

Before, during or after?

It is important to determine the time of fluid intake. Modern dietary recommendations agree on one thing - a glass of water in the morning 30 minutes before meals helps digestion, which needs a “shower” for a “wake-up”, and the whole body as a whole. Entering the digestive tract, water quickly (but not at the speed of light, so it’s better not to drink it in liters) passes through the esophagus and stomach and is absorbed mainly in the intestines.

Drinking water with meals is more controversial. There is an opinion that the liquid dilutes the digestive juices in the stomach, reducing their concentration and, consequently, their effectiveness. But this hypothesis has not been confirmed in scientific publications, and the production of the enzymes themselves, as well as their concentration, is more dependent on the diet than on the amount of drinking. The contents of the stomach (including enzymes) are not particularly in contact with water - it goes to the intestines in "transit".

Another reason for the negative attitude to drinking water during meals is the deterioration in grinding food with teeth due to softening it in the mouth. As a result, the food is sent to the stomach "lump". This can happen if you drink large and quick sips of food, but small amounts of liquid, especially if the food is dry, will not cause such effects.

As for drinks after a meal, it is recommended to refrain from drinking them for 1.5–2 hours, so that the food that enters the stomach can be more fully processed by enzymes. Excess liquid can change the physico-chemical properties of the contents of the stomach - after all, by the end of dinner it is already almost full, especially if there was soup on the menu, and it is already more difficult for water to get into the intestines without delay, and the stomach needs to work, even with water, even without.

Thus, we smoothly approached the question of the optimal amount of liquid. Here, as in many other situations, moderation is key. On average, up to 500 ml of liquid can pass through the intestines before meals (by the way, the Japanese system of drinking behavior is based on this, where it is recommended to drink 4 cups of water 45 minutes before meals in the morning).

How much water should you drink before meals? You should be guided by personal feelings of comfort, because not everyone can drink half a liter of water on an empty stomach, and a glass of water is no worse here, especially if you are prone to edema or have gastrointestinal or kidney pathologies.

But while eating, you should not consume more than 150-200 ml of liquid, while it is important to drink in small sips slowly. The temperature of the liquid you drink is also of great importance: room temperature water is considered optimal for healthy digestion - too hot, as well as too cold, water negatively affects the processes of digestion and absorption, disrupting smooth muscles and enzymes.

All the recommendations above are valid for water, since the liquid with dissolved in it nutrients(for example, sweet compote) behaves differently and begins to be absorbed in the stomach. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink food with compote, as well as tea and coffee, which also affect the process of absorption of substances. This is especially true for people with reflux - carbonated drinks, sweet fruit drinks in large quantities along with food will cause a deterioration not only in digestion, but also in general well-being.

Natalia Skogoreva


It would seem that there is nothing extraordinary in drinking water. However, there are many myths about how to do it correctly.



It would seem that there is nothing extraordinary in drinking water. However, there are many myths about how to do it correctly. Advises the dietitian of the capital's "Clinic of Dr. Volkov" Marina Anatolyevna Khachaturova.

Myth #1: You need to drink 2 liters of water a day.

Actually. This is not entirely true. Traditionally, it is believed that the rate of water consumption (the amount necessary to maintain proper metabolism) is 1 liter of water per 30 kg of body weight. If your weight is 60 kg, then it turns out that the recommendation about 2 liters of water is really relevant. But if a person's weight is out of the norm (in one direction or another), these calculations can lead very far. An anorexic girl will be dehydrated, and a fat man weighing more than a centner will die from water intoxication. Therefore, it makes sense to recall the recommendations of the US National Academy of Sciences of 1945: "1 ml of water for every kilocalorie of food consumed." The diet of a modern person is on average 2000-2500 kilocalories - and we are returning to the notorious two liters. But there is a caveat: these two liters include the liquid that is contained in cooked food! In short, it makes no sense to scrupulously calculate how many liters of water you need to drink daily. If you feel thirsty, you need to respond to it.

Myth two. During the diet, it is necessary to reduce not only the amount of food, but also the consumption of water. Otherwise, do not lose weight

Actually. Water is one of the main assistants in the fight against excess weight. Its consumption helps to remove the breakdown products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates from the body, which is one of the most important goals of many diets.

Most women try to cut down on water intake while on a diet because they are afraid that they will develop swelling and keep those extra inches off. This is not entirely true. As a rule, puffiness is associated not so much with drinking water, but with the consumption of salty or spicy foods that retain fluid in the body.

If you reduce the number of spicy and salty foods in your diet, the result will not be long in coming. Of course, provided that the excretory system is working properly. But for people with kidney disease or Bladder diets in general need to be approached very carefully. They can lose weight only with the permission of the doctor and under his control.

Myth three. You can not drink with food: water will dilute the gastric juice, and there will be problems with digestion

Actually. This is nothing more than a theory that has become popular recently. She has no real reason. On the contrary, the water that we drink during meals lengthens the chewing process, softens food, facilitating the task of the digestive system. In addition, drinking water helps to reduce the amount of food eaten.

The main role in the process of digestion of food belongs to hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice. It is released in response to ingested food, softens it, activates enzymes, promotes the formation of digestive hormones.

Small changes in the concentration of hydrochloric acid due to drinking water are not of fundamental importance. Imagine: you dilute 50 grams of juice with water. Will it decrease in number? No. In addition, water, unlike food, leaves the stomach very quickly - so there is nothing to worry about.

True, it is advisable not to drink ice water during lunch. Even Soviet scientists proved that if you drink porridge with a very cold drink, then the time it stays in the stomach is reduced from 4-5 hours to 20 minutes. This leads to the fact that the feeling of hunger returns very quickly, and the risk of obesity increases. In addition, “accelerated” digestion does not bring benefits to the body.

It should be drunk an hour before meals, during meals, but it is not recommended to drink within an hour after meals. Imagine: you had lunch and drank tea: soup occupies 200 ml of the volume of the stomach, meat - also 200 ml, garnish - 100 and in addition 2 more cups of tea. As a result, the stomach becomes stretched, and the next time you eat more. Setting the complex dinners "first, second, third and compote" in the last ten years of research has proven to be ineffective.

Myth four. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of water, but you can’t drink at night

Actually. One can agree with the first part of the statement. It really helps to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. It helps to wake up, immediately activates our nervous system improves well-being. The best effect from a morning glass of water is if you add a slice of lemon to it. It is advisable to put it in a glass of water in the evening, then, upon waking up, you will get a wonderful vitamin infusion.

But the ban on drinking water at night is very conditional. It is believed that swelling may appear on the face from this in the morning. However, again, if the kidneys are working well, this is unlikely.

In general, it is somewhat strange to talk about when you can drink water and when not. Indeed, recently doctors have increasingly come to the conclusion that it is desirable to drink in small portions and evenly throughout the day. Drink water with lemon on an empty stomach, then drink a glass of herbal infusion or decoction before breakfast. Be sure to drink before dinner. Drink a couple of glasses in the morning and afternoon herbal tea, juice or water.

In the hot season, when fluid loss and thirst increase, you have to drink more. In these cases, it is better to drink a glass of water not at once, but gradually, taking 1-2 sips at short intervals. If you are doing something, put a glass of water near you and drink it periodically in small sips. This drinking regimen is very beneficial for the kidneys and ureters.

Myth five. Drinking while exercising is harmful. This increases the load on the body and prevents weight loss.

Actually. This is not true. Everyone knows that if you sweat a lot in training, and then do not drink water for some time, body weight will decrease slightly. But it is worth drinking water, as the weight returns to its original state.

The fact is that cells, including fat cells, are partially composed of water. During training, they lose it, so it seems to us that we have lost weight. But the number of fat cells does not decrease, and after a while they are restored in volume. Therefore, there is no need to test your body with dehydration during sports - you will lose weight from this only illusory. To really get rid of fat, you should change the nature of the diet, pick up a different workout. And you can drink water anyway. It does not increase the load on the body.

On the contrary, during training, the body temperature rises, sweating increases, as a result of which the volume of circulating blood decreases, and its viscosity increases. And here it is not far from low blood pressure or thromboembolism. Drinking water helps prevent all of this.

If your workout is intense, doctors recommend sticking to the following drinking regimen. Drink a glass of water 1.5-2 hours before class. Add another half cup 10-15 minutes before your workout. During classes, you should drink 100-150 ml every 15 minutes. At the same time, you don’t need to force yourself - if you want to skip one of the water intakes, it’s okay. And after training, drink 150-200 ml every 15 minutes until the lost fluid is completely replaced.

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This question is increasingly being asked by people who care about their body and its health. There is a simple answer to it “of course you can”, but a more accurate and correct question is “How long after eating can you drink?” On the Internet you can find very different and, interestingly, completely contradictory information on this subject. Some believe that drinking immediately after eating is possible, while others argue that this can lead to extremely negative consequences. Let's deal with this difficult and important issue together. In order to answer this question in an accessible and correct way, you need to know how the process of digestion itself occurs, and what exactly the liquid you drink can affect.

How does the process of digestion take place?

  • Such a vital process for a person as digestion begins even before the moment when food reaches the stomach. Gastric juice begins to stand out already at the sight of food, smelling it, or even just imagining food in your head, this is the so-called "conditioned reflex" digestion.
  • This process then continues in oral cavity with direct contact with food, which irritates the salivary receptors and thereby saliva is released. Digestion in the oral cavity can be divided into mechanical - grinding food with the help of teeth, and chemical - enzymes contained in saliva begin to break down carbohydrates.
  • After that, a lump of food moistened with saliva passes through the esophagus, enters the stomach, irritates the receptors of the gastric mucosa, and unconditionally reflex secretion of gastric juice begins. In the stomach itself, the process of protein digestion begins, thanks to hydrochloric acid and enzymes, which together are contained in gastric juice.
  • Then the food bolus from the stomach, called chyme, enters the duodenum, which receives pancreatic juice and bile from the liver, containing enzymes that can break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The action and digestive capacity of these enzymes is related to how intense and high-quality the digestion process was in the stomach. It should be noted that an important and, in fact, the only enzyme that can break down fats is lipase, which is found exclusively in pancreatic juice.
  • At the next stage, the chyme reaches the small intestine, where the final breakdown of food into amino acids, fatty acids and glucose takes place under the action of pancreatic juice, with which it was soaked in the duodenum 12 and also under the action of enzymes produced by the glands of the small intestine itself. It is in the small intestine that the necessary nutrients produced during digestion are absorbed into our blood, which already delivers them to all vital organs.
  • In the last phase of digestion, processed food enters the colon, which intensively absorbs water, toxic decay products are also released in it, which, after absorption, immediately reach the liver and are neutralized there.
  • In the end, dehydrated food remains form the so-called feces and are excreted from the body through the rectum.

Whycan not drink immediately after and during meals?

  • It is believed that if you drink liquid immediately after (or during) a meal, it dilutes the gastric juice, making hydrochloric acid and enzymes less concentrated and the intensity of their action is significantly reduced, therefore, the food is not completely broken down. This seems reasonable, because if you drop a concentrated solution of acid on your hand, for example, then it will immediately corrode your skin, but if you dilute it with enough water beforehand, then its effect will almost “come to naught”.
  • Also, fluid intake during eating dilutes saliva, due to which the initial process of carbohydrate breakdown occurs weakly, and this also contributes to the rapid passage of food into the esophagus, interfering with the full chewing of food. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink liquid less than 30 minutes before eating.
  • In addition, the time of digestion of food increases, and consequently the load on all organs directly involved in the digestive process increases, which are forced to produce more enzymes (stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver, small and large intestines). At the same time, a person feels heaviness, heartburn, bloating and gas formation appear. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract with such a constant overload wear out, which leads to many problems in the body.
  • Another disadvantage is that the liquid dilutes pancreatic juice, thereby slowing down fat metabolism, which is the cause of weight gain.
  • Also, the drunk liquid accelerates the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, the necessary processes in the gastrointestinal tract do not occur properly, due to which the food is not completely digested and broken down. Consequently, the necessary trace elements and vitamins are not absorbed into the body. Also, due to the accelerated passage of food through the digestive tract, the feeling of fullness disappears, and a feeling of hunger immediately appears.
  • But the most terrible are the processes of decay that occur when there is not fully digested food in the intestines, during which highly toxic compounds are released that are absorbed into the bloodstream and poison our body. It is also an excellent breeding ground for completely “not good” bacteria. Regular fluid intake during, or immediately after, a meal can provoke a number of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Surgeons say that the processes of putrefaction and, consequently, the appearance of harmful bacteria can be the cause of many diseases, including cancer. And that during many of the operations they carried out, there was an "incredible stench", which is a sign of putrefactive processes.

So, what are the possible tangible consequences of regular fluid intake during or immediately after a meal:

  • Bloating, heartburn, heaviness and gas formation appear
  • Increased body weight due to metabolic disorders
  • Due to the rapid passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, an early feeling of hunger appears, which also leads to weight gain.
  • The liquid consumed with food takes up more space in the stomach (than the food itself) and thereby stretches the stomach, due to which portions of subsequent meals increase
  • Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may appear, such as: gastritis (and later stomach ulcers), indigestion, low acidity
  • Rotting processes provoke intoxication internal organs, and bacteria multiplying in this environment are the cause of serious diseases, including cancer
  • Drinking liquids during meals does not give the proper load on the teeth, which is the reason for the weakening of the gums

How long after eating

can you drink?

In order for the drunk liquid to benefit the body and not harm the digestion process, it must fall into the already empty stomach. To do this, you need to know when it will be empty. This directly depends on the type and amount of food eaten, as well as on its heat treatment, since different foods are digested at different times. For clarity, here are the main types of food and the time of their digestion:

  • Raw fruits and vegetables - 30-40 minutes
  • Vegetable and fruit juice - 15 minutes

Protein food:

  • Egg - 45 minutes
  • Fish (not oily) - 30 minutes
  • Fish (more oily fish) - 45 - 60 minutes
  • Chicken - 1-2 hours
  • Lamb and beef - 3 hours
  • Pork - 5-6 hours

carbohydrate food(potatoes, cereals, mushrooms, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes) - 2-3 hours

If you really want to drink, and even an hour has not passed after eating, we recommend drinking in small sips, thoroughly mixing the liquid with saliva.

There are also adherents of the idea that you can drink after eating. They believe that water passes through the longitudinal folds of our stomach, and does not mix with gastric juice and food, and passes immediately to the duodenum, where it somehow bypasses the secreted juice. We do not undertake to refute this theory, but we sincerely advise you to wait at least an hour after eating.

Many people who stopped drinking during and after meals claim that it helped them shed pounds and also improved their well-being and general state organism.

Canwhether to drink water after eating?

Water is an indispensable, vital element of our body. To maintain health and beauty, doctors advise drinking 1 liter of water per 30 kg of body weight daily. It miraculously affects the entire body: it removes toxins, toxins, metabolic products and infections; reduces the risk of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract; and also has a beneficial effect on appearance by moisturizing our skin

Drinking 20-30 minutes before a meal, a glass of clean water helps to set the entire digestive system to work, speeds up metabolic processes, which improves and speeds up the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
But during meals and immediately after, as already described in detail above, it is not advisable to drink any liquid, including clean water. In this case, it dilutes the acid and enzymes that are secreted in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing their concentration, and as a result, the entire digestion process slows down and worsens, which ultimately causes various disorders and diseases. Also, water taken immediately after, or during a meal, accelerates the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the absorption of nutrients into the blood in various areas of the gastrointestinal tract, and also due to the fact that the food quickly leaves the stomach, the feeling of hunger soon comes again. In addition, if you drink water during a meal, then you risk stretching your stomach, because water also takes up space in it, and in the future you will need more servings to get enough, which leads to weight gain.
Water brings incredible benefits to the body if it enters an empty stomach, so after eating, you must wait a certain period of time, depending on the type and amount of food eaten. If you are already very thirsty, and sufficient time has not yet passed after eating (at least 1 hour), then it is advisable to drink water in small sips, carefully wetting it with saliva.

But in no case should you drink COLD WATER after, or during, a meal.

Even Soviet radiologists experimentally proved that such water reduces the necessary time for food to stay in the stomach to 20 minutes, cold water seems to “push” food out of it. This is the reason for the inevitable increase in body weight, due to the rapid onset of hunger, and, much worse, undigested (partially digested) food stagnates in the intestines, begins to rot and ferment, which leads to various disorders and diseases, moreover, in this environment harmful bacteria multiply, highly toxic compounds are released that poison the entire body.

HOT WATER drunk during or after a meal irritates the intestinal mucosa, which also adversely affects the very course of digestion.

Therefore, if you suddenly decide to drink water during or after a meal, let it be warm water of medium temperature: above 20 0 C, but below 40 0 ​​C.

Canwhether to drink tea immediately after a meal?

Ever since childhood, we have been accustomed to a standard complex lunch: first, second and tea (juice, compote, etc.), but is such a standard correct and useful? To find out, let's turn to Chinese and Indian tea ceremonies.

Since ancient times, in the true homeland of tea, the principle “not to drink tea before meals” was born, meaning right before a meal. This is all because the substances present in tea dilute saliva and thereby interfere with the initial digestion of food, which further negatively affects the entire process of digestion of food. Also, tea irritates the receptors responsible for taste and they do not convey the full taste of food, which seems insipid. Therefore, real experts on this issue advise drinking tea 20-30 minutes before meals.

They also have a principle “do not drink tea immediately after eating”, but wait at least 40 minutes. This allows the consumed food to be fully digested. This is due to the fact that tea contains tannins and a set of other substances that interact with food in a certain way, which prevents it from being absorbed by our body. In particular, this applies to protein foods, which are an essential building block of the body. Drinking tea immediately after a meal is also not advised due to the fact that tea, like any other liquid, also dilutes the juice of the stomach and pancreas, as already described, leads to a number of negative consequences.

Also, true connoisseurs do not advise drinking tea, both too cold (below 20 0 C) and too hot above (50 0 C), as it irritates the throat, esophagus and stomach.
The tea ceremony is an ancient custom that can be compared to a religious ceremony. This custom has long existed in Asian countries as a separate, independent ritual and has nothing to do with eating.