The benefits of essential oils for the human body. The benefits and harms of essential oils

As a direction of medicine in the twentieth century, the case helped. While working in the laboratory, French perfumer and chemist René Gattefossé severely burned his hand and dipped it in lavender essential oil standing right there. The wound healed quickly. This fact forced the chemist to take a closer look at essential oils.

The functions of aromatherapy go far beyond simply enjoying pleasant smells.

aromatherapy- a powerful tool in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, an inexhaustible source of good mood and cheerfulness. Used in aromatherapy, aromatic oils help people fight bad moods, stress, skin diseases, and even cellulite. It is a preventive, healing, completely natural way to maintain a good psycho-emotional and physical form, a therapy that allows you to remove and resolve daily stresses, prevent the development of ailments and give everyday life the beauty of aromas.

Aromatherapy is not a panacea or an alternative medicine, but an auxiliary, independent medical discipline, occupying a position on a par with herbal medicine, homeopathy, and other methods.

Essential oils pose minimal risk possible complications when applying them. In addition, being a highly concentrated phytopreparation, the consumption of essential oil is 4-5 times lower compared to the plant material itself, and the course of treatment is 5-6 times shorter than in herbal medicine. Essential oils are clear, colorless or colored liquids. Unlike vegetable oils, essential oils are volatile. Their density is usually less than 1. They are practically insoluble in water, but dissolve well in alcohol and other organic liquids, as well as in fats, waxes and other oils. These properties are used in various getter methods. essential oils. Some parts of plants from which essential oils are derived, especially flowers, tend to lose quality quickly and should be used as soon as possible after harvest. Other parts, including roots and seeds, are stored or transported for extraction, often to the Americas or Europe. The method of extraction used depends on the quality of the material used and the type of aromatic product obtained.

METHODS FOR OBTAINING ESSENTIAL OILS: distillation, pressing, EXTRACTION WITH SELECTIVE SOLVENTS, ENFLAIRAGE mass (pomade) oil is extracted with a solvent.For commercial purposes, enfleurage is no longer used, since this method takes a long time to obtain oil by this method, and it is the most expensive).

There are dangerous essential oils:

Oils that should not be used in aromatherapy at all. All of them are either drugs or poisons that can provoke a miscarriage, an epileptic seizure, or seriously damage the skin. Some of them can lead to a whole range of detrimental consequences at once.

  • Bitter almond (Primus amygdalis, var. amara)
  • Arnica (Arnica montana)
  • Boldo (Peumus boldus)
  • Calamus reed (calamus vulgaris)
  • Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
  • Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia)
  • Costus (Saussurea lappa)
  • Elecampane (Inula helenium)
  • Horseradish (Cochlearia armorica)
  • Wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris)
  • Mustard (Brassica nigra)
  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
  • Peppermint (Mentha pulegium)
  • Cedar pine (Pinus pumilio)
  • Rue (Ruta graveolens)
  • Sage (Salvia officinalis)
  • Savory garden (Satureia hortensis)
  • Savory mountain (Satureia montana)
  • Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
  • Thuja western (Thuja occidentals)

Oils to be used with care:

There are many oils that have valuable therapeutic properties, but can cause unwanted effects. With the exception of bergamot oil, which is perfectly safe as long as the skin treated with it is not exposed to sunlight, the general reader would be wiser to avoid these oils, leaving the right to treat them with a qualified aromatherapist.

Oils contraindicated in patients with epilepsy:

  • Sweet dill (Foeniculum vulgare)
  • Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)

Oils contraindicated for pregnant women:

  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
  • Birch (Betula alba, B. lenta, B. alleghaniensis)
  • Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)
  • Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
  • Geranium (Pelargonium asperum)
  • Jasmine (Jasminium officinale)
  • Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina)
  • Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
  • Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
  • Tarragon (Artemisia dranunculus)
  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Oils that can be poisoned:

Use these oils with caution and for no more than a few days.

  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
  • Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica)
  • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
  • Lemon (Citrus limonum)
  • Orange (Citrus aurantium)
  • Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Oils that irritate the skin:

Always dilute these oils to 1% before use.

  • Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus)
  • Carnation (Eugenia caryophyllus)
  • Lemon (Citrus limonum)
  • Orange (Citrus aurantium)
  • Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
  • Peppermint (Mentha piperata)
  • Oils that increase the photosensitivity of the skin:

Do not apply these oils to your skin before sun exposure:

  • Bergamot (Citrus beigamia)
  • Lemon (Citrus limonum)
  • Orange (Citrus aurantium).

How to find "your" essential oil?

The basic principle of aromatherapy is the principle of fragrance approval.. In other words, we like what our body and psyche need most of all at the moment. This is the basis for various diagnostic methods that are widely used in professional aromatherapy. For example, a person under stress will consider the most pleasant essential oil of fir, cedar, leuzea, bregamot, oregano, etc. So, what we like is what we need to use at the moment. You can’t just take a recipe from a book, it may not be yours at all - it doesn’t correspond to your mood, psychotype, body needs. Therapeutic effect only if you like the scent.

Our associations are very important, the memories of what events the aroma evokes in us. Oil can be very beneficial, but if the aroma is associated with something unpleasant, there will be no effect. On the other hand, a very unpleasant odor can help "shake up" a person who is in a state of deep apathy or depression. This can be compared with the action of ammonia, which helps to bring out of a semi-fainting state.

Oils must be of good, proven firms and of European quality, then there will be no unpleasant consequences. One small note - you need to drink about 2 liters of pure water on this day in order to remove the components of essential oils from the body.

So, you liked some smell.

What can you do with your favorite essential oil?

Here are some of the easiest ways:

  1. spraying aromatic oils indoors using a spray bottle. Method: 3-5 drops of essential oils on an emulsifier (vodka, wine, alcohol) - per 1 liter of water.
  2. aroma lamp a - 5-7 drops of essential oil per 20 sq. m of floor area. Note: Do not allow water to boil. (there are also various aroma sticks and candles)
  3. Massage- one of the most popular and pleasant methods of using essential oils. Technique: usually for professional aroma massage according to various methods, 7-8 drops of essential oils per 30 ml of base oil (grape seed) are required. For self-massage - 5-7 drops of oils. It is possible to apply pure oil (1-2 drops) with massaging movements on the area of ​​biologically active points (wrists, behind the ears, forehead, jugular fossa, temples).
  4. Bath. Methodology: Essential oils must be dissolved in an emulsifier (honey, milk, cream, yogurt or kefir, sea salt, wine, alcohol) before being added to water; on the surface of the water, the average dosage is 7-8 drops. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Requirements for the safe use of essential oils:

  • When using a new oil, always check the specific WARNINGS listed in the package inserts, especially the data on phototoxicity, skin irritation and sensitization.
  • When using essential oils, keep away from eyes (in case of contact, apply 1 drop of a base vegetable oil (for example, sweet almond oil).
  • Do not use essential oils internally - this is due to their high concentration and the potential for irritation or damage to the mucous membranes and especially the delicate gastric mucosa.
  • Do not apply undiluted to the skin, although there are exceptions to the rule (for example, lavender for burns).
  • During pregnancy, use oils at half the usual dosage. Pay attention to those of them that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • For use in children: use cautiously at an age-appropriate dose:

Up to 2 years - Use 1 drop of lavender, rose, chamomile or mandarin diluted in 1 teaspoon of base oil for massage or bath. 2-12 years - use half the adult dose.

  • Teenagers (over 12 years old) - use as for adults.
  • Oils should be stored in tightly closed dark glass bottles, away from light and heat, out of the reach of children. Since ethereal and vegetable oils are flammable liquids, their use must take place at a safe distance from open flames.
  • Before using a new essential oil, it must be tested for allergic reactions. To do this, apply a drop of oil on the inner surface of the wrist. Check for redness or skin irritation within 12 hours. In the absence of a skin reaction, the oil is safe to use.


Ar: aroma lamp,

Ap: local application,

Vn: bath,

Vl: hair care products,

Ying: inhalation,

km: oils and lotions for skin care,

Kp: compress,

MS: massage,

sp: douching,

TV: Eau de Toilette.

Aromatherapy is a perfectly pure, all-natural method of soothing or eliminating many ailments. Used in accordance with the recommendations of professionals, it will not only not hurt, but will be pleasant and useful when applied!

Enjoy the scents of nature!

Essential oils today are very popular and are used in the cosmetology field to improve the quality of the skin, for medicinal purposes and prevention. various diseases. In addition, they are actively used to aromatize rooms, baths, improve mental and physical health and emotional state (to invigorate, calm, relax, increase potency, etc.). There are many ways to use them, today we will discuss the most popular of them.

Properties of essential oils.
Essential oils should be understood as mixtures of volatile aromatic substances that are isolated from various parts of plants (roots, wood, resin, seeds, bark, fruits, leaves and flowers). It is important to note that the younger the plant, the more essential oils it contains. They are clear or slightly colored liquids with a characteristic aroma and concentrated taste, characterized by the ability to quickly volatilize. Today they are used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.

The properties of essential oils are directly dependent on the raw materials from which they are obtained. Their unique healing properties And positive impact on our body are known and used for a long time. I must say that, due to the presence in the composition of biologically active substances, almost all of them have a bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial and regenerating effect, have a positive effect on our nervous system, help preserve and restore the beauty of the skin and hair, and also restore the mechanism of self-regulation in the body. Some representatives of this group of oils help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, have a therapeutic effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on the psychophysical and emotional state of the body, activating blood circulation, relieving overstrain, eliminating discomfort, a sense of insecurity, increasing efficiency, etc. .

Each essential oil has its own unique properties and benefits. For example, chamomile, lemon, bergamot, and thyme oils have powerful antibacterial properties. Tone up and warm sage, cinnamon, nutmeg (used to massage biologically active points, which increases blood circulation and lymphatic drainage), and, on the contrary, mint and lavender cool. Oregano, frankincense, rose, fir and sandalwood are perfect for relaxation, while lemon balm and lemongrass are great stimulants. Rose, pine, as well as geranium, chamomile, myrrh and rosewood oils show powerful regenerating properties. It is these properties that are very effective when using oils in skin care. Just a few drops in homemade masks and creams, and their effectiveness will increase several times.

Among the unique properties of essential oils, one should highlight the ability to regulate the level of hormones in the body, which are responsible for maintaining and maintaining youth. Among them, one can note the oil of myrrh, sandalwood, jasmine, ylang-ylang, rose, neroli, patchouli, etc. The high efficiency of their use is due to the phytohormones contained in the oils, which have a structure similar to human hormones.

Some representatives of essential oils have a powerful antioxidant effect (juniper, rosewood, vetiver, myrrh, rose, etc.), they help restore the oxygen balance in our body, while eliminating the toxic effects of oxygen in its excess, thereby slowing down natural aging cells, enhancing tissue respiration and blood supply.

The uniqueness of essential oils is manifested in the fact that when they are used in each specific case, their healing and beneficial effect is directed precisely to the area that needs it most. That is why it is so important to choose the right essential oil in a particular case. Subject to this condition, a positive effect will appear fairly quickly.

Before using this or that type of essential oil, it is important to carefully read the instructions, paying attention to contraindications and its properties. For example, if the oil is a stimulant of vivacity and activity, then it is better not to use it at night, or, conversely, if it has a relaxing effect, do not use it during your hours of activity. It is also necessary to consider the effect of the aroma of the oil on your body. It happens that the skin from the use of this or that oil becomes magnificent, but at the same time its aroma worsens the condition and your well-being, or you simply cannot stand it.

Each essential oil has specific contraindications, so be sure to consider them before use. Pregnancy and epilepsy are considered absolute contraindications to their use (including for the skin), some types may be prohibited for people with hypertension, etc.

Some essential oils can be phototoxic and cause skin irritation and redness (especially citrus oils) when exposed to sunlight. That is why it is better to use such oils two hours before going out into the open sun, before tanning in a solarium and in the open sun.

The use of essential oils in cosmetology.
It is important to note that essential oils for the skin, as a rule, are prohibited for use in undiluted or pure form (with the exception of some representatives that are applied directly to problem areas), as they provoke severe irritation of the skin. Therefore, before use, they must be diluted in vegetable (base) oils. Basically, they enrich self-prepared creams and masks for the skin of the body and face, as well as hair. But it is not advisable to add them to store-bought cosmetics, because, according to some experts, due to the ability to penetrate deep into the skin tissues, the oil can “deliver” there all the harmful substances (chemistry) that are present in the finished product.

I note that after using essential oils on the skin, slight redness may occur, which quickly disappear. If redness is accompanied severe itching, discomfort and discomfort, which means that these types of oils are not suitable for you. Or such a reaction can be caused by the abuse of essential oils (overdose).

In skin care, essential oils have a wide spectrum of action. They are used for any type of skin in order to cleanse, rejuvenate, increase skin firmness and elasticity, to treat irritation, inflammation, redness, acne, post-acne, etc.

For example, in the care of oily and problem skin, oils of rosemary, camphor, grapefruit, bergamot, lemon balm, lemon, orange, tea tree, fir, clove, patchouli are recommended; for dry and sensitive skin - myrrh, blue chamomile, rose, jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood, orange; for any skin type - lemon, ylang-ylang, neroli, geranium, jasmine; for withering, aging, haggard, flabby and sluggish skin - orange, rose, patchouli, neroli, anise.

Myrtle, lemon, marjoram, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, rosemary, grapefruit are ideal for cleansing the skin and narrowing the pores. To relieve irritation, lavender, blue chamomile, jasmine, patchouli, geranium are excellent. If you want to saturate the skin with vitamins and give it a tone, effectively use the oil of verbena, orange, spruce, rosewood.

Essential oils such as: neroli, verbena, sandalwood, bigardia, ylang-ylang, orange, jasmine, incense, rose have a rejuvenating effect. Myrrh, sandalwood, patchouli, rose, fennel, neroli have a tightening effect (lifting).

To restore or regenerate the skin, it is effective to use the oil of geranium, ylang-ylang, rose, lavender, myrrh, chamomile, clove, jasmine.

Limetta, rose, mint, neroli, verbena oil will help restore the skin to a healthy and fresh complexion, give a natural glow.

You can eliminate swelling with the help of lemon oil, limette, myrrh, juniper, chamomile, pine, and cajuput, geranium, orange, lemon, juniper will help relieve inflammation.

To combat rosacea, it is effective to use neroli, myrtle, cypress oil.

For treatment various kinds dermatitis juniper, geranium, rose, lavender are used. For the treatment of cracks and seizures in the corners of the mouth, jasmine, lemon balm, and citrus oils are recommended.

I will describe the action of several of the most popular representatives of essential oils that are used in facial skin care.

Essential oils for facial skin.

Tea tree oil.
Strong antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory properties provide high efficiency in the treatment of acne, as well as any purulent skin rashes.

Fir oil.
Due to its high antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and smoothing properties, it is recommended for excessive oily skin, pustular skin lesions, as well as in the care of fading and aging skin.

Camphor oil.
Eliminates acne, regulates the process of secretion by the sebaceous glands, eliminates excessive sweating of the skin of the face. Can be used for brightening purposes (pigment spots, freckles).

Lemon oil.
It has a rejuvenating effect, slows down the processes of withering and aging of the skin. In addition, it has the ability to regulate the production of sebum, contributes to the narrowing and cleansing of pores. In addition, it has a brightening effect.

Orange oil.
Normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory and whitening effect.

Rose oil.
Accelerates tissue regeneration, recommended for mature and aging skin, smoothes wrinkles, has a lifting effect, significantly increasing skin firmness and elasticity. Also recommended for use in the care of the skin around the eyes.

Rosemary oil.
Recommended for oily skin with blackheads and comedones. It has the ability to smooth the surface of the skin, eliminates scars, spots and other consequences after acne.

Ylang Ylang Oil.
It has the ability to regulate the function of the sebaceous glands, perfectly tightens pores, fights acne, and also has a moisturizing, soothing, softening and rejuvenating effect.

Clove oil.
Especially useful for acne and purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. It also has high regenerative abilities, can be used to tone aging skin.

Patchouli oil.
It has moisturizing, tonic and regenerating properties, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands, perfectly tightens pores. It is recommended to eliminate the effects of acne and acne.

Lavender oil.
Relieves irritation, fights acne and purulent rashes. It has high healing and regenerating abilities, therefore it is recommended for burns, cuts and other damage to the skin.

Cinnamon oil.
It is effective for pale skin, improves complexion, gives a positive result in the treatment of dermatosis and fungal skin lesions, in addition, treats scabies, warts, eliminates bruises and insect bites.

Eucalyptus oil.
It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, bactericidal action. Is an effective tool fight against acne, boils, herpes and other inflammations on the skin, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands. With regular use, it can have a brightening effect.

Mint oil.
Recommended for various skin inflammations, regulates the production of sebum, tightens pores, improves complexion. It can also be used to treat acne, rosacea, skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.

Bergamot oil.
Regulates the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, promotes narrowing of pores, fights acne, blackheads and other pyoinflammatory rashes. In addition, it has a tonic and whitening effect.

Neroli oil.
Tones, refreshes, rejuvenates the skin, improves complexion, improves skin firmness and elasticity, has a calming effect, relieves inflammation and fights acne and herpetic eruptions.

Geranium oil.
It is very useful for the skin, and can be used for any type of it. It has soothing, moisturizing, softening properties, eliminates peeling, has a rejuvenating and tonic effect, controls the secretion of sebaceous glands, fights acne, and also heals the skin in the presence of skin diseases.

Sandalwood oil.
Provides soothing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action making it effective against acne and pimples.

Grapefruit oil.
A good tonic for aging skin, tightens pores, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands, prevents the appearance of black spots. Due to its high moisturizing properties, the oil perfectly fights dryness and aging of the skin.

Juniper oil.
Able to get rid of excess sebum, perfectly cleanses the skin, tones it, fights acne. In addition, it has anti-aging properties, improves blood circulation in tissues, stimulates the elimination of toxins, and accelerates healing from many skin diseases.

Chamomile blue oil.
It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, relieving inflammation and irritation, itching and allergic reactions. In addition, it is effective for pustular skin lesions, rosacea, herpes, and has a rejuvenating property.

anise oil.
It has the ability to normalize the water-fat balance of the skin, increases the level of its hydration, tones, improves firmness and elasticity.

Jasmine oil.
It has high moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Recommended for dry, dehydrated skin, oily skin with inflammation and irritation, as well as for aging skin.

Fennel oil.
Restores the level of moisture in the skin of any type, effectively cleanses the pores, gives tone. It is also recommended for the treatment of teenage acne. In addition, it is recommended as an effective anti-aging and regenerating agent.

Myrrh oil.
Effectively fights acne, bedsores, wounds, abscesses and other skin lesions, due to high anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal and antibacterial properties. In addition, it effectively fights the signs of aging, providing a rejuvenating effect.

Cypress oil.
Ideal for any skin type. Moisturizes the skin, gives tone, improves firmness and elasticity, slows down the aging process, smoothes wrinkles. In addition, it is recommended for rosacea.

Lemongrass oil.
It reduces and significantly narrows enlarged pores, cleanses the skin, tones it, and thanks to its bactericidal and antiseptic qualities, the oil is excellent for acne and purulent-inflammatory processes occurring in the skin.

Frankincense oil.
It has soothing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, fights acne, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands, tones the skin, has a rejuvenating effect, increasing skin firmness and elasticity.

Essential oils in the preparation of home cosmetics (creams, masks, ointments, etc.).
Essential oils can be added to homemade creams and masks for the face, hands, body, they can be used to create effective moisturizers, skin soothing products, etc. It is not recommended to add to ready-made products, as mentioned earlier, with the exception of mineral and organic-based products, as well as the mandatory absence of lanolin in the composition.

Essential oils for hair.
Due to their high regenerative, moisturizing, antibacterial properties, essential oils are good remedies for treating hair, scalp diseases, as well as for their prevention. They are suitable for use on almost all types of hair, have the ability to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, fight dandruff and other diseases.

The following essential oils are suitable for normal hair type: tea tree, bergamot, ylang-ylang, geranium, cypress, lavender, cedar tree, carrot seed, lemon, neroli, orange, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, juniper, chamomile, rose, sage nutmeg.

For oily hair recommended: sage, basil, verbena, burdock, clove, geranium, juniper, rose, ginger, lavender, pine, ylang-ylang, calendula, cedar tree, cypress, lemon, orange, lemon balm, peppermint, rosemary, chamomile, bergamot, thyme, tea tree, eucalyptus.

For dry hair, it is better to use these oils: ylang-ylang, geranium, chamomile, orange, jasmine, cedar wood, lavender, frankincense, tangerine, myrrh, rosemary, rose, sandalwood, clary sage.

You can enrich the shampoo with essential oils (five drops or five different oils in one drop are enough for a single use). It is also useful to comb the hair with the addition of oils on a brush, preferably from natural bristles. This procedure deeply nourishes the hair, strengthens the roots, fights hair loss, and also gives a pleasant aroma. Before using any essential oil, it is important to test it to see if you have an intolerance to it.

Essential oils can be added to homemade hair masks. A few drops of the essential component to two tablespoons of a vegetable base or base (this can be olive, sunflower, almond, peach, coconut, and wheat germ oil).

Massage with essential oils.
Massage is good for our body. The addition of essential oils to massage mixtures improves the penetration of beneficial substances into skin cells at a deep level. On a tablespoon of any base oil, five drops of essential oil. A larger amount of the essential component does not indicate the benefits of the mixture or an increase in its effectiveness. In addition, an increase in the amount of essential oil can lead to unwanted side effects and allergic reactions. When compiling massage mixtures and choosing an ethereal component for this, it is important to take into account the physical and emotional state.

Baths with essential oils.
Aroma baths are good for skin and psycho-emotional health. It is quite easy to use them for this purpose: after the bath is filled with warm water, drop an essential oil suitable for you in this situation (four to eight drops) and mix thoroughly. The oil can be pre-mixed with sea salt, bath foam or cream, which will improve the dissolution of oils in water. The duration of the first procedure is no more than five minutes, in the future this time must be increased to half an hour. Remember not to pour the oil into hot water or when the bath is not yet full, as all the benefits of the oil will evaporate along with the steam. The bathroom, namely the door, must be tightly closed so that the aroma is preserved and has the desired effect. Such baths not only improve well-being, but also transform the skin. This is due to the fact that due to the high penetrating ability, essential oils quickly enter the lymphatic system, and then they begin to spread and wash everything internal organs, exerting its positive effect.

Inhalations with essential oils.
With their help, inflammatory and congestive reactions are effectively eliminated. Aromas, acting and massaging the points in the nose, contribute to the emergence of impulses that are projected to some parts of the brain, and also have a positive effect on the respiratory system. Inhalations are carried out as follows: drop a few drops of the selected oil onto the tissue. Inhale with closed eyes for three minutes. For the procedure, it is effective to use a special inhaler.

You can also pour warm water into a special "aroma" (aroma burner) and add a few drops of oil (1-10 drops), then light a candle. Slow heating of water contributes to the gradual saturation of the air with aroma. The procedure should be carried out with tightly closed windows and doors.

Compresses with essential oils.
For treatment, in order to achieve anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antispasmodic and analgesic effects, compresses with essential oils are used. In warm water 300-400 ml, add the essential oil necessary in this case (five drops), moisten a cotton napkin in the mixture, wring it out a little and apply it to the projection area of ​​the diseased organ. Fasten on top. The duration of this procedure is from five to forty minutes.

As a preventive measure for diseases of a viral nature, it is recommended to aromatize the room with a mixture of eucalyptus (one drop), lavender (two drops), mint (one drop).

Application essential oils in aromatherapy and skin care has been known since very ancient times, use of essential oils found in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs, the ancient Greeks and Romans. Already used then essential oils for weight loss. Also widely used essential oils for hair. The most beautiful women of that time could not do without essential oils for hair and essential oils for face. If you select essential oils for weight loss, essential oils for hair, essential oils for skin, essential oils for face correctly, then their effect will affect not only the appearance, but also health, sexual life and condition nervous system. That is why the use of essential oils and aromatherapy with essential oils is often called aroma magic.

Essential oils for hair and essential oils for skin are extracted from different parts of plants, and these processes are extremely complex. It is important to preserve all the beneficial properties of plants so that their healing power helps to maintain health and beauty. In particular, tea tree essential oil, orange essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender essential oil, ylang-ylang essential oil are produced.

Can essential oils for hair essential oils for skin And essential oils for weight loss be as effective as salon beauty treatments? In some cases they may. After all, not without reason tea tree essential oil, orange essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender essential oil And ylang ylang essential oil used as active components when creating professional cosmetics.

Now let's talk about which essential oils are suitable for different parts of the body. Experts consider bergamot, sage, sandalwood, lavender, thyme and ylang ylang (normal hair), cedarwood, chamomile, geranium, ylang ylang essential oils to be excellent essential oils for hair. lavender essential oils, orange and rose essential oils (dry hair and scalp), burdock basil, marigold, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils (oily skin), as well as cypress, juniper, lemon essential oil, ylang-ylang essential oils, marjoram and peppermint (sensitive skin).

The use of essential oils for weight loss has been successfully used for a long time. They normalize metabolism and act as diuretics. Essential oils made on the basis of juniper and cypress do an excellent job with these duties. For 12 drops of juniper oil, 13 drops of cypress and 50 ml of jojoba are added. This mixture should be used during the massage, and it is enough to add 5-6 drops to the bath. It helps to lose weight and the use of sweet orange essential oil, which must be rubbed into the skin.

If we talk about the best essential oils for face and essential oils for skin, then it is worth mentioning orange, ylang-ylang essential oil, lavender essential oil, cardamom and rosemary essential oil, tea tree essential oil. Here is a recipe for an excellent mask that softens and tones the skin. Five drops of essential oil with cardamom, a teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of milk or cream (the latter for dry skin), half a teaspoon of salt. Apply essential oil to cleansed face and wash off after 5 minutes.

Treatment with essential oils is also popular. Rosemary essential oil, lemon essential oil, tea tree essential oil are suitable for treatment with essential oils. They are usually added by inhalation. Oriental medicine makes extensive use of essential oil treatment. Also, essential oils of rose, sandalwood, myrrh, juniper, chamomile, mint, rosemary and other essential oils are used for treatment with essential oils.

The use of essential oils is also found in the massage room. Tea tree essential oil, lemon essential oil can be added to massage oil blends. Essential oils are indispensable for aromatherapy.

Tea tree essential oil helps with coughs, colds, food poisoning. Also, tea tree essential oil is effective for fungal skin lesions. And especially tea tree essential oil is effective for fungal infections of the nails.

Lemon essential oil is considered to increase arterial pressure. In addition, lemon essential oil is indispensable for diseases. respiratory system. And finally, lemon essential oil relieves headaches, migraines, if essential oils are used when aromatizing rooms.

Very helpful and important properties of essential oils their ability to help with women's problems is considered. In case of violation menstrual cycle it is worth trying sitz baths with essential oils of cinnamon, juniper, chamomile, basil, wormwood.

Do you have problems with your teeth and oral cavity in general? This is where essential oils can help. From bad breath will help essential oils of lemon, mint, cinnamon.

Essential oils of chamomile, patchouli, juniper are considered excellent means from allergies. Essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, cedar and rosemary disinfect the room. Other useful properties of essential oils: essential oils of lemon, mint, rosemary, lavender save from nausea.

Essential oils can be used both in cleansing the body of toxins and in neutralizing certain types of poisons.

The beneficial properties of essential oils of thyme, lemon, chamomile and bergamot are in the antibacterial effect. And the beneficial properties of essential oils of oregano and sandalwood are to relax the nervous system of the body.

Whatever essential oil you choose, sooner or later it will benefit you - proven by many generations!

Benefits and harms of essential oils. We all know that essential oils are beneficial. We also heard about how they positively affect our body.

There are many ways to use oils. For example, taking them inside the body. Also, essential oils are used as an additive in various balms, tinctures. They can also be used during massage.

Essential oils have many beneficial properties. But it is worth remembering that only the compositional use of oils from esters is beneficial.

This means that there is an alternation different types oils. This is done so that the body does not develop a habit of one type of oil.

What are the specific benefits of essential oils??

1. They increase concentration and brain performance.

2. They also perfectly relax and relieve tension after a working day.

3. Also useful are oils that remove carcinogens, slow down the aging of the body due to the presence of antioxidants in their composition.

4. Among other things, they also are immunomodulators.

5. A lot of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances in oils will quickly and efficiently be absorbed by your body.

6. A special place in alternative medicine is occupied by aromatherapy, which arose a very long time ago, thanks to a French scientist.

Essential oils are used as phytovegetative regulators and help cure many diseases.

7. anise oil gives the skin elasticity and stimulates the appetite.

8. Bergamotov acne can be treated, which is why it is very popular among teenagers. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also used in stressful situations.

9. Oil with an unusual name Ylang Ylang stimulates sexual desire and helps prevent skin aging by regenerating cells.

10. Good effect on the functioning of the respiratory tract mint oil, and also it is a good pain reliever, also stimulating the brain.

11. Tea tree oil kills germs and bacteria. At the same time, it is very useful for the treatment of fungus and is well tolerated by children.

12.These funds have found themselves in cosmetology. Especially popular are almond oil, jojoba extract, as well as apricot and peach kernels. Oil from sesame, grapefruit, and also avocado is considered popular in use.

13. The use of such oils for hair gives an amazing effect. You can read about the methods of application and specific types of oils in the article "Essential oils for hair: methods of application"

It all sounds very nice, but every medal has two sides. After all, the inability to use essential oils, as well as their use in inappropriate situations, can cause a negative and often irreversible process.

1) There are a number of oils that can lead to unwanted reactions in people with any pathologies.

For example, thuja, birch and sage oils can cause various allergic reactions in any person who is intolerant to the components contained in these oils.

2) Oils such as calamus and sassafras, which contain carcinogens and can also be very harmful to health, should be used only as directed by a doctor.

3) From lemon oil and oregano on the face, severe irritation can occur on the skin of the face, so it is not recommended to use such oils for people with sensitive or too delicate skin.

4) There are a number of contraindications in which the use of certain oils is prohibited, otherwise such negligence can lead to terrible consequences. Pine and fir oils are contraindicated for people with problems of the cardiovascular system.

But with “proper” use, many oils have a positive effect on ongoing pregnancy. They relieve tension, and also help the expectant mother get rid of swelling and sprains.

6) It is undesirable to use essential oils in their pure form, otherwise you can get burned. Before using the ether, it should be diluted, well, or the skin should be treated with ordinary oil. After all, safety measures should be above all!

7) In case of severe kidney disease, do not abuse juniper and pine oils.

8) A complete rejection of oils is mandatory for people with diseases thyroid gland or at elevated body temperature in case of illness.

9) In the case of taking drugs containing iodine and iron, you should not take lavender oil, otherwise, due to chemical interactions, a lethal outcome is also possible.

One way or another, essential oils are useful if you handle them correctly or if you take them according to the prescription of your doctor. With skillful use, they will bring you only useful properties and help you cope with many diseases.

Do not neglect your health, and after many years your body will thank you!

Plant essential oil has improved our daily life in many ways. It is used in aromatherapy, dietology, cosmetology.

Oils help a person to restore emotional, spiritual, physical well-being. Their benefits are undeniable.

How do you get this amazing product? By resin blowing, steam distillation, cold pressing from plant essential oils. Useful properties make it possible to alleviate many diseases, solve certain problems, these are just some of the numerous list.

  • Improving the condition of the skin.

  • Stimulation of cell renewal, acceleration of regeneration. This contributes to the rapid healing of cuts, bruises, wounds, burns.

  • Relief of pain.

  • Some essential oils tend to balance the nervous state, cheer up.
  • Relaxing and anti-stress effect.

  • Fight against infections, bacteria, pathogens.
  • Multipurpose oils are used as household cleaners.

  • Some essential oils can kill pests (worms, slugs, etc.)

  • Scrubs for exfoliating dead cells work better with the addition of essential oil.
  • Used in teas that are beneficial to health.

Below are the most full list useful properties essential oils. Where, in what cases is this or that remedy used? When is oil beneficial?

Reduces back and neck pain

Use essential oils of peppermint, ginger, cypress. Can be combined with coconut oil, the penetration effect will be stronger.

Apply the mixture while massaging the problem area, then rinse with warm water.

Cold and flu

To alleviate the condition, take frankincense and oregano oils. Inhale their vapors several times a day until you feel relief.


Rub lavender essential oil in your palms and inhale its scent until your allergy symptoms subside.


In this case, oils of lemon, orange, ginger will help. Every time you feel morning sickness, hold a handkerchief to your nose with a few drops of essential oils on it.


To maintain immunity in the morning or evening before going to bed, rub a useful composition on the soles of your feet: a few drops of oregano should be mixed with olive or coconut oil.

Muscle Lotion

Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to your winter cream. Use it every time to warm up your muscles.

For weight loss

A mixture of grapefruit and ginger oils help reduce appetite. Use daily as an additive to drinks.

Poison ivy burn

The condition will help relieve peppermint oil. Apply the product to the affected area of ​​the skin.

For sunburn

Apply chamomile oil to your skin as an exfoliating treatment if you've been exposed to the sun.

Herpes on the lips

For itchy, blistering lips, use tea tree oil. It has antiseptic properties, relieves inflammation, relieves pain.


Relieve PMS symptoms

On a towel, apply a few drops of different essential oils and apply it directly to your stomach. It is recommended to use sage, basil, rosemary.

Menstrual pain in the abdomen

Use the above method, but use different oils. Suitable in this case, peppermint, ylang-ylang, lavender. You can simply rub a few drops into the place where pain the most acute.


Mix three drops of tea tree oil with five drops of coconut oil. Rub into the affected area of ​​the skin.

chronic arthritis

Essential oils can help relieve arthritis pain. Rub them into the affected area, the inflammation subsides much faster.

Cravings for food

Cinnamon oil will help reduce it. Breathe in her scent. It also lowers blood glucose levels.

Improving blood circulation and lymph flow

Add 10-15 drops of grapefruit or eucalyptus to a hot bath.

Eczema or psoriasis

Mix lavender oil and shea butter and lubricate the affected areas several times a day.


Peppermint oil and lavender oil will help reduce body temperature and relieve fever. Apply it on a warm cloth and lubricate the skin on the forehead, wrists, feet.


Ginger oil is a great helper for those who are going on a trip and are afraid of pitching. Simply apply it to your wrist, handkerchief or sleeve and inhale when you feel nauseated.

Intense workout

Peppermint oil helps not to feel tired. Breathe in its scent before exercising.

hangover syndrome

In this case, a bath with a few drops of rosemary, cedar and juniper will help. Your body will start functioning normally again.

Improves concentration

Breathe in bergamot, grapefruit, peppermint throughout the day. This will help you focus better.

Sore feet

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your foot bath. It relaxes, relieves stress.

Pain from bruises

Essential oils are great for helping with bruising pain. Rub them on the affected areas until relief comes.


Inhale the vapors of peppermint, eucalyptus.


To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, always keep fennel and ginger oils on hand.

Insect bites

Lavender oil perfectly relieves itching, redness. Use it for insect bites.


Aloe vera with lavender oil helps to alleviate the condition. Apply the mixture to the affected area.

For bone fractures


Eucalyptus oil is used for inhalation. Vapors can clear the respiratory passages.


Rub a few drops of lavender and peppermint oil into your whiskey. Massage for a few minutes. The pain will disappear.

homemade toothpaste

Make a mixture of peppermint oil, baking soda, sea salt and xylitol. Clean your teeth with this product.


For nausea, inhale the vapors of peppermint, ginger, and lavender oils.

cracked heels

Rub the mixture of lavender oil with coconut oil on problem areas in the morning and evening before bed. The product perfectly softens rough skin.

Oily hair mask

Apply this mask before taking a shower for 10-15 minutes. It contains rosemary, lime and ylang-ylang oils.

Lightening pigmentation

Frankincense oil will help lighten brown spots on the skin. It can be applied to any area of ​​the skin.

Skin tonic

Geranium, water and lavender can perfectly tone the skin. Apply this tonic daily before using your cream.

Skin scrub

Combine cornmeal, patchouli oil, lavender oil and yogurt. Use as a scrub.

Stretch Mark Removal

Eliminate stretch marks on the body will help oils of the world, grapefruit. Rub them into problem areas.

From dandruff

Massage rosemary and lavender oils into your scalp. They will help improve blood flow in the skin and deal with dandruff.

Hair conditioner

Use 10 drops of rosewood oil, 3 drops of sandalwood and lavender. Apply the product to your hair for 20 minutes. You can leave the product overnight, while wrapping your hair with a shower cap.

Teeth whitener

Helps whiten the enamel mixture of strawberries and lemon oil.

From wrinkles

Add a few drops of geranium, lavender, and sandalwood oils to your cream. Apply to problem areas of the skin.

For nails

Use regularly for nails oil of the world, lemon. This will help keep them healthy.

Thick hair

Add a few drops of rosemary oil to your shampoo for thicker hair and more volume.