Decoding in the palm of your hand. How to guess the future by hand

How to guess by hand? This question interests many of our readers. We have prepared for you a simple step-by-step guide for beginners. Palmistry, and, as the people say, reading or divination by hand is an exciting creative activity, but it requires the necessary preparation and education.

The human hand is unique and unrepeatable. It has about 200 lines, grooves, dashes, circles, most of which influence our life and destiny. If you decide to master palmistry or divination by hand, then our article will be useful to read and teach you how to read by hand.

What questions can the palm for divination answer?

By looking at a person’s hand, you can find answers to many questions:

  • determine the character and temperament;
  • understand how a person is inclined to communicate;
  • in what area can build a career;
  • how often will he change jobs;
  • how will his personal and family life develop;
  • how his health will proceed throughout his life, whether serious injuries await him;
  • whether he is capable of divination, divination or healing;
  • whether a person is subject to stress and psychological influence from the outside;
  • he is a materialist or an incorrigible romantic.

How to guess by hand - Choose a hand for fortune telling

Among experienced palmists there is a practice of divination by the active hand. That is, for a right-hander it is right hand, left-handed - left. But, you can predict fate on both hands.

The right hand answers for the present, for actions that somehow affect our future.

The lines of the left hand will tell about the past of a person, about what happened and what is destined for him by fate.

Therefore, the choice of a hand does not depend on its activity, but on the answers to which questions you need to find.

In addition, there is an opinion that women left hand is responsible for what you were born with, the right one - what you have acquired during your life (life experience). For men, the opposite is true.

Basic lines for divination by hand

On each palm, four main lines of fate can be found:

  1. Heart line.
  2. Mind line.
  3. Life line.
  4. Line of fate (not found in everyone).

How to guess by hand:

heart line

heart line crosses the palm horizontally and runs from the little finger to the index finger. She is responsible for heart affairs, feelings, love, novels. You can interpret it when divining by hand, depending on the length and location in the palm of your hand:

The heart line starts below the index finger

Means: everything suits you in life.

The heart line starts under the middle finger

Means: you are selfish in relationships.

Heart line starts under the ring finger

Means: you are in love.

Short and straight heart line

Means: you are not romantically inclined.

The line of the heart intersects with the line of life

Means: you are easy to offend, break your heart.

Long, well-visible line of the heart, passing through the entire palm

Means: you are an extremely emotional person.

The line of the heart runs parallel to the line of the mind.

Means: you think soberly, feelings are calm.

Wavy heart line

Means: in your life there are a lot of not serious novels and relationships.

Island located on the line of the heart

Means: you are depressed, often sad.

broken heart line

Means: emotional trauma awaits you.

Many small strokes on the line of the heart

Means: you are unfaithful to your partner, betrayal is possible.

How to guess by hand:

Mind line (head line)

mind line is responsible for the mind, shows a propensity for learning, communication and a thirst for knowledge. It runs horizontally from the index finger to the outer edge of the palm. What will tell us the line of the mind.
Short line - you like physical labor, weeks of thought process.

Short line mind

Means: you like physical labor, weeks of thought process.

head line going down to the wrist

Means: you are creative.

The line of the mind, located at a considerable distance from the line of life

Means: you crave adventure.

Wavy, zigzag headline

Means: you are a creative person.

Long and deep line of mind

Means: you like to think, weigh, analyze events.

straight head line

Means: you treat life realistically, do not build castles in the air.

Islands and strokes on the line of the mind

Means: you are prone to emotional crises.

broken head line

Means: your thinking is not consistent.

The line of the mind, dotted with crosses

Means: life-changing decisions are possible.

How to guess by hand:

life line

life line located on the palm in a vertical semicircle, framing the pillow thumb. It must be read from the top to the wrist.

Life line starting from the thumb

Means: you are prone to frequent fatigue.

deep life line

Means: you do not miss opportunities and know the value of life.

long line of life

Means: you have vitality.

Short, faintly visible life line

Means: you don't know ambition.

A distinct curve in the line of life framing the ball of the thumb

Means: you are a man of iron willpower.

Straight (not curved) life line

Means: you are careful in dealing with people.

Multiple life lines

Means: you have high vitality.

broken life line

Means: there have been sudden changes in your life.

Circles or curls on the life line

Means: you were seriously injured, went to the hospital.

How to guess by hand:

fate line

The line of fate shows how dependent you are on external circumstances. It runs vertically across the palm from the middle finger to the middle of the wrist. The line of fate is read from the bottom up. If the line of fate forks at the end, this is a good sign.

A clear, even and deep line of fate

Means: you are a careerist.

Many branches from the line of fate

Means:You are subject to frequent job changes.

The line of fate connects with the line of life at the beginning

Means:you have family support.

The line of fate connects with the line of life in the middle

Means: you will have to sacrifice your interests.

The line of fate crossing the line of life

Means: You have a lot of support from friends and family.

Let's summarize how to guess by hand:

With the help of the main lines on the hand, you can learn a lot about the character, temperament, inclinations of a person, see how his past life went and what awaits him in the future.

Additional lines on the arm

Additional lines along which you can guess by hand include:

line of intuition

If this line on the hand intersects or is directed towards the line of fate, the person has the ability to divination. If she aspires to the line of the mind - to cure the sick.

Line of affection

It is located on the edge of the palm. By the number of these lines, you can determine how many times a person will marry.

travel line

Located on the edge of the palm. Her presence suggests that a person is inclined to travel and learn something new, to open up unknown horizons.

money line

Crosses the palm vertically from the line of life to any of the five hills. The aspiring line to the hill of Jupiter speaks of career growth, to the hill of Saturn - means hard physical labor, to the hill of Mercury - mental intellectual activity.

health line

It starts at the line of life and rushes to the base of the little finger. The length of the life line directly indicates the number of life years of a person. Its intermittency means frequent illnesses, visits to medical institutions, surgical interventions in the body, anesthesia. The absence of this line on the hand indicates that a person does not care about spiritual benefits, he is rather a materialist.

Lines of children

Located under the little finger. Their number indicates the number of children. A weakly expressed, barely noticeable line of children may indicate an abortion or miscarriage.

mystical cross

Located between the line of the mind and the line of the heart. Its presence on the hand of a person speaks of his inclinations towards the mystical and the unknown. The owners of the mystical cross often become psychics, soothsayers, psychologists, hypnotists and psychiatrists.

hand type

To determine the type of hand, we turn to the natural elements. The palm is measured vertically from the wrist to the base (beginning) of the fingers.

Earth- a wide, almost square palm with rough dark skin.

So, people with an earthy palm are stubborn, have strong convictions. They are practical, look for material meaning in everything, respect physical labor, and are rarely engaged in intellectual work.

Fire- rectangular palm with pink skin. The length of the palm is longer than the length of the fingers.

The fiery palm speaks of spontaneity and optimism. The owner of such a palm is impulsive, selfish, often relies on instincts.

Air- a square or rectangular palm with a low thumb and dry skin.

The air palm indicates a sociable and witty person. He is able to become a leader in any company, but at the same time, he can be petty and irritable in communication.

Water- a long oval palm of pale color with long flexible fingers.

The element of water symbolizes creative and insightful people. They are subject to frequent mood swings, often capricious. The water palm betrays melancholic and eccentric people.

palm hills

The raised areas on the palm are called palmar hillocks or tubercles. By them, as by the lines and type of the palm, one can easily characterize a person and guess by the hand.

There are five hills:

Hill of Venus.

He speaks of promiscuity and a thirst for the satisfaction of his desires. His absence symbolizes
lack of interest in family life.

Hill of Jupiter

The bulge of this hill indicates aggression and the manifestation of dominance in a relationship.
Smoothness is the lack of confidence.

Mount of Saturn

The owners of the convex hill of Saturn are stubborn and prone to depression. The absence of a hill indicates a frivolous person, superficially looking at life.

Hill of the Sun

The developed hill of the Sun symbolizes a quick-tempered and proud person. mild hill
indicates a weak imagination, lack of a creative streak.

Hill of Mercury

A person with a convex hill of Mercury loves to talk, he should not be trusted with his secrets. So
smoothed hill - shy and modest.

In addition, hand size can tell a lot about a person. Owners of small hands do not think about their actions and consequences. They tend to be impulsive. Large hands belong to people who are slow, prone to contemplation.

A man with long fingers is concerned about his appearance, has good manners. Professionally, people with long fingers often pursue careers in medicine, teaching, painting, or music. Short fingers indicate a person who is impatient and creative. Such people often become office workers, salespeople, middle managers.

Having mastered this material, you can guess by the hand of any person. Start by studying your own palms, and then move on to practice and invite your family and friends to tell fortunes. By becoming a professional palmist, you will acquire clients and be able to predict the future just by looking at the palm of your hand.

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The lines on the hand and their meaning are the main subjects of study of palmistry - the esoteric science of deciphering the future and the present with the help of knowledge about the secrets of each mark in the palm of your hand. Every person has such lines, albeit not in a complete set.

In the article:

Basic signs in the palm of your hand

Classical palmistry uses seven major and minor signs on the hands. There are collections for beginners that will teach anyone to distinguish features and not make mistakes in predictions, and explain the basic concepts of palmistry.

First - you need to decide which hand to work with. active hand lines talk about qualities or meanings that have changed in a person's life. On the passive (left hand of the right-hander) dashes are marked showing what is given to a person from birth. Changes are for the better and for the worse: people do not work on mistakes, exacerbate their impact. Comparative analysis both hands will show more than separate divination for the left and right.

There are three options for divination by hand. You can define the values ​​of all dashes. It's easier to do the same with the basic seven characters. An abbreviated version - deciphering the four marks (analysis of the line heart, life, mind And fate). The latter is not for everyone. A simple version of divination on the hand takes a few minutes.

The meaning of the main lines on the hand

The meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand will help you learn about a person with the help of an interpreter.

Top horizontal. It can start between the index and middle fingers or below. Marks are rarely straight, so the term "horizontal" is relative. The first thing the line says is the state of the heart. Having deciphered the meaning, a person learns about the corresponding diseases, emotional state. The trait expresses the ability to love and experience other feelings. The line of the heart indicates character traits, creative inclinations and other interesting skills.

Where is the life line? This is the feature that separates the thumb from the rest. The people believe that this is the period that a person is destined to live, but the line of life speaks of energy, its supply and ability to be renewed. Long and pronounced prophesies longevity. Based on the interpretation of the line, you can find out what to do - look for sources of replenishment of energy or enjoy frugality. The label also indicates prosperity.

Or the sign of the head is closer to the middle of the palm. It is located horizontally, sometimes parallel to the line of the heart. Shows the physical state of the brain, indicates related diseases. Determines the level of consciousness. With the help of interpretation, you can find out how a person thinks. The trait does not reflect intellectual abilities, but you can learn about willpower and talents.

Not everyone has a line of fate. The line is located vertically, starts at the base of the palm and runs through the center to the ring or middle finger. Often framed not to the end: it reaches the middle of the palm or lower. The line of fate speaks of a person's calling, life path. It has a wide meaning - predicts the future, contains the secrets of human life.

Using the decoding of the signs on the hand, palmistry will reveal secrets and show the way in a difficult situation. The interpretation of four lines is enough to obtain a short (and sometimes detailed) prediction. If you want to get an accurate and detailed forecast, you need to identify and decipher all seven lines in the palm of your hand.

The belt of Venus or the ring of Venus is an important feature for fortune telling to a potential partner. Indicates debauchery and love for the attention of the opposite sex, speaks of capriciousness and exactingness when choosing a life partner. The belt of Venus is a sign that indicates the impossibility of creating a family and strong relationships in principle. The line extends from the index finger to the ring or little finger.

If it is not on the hand, this is a good sign that speaks of good health. The trait is opposed to the line of life: indicates the weaknesses of the physical condition, weakened immunity and low resistance to disease. With the missing line of fate, it indicates material well-being. A clear and pronounced line of health speaks of a dizzying career, willpower, and the ability to make money.

They are located above the dash of the heart, under the little finger. By the number of dashes, one can judge the number of marriages, the experience of relationships with the opposite sex. Feelings, emotions, unhappy love, connections are reflected, where a person could not enter, but passionately desired it.

Having deciphered the main signs using the rules of palmistry, you can learn more about the character of a person and his future. Secondary lines will give a detailed forecast, especially if you learn how to combine their interpretation with the decoding of the main ones.

Minor lines in palmistry

The main lines on the hand give an understanding of the main aspects of life. With the help of secondary ones, they learn details that have a serious impact on fate.

glory line runs parallel to the line of fate, heading towards the index finger. It will help to calculate the person who is to become famous and recognizable as a result of creative activity.

travel line betrays people who are often on the road, change their place of residence. It is located on a hill that is opposite to the thumb. These signs run horizontally, there may be many of them, or there may not be at all.

Horizontal lines between the lines of the head and the heart, located on the edge of the palm, - opposition signs. They talk about obstacles on the way to goals.

tell the number of descendants, who the children will be, their health and intelligence. These dashes also answer questions about marriage and the father of children. Problematic pregnancy, miscarriages and abortions - everything can be found out with the help of palmistry.

trait of intuition talks about the ability to predict events. It is called the line of the medium. It is rare, speaks of the ability to magic, clairvoyance or other talent.

curse mark- karmic mark. Allows you to judge the presence of a family curse, damage or heavy karma.

or money triangles will tell you how profitable things are, how a person will earn a living, how much to take place in material terms.

Love does not love. Or something more serious. Interest comes to the study of the lines of Fate on one's hand a little later than one's youth. We grow up, become wiser, we already consider Christmas divination as pampering and begin to gradually delve into the mysteries of serious sciences - such as palmistry and chirognomy. However, sometimes young charmers are also eager to know how to guess by hand to understand all the ups and downs that Fate has prepared for them.

This type of divination is gaining more and more popularity these days, due to the fact that both professionals and amateurs can do it.

Is it possible to know the future

Many people, having received detailed information about their lives in the future, believe that there is no point in fighting barriers and obstacles, since they are prepared for us from above.

  • But some do not believe in such predictions, considering them to be inventions of charlatans.
  • They argue that no one can see what has not yet come.

Do you believe fortune telling

Although, this fact can be argued. You and I are going to the railway station, planning to take a train that has not yet arrived. But, nevertheless, it will appear on the tracks according to the set time, even though we do not see the moment of its departure from the final station. We understand when we will arrive at our destination by calculating the elapsed time based on factors such as the speed of the train. And in fact, we never make mistakes in our calculations.

In the process of divination, everything happens the same way.

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People who do this at a professional level can compare all the scenarios, highlighting the most likely ones, and link them into a single whole.

As a result, you get all the information you need.

Sometimes, it is difficult to judge their accuracy, but in most cases, the predictions still come true, just like the train arrives at the time you expected.

Palmistry - fiction or science

Palmistry is a fairly well-known and popular way to look into the future among different peoples of the world. The roots of this science stretch from ancient India and the Roman Empire.

  • It was in these countries that astrologers first began to think about what the lines on the hands of each person mean.
  • And, having delved into the essence of their specific location, they were able to determine the characteristic features of any person who turned to them and his future.

If you are not a pro in this matter, but plan to surprise your friends, then it is quite realistic to consider the imprints that fate leaves in our palms in a peculiar way and be able to describe all the twists and turns in a person’s life path.

To do this, just read the surface description of each dash in order to be able to put them all together.

Well-known palmists all agree that it is preferable to choose an active hand for divination (the right hand for right-handers and the left hand for left-handers). But in order to get more solid characteristics of your destiny in the near future, you should still study both palms.

Right hand is real

Some fortune tellers say that the drawings of your right hand can say a lot about your present and how you can influence the prevention of future troubles.

Left - these are the main events in your Destiny

While the left one will more thoroughly describe the past and the changes expected in the near future.

But do not forget that the data obtained will only form a general picture of the possibilities, internal reserves and an approximate picture of the fate of a person. But only he himself is free to dispose of these facts at his own discretion and make certain changes in his life.

How to read by hand

By learning to understand the intersections on your hands, you will receive the key to the lock of your future. And it is not at all necessary to be a professional in order to be able to read the Map of Life marked on our palms.

Before you begin to study your wheel of Fortune on your own, find the four most important lines to which they belong:

Lines on the hand

Deciphering the line of the Heart

  • Its purpose is to indicate the emotional state of a person, heart affairs, depression and suspected diseases of the heart muscle.
  • Before guessing by the hand, try to discern its basic shapes and starting points.
  • They are able to tell about many traits of a person’s character and determine what exactly you should try to change in yourself in order to succeed in later life.

Heart Line

Where does it start What does
Under index finger Unsuccessful love union
Under the middle finger A stable relationship with a partner is impossible because of your selfishness
Almost from the middle of the palm amorous man
line view
Fairly long and bulky It's easy for you to express your love
Connects with the life line You are too sensitive person, you often have a broken heart
Not big and straight Not a romantic nature
Parallel to the line of mind Your emotions are always in control
wavy Promiscuous relationships that do not involve marriage
Crossed in circles State of depression
Broken or cut in small strips Emotional trauma can be judged

Mind Line

The name speaks for itself.

  • The line of the mind indicates how trainable you are, what kind of intelligence you have, your preferred style and demeanor, and the desire to gain new knowledge.

Deciphering the Mind Line

More detailed description can be found in the following table:

The form What does
short Preference is given to physical over mental activity
curved Creative person
There are no common points of contact with the life line A penchant for various adventures, the desire to get everything in full from life
Wavy You have difficulty concentrating
Long Your thoughts are clear and concise
straight See the world realistically
Crossed by dots or crosses There are many turning points in life.
intermittent Your thoughts are confused, they lack logic
Crosses cross the line Urgent need to decide on an important issue

Fortune telling by the hand Line of Life

Having studied the first picture, where to start guessing by hand, you have already decided that this dash originates at the base of the thumb and, turning around in an arc, reaches the wrist.

Deciphering the Line of Life

  • With it, you can check if you are healthy and see possible changes in your overall well-being.
  • Among other things, the line portends quite important changes in your destiny. This could be a change of residence, a serious injury, or a suspected disaster.

But do not think that its length indicates how long your life is.

Location Meaning
Fits close enough to the thumb You are well aware of the feeling of fatigue, try to rest more.
Reaches the edges of the palm You choose your surroundings carefully.
wavy Your energy is overflowing.
Long You are a strong person who can withstand difficulties.
short You are easy enough to manage.
slightly semi-circular Your enthusiasm is to be envied.
intermittent Your lifestyle will suddenly change.
Slashed in circles You are experiencing severe mental trauma.
Some The supply of vitality will last for a long time.

Deciphering the Line of Fate

In the life of any of us there are certain adversities that we cannot influence in any way.

  • This line will help you determine how significant their influence on your destiny is and whether you are able to get out of difficult situations with dignity.
Location What does
Intersects with the life line and starts at the end of the thumb Some support and assistance in overcoming obstacles is provided to you by your close and dear people.
Lightly touches the life line in the middle It is during this period that you should stop putting your interests above the preferences of others.
Originates from the line of life The planned course of life is in your hands.
clear The influence of fate on your life is enormous.
Breaks and changes position External influences have a significant impact on you at certain points.

Signs of fate on the hand

  • On the hand, you can easily see additional significant lines.
  • The Human Map of Life is replete with more than just four basic strokes, ready to provide you with an answer to what will happen in your distant future.

Most likely, you are also worried about the following questions:

  • how to read by hand
  • how many children will
  • will you achieve material well-being,
  • under what conditions your marriage will become happy and the like.

Therefore, pay attention to other significant lines that are ready to determine the turns of your life roads.

Lines of other events

Health line

  • The location, size and severity of the health line can tell you about your general physical condition and prosperity.
  • Usually its beginning goes from the smallest finger and ends at the base of the big one.
  • If you want to know how to guess by the hand and whether you will achieve prosperity in a material sense, you should find it and carefully study it.
The form What does
Often interrupted Your career is at stake due to constant problems with the work of your internal organs.
Wavy Stop worrying and being nervous, otherwise deviations in health cannot be avoided.
Continuous and well defined You are given to be an entrepreneur, because you have a desire to work and earn money.
Crossed in many places with additional strokes You get hurt often.
Completely missing There are practically no complaints about their health.
The lines emanating from it reach the line of life In adulthood, beware of situations that threaten your life.
Surrounded by squares Squares are protective signs. You will be provided with qualified assistance by doctors, or partners will help you get out of difficult situations in business.
In the middle of the line there is a semicircle that breaks it into two halves Troubles related to health.
lucky triangle This figure can be formed in your palm by three lines: health, mind. You are the darling of fate, to whom luck shines everywhere.

The line of fame, denoted by the Fame line

  • This guide has an important task: to increase the influence of your fateful line and help in achieving success from a social point of view.
  • If it is clearly visible to you, then you can trace its beginning at the end of the palm, and the end at the ring finger.
  • Her absence will tell you that you will have to look for fame in other areas on your hand, but without a general assessment.
The form Description
Pretty clear and direct Your work brings you pleasure
suddenly interrupted Ups and downs await you
Reaches the ring finger The best choice for your creative activity will be art classes
The line of the mind is the beginning, and the heart is the end You will need to put in enough effort to achieve something at the end of life.
Splits into two directions Questionable faith in luck
At the end are an asterisk or a triangle Turn your attention to an acting career, singing or dancing. In these areas, recognition shines for you
At the end - a square An invisible benefactor guiding you through life

Marriage line, which means marriage line

  • Carefully consider a small stroke or several of them slightly below the end of your little finger.
  • The closer they are to your finger, the later the likelihood of an event.
The form Designation
Minor Love accompanies your relationship.
Pretty clear and easy to see The conclusion of the marriage union.
Contiguous but not intersecting Point to your kids.
Originates at the back of the hand Long period before the wedding.
At the end it diverges into several pieces Separation from a loved one.
Crossed by a dash across You can lose a loved one, possibly as a result of death.
interrupted A quarrel promising reconciliation in the near future.

Money line labeled Money line

  • It cannot be said that according to this mark on your hand it will be possible to judge material wealth. But some advice on how to achieve it is still quite possible to calculate.
  • It also shows how a person is able to achieve stability in financial flows.

Travel lines or transfer line

  • There may be several such marks on your destiny map.
  • This is how possible moves are marked that will have a significant impact on your destiny.
  • In some cases, their presence indicates your desire to travel.
  • They originate at the hillock opposite the thumb and pass horizontally along the entire arm.

How to guess by the hand how many children there will be

In addition to the main and additional strokes that your hands are strewn with, there are also secondary ones.

How to determine the future by minor strokes

  • But it is absolutely not necessary to interpret all the lines without exception, since many of them are evidence of your nervous experiences and overstrain.
  • But some are still worth paying attention to.

What do the secondary signs on the palms say

Line name Description
lines of resistance. (Line of opposition). By the name, you can determine that certain obstacles may arise in your life.

How easy it will be for you to overcome them, these lines located between the line of the heart and the line of the mind will tell you.

Escapist line. (Line of escape).
  • Pay attention to the bottom of your palm, that's where you will find what you are looking for.
  • Your illusory representation of your life will be in those moments when these strokes intersect with the line of life.
  • The intersection with the line of glory indicates a complete immersion in creativity.
  • And the line of life that got in their way warns of possible suicide attempts or the abuse of alcohol or drugs.
line of intuition. (Lines of intuition). You can easily find it if you look at the base of the little finger, that is where its beginning lies, and the end is located at the end of the palm.
  • You are lucky if you manage to consider it on your hand, then you are the owner of excellent intuition and sensuality.
  • In some situations, you may even be endowed with the ability to extrasensory perception.
  • However, when there is a small dot on the sign, do not start studies related to prophetic activity and telepathy.
line of influence. (Lines of influence). When studying methods of how to guess by the hand, do not forget about pretty important point, which will indicate the main event on which your future life depends.
  • Its beginning is located at the thumb and proceeds in an arc to the end of the palm.
  • To understand where and when you can increase cash flows, try to consider where it intersects with the money line.

Are palmistry data true

Great astrologers, before learning to guess by the hand, studied all sorts of arguments confirming and refuting the veracity of the data received.

  • It is sometimes said that magicians are ordinary charlatans engaged in deception. Due to the fact that the future is almost impossible to know, their explanations are often controversial and vague.
  • Experts in the field of palmistry are able to fish out those crumbs of knowledge from the information field of the Earth, on the basis of which one can judge subsequent events in a person's life.
  • This does not mean at all that they receive clear instructions in parallel.
  • They draw conclusions on the basis of their own ability to listen and understand the signs sent from above.

Believe or not bad predictions

Many of us often experience fears about the possibility of receiving negative information. Such people believe that our life path is painted by a higher mind, so the likelihood of making at least some changes in it is too small. Yes, and the mood of such predictions can only worsen.

But why not try to look into the picture of the future, find an important key moment there and coordinate your actions in the right direction.

Most likely, this way you can avoid multiple fatal errors.

Only you can decide whether to follow the predictions or not. But, having learned how to guess by the hand, you will realize that this is quite an exciting activity. A prompt made in time will allow you to successfully turn off at the right time and find yourself in a fabulous meadow of goodness, good luck, love and prosperity.

More interesting practices.

Each of us wants to look at least a little into our future. One of the reliable methods of divination is "fortune telling on coffee grounds". Divination on ordinary cards has become no less widespread, but in the best possible way divination for the future is "tarot card divination". If you are more interested in palmistry, then you can independently tell fortunes by hand. With the help of divination, you can determine the character of a person and predict some events. And for this it is not at all necessary to be a professional palmist. We will tell you how to learn to guess by the hand, what lines are located in the palm of your hand and what they say.

Is it possible to learn to guess by hand on your own

Many are interested in which hand palmists tell women and men. Usually, when reading fate, the lines on both hands are taken into account. Along the lines on both hands, you can see impending events, warn a person about problems. If you are interested, will you have a husband and children, and also whether you can realize yourself in life, then four lines in the palm of your hand will tell you about this - the line of life, heart, fate and mind or head.

There are additional lines that speak of a person's health and inclinations. These are the lines of Mars, marriage, intuition and voluptuousness and others.

The fewer kinks on the hand, the more prosperous the fate of a person.

life line

It starts between the first and second fingers and ends at the wrist. She testifies to a person's character and the duration of his life. Often the line of life can connect with the line of the heart and fate, which indicates the presence of tragic love.

Line of mind or head

It starts between the first and second fingers and goes towards the edge of the palm. long line indicates that a person is balanced, practical and inclined to analyze events. short- that a person knows how to make quick decisions, has cunning and ingenuity.

heart line

It is located between the first and second fingers and leads to the edge of the palm under the little finger. She talks about emotional state person. If among all the lines the line of the heart is clearly marked and stronger than the rest, this indicates that love and love affections are decisive in a person’s life.

fate line

The line of fate in the palm of a person may be missing. This suggests that a person does not strive for the implementation of any one goal. If you have a line of fate - and it always goes from the wrist up to the fingers - then you will work towards one goal. If the line of fate forks, then a person will be able to achieve success in several areas of life.

How to guess by hand for the future

With the help of lines on the hand, you can find out if you will have a marriage. The marriage line is responsible for this - a short horizontal line located just below the little finger.

She may be alone, which indicates one marriage. The clearer and more direct it is, the stronger the relationship will be. If you have many dashes, this speaks of many love affairs. The higher the marriage line to the little finger, the later you will get married. If it goes down, the person is disappointed in his chosen one. Availability horizontal lines going down from the marriage line indicates that there are problems in the relationship. If you have two or three lines of marriage, there may be several marriages.

The same line is the line of love. To tell fortunes on love by hand and find out how your relationship will develop, take a closer look at the line. If she expressionless and short, then, most likely, the ideal relationship will be at the beginning. Subsequent events will lead to the fact that you will be disappointed in the chosen one. broken line also indicates difficulties and a possible painful separation.

How to guess by the hand how many children there will be

If you are interested in how to guess by the hand and find out how many children you will have, clench your hand into a fist and look at the number of lines under the little finger. How many folds are formed, so many children will be.

If the dash is long, most likely you will have a boy. If it's short, it's a girl.

There may be a different number of folds on the left and right hand. Focus on the dominant hand.

Some palmists claim that under the little finger of a man you can see not only the number of children he has with him, but also the presence of an adopted child. The number of lines may change over time, so check the dashes every few years.

Guessing by hand ourselves

In order to independently guess by hand, use our recommendations.

  • Pay attention to the line of the heart.

You will have satisfaction in love if the line starts from the index finger. If it starts from the middle finger, most likely you are selfish in a relationship. Amorousness is indicated by the line of the heart, which starts from the middle of the palm.

A straight short line indicates that you have little interest in love relationships. Long line - you are a sensual and emotional person. And the wavy one speaks of a lot of love affairs and frivolity. If there is a break in the line of the heart, emotional trauma is likely.

  • The line of the head or mind speaks of your intellectual development.

If it is short, you are more of a physically developed person. Curved and oblique indicates a creative personality. You are adventurous if the head line and the life line are separate. If you have clear thinking, the line will be straight and long, and if you find it difficult to concentrate, it will be wavy.

  • The life line will tell about the quality of life.

If it is located close to the thumb, you feel tired. A long and deep line speaks of your vitality. And lush - about energy. If the life line is short and shallow, you are susceptible to manipulation. And when it is straight and crossing the entire palm - about caution in relationships. A break in the life line may indicate a change in lifestyle.

  • The line of fate shows how much a person is subject to certain events.

A deep line speaks of the strong influence of fate on a person's life. And with breaks indicates frequent changes in life. If the line of fate connects with the line of life, then you will sacrifice your interests for the sake of other people's interests. If the line starts from the thumb and crosses the line of life, you have the support of family and friends.

Which hand to guess

Palmistry tells how and by which hand you can learn to guess. If you are right-handed, then your right hand is active, and your left hand is passive. If you are left-handed, then your left hand will be dominant and your right hand will be passive.

  • Passive hand reflects your past and what is bestowed on a person by fate.
  • active hand reflects your present and future, shows what was given to you from birth and how you have changed your life.

By the lines in the palm of your hand, you can determine the character of a person, see the most significant events and opportunities for human development. You can also determine how strong feelings you have for your partner.

But if you want to know about the prospect of your union with your beloved, you need to look not only your hands, but also the lines on the palm of your chosen one.

How to guess by hand along the line of life

  • The ideal would be a clear deep and continuous life line. It indicates your vitality.
  • It is considered auspicious when the line of life connects with head line. But a long distance speaks of disappointment and sadness.

  • A happy and prosperous life promises bifurcated life line. And the intermittent one speaks of illness.
  • The life line can cross short lines which also indicates poor health.

  • Fork at the bottom of the line life may indicate that you will save your vitality. But if it is not strongly expressed, it means the opposite.

Learning to guess by hand is easy. Do not forget that the lines on the hand change, so the predictions of one person may differ from the predictions of another. Share with us whether your predictions came true and how you feel about such fortune-telling.

He studies the arrangement of lines and signs on the hand, the structure of the palm and fingers. This science has a lot of centuries, during which knowledge was replenished with practical material. Where to start studying the palms of the hands? First you need to study the meaning of lines and basic signs. For beginners, we will try with explanations and photos to help you master the basics of ancient occult science.

What does the shape of the hand and fingers mean, what is the significance of the mounds on the palms of a person? Palmistry claims that the shape of the fingers and hand, as well as the hills (or bumps) on the palms, determine the potential of the individual. The lines on the palms fix the disclosure of the potential given from birth. The lines can be used to judge the inclinations and behavior of the individual, his past and future. Signs and marks on the lines and hillocks characterize the nuances in the course of life events, determined by the main lines.

It is believed that the lines on the palms are formed in a child even in the prenatal state - these are the three main lines of the heart, mind and life. All people without exception have these lines, they remain until the end of days. Ideally, the lines on the palm should be smooth, well-defined, long and have the color of human skin. Any deviation indicates a shortage of energy, indicated by lines.

Line direction

The line of life, as it were, goes around the thumb and goes down to the wrist (see photo). The line of the heart originates between the index and middle fingers and ends at the edge of the palm. The line of the mind is formed from the index finger and can be directed both horizontally and diagonally.

Vertically located lines of fate, sun and health are formed at the fingers and change during life. The line of fate begins at the middle finger and goes down to the wrist, the line of the sun originates from the ring finger, the line of health forms at the little finger.

The nature of the lines

For clarity, you can look at the nature of the lines in the pictures. The lines are deep, wide and thin, wavy, uneven and branched at the end, even and intermittent. The lines may contain signs:

  • islets;
  • chains;
  • dashes;
  • branches;
  • points.

Lines can have twins - sister lines, end with a hook, tassel or fork.

Deep lines show the powerful energy potential of a person, thin lines indicate a lack of mental and physical energy, wide lines show laziness or indecision of a person. Additional parallel lines always carry a positive value.

The brush at the end of the line shows the waste of vital energy in vain, the wavy line indicates the instability of the psyche and lack of self-confidence. Forks at the end have different meaning on the lines. A hook is always an unfavorable sign.

The intersection of lines is not considered a positive sign. It always speaks of difficulties and problems. An intersection must be distinguished from a junction. Only those lines that have a common direction can be connected: horizontal or vertical.


Islands symbolize obstacles on the way. Lines in the form of a chain symbolize difficulties. Crossing lines show stresses on a person's life path. Branches pointing upwards strengthen the positive meaning, directed downwards weaken it.

Dots symbolize significant obstacles on the way, emotional pain. The discontinuity of the line also speaks of obstacles and the impossibility of accomplishing what was planned. A person is pursued by failures, his energy potential is interrupted and thinned.

Signs are always warning in nature and are an incentive to action. If the sign is positive, implementation should begin immediately. If the sign is filled with a negative meaning, steps should be taken to eliminate it or mitigate the force of the blow of fate.


Hills or bumps on the palms speak of the inclinations of the individual. Palmistry identifies eight main and five additional hillocks. Where are they located? They can be seen at the base of the fingers and from the sides of the palm.

Main bumps:

  1. Venus;
  2. Mercury;
  3. Mars (large and small);
  4. Apollo;
  5. Saturn;
  6. Moon;
  7. Jupiter.

Additional hillocks include the hillock of Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Rahu and Ketu. Some palmists do not consider the meaning of these mounds, considering them unimportant.

When considering bumps, density, bulge, and location of signs are taken into account. Ideally, the hill should be moderately developed and resilient. Excessive development, as well as underdevelopment, negatively affects the fate of a person.

Mount Jupiter tells about the vitality and nobility of the individual. It is located at the index finger of the hand.

The tubercle of Saturn tells about the prudence and independence of the individual. It is located at the middle finger of the hand.

The tubercle of Apollo speaks of the presence of talent in a person. It is located at the ring finger.

The tubercle of Mercury endows a person with intellect and ingenuity. It is located at the little finger.

The hill of Venus is located at the thumb. These are emotions and feelings of the individual, love for the beautiful and the sublime. An overdeveloped tubercle speaks of depravity, an underdeveloped tubercle speaks of coldness.

The tubercle of the Moon is located opposite the tubercle of Venus. In the sphere of influence of the Moon is the spiritual life of the individual, his religious feelings and the desire for self-development.

There are two hillocks of Mars, they are located in different places. Small tubercle - in the space between the index finger and thumb, large - between the little finger and the moon. Mars is responsible for aggressiveness, strong-willed pressure, the ability to stand up for oneself.

We examined the main areas of the palm with the lines and tubercles located on it with examples. Next, you will need to study in detail the meaning of all lines and hills, as well as the meaning of the signs on the hand. is an easy process if you understand the basic principles.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: