Big toes hurt what to do. What to do if your toe hurts: how to eliminate the cause of discomfort? Valgus deformity of the foot

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Pain in the big toe is often not taken seriously, but it interferes with any physical activity that involves movement. This is especially annoying for people who often have to walk and stand throughout the day. The symptom can be a manifestation of various diseases, from gout and fracture, to less obvious pathologies such as vasospasm and structural deformities. Without timely treatment, the condition sometimes leads to serious consequences: prolonged loss of mobility and amputation.

The problem is worth addressing if the big toe hurts, swells, turns red or white, becomes cold, and makes it difficult to choose shoes. The severity of the disease is indicated by stiffness in the joints and pain that does not go away after rest.

Diagnosis is the basis of proper treatment

Determining the root cause is half the solution to the problem. Injuries that cause sudden pain after being hit or dropped by a heavy object are the most common cause of complaints. Slight swelling, bruising and bruising are characteristic features. You can soothe the pain with ice, and provide peace to the foot. If after two weeks the swelling does not subside, you should consult a doctor and take an x-ray.

Most often, orthopedists and surgeons establish the following diagnoses in response to patient complaints:

  1. Metatarsophalangeal joint injury threatens athletes who train on hard surfaces. The big toe hurts at the junction with the foot, and both the left and right legs may suffer. The reason is excessive flexion of the thumb due to pressure from the back or from the sole. Pain, accompanied by swelling, makes it difficult to lean on the leg. You should postpone training until you recover.
  2. , in particular, and are taken by surprise by night pains. Most often, attacks begin at 3-4 hours, are acute. Without proper treatment, arthritis progresses. In this case, the joints of the big toes hurt, which is associated with the loss of cartilage tissue and wear and tear. The appointment of orthoses and physiotherapy procedures can cure the disease for early stage and if the pain worsens, surgery is required.
  3. caused by excessive accumulation of uric acid in the joints. Of course, the disease does not always affect the big toes, but men in the process of aging suffer from this particular variant of the disease. Pain, and accompany the development of the disease, which can be stopped with the help of dietary adjustments and medications.
  4. Rigidity of the first toe is associated with limited mobility. Any attempt to bend it results in pain while walking or at rest. The condition develops over many years, most often caused by anatomical features and a violation of the shape of the foot. and pronation (tilt of the lower leg inward), as well as congenital anomalies of the metatarsal bone, provoke wear of the articular cartilage. Rigidity can cause other ailments such as spurs and arthritis.
  5. or inflammation of the articular bag has different localizations. It is easy to distinguish from other pathologies due to the formation of a red and painful sac over the bone. The deformity can be varus, in which a large gap forms between the first two fingers. Medial exostoses form bony bumps that protrude outward at the base of the thumb. The skin turns red, becomes sensitive, inflammation begins, the bones of the thumbs hurt. Valgus deformity is associated with a shift of the joint of the thumb outward and curvature of the bones.
  6. - this is a thickening of the tissues surrounding the nerves going to the fingers. Most often, the disease occurs when the bones of the phalanges shift and compress the nerves, although pinching in other places is possible. The nerve becomes enlarged and inflamed, which causes burning, tingling, and cramps in the forefoot.
  7. is a painful swelling in the ankle joint. It is accompanied by tingling, numbness, or shooting pains. Damage to the metatarsal bone, which connects the ankle and leg bones, underlies the pathology. Metatarsalgia occurs due to uncomfortable shoes, obesity, or high-intensity workouts. In most cases, pain can be prevented by choosing an insole with good cushioning properties.
  8. Big toe sprains can occur while dancing, playing ball, or putting too much pressure on the foot. For example, when landing unsuccessfully when jumping, while climbing a mountain or other sports competitions. Symptoms of a dislocation include: pain, swelling, bruising, and limited mobility. Although stretched ligaments provoke severe pain, home care is enough to get rid of symptoms and recovery.
  9. - a consequence of an inattentive attitude to one's feet or too tight shoes that compress the forefoot. As a result, the nail bends and pierces the skin of the finger with a corner, causing swelling, redness and pain. The situation can be corrected with warm baths and manicure. In case of infection, you should consult a doctor.
  10. or thickening of the skin are dry, waxy or translucent, and also surrounded by a halo of inflammation. The growths are in the form of a cone, a circle, most often appear on the protruding points of the toes and are very painful. Often they are the result of friction, and after surgical treatment, the irritated area may again shelter the callus. Prevention consists in the selection of orthopedic devices that reduce the contact of shoes and skin. Calluses that have arisen against the background of bursitis or hallux valgus require treatment of the underlying disease.

When should you go to the doctor?

Pain in the thumb significantly affects a person's life. If necessary, a medical consultation should take into account the features of the onset of symptoms.

If your big toe hurts, you must definitely see a doctor in order to understand the nature of the origin of the pain. Therapeutic measures must be consistent with the appointments. Knowing how to prevent finger pain will help you stay healthy.

Pain in the big toe is a common occurrence in people of all ages. This fact is associated with heavy load experienced by the joints of the legs throughout life. In addition, some diseases, at first glance, not related to the feet, are manifested by this symptom.

With pain in the thumb, a person experiences discomfort in everyday life. Walking becomes more difficult, lameness appears, shoes have to be chosen convenient and comfortable, due to the problems that have arisen, the quality of life of the patient is significantly deteriorating.

Why there is pain in the thumb

From early childhood, the joints of the thumb are under tremendous stress. Physiologically, it is so arranged that the child, starting to take the first steps, relies on the big toes. Over time, there is a redistribution of the load, but many factors during the entire period of growth and development of the body negatively affect the health of the joints of the feet.

Pain in the thumb can be intermittent or constant, of varying intensity and nature of manifestation. The appearance of soreness may be accompanied by additional symptoms: itching, burning, swelling.

Pathological sensations occur during intense movement and subside after rest, but there is an aggravation of the condition when the pain becomes permanently pronounced, in this case, a neglected disease can lead to serious consequences. In any case, the pathology requires careful attention and treatment to the doctor for medical advice.

What causes illness

A toe can hurt for many reasons, from banal fatigue to deviations of an internal nature. Correct determination of the cause is important for the effectiveness of treatment and a speedy recovery.

Possible causes of pain:

  1. Long walking or intense running creates a significant overstrain, which leads to pain and fatigue not only in the patient, but also in an absolutely healthy person. This phenomenon disappears without therapeutic measures after rest.
  2. Traumatic impact of any nature: bruises, dislocations, fractures. With initial damage, the pain is severe, swelling appears on the first day, all manifestations disappear as it heals.
  3. Transverse flat feet can lead to pain. The foot flattens in the anterior section, with vertical position body load is not properly distributed over the leg. When the transverse arch of the foot is lowered, the fingers are deformed, the greatest pathological effect is directed to the big toe, which begins to hurt.
  4. It hurts near the big toe when the upper edge of the nail plate grows into the skin. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by panaritium with purulent inflammation, causing acute throbbing pain.
  5. Callus-like formation on the surface of the finger: it may hurt when walking in narrow shoes or fester when a secondary infection is attached.
  6. - a common cause of pain during inflammation, a symptom can occur not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot, but also affect other joints.
  7. With gout, the crystallization of excess uric acid in the joints is manifested by soreness and deformity, most often the small joints of the foot suffer.
  8. Arthrosis of the second and subsequent stages leads to persistent changes in cartilage and bone tissue, narrowing of the joint space and the gradual disappearance of synovial fluid, resulting in pain.
  9. Circulatory disorders in vascular pathologies lower extremities.
  10. Diabetes mellitus is caused by the appearance of a diabetic foot with a violation of sensitivity and the appearance of cracks on the soles of the feet. In addition, the lack of insulin production is a predisposing factor for various comorbidities with joint damage.
  11. Valgus deformity of the foot- this is not only a serious cosmetic defect, an ugly “bone” on the leg develops as a consequence of some pathologies that are accompanied by pain.

What does a sore finger look like?

Outwardly, the painful place may change or remain the same. With pathologies associated with the processes of drooping of the arch of the foot, irreversible dystrophic changes in the capsule, intra-articular inflammation, a large bone growth appears in the lateral part of the foot. The severity depends on the stage in which the pathology is located.

The pain may be slight and intermittent with intense exertion or beginning. When the disease passes into a severe stage, the pain does not go away during rest, and the finger hurts constantly. The acute nature of the syndrome may occur in the first hours after an injury or a purulent infection. Constant aching pain accompanies a person with arthritis, gout, and arthrosis in the stage of decompensation.

If swelling and redness appear in the area of ​​​​the painful finger, this means that an inflammatory reaction to the implant is developing. pathogenic microorganisms. Itching appears with a fungal infection, as well as allergic reactions. With a fungus of the skin of the feet, peeling and an unpleasant odor appear, if the nail suffers, the plate changes color to yellow or black, depending on the type of fungus.

Causes of swelling and pain in the thumb

A person can ignore pain for a long time, not considering this symptom as a serious reason for contacting a medical institution. Another thing is if the big toe is swollen and sore. This situation makes you think and consult a doctor.

If the patient before the appearance given symptom hit your foot or a heavy object fell on it, pain and the accumulation of fluid in soft tissues is the body's reaction to mechanical stress. Symptoms will subside a few days after the injury.

With swelling without injury, the development of inflammation in the joint is suspected. If hyperemia of the skin in the area of ​​​​edema joins the overall picture, it means that the reaction is intense or a purulent infection is possible.

The toe may swell when wearing tight shoes that create mechanical friction that causes swelling and tenderness in the compression area of ​​the foot. Models with high heels cause the forefoot to take on an unusual load, after which the toes can hurt and swell.

Therapeutic activities

For Get well soon and return to the usual way of life, effective treatment procedures are required. To do this, you must definitely undergo an examination by a doctor for a correct diagnosis, it is not safe to self-medicate and endure pain, irreversible consequences appear from incorrect actions.

First aid if your big toe hurts:

  • taking analgesics (Analgin, Ketorol) for a one-time pain relief;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuklin, Nemisulide), which affect not only pain, but also the elimination of the inflammatory process, will give a more lasting effect;
  • local use of anesthetic ointments (Ibuprofen, Voltaren);
  • reduction of motor load to reduce the impact on the sore finger.

Treatment of pain in the thumb for various reasons:

  1. To avoid discomfort and pain during long walks, you need to choose comfortable, anatomically correct shoes and avoid intense stress on the feet.
  2. When flat feet occur, it is necessary not only to use orthopedic insoles on a daily basis, but also to perform a set of exercises using an orthopedic mat.
  3. If the big toe hurts and aches after an injury, you should go to a trauma center to clarify the severity of the damage. In the first hours, you can take painkillers (Tempalgin, Ketorol) and apply ice so that fluid does not accumulate in the soft tissues around the damaged area.
  4. An ingrown toenail is treated surgically by removing the ingrown tip of the nail plate.
  5. For the treatment of arthritis, NSAIDs (Amidopirine, Flurbiprofen), local anesthesia with external agents (Nise, Voltaren) are prescribed.
  6. To remove pain in the thumb with gout, in addition to analgesics (Baralgin, Ketanov), you can use a drug called Colchicine, which acts directly on the acid crystals in the joint capsule.
  7. Arthrosis involves the use of NSAIDs (Indomethacin, Movalis), chondroprotectors (Artra, Teraflex, Dona) and intra-articular injections that restore the structure of the joint (Fermatron, Alflutop).
  8. Diseases of the endocrine system, vascular pathologies are treated according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor individually.
  9. With hallux valgus, it is important to wear specialized insoles with a pronounced metatarsal ridge that supports the transverse arch of the foot. To avoid mechanical friction during walking, the shoes use silicone toe separators or bursoprotectors with joint protection from its side. An orthosis is worn at night and during rest, which will reduce pain and prevent further deformity.

Preventive actions

So that the pain in the thumb does not bother, and the feet remain healthy, you must follow the simple rules of prevention:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes with low heels in accordance with the size of the foot, for prevention, use orthopedic insoles, which will take on part of the load during movement and create cushioning to protect the joints of the lower extremities and spine.
  2. Observe the mode of motor activity, do not overload the feet.
  3. Correctly compose a diet with the optimal content of vitamins and trace elements: give up salty, smoked, fatty and fried foods, do not get carried away legumes that cause increased synthesis of uric acid.
  4. Avoid the appearance of extra pounds, as excess weight negatively affects the joints of the lower extremities due to increased load.
  5. If pain occurs, do not self-medicate, but seek the advice of a medical specialist.

When a person complains that the joint of the big toe hurts on the leg when walking or even at rest, this may indicate both a simple bruise and a serious disease of the bones, joints and muscles of the foot. With a bruise, it is not difficult to establish the cause of the pain, but if the pain began without mechanical action, then only a doctor can understand its appearance.

Causes of pain in the big toe

information to read

The joint of the big toe hurts, usually due to a local or general cause. to location relate Key words: trauma, fracture, overuse, infectious arthritis, bursitis. To general- gout, advanced stages of syphilis and tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, which affects several joints in the body at once, degenerative-dystrophic damage to the joints.

Paying attention to a number of accompanying symptoms, it is possible to narrow the range of possible pathologies. For example, if an infection has entered the metatarsophalangeal joint and caused arthritis, then the thumb will be hot to the touch, there will be hyperemia (redness) and swelling. By the end of the day there is pain under the fingers when walking.

Important. Pain is not always a sign of the development of the disease. Often this is the body's response to stress. For the human body, this is a normal manifestation of a protective mechanism.

It is easy to confuse the symptoms with the manifestations that occur with a normal bruise. However, if the pain has a pulsating character and increases with walking, then this indicates the presence of pus in the foot and the spread of infection. When the pain disturbs at night or in the early morning, then there is a suspicion of gout.

The main causes of pain in the big toe are the following pathologies:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Bursitis.
  • Trauma, bruise, fracture.

Rheumatoid arthritis has a symptomatic picture different from other diseases. It is characterized by bilateral and simultaneous lesions of both feet and hands. There is no pus and infection, but the joints also swell, the bones are deformed, and the big toes are bent inside the foot.


Diseases that affect the joint of the big toe have similar symptoms. The differences are minimal, and even a doctor often fails to make an accurate diagnosis without additional research. A rheumatologist or orthopedist prescribes x-rays, blood and urine tests, arthrocentesis.

The x-ray image clearly shows pathological areas and the degree of damage. However, an X-ray image sometimes turns out to be clean and uninformative. When there are no bone changes, it is possible that we are talking about damage to the muscles, ligaments and cartilage tissue. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound is prescribed.

The doctor can confirm the diagnosis of "gout" or "rheumatoid arthritis" only after biochemical analysis blood. In the results of the analyzes, the level of urea for gout will be over 8.7 mmol / l. Excess indicates a malfunction of the kidneys, which does not remove uric acid, but causes it to be deposited in the form of crystals on the joints. How does the complication begin? kidney failure. At the same time, creatinine, on the contrary, is lowered and does not reach a value of 115 mmol / l.

Advice. For the most informative picture of a biochemical blood test on the eve of the donation, it should be excluded physical exercise, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. Stress and taking any medications are also undesirable.

Arthrocentesis is an important diagnostic procedure for gout. It consists in the fact that synovial fluid is taken for analysis from the affected finger. The study is carried out during the remission period. By the number of salt crystals, it is possible to understand whether the treatment helps, or the patient only gets worse.

Treating pain in the big toe

A patient complaining of pain in the joint of the big toe, the treatment is prescribed according to the results of the research. In this case, the primary task is to eliminate the pain syndrome. If the pathology is provoked by an infection, then antibiotics are prescribed, nonsteroidal drugs And antihistamines that reduce pain.

Advice. With constant pain in the big toe, you should not use painkillers for a long time and postpone going to the doctor. Painkillers are temporary and often only make things worse and are harder to fix later.

If pain relief is an obligatory action for every disease that causes discomfort in the area of ​​the big toe, then a strictly individual impact on the pathology follows.

Therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

If the pathology develops against the background of an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. In the absence of symptoms on the skin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. During overt inflammation, corticosteroids are given intravenously.

Uncomfortable shoes with high heels and a narrow toe are a common cause of arthrosis of the joint of the big toe.

The immunocomplex nature allows a good effect on pathology by plasmapheresis. However, the results are always different, so it is advisable to include in the treatment of basic drugs that act directly on the rheumatoid arthritis itself. The drugs of this group are slow in action, they are taken for at least six months. And even with a positive effect, the patient continues to use them.

Important. During treatment rheumatoid arthritis it is mandatory to prevent osteoporosis by restoring calcium metabolism. For this, a diet rich in foods high in calcium is followed.

Therapy for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the destruction of cartilage tissue, which means that this degenerative process must be stopped. Chondroprotectors solve this issue. The patient manages to quickly get rid of pain, but full recovery takes a long period. The main principle of treatment is the absence of physical activity on the affected area, as well as exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and compliance with the orthopedic regimen.

At acute form osteoarthritis, a bandage is applied to the affected finger, which mobilizes the joint and keeps it at rest for a long time.

The main goal in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the foot is to prevent the development of contractures and develop the joint. If this is not done, then the pain in the thumb may return.

Therapy for gout

A patient with gout at the initial diagnosis or during an exacerbation is referred for treatment to a hospital, to the rheumatology department. Intensive therapy is carried out for 7-14 days. During this time, with adequate selection of treatment, it is possible to stop pain and improve clinical picture diseases. With the attenuation of the disease, the patient is observed by a nephrologist and rheumatologist on an outpatient basis.

Today some one universal cure for gout modern medicine does not know. Therefore, the issue can be solved only by an integrated approach and a trial of various methods. At the initial stage, a drug is prescribed to reduce the concentration of uric acid ("Colchicine") and a means for the accelerated removal of a substance from the body ("Allopurinol").

The big toe hurts - a frequent complaint of patients to the doctor. Behind this symptom, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, onychocryptosis and other dangerous diseases can be hidden.

In this condition, a person cannot wear tight shoes, feels discomfort and finally seeks medical care. My big toe hurts - the patient complains to the doctor - why is this happening? To understand the roots of this condition, the doctor carefully examines the nature of the pain.

This symptom in the form of pain can be a companion various diseases. The causes of pain in this area are both mechanical and infectious in nature.

The most common causes of pain in the big toe are: ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis), arthritis, arthrosis, gout, excessive exercise. Let's analyze each reason in more detail.


A disease in which the nail grows into the periungual roller is called onychocryptosis. In this disease, the patient may notice that the thumb is slightly swollen. Also felt when walking. The nail with onychocryptosis grows not only upwards, but also sideways. During deformation of the growth of the nail plate, soft tissues are affected, and suppuration is formed.

The causes of onychocryptosis can be:

  • too "deep" trimming of the nail;
  • fungal diseases;
  • finger injury;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • flat feet;

To prevent the dangerous consequences of onychocryptosis, it is necessary to treat it at an early stage. Self-medication in this case is impossible, it is better to seek medical help.


Pain in the big toe can also occur with gout. The nature of the pain that accompanies this disease is sharp and very pronounced. Accompanying symptoms in this case are inflammation and redness. Gout nodes form on.

Uric acid crystals provoke the appearance of gouty arthritis. They accumulate in soft tissues and cause unbearable pain. Gout affects mainly men, but this disease occurs in the weaker sex. The average age of patients is 50 years.


A disease such as arthritis can also contribute to the appearance of pain in the big toe. Arthritis is characterized by damage to the joint and the destruction of cartilage.

Pain can be felt when bending the finger and when walking for a long time. Unpleasant sensations are aching, and sometimes boring. Possible protrusion of a curved bone. At a later stage, the patient notices that the thumb is swollen and slightly deformed.

The causes of arthritis have various origins. Common causes of arthritis are hypothermia, infectious diseases, poor physical activity.


In the first stage of arthrosis, the patient feels stiffness in the toes of the left or right foot, depending on the location of the disease. With the development of arthrosis, the patient may notice that the finger is swollen and twisted. Possible protrusion of the lateral bone. When walking and bending the finger, a sharp pain is felt, it spreads near the inflamed bone.

The causes of osteoarthritis of the big toe are:

  • dislocations, fractures and other injuries;
  • wearing narrow shoes;
  • excess body weight;
  • hereditary predisposition and anatomical features of the foot.

Preventive measures must be taken to keep the joints healthy. Arthrosis is best treated at an early stage.

flat feet

A pathological change in the natural bend of the foot can also cause pain in the toes. This orthopedic problem can not only change the patient's gait, but also bring discomfort to his usual life, forcing him to wear special shoes.

Transverse flatfoot causes a curvature of the big toe and. The pad wears out and the person feels a sharp pain. Flat feet develop simultaneously in both the left and right legs. Often this problem interferes with walking and causes difficulty in bending the toe.

Methods of treatment

Pain in the big toe can be eliminated with the help of qualified medical therapy. Treatment can be carried out in three main ways:

  • medication;
  • surgical;
  • physiotherapy.

First of all, we explore the methods drug treatment apply to this problem. Let's consider the most effective of them.

Medical treatment

For every disease that causes pain in the toes, drug therapy is prescribed. For arthritis, arthrosis, especially if the finger is swollen and there is serious inflammation, treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended. In addition to relieving inflammation, NSAIDs help reduce pain (naproxen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac).

To restore damaged articular cartilage, it is necessary to use chondroprotectors (chondroitin, glucosamine). These remedies are also able to cope with pain.

In addition, with acute unbearable pain, it is possible to use hormonal. These include steroid drugs ().

Drug therapy can also include vitamin complexes and badov. These funds are aimed at strengthening the cartilage tissue, as well as at stopping the deformation and bulging of the bone. These complexes contain collagen, vitamin D and calcium - the building material of bone tissue.


A cardinal type of treatment is necessary when the disease that causes discomfort in the finger is severe. Surgery is necessary if the patient has a problem such as an ingrown toenail. To remove the ingrown nail in whole or in part is all that the doctor can do in this case.

This operation can be carried out using electrocoagulation or phenol. The ingrown toenail is removed under local anesthesia. After the intervention, the ingrown nail does not appear with the right pedicure.

It is also possible to stop the protrusion of the bone with arthrosis surgically. Most often, laser surgery is used for this, since this method has practically no contraindications.


The most commonly prescribed physiotherapy for arthrosis of the big toe: mud therapy, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, ultrasound. If the finger is swollen and its pad is reddened, electrophoresis is necessary. This physiotherapy perfectly relieves inflammation and eliminates redness.

A swollen finger pad with arthrosis, arthritis or gout will return to normal after a course of magnetic therapy. It is the magnetic field that has an anti-leakage effect, and also strengthens bone tissue and prevents infection.

A comprehensive treatment that combines several types of physiotherapy procedures will not only eliminate the painful symptoms of the big toe, but also contribute to the overall improvement of the body.

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