Magazines on electronics fb2. Handbooks and manuals on Electronics (370 books)

If you have a great desire to be friends with electronics, if you want to create your own homemade products, but don’t know where to start, use the tutorial “How to master radio electronics from scratch. We learn to assemble structures of any complexity. This book will help to modernize and supplement some of the basic schemes. You will learn how to read circuit diagrams, how to work with a soldering iron, and create a lot of interesting crafts. You will learn how to use a measuring instrument, design and create printed circuit boards, learn the secrets of many professional radio amateurs. In general, get enough knowledge to further master electronics on your own. The book also contains a small reference book on radio components, which may be of interest to professionals as well. This textbook is written in an accessible and plain language, without superfluous literary lyrics. To introduce young radio amateurs to electricity and various measurement values, an elementary comparison method was used. Next to each circuit diagram- image from appearance and pinout (pinout) of radio components. Everything is described in detail, sometimes the installation of a device is presented, so that you can visually see what should happen.

The book talks about how a modern radio and television are arranged and work. The story is told in the form of casual conversations between experienced and novice radio amateurs. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

The monograph of well-known American experts, widely known to the reader from previous editions, is devoted to rapidly developing areas of electronics. It presents the most interesting technical solutions, as well as analyzes the errors of hardware developers; The reader's attention is focused on the subtle aspects of electronic circuit design and application. It is published in Russian in three volumes. Volume 1 contains information about circuit elements, transistors, operational amplifiers, active filters, power supplies, field effect transistors. For specialists in the field of electronics, automation, computer technology, as well as students of relevant specialties of universities.

The book consists of descriptions of simple designs containing electronic components. Subjects of products - electronic toys and souvenirs. The content of the book is a logical continuation of the content of the first two books - “Do-it-yourself robots. Toy Electronics” and “Toy Electronics NEXT”, published by SOLON-PRESS. The book will be useful to beginner electronic engineers of different ages, as a guide to the manufacture of practical products.

This book is a collection of practical recommendations for the design, manufacture and commissioning of analog and digital electronic circuits for various purposes. Much attention is paid to the peculiarities of the use of various electronic components, the development and manufacture of printed circuit boards and cases, the methods of testing devices and troubleshooting. A large number of relatively simple digital and analog circuits are given. A separate chapter is devoted to solving typical problems of programming microprocessors and microcontrollers, examples of useful subroutines are presented. The book is addressed to both beginners in electronics and radio engineering, and professionals.

The monograph of well-known American experts, widely known to the reader from previous editions, is devoted to rapidly developing areas of electronics. It presents the most interesting technical solutions, as well as analyzes the mistakes of hardware developers: the reader's attention is focused on the subtle aspects of the design and application of electronic circuits. It is published in Russian in three volumes. Volume 3 contains information about microprocessors, electronic circuits, measurement and signal processing techniques, principles of hardware design and low-power device design, as well as extensive applications. For specialists in the field of electronics, automation, computer technology, as well as students of relevant specialties of universities and technical schools.

In the book, in the form of questions and answers, the physical foundations of electronics, electronic components and circuits, and the features of their application are explained in a popular way. The breadth of topics is successfully combined - from discrete semiconductor devices to integrated circuits with simplicity and clarity of presentation of the material. For a wide range of readers.

The monograph of well-known American specialists, widely known to the reader from previous editions, is devoted to the rapidly developing areas of electronics. It presents the most interesting technical solutions, as well as analyzes the mistakes of hardware developers: the reader's attention is focused on the subtle aspects of the design and application of electronic circuits. It is published in Russian in three volumes. Volume 2 contains information about precision circuits and low-noise equipment, digital circuits, information converters, mini- and microcomputers and microprocessors. For specialists in the field of electronics, automation, computer technology, as well as students of relevant specialties of universities and technical schools.

The book in an entertaining way introduces the reader to many areas of one of the most rapidly developing sciences at present - electronics. It tells about the possibilities of using electronics in industry. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

The book is dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist, engineer, radio inventor AS Popov. That is why a review of his activities in documents and materials is central to the book. The historical role of AS Popov in the invention of radio, including his world's first detector receiver patented not only in Russia, but also in the USA, England, France, Spain and Switzerland, is considered. Documents reflecting the continuity scientific activity A. S. Popov and his follower D. A. Rozhansky, who stood at the origins of the creation of the first domestic early warning radars and whose work was continued by Yu. B. Kobzarev. The historical stages of the development of radio engineering are considered - the origin (late 90s of the XIX century until 1917) during the period of rapid modernization of the Russian Empire, when the first spark radio stations were installed on the ships of the Russian fleet, then a very important Soviet period, when radio engineering turned into radio electronics with many powerful domestic industries, and finally the current stage. The author made an attempt to sum up the main results of twenty years of reforms aimed at the revival of radio electronics in modern Russia. For a wide range of readers - scientists, engineers, graduate students, students, schoolchildren, radio amateurs - anyone who is interested in the history of domestic radio engineering.

Name: Radio electronics for beginners.

With this book, the author intends to involve new young fans of this work in the most interesting world of radio electronics.
The material is presented from simple to complex. Used many years of teaching experience in the radio club.
The book is intended for students in grades 5-11, students of colleges, technical schools, university students, as well as beginner radio amateurs.

The book "Radioelectronics for Beginners (and Not Only)" was written by a practicing teacher who, through many years of experience, knows how to interest students so that they become interested in radioelectronics.
The theoretical material in the book is presented in a form that is accessible to beginner radio amateurs; analogies from mechanics and hydraulics, which they often encounter in life, are used to understand physical processes.
The designs recommended for self-production are taken from the course that the author has been teaching for many years in the radio club. The author of the book hopes that the authors of the articles used in the book will react favorably to this approach. The recommended designs are selected in such a way that every radio amateur can test his knowledge in practice. If a radio amateur finds unfamiliar elements (transistors, microcircuits, etc.) in the design proposed for manufacturing, he can turn to the corresponding chapter of the book, where, as a rule, he can find the answer to his question.

Chapter 1. Electrical and radio engineering materials.

Soldering and electrical installation basics
1.1.1.Editing sheet material
1.1.2 Bending sheet metal
1.1.3. Bending of sheet duralumin
1.1.4. Metal cutting
1.1.5 Simple drilling rules
1.1.6. "Shirt" for the drill
1.1.7. Instead of a drill - a file
1.1.8 Drilling hazards
1.1.9. Thread in holes
1.1.10. Homemade taps for threading
1.1.11 Cleaning contaminated surfaces
1.1.12. File care
1.1.13. Inscriptions on metal
1.1.14 Compatible and incompatible metal pairs
1.2 Insulating materials
1.2.1 Applications
1.2.2 Working with insulating materials
1.3.Working with wood
1.3.1 Coating with epoxy adhesive
1.3.2. How to refresh light wood products and details
1.3.3 Repair of cracks
1.4 Magnetic materials
1.5.1 Winding wires Copper winding wires High-frequency winding wires (litz wires) High resistance winding wires (manganin, constantan, nichrome)
1.5.2 Mounting wires
1.6. Soldering and the basics of electrical installation
1.6.1. Soldering iron device
1.6.2 Soldering iron repair
1.6.3 Soldering teaching method
1.6.4. Solders and fluxes
1.7.Helpful Hints
1.7.1 Aluminum soldering
1.7.2 Soldering nichrome
1.7.3. Tinned wire in enamel insulation
1.7.4. Instead of solder - glue
1.7.5. Litz wire
1.7.6. Varnish for painting rations
1.7.7. Protection of decals
Chapter 2
2.1 DC electric circuit
2.2 Electric current and voltage
2.3 Ohm's law. wire resistance
2.4. Series and parallel connection of resistors
2.5.Measurement of current, voltage and resistance
2.6. Electric current power
2.7. For self-production
2.7.1. milliavometer
2.8.Helpful tips
2.8.1. Measurement of voltages with a voltmeter with a small input resistance
2.8.2. Measurement of constant voltages with a milliammeter
2.8.3. Current measurement with a low-resistance voltmeter
2.8.4. Measurement of low resistances with a milliammeter
2.8.5. Measurement of resistance with a voltmeter
2.8.6. Two ways to measure the resistance and full deflection current of a microammeter using two fixed resistors
2.8.7. What is a battery capable of?
2.9. Tasks
Chapter 3
3.1. Alternating current sinusoidal, receiving alternating current, basic parameters
3.2. Electric circuit of alternating current. Circuit elements
3.2.1. Capacitor as a storage of electrical energy
3.2.2. The capacitor "does not pass" D.C.
3.2.3. The resistance of a capacitor to alternating current depends on its capacitance and current frequency
3.2.4. The current strength is ahead of the voltage on the capacitance by an angle n / 2
3.2.5. An inductor has an inductive reactance, also called reactance.
3.2.6. Series and parallel connection of inductors
3.2.7. Inductor as a magnetic energy storage
3.2.8. The current strength lags behind the voltage on the inductor by an angle n / 2
3.2.9. On the active resistance (on the resistor), the current and voltage are in phase
3.3. Integrating and differentiating circuits
3.4. Series oscillating circuit
3.5. For self-production
3.5.1.Color music prefix
3.5.2. Audio frequency amplifier "electronic ear"
3.5.3. Electronic siren with amplifier
3.5.4 When the mains voltage is unstable
3.5.5. Thyristor voltage regulator
3.5.6. Two options for turning on fluorescent lamps
3.6. Helpful Hints
3.6.1. Determination of the purpose of the windings of the network transformer
3.6.2. Determination of the number of turns of the windings of a network transformer
3.6.3. Finding a winding with a large number of turns
3.6.4. The electric motor will get stronger
3.6.5. Device for magnetizing magnets
3.6.6. How to demagnetize an instrument
3.7 Tasks
Chapter 4. Semiconductors
4.1. Semiconductor diodes
4.2.1 Recommendations for the use of diodes
4.2.2 Zener diodes -
4.3. Bipolar transistors
4.3.1. General information
4.3.2. Transistor switching circuits
4.3.3 Basic parameters of transistors
4.3.4 Static Vah of the transistor
4.3.5. Analysis of amplifier stages
4.4 Field effect transistors
4.4.1. The main parameters of field-effect transistors
4.4.2. Maximum allowed parameters
4.4.3. Volt-ampere characteristics of PT
4.4.4. Recommendations for the use of PT
4.5. Thyristors
4.4.1 Basic parameters of thyristors
4.6. For self-production
4.6.1. Thyristor tester
4.6.2. Universal voltmeter
4.6.3. Radioactivity indicator
4.6.4. Probe for testing unijunction transistors
4.7. Useful tips. Simple Experiments with Diodes and Zener Diodes
4.7.1. How to remove the VAC of the diode? (Fig. 4.39)
4.7.2. Power regulator on one diode (Fig. 4.40)
4.7.3. Chandelier control via two wires (Fig. 4.41)
4.7.4. The simplest noise generator (Fig. 4.42)
4.7.5. Obtaining rectangular pulses from a sinusoidal voltage (Fig. 4.43)
4.7.6. Zener diode - DC voltage limiter (Fig. 4.44)
4.7.7. How to "stretch" the voltmeter scale (Fig. 4.45)
4.7.8. Connecting a cassette recorder or receiver to a car network (Fig. 4.46)
4.7.9. Transistor - variable resistor (Fig. 4.47)
4.7.10. Transistor as a zener diode (Fig. 4.48)
4.7.11. Transistor as a rectifier diode (Fig. 4.49)
4.7.12. Device for thermal testing of transistors (Fig. 4.50)
4.7.13. Determining the pinout of the transistor (Fig. 4.51)
4.7. Tasks
Chapter 5
5.1 Single-phase rectifiers
5.2 Smoothing filters
5.2.1 Capacitive filters
5.2.2 L-shaped filters
5.3 External characteristics of rectifiers
5.4 Voltage stabilizers
5.4.1. Parametric Voltage Stabilizers
5.5. For self-production
5.5.1. Attachment-machine to the power supply
5.5.2. Stabilizer in adapter
5.5.3. Electroshock protection
5.5.4. Bipolar voltage shaper ; Ed. V.V. Kononenko. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2010. - 784 p.
143. Monk, S. Electronics. Theory and practice / S. Monk. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2018. - 1168 p.
144. Monk, S. Practical electronics: an illustrated guide for radio amateurs / S. Monk. - M.: Williams I.D., 2016. - 352 p.
145. Monk, S. Electronics. Collection of recipes: ready-made solutions based on Arduino and Raspberry Pi / S. Monk. - M.: Dialectics, 2019. - 480 p.
146. Morozova, N.Yu. Electrical Engineering and Electronics: Textbook / N.Yu. Morozov. - M.: Academy, 2018. - 320 p.
147. Morozova, N.Yu. Electrical and Electronics. Textbook. / N.Yu. Morozov. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 200 p.
148. Morozova, N.Yu. Electrical engineering and electronics: A textbook for students of institutions of secondary vocational education / N.Yu. Morozov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2013. - 288 p.
149. Morozova, N.Yu. Electrical engineering and electronics / N.Yu. Morozov. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 200 p.
150. Moskatov, E.A. Power electronics. Theory and design / E.A. Moskatov. - M.: Korona-Vek, MK-Press, 2013. - 256 p.
151. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical engineering and electronics (for bachelors) / M.V. Nemtsov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 256 p.
152. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical Engineering and Electronics: Textbook / M.V. Nemtsov. - M.: Academy, 2017. - 288 p.
153. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical engineering and electronics: Textbook for students. educate. medium institutions. prof. education / M.V. Nemtsov, M.L. Nemtsov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2013. - 480 p.
154. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical Engineering and Electronics: Textbook / M.V. Nemtsov, M.L. Nemtsov. - M.: Academia, 2013. - 167 p.
155. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical and Electronics. / M.V. Nemtsov. - M.: Higher school, 2007. - 560 p.
156. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical engineering and electronics / M.V. Nemtsov. - M.: Academia, 2015. - 15 p.
157. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical engineering and electronics / M.V. Nemtsov. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 126 p.
158. Nemtsov, M.V. Electrical Engineering and Electronics: Textbook / M.V. Nemtsov. - M.: Academia, 2015. - 15 p.
159. Novikov, Yu.N. Microcircuitry and Nanoelectronics: Tutorial/ Yu.N. Novikov. - St. Petersburg: Lan P, 2016. - 528 p.
160. Novitsky, M.V. Quantum and Optical Electronics: Textbook / M.V. Novitsky. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2011. - 320 p.
161. Novozhilov, O.P. Electronics and circuitry in 2 hours part 1: Textbook for academic bachelor's degree / O.P. Novozhilov. - Lyubertsy: Yurait, 2016. - 382 p.
162. Novozhilov, O.P. Electronics and circuitry in 2 volumes: A textbook for academic undergraduate studies / O.P. Novozhilov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015. - 804 p.
163. Novozhilov, O.P. Electrical engineering and electronics: Textbook for bachelors / O.P. Novozhilov. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 653 p.
164. Novozhilov, O.P. Electrical engineering and electronics: Textbook for bachelors / O.P. Novozhilov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 653 p.
165. Novozhilov, O.P. Electronics and circuitry in 2 hours part 2: Textbook for academic bachelor's degree / O.P. Novozhilov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 421 p.
166. Onishchenko, G.B. Power electronics.: Uch.pos. / G.B. Onishchenko, O.M. Sosnin. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 159 p.
167. Opadchy, Yu.F. Analog and digital electronics (full course): Textbook for universities / Yu.F. Opadchy, O.P. Gludkin, A.I. Gurov. - M.: Gor. line-Telecom, 2007. - 768 p.
168. Opadchy, Yu.F. Analog and digital electronics: Textbook for universities / Yu.F. Opadchy, O.P. Gludkin, A.I. Gurov. - M.: Hot line -Telecom, 2005. - 768 p.
169. Okhorzin, V., A. Vacuum electronics. Physico-technical foundations / V. A. Okhorzin. - St. Petersburg: Lan P, 2016. - 464 p.
170. Partala, O.N. Digital electronics / O.N. Partala. - M.: Nauka, 2001. - 224 p.
171. Petlenko, B.I. Electrical engineering and electronics: Textbook / B.I. Petlenko; ed. Y. Inkova. - M.: Academia, 2017. - 288 p.
172. Pikhtin, A.N. Quantum and Optical Electronics: Textbook / A.N. Pikhtin. - M.: Abris, 2012. - 656 p.
173. Platt, C. Electronics for beginners / C. Platt; Per. from English. B. Bondarenko. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2013. - 480 p.
174. Platt, C. Electronics for beginners. / Ch. Platt. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2013. - 480 p.
175. Platt, C. Electronics for beginners / C. Platt. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2019. - 416 p.
176. Platt, C. Electronics: Logic Circuits, Amplifiers, and Sensors for Beginners. / Ch. Platt. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2018. - 448 p.
177. Podkin, Yu.G. Electrical and Electronics. In 2 vols. T. 1. Electronics: Textbook / Yu.G. Podkin. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 480 p.
178. Podkin, Yu.G. Electrical engineering and electronics: In 2 volumes. T. 2. Electronics: Textbook / Yu.G. Podkin. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 480 p.
179. Pokotilo, S.A. Electrical Engineering and Electronics: Textbook / S.A. Pokotilo, V.I. Pankratov. - Rn / D: Phoenix, 2018. - 416 p.
180. Pokotilo, S.A. Electrical engineering and electronics: textbook / S.A. Pokotilo. - R&D: Phoenix, 2018. - 283 p.
181. Pokotilo, S.A. Electrical engineering and electronics: textbook / S.A. Pokotilo. - R&D: Phoenix, 2017. - 283 p.
182. Proleiko, V.M. Basic lectures on electronics T.2 Solid-state electronics / V.M. Proleiko. - M.: Technosphere, 2009. - 680 p.
183. Pryanishnikov, V.A. Electronics Full course of lectures / V.A. Pryanishnikov. - St. Petersburg: Korona-Vek, 2014. - 416 p.
184. Pryanishnikov, V.A. Electronics. Full course of lectures: Textbook / V.A. Pryanishnikov. - St. Petersburg: Korona-Vek, 2010. - 416 p.
185. Revich, Yu.V. Entertaining electronics / Yu.V. Revich. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2013. - 720 p.
186. Revich, Yu.V. Entertaining electronics / Yu.V. Revich. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2019. - 672 p.
187. Revich, Yu.V. Entertaining electronics / Yu.V. Revich. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2016. - 576 p.
188. Rosensher, E. Optoelectronics / E. Rosensher, B. Winter. - M.: Technosfera, 2004. - 592 p.
189. Serebryakov, A.S. Electrical and Electronics. Laboratory workshop on Electronics Work-bench and Multisim. / A.S. Serebryakov. - M.: Higher School, 2009. - 335 p.
190. Sibikin, Yu.D. Modern passenger car. Ecology. Profitability. Electronics. Ergonomics. Trends and prospects / Yu.D. Sibikin. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 448 p.
191. Sidorov, I.N. Electronics at home and in the garden / I.N. Sidorov. - M.: Radio and communication, 2001. - 144 p.
192. Sidorov, I.N. Electronics for home and garden. / I.N. Sidorov. - M.: Hot line -Telecom, 2001. - 144 p.
193. Sitnikov, A.V. Applied Electronics: Textbook / A.V. Sitnikov, I.A. Sitnikov. - M.: Infra-M, 2018. - 576 p.
194. Sokolov, S.V. Electronics: Textbook for universities. / S.V. Sokolov, E.V. Titov. - M.: RiS, 2015. - 204 p.
195. Solovyov, K.A. Physical electronics. Emission and interaction of particles with a solid body: Textbook / K.A. Solovyov, D.S. Stepanova. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2013. - 368 p.
196. Sterkhov, K.V. Optoelectronics and nanophotonics: Textbook / K.V. Sterkhov. - St. Petersburg: Lan KPT, 2016. - 528 p.
197. Sucker, K. Power Electronics Developer's Guide / K. Sucker. - M.: Dodeka XXI, 2007. - 252 p.
198. Sucker, K. Power electronics. Developer's Guide / K. Sucker. - M.: Dodeka, 2008. - 252 p.
199. Sushkov, A. Vacuum electronics. Physical and technical bases / A. Sushkov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2004. - 464 p.
200. Sushkov, A.D. Vacuum electronics: Physical and technical foundations / A.D. Sushkov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2004. - 464 p.
201. Tkachenko, F.A. Technical electronics / F.A. Tkachenko. - Minsk: Design PRO, 2002. - 368 p.
202. Fedorov, V.A. Electronics and microprocessor technology (for bachelors) / V.A. Fedorov, V.I. Sailors, Y. Shchetinov. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 800 p.
203. Filachev, A.M. Solid state photoelectronics. Physical foundations / A.M. Filachev, I.I. Taubkin, M.A. Trishenkov. - M.: Fizmatkniga, 2007. - 384 p.
204. Khaloyan, A.A. Issue 7. Electronics in the garden. / A.A. Khaloyan. - M.: RadioSoft, 2001. - 128 p.
205. Chikurov, T.G. Electrical and Electronics. In 2 volumes. Electrical Engineering and Electronics: Textbook / T.G. Chikurov. - M.: ITs Academy, 2011. - 720 p.
206. Chicheryukin, V.N. Electronics / V.N. Chicheryukin, A.Yu. Borodulin, N.V. Tyurin. - M.: MGIU, 2007. - 64 p.
207. Shvilkin, B.N. Gas electronics and plasma physics in problems / B.N. Shvilkin. - M.: Lenand, 2019. - 168 p.
208. Shishkin, G.G. Nanoelectronics. Elements, devices, devices: Textbook / G.G. Shishkin, I.M. Ageev. - M.: BINOM. LZ, 2012. - 408 p.
209. Shishkin, G.G. Electronics: Textbook for bachelors. / G.G. Shishkin, A.G. Shishkin. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015. - 703 p.
210. Shishkin, G.G. Electronics: Textbook for bachelors / G.G. Shishkin, A.G. Shishkin. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. - 703 p.
211. Shishkin, G.G. Nanoelectronics. Elements, devices, devices: Textbook / G.G. Shishkin, I.M. Ageev. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011. - 408 p.
212. Shishkin, G.G. Nanoelectronics. Elements, devices, devices: Textbook / G.G. Shishkin, I.M. Ageev. - M.: Binom, 2014. - 408 p.
213. Shishkin, G.G. Nanoelectronics. Elements, devices, devices / G.G. Shishkin, I.M. Ageev. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011. - 408 p.
214. Shishkin, G.G. Nanoelectronics. Elements, devices, devices: Textbook / G.G. Shishkin, I.M. Ageev. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011. - 408 p.
215. Shneiberg, Ya.A. History of outstanding discoveries and inventions (electrical engineering, electric power industry, radio electronics) / Ya.A. Schneiberg. - M.: MEI, 2009. - 118 p.
216. Shogenov, A.Kh. Electronics / A.Kh. Shogenov, D.S. Strebkov. - M.: Radio and communication, 2011. - 488 p.
217. Pike, A.A. Nanoelectronics: Textbook / A.A. Pike. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012. - 342 p.
218. Pike, A.A. Nanoelectronics: Textbook / A.A. Pike; Ed. A.S. Sigov. - M.: BINOM. LZ, 2012. - 342 p.
219. Pike, A.A. Nanoelectronics: Textbook / A.A. Pike. - M.: Binom, 2015. - 344 p.
220. Pike, A.A. Electronics / A.A. Pike. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2008. - 752 p.
221. Pike, A.A. Electronics / A.A. Pike. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2012. - 752 p.
222. Pike, A.A. Electronics., Perer / A.A. Pike. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2008. - 752 p.
223. Yampurin, N.P. Electronics: Textbook / N.P. Yampurin. - M.: Academia, 2018. - 32 p.
224. Yampurin, N.P. Electronics: Textbook / N.P. Yampurin. - M.: Academy, 2019. - 320 p.
225. Yatsenkov, V.S. Electronics. Your first quadcopter: theory and practice. / V.S. Yatsenkov. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2016. - 256 p.

MISRA is the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association group that developed the C language standard for mission-critical embedded systems. For such as automotive or aviation equipment, various hazardous industries. Where the cost of a software error can be very high. This is a set of hardening rules for the C language. There is a version for C++, but not the point. The beauty is that MISRA C is supported by some compilers, and if you add the appropriate switches, they will also check the code for compliance with MISRA C, for example, IAR. There are also separate code analyzers for compliance with the standard.

Well, the very essence of the standard is to complicate the life of various bydlockers and lovers of beautifully fucking in the code :) There, for example, it is forbidden to shove in the headline for all but the standard cycle life support options. Standard types like char or int which depend on the architecture. Only hardcoded types like uint8_t. Forbidden switch without default, but case And if/else without wrapping content in ( ) blocks. Pointer arithmetic and stuff like that is forbidden. There are about two hundred such rules. A real concentration camp for a coder, where nothing is allowed :) But it becomes more difficult to make a stupid mistake.

One of my old network comrades, with whom I have been talking for probably more than ten years, since the time of LiveJournal, recently gave birth to an intelligent book on electrical materials. Solders, plastics, electrical tapes, various tubes, textolites, metals and alloys ... Here it is all sorted into shelves and categories, often with theoretical calculations and other things. I strongly recommend that you read at least diagonally.

I think I will not be mistaken if I call the book Electronics step by step the best guide for beginners in studying electronics that can be read in Russian. Yes, it will push only until the mid-70s, to microcircuits, no further. But it will push so that you can fly for a long time and successfully. Excellent illustrations, excellent explanation of the basics of theory and practice. And now a group of comrades has found Rudolf Anatolyevich, he lives in the USA, and is trying to organize a reprint of the book. Now we are assessing demand and collecting pre-orders.

My opinion is to take it.

I just draw your attention to this wonderful work. The book is really sensible, starts from scratch, with what a zero and one are, and ends with pipeline processors. And everything is disassembled into HDL, starting with the simplest blocks. There are tasks and questions for self-examination. In general, if you carefully read it and complete all the tasks, then then giving birth to some kind of your own microcontroller in the bowels of the FPGA will be quite a feasible task.

Discrete logic and its synthesis are well analyzed. Basic mathematical operations with integers, as well as floating point numbers. A quick introduction to VDHL and Verilog is given, and then comes the assembly on HDL of various adders, counters, ALUs and other processor giblets.

Andrew Tanenbaum
Name: Operating Systems. Development and implementation
Publisher: Peter
It's been a while since I posted a useful book. Need to be corrected.
So, since I started to push on the topic of programming, we cannot forget such an author as Andrew Tanenbaum.
Programmers already know about him - after all, this is one of the classic authors, and his works describe in detail the principles of building operating systems. Moreover, all this is described literally on the fingers, on simplified analogies. However, there are also enough examples in C. In some places it is boring and a lot of things are not applicable to our area, but it will not hurt at all for the general development. A book in the must-read series.

I recently found a wonderful work on power electronics here. The calculation and design of switching power supplies is very well written. Step up, step down, invert. The calculation of cores, chokes, the choice of diodes and keys is thoroughly analyzed. It is told about the features of the operation of bipolar, field-effect and IGBT transistors. Examples of serial products are analyzed.

Moreover, which is incredibly pleasing, the book is not written in the form of a dry reference book, but in a living human language. With examples from life, explanations on the fingers in particularly muddy places. Lots of pictures and charts. All of the above is confirmed immediately by the calculation formulas. All sorts of rakes and troubles that can await when calculating power circuits are explained in detail. All in all, the book is just great. Haven't seen this in a long time.

The second edition of this book has already been published, expanded and supplemented. You can take, worthy purchase.

Author: Perebaskin A.V. Bakhmetiev A.A. Name: Marking of electronic components Publisher: Dodeka

A good color guide for labeling modern components. It will be especially useful for beginners, since at the beginning there is a detailed educational program on basic codes on resistors, capacitors. All those color bars and codes. There is also a guide to SMD codes with detailed description details. However, the SMD code does not give an unequivocal answer, you can only sharply narrow the circle of “suspects”, and then, after reconnaissance of the board, calculate which part this is already specific. Also in the directory there are overall dimensions of different cases, mainly placers - all sorts of SOT, DO and other small things.

Author: M. Damke Title: Microcomputer operating systems Publisher: Finansy i statistika

An old-timer of the site and one of the most active and intelligent commentators, comrade SWG did a wonderful thing - he scanned and shook in DejaVu a book on writing operating systems for a microcomputer.

I haven’t thoroughly understood yet, I scrolled diagonally - rulez! There is no special sinker, everything is in the form of algorithms and concepts. Everything is written in simple and understandable language. In particular, everything is analyzed on the example of Z80 and i8080 In general, a wonderful book. As SWG said somewhere in the comments: “Read this book and the invention of bicycles go where more fun :)

There is such a wonderful science. More precisely, this is not so much a science as a technique - TRIZ. What stands for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. Let's say we have to come up with a solution to some problem. There are different ways to get out of this situation. You can sit and be stupid, in the hope that someday insight will come. You can randomly sort out options, even crazy ones. Perhaps a solution to the problem will come. And TRIZ provides a powerful tool for analyzing the reasons why our task is not being solved, as well as how to resolve these reasons. Developed by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller in the USSR in the 40s, it was actively introduced and, perhaps, this is why our designers manage from shit and sticks, for mere pennies, on their knees, bungled what their Western colleagues break their heads and spend millions. Of course, the technique itself does not give revelations, but it helps to tune the brain to the right mood and dig in the right direction.

A simple example from the book:
It is necessary to test the liquid analyzer, and there must be a lot of liquid, that is, at least a liter per second must flow through the sensor, otherwise nothing can be measured. But in a laboratory, on a table, it is unrealistic to carry out such an experiment - where can you get so much of the test substance? Yes, and drive it in liters - this is what installation will be in size.

There is a TRIZ contradiction: "There should be a lot of fluid - There should be little fluid."
How to make a lot out of a little? Copy small many times.

As a result, a thin tube was flashed through the sensor several times and a glass of liquid was passed through it. The volume is small, but scrolls through many turns at the same time and creates the effect of a large volume flowing through the sensor section.

And there are a lot of such jokes in the book. True, there is little in relation to electronics specifically, more about industrial technologies for the manufacture of microcircuits and boards, but still - damn fascinating reading. In general, it is pleasant to disassemble beautiful engineering solutions, and even to find out why it was invented this way and not otherwise ... What am I telling you - read and penetrate.

Author: M.B. Lebedev Title: CodeVision AVR manual for beginners Publisher: Dodeka

On the Internet, there was another book on C for AVR, this time the compiler is thoroughly described CodeVision AVR (CVAVR). To be honest, I don't like CodeVision. Yes, of course, there is a wonderful project wizard and a beginner on it will get a working program in just a few minutes. Everything is very simple and clear ... but when I once looked into the code, into the generated assembler listing ... BUEEEE didn’t even do such a crap GCC on minimum optimization settings. Also worth the money. In short, I took it down nafig. It would be nice to find another normally cracked IAR ... here it generates a truly masterpiece code. On it you can learn assembler techniques. And then ... In general, this compiler did not impress me. But I'm posting a book. Because a lot of people use it. I haven't read the book, I'm posting it as is. The thick book weighs so much due to the fact that a high-quality scan and a lot of pages - almost 600. Solid work.

Author: Shpak Yu.A. Title: Programming in C for AVR and PIC microcontrollers Publisher: MK-Press

Here's what I dug up. Actually, I have not seen any other books on GCC. At one time there was a cool manual in the form of a chm file, but then it disappeared somewhere and I never saw it again. So download what you have :) Here, the C language itself is considered first, worse of course than, but in a smaller volume. And then comes the description of the C language, already with an emphasis on microcontrollers. Quite short, but there are examples, and this is the main thing. For PIC, the CCS-PICC compiler is described, and for AVR, GCC WinAVR is disassembled.
I was especially pleased with the reference at the end of the book, which briefly describes all the functions of the standard distribution of CCS-PICC and GCC WinAVR with examples. In general, you have no choice, since you are too lazy to write in assembler, you will have to understand this book :)

Author: Yuri Revich Title: Practical programming of AVR microcontrollers in assembly language Publisher: Bhv

Excellent book. From a series of desktop. The author is very accessible, in detail, without tediousness and absurdity, tells how to use all the wealth that the developers from Atmel stuffed into their controller, and the book is fresh, which means that the controllers there are already modern. All peripheral devices are disassembled, as well as specific practical examples clearly show how to play sounds through PWM, how to write and read on MMC flash drives, how to use comparators, ADC, SPI, TWI. There is a whole section dedicated to mathematics on microcontrollers. Addition, division, multiplication of whole and fractional numbers. Both with and without sign. In combination with a datasheet or a book, it provides almost complete information for working with the AVR. There is also a chapter devoted to the connection of MK with a computer. There is an example of a program on Delphi for work with COM port. In general, I strongly recommend getting hold of it, it won't hurt.

Author: R. Tokheim Title: Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Publisher: Mir

They advised me this book as a good material on digital electronics. Looked. Really, excellent presentation of material. Everything is very simple, but without sliding into primitivism. Both elementary logic and more complex structures, such as flip-flops, counters, registers, have been disassembled. Various ALUs and other adders. There is an analysis of difficult moments, such as a race of states, when, due to the finite speed of the elements, the real circuit does not work like its mathematical description. And, of course, methods of dealing with this scourge. Of course, in terms of practice, this book already outdated. Since now only a hardened retrograde will be developing a circuit on discrete components - microcontrollers and FPGAs have long crushed this niche for themselves, breaking the discrete both in speed and in price. But for understanding the theory of digital electronics and the principles of constructing logic circuits, this book is the best fit.
Haven't they canceled electronics at universities yet? ;)))) Here! Using this book, it's the best thing to prepare for an exam on some kind of deploying systems.

Author: Gordon Mak Comb Title: Radio electronics for dummies Publisher: Dialectika

What is this book about? Yes, about everything that begins immediately outside the microcontroller case. It is difficult to find such a gadget that can be connected to a microcontroller and which would be absent in this book. ADCs, DACs, external memory, interfaces, buttons, LEDs, relays. Various sensors and connection of bus lines. Encoders and motors, solenoids, digital potentiometers, and what the hell. Where do interference come from and how to deal with them, errors, methods for measuring different quantities. Ready-made circuit solutions and the general concept of work.

Moreover, everything is painted literally on the fingers, of course, there is mathematics. But it fits within the school curriculum. As the author himself says: “I don’t want to write a book on theoretical calculations, and I don’t think you would read it. This book is about real embedded microprocessor systems, so I want to focus on practical examples. »

And for the section on Automatic control, the author can safely erect a monument. Everything that they unsuccessfully tried to rub into us for almost two years at the university, Stuart literally chewed on his fingers, so much so that it becomes clear instantly, keeping within a dozen pages. If I had come across his work in the third year, I would not have flunked, at one time the TAU exam :) How I then passed the TAU is a separate story, and my phrase “What, it’s a shame for you to give excellent to a colleague in the shop?” became a cathedral slaughterhouse :) What am I telling you here, here, study and, having smallly hammered into a joint, smoke it in one fell swoop. A lot of questions will disappear at once :)

Microcircuits for switching power supplies. Directory.
Publisher: Dodeka.

A very good guide. Remarkable in that it is ... the most common translation of datasheets. One to one, picture to picture.
There are a lot of translated datasheets, only a list in four columns takes a dozen pages. I found all the impulse microcircuits that I knew there! And what is especially pleasing is that there is documentation for a domestic kit. With which there are always problems. If you don’t pick up an analogue, and don’t pull the paper on it, write wasted.