What can a child eat at 8. Menu for an eight-month-old bottle-fed baby

It is better to give seasonal fruits that grow in your area, yellow or green. We start, as usual, with one spoon and gradually bring it to the desired volume (the age of the child in months multiplied by ten grams). It is better not to replace the main meal with fruit puree, but to give it as a “snack”. So less likely to develop increased gas formation and liquid stool. (Editor's note. About when the baby can start giving sweets, you will learn from the video at the bottom of the article)

There will be something to sharpen the gums

Eight months is the right age to introduce the crumbs to the crust of bread, drying and baby biscuits. We give them between main meals and always under the supervision of adults. A kid can accidentally bite off a large piece and choke, because his chewing skill has not yet been sufficiently developed.

Menu for an 8 month old bottle-fed baby

  • 06.00 - adapted mixture 200 grams;
  • in between - drying;
  • 10.00 - liquid porridge 150-170 grams + adapted mixture to a total volume of two hundred milliliters;
  • 14.00 - 60 grams of meat puree + 100-120 grams of vegetable + adapted mixture to a total volume of two hundred milliliters;
  • 16.00 - fruit puree 80 ml;
  • 18.00 - adapted mixture;
  • in between - a cracker;
  • 22.00 - adapted mix.

Our expert Anna Bolshakova, a pediatrician, dermatologist with 10 years of experience, will tell you when you can start giving sweets to your child.

Download the checklist "Features of artificial feeding of a child"

Mothers of formula-fed children sincerely envy the mothers of naturalists. After all, they are ready to feed the baby on demand. And with bottles, everything is not so simple, and health problems in crumbs occur more often. Download our checklist and find out the answers to the most common questions about IV for a pediatrician!

In order to fully meet the needs of a growing child's body for valuable nutrients, its menu must be varied, balanced and age-appropriate.

At eight months, the baby's diet consists of five feedings. Night meals at this age are no longer available. It is believed that at this time it is necessary to introduce a third complementary food into the child's menu. Specialists in baby feeding recommend that these be various fermented milk products.

With the timely start of introducing complementary foods into the child's diet, by the 8th month, it is recommended to include fish in his menu. Fish meat is a source of easily digestible complete protein, valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the full development of many organs and systems, a complex of B vitamins and minerals.

The process of digesting fish is more gentle than digesting meat. At the same time, fish should be introduced into the baby's diet with caution, since this product can act as a potential allergen. For this reason, at first, fish should be included in the menu no more than once a week, while carefully observing the reaction of the child.

In baby food, priority is given to white ocean fish, as it is the most hypoallergenic. It can be cod, pollock or hake. At later stages, you can include salmon in the menu, as well as the pulp of some types of river fish - carp, pike perch, etc.

Fish for feeding an eight-month-old baby is cooked separately, chopped and served with mashed vegetable puree or healthy vegetable broth. Canned food for baby food containing fish is not uncommon on the shelves of modern stores, but the percentage of fish in them is quite small.

On other days - that is, six times a week, a child, starting from five to six months, must necessarily receive a portion of meat. It should also not be forgotten that each new product is introduced into the child's diet gradually.

What to feed a baby at 8 months while breastfeeding

How to feed a child at 8 months if he is on breastfeeding and began to receive complementary foods from four to five months? As an answer to this question, the first menu option was developed:

  • 1st feeding (6 hours) - 180-200 g of breast milk or adapted milk formula;
  • 2nd feeding (10 hours) - 180 g of milk porridge, a teaspoon of butter, half a hard-boiled chicken yolk, 40 g of fruit puree;
  • 3rd feeding (14 hours) - 180 g of vegetable puree with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of meat or fish puree, a slice of bread, fruit juice;
  • 4th feeding (18 hours) - 150 g of breast milk or adapted milk or sour-milk formula, 40 g of cottage cheese, 2-3 cookies, 40 g of fruit puree, 40 ml of fruit juice;
  • 5th feeding (22 hours) - 180-200 g of breast milk or adapted fresh or fermented milk mixture, which can also be replaced with kefir.

How to feed a child at 8 months if, having reached this age, he also continues to receive mother's milk as the main component of nutrition, and complementary foods were started at the age of five to six months? A typical weekly meal plan looks like this:

  • 1st feeding (6 hours) - 180-200 g of breast milk;
  • 2nd feeding (10 hours) - 180 g of milk porridge, 5 g of butter, half a hard-boiled chicken yolk, 40 g of fruit puree;
  • 3rd feeding (14 hours) - 180 g of vegetable puree with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of meat puree, 50 g of fruit puree, a slice of bread, 40 ml of fruit juice;
  • 4th feeding (18 hours) - 40 g of breast milk, 40 g of cottage cheese, 2-3 cookies, fruit juice;
  • 5th feeding (22 hours) - 200 g of breast milk or baby yogurt.

What to feed a breastfed baby at 8 months who is allergic to cow protein? The third menu option is designed specifically for such children:

  • 1st feeding (6 hours) - 180-200 ml of breast milk, fermented milk product, a mixture based on protein hydrolyzate or soy;
  • 2nd feeding (10 hours) - 180 g of dairy-free porridge with the addition of 8-10% of breast milk or hydrolyzed protein, a fermented milk product or soy mixture and 1 teaspoon of butter, 30 g of fruit puree;
  • 3rd feeding (14 hours) - 170 g of vegetable puree with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 50 g of meat puree, 30 g of fruit puree;
  • 4th feeding (18 hours) - 170 g of cereal and vegetable mixture with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 30 g of meat puree, 30 g of fruit puree;
  • 5th feeding (22 hours) - 180-200 ml of breast milk, fermented milk product, a mixture based on protein hydrolyzate or soy.

Eight month old baby diet

Thinking about the question of how to feed a child at 8 months of age, any menu should be taken by parents solely as a guide. We should not forget that the main component of the baby's nutrition at this age is breast milk. In its absence, the basis of the diet should be an adapted milk formula, and all other products are introduced into the child's menu individually.

In order to assess the sufficiency and usefulness of the child's nutrition, their development and growth rates, the presence of appetite and normal intestinal activity, and the absence of diseases are evaluated. If the listed indicators are normal, then even without adhering to the "academic" menu, you can be sure that the children's diet is chosen correctly.

If any of the parameters causes an alarm, then first of all it is necessary to determine the cause of the failure. If in general the child eats according to age, then the earlier or later introduction of some component will not affect the overall picture.

So, many doctors recommend introducing the yolk only at 9-11 months of age. As for meat puree, not only chicken or beef, but also rabbit meat or turkey are used for its preparation. Milk porridges also alternate, or they offer the child a porridge-assortment of several types of cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina, barley groats). Vegetable purees should be prepared with local, seasonal vegetables. Cow's milk is always offered to the child in boiled form and always from a cup.

If the child is not delighted with the new product, then it can be mixed little by little into familiar and favorite dishes. It’s worth starting with 0.1 parts, increasing the amount day by day. Often children are reluctant to accept changes, but this does not mean that they really do not like the product or do not like it. To speed up the addiction process, you should not season or salt the dish, as well as add various sauces to it.

When thinking about the question of how to feed an 8 month old baby, it should be remembered that a huge role, as before, belongs to breast milk. Lactation should be maintained as much as possible and provide the baby with at least two breastfeeds per day.

An eight-month-old bottle-fed baby has a different diet than the menu that is offered to children of the same age on breastfeeding. An adapted milk formula ceases to fully meet the needs of the baby from 6 months, so pediatricians advise starting complementary foods early.
Your baby has managed to get acquainted with many products from the “adult” table in a few months, at this stage he needs to organize a diet that ensures the maximum intake of vitamins and nutrients.

One of the main new items on the 8 month old baby's menu will be fish.

The main benefit of fish is that it is a source of easily digestible protein necessary for the growth and development of the baby. In addition, fish protein contains useful amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. In addition to protein, this product contains many more useful substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • mineral salts;
  • fish oil - rich in beneficial acids that contribute to the development of brain activity, strengthening immune system and prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • vitamin D - participates in the correct and timely formation of the child's teeth and skeletal system;
  • minerals iodine, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc.

The benefits of this product in the children's menu are difficult to overestimate. Start your acquaintance with fish by offering your baby half a teaspoon of puree. The product can provoke allergies, so you should not use it too often, one or two feedings per week will be enough for a bottle-fed baby to get all the necessary nutrients.
Give the baby only carefully wiped fish. As the teeth grow and appear, you can start using a larger grater or cut the fish into small pieces so that the baby learns to chew on its own.
Portions of previously introduced feeding in the menu can be increased: cereals up to 170 gr, vegetable puree up to 180 gr, fruit puree up to 80 gr, meat puree up to 50 gr per day. Kefir can be drunk in a larger volume, but limited to 400 ml per day. The baby's need for the use of an adapted mixture is reduced, if the child eats well, its amount can be reduced to 200 ml. Soups are prepared in meat broth, just like for the rest of the family, but without the addition of seasonings and spices.
Sugar and salt are still banned, they are not needed in the diet of an 8-month-old baby. You can use butter in small quantities for cooking meals or vegetable oil good quality.
List of vegetables allowed on the menu:

  • vegetable marrow;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • potato;
  • carrots, beets, cabbage, fresh peas (no more than 40 gr, they are added to the bulk of the dish).

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Most children of this age have a good appetite. Despite the fact that a formula-fed baby will not refuse a bottle of formula, he willingly eats new food.
When compiling a menu for children of 8 months, it is necessary to follow the basic rule of complementary foods - give new food gradually, in small portions, do not introduce several different dishes into the diet at the same time. There remains a five-time diet. Daily meals can already be completely replaced with other products, not including the mixture.

  • 6-00 - 7-00 - a mixture or kefir 200 ml (you can give a cracker or a cookie);
  • 10-00 - 11-00 - porridge 170 gr, cottage cheese 40 gr, juice 35 ml;
  • 14-00-15-00 - soup 30 gr, meat puree 50 gr, white bread without crust 5 gr, half the yolk, vegetable puree 180 gr;
  • 18-00 - 19-00 - fruit puree 80 gr, kefir 200 ml (if not drunk in the morning), juice 35 ml;
  • 23-00 - 24-00 - adapted milk formula 200 ml.

If a formula-fed child is healthy, feels good and eats willingly, some deviations from the generally accepted dietary patterns can be made. For example, the time of the first breakfast may be later than 6-7 in the morning, if the baby is sleeping at this time, then he is full and does not need food yet. Do not give your baby porridge more than once a day.

Drinking water can be gradually replaced with baby rosehip or chamomile tea.

We cook ourselves

The most healthy meals in the diet of an 8 month old baby are those that are steamed or boiled / stewed in water.
Defrost fish with a whole carcass on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a solution of water and salt. Rinse thoroughly and remove all bones. Due to its softness, the fillet cooks quite quickly, about 30 minutes.

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Beef with vegetables.

To prepare meals, you will need 70 grams of veal or beef tenderloin, small pieces of pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, vegetable oil 1 teaspoon.
Boil the beef for 2–2.5 hours, clean and wash the vegetables well, put the ingredients in a saucepan, cover with water and cook until the vegetables are ready. Drain the excess water and grind all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Add oil before serving.

fruit compote

To normalize the stool and increase the useful elements in the diet, pediatricians recommend introducing prunes compotes into the kids menu.
To prepare compote, you will need the following foods: 1 apple, 1 pear, 500 ml of water, dried apricots and prunes 45 g each (a small handful).
Cut dried fruits into small pieces, apple and pear must be peeled and also cut. Pour the ingredients with water and cook after boiling for about half an hour until the fruit is soft. Grind the compote with a blender, offer a drink to the baby while it is still warm.

Hello dear friends! How can you characterize the menu of an 8 month old bottle-fed baby? Varied, balanced, rich. It provides for the introduction of new products and an increase in portions of old ones, which will give even more strength to the crumbs to explore the world around them.

True, if all the rules are followed. Neglecting them, as well as haste and delay in the future, can turn into serious problems for his health - from banal diathesis and rashes all over the body to dysbacteriosis and indigestion.

The menu of an 8 month old baby is more expanded than the menu of a 7 month old. In general, it consists of the same food groups. However, somewhere the portion simply increases, somewhere new types of product are added, and somewhere the hitherto unknown appears on the plate.

In order not to miss anything, you need to constantly focus on the recommendations of pediatricians. And they say that during this period the baby must receive:

  1. dairy products. This is not only kefir and cottage cheese, but also bio-yogurt, bio-kefir and others. It is difficult to overestimate their benefits for the body - they improve the intestinal microflora, and also supply calcium and B vitamins to the body. They are also responsible for the health of bones and teeth, due to which they always occupy an honorable place in the line of essential products for a growing body;
  2. fish. Artificers are advised to introduce it into the diet from the middle of the 8th month. True, you can only offer such a baby ocean fish - hake or pollock, and if everything goes smoothly, then salmon and cod. It is always better to give preference to fish fillets, which can then be boiled and ground together with vegetables or turned into delicious steamed fish cakes. And do not be afraid that the fish can harm. Introduced in accordance with all the rules of complementary foods, starting with a small piece, it will only strengthen the baby's immunity, contribute to the development of many of its organs and systems, including the nervous and cardiovascular systems. And also take care of the health of his teeth, bones and eyes. They give it once a week. Considering that fish is also protein, meat is canceled on the “fish” day so as not to provoke the development of constipation;
  3. porridge. It is a source of vitamins and minerals. Due to the fact that the baby met them earlier, at this stage, you can only slightly increase their portion and expand the diet by introducing new species. An 8-month-old baby can and should be offered buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, rice and corn porridge. Some pediatricians advise introducing millet during this period, but in reality it is often too difficult to digest and cause bloating, constipation, and even vomiting. Therefore, when offering it, you still need to monitor the reaction of the child, and in case of alarming symptoms, remove it until better times (sometimes up to 3 years). By grams 8 month old baby should receive about 100 - 150 gr. porridge per day;
  4. vegetables and fruits. In addition to the mass of vitamins and microelements responsible for the functioning of all organs and systems, this group of products also contains fiber. That is why, if the baby already has digestive problems, in particular constipation, you need to ensure that their amount in the diet at least slightly meets the requirements of the food plate and makes up at least a third or fourth of all introduced products. You can offer him: zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, squash, onions, carrots, beets, apricots, peaches, apples, pears, bananas, cherries, currants, raspberries, blueberries, etc. Vegetables are best steamed, baked or boiled and give in the form of mashed potatoes in different variations, with or without meat. Fortunately, there are plenty of recipes for tasty and healthy dishes for an 8-month-old baby;
  5. meat- everything is unchanged here. True, it is already possible to add offal to the fillet of low-fat varieties - liver, brains, tongue, especially since they allow you to taste new tastes and enrich the body with useful substances;
  6. bakery products. Bagels, crackers, biscuit cookies or just a crust of bread will do. These are cereals, which should also be included in the diet. And it's also a great way to scratch your teeth during their teething;
  7. soups on meat broths with or without half the yolk (it is better to postpone the protein for now), as well as vegetable and butter. The fact is that it contains healthy fats, so it can and should be added little by little to vegetable purees and cereals;
  8. and of course the drinks, water, juices, freshly brewed compotes to replenish fluid losses.

2. Features of the diet of an 8 month old baby

The nutrition of a child at this age still remains five times a day with the obligatory allocation of three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner and a kind of "snacks", which in fact are the first and last feeding. Traditionally, they should include a mixture or baby kefir.

As for the amount of certain products, then everything is individual. In any case, Dr. Komarovsky is sure of this. The only thing you should not do is overfeed the baby (force feed) or leave him hungry. Otherwise, it does not matter how many grams of meat, fish or milk he ate. The main thing is that he is healthy. And this may be evidenced by his well-being and the conclusion of the pediatrician at the next examination.

However, you can always refer to the table sample menu for an 8 month old baby for a day:

On its basis, you can also think over the menu for the week, combining different vegetables and fruits for mashed potatoes and supplementing it various types porridge, meat and fish.

You can see what a baby is fed at 8 months in this video:

The diet of an 8-month-old baby includes many products - new and tried. From them you can cook all kinds of dishes that he will definitely like. The main thing is to do it with soul and do not put salt, sugar and spices in them yet.

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The diet of a child at 8 months can be replenished with new foods. But this should be done with caution, carefully monitoring the reactions to each component of the food. Pediatricians give clear recommendations on which children can expand the menu, and which ones should wait until next month.

The feeding regimen of a child at 8 months of age on breastfeeding does not differ from the schedule for eating an artificial. The usual frequency of 4 hours for mother and baby is preserved, traditional meal options are clearly traced: breakfast, lunch, dinner. To accustom the crumbs to the fact that they eat porridge for breakfast, and soup for lunch is necessary now. In the future, this will save you from worrying about what to cook for the baby, and when he goes to Kindergarten, will allow him to quickly adapt to the conditions of the children's team.

Nutrition Features

The daily routine and nutrition of a child at 8 months by the hour is as follows:

Differences in the diet of infants and artificial

The mode of feeding a child at 8 months on artificial feeding may differ in the set of products from the diet of the baby. If your baby first received complementary foods not at 6 months, but earlier - at 4 or 5, at this age you can introduce him to more adult foods, in particular, fish.

According to pediatricians, the benefits of fish are enormous. The substances contained in it help the development of many body systems, in particular, the formation of the retina, the strengthening and growth of bones and teeth. The varieties of ocean fish, which it is desirable to cook for a child, contain the required amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Include fish in your diet with care. Ideal varieties for the first feeding will be hake, pollock and cod, that is, fish with white meat. Feed also little by little, starting with half a teaspoon. And even if your baby liked the fish, and you are already giving him a full portion of it, limit the number of such feedings per week to one fish day.

Feeding table

The following table will tell you in detail about the diet of a child at 8 months. She assumes that the baby receives complementary foods from the recommended time, that is, from six months, and is breastfed, formula-fed or mixed.

feeding Products Volume
  • Breast milk (mixture). An artificial man can be offered children's yogurt
  • up to 200 g
  • Milk porridge with butter
  • Yolk of a hard-boiled egg
  • Fruit puree
  • 180 g + 5 g (slightly less than a teaspoon)
  • ½-1 piece
  • Vegetable puree with vegetable oil
  • meat mousse
  • Fruit juice (it is allowed to give crumbs between feedings)
  • Fruit puree
  • 180 g + 5 g (about a teaspoon)
  • 40 ml
  • Piece weighing 5 g
  • Cottage cheese
  • Fruit juice (puree)
  • Children's cookies (biscuit or drying)
  • Breast milk, formula or baby kefir
  • 2 pcs.
  • 120 g
  • Breast milk, formula. Children's kefir can be offered to both infants and artificial people.
  • 200 g

The specified diet will be the key to the healthy development of your crumbs!


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