Can tea be given to a 7 month old baby. When can a child be given tea?

In the summer heat, these questions become especially relevant for parents.

Everyone knows that water is necessary for the life of all organs and systems of the human body. Its lack primarily affects the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, hematopoiesis - the formation of new blood cells. In addition, without water, heat transfer processes in the body cannot occur. A child's need for fluid depends on age, type of nutrition (breastfeeding, artificial milk formulas, complementary foods), ambient temperature, physical activity and individual metabolic characteristics.

The total amount of fluid that a child of the first year of life should receive is 100-150 ml / kg of body weight per day. Up to 6 months it is 80-130 ml / kg per day, after 6 months - 130-150 ml / kg,
from 1-3 years - 100 ml / kg, after 3 years - 80 ml / kg per day.

When to start?

The fact is that breast milk is for the baby both food and drink. The "front" milk that is released at the beginning of feeding is more liquid and consists of 87% water. It fully satisfies the baby's need for liquid. Drinking a child who is on breastfeeding, earlier than 6 months may lead to a decrease in breast milk intake. This is due to the fact that if the baby receives water instead of milk, he has a false sense of fullness, he sucks out less milk, which leads to malnutrition and weight loss crumbs.

If the baby sucks little and reluctantly after drinking water, this, in turn, can lead to a decrease in the mother's milk production. Therefore, a breastfed baby should be supplemented with water only with the start of the introduction of complementary foods.

For children who are formula-fed or mixed-fed, the need for additional water intake arises from the moment formula is introduced into the diet. Formula milk is a difficult product to digest, and without supplementation, the baby may develop problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation.

How to drink a child?

However, there are times when a baby needs extra fluid, regardless of whether he is receiving formula milk or breast milk. These are conditions in which there is a pathological loss of fluid: fever (increase in body temperature above 38 ° C), vomiting, frequent liquid stool, hot and dry weather (above 25°C). To avoid dehydration, children need to drink more often than usual in the heat; Breastfed babies can breastfeed more often.

Drinking can be given to the child in between feedings. It is not necessary to offer the baby some water before feeding, so as not to cause a false feeling of satiety. It is better to drink the crumbs from a spoon, and when he grows up a little, you can teach him to drink from a drinking bowl or a non-spill cup. Such a cup has a special valve on the back of the lid that does not allow the liquid to spill, even if it is overturned or tilted to the side.

When the baby drinks from a spoon, the liquid goes directly into his mouth, and you just need to swallow it. Drinking from a cup uses the same principle. Babies who are used to drinking from a bottle (drinking requires several sucking movements) often find it difficult to transition to drinking from a cup.

Choosing drinks


At first, the best drink for a child is water. It must be clean and of good quality. This is necessary because the children's body is more susceptible to harmful substances and microorganisms, because in young children the immune system is not yet fully formed.

It is best to give your baby special baby bottled water. Firstly, during its production, all hygienic requirements are observed, and it is safe for the child. Secondly, it has a low level of mineralization, which is important for the normal functioning of the kidneys. On a bottle of water, it must be written that it is “for children”. Water must meet the basic quality characteristics: be transparent, odorless, have a neutral taste.

To drink a child, you can also use ordinary boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Only in this case it is necessary that the tap water be pre-filtered. Filters clean tap water from harmful impurities - chlorine, iron, salts of heavy metals, as well as from some bacteria and viruses.


In addition to water, various children's teas are used to drink children. It is important to remember that children's tea is not at all the tea that adults drink. Ordinary black tea should not be given to children under 1.5–2 years old. This is due to the fact that it contains tannin, a substance that has an exciting effect on the central nervous system. As a result, the child develops sleep disturbances, tearfulness, increased excitability. In addition, tannin affects the functioning of the heart, causing an increase in the number of heartbeats.

Children's tea has many useful properties. For example, it strengthens the walls and enhances vascular tone; contains fluoride, which helps to avoid the development of caries and strengthens bones and teeth; contains many vitamins of group B, necessary for the full development of the crumbs. Lightly brewed black tea can be given to children from 1.5–2 years old, after diluting it with milk.

For babies, there are special children's teas that may contain extracts of medicinal herbs (chamomile, dill, fennel, lemon balm, mint, anise) or fruit and berry supplements - lemon, wild berries, raspberries, etc. Herbal teas have a certain preventive and therapeutic effect. So, for example, tea with mint or lemon balm has a calming effect, and it can be offered to a child with increased neuro-reflex excitability, a violation of the process of falling asleep and sleeping. To stimulate the immune system, rosehip extract, anise and vitamin C are added to children's tea. Before buying and drinking children's herbal tea, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Most children's teas can be started when a child is on artificial feeding, from 4–5 months; up to this age, babies are supplemented only with water. Children receiving breast milk, teas are not recommended to enter earlier than 6 months. The age at which tea can be used should be indicated on the package. The exception is chamomile and fennel tea, which can be given from the first month of life. It is used in children with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as it eliminates flatulence (excessive gas formation), relieves intestinal spasms and stimulates digestion.

The amount of tea drunk for a baby should not exceed 100 ml per day. Almost all children's teas of industrial production contain a significant amount of carbohydrates: sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose. Excessive consumption of tea as a drink can cause the development of caries, flatulence.

When preparing teas, you must follow the instructions on the package, do not give the tea hot (it should be at room temperature) and do not add sugar.


Children are very fond of these drinks, but you should not rush to give your baby juice. The fact is that juices are an allergenic product and can cause diathesis in infants, as well as irritate the immature mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause bloating, rumbling, abdominal pain, and unstable stools. Pediatricians and the World Health Organization recommend introducing juices into a baby's diet no earlier than 8 months.

First, clarified juices (without pulp) are introduced into the child's diet, and at 10-11 months you can try to give the baby juices with pulp. The later introduction of juices with pulp is due to the fact that they contain plant fibers (fiber), which stimulate the activity of the intestines, and the child may develop stool disorders.

At first, it is better for a baby to give one-component juices made from one type of fruit. This is necessary so that if an allergic reaction occurs, it can be determined which component the child's body reacted negatively to and eliminate the allergen.

The first thing you can offer your baby is green apple juice. It is the least allergenic and contains a large amount of iron needed by the baby. Then pear, peach, apricot and plum juices are introduced. You can not offer your child juices of exotic fruits (mango, papaya, grapefruit), orange and strawberries: they often cause allergies, so they are recommended to be given after the age of 1–1.5 years. With the introduction of grape juice, too, do not rush: grapes contain increased amount sugar and can cause fermentation processes in the intestines of the crumbs, which will cause him anxiety.

You need to start giving juice to your child with 5 drops, gradually increasing the volume per week to 20-30 ml per day (2nd day - ½ teaspoon, 3rd day - 1 teaspoon, by the 7th day - 6 teaspoons (30 ml ) By the end of the first year of life, the volume of juice that the baby drinks should be 100-120 ml per day.

The child can be given fresh juices prepared with a juicer, or commercially produced juices recommended for baby food. The package usually indicates the age at which children can use this product.

Freshly squeezed juices can irritate the baby's intestinal mucosa due to their high content of organic acids. This is manifested by increased gas formation, bloating, intestinal colic. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute such juices with chilled boiled or bottled water in a ratio of 1:1 (up to 2–3 years of age), and children over 3 years old can be offered juices that are not diluted with water. Juices of industrial production at the beginning of the introduction are also recommended to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 for better adaptation of the child's gastrointestinal tract to this product. You can stop diluting the juice when the child begins to receive the amount of this drink that corresponds to the age norm.


After 1 year, the child can be offered compotes from fresh berries and dried fruits. They are prepared without added sugar. The same rule applies here as with the introduction of juices: you need to start with a monocomponent drink and give it in small portions (starting with 10 ml per day). First, compote for a baby is better to cook from hypoallergenic fruits - apples, pears, plums. After a while, you can add berries - cherries, sweet cherries. Compote is given to the child chilled to room temperature.


This drink, made from the juice of berries or fruits, contains various vitamins (although some of them are destroyed during cooking), quenches thirst well, increases body tone, and appetite. Morse is prepared from different berries: cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries. It can be offered to the baby in the third year of life. For the first acquaintance of young children with this drink, it is better to prepare fruit drink from one variety of berries. Fruit drinks of industrial production are mainly allowed for children over 3-4 years old. They are often a mixture of juices of several types of berries and water, so you can offer such a drink to a baby if he is not allergic to the components that make up its composition.

Morse can be cooked at home on your own. To do this, the berries must be sorted out, washed and squeezed out of them with the juice using a fine sieve or gauze. The remaining pomace should be poured with hot water, add a little sugar and boil for 10-12 minutes after boiling, then strain. Strained broth should be mixed with previously obtained juice. Morse is usually drunk chilled.


Homemade jelly from fresh or frozen berries and fruits can be given to a baby after 1 year. Kissel of industrial production (in packs) contains a large amount of dyes and sweeteners, so it can be given to a child no earlier than 3 years. In order to cook jelly yourself, you will need fresh or frozen berries and potato starch. The berries must be sorted out, washed with hot water, mashed and squeezed out the juice through a fine sieve or gauze. The pomace should be poured with hot water and boiled for 5 minutes, then strained. It is necessary to pour potato starch previously diluted in chilled boiled water into the strained broth and, stirring, let it boil again, then add the previously squeezed juice. For 1 cup of berries take 2 tablespoons of potato starch.

Mineral water

It is divided into two categories - dining and medical. Healing mineral water contains many different salts and is intended for the treatment of certain diseases. Such water should not be drunk without a doctor's prescription. Table mineral water is poorly mineralized and has no therapeutic effect. The main important elements in mineral water are calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron. Table mineral water can be offered to children after 1 year. To remove gas bubbles from the mineral water, it is enough to pour the required volume of water into the cup and let it stand for 20-30 minutes; you can stir the water in a glass with a spoon - and everything will happen faster.


Sweet carbonated drinks are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. There are a lot of preservatives, flavorings and dyes in "soda" that can cause allergies in a child. Such drinks also contain a lot of sugar or its substitutes, which contribute to the development of cavities. Finally, carbon dioxide, which is contained in sparkling water, causes belching and bloating.


From hot drinks, a child over 2-3 years old can be given cocoa no more than 3 times a week. It is best to offer your baby cocoa with milk for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Cocoa powder is rich in protein, fiber and vitamins. It contains many useful trace elements, such as zinc and iron, folic acid. Cocoa is a very healthy drink for underweight children, as it is a high-calorie product. The recommended amount of cocoa for young children is no more than 50 ml per day.

coffee drinks

Another hot drink is coffee. Instant coffee is strictly contraindicated for children under 13-14 years old. Coffee, as you know, contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In a baby, this can lead to overexcitability, capriciousness, neuroses, and sleep disturbances. Children can be given a coffee drink that does not contain caffeine. It may include chicory, extracts of rye, barley, oats, rose hips. These products are completely safe for the baby and very rarely cause allergies. In addition, they have useful properties. Chicory increases appetite and regulates metabolism. In addition, the composition of chicory includes various mineral elements and vitamins A, E, B1, B12. Rosehip helps to strengthen the immune system, and extracts of barley and oats improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A coffee drink diluted with milk can be given to a baby over 2 years old.

When choosing a coffee drink, you need to carefully examine the packaging. Sometimes it may include a small percentage of natural coffee. It is better not to offer such drinks to a child.

Drinking mode in the heat

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime in hot weather, when the baby sweats a lot and loses a lot of fluid. The supply of fluid in children is consumed faster, since water metabolism is more intense than in adults. Babies still have an imperfect thermoregulation system, so they easily overheat. On hot days, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs (due to possible dehydration of the body) and water the child more often, even if he does not ask.

The main symptoms of excessive fluid loss (dehydration) of the body are:
dry mucous membranes;
decrease in the number of urination (less than 6 times a day).

To prevent dehydration, breastfed babies should simply breastfeed more often. It is advisable for "artificial" children to offer cool drinks every 15-20 minutes. As a drink, ordinary drinking water at room temperature, non-carbonated mineral water, unsweetened children's tea are suitable.

Older children can be offered non-carbonated mineral water, diluted juice, unsweetened compote, children's kefir as a drink. Drinking should not be sweet, as sweet drinks do not quench thirst well and the baby will soon want to drink again. It is also important to remember that on hot days it is not recommended to drink cold drinks, because due to the sharp temperature difference, you can catch a cold.

Drinks should be at room temperature or slightly chilled.

It is very important to observe the drinking regimen for a child, since water and various drinks are an important part of his daily diet. Improper drinking regimen can lead to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance, constipation, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in a baby.

It is important for children to get enough fluids every day. And if parents know about the benefits of ordinary water, fresh juices, homemade compotes or fruit drinks, then such a popular drink as tea is in doubt. Let's see if it is possible to give them a drink to a small child, at what age it is permissible to treat them to a baby, and how best to prepare this drink for children.

Arguments "for": a little about the benefits


early tea drinking childhood can have the following negative impact:

  • Call allergic reaction.
  • Provoke hyperactivity and hyperexcitability.
  • Worsen sleep, cause insomnia and nightmares.
  • Worse the work of the heart (increase heart rate).
  • Poor effect on memory and attention.
  • Provoke the appearance of anemia.
  • Cause accumulation of uric acid salts.
  • Bind calcium.
  • Change the color of tooth enamel.

Adults will notice such effects only when consumed in excess every day, but a small amount of this drink can also adversely affect a child.

Are there any contraindications?

Tea should not be given to a child with:

  • Hypersensitivity to caffeine.
  • Gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Insomnia.
  • Kidney diseases.

Children's teas

All the properties and effects described above are typical for black tea, but in stores you will certainly see special teas designed for toddlers. These are products of brands Hipp, Babushkino basket, Humana, Heinz, Bebi and others. Some of them are soluble (represented by granules), while others are in sachets. All ingredients of this baby tea are safe for babies.

Usually this is not just a drink, but one of the remedies, since such children's tea has its own effect on the children's body:

  • Dill or fennel - helps to eliminate intestinal colic and relieve pain in the tummy.
  • Chamomile - promotes rapid falling asleep, gives an anti-inflammatory effect, improves digestion.
  • Linden - favorably affects sleep and the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Mint - will help calm the nervous system, relieve flatulence and bloating.

How many months can be introduced into the diet?

Babies are allowed to give only special tea intended for small children. The age at which it can be given to the baby is indicated on the packaging. Usually, fennel tea is given from 1 month, chamomile and linden - from 4 months, and vitamin with berries and fruits, as well as mint and ginger - from 5-6 months. Tea is not recommended for newborns, and the introduction of crumbs of any baby tea into the diet should first be discussed with the pediatrician.

Black tea is not recommended for babies under 2-3 years of age. After two years, the child can brew a weak drink and give it in limited quantities. Due to the high content of caffeine and tannin, acquaintance with green tea should be postponed until the age of 10-11. or even postpone the sample of such a drink to a later period.

How to brew?

The drink that the child will drink should be brewed very weakly. For 200 milliliters of boiled water, take half a teaspoon of tea leaves. Infuse the drink for a maximum of two to three minutes so that the concentration active substances was low. After straining the tea, cool it to the desired temperature and offer the child.

Norms of use

  • Children from 2 to 3 years old can be given weak black tea up to 4 times a week. A single serving of the drink is 50 ml.
  • For babies older than 3 years to 6 years of age, a single serving of a weak drink can be increased to 100 ml.
  • For children over seven years old, tea may already be stronger (take a teaspoon of raw materials for 200 ml of boiling water). One serving at this age is 200 ml.

Recipes and their benefits

With milk

Supplementation with milk is recommended for preschoolers and primary school children. Babies 2-3 years of age should dilute brewed tea with milk 50 to 50, and for children over 3 years old, milk is added to the drink in an arbitrary amount.

The added milk lowers the concentration of compounds harmful to the baby, and also neutralizes tannins and oxalates. In addition, milk prevents tea pigments from interacting with tooth enamel.

with ginger

Tea made from ginger normalizes digestion, helps with nausea, headaches, runny nose, colds. He noted the property to strengthen the immune system and eliminate cough. For preparation, a piece of ginger root about 3-5 cm is peeled and cut or rubbed, after which it is poured with water brought to a boil (0.5 l). the drink should be infused for 30-60 minutes. In this tea, you can add sugar, honey, a slice of citrus.

With lemon

This tea is rich in vitamin C, so it is a wonderful prevention of colds. After preparing weak black tea, lower its temperature to 50 ° C, and then add a slice of lemon or a spoonful of lemon juice to the drink. You can sweeten it with honey or sugar.

With raspberries

This drink has a positive effect on the digestive system, as well as an antipyretic effect. Add dried, frozen or fresh raspberries to the tea leaves, brew with boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes.

with thyme

This tea supports immune system, acts as a source of vitamins (group B, vitamin A, vitamin C) and mineral compounds, as well as organic acids, resins and other useful substances. it is recommended to cook for children over 2 years of age for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, cough, runny nose, flu.

To brew it, add a teaspoon of the dried plant to your black tea. This amount is enough for an average teapot. You can use this tea as a prevention of colds, however, like any other herbal teas, you can not drink it daily.

  • If you are going to give your child black tea, buy it from a specialty store. It is best to take it without any additional ingredients.
  • It is not worth brewing tea in a bag for a child, as its composition is questionable.
  • Any tea should be introduced into the children's menu with caution, like any other products unfamiliar to the child. For the first time, give your baby it for breakfast and watch the child's reaction for the rest of the day. If the drink has affected behavior and sleep, or caused any other negative effects, give it up for a while.
  • Be especially careful with any herbal teas, as a child can develop an allergic reaction to medicinal herbs.
  • Hibiscus can be given to a child from 3 years of age. This drink has the ability to strengthen the immune system.
  • Do not give tea to a child in the afternoon, because its stimulating effect can worsen falling asleep and sleep.
  • Do not give it to a child with a fever, as the drink can further increase body temperature.
  • Let the child drink it in a warm form, since a hot drink harms both the teeth and the stomach, and absorption is impaired in a cold one.

Always offer your baby a freshly brewed drink, since after an hour the concentration of nutrients in brewed tea decreases, and if the drink is heated, harmful compounds can form in it.

For information on when to give tea to a child, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

Find out if your child's weight is normal by using the following calculator.

Height and weight calculator



Andrey Starikov, 1758

Sugar is the most common product on our table, sweet and pleasant. We can use it and not even know about it. Some are afraid of him like fire and call him "white death." But is it as dangerous as they say?

It has been scientifically proven that with a complete rejection of glucose for a long time, one can get a disease such as sclerosis, and this disease, unfortunately, cannot be cured.

Small children up to six months receive glucose and everything they need from their mother's milk or milk formulas, and then what? Of course, baby purees, dairy products come to the rescue, they also have a lot of useful glucose.

What sugar is right and what is not for a small growing organism? What to give children to drink - black or green tea, at what age should they start? What are the benefits and harms of such a drink for children? How to cook? Let's deal with this further.

Age restrictions on use

  • Until the age of two, it is strictly forbidden to give children to drink "adult drinks", such as black, white and green teas, as well as coffee.
  • When you begin to introduce tea into the diet, you should not brew tea bags, but from whole leaves in order to preserve all the benefits of the drink.
  • You also need to monitor the strength at the exit, the color of the liquid should be pale yellow, the drink itself is slightly warm. Insist drinking for your child should be no more than an hour, since then all the beneficial substances evaporate completely.
  • It is better to completely exclude white and brown sugar before the age of five, you can replace it with the so-called “healthy carbohydrates”: dried fruits, frozen berries, fresh berries and fruits. Just make tea with them.
  • If you still decide to introduce regular sucrose, then limit yourself to a couple of teaspoons per mug, but no more than three to four tablespoons per day.

Benefits of tea with sugar

White beet sugar and brown cane sugar contain the same amount of nutrients. The difference between them for the work of the body is negligible, which cannot be said about the price.

  • Glucose itself has a positive effect on the intellectual work of the brain, increasing its productivity.
  • It also helps to cope with bad mood.
  • Improves the functioning of the liver and spleen.
  • In combination with the beneficial properties of tea, which contains magnesium, zinc, manganese, fluorine, vitamins A, C, a truly healing effect for the whole organism.
  • Such tea will help remove all toxins from the body, normalize metabolism, strengthen the circulatory system.

Who should beware of sweet tea?

  • First of all, you should not drink such tea to diabetics and people who are at risk of this disease.
  • Should not be taken by anyone who suffers from obesity.
  • Too young children due to the high content of theine and oxalic acid, which are not very beneficial for child development.
  • Children with hyperactivity are also contraindicated.

How to cook?

Brew black tea leaves in a mug previously scalded with boiling water. Cover with a lid for ten to twenty minutes. Add five grams of sugar. Drink with pleasure.

For very little ones, you can buy special tea for babies, try using honey if there is no allergy, or fruits. Be healthy!

Elena Malysheva has her own opinion about the benefits of white and brown sugar. If you are interested, then take 10 minutes to this video, it details the differences between sugars from each other (highly refined from unrefined).

Tea is the most common and sought after drink that is consumed daily in every family. It perfectly invigorates and fills with energy, performs a number of useful functions and properties. However, this drink is more suitable for adults than young children. Therefore, pediatricians recommend not to rush to introduce a tea product into the baby's diet. Let's figure out at what age you can give tea to a child.

The benefits and harms of tea

Among the useful properties, we note that tea effectively quenches thirst, fills the body with energy and gives vigor, improves mood. It contains tannins, due to which it reduces appetite and helps to reduce excess weight, helps with diarrhea.

In addition, they produce special herbal teas for newborns and infants. Some of these drinks are already given from one to two months. Chamomile or linden tea is included in the diet after six months, weak black tea - after a year. Many are interested in whether children can green tea. Due to the high content of tannin and caffeine, such a drink is not recommended until the age of ten.

Tea is contraindicated in children with food allergies and personal intolerance, with increased sensitivity to caffeine. The drink should not be drunk to the baby with insomnia, hyperactivity and increased activity, at elevated temperature, kidney disease, gastritis and ulcers. Giving children to drink green tea is not recommended until the age of 10-12.

How to prepare tea for children

All varieties of tea belong to the same plant, but they undergo different processing. Thus, black, green and red varieties are obtained. Black tea is considered the safest for a child, as it has the lowest content of theine and tannin.

Brew only natural loose leaf tea, do not use bags! They contain harmful impurities and dangerous chemical additives that can cause allergies, worsen stools, lead to indigestion and poisoning. Brew a weak drink by adding half a teaspoon of tea leaves to a glass of boiled water. Infuse tea for two to three minutes and strain the tea leaves.

Give your baby only freshly brewed tea, that is, brew a new one every time. Otherwise, with repeated and subsequent heating, harmful formations appear in the drink. Make sure that the tea is weak and warm, light brown in color. A hot drink can burn the intestines, and a cold drink loses its taste and does not do any good.

Give black tea only in the morning, preferably in the morning, otherwise, due to the invigorating properties of the drink, the child will not fall asleep well. But children's herbal teas, on the contrary, are given before bedtime, as they have a sedative effect. they drink tea not every day, but up to four times a week. In this case, the dosage of the drink should not exceed 50 ml.

For children over three years old, a single serving can be increased to a small cup of 100 ml. After six years, you can give tea every day. And now let's find out what additives a child can add to a tea drink.

What tea additives can a child

Milk eliminates some of the harmful compounds that are present in tea. It reduces the action of tannins, which eliminates the risk of anemia. Milk neutralizes the action of oxalic acid and prevents calcium from being washed out of the body. In addition, tea with milk does not affect tooth enamel. Many pediatricians recommend at first diluting the drink with milk by half, then the volume of milk is slightly reduced.

Tea with lemon is given to the baby no earlier than two years. Introducing lemon into the diet of a child begins after ten months. First give diluted lemon juice and then a small piece of lemon. This fruit improves digestion, helps with constipation and diarrhea, and has a disinfectant effect. This is an excellent prevention and treatment for colds. But at the same time, lemon is a strong allergen. In addition, it contains fruit acids.

As additives, you can use dried berries and apples, fragrant herbs and ginger. They will add beneficial features, enhance the taste and strengthen the immune system, make the drink saturated. Such drinks are useful for colds and during epidemics.

However, many foods can cause an allergic reaction, so you must first introduce each component separately into the child's diet. In the absence of an allergy to a component, put the product in a drink in a small amount.

It is better not to put sugar in tea or put it in the minimum dosage. Sugar can be replaced with honey, but it is a strong allergen, so enter the product carefully and do not exceed the recommended rates. Read about the benefits and harms of honey for a child, how to properly introduce the product into a baby's diet.

Children's herbal teas

Special children's vegetable herbal tea brewed with mint, chamomile, lemon balm, fennel, linden and rose hips. Today they even produce drinks that are suitable for babies from two months. They are designed to eliminate colic and improve digestion, soothe and help fall asleep, relieve inflammation. Chamomile tea and fennel drink work especially well with these tasks.

Chamomile and thyme are great for allergies. They relieve skin inflammation, diaper rash and redness, eliminate itching. Chamomile and thyme are often added to baths. However, thyme is not recommended for children under one year of age. In addition, due to the specific taste, the child may not like it.

Ginger tea is well suited for young children, as ginger is a safe product and rarely causes allergies. At the same time, it has the most beneficial effect, strengthens the immune system and helps with colds. Tea with mint or lime calms the nervous system and improves sleep, eliminates flatulence and bloating.

The children's diet begins to expand from about six months of age, and closer to a year and a half, many parents try to transfer their children to a common table, of course, with some restrictions. And if frankly harmful products everything is clear, you definitely shouldn’t give them to kids, but some food and drinks raise legitimate questions from parents. So, many have heard about the unique qualities of black tea. This drink is correct application and cooking can bring tangible health benefits. But can children drink tea? At what age can children start drinking black tea? And also answer the question: how to make tea for a child?

In order to understand at what age you can give your baby black tea, you first need to understand the features of such a drink. Do kids need the health benefits of black tea?

Is tea good for babies??

So, black tea is a wonderful source of vitality and energy for a long period of time. However, as practice shows, kids are already full of energy. Excessive intake of stimulants can cause sleep disturbances. As a result of the consumption of black tea, the baby may begin to suffer from insomnia, he will be excited and overwhelmed. That is why such a drink is definitely not suitable for children in the first years of life.

In the diet of babies, drinks are basically not designed to relieve thirst (with the exception of ordinary plain water). They play the role of nutrition and supply the body with all kinds of nutrients(dairy products, self-made juices with pulp, etc.). But tea does not carry such functions.

Black tea contains tannins that can reduce appetite. This property of this drink can be useful for adults, but it is useless for children.

What can harm black tea to a child?

Pediatricians assure that it is better to introduce black tea into the diet of crumbs later. The systematic use of such a drink leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, which can pose a serious threat to the health of the baby. The child may be concerned about:

Allergies of various types;

Excessive activity and excitability, he can become nervous and restless;

Violations of the quality of sleep, waking up at night and even nightmares are possible;

Violations of the full formation of the cerebral cortex;

Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.

It should be borne in mind that the harm of black tea for children does not appear immediately. Negative consequences can accumulate and appear suddenly, over time, when it will be simply impossible to understand the reason for their occurrence.

When to give black tea to babies?

Of course, all children will sooner or later get acquainted with fragrant black tea that adults like. But in order for this acquaintance to be useful and safe, it is better not to rush. Toddlers of early age can only be given special children's teas that do not contain caffeine and on the packaging of which the exact information about the recommended consumption age is indicated.

Ordinary black tea can be given little by little to children only from the age of three. Pediatricians say that only in this case it will be safe for babies.

At the same time, it is extremely important to introduce the child only to high-quality black tea purchased in a specialized store. It is better to refuse the use of drinks, which contain all sorts of additional components. It is also advisable not to give the child tea bags, because its composition raises many questions.

In order for the new drink not to harm the baby, of course, you need to brew it correctly. The finished drink should be weak and have a pleasant slightly bronze color.

It is best to give children black tea only in the morning. At the same time, parents are advised to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs at first: does he enjoy the new drink, and how does such an innovation affect his behavior and general condition whether excessive activity is causing sleep problems. If suddenly the baby refuses to sleep during the day, it is advisable to exclude black tea from his diet for the time being. In the event that everything goes well, it is allowed to give the child a certain amount of drink even after daytime sleep.

How to make black tea for children?

Of course, the strength of such a drink should be small. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of boiling water and half a teaspoon of tea leaves. Infuse the prepared drink for no more than two or three minutes, then strain, cool and offer to the baby. A single dose at the beginning of acquaintance with tea should not exceed fifty milliliters, but over time this volume can be increased to one hundred milliliters.

Children of early school age can be given stronger tea. In this case, a single dosage of a fragrant drink can be increased to a glass - two hundred milliliters.

Many pediatricians advise breeding black tea for children with milk. This will increase the usefulness of the drink and make it softer for the body. So, young children can be given tea with milk, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. For older children, the amount of milk can be slightly reduced. It is believed that milk helps to reduce the damage of tea to the teeth, and also neutralizes the activity of tannins and oxalates.

If the baby has any health problems (especially in the neurological sphere), the advisability of using tea should be further discussed with the attending physician.