Endoscopic facelift: indications and contraindications, recommendations. Endoscopic facelift - preservation of youth and beauty for a long time What is the result after endoscopic facelift

Rejuvenate, return the face fresh and attractive appearance endoscopic facelift can help. This procedure is carried out according to modern methods. Its main advantage is low trauma. A plastic surgeon does not make deep incisions to carry out the necessary manipulations with subcutaneous fat and muscle tissues. All these procedures are carried out with the help of an endoscope through small punctures 1-2 mm long. After the operation, there are no deep scars and scars.

Endoscopic facelift has the following advantages:

  • Complexity. With the help of endoscopic lifting, performing operations of varying complexity, the surgeon not only tightens the skin, but also restores the volume of the face, correcting muscle tissue.
  • Minimal health risks. As already mentioned, endoscopic facelift does not leave visible scars on the face. When it is carried out, the doctor makes small incisions on the scalp, soft tissues of the mouth and lips. The operation is considered non-aggressive and gentle, while solving many rejuvenation tasks. When using an endoscope, the surgeon performs precise actions, as he clearly sees the internal tissues of a person on the monitor screen. No risk of bleeding, injury facial nerve and vessels.
  • Minimum anesthesia. The operation takes an average of 1 hour. It does not require a large amount of anesthesia, which has a positive effect on the overall health of the patient.
  • Naturalness. After the operation, the face looks natural, there is no mask effect and no feeling of skin tension.
  • Compatibility. Due to the low-impact nature of the facelift, it can be combined with other types of operations: mentoplasty, rhinoplasty, cheiloplasty, and so on.
  • A short recovery period. The stitches are removed on days 7-10, and after 2 weeks you can return to your daily life.


After the operation, ON CLINIC specialists recommend staying in the hospital for 1-2 days. Then you go home. Your attending physician monitors you during the entire period of rehabilitation. After the operation, you are prescribed a course of rehabilitation therapy: antibiotics, massage, cosmetic procedures.

Price for endoscopic facelift in Moscow

The cost of the operation depends, first of all, on which area of ​​the face is affected (upper, lower or middle). The price for endoscopic face lifting in ON CLINIC is from 75,000 rubles. It should also be noted that the total cost of our services will include restorative procedures that will be prescribed by your attending physician.

Endoscopic facelift is an endoscopic surgical lifting technique, all manipulations are carried out through micropunctures in the temporal region.

Lifting allows you to tighten the soft tissues of the face that have fallen due to age-related changes, correct the overhanging eyebrow area, eliminate wrinkles and wrinkles on the forehead.

Due to endoscopic access, the operation leaves no visible traces, and the minimally invasive procedure reduces the trauma of the intervention and significantly reduces the rehabilitation period.

Types of endoscopic lifting

Endoscopic forehead lift and brow lift are used to rejuvenate the upper third of the face, eliminate wrinkles between the eyebrows, correct overhanging eyebrows (due to age-related changes or facial features, when overhanging eyebrows give the face a gloomy, unfriendly look). The technique also allows you to work with the shape of the eyes and their relationship with the eyebrows, to give more aesthetics to the image as a whole, to make the look younger and more open.

Endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face is also aimed at rejuvenating the periorbital zone and can effectively solve the problem of lowering the corners of the eyes, correct the outer edge of the eyebrow, and eliminate deep wrinkles and folds in the temporal region.

Endoscopic lifting of the middle zone of the face allows you to tighten the tissues and restore the volume of the zygomatic region, eliminates pronounced nasolabial and nasolacrimal grooves, deep wrinkles and creases. During this procedure, the problem of ptosis of the cheeks and the loss of facial contours are solved.

Indications for endoscopic skin tightening

    "tired facial expression", ptosis;

    facial asymmetry;

    eyebrow wrinkles and folds on the forehead;

    "crow's feet" and lowered corners of the eyes;

    loss of natural facial volumes;

    nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the mouth;

    drooping eyebrow effect.

With an endoscopic skin lift, the skin is not excised, so the lifting will not be effective for patients with excess skin. The correction will give the best result to patients with age-related changes in the face at the age of 30-45 years.


The procedure is contraindicated in:

    chronic diseases in the acute stage;

    diabetes mellitus;

    blood clotting disorders;

    acute viral diseases;

    acute infectious diseases ( respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc.).

    endocrine disorders.

How is endoscopic lifting performed?

Before the operation, the patient must undergo a complete preoperative examination. The surgeon appoints a list of studies and analyzes during an internal consultation.

A complete list of tests and studies can be done on the spot, at the EMC clinic. In the absence of contraindications, the doctor appoints the day of the operation.

An endoscopic facelift is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation depends on the volume of intervention and usually does not exceed 1-2 hours.

During the operation, the surgeon makes small incisions in the temporal region, through which he moves and fixes the soft tissues of the face in the desired position. Then fixes the incision sites with surgical staples and completes the operation.

After the operation, the patient spends a day in the hospital, after which the recovery period takes place at home. Rehabilitation takes, on average, 12-14 days. During this time, the patient is fully restored and can return to their usual way of life.

The effect of the procedure

For young women and men aged 30-40 years, endoscopic lifting makes it possible to discreetly eliminate those very difficult to determine, but already noticeable age-related changes in the face (loss of facial contours, first deep wrinkles, ptosis in initial stage), which occur with a person after the age of thirty.

With more pronounced age-related changes in the face, endoscopic lifting can be combined with chin arthroplasty, rejuvenating rhinoplasty, lipofilling, contouring with fillers. To work on the neck and décolleté area, to perfect the oval of the face allows the non-surgical SMAS-lifting Ulthera System.

A set of techniques can achieve rejuvenation by 10-17 years, while maintaining the naturalness of facial expressions and the harmony of appearance. The range of necessary manipulations is formed individually in each case.

Advantages of the EMC clinic

Not only the aesthetic result, but also your safety and health depend on the experience of the surgeon, the qualifications of the specialists accompanying the operation, and the equipment of the clinic.

EMC provides services medical care according to international protocols for more than 30 years and is proud of its reputation: each operation in our clinic is carried out at the highest level.

Well-known Moscow plastic surgeons Sergey Levin and Kirill Pshenisnov practice at EMC. Many years of practice, professional experience, scientific achievements and impressive results of operations have given them the right to be called the best in their field.

The EMC Aesthetic Clinic has developed a program of cosmetic procedures that complement the lifting effect and support the recovery period after endoscopic skin tightening.

The soloist is SPRS-therapy - a method of skin rejuvenation due to its own fibroblasts. The technique significantly improves the quality of the skin and accelerates the healing process. In order to increase the regenerative abilities of the skin, we prescribe a course of PRP-auto-rejuvenation - injection of the patient's own blood plasma rich in platelets.

Frequently asked Questions

- Can the results of an unsuccessful endoscopic facelift be corrected?

The effect of an “unsuccessful facelift” is subjective, therefore, at the consultation, the surgeon must first understand what exactly the patient was dissatisfied with after the operation and then offer options on how these changes can be corrected and corrected.

- How long does the effect last after endolifting

The effect of the operation depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. On average, the aesthetic result of a facelift lasts from 5 to 10 years.

Prices for endoscopic lifting

The cost of an endoscopic facelift varies depending on the scope of the intervention, the degree of complexity of the operation, and is determined by the doctor at an in-person consultation.

You can sign up for a consultation with a surgeon by calling the EMC Aesthetic Clinic in Moscow by phone: +7 495 933 66 54 or by leaving a request on the website.

Today, the popularity of this procedure, due to its low-impact and long-term effect, is increasing. The success of the operation will largely depend on the qualifications plastic surgeon and the reputation of the clinic: the choice of both should be approached responsibly. The patient, in turn, should undergo the necessary complex of surgical examination and carefully adhere to the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

What is an endoscopic facelift - types of facelift and their benefits

The manipulation in question is a minimally invasive surgical procedure through which it is possible to rejuvenate the face and décolleté area.

The operator uses modern endoscopic devices, thanks to which extensive tissue excisions can be avoided.

Indications and contraindications for endoscopic facelift

The procedure under consideration is often used in the following situations:

  • You need to do a brow lift.
  • There is a need to eliminate deep wrinkles between the eyebrows, in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold.
  • The patient wants to change the "sullen type of face" to a normal one. Such an error is not necessarily a consequence of skin aging, it may be an individual feature of the structure of the face.
  • There is a hollowness of the cheeks.
  • With deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
  • As a result of flabbiness of the skin.

Due to the fact that endoscopic lifting is a surgical intervention and involves the use of painkillers, there are a number of contraindications to it:

  • Malfunctions in the work of the body associated with blood clotting.
  • Regular promotions blood pressure. During the operation, such a pathology can lead to severe bleeding and the formation of extensive hematomas.
  • body infection.
  • Serious disruptions in the work of the heart.
  • Pathologies of a somatic nature.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Negative reaction of the body to the components of anesthesia.
  • Purulent phenomena in the working area.
  • Diabetes.

How is the endoscopic facelift procedure performed - stages of the operation

You need to start this manipulation with a thorough medical examination and consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. This specialist will be able to choose the right type of anesthesia, determine the area of ​​work, examine the skin of the face and neck. The examination takes about 3 days, and it is carried out in a hospital.

A couple of weeks before the endoscopic facelift, the patient needs to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. On the day when the surgery is scheduled, you can not eat or drink water.

The operation algorithm is as follows:

Recovery after endoscopic facelift - results and recommendations for patients

The final result after the procedure in question will be visible maximum after 2 months.

Within 5-7 years, the effect will persist, but after the specified period, a second operation is needed.

In general, the patient can return to a normal lifestyle two weeks after discharge from the hospital.

Since endoscopic lifting is not possible without incisions, there will be some time on the working area hematomas and slight swelling, but in a week the skin will be restored. The doctor closes the puncture sites with special stickers that favor the rapid healing of wounds.

Scars remain for another three months, after which they turn white and dissolve a little: they will hardly be noticeable.

Another nuance at the time of rehabilitation is a pressure bandage, with which the patient will have to walk for a week. After that, the doctor removes the bandage, removes the stitches and screws.

In the postoperative period, to minimize the risk of complications and to maximize the effect of facelift, the patient should follow some recommendations:

  • If the surgical intervention has affected the oral cavity, for several days you need to rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions. The doctor may also advise ready-made wound healing solutions.
  • Shampooing should only be done after the stitches have been removed. For a while, you need to give up the hair dryer.
  • Steam rooms, saunas, swimming pools are allowed to visit one month after endoscopic lifting.
  • The first week before going to bed, the patient should fit a high pillow under his head. This will improve blood circulation and accelerate the convergence of puffiness and bruising.
  • It is better to give up tobacco products for at least a month. Smoking slows down the healing process.
  • Physical activity is reduced to a minimum for 4 weeks.

Possible complications of endoscopic facelift - how to avoid them?

Negative consequences after this facelift are rare: this is due to the minimally invasive procedure.

However, in rare cases, the following phenomena may occur:

  • The appearance of age spots in the places of incisions. Do not use to eliminate them. medical devices: They go off on their own after six months.
  • Puffiness, bruising and bruising will be present in any case. To speed up their elimination, the doctor prescribes special ointments, solutions. Bleeding aggravates the situation with hematomas, therefore, with this phenomenon, the surgeon opens the surgical wound, drains it, and cauterizes the blood vessels.
  • Violation of the symmetry of the oval of the face. It can be the result of liposuction of the chin, when fatty tissue is distributed unevenly over the area. To eliminate this phenomenon, additional surgery is needed.
  • Hair loss. It takes place in cases where incisions were made in the temporal or behind the ear region of the head. The resulting scars prevent normal hair growth. The elimination of scars can solve this problem.
  • Violation of facial expressions as a result of injury to the external branches of the facial nerve. The reason for this is the mistake of a plastic surgeon. Facial muscles recover on their own, but it takes a lot of time (about 3 months).
  • The formation of pronounced scars. Facelift is often limited to barely noticeable scars, but with complicated wound healing, rough scars can appear. To eliminate them, the help of a plastic surgeon is required.
  • Loss of sensation in the area of ​​incisions. It is often observed in smokers who have not given up their bad habit before and after surgery. In the absence of any additional surgical procedures, sensitivity is fully restored within a year.
  • Infection of the skin due to non-compliance with the rules of antisepsis at the time of the manipulation, or when the patient ignores the recommendations in the postoperative period.

Endoscopic facelift is a unique opportunity to eliminate pronounced signs aging without surgery. Long gone are the days when women simply put up with wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Now there are many ways, braces, which can not only eliminate them, but also prevent them. This is the procedure in question.

Endoscopic facelift - what is it?

If you are interested in an endoscopic facelift, what it is, then the answer is simple - it is a modern and gentle method of rejuvenation that does not require radical surgical intervention.

Of course, most often women do such a facelift, but men can also undergo such a procedure, especially since it has practically no contraindications and side effects.

Endoscopic lifting is often resorted to by those patients who do not want to undergo serious plastic surgery or simply do not have special indications for it. The positive results of such a facelift can last 7-10 years, but a lot depends on lifestyle and proper skin care.

An endoscopic facelift is performed under, so the patient does not feel pain and discomfort.

After the onset of anesthesia, the doctor makes small incisions (in invisible areas, most often in the scalp, in oral cavity, above the lower eyelid).

Since the violation of the integrity is carried out in invisible areas, full aesthetics are preserved, the scars are neatly hidden. In total, about 2-4 incisions are required (depending on the type of operation and the desired effects), their length does not exceed 1-1.5 cm.

Thus, the doctor does not get rid of excess skin, but simply carries out a kind of redistribution of tissues, tightens the subcutaneous structures.

With the help of endoscopic lifting, you can achieve a good result. But it does not work for the lower part of the face, so you cannot remove the fleas in this way.

Plastic surgeon Rod Rorich

Preparation for the procedure does not take much time. In addition, the recovery period is also characterized by simplicity and speed, which only adds to the benefits of a seamless facelift - this is another name for an endoscopic facelift.

The operation of endoscopic lifting in 70% is done on the forehead (muscles are pulled up - fronts).

Often, doctors resort to excision of such a muscle as the Corrugator - the "angry muscle of the eyebrows" (sometimes doctors call this procedure "Botox forever"). That is, the immobilization of this muscle for many years is carried out.

This operation is often local anesthesia, general anesthesia done if the patient is too active to avoid turning the head during the operation.

How is an endoscopic facelift performed?

The operation is performed using a special device - endoscope, which consists of two main parts: a tube with a camera and a monitor. The doctor makes incisions, then inserts an endoscope into them and performs all the necessary manipulations.

After the operation, the patient is sutured with special threads that are thinner than a human hair. That is why after a short period of time there are no traces left at all, the scars stretch very quickly.

Here is a more detailed sequence of an endoscopic facelift:

  1. Anesthesia is given.
  2. The doctor cuts the skin, taking into account the area of ​​the lift. The result will be more than one cut, but they are small.
  3. An endoscope is inserted. The surgeon works slowly, he has a picture of what is happening on the screen.
  4. Excess adipose tissue is removed, the skin is tightened.
  5. Muscles are fixed, stitches are applied.

It is extremely important that in addition to surgery, you do not forget about skin care! This is the only way to preserve the beauty and youth of the face.

Plastic surgeon Steven Krant

Together with facelift, other cosmetic procedures can be performed that help to achieve greater effects and remove more severe age-related changes.

For example, a procedure can be prescribed along with, - it all depends on the age of the patient and the final goals set.

If the patient undergoes a forehead facelift (eyebrow lift), then other botulinum toxin preparations can be additionally prescribed, which help to remove the tension of the facial muscles and achieve simply amazing effects.

After the facelift, the patient must be under the supervision of specialists for several hours.

After that, he can be discharged from the clinic or remain under observation for a certain period of time. Everything will depend on the outcome of the operation and general condition patient.

It is worth noting that endoscopic facelift has mostly positive reviews. In addition, it is often carried out in combination with other operations. About this video:

Indications for a facelift procedure

The procedure is prescribed for initial or moderately expressed age patients. The optimal age is from 35 to 50 years, but it all depends on the condition of the patient's skin.


  • active formation of nasolabial folds;
  • drooping cheeks;
  • blurry facial contour;
  • overhanging of the upper eyelids, drooping of the eyebrows;
  • omission of the corners of the lips;
  • ptosis.

There is no specific age at which this operation should be performed. Only indications are taken into account.

Plastic surgeon David Harley

With this procedure, you can eliminate all external signs of aging, tighten the skin and even change facial features. The sculpting will be noticeable, though not radical.

Before the procedure, the patient should consult with a doctor, undergo the necessary examination. The doctor decides which procedure is necessary in each case.

It must be understood that with strong age-related changes, an endoscopic lift may not have the desired effect.

In the presence of fatty deposits, the effectiveness of the procedure may be lower. In some cases, an endoscopic lift is not prescribed, as more radical methods are required to solve the problem.


No matter how safe this operation is, it still has its contraindications.


  1. hypertension;
  2. serious cardiovascular diseases;
  3. diabetes;
  4. thyroid disease;
  5. infectious diseases, especially in the acute stage;
  6. wounds, injuries on the face.

With a properly performed operation, there will be no side effects, but swelling on the face may persist for several days.

It is also possible to reduce the sensitivity of the skin of the face for several months, but it all depends solely on the individual characteristics of the patient and his body. Also, side effects include the following:

  • the appearance of hematomas and swelling;
  • pain at the surgical sites;
  • redness and inflammation of the skin.

Side effects appear very rarely - usually only if the rules for the procedure or the individual characteristics of the patient are not followed.

Main advantages

In general, we can talk about the advantages of this procedure over others, then the following advantages can be distinguished here:

  • minimum side effects;
  • fast healing and no scarring;
  • short rehabilitation;
  • more affordable price compared to plastic surgery;
  • long-term result (from 7 to 10 years).

Although this procedure is not yet very popular with us, it has already gained a positive reputation.

If the patient did not like the procedure and its results, then this can only speak of the doctor's unprofessionalism or negligent approach.

A clear disadvantage of the procedure is that it is impossible to tighten the lower part of the face in this way.

Plastic surgeon Donald Wortham

Types and varieties of the procedure

An endoscopic facelift can be complex or carried out in one specific area - it all depends on the desired results and final goals. In general, there are three types of procedures, not counting the complex:

  1. Upper. This is a forehead and eyebrow lift, elimination of horizontal and vertical wrinkles.
  2. Average. It is the elimination of sagging cheeks, a change in the shape of the face, in particular the cheekbones, getting rid of facial wrinkles, folds.
  3. Lower. This is the fight against wrinkles, correcting the shape of the lips, raising their corners, getting rid of the second chin and sagging skin.

Photos before and after an endoscopic facelift prove the effectiveness of the procedure, so do not be afraid of it.

If a facelift is indicated, there is no need to delay the operation. According to doctors, the less age-related changes are manifested, the easier it is to correct them. In addition, the effects will last much longer than in advanced cases.

When can I see the final result?

To admire the final result, it is worth waiting about 2 months. But there is great news: the effect does not disappear for 5-7 years. Unfortunately, after the elapsed time, you need to go back to the doctor.

When about 14 days have passed after the person is discharged from the inpatient department, then you can begin to do the same things.

Scars are visible for 3 months, but later they become lighter. In the end, they will be practically invisible.

Remember that the results are not permanent as the natural aging process is still going on.

Plastic surgeon Melanie Malone

During the rehabilitation period, you will have to suffer from wearing a bandage. It must be worn for a week, after which the surgeon removes the stitches.

Preparing for a facelift

Like any other medical procedure, a facelift has its own preparation features:

  1. Two weeks before the procedure, it is advisable to follow a diet, refuse to take medications that can increase the risk of postoperative bleeding.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the procedure either at the beginning or at the end of the menstrual cycle.
  3. If hair coloring is required, then it must be done just before the operating period, since after that it will be possible no earlier than a month later.
  4. On the day of the operation are scheduled antiviral drugs and antibacterial. For six hours stop drinking water and food.

Postoperative period

Rehabilitation after this procedure does not take much time and that is why it is valued among patients.

But, nevertheless, it is important to follow some correct and recommendations that allow you to insure against the appearance of side effects:

  1. First of all, especially at first, it is necessary to abandon physical activity or significantly reduce them.
  2. You need to adhere to proper nutrition and diet, for this it is recommended to consult a nutritionist.
  3. Nicotine and alcohol are prohibited, bad habits must be abandoned completely. In order to prevent the appearance of puffiness, a restriction is also introduced on the intake of any liquids, it is best to drink only mineral water without gas and tea without sugar.
  4. There is also a restriction on taking medications, their list is discussed with the doctor.
  5. Sleep in a certain position - on a high pillow, so that the head rises significantly above the level of the body.
  6. If swelling and bruising appear, you can do cold compresses for the face. In some cases, painkillers are also prescribed. In most cases, conventional analgesics are sufficient.
  7. You can wash your hair only when the surgeon removes the stitches. Also, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer for the first time after an endoscopic facelift.
  8. Saunas and swimming pools are prohibited. These procedures are valid after a month.

Possible complications (ways to solve them)

In rare cases, patients complain of complications. They can be encountered if you do not follow the basic rules. The cause of complications can also be the mistakes of the doctor.

In medical practice, there were such unpleasant consequences after an endoscopic facelift:

  1. The appearance of pigmentation in the incision area. To get rid of the problem, it is recommended to purchase special tools (it is better to consult a doctor). It may take about six months to eliminate pigmentation.
  2. The oval of the face is not symmetrical. This happens after an uneven distribution of fat cells, if liposuction was done. In this case, you will have to go for another surgical intervention.
  3. Edema, hematoma. Such consequences cannot be avoided. For the fastest recovery, it is recommended to use various ointments.
  4. Mimicry is broken. This happens if the facial nerves are injured. This happens because of the doctor. After some time, an independent restoration of the muscles will occur, but for this you will have to wait a couple of months.
  5. Hair starts to fall out. This sometimes happens if the doctor cuts the skin behind the ears. As a result, scars appear that do not allow hair to grow normally. In this case, it is necessary to deal with the removal of scar tissue.
  6. Formation of rough scars. To remove them, you need to visit a plastic surgeon.
  7. Loss of sensitivity in the incision area. She recovered throughout the year.
  8. Infection. This happens if the doctor did not follow the rules for the operation, or when the patient did not follow the doctor's advice after the operation.

There is a risk of injury to the facial nerve. If we talk about all types of facelifts, then such a consequence is rare (1-2%).

Plastic surgeon Barry Weintraub

Question answer

This is a less invasive technique. In the case of a classic facelift, the doctor makes decent incisions, which cannot be said about the endoscopic facelift. In addition, in this case, the skin or muscles are not removed, only fat cells can be eliminated.

The main disadvantage of the operation is that the plastic doctor must have extensive experience. There are also age restrictions.

It is impossible to answer this question precisely. In one case, the doctor can cope in 40-50 minutes, and in others it will take up to 6 hours.

The cost of a facelift

If you want to perform an endoscopic facelift, the price for the procedure ranges from 100-150 thousand rubles. The procedure is not cheap, but the benefits of such a facelift speak for themselves.

The price of an endoscopic facelift in Moscow starts from 150 thousand, not every woman can afford it.

Also, the final cost can be obtained directly from the doctor. It is not worth saving here, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

It is best to trust experienced professionals and go to a prestigious clinic where you can conclude an agreement and thus insure yourself against all sorts of risks.