What does a spinal hernia consist of? Intervertebral hernia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Intervertebral hernia is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc, characterized by a violation of its integrity and structure.

Our spine is made up of 24 vertebrae, between which are the intervertebral discs. They are formed from a flexible outer ring (annulus fibrosus) and a nucleus pulposus (a soft, jelly-like substance that fills the central part of the disc).

An intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral region, like many diseases of the spine, is associated with a violation of the integrity of these discs. The reasons for the appearance of such changes can be traumatic (back bruise during a fall or impact, a sharp turn, heavy lifting) or associated with a sedentary lifestyle and manifested in hypodynamia and overweight.

In this material, we will consider the main methods of treatment, as well as the symptoms that bother a person with this disease.

Why does an intervertebral hernia occur, and what is it?

This hernia appears as a result of intense or prolonged exposure to the spinal column. The main reason leading to the development of an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region is this. In fact, to a large extent, the symptoms of a hernia are symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Predisposing causes leading to this state:

  • metabolic disease;
  • various injuries, especially after an accident, after a sharp jerk head first;
  • strong physical exercise, sharp slopes, weight lifting;
  • curvature of the spine, hip dysplasia,;
  • increased body weight.

Contributing factors is also sufficient:

  • weakness of the muscular apparatus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • age-related changes;
  • heredity;
  • sedentary work.

All these causes lead to rapid aging, wear of cartilage and bone tissue, which can subsequently lead to the formation of an intervertebral hernia.

Stages of development

In anatomical terms, the lower lumbar region and the articulation of the 5th lumbar vertebra with the sacrum are the most vulnerable. Therefore, most often an intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine develops in the interval between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae and between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacrum.

According to the degree of change in the intervertebral disc hernias are classified as follows:

  • Stage 1 - prolapse or lumbar protrusion. The disc is displaced by a minimum distance, which is no more than 2 mm. The nucleus does not extend beyond the body of the spine.
  • Stage 2 - displacement of the marginal disc does not exceed 1.5 cm. And the nucleus pulposus is, as before, within the body of the spine.
  • Stage 3 - extrusion. There is a displacement of the nucleus outwards, beyond the limits of the vertebral bodies.
  • Stage 4 - outward hanging of the nucleus pulposus, which is presented in the form of a drop. The annulus fibrosus may rupture. Liquid material flows out.

In the initial stages of the disease, short-term, rapidly passing back pain is possible. Symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine appear with the progression of the pathology.

Types of lumbar hernia

Lumbar hernia can be divided into two types - L4-L5 and L5-S1. Each section of the spine is designated by a letter of the Latin alphabet, the letter L is allocated to the lumbar section.

A hernia of L4-L5 means that the nerve root has been entrapped between the 4th and 5th vertebrae of the lumbar spine. The sacral region is denoted by the letter S, therefore, the L5-S1 hernia occurred between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the 1st vertebra of the sacrum.


With a hernia of the lumbar spine, there may be:

  • severe pain in the sacrum;
  • weakness and feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • when walking there is pain radiating to the hips;
  • there may be problems with the pelvic organs in severe cases;
  • there is a pinched nerve and numbness of the legs in some places.

All characteristic symptoms can be divided into three main groups of syndromes: pain, vertebral, radicular.

Symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar

In the case of the location of the intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region, the symptom that worries the person the most is pain, slowly increasing as the disease progresses.

Initially, the pain is dull, aching, localized at the site of spinal injury. It is aggravated by tension, exertion, heavy lifting or sudden movements. At rest, it may completely disappear.

Then it spreads to the lumbar muscles, then to the lower limbs, becomes sharp and shooting. Depending on which segment is damaged, it captures the buttocks, thighs, shins, heels and feet.

There are two stages in the manifestation of symptoms. At the first, there is only a slight pain in the lumbar region, which indicates that dystrophic changes have begun in the intervertebral discs. Under their influence, cracks form in the vertebral discs, their strength decreases. At the second stage, the pain is caused by tension and compression of the root. Direct contact of the hernia and root causes a very strong pain syndrome.


One of the consequences of an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar spine is lumbalgia, that is, a backache in the lumbar region. With it, acute pain is observed, which sharply increases even with the slightest movement. The patient may remain in this state for up to several weeks.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral region

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine can be treated both therapeutically and surgically. It all depends on the specific situation, on the stage of development of the process, the presence of concomitant diseases and contraindications.

Therefore, when treating a hernia of the lumbosacral region, it is important not to miss the moment when you can still help in conservative ways and avoid surgery with all the ensuing consequences. With timely access to a specialist, you can stop the progression, prevent possible complications.

Medical treatment

Conservative treatment sets itself the task of stopping the pain syndrome in the acute period of the disease, and at the end of it - preventing relapses.

  1. Anti-inflammatory therapy. Assigned: how, diclofenac, and naproxen can help to cope with pain, reduce inflammatory swelling and temporarily restore freedom of movement. Paravertebral and epidural blockades with glucocorticosteroid drugs have a good analgesic effect.
  2. Bed rest for several days. Perform all movements slowly and confidently. You need to change your daily routine. Avoid movements that increase pain: bending forward, lifting heavy things.

After the pain syndrome has receded, the number of drugs used is reduced, and the emphasis is on therapeutic gymnastics, massages and physiotherapy treatments. The main goal is to improve the condition of the muscular corset and ligamentous apparatus.

Surgical treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine

Conservative methods should be continued for 4-8 weeks. If during this time they turned out to be completely ineffective, it is necessary either to change the tactics of treatment, or to consider the issue of surgical intervention.

Operations that are performed with a hernia of the lumbar:

  1. microdiscectomy- during this operation, part of the intervertebral disc is removed. In half of the cases, after such an operation, a relapse of the disease occurs.
  2. Laminectomy is an operation to remove bone processes that put pressure on the disc at the level of the affected area. However, such an operation should be used with caution, since it may impair the supporting function of the spine.
  3. A new technique is the installation of titanium implants in the intervertebral space.

An operation on a herniated disc is the treatment method that eliminates the cause itself. The indication for it is a serious neurological symptomatology associated with dysfunctions of the pelvic organs and weakness and decreased sensitivity in the extremities.


Rehabilitation after surgery to remove an intervertebral hernia requires a serious approach. The patient cannot sit for 3 months and needs to wear a corset, at first it is worn constantly, then 3 hours a day is enough. Another important method in rehabilitation is exercise therapy.


The main measures aimed at the prevention of intervertebral sacral hernias:

  1. Strong vertical and horizontal loads are contraindicated, even if your profession is associated with heavy physical labor.
  2. Watch your weight - it is recommended to keep the body mass index no more than 30;
  3. Correct body position during sleep - it is better to sleep on a moderately hard bed, it is best to lie on your back so that the spine can relax.
  4. An active lifestyle that moderately loads the spine and strengthens the muscular corset. If you have a sedentary job, make time for sports or at least fitness.
  5. Proper, balanced nutrition and the rejection of addictions.

- a disease that can develop almost imperceptibly for years, but once manifested, it can turn a person's life into hell, and then he has to suffer for a long time from severe pain and the inability to actively move. And in the final stage, if the disease is not treated, the patient becomes disabled. It is doubly insulting when this disease affects both relatively young and even very young people. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to determine in time the primary signs of a spinal hernia..

The main signs of a hernia of the spine

When the initial minor changes begin to occur in the intervertebral disc, the amount of moisture may decrease in it and the first micro-cracks may appear. The disc begins to sink - to lose its height and elasticity, to protrude beyond the lateral surface of the vertebra. The first small protrusion. In this case, a feeling of discomfort and aching pain may appear in the back. This is not a hernia of the spine, but rather, " prehernial"condition, but it is during this period that the initial undesirable changes can be easily reversed without resorting to the possibilities of medicine if:

  • Start eating right while maintaining the necessary balance of the most important mineral trace elements and fluids in the body
  • Do spinal stretching exercises
  • Engage in strengthening the musculoskeletal system of the spine with the help of daily exercises and sports
  • angina pectoris
  • Pleurisy, pneumonia
  • stomach ulcer

With protrusion of the lumbar-sacral region:

  • Intestines
  • Gallbladder, pancreas
  • kidneys
  • Pelvic organs, etc.

Signs of late stage hernias

If the disease is left to chance, then serious complications can arise, many of which, unfortunately, can no longer be eliminated without surgical intervention, and it will also no longer guarantee a 100% return to its original state.

This happens when

  • Necrosis of the spinal nerve
  • For large or with compression of the spinal cord or vertebral artery

These signs will help determine that the hernia has already gone too far:

Nerve necrosis results in:

  • Weakness of the flexor muscles of the limbs - it is difficult to get up, legs bend when walking
  • Numbness of feet, fingers
  • The disappearance of reflexes, in particular the knee
  • Muscle atrophy and limb thinning
  • Paresis (partial paralysis) of the arms or legs

Spinal cord compression can:

  • Complete paralysis of the limbs with loss of sensation
  • Trophic disorders in limbs and internal organs
  • Disorders in the functioning of the pelvic organs

With vertebral artery syndrome in the cervical region, threats appear:

  • cerebral ischemia
  • Ischemic stroke

Of course, before such phenomena it is better not to start the disease, hoping that somehow it will go away or resolve itself.

Knowing now how to identify a hernia of the spine, at the first signs you will not hesitate, but go to the doctor right away.

Video: The first signs of a hernia of the spine

Pain in the back and limbs should not be left without proper attention. Because in about half of the patients, back pain is provoked by the intervertebral hernia. However, often the disease is discovered by chance during the procedure. computed tomography. The disease occurs with a frequency of 100 cases per 100,000 population. Intervertebral hernias are more often found at the age of 30-40 years.

Table of contents:


The spine is the main support of the body. The vertebral column is made up of vertebrae connected to each other by intervertebral discs. The function of the latter is to provide shock absorption when walking, running, as well as the flexibility of the entire spine. The intervertebral disc consists of an outer shell - the annulus fibrosus, as well as the nucleus pulposus, located in the center of the disc. Normally, the fibrous ring is quite dense and able to withstand physical exertion. But the properties of the connective tissue membrane can change.

With compression of the motor fibers of the spinal roots, weakness of the leg muscles is observed, as well as a decrease in reflexes. When the sensitive fibers of the spinal roots are compressed, there is a decrease in skin sensitivity, tingling, a feeling of crawling along the back of the leg, from the buttock to the heel. These symptoms are considered as manifestations of sciatica.

Vegetative disorders may be observed: the skin of the lower back and legs turns pale, red or white spots may appear on it, and increased sweating is recorded.

In addition, with compression of the roots innervated by the pelvic organs, the patient complains of urination and defecation disorders, as well as a violation of potency.

With compression or damage to the spinal cord, paresis or paralysis in the lower extremities may occur.

With this type of intervertebral hernia, a person is disturbed by constant aching pains in the neck, which is the earliest sign of the disease. With compression of the nerve roots and vertebral artery, headaches occur. Moreover, the pain can be diffuse or concentrated in the neck and temples. There are also symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus. Due to inadequate oxygen supply to neurons, constant weakness and rapid fatigue develop. In addition, there may be an increase in blood pressure.

With compression of the sensitive fibers of the spinal roots in the neck, occiput, hands, there are sensations of numbness, tingling, crawling, and a decrease in skin sensitivity. With compression of the motor fibers of the spinal roots, weakness of the muscles of the hand is observed. Vegetative disorders are characteristic: the skin of the neck, hands turns pale, there is increased sweating.

With severe compression of the hernia of the spinal cord, paralysis may develop.

With this type of disease, a person is concerned about back pain, mainly between the shoulder blades. However, pain can radiate to chest, lumbar region, neck, upper limbs. Pain markedly increased by coughing, sneezing, laughing, turning the body. It is noteworthy that the pain is often shingles in nature.

Sometimes the pain spreads to the abdomen, which can mimic the pathology of the abdominal organs. When the spinal cord is compressed below the injury site, paresis and paralysis occur.

In the presence of characteristic symptoms and complaints of a person are examined by a neurologist. The doctor determines muscle tone, skin sensitivity, as well as the state of reflexes. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient should undergo instrumental studies.

The most accessible method is radiography of the spinal column in frontal and lateral projections. On the pictures, the intervertebral discs are not visualized, and therefore the hernia cannot be determined. But with the help of radiography, it is possible to identify the cause of the development of the disease: vertebral injuries, signs of osteochondrosis, congenital anomalies.

The most effective research is magnetic resonance. This method allows you to assess the condition of soft tissues. With the help of the obtained images, you can study the condition of the intervertebral discs, as well as the presence of a hernia.

Not all herniated discs need active treatment. So patients with protrusion of the intervertebral disc up to three millimeters and no symptoms need only observation.

In the presence of severe pain, it will not be possible to avoid taking medications. For this purpose, drugs belonging to the group of NSAIDs (diclofenac, meloxicam, ketorol) are used. At intervertebral hernias ah with a pronounced inflammatory process, they resort to the use of ointments containing glucocorticosteroids (flucinar, triacort, esperon, dermovate).

A fairly common and effective procedure is a therapeutic blockade. This is the introduction of anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine) into the epidural space. The purpose of the procedure is to eliminate pain and muscle spasm. The patient experiences relief after a couple of minutes. The effect of the blockade can last for several weeks.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe B vitamins (neurovitan, milgamma), which provide regeneration of destroyed nerve fibers, as well as improve the conduction of a nerve impulse. Chondroprotectors (structum, alfutol) are prescribed for the repair of cartilaginous tissue of the discs.

If, despite conservative therapy, the pain does not leave the person and worries more and more every day, then it is necessary to consider the option of surgical treatment. Immediate surgical intervention requires compression of the cauda equina.

Operations are being carried out open way as well as endoscopically. During the operation, the doctor removes the hernia and restores the integrity of the fibrous ring. If the intervertebral disc is severely damaged, surgery is performed to replace it with an implant.

More and more people between the ages of 25 and 50 are facing spinal problems. The risk group primarily includes men and women whose work is associated with weight lifting. Pathology of the spine can also affect those who, by virtue of their profession, are forced to be in a sitting position for a long time. In this article we will talk about such a common disease today as an intervertebral hernia.

An intervertebral hernia is a pathology that occurs as a result of a rupture of the fibrous ring, the main component of the hard shell of the intervertebral disc.

Its contents flow out of the fibrous ring - a liquid that, spreading, negatively affects the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In other words, she pinches them. For this reason, the intervertebral disc is compressed and protrudes in different directions. This is how a hernia appears.

What can cause an annulus rupture? Doctors have identified several factors that can provoke an intervertebral hernia:

  1. age factor

Bone tissue becomes fragile during the aging process. In addition, the blood vessels that feed it, perform their main function worse, because they narrow.

  1. Injuries

The intervertebral discs can shift if a person gets a spinal injury. Due to this displacement, a rupture of the fibrous ring occurs.

This applies to people who are self-employed in gyms. If the load is incorrectly calculated, the intervertebral discs may shift, which will lead to a hernia.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle

If you do not engage in physical education or swimming, then the blood supply to the intervertebral discs will be disrupted, and this can lead to rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc in any part of the spine.

  1. Overweight

If a person's body weight is several times higher than normal for his height and age, then this is fraught with serious pathologies for the spine. After all, in this case, all the burden is placed on him, which he is not able to withstand.

Intervertebral hernia: symptoms

Signs of an intervertebral hernia depend on the place of its localization, since the spinal nerves carry signals to different internal organs.

But in any case, the symptoms of a herniated disc are very serious and should be treated accordingly.

  1. Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar will make itself felt like this:
  • The person begins to experience strong pain in the intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region and lower extremities. They increase with physical activity.
  • There are problems with the organs of the urethra and the reproductive system.
  • The patient may feel numbness in the perineum.

The same symptoms are typical for intervertebral hernia of the sacral region.

  1. Intervertebral hernia of the cervical region appears a little differently:
  • The patient feels pain in the neck. Pain can spread to the shoulders, arms and head.
  • Often there is dizziness, and jumps all the time arterial pressure, since in the cervical spine there are zones responsible for its regulation.
  • Numb fingers.

  1. Intervertebral hernia of the chest department can be recognized by the characteristic pain in the chest. Many may confuse this pathology with heart disease.

Intervertebral hernia: stages of the disease

Doctors distinguish 4 stages of intervertebral hernia:

  1. First stage:
  • There is a hernia 2-3 mm thick
  • Local tissues swell
  • The patient feels backache in the area where the hernia appeared
  1. Second stage:
  • The size of the hernia is 4-15 mm
  • The patient feels a dull pain in the area of ​​protrusion formation.
  1. Third stage:
  • Hernia size 15-20 mm
  • The spine can atrophy
  • The person loses the ability to walk

  1. Fourth stage:
  • The hernia increases in size
  • Pain sensations disappear
  • Complete paralysis sets in

Intervertebral hernia: treatment

Feeling the first even slight pain in the spine, you need to see a doctor. He will examine you, and then send you for an additional examination:

  • x-ray

The results of this study will show exactly where the hernia formed, at what stage of its development it is. The method chosen by the doctor will depend on these data. effective treatment intervertebral hernia. We will describe to you all the existing options.

How to treat an intervertebral hernia with medication

According to numerous reviews, intervertebral hernia effectively treated with medication. If the stage of the intervertebral hernia is initial, then the doctors will prescribe the patient a two-week course of painkillers:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Diclofenac
  • Meloxicam

The above medicines the patient can take orally at home. If they are not effective, then the doctor will offer the patient an X-ray-controlled blockade. It is carried out in a hospital local anesthesia. The place where the hernia has formed in the patient is pierced with a special needle. Through it, the doctor injects hormones and potent painkillers.

If this procedure does not help the patient, then you will have to treat intervertebral hernia surgery. There are several types of surgery:

  1. Standard:
  • A small tissue incision is made at the site of the hernia (no more than 4 cm)
  • Under a microscope with a scalpel, a hernia and arches of adjacent vertebrae are removed
  • A week later, the patient is already discharged.
  1. Endoscopy:
  • Several punctures are made in the area of ​​​​hernia formation
  • With the help of special devices, a hernia is removed
  1. You can also remove intervertebral hernia with laser the tissues of the destroyed intervertebral disc and the hernia itself are “evaporated” using the latest medical instrument.

It should be noted that removal of the intervertebral hernia - it is a very painful process. The patient after the operation will have to undergo a long course of rehabilitation.

Intervertebral hernia: rehabilitation

After removal of the intervertebral hernia the patient will recover within a year using the following procedures:

  1. In the first 14 days:
  • Doctors inject the patient with antispasmodics
  • Prescribed to wear an orthopedic corset
  1. In the next 45 days, the patient is recommended to do restorative therapeutic exercises.
  2. Over the next 10 months, the patient will need to visit the office of a therapist and masseur so that they perform the necessary physiotherapy for him.

How to treat an intervertebral hernia without surgery?

Treat an intervertebral hernia at home possible without medical intervention, but only if the disease is on initial stage of its development. For this, special herniated disc exercises developed by the orthopedist and creator of alternative neurology Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky.

How to treat intervertebral hernia according to the method of Bubnovsky:

  • First you need to get on all fours and relax the spinal muscles. Then, being in the same position, you need to bend your back, inhaling, and then arch it, exhaling.
  • While in the same position, straighten your right arm forward and at the same time your left leg back. All the same must be repeated several times, pulling forward left hand and right leg back.
  • After that, you need to lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees, and press your chin to your chest. In this position, you need to try to reach your elbows to your knees.
  • Lower your arms at your sides and rest your palms on the floor. It is necessary to tear off the pelvis from the surface, taking a deep breath with each rise.

We present you a detailed video instruction, which shows an example of which exercises to perform:

Alternative treatment of intervertebral hernia

Alternative medicine in its arsenal also has several recipes that can be used to treat a herniated disc:

  1. Massage with honey
  2. Drink comfrey root oil
  3. Drink lime or chamomile tincture
  4. Use a decoction of bran instead of water for two weeks

According to traditional healers, these procedures restore cartilage tissue and give elasticity to muscle fibers.

Intervertebral hernia: photo

Intervertebral hernia: complications

If you neglect the treatment of an intervertebral hernia, dangerous complications may arise:

  • The work of the heart will worsen
  • There will be sciatica
  • Bronchitis will develop
  • Decreased blood circulation in the brain
  • Increased risk of strokes
  • Inflammation of the pancreas or lining of the colon
  • There will be complete paralysis

Prevention of intervertebral hernia

It is not difficult to prevent the formation of an intervertebral hernia. For this you need:

  • Exercise, or at least run, swim
  • Eat right so you don't gain weight
  • Give up bad habits (tobacco and alcohol)
  • Don't lift weights
  • Follow your posture

If it was not possible to avoid protrusion, then do not despair. In our time, medicine has stepped forward. Doctors help patients to get rid of intervertebral hernia as quickly and effectively as possible and return to their former full-fledged life.

Video: "Herniated disc: signs and symptoms"

The symptoms of a herniated disc are very insidious. Even doctors often make mistakes when diagnosing this disease. As a rule, on early stage When patients do not notice or try not to notice the alarming "bells" of their own body, hernias can be treated with little or no problems. However, often patients come to see a doctor when therapy without surgical intervention no longer bears fruit.

Intervertebral hernia: more about the disease

A herniated disc often occurs as a result of spinal injuries or osteochondrosis. As a result, fragments of the intervertebral disc protrude (fall out) into the cavity of the spinal column, and a hernia is formed. It is worth noting that the disease is quite serious and can lead to disastrous consequences. A hernia can put a lot of pressure on the nerve structures near the spine.

According to surgeons, the disease is getting younger every year.

Most often, an intervertebral hernia is diagnosed in people under the age of 45 years.

In children, this disease is extremely rare, but it can be congenital. Elderly people also rarely suffer from intervertebral hernias, because as a result of age-related changes, the motor activity of the vertebral discs is significantly reduced.

Causes of the disease

A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of many ailments, including intervertebral hernia. For the normal functioning of all organ systems in the human body, physical activity is necessary. Even a small morning exercise is enough for this.

As for the issues of playing sports, then you should not overdo it here either. Too strong constant physical activity is also often the cause of intervertebral hernia. Excess body weight is another reason for the development of the disease. Powerful pressure on the spinal column adversely affects health.

It would seem that half the country suffers from such ailments as poor posture, curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis. However, far from everyone the disease progresses and gives a complication as an intervertebral hernia. This fact once again proves that your health is in your hands. Don't delay your treatment!

Congenital disorders of the development of the spinal column, as well as degenerative changes in the vertebrae, can cause the appearance of a herniated disc. The load on the intervertebral discs increases due to the irregular shape of the vertebrae themselves. This is how hernial protrusions are formed.

First of all, are at risk for this disease:

  • athletes;
  • persons whose work is associated with heavy physical labor;
  • persons with reduced motor activity and overweight;
  • persons working in "harmful" enterprises;
  • office workers (persons who spend most of their time working at a computer).

Clinical manifestations of the disease

At different people may appear completely different symptoms spinal hernia. The most common symptom is pain. It can be of a different nature, be given to different parts of the body. Slight edema, increased / decreased sweating, temperature changes in the extremities, increased dryness of the skin ... In a word, vegetative changes should also alert you and become a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Numbness, weakness, and slight tingling in the limbs are more noticeable signs. They arise due to the fact that the hernial process puts pressure on the spinal column, muscles and roots of the spinal cord. Violation of the pelvic organs can also be caused by a herniated disc. Many patients also report dizziness and sudden rises in blood pressure.


It is important to note that the establishment of this diagnosis without special studies, i.e. on the basis of inspection and conversation is not possible! Undoubtedly, the first step in determining the disease is a conversation with a doctor. You need to be as detailed as possible about all the symptoms, about the time of their onset, etc. Symptoms of a vertebral hernia can be easily confused with signs of other diseases, so the next step is to examine and palpate the supposedly affected areas.

After that, the doctor can give a referral to another specialist or independently conduct a series of tests, evaluate the work of muscles, reflexes, and skin sensitivity. Only after that, the specialist will make a preliminary diagnosis for you and prescribe an examination (X-ray, CT scan, MRI) to confirm / refute it.


There are traditional and non-traditional methods of treating a herniated disc. We will tell you about conservative therapy, which, with strict adherence to all the doctor's instructions, gives good results. All movements are recommended to be performed with caution, without sharp turns. Patients are prescribed massage, exercise therapy, stretching of the spine.

Physio- and thermal procedures are also used in the treatment of intervertebral hernias. Patients are advised to wear a soft corset. As for drug therapy, taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic (muscle-relaxing) drugs also helps patients overcome the disease.