Therapeutic exercises for curvature of the spine. Scoliosis Exercises

In the treatment of scoliosis of the lumbar spine of 1-2 degrees, one of the leading methods of treatment is therapeutic exercises. The set of physical therapy exercises (exercise therapy) given here for lumbar scoliosis is aimed at developing correct posture, strengthening the muscles of the back, abdominals and pelvis, has a general healing effect, and corrects deformity.

All exercises in this complex can be performed while at home, with the exception of asymmetric corrective positions. You must first inform your attending physician about the inclusion of asymmetric therapeutic exercises (marked with an asterisk) in your classes, work them out with an exercise therapy instructor, and only then include them in home therapeutic exercises.

We recommend performing a therapeutic set of exercises daily, it is good to alternate it with swimming.

After 6 months of exercise therapy, you should definitely take a control x-ray to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Exercises in the supine position:

Exercises in the prone position:

Side exercises:

Final breathing exercise:

For this exercise, you will need a yoga roller or a rolled up blanket.

Lie on your back on the roller with your head, back and buttocks resting on the roller/roller. Bend your knees and place them shoulder-width apart for balance. In this position, throw your arms to the sides. Breathe deeply, stay in this position for 1 minute.

Bend both knees to 90 degrees and hold this position for 1 minute.

Raise your arms up over your head and stay in this position for 1 minute.

Breathing exercise on a roller

We offer correction of scoliosis of 2-4 degrees in children with the help of special gymnastics. In two months of treatment, you will reduce the deformity by 5-15 degrees and improve your child's health.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spinal column. The disease develops during the period when the spine is not yet formed, that is, in childhood and adolescence. In case of failure to provide adequate medical care the disease often progresses steadily, leading to displacement of the internal organs, followed by impaired respiratory and circulatory functions. Diagnosed on early stages, scoliosis is successfully treated, and the leading place in the treatment of this pathology is occupied by physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) and therapeutic exercises as its component. It is this method of treatment that will be discussed in our article.

Scoliosis stages

As mentioned above, with scoliosis, the spinal column deviates from the median axis to the side - to the right or left. The angle of deviation can be different, but the smaller it is, the more likely it is to get rid of the curvature and restore posture.

Depending on the angle of deviation of the spine from the median axis, there are 4 degrees of scoliosis:

  1. The deflection angle is practically not noticeable visually and ranges from 1 to 10 degrees. It is regarded by a number of doctors as a variant of the norm, easily corrected with the help of exercise therapy.
  2. The angle of deviation of the spine from the median axis of the body is from 11 to 25 degrees. It is important not to skip this stage and start the correction with the help of exercises in time - if this is not done, it progresses to the next one in a short time, which is almost impossible to cope with by exercise therapy.
  3. The angle of deviation is large - from 26 to 50 degrees. It's hard to correct.
  4. The most difficult stage, the deviation angle at which is more than 50 degrees. Physiotherapy exercises, and many other methods, it is impossible to correct it. The distortion is very noticeable to the naked eye.

How therapeutic exercises can help

The curvature of the spine in scoliosis is partly due to an imbalance in the work of the muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine: some of them - those that are on the side of the bulge of the curvature - are in high tone, tense, and the corresponding muscle groups on the opposite side - where the spine is concave - are excessively relaxed, practically atrophied. Exercise therapy allows you to give an asymmetrical load to the above muscles, training some and relaxing others. In addition, in the process of therapeutic exercises, the muscular frame of the spine as a whole is strengthened, which means that the latter is securely held in the correct position.

With scoliosis, exercise therapy is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • strengthen and promote the proper development of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the back;
  • eliminate the imbalance in the tone of the muscles and ligaments of the spine;
  • correct impaired posture by reducing the angle of curvature of the spine;
  • as much as possible to unload the spinal column.

As a result of all changes in the musculoskeletal system, the costal hump disappears, coordination of movements improves, the work of previously displaced or squeezed internal organs normalizes, exercise tolerance increases, immunity strengthens, and appearance patient and his mood.

The rules of therapeutic gymnastics

Physical therapy is complemented by a massage course.

A doctor sends a patient to exercise therapy (since the vast majority of patients are children, it is usually a pediatrician). A set of exercises is selected for each patient individually, depending on the degree of curvature of the spine, age and general condition the patient, the presence of certain changes caused by scoliosis (shortness of breath, circulatory disorders, etc.).

Classes are held in a spacious, well-ventilated room with a comfortable temperature and humidity. The patient is in clothing that does not restrict movement. Exercises are performed under the full supervision of the instructor, and in severe cases - and the exercise therapy doctor.

With 1-2 degrees of scoliosis, therapeutic exercises are the main method of correcting the curvature, with 3-4 - auxiliary.

In addition to therapeutic exercises, the patient can be prescribed such methods of conservative treatment as:

  • yoga;
  • physiotherapy (, - and);
  • the use of orthopedic devices (corsets or orthoses), as well as sleeping on special beds.

In addition, regular swimming lessons are a great way to improve your posture. Only this sport provides a uniform load on the spinal column, muscles and ligaments of the back, which means it is effective for scoliosis.

Correcting the curvature through therapeutic exercises is possible only for patients of childhood and adolescence - when the patient reaches the age of 20, exercise therapy is considered inappropriate, since the spine is already fully formed.

In order for therapeutic exercises to have the desired effect, it must be practiced daily and for a long time.

Lessons should start with simple exercises with minimal stress on the spine. Gradually increase the load - introduce exercises with a higher level of complexity into the complex.

Active traction of the spine, such as hanging from a bar, is prohibited. It can be pulled out exclusively passively - having a support under it.

In the event of back pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of worsening condition, the patient should tell the trainer about this and, possibly, stop training for today.


All exercises performed with scoliosis are divided into 2 types: symmetrical and asymmetric. Symmetrical exercises provide a uniform load on the back muscles and are performed to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous corset of the spine. Asymmetric exercises target specific muscle groups, relaxing some and exercising others. With the help of these exercises, the curvature of the spine is corrected, which means that posture improves. It is asymmetric exercises that cannot be prescribed to oneself on their own, since they will not only not improve the patient's condition, but will also contribute to the progression of scoliosis.

Exercises for curvature of the spine can be performed while sitting, standing, and lying on your back or on your stomach. Most exercises should be repeated 5-15 times depending on the degree of fitness. As a rule, therapeutic exercises begin with 5-7 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10-15.

So, for the treatment of scoliosis of 1-2 degrees without complications, the following exercises can be used:

  • walk on all fours for 2-3 minutes;
  • straighten up on all fours left hand and pull it forward, while raising the right leg; freeze in this position for 5-7 seconds; perform the same exercise with other limbs;
  • standing on all fours, bend your back, raising your head as high as possible; freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds;
  • standing on all fours, arch your back upward, trying to reach your head with one knee, return to the starting position; repeat with the other knee;
  • lie on your back, pull the left elbow to the right knee, then vice versa - the right elbow to the left knee;
  • lying on your back with arms extended along the body, raise straight legs, tilt them to the right, then to the left; return to starting position;
  • lie on your back, try to pull your heels down, and your head and arms up; one stretch to continue 10-15 seconds;
  • lie on your stomach, repeat the passive traction described in the previous paragraph;
  • lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, make movements with your legs like while riding a bicycle; one "check-in" to continue 30-45 seconds;
  • lying on your back, raise straight legs and alternately cross them both in the horizontal and vertical planes; the popular name for this exercise is “scissors”; movements should be performed without stopping for 30-45 seconds, the number of repetitions is 2-3;
  • lie on your stomach, put your head on the back of your hands; raise the head, shoulder girdle, upper and lower limbs with which to carry out movements according to the type of swimming in the style of breaststroke;
  • lying on your stomach, raise your head, shoulder girdle, arms and legs similarly to the previous exercise, but do not move them, but freeze in this position for 30-40 seconds;
  • lying on your stomach, perform the exercise "scissors";
  • lying on your stomach, lean on your palms, alternately raise your straight leg as high as possible from the floor;
  • stand up straight, walk in place, trying to keep your back straight;
  • stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbow joints, put your fingers on the shoulder joints; make circular movements with your hands from front to back and back;
  • stand up straight, rise on toes and pull straight arms up as far as possible, smoothly lower;
  • stand straight, spread your straight arms to the sides, turning your palms up, rise on your toes, sit down, stand up, return to the starting position;
  • at the end of a set of exercises, walk on toes, raising your straight arms up, or on your heels, putting your hands behind your back;
  • walk high by raising your knees or sweeping your shins back.

What exercises are contraindicated

Some physical exercise and types of activity are categorically contraindicated in patients with scoliosis, as they contribute to an increase in spinal instability and progression of the disease. These are:

  • hanging on the horizontal bar, exercises on the gymnastic wall (active traction of the spine);
  • elements of acrobatics - somersaults, pull-ups and others;
  • power loads - exercises with a barbell, with kettlebells;
  • long distance running;
  • dance Sport;
  • active sports (volleyball is allowed at stage 1-2 of the disease);
  • squats on one leg and other asymmetrical loads.


Scoliosis is a disease that can be successfully corrected in the early stages of development in children and adolescents. Regular exercise therapy in combination with other methods of physiotherapy in the vast majority of cases leads to a significant improvement in the patient's condition, and often to complete recovery. Exercises for classes should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist individually for each patient. Self-treatment (in this situation - the selection of exercises for oneself) will not only not contribute to recovery, but will also worsen the patient's condition, causing the progression of scoliosis.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. Parents are obliged from childhood to:

  • instill in the child the rules of a healthy lifestyle;
  • monitor his posture while walking and studying at the desk;
  • encourage the child to play sports (in relation to scoliosis, swimming is the best type of activity).

If you follow these recommendations, scoliosis will certainly bypass your child. If the curvature nevertheless appeared, you should start correcting your posture with the help of exercise therapy as soon as possible - with this approach, you will achieve recovery in the shortest possible time.

Video about exercises for children with scoliosis.

The work of the muscles and ligaments around the spine is uneven. On the one hand, they are relaxed, and on the other, they are tense. For this, the patient must undergo a course of therapeutic exercises. It will give a symmetrical load to one muscle and another, evenly relaxing those of them that need it and strengthening the weak ones. A person suffering from a curvature of the spine will receive from gymnastic exercises the effect of strengthening the area around the spine and all muscle groups. This means that it will always be in the correct position.

You can correct the problem of scoliosis and even kyphoscoliosis with regular therapeutic exercises. However, it should be remembered that the complex must be performed correctly., otherwise there is a risk of getting complications, and not benefit from classes.

By doing therapeutic exercises, you can achieve the following results:

  • unload the vertebral column to the maximum;
  • unload imbalance in muscle tone, as well as ligaments;
  • establish the correct posture, after which the angle of the curved spine is much reduced;
  • the musculoskeletal apparatus is strengthened, and there is a proper development in the muscles of the back.

The appearance of a person undergoing a series of classes will improve and a positive mood appears, after which he can easily endure physical exercise. The immunity of a person performing movements is developed much better, since the organs squeezed by the vertebrae now work in full. The coordination of movements becomes much better. After the musculoskeletal system changes, the costal hump will disappear.

Useful gymnastic exercises for scoliosis

What effect does therapeutic gymnastics have on scoliosis and what effect it will bring is not clear to every person. If you perform a set of exercises correctly, then under the influence on the stretching of the vertebra, there is a high probability of healing. Doctors recommend exercises in which there are such useful features:

  • useful are exercises aimed at muscles and ligaments;
  • where does the strengthening of the back occur;
  • normalization of cardiovascular functioning, as well as the respiratory system;
  • movements that have a relaxing effect on the muscles on the outer deformed side;
  • physical actions that eliminate the consequences of incorrect posture;
  • physical impact on the region of the spinal column and at the same time strengthening muscle tissue;
  • elimination or reduction in the longitudinal twisting of the vertebrae, if there are C and S-shaped disorders.

Gymnastics, which has contraindications for people with scoliosis

  • squat on one leg, while other asymmetrical movements are also prohibited;
  • a sport in which activity predominates (you can play volleyball with stage 1-2 of the disease);
  • sports dances;
  • long distance running;
  • loads requiring strength exercises; lifting the barbell, as well as weights;
  • squeezing hands on the crossbar, acrobatic exercises and also somersaults over the head;
  • active stretching of the spine, but it is allowed to hang on the horizontal bar and practice on the gymnastic wall.

Breathing exercises for scoliosis

Respiratory gymnastics must be used without fail in the treatment of the second degree of the disease. These are breathing exercises designed specifically to respiratory functions the lungs quickly went to recovery, as well as the deformation of the ribs, which was caused by scoliosis, returned to normal.

Rhythmic gymnastics for scoliosis

Rhythmic gymnastics helps to eliminate scoliosis. This is due to the fact that the gymnastic crossbar, with which a person interacts, contributes to the gradual stretching of the spine and the distance of the spines from each other, which relieves tension. With the skill of performing some exercises from rhythmic gymnastics, such as traction, for example, the spine acquires a vertical, which has a beneficial effect on the fight against scoliosis. As a result, the back muscles become stronger, and the posture becomes even.

Full set of exercises

A set of exercises, when getting rid of the problem of scoliosis, consists of a warm-up, the main part and the final type of exercise.

Attention: exercises that are classified as asymmetric have an effective effect on the condition of the spine, but they should be selected only by a doctor.

At home, it is necessary to perform exercises that do not overload the spine. This will protect the patient from injury during the complex.

Warm up

A patient suffering from scoliosis must learn proper breathing and walking before starting a set of exercises. To do this, stand straight against the wall and walk from one part of the room to another, trying not to change the initial position of the back.

Basic exercises

Exercises can be done in various positions, lie on your back, on your stomach, and also be in a sitting and standing position. You need to repeat the movement in the exercises at least 10-15 times. Initial movements can be started with 5 approaches:

  • movement 2-3 minutes on all fours;
  • from the same position, it is necessary to straighten the left arm and slowly pull it forward, at the same time raise the right leg, and stay in this position for 5-7 seconds, then change limbs and do the same;
  • standing on all fours, slowly bend the back, the head rises as high as possible, this position remains for 5-10 seconds;
  • arching the back up in an arc, also from a position on all fours, with the right knee we take out the head, take the initial position, and do the same with the left knee;
  • for abdominal muscles. The body should lie on the floor, and the arms should be located along the body, the legs should be raised alternately and hold each of them at the top, and then both hold the canopy;
  • we lie down on our back and pull the right elbow to the left knee, then also, only the other elbow and knee;
  • we lie on our back, stretching our arms along the body, raise our straight legs up, make inclinations to the right and left, then take the starting position;
  • For 10-15 seconds we stretch the heels down, and pull the arms and head up, we do all this while lying on our back;
  • we lie down on our back and make movements, as if we were riding a bicycle, do the exercise for 30-45 seconds;
  • lying on your back, you should raise your legs up, keeping them straight, you need to do the “scissors” exercise, with the right leg tilted to the left, and the left leg to the right, we do it with both legs at once for 30-45 seconds and repeat the exercise several times.

Final exercises

In conclusion, you should give a load to some parts of the body that are involved in creating an even posture:

  1. In conclusion, you should sit on a soft rug and clasp your knees with your hands, then you need to lie on your back and roll from one side to the other.
  2. Walk on your heels for 30 seconds, with your hands behind your back.
  3. From a standing position, the arms should be pulled up and linger in this position on the toes for 30 seconds.
  4. At the end of the exercises, you need to relax as much as possible: from a standing position, stretch your arms up and inhale, then lower your arms (slowly) and exhale.


There are techniques developed specifically to eliminate the problem of scoliosis and relieve pain from the back. Only a medical specialist can select the optimal method for the treatment of scoliosis based on the patient's testimony.

Schroth therapy

Katharina Schroth has developed a method for the treatment of scoliosis, by selecting certain exercises aimed at eliminating improper breathing. Since a person suffering from scoliosis initially inhales and exhales incorrectly, the exercises correct the breathing process.

The therapy is done like this:

  1. The physiotherapist puts the patient in the correct position, placing him against the wall or preparing him for another kind of warm-up.
  2. The patient performs the complex so that the breath is taken slowly and as much as possible.
  3. Exhalation is performed through the lips, which are compressed by half, which will reduce the distance between the ribs.
  4. After completing the course of gymnastics, the patient is consciously related to the position of the body and making inhalations and exhalations.

Lana Paley Method

Lana Paley has developed a unique complex for correcting the position of the ribs and back muscles. She described this complex in her book “Better Than Yoga”. All exercises are performed within an hour.

Important: the main exercises are to hold the breath while inhaling when the body is in horizontal position and slow exhalation, as well as creating the effect of elongation from a standing position.

With proper implementation of the complex, the result will be noticeable after two months of classes.

Charging with scoliosis

Regular exercise for scoliosis is recommended by many experts. It should include the following movements:

  • "bike";
  • movement "scissors";
  • exercises performed from a lying position;
  • breaststroke exercises.

For the back

For the back, you need to do the following gymnastics:

  1. strengthening the muscles of the back. It is necessary to lie on the floor and put your hands so that they are along the body. Raise one leg at a time.
  2. Lying on your back, you need to alternately pull up one or the other leg.
  3. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs alternately, and raise them to the maximum height.

For the spine

The spine needs regular gymnastic exercises:

  1. Posture correction. Lying on your back, you need to rise so that the neck and head are at the top, and then you should slowly lower them.
  2. Correction of problems with the spine. A bag with a bag that does not weigh more than 1 kilogram must be placed on the head and gently stand up. Then you need to move around the room with him so that he does not fall to the floor.

Exercises for children

Children, like adults, are prescribed classes against scoliosis. The main difference is that they are contraindicated for exercises with increased load.. Gymnastics is aimed at turning the body, turning the head and standing on all fours.

Useful video

Below you can find therapeutic exercises for scoliosis


Scoliosis must be corrected by doing exercises on a regular basis. This will get rid of problems with posture and give relief in the muscles and ribs. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor and do the exercises correctly.

Scoliosis is a fairly common disease that is a companion of many people due to the peculiarities of the modern lifestyle. One of the effective measures of therapy is gymnastics for scoliosis, which helps to normalize the condition. Consider what it is and how to implement it.

Exercises for scoliosis of the spine: features

Hardly one modern medicine can replace physical therapy. A regularly performed set of exercises for scoliosis helps to cope with such tasks:

  • restore strength and elasticity to mice, form a strong muscular frame of the spine;
  • eliminate pathological tension from the muscles;
  • prevent the progression of the disease by stopping the increase in the angle of curvature of the spine;
  • improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, normalize breathing;
  • reduce or eliminate completely lateral curvature of the spine.

In view of this, therapeutic exercises for scoliosis are a key method of conservative treatment, and this is recognized by orthopedists and verbologists around the world. Exercise complexes can be used as the only method of therapy for initial stages pathological curvature of the spine. They are also necessarily used in the treatment of stages 3 and 4 of scoliosis.

Scoliosis very often develops during the intensive growth of the child. During this period, the segments of the spine are still very unstable, and the physical impact on them must be very careful and as professional as possible. Otherwise, serious harm is possible, namely, aggravation of the angle of curvature, pinching of internal organs, disruption of the heart and respiratory system.

In order for the exercises to give a sense, you need to select them, taking into account in which of the sections of the spine disorders develop. They need to be done regularly, and the instructor must first teach the technique.

Gymnastics for scoliosis at home: basic rules

With scoliosis, they must comply with several basic rules that must be taken into account when compiling the complex.

1. It is important to exclude all types of exercises that can aggravate the condition of the spine. These include the following:

  • pull-ups and hanging on the crossbars and Swedish walls;
  • elements from acrobatics, such as somersaults, jumps, "swallow";
  • strength exercises using dumbbells and kettlebells;
  • fast run;
  • any jumps;
  • rotation of the torso in a vertical position.

2. The first lessons should be carried out at a slow pace. It is necessary to control and monitor the reaction of the body to any of the exercises.

3. Loads with the number of repetitions are set gradually so that the muscles and spine do not overstrain

4. Exercises are designed exclusively for passive traction of the spine.

5. You need to regularly alternate exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and exercises for the legs and lumbar.

Exercises for scoliosis of the spine at home, which were prescribed by a doctor, must be repeated every day, without interruption. After finishing the lesson, take a rest, lying on your side for 30 minutes during the treatment.

Stages of training for scoliosis

Each of the classes should be carried out clearly in accordance with the training plan - this will help to get the maximum effect from each exercise.

Classes are divided into the following stages:

  • Warm up. It involves preparing the ligamentous apparatus for performing basic loads, stimulating blood circulation in muscle tissues, and setting the correct breathing rhythm.
  • Basic loads. They include correction of pathological curvature, stimulation of motor activity of muscles, as well as restoration of the correct functions of internal systems in the body.
  • Conclusion. At this stage, we gradually reduce the load, restore the usual rhythm of breathing.

At each stage, it is important to pay enough attention to proper breathing. This will contribute to the stimulation of the functioning of the lungs and the additional flow of oxygen to the muscles.

Exercises for scoliosis at home: an approximate complex

Remember that each of the elements of physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis should be selected individually. Let us give an example of a standard lesson used for this problem.

1. Warm up

A set of exercise therapy exercises for scoliosis should begin with straightening the back. First, press your back against any flat, vertical surface, making sure your calves, shoulder blades, and buttocks are touching it. Try to remember this position and not change it. Now you need to take two steps back.

Now directly exercises:

  • Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. At the same time, raise both hands up, spread them apart and slightly back. You need to repeat the exercise four times.
  • Stand up straight, put your feet together, place your hands on your belt. Alternately bend your legs at the knees, slightly lifting them up, sit down shallowly. Repeat 3-5 times.
  • The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. Walk on the spot. When walking, do not raise your knees high. Breathe in for a count of one or two, and breathe out for a count of three or four. When inhaling, raise your arms up through the sides, as you exhale, slowly lower them.

2. Basic exercises

These exercises to correct scoliosis will be as follows:

  • Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head. While inhaling, spread your elbows to the sides, exhaling, take the starting position. These steps must be repeated five times.
  • The starting position is the same. Bend one leg, pull the knee to the stomach, repeat the same with the second leg, then the two together. You need to repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
  • You need to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms at the seams, rest your palms on the floor. While inhaling, leaning on your hands, lift one leg up as far as you can. Then, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same for the other leg. Each exercise is recommended to be repeated at least three times.
  • Now lie on your back, stretch your arms along your head. You need to do passive stretching. Inhaling, try to pull your head and shoulders up, and at the same time your legs - down.
  • Lie on your stomach. Simultaneously imitate movements with your arms and legs, as when swimming.

3. Final exercises

They will be as follows:

  • You need to stand up straight, place your hands on your belt. You have to walk in place. While walking while inhaling, raise your arms up and at the same time switch to walking on your toes. Exhaling, lower your hands and now step on your heels.
  • The starting position is the same. Walk with high knees.

In the photo you will see an approximate set of exercises for scoliosis.

The best exercises for scoliosis

Swiss orthopedists and vertebrologists, together with exercise therapy specialists, have developed a set of exercises for correcting scoliosis, which helps to maximize the effective use of the main muscle groups, increasing their firmness and elasticity. It includes the following exercises:

Exercises for the muscles of the back:

  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands at your sides. Raise your head up and try to raise your shoulders, while at the same time clenching your hands into a fist and unclenching them. Start with five times, gradually increase this number to 15.
  • Lie on your stomach and place your arms along your torso. Raise your legs alternately without lifting your pelvis off the floor. The exercise must be repeated five times.

Exercises for the lateral muscles of the back:

  • Lie on your right side, now lift your right leg up along the torso, and put your left exactly on top. Slowly raise your left leg and lower it just as smoothly. Repeat for each side five times.
  • Lie on your side. Pull the hand that is below up, rest your other hand on the floor at chest level. Raise both legs as far as you can. Repeat the same for the other side. For each side you need to do 3 times.

For the abdominal muscles, do the following exercise:

  • You need to lie on your back, place your hands at the seams. Raise one leg without bending the knee, hold for a few seconds. Repeat the same for the other leg. Then lift both legs together. Start with three repetitions, then increase the load up to 7 times.

Posture Correction Exercise:

  • Lie on your back. Keep your legs together, place your hands along the body. For a second, you need to raise your head and shoulders, then gently lower them, without jerking.

Exercise to straighten the spine:

  • For this exercise, you will need to prepare a bag of sand weighing no more than 1 kg in advance. Sit on a chair, place the bag on your head so that it does not fall. Then gently stand up and walk around a bit so that the package does not fall from your head.

Types of exercise therapy loads for scoliosis

Lateral curvature of the spine leads to heavy loads on the ligamentous apparatus. Paired muscles receive significant differences in tension. The muscles on the convex side are constantly in good shape, which over time leads to deterioration and loss of their contractility. Their paired "opponents" from the opposite side are always reduced, relaxed. Due to the lack of movement, they are weakened, which can further provoke atrophy.

Therefore, it is important that exercises for the treatment of scoliosis at home include four types of loads:

  • Asymmetrical. They allow you to train muscles on only one side of the body, while the opposite muscle group is relaxed.
  • symmetrical. They help to keep the spine in a natural position from an anatomical point of view. The load is equally distributed on the muscles from both sides, as a result, their tone is leveled, and this has a beneficial effect on the dynamics of spinal alignment.
  • Detorsion. They help relieve stress from tense muscles, while at the same time stimulating the work of relaxed ones.
  • Restorative. Help stimulate work immune system, help increase endurance and improve the overall physical development of the whole body.

Please note that the effectiveness of the use of physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis will be determined by how responsibly you treat your classes, whether you follow all the instructions. It is also important to constantly monitor your posture.

Gymnastics for scoliosis on video

Spine-related ailments have their own treatment regimen, which, most often, consists in performing simple and complex exercises. The scoliosis disease, which is common today, is no exception, since it is also eliminated with the help of physiotherapy exercises or exercise therapy for short.

The features of the disease are such that for its treatment it is necessary to reduce the load on the long-suffering spine as much as possible, and also to prevent excessive pressure on internal organs. Subject to the correct implementation of a set of exercises, a person will receive not only a healthy (not in terms of size) back, but also a beautiful, correct posture.

Exercises for back health

There are a number of universal exercises that are suitable for correcting various stages of scoliosis, however, there are cases that require the intervention of a professional. With structural changes in the vertebrae, with special levels of deformity, correction at home will not help. Congenital scoliosis in frequent cases is the worst enemy of physical education. So in any case, you must first see a doctor, and only after his approval do exercise therapy and gymnastics.

Exercises, even the most correct ones, do not work in all cases, however, it is possible to designate a situation in which the effectiveness of exercise therapy approaches one hundred percent: when scoliosis has developed due to the fact that a person has been in an incorrect, uncomfortable position for a long time.

Exercise rules

Physical education, although therapeutic, can be fraught with injuries, especially for a susceptible and sore back. In order to achieve the desired result, and not the opposite, with the help of exercises, you need to follow several fundamental rules:

  • the main thing in the lesson is a warm-up, so it should be at the head of all classes;

  • sudden movements, jumps and acrobatic stunts - this is what a person with scoliosis should forget about at least for a while: all exercises should be done slowly and carefully;
  • barbells and dumbbells are not the equipment that suits us, since with scoliosis it is important to avoid increased physical activity;

  • when compiling a set of exercises, you need to be very careful with the load and repetitions: start with the minimum and only gradually increase as muscle endurance increases;
  • special attention is paid to the muscles of the shoulder girdle, lumbar and legs, so exercises on them should constantly alternate.

What not to do:

  • pull up;
  • hang on the Swedish wall;
  • tumble;
  • run;
  • rotate torso.

Warm-up exercises

In order for each exercise to have the proper effect, it is necessary to repeat it five to ten times. Remember - don't overdo it.

Exercise 1

  1. Stand with your back to a vertical surface.
  2. Lean your heels and buttocks against this surface.
  3. Straighten your back, fix your posture.
  4. In this position, take a few steps forward. Repeat.

Exercise 2

  1. Stand up straight, stretch your arms along the body, and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Gently squat while inhaling, and stretch your arms forward.
  3. Make sure your back is straight.

Exercise 3

  1. We become straight, bend the leg at the knee and raise it.
  2. Hold the leg for a few seconds.
  3. Lower the leg and repeat the pattern with the second leg.

The main complex of exercise therapy for the treatment of scoliosis

These exercises are always performed only after a warm-up.

The exercisePerformance

So, let's start from the very beginning: first of all, you should lie on your back and slightly raise your legs above the floor surface (30-40 centimeters), and after that we begin to do the exercise familiar from childhood - “scissors”, that is, we spread our legs to the sides and bring back. We do four approaches, for thirty seconds each.

We sit down on all fours, and then we shift the pelvis to the feet so that the buttocks are on the heels. The palms must be fixed on the floor. Due to the strength of the hands, we begin to move alternately to the left and right, lingering in each position for a few seconds. At least five movements should be made in each direction.

We again get on all fours, placing both our legs and arms shoulder-width apart. After the initial position is fixed, you need to start slowly arching the spine up, and then down. Each exercise is five times.

For this exercise, we will need a firm pillow that needs to be placed on the floor. We lay down on her stomach, clasp our hands behind the back and try to raise the body as high as possible. We do about ten times.

We put our feet shoulder-width apart, leave our hands in a free position. Now we move the shoulder blades and hold them for the maximum possible time. We repeat the exercise ten times.

We get on all fours again, stretch the right hand forward, and the left leg back. Hold the position for a few seconds, then change. We repeat ten times.

Lie down on your stomach and stretch your arms along the body. We take a deep breath, lean on our hands and try to raise our leg as high as possible. On the exhale, we return to the starting position, and then repeat the exercise with the second leg.

Lie down on your stomach, spread both arms to the sides. Attention should be paid to the knees: bring them together and bend. Having fixed the position, you need to turn your head to the left, and your knees to the right, and then vice versa. It is necessary to perform about seven repetitions.

We lie down on the side where the curvature of the spine is diagnosed. Under the side we put a small pillow or roller. Straighten your bottom leg and bend your top leg at the knee. We bend the lower arm and put it under the head, and we wind the upper arm behind the head. We fix this position for a few seconds. Repeat about five times.

We lay on our back, stretch our arms above our heads, inhale and stretch our heads with our shoulders up and our legs down.

The final set of exercises to combat scoliosis

These exercises will allow the body to gradually prepare for rest. First, we sit on the carpet, bend our legs and grab them at the knees. Then, in this position, we slowly lower ourselves onto our back and make rolls from the neck to the middle of the spine.

Important: you can not do this exercise more than eight times.

Then we get up, put our hands behind our backs and close them in the lock. In this position, we walk exclusively on our heels for about thirty seconds.

We stop, stretch our arms up and walk on our toes for the same amount of time.

Then we do walking in place with high hips. This exercise should also last at least thirty seconds.

After completing these exercises, we begin to restore breathing. This is done very simply: you need to raise your hands up during a deep breath, and then slowly lower them down as you exhale.

We restore breathing

At this complex exercise therapy is considered complete, you can relax. Experts advise to carry it out daily, since the final result depends on the regularity of execution.

A person diagnosed with scoliosis should think not only about how to get rid of the existing problem, but also how to stop the progression of the disease.

Among the most effective and simple measures are maintaining an active lifestyle, swimming, skiing or cycling. To stop the development of the disease, you need to monitor your posture: sit straight without bending your torso, try not to tilt your head.

It is very important to choose the right height of the chairs. A person should sit in such a way that his legs rest on the floor, and not dangle in the air. If for some reason a person with scoliosis has to spend a lot of time sitting, then he must do a light workout every twenty minutes.

To relieve tension in the back muscles, it is recommended to slowly and carefully arch the back backwards during the day. The main thing is not to overdo it. In a situation where you have to stand for a long time, it is better to alternate the supporting leg every ten minutes, which reduces the load on the back.

All health-improving complexes must be agreed with the attending physician without fail, since improperly selected exercises can only aggravate the situation.

Video - Back muscle training for scoliosis

Video - Straighten your back