Is lymphostasis of the upper extremities treated? Treatment of hand lymphostasis with folk remedies

The mammary gland, like any other organ, is susceptible to disease. Numerous external and internal factors act mainly on cells of active division (glandular tissue, inner lining of the ducts). As a result, “mistakes” occur in the replacement of new cells, which leads to the formation of a tumor. Treatment of some of them involves the removal of part or all of the gland. In some cases, with excision of adjacent tissues: subcutaneous fat, muscle, lymphatic.

The operation of removing the mammary gland - mastectomy - is a very serious traumatic intervention, affecting, to varying degrees, the abundant system of lymphatic outflow in this area. Performed for reasons of malignant degeneration (cancer), as a rule, with excision of regional (axillary) lymph nodes that receive flowing fluid from the upper limb. Among other complications of mastectomy, lymphostasis of the hand after removal of the mammary gland is quite common. But, with timely methods of correction, as a rule, it does not go into serious degrees of severity.

What it is

Lymphostasis, in the general sense, is a difficulty or complete cessation (from the Latin stasis - immobility, stagnation, stop) of movement through the lymphatic vessels. Lymphedema or lymphangiectatic (outside the vessels) edema is a consequence of lymphostasis. In general information publications, both concepts can be found as synonyms, but this is not entirely true.

After a mastectomy, the usual drainage of the intercellular fluid, which was previously absorbed into the lymphatic capillaries and discharged through the vessels to the axillary lymph nodes, is disrupted. As a result, interstitial edema of the arm occurs after the removal of the mammary gland, since the circulatory capillary network cannot cope with the absorption of the interstitial fluid.

Lymph, in density and composition, is very close to blood plasma. With a long stay outside the vessels, it impregnates the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Forms accumulations that can be located on the hand, forearm - as the liquid, under the influence of gravity, rushes down.

The volume of the limb on the side of the mastectomy can increase several times. If damage lymphatic system minimal, swelling is mild. As a rule, with timely diagnosis and due attention to it, it can be corrected and is a reversible violation. If the damage is significant, its treatment is not carried out in time and sufficiently, the edema acquires a dense texture. Conservative recovery in such a situation is difficult.

Causes of lymphedema of the hand

With regard to the development of complications after removal of the mammary gland, a violation of the outflow of lymph from the upper limb can be due to three main factors:

  1. Injury to the lymphatic vessels during surgery.
  2. Removal of lymph nodes, as a necessary measure.
  3. Conducted radiation therapy of a malignant tumor.

The first two causes are responsible for lymphedema after mastectomy. Radioactive exposure can lead to stagnation of the lymph even in the preoperative period. This is due to damage to the lymph nodes (the formation of scar tissue) under the influence of ionizing radiation.

Other causes of lymphedema not related to breast removal

All other factors leading to deterioration of lymph flow are divided into 2 large groups.

  1. Congenital anomalies in the development of the lymphatic system itself, the upper limb.
  2. Purchased:
  • traumatic and orthopedic - fractures, dislocations, deformities of bones and joints (including curvature of the spine), serious bruises with extensive hematomas, burns, wounds;
  • somatic - complication chronic diseases, mainly inflammatory or degenerative profile;
  • overweight and hypodynamia;
  • lymphoid tumors.

In the formation of lymphedema, infection of superficial wounds, abrasions, and burns is essential. The main pathological agent in this case are staphylococci, responsible for suppuration.

The severity of lymphostasis and their signs

According to the symptoms of manifestation, swelling of the hand after breast surgery at stage 4.

Mild to intermittent mild lymphedema

It is characterized by the following features:

  • The increase in swelling occurs in the evening hours and disappears in the morning.
  • It has a constant character - it manifests itself daily.
  • No pain or discomfort is felt.
  • Movement is not limited.
  • There is no proliferation of connective tissue.

It is considered a fully reversible form. But, due to minor manifestations, it has a low negotiability of patients.

Medium - stable dense edema

Slightly reversible form with maximum clinical detectability. It has the highest percentage of diagnosis due to an increase in symptoms and, mainly, a decrease in function. Recovery conservative ways possible, but requires considerable effort and is carried out for a long time.

Severe - pronounced lymphostasis

Typical symptoms:

  • Permanent dense swelling.
  • Inability to collect the fold - the skin is motionless.
  • Lightening of subcutaneous venous vessels.
  • Significantly increased volume (2-2.5 times) of the diseased limb.
  • Subtotal or complete limitation of mobility, loss of hand function, deformity of the fingers.
  • Severe pain, feeling of fullness, there may be a burning sensation.
  • Irreversible persistent proliferation of connective tissue.
  • Formation of cysts, trophic ulcers, attachment of infection (erysipelas).

The stage is considered critical not only in terms of severity clinical manifestations, but also because such lymphostasis of the hand requires surgical correction. Rehab is likely to be lifelong.

Terminal - the threat of losing a limb

At this stage, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Marked edema.
  • More than 3-fold increase in arm volume.
  • Complete absence of movements in the limb, shoulder joint.
  • pronounced deformity.
  • The formation of hygroma ("bitch udder"), filled with lymphatic fluid.
  • Progression of degenerative and inflammatory processes of the skin.

Due to a significant violation of blood circulation, the formation of wet gangrene is possible. In advanced cases, with the failure of the surgical elimination of lymphostasis, indications for amputation of the affected limb are displayed.


Complicates lymphedema after mastectomy 30-40% of all surgical benefits. Active measures to prevent such a situation rests with the patients themselves.

You can reduce the likelihood of lymphostasis by following simple but mandatory recommendations.

  1. The arm on the operated side must not be overstretched and exposed to physical and chemical factors. Do not use it to carry heavy items. Avoid prolonged contact with hot/cold water. Wearing jewelry (rings, bracelets), tight clothes is undesirable. Also, measure arterial pressure, make injections (including blood sampling from a finger / vein and household determination of sugar levels).
  2. All household work should be carried out with protective gloves to avoid contact with household chemicals and to prevent minor injuries (wounds, abrasions).
  3. Support general state health. Timely and completely treat colds, prevent exacerbations of chronic pathology. In case of a hand injury from a mastectomy: skin lesions should be treated and disinfected, for bruises and bruises, decongestant and absorbable external agents should be used. A good means of prevention is self-massage for lymphostasis of the hand.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to visit the bath, sauna, solarium, gym (power load on the belt of the upper limbs). You can not travel to the southern latitudes, sunbathe even in the shade.

But, this does not mean at all that the hand should not move at all and that it should not be loaded. Complexes developed physiotherapy exercises, with the calculated required load. These exercises with lymphostasis of the hand can be performed independently to prevent the appearance of edema. In addition, dosed activity at home fixes healing effect. And taking care of the household psychologically helps a woman in rehabilitation.


The basis for the diagnosis of lymphostasis of the hand due to mastectomy is anamnestic and clinical examination data. A detailed questioning of the patient about the nature of the manifestations of edema and examination, already at this stage of the examination, allows not only to determine the diagnosis, but also to indicate the stage of lymphedema.

Additional and specialized studies:

  1. Clinical profile: general blood and urine analysis, biochemical profile.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the limb.
  3. Lymphography is a specialized x-ray examination.

The stage of intermittent mild lymphedema does not have pronounced anatomical changes in the limb. Its diagnosis presents certain difficulties. But it is the mild form that lends itself to restorative therapy as much as possible, which once again reminds us of the expediency of early treatment of patients. Other diagnostic tests are prescribed according to indications, depending on general and local clinical manifestations.


Conservative treatment of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy is the main direction of lymphedema relief. It implies a complex effect of medical, physiotherapeutic methods, the use of compression corrective products, diet therapy. Treatment is carried out in courses, different schemes, is prescribed for life.

Surgical correction is used in exceptional cases. Severe pain syndrome in the stage of dense edema, repeatedly recurrent erysipelas of the hand with lymphostasis, severe and terminal forms are direct indications for surgical assistance. Several various kinds interventions (connection of lymphatic and venous vessels, tunneling, transplantation of own lymph nodes, liposuction, excision of affected tissues) are used alone or in combination, based on the clinical situation.


Restorative gymnastics for hand lymphostasis after mastectomy should not be associated with physical overstrain. Its implementation implies a light load without any discomfort.

The exercises involve only the upper limbs, shoulder girdle and thoracic region spine. The exercise therapy course takes from 20 days under the guidance of an instructor, then continues independently at intervals of 1-2 times a week.


A massage is prescribed after a mastectomy to ensure sufficient outflow of lymph from the arm from the side of the operation, since independent lymphatic drainage in it is difficult.

Self-massage can be carried out for the purpose of prevention and as a supportive effect. It is performed within a few minutes with an interval of 3-4 hours. The main condition is that the movements should be directed from the fingers to the armpit. Professional massage is prescribed by courses.

Additionally, hydromassage and classes in the pool can be prescribed. A good addition is the use of compression stockings (elastic sleeve). Products with various degree of compression are issued.

Hardware physiotherapy

In the treatment of lymphedema after removal of the mammary gland, lymphopress or pneumomassage is becoming more and more widely used. Its action is based on the creation of a rarefied atmosphere around the limb, which, in the direction of the least pressure, draws the liquid.

It should be borne in mind that not all types of such lymphatic drainage are acceptable. Its use must be agreed with the attending physician.


With lymphostasis of the hand, treatment is carried out by the complex appointment of several groups of drugs:

  1. Phlebotropic - normalizing venous outflow, strengthen the vascular wall and suppress inflammatory reactions ("Detralex", "Venoruton", "Troxerutin", etc.).
  2. Diuretics - remove excess fluid, increasing blood filtration by the kidneys and urination ("Cyclomethiazide", "Veroshpiron", etc.).
  3. Coumarins - break down large protein molecules that attract water in the intercellular space (eg, "Limpedim").
  4. Antibiotics - mainly the penicillin series (substitution is possible in case of intolerance), acting on the staphylococcal flora (the causative agent of erysipelas).
  5. Biostimulants - vitamin-mineral, enzymatic, tonic agents.

A wide range of external forms (ointments, gels, creams, etc.) are used, which have anti-edematous, venotonic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other effects, both as independent therapy and when performing massage, together with internal agents.

"Green" pharmacy

Supplements drug therapy for hand lymphostasis treatment folk remedies:

  1. Apply compresses with baked onions, grated raw potatoes, white clay wrap.
  2. Inside - tinctures (infusions) from rose hips and currant leaves; decoctions of dandelion root, plantain leaves, horsetail.
  3. Lotions are made from sunflower oil (unrefined) mixed with spruce resin.
  4. Warm baths for hands with a decoction of a string are used.
  5. Improves lymphatic exchange natural dry red wine (30 ml in the morning on an empty stomach for a month) or fresh beetroot juice (75 ml + 75 ml of water, 2 times a day for 2-3 months), drinks from pomegranate, currant, cranberry, mountain ash.

Basic nutrition rules

In order not to develop lymphostasis after a mastectomy or its treatment to be as effective as possible, the diet should be low in salt. It is not recommended to eat fried and fatty foods, a large amount (especially "fast") carbohydrates.

Possible Complications

Lymphenema leads to a pronounced decrease in the protective functions of the skin. Small lesions are prone to infection. Increased risk of erysipelas. Increasing swelling compresses blood vessels, nerves, muscles and tendons. With the progression of the disease proportionally decrease motor functions limbs, the range of motion in the joints decreases, muscle strength decreases, fine motor skills of the fingers are disturbed. In severe cases, elephantiasis and limb loss may occur.

The largest percentage of the development of lymphedema and its complications is associated with the patient's lifestyle. Sedentary mode with chronic hypoxia, overweight, low appeal for medical care and self-assignment medicines quite often lead to the diagnosis already in a stage of a dense hypostasis. It should be remembered that before treating lymphostasis of the hand, it is necessary to determine the regenerative capabilities of the affected lymphatic system. And, importantly, contraindications to certain appointments.


From our video you will learn about the methods of treatment of lymphedema after a mastectomy.

Lymphostasis, also known as lymphedema or lymphedema, is a process of tissue swelling resulting from lymph flow disorders.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization this disease more than 10% of the world's population is affected.

The disease is difficult to diagnose in time, which is a problem on the way to full recovery.

The main causes of the disease

Causes that provoke the formation of lymphostasis arms:

Lymphostasis of the hand is usually divided into two types regarding the cause and nature of the damage.

  1. Primary hand lymphostasis - in most cases, is a pathology of the lymphatic system, which has a congenital character. The disease cannot be determined at birth. As a rule, the first signs of pathology activity appear not earlier than the stage of puberty.
  2. Causes of lymphostasis secondary type can be acquired by anyone, as they are not congenital. In this case, we mean traumas, diseases of a chronic type, the formation of tumors, obesity, surgical intervention (for example, removal of the breast in the formation of malignant tumors). Also, the cause of the disease can be a sedentary lifestyle (meaning bedridden patients).

Symptoms of the disease

The manifestation of the disease varies depending on the stage of development of the pathology.

First stage

  • mild form of swelling. Most often, swelling occurs in the evening and disappears in the morning;
  • puffiness is a constant phenomenon, but the processes of connective tissue growth have not yet been detected.

At the first stage of the disease, medical treatment of hand lymphostasis can still prevent further development pathology.

However, not everyone seeks qualified help, since the pathology at the first stage is not accompanied by discomfort and / or painful spasms.

The photo shows how the hand swelled with lymphostasis of the hand

Second stage:

  • an irreversible edema forms on the arm;
  • there is a process of growth of connective tissues, which, in turn, is the cause of hardening of the skin.

It should be noted that most cases of seeking help were recorded directly at the second stage of the development of the disease. At this stage, the success of treatment is possible, but it requires a huge amount of effort and strict adherence to the prescribed norms.

Third stage hand lymphostasis:

  • pathology becomes irreversible;
  • the symptoms present in the first and second stages of the disease increase several times;
  • deformation of the fingers occurs (an external manifestation of lymphostasis of the extremities);
  • wounds, cysts form on the skin of the affected limb;
  • due to the active progression of the disease, the hand loses mobility;
  • there have been cases of eczema, ulcers, and erysipelas of the hand with lymphostasis.

The symptomatology of the disease becomes more complicated with each stage, gradually becoming irreversible. In the most difficult cases dangerous symptoms may cause death.

Diagnostic methods

It is possible to diagnose pathology after studying the symptoms and a complete examination of the affected area of ​​the body. In the process of diagnosing a disease, biochemical and clinical analysis blood, urine.

A consultation with a vascular surgeon is also required. Then carried out full examination chest cavity, peritoneum, small pelvis, venous system, extremities. In order for a specialist to make a diagnosis of Lymphostasis with complete confidence, the patient undergoes a procedure of lymphography of the lymphatic system and blood vessels.

It is necessary to seek advice from a specialist immediately upon detection of primary symptoms. You should contact a vascular surgeon, phlebologist or lymphologist.

Only the specialist has the ability to determine the reliable cause of edema limbs and, if a disease is detected, prescribe a set of tests and an ultrasound procedure.

With many diseases of the veins, it helps to which is described in detail in our material.

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In the process of diagnosing pathology and studying the patency of blood vessels, it is necessary to undergo x-ray lymphography (using a lymphoscintigraph). This method allows you to monitor changes in the lymphatic system and detect areas of vascular blockage.

The disease can be confused with or postphlebitic syndrome.

In each of the above cases, varicose veins, unilateral lymphedema, mild edema, and hyperpigmentation are present. For a complete diagnosis and detection of lymphostasis, ultrasound of the extremities and veins should be performed.

Formation of lymphatic edema after mastectomy

During the surgical intervention, not only the breast is removed, but also the nodes, vessels that previously transported lymph from the mammary glands. After the process of removing the breast and lymph nodes in the body, there is a failure.

primary cause the formation of lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy is a malfunction of the body. Though The lymph nodes were removed, the process of lymph transfer does not stop - lymph gradually accumulates in the area of ​​​​the shoulder, arm.

It is not possible to predict the outcome of surgery in advance. There are cases when the disease does not progress even after the complete removal of the mammary glands and lymph nodes.

There are also cases where minimal intervention was the cause of the development of aggressive pathology.

Lymphostasis after surgery is hard and soft.

The process of treating lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy begins only after determining the stage of development of the pathology.

  1. Mild lymphostasis- edema, which is reversible. Inflammation can occur within a year from the date of the surgical intervention and is treatable. If the prescribed treatment is not followed, the pathology becomes irreversible, turning into dense lymphostasis.
  2. Dense lymphostasis has a direct relationship with scars that occur in the region of the lymph nodes upon completion of the course of radiation therapy. Most doctors are inclined to believe that the occurrence of dense lymphostasis is the first a sign of the presence of cancer cells in the body not removed during the operation and could provoke a relapse. In the treatment of lymphostasis after mastectomy, the main problem is the restoration of the process of lymph outflow. In this case, special collaterals are connected, contributing to the normalization of blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Therapeutic procedures and disease prevention

If the cause of the disease is a mastectomy, experts in lymphostasis of the hand recommend gymnastics.

The solution to the question of how to treat lymphostasis of the hand should begin with the selection of exercises.

As a rule, a set of exercises should be performed within a week after surgery.

This technique also carried out at each stage of the course of the disease.

Physical activity and exercise aimed at improving the outflow of lymph, increasing the elasticity of the tissues of the limb, shoulder, help eliminate spasms that occur in muscle tissues.

Also recommended visit the pool. It should be noted that the main method of treating lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy is directly, and only after that medication treatment is applied.

Also, for preventive and therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to carry out limb massage. Exercises can be done both by the patient himself and by a person who has at least the slightest skills in therapeutic massage.

Hand massage options

  1. hand with swelling(the arm from which the surgical intervention was performed) rises up and rests against a vertical flat surface. In this position, light massage with stroking movements should be carried out. Massage is not done over the entire arm. With light movements, the fingers of the hand are developed, then the movements gradually move to the shoulder. Exactly the same exercises are performed from the elbow to the shoulder. In some cases, it is possible to use therapeutic ointments, creams.
  2. Massaging movements should "envelop" the limb from all sides. The sides of the hand are carefully worked out first, then the inner and outer. The movements should be light, stroking and very slow. The pressure on the tissues under the skin should be almost imperceptible.

The duration of such a procedure should not exceed five minutes and be repeated at intervals of two to three hours (taking into account the stage of damage to the limb).

Also mandatory therapy for lymphostasis is physiotherapy. Without these procedures, a complete cure is impossible.


In addition to the basic procedures, attention should also be paid to preventive measures:

  1. Strict adherence to hygiene rules, regular care of a sore hand (meaning the removal of nails, calluses, minimizing the possibility of infection in the lymph).
  2. Maximum avoidance of injuries, scratches, burns and other damage. You should also avoid overheating, as an increase in body temperature only contributes to increased swelling.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle (low mobility, prolonged stay in one position contributes to the stagnation of lymph in the body).
  4. The use of moisturizing creams, nourishing ointments that can protect the skin of an injured limb from cracking and dryness.
  5. Strict compliance with the rules of nutrition and a specially designed diet.

The disease in no way interferes with daily activities and a healthy lifestyle.


One of the most terrible complications of pathology is lymphangiosarcoma. The disease is an oncological pathology. The patient begins to notice a slight swelling that has a red-violet hue. Visually, the manifestation of the disease can be confused with bruising.

The formations grow rapidly, are very aggressive and usually have a very poor prognosis. Often the injured limb has to be amputated.

Video: Self-massage for the prevention and treatment of hand lymphostasis

Simple and affordable exercises for the prevention of lymphostasis, accessible to everyone. How to permanently get rid of lymphatic edema with a massage in 15 minutes.

Lymphostasis, also known as lymphedema or lymphedema, is a process of tissue swelling resulting from lymph flow disorders .

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 10% of the world's population is affected by this disease.

The disease is difficult to diagnose in time, which is a problem on the way to full recovery.

Lymphostasis of the hand is usually divided into two types regarding the cause and nature of the damage.

  1. Primary hand lymphostasis - in most cases, is a pathology of the lymphatic system, which has a congenital character. The disease cannot be determined at birth. As a rule, the first signs of pathology activity appear not earlier than the stage of puberty.
  2. Causes of lymphostasis secondary type can be acquired by anyone, as they are not congenital. In this case, we mean traumas, diseases of a chronic type, the formation of tumors, obesity, surgical intervention (for example, removal of the breast in the formation of malignant tumors). Also, the cause of the disease can be a sedentary lifestyle (meaning bedridden patients).

The manifestation of the disease varies depending on the stage of development of the pathology.

  • mild form of swelling. Most often, swelling occurs in the evening and disappears in the morning;
  • puffiness is a constant phenomenon, but the processes of connective tissue growth have not yet been detected.

At the first stage of the disease, medical treatment of hand lymphostasis can still prevent the further development of the pathology.

However, not everyone seeks qualified help, since the pathology at the first stage is not accompanied by discomfort and / or painful spasms.

The photo shows how the hand swelled with lymphostasis of the hand

  • an irreversible edema forms on the arm;
  • there is a process of growth of connective tissues, which, in turn, is the cause of hardening of the skin.

It should be noted that most cases of seeking help were recorded directly at the second stage of the development of the disease. At this stage, the success of treatment is possible, but it requires a huge amount of effort and strict adherence to the prescribed norms.

Third stage hand lymphostasis:

  • pathology becomes irreversible;
  • the symptoms present in the first and second stages of the disease increase several times;
  • deformation of the fingers occurs (an external manifestation of lymphostasis of the extremities);
  • wounds, cysts form on the skin of the affected limb;
  • due to the active progression of the disease, the hand loses mobility;
  • there have been cases of eczema, ulcers, and erysipelas of the hand with lymphostasis.

The symptomatology of the disease becomes more complicated with each stage, gradually becoming irreversible. In the most severe cases, dangerous symptoms can lead to death.

It is possible to diagnose pathology after studying the symptoms and a complete examination of the affected area of ​​the body. In the process of diagnosing a disease, biochemical and clinical analysis of blood, urine .

A consultation with a vascular surgeon is also required. Then carried out full examination chest cavity, peritoneum, small pelvis, venous system, extremities. In order for a specialist to make a diagnosis of Lymphostasis with complete confidence, the patient undergoes a procedure of lymphography of the lymphatic system and blood vessels.

It is necessary to seek advice from a specialist immediately upon detection of primary symptoms. You should contact a vascular surgeon, phlebologist or lymphologist.

Only the specialist has the ability to determine the reliable cause of edema limbs and, if a disease is detected, prescribe a set of tests and an ultrasound procedure.

What is a varifort pillow for varicose veins, what is the essence of the action and how should this type of compression clothing be worn? Learn the pros and cons of a pillow before you buy one.

In the process of diagnosing pathology and studying the patency of blood vessels, it is necessary to undergo x-ray lymphography (using a lymphoscintigraph). This method allows you to monitor changes in the lymphatic system and detect areas of vascular blockage.

The disease may be confused with deep vein thrombosis or post-phlebitic syndrome.

In each of the above cases, varicose veins, unilateral lymphedema, mild edema, and hyperpigmentation are present. For a complete diagnosis and detection of lymphostasis, ultrasound of the extremities and veins should be performed.

Formation of lymphatic edema after mastectomy

During the surgical intervention, not only the breast is removed, but also the nodes, vessels that previously transported lymph from the mammary glands. After the process of removing the breast and lymph nodes in the body, there is a failure.

primary cause the formation of lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy is a malfunction of the body. Despite the fact that the lymph nodes have been removed, the process of lymph transfer does not stop - lymph gradually accumulates in the area of ​​​​the shoulder, arm.

It is not possible to predict the outcome of surgery in advance. There are cases when the disease does not progress even after the complete removal of the mammary glands and lymph nodes.

There are also cases where minimal intervention was the cause of the development of aggressive pathology.

Lymphostasis after surgery is hard and soft .

The process of treating lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy begins only after determining the stage of development of the pathology.

  1. Mild lymphostasis- edema, which is reversible. Inflammation can occur within a year from the date of the surgical intervention and is treatable. If the prescribed treatment is not followed, the pathology becomes irreversible, turning into dense lymphostasis.
  2. Dense lymphostasis has a direct relationship with scars that occur in the region of the lymph nodes upon completion of the course of radiation therapy. Most doctors are inclined to believe that the occurrence of dense lymphostasis is the first a sign of the presence of cancer cells in the body. not removed during the operation and could provoke a relapse. In the treatment of lymphostasis after mastectomy, the main problem is the restoration of the process of lymph outflow. In this case, special collaterals are connected, contributing to the normalization of blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Therapeutic procedures and disease prevention

If the cause of the disease is a mastectomy, experts in lymphostasis of the hand recommend gymnastics.

The solution to the question of how to treat lymphostasis of the hand should begin with the selection of exercises.

As a rule, a set of exercises should be performed within a week after surgery.

This technique also carried out at each stage of the course of the disease.

Physical activity and exercise aimed at improving the outflow of lymph. increase the elasticity of the tissues of the limb, shoulder, help eliminate spasms that occur in muscle tissues.

Also recommended visit the pool. It should be noted that the main method of treating hand lymphostasis after mastectomy is directly. and only after that medical treatment is applied.

Also, for preventive and therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to carry out limb massage. Exercises can be done both by the patient himself and by a person who has at least the slightest skills in therapeutic massage.

Hand massage options lymphostasis:

  1. hand with swelling(the arm from which the surgical intervention was performed) rises up and rests against a vertical flat surface. In this position, light massage with stroking movements should be carried out. Massage is not done over the entire arm. With light movements, the fingers of the hand are developed, then the movements gradually move to the shoulder. Exactly the same exercises are performed from the elbow to the shoulder. In some cases, it is possible to use therapeutic ointments, creams.
  2. Massaging movements should "envelop" the limb from all sides. The sides of the hand are carefully worked out first, then the inner and outer. The movements should be light, stroking and very slow. The pressure on the tissues under the skin should be almost imperceptible.

The duration of such a procedure should not exceed five minutes and be repeated at intervals of two to three hours (taking into account the stage of damage to the limb).

Also mandatory therapy for lymphostasis is physiotherapy. Without these procedures, a complete cure is impossible.

In addition to the basic procedures, attention should also be paid to preventive measures:

  1. Strict adherence to hygiene rules, regular care of a sore hand (meaning the removal of nails, calluses, minimizing the possibility of infection in the lymph).
  2. Maximum avoidance of injuries, scratches, burns and other damage. You should also avoid overheating, as an increase in body temperature only contributes to increased swelling.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle (low mobility, prolonged stay in one position contributes to the stagnation of lymph in the body).
  4. The use of moisturizing creams, nourishing ointments that can protect the skin of an injured limb from cracking and dryness.
  5. Strict compliance with the rules of nutrition and a specially designed diet.

The disease in no way interferes with daily activities and a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most terrible complications of pathology is lymphangiosarcoma. The disease is an oncological pathology. The patient begins to notice a slight swelling that has a red-violet hue. Visually, the manifestation of the disease can be confused with bruising.

The formations grow rapidly, are very aggressive and usually have a very poor prognosis. Often the injured limb has to be amputated.

Video: Self-massage for the prevention and treatment of hand lymphostasis

Simple and affordable exercises for the prevention of lymphostasis, accessible to everyone. How to permanently get rid of lymphatic edema with a massage in 15 minutes.

Lymph, like blood, is important for our body. A viscous, yellowish-brown substance ensures the outflow of fluid from the intercellular space. Violation of the lymphatic ducts and fluid drainage can cause the development of stagnant processes - lymphostasis, accompanied by swelling and bursting pain. One of the most common types of the disease is lymphostasis of the upper limbs (hands), and the main risk group is women. Lymphostasis is easily treatable on early stage, so do not miss the chance to quickly defeat the disease. A great help in the treatment is provided by traditional medicine.

What is hand lymphostasis

Lymphostasis of the hand is accompanied by swelling, which increases during the day

Lymphostasis of the hand is a serious disease that occurs as a result of a chronic violation of the outflow of lymph and blood circulation and is accompanied by severe permanent swelling and pain in the upper limbs.

Lymphostasis, depending on the time of occurrence, is divided into:

  • early, occurring in the first year after mastectomy, infection, surgery, or other cause;
  • late, developing in the second and subsequent years, most often as a result of chemotherapy.

On the initial stage The main symptom of lymphostasis is swelling of the hand, which increases during the day and disappears overnight. With an average degree, the swelling becomes permanent, irreversible changes begin: the skin stretches and thickens on the arm, the connective tissue grows, convulsions appear. A severe degree is characterized by changes in the lymphatic system, elephantiasis and fibrocystic formations, the functioning of the limb is disturbed, its contours change. Lymphostasis can be complicated by the development of sepsis, leading to the death of a person.

The use of herbal medicine

Dandelion root is often used to treat diseases of the lymphatic system. From the crushed raw materials, prepare an infusion, which additionally needs to be heated over low heat for 15 minutes, cool slightly. Soak a bandage in the resulting product, wrap a hand around it, cover with cling film and a warm scarf on top. Leave the compress for an hour, the hand needs to be slightly raised. At the same time, it is necessary to take 100 ml of decoction orally twice a day.

Plantain leaves are one of the most effective means used in the treatment of lymphostasis of the upper extremities

Plantain leaves are used to make a decoction. It is recommended to prepare the remedy in the evening and leave it to infuse overnight. Take 100 ml three times a day, every evening prepare a fresh decoction for tomorrow. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.

For lotions with lymphostasis, sunflower oil is used in combination with spruce resin at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 100 ml. Mix the ingredients, put the dishes in a water bath and heat until the resin melts. The oil should not boil. After cooling the product a little, it is necessary to soak a piece of clean cloth or bandage in it and make an application on the hand, leaving it for 2-3 hours.

A decoction of the string is used as the basis of warm hand baths. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 6 tablespoons of grass per 4 liters of water. The procedure must be repeated every evening for 15-20 minutes. After that, massage with lavender or peppermint oil. A bath with a decoction of birch leaves has the same effect. Massage oil is prepared as follows: chop a handful of fresh mint leaves or lavender flowers and pour 0.5 liters of any vegetable oil, close and insist for 3 days in a dark place, then strain.

An infusion of rose hips and currant leaves will help restore the outflow of fluid and normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system. To do this, brew a handful of the mixture with two cups of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes. Take the remedy three times a day for a third of a glass. Pure infusion of wild rose has the same efficiency. Keep the product for 3 hours in a hermetically sealed container. Drink 100 ml during the day at least 7-8 times within 2 months.

Tea is prepared from horsetail - 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Drink the medicine immediately after preparation, as often as possible during the day, replacing other drinks with it. The tool has a diuretic effect and perfectly helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body.

Other traditional medicine

Wash a few raw potatoes thoroughly and chop with the skin until gruel is formed. Put the mass in an even layer on a clean cloth or bandage and wrap your hand, secure the bandage with a towel. Leave the compress for 1-1.5 hours with your hand on the pillow. Carry out the procedure daily at bedtime for a month. Cucumber has the same effect. Prepare a homogeneous gruel from a fresh vegetable and use it as the basis for a compress.

Birch tar in the treatment of lymphostasis, it is used in combination with baked onions, which enhances its effect

Bake the onion in the oven for 20-30 minutes, remove, cool slightly and crush with a fork. Mix with one tablespoon of birch tar, put the gruel on a cloth and put a compress on your hand. Leave all night. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every two days. The method helps to reduce swelling and pain.

Red wine helps to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, for this you need to drink 30 ml of the drink in the morning on an empty stomach for a month.

Mix flour, alcohol and kefir in equal proportions. Soak a clean bandage in the resulting product, apply to the swelling, cover with cling film or a clean towel on top and leave for 2-3 hours.

Beetroot juice will help normalize the lymphatic system. To do this, it is recommended to drink 150 ml of juice, diluted in half with water, twice a day for two to three months.

Wraps made of white clay will help reduce pain and remove swelling. The prepared clay is diluted with water until a slurry is obtained, the hand is lubricated with simple vegetable or mint oil, clay is applied on top. Wrap with cling film and a clean cloth. Leave the compress for 3-4 hours. Then gently rinse your hand in warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure once a day.

Fundamentals of nutrition and diet for illness

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle play an important role in complex treatment hand lymphostasis. An unbalanced diet, the use of prohibited foods will only increase swelling, interfering with the normal outflow of fluid from the tissues.

The daily content of protein (both animal and vegetable) should be at least 100 g per day in terms of pure substance, fat - 20 g of vegetable and 10 g of animal, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced. The volume of liquid consumed with a therapeutic diet is 2 liters per day.

  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • fresh, boiled, stewed or baked vegetables;
  • onion and garlic;
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • unrefined vegetable oil: sunflower, corn, pumpkin, olive or linseed;
  • lean meat and fish, steamed;
  • herbal tea or decoction.

Useful products in the photo

What should be minimized in use

  • salt;
  • fatty meat or fish;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • chocolate, sugar and sweets;
  • potato;
  • semolina and rice;
  • pasta;
  • bakery products made from wheat flour.

Sample menu for the day

  • breakfast: boiled vegetables, wholemeal bread with a piece of butter and cheese, 10 g of honey, a glass of herbal tea;
  • lunch: 150 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled meat;
  • afternoon snack: fruit or vegetable salad;
  • dinner: vegetable salad with boiled vegetables (vinaigrette), herbal tea, a piece of wholemeal bread with butter.

Recipes for delicious dishes

Citrus salad with walnuts

To prepare the salad, it is necessary to peel the orange from the peel and white film, cut the pulp. Peel and grate fresh carrots, add walnut kernels and season with a spoonful of natural yogurt or fat-free kefir.

Beet-carrot salad with dried fruits and nuts

Boil carrots and beets, peel and grate, pour boiling water over prunes and raisins, chop if necessary, add nuts - hazelnuts, cashews, pine nuts and season with low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt or kefir.

Video: self-massage for treatment after a mastectomy

This course clearly demonstrates the basics of self-massage for the prevention and acceleration of the treatment of the disease. The lack of Russian-language voice acting does not prevent you from seeing in detail how to perform this procedure, if you wish, you can turn off the sound.

Lymphostasis is a serious disease that brings a lot of discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience. However, with timely treatment, a responsible approach to the choice of means, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, the disease can be treated. Folk recipes will help normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and maintain your health.

Lymphostasis of the hand is a common complication of mastectomy. Removal of the breast may be necessary for breast cancer when other treatments have failed. Lymphatic drainage may be impaired after surgery, especially if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes and they had to be removed. With lymphostasis, the affected limb increases significantly in size. If this disease is not treated in time, the process can move to neighboring tissues and organs. When the outflow of blood and lymph is disturbed, there are trophic ulcers and necrosis.

Lymphostasis of the hand: causes

If important lymph nodes were removed or injured during the operation, the drainage function is impaired. Fluid begins to accumulate in the upper limb. But not only mastectomy leads to the development of this disease. It develops with erysipelas and pathologies of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Regardless of the cause, treatment should be started immediately. The disease usually proceeds in several stages. The first stage is observed in the first days after the operation. Such swelling is considered mild.

Lymphostasis may begin some time after the operation, especially if the woman underwent radiotherapy before the surgical treatment. With radiation damage to tissues, scars occur that prevent the normal movement of lymph.

You should not try to cure late edema on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor, because it can be the first symptom of cancer recurrence.

If no tumors are found, lymphedema can be treated.

Methods for diagnosing a disease

After a mastectomy, a woman stays in the hospital for a long time, so the doctor can timely notice the beginning lymphostasis. With the development of late edema, a woman should also visit a gynecologist, who will definitely specify what operations she underwent and how many there were.

In addition, the doctor must be told what medications you took before and after the operation, whether there were any complications after the treatment. The gynecologist will not deal with the treatment of lymphostasis, however, he will prescribe some necessary tests.

With a mild degree of the disease, swelling of the hand is usually most noticeable in the evening, after a night's sleep it disappears. May lead to increased edema physical exercise or prolonged immobility. With a mild form of lymphostasis, there are no changes in the connective tissues, therefore, if you start treatment on time, you can completely get rid of this disease. With an average degree of swelling does not disappear after sleep, connective tissues begin to grow, the skin is stretched, pain appears, chronic fatigue, convulsions.

In the last stage of the disease, irreversible changes develop, such as cysts and elephantiasis.

The contours of the limb change, it ceases to function normally. The most serious complication of the last stage of lymphostasis is sepsis, which can be fatal.

Methods for the treatment of lymphostasis of the upper limbs

Conservative treatment includes massage, magnetotherapy, taking special preparations and wearing compression underwear. If all these methods do not give a positive result, the doctor decides to perform a surgical intervention. The operation is recommended even with the rapid development of the disease. Medical treatment includes taking angioprotectors, enzymes, immunomodulators and phlebotics. If lymphostasis is accompanied by erysipelas, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. The intake of all these funds allows you to bring the outflow of lymph back to normal and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

A good effect on lymphostasis is given by hand massage and therapeutic exercises. You should start performing special exercises within a week after the operation. After removal of the breast, the movements of the shoulder joint and the arm itself are limited. The patient tries to press her hands to her body, begins to slouch. This causes additional unpleasant symptoms: headaches and spasms that disrupt the outflow of lymphatic fluid. Therapeutic gymnastics allows you to avoid such complications and eliminate them, if they do occur.

It is more convenient to perform the exercises while sitting, repeating each of them 4-10 times. Do not expose yourself to excessive stress, stop gymnastics when pain or fatigue appears. Straighten your arms and place them palms down on your feet. Flip the brushes over slowly and effortlessly. Then squeeze and unclench your fingers several times. Bend your elbows, placing your palms on your shoulders. Gently raise and lower your arms. Raise your hand from the operated side and hold it in this state for a couple of seconds. Inhale and extend your arm in front of you, lower it as you exhale. Close your fingers behind your back and try to raise your arms. All exercises should be done slowly.

It is useful to combine physiotherapy exercises with massage. You can do it both with the help of a massage therapist and on your own. With lymphostasis, the hand must be massaged in this way: the affected limb is raised up so that it rests against a vertical surface. The second hand makes stroking movements. In this case, you can use therapeutic ointments and creams. The procedure should not cause pain.

Lifostasis of the hand: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment folk methods should be started only after consulting a doctor, it is usually combined with traditional therapy. First of all, non-traditional treatment involves taking diuretic decoctions, for example, such tea: blackcurrant leaves are mixed with rose hips in equal proportions. 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water. Take 3 times a day before meals for half a cup.

A good effect is given by compresses of grated potatoes and dry cottage cheese. Before making this remedy, you need to squeeze the juice from the potato mass, it will not be useful for preparing the medicine. Simultaneously with the use of compresses, sophora tincture is taken. It relieves inflammation and strengthens connective tissues. 50 g of Sophora fruits are poured into 0.5 liters. vodka, insist for 21 days and take 3 times a day before meals.

You can make an infusion of meadowsweet, elderberry, willow bark and sweet clover. 2 tbsp. collection spoons are poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes. Insist during the day and take 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

To relieve swelling, a compress is made from rye dough and homemade kefir. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to gauze. The compress is kept on the hand until completely dry. The procedure can be carried out several times a day. In parallel, beet juice is taken orally.

Diet for hand lymphostasis

Excess weight can aggravate the symptoms of the disease, so you need to get rid of it.

Refuse foods high in fat, smoked meats, sausages, canned food. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals. Be sure to consume dairy products. You can not refuse butter, but it is worth reducing its amount. Food is best stewed or boiled. Take vitamin supplements. Do not under any circumstances overeat.

Limit the amount of liquid you drink to 1.5 liters. per day, do not drink water after 18 hours. Replace it with a glass of kefir or juicy fruit. In addition to the diet, the patient must follow a special daily routine. First of all, the body needs a full 8-hour sleep. It is best to go to bed no later than 23 hours. Take a warm shower before bed, massaging the affected areas. Hot baths for lymphedema are not recommended.