How to find out if a person has cancer. The first symptoms of cancer: how to recognize oncology in the early stages

Cancer is a serious disease during which a malignant tumor is formed in the body, which has symptoms characteristic only of it, as well as non-specific signs. By listening to your body, you can diagnose the disease at an early stage and immediately begin treatment. After all, it is very important to recognize the disease when it is still possible to correct everything and save a human life. Any sudden change in health should be a reason to see a doctor. Sudden weight loss, a fever for no apparent reason, or a change in skin color can be signs of cancer or another disease. You should not self-medicate, wait until it passes by itself, it is better to contact a specialist and get tested.

Attention, cancer: symptoms and signs!

If diarrhea or constipation has become the norm, and the color and volume of feces have also changed, then these are the first signs of colon cancer.

If the process of urination has become frequent and painful, and blood impurities are distinguished in the urine, then these symptoms indicate problems with the prostate gland.

Wounds that do not pass for a long time, cuts that can fester and bleed, are fraught with danger. Small sores in the mouth, vagina, and penis that do not heal for a long time are also a cause for concern, as they indicate the presence of an infection in the body and, possibly, the primary signs of cancer.

Purulent and spotting indicate a neglected disease in the body. Coughing up blood often indicates signs of lung cancer. Detection of feces in the blood testifies, at best, to colitis, and at worst, to a malignant neoplasm. Isolation of blood from the nipples can be a symptom of breast cancer, from the vagina - the cervix. One of the early manifestations of a cancerous tumor is lumps in some parts of the body, such as the female breast and scrotum. You can diagnose them yourself with a regular examination of your own body. If you feel them, you should immediately go to the doctor. Regular problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as difficulty in swallowing food, are signs of stomach or intestinal cancer.

Signs of lung cancer usually manifest as hoarseness, a choking cough that does not stop for a long time. It is difficult to identify throat cancer, the first signs of which are similar to cold symptoms. This is a hoarse voice, perhaps its complete disappearance, inflammation lymph nodes, cough and putrid odor from the mouth.

Neoplasms in the form of moles, warts characterize a disease such as melanoma, which can be cured on initial stage.

Nonspecific primary signs of cancer

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of the onset of various diseases that are not as dangerous as cancer. People attribute their illness to them, not thinking about the fact that everything is much more serious.

Sudden weight loss for no apparent reason. Almost all cancer patients lose a lot of weight, especially when it comes to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

An elevated temperature indicates that there is an infection in the human body that depresses the immune system, and therefore the body throws all its strength into fighting it. But, as a rule, an increase in temperature does not occur in the initial stages of the disease. So the involvement of temperature in oncology should be considered only if there are additional signs.

. Gradually increasing fatigue. Feeling unwell and fatigued can be the result of blood loss that occurs with cancer of the stomach or intestines.

The formed tumor can cause pain. Pain indicates a serious lesion of the whole system in the body.

Changes in the skin in the form of manifestations of urticaria, jaundice, increased pigmentation.

What is cancer, signs of organ damage

So, consider the main types of pathology and their symptoms.

Stomach cancer

It never develops suddenly in perfectly healthy tissues. It is preceded by such disorders of the stomach as gastritis, ulcers. Scientists have proven that a certain variety of the disease is attached to each geographical area. For example, where people often get bowel cancer, there are almost no cases of diagnosing tumors in the stomach.

Reasons for the appearance of malignant tumors:

The use of products containing nitrates, as well as salty, pickled, smoked products, dishes cooked on an open fire;
. removal of part of the stomach by surgery;
. chronic inflammation mucous membranes of the stomach.

An interesting fact was discovered by doctors: people with the first blood group are most often affected by stomach cancer.

Symptoms of the disease:

Feeling of discomfort and pain in the stomach after eating;
. sudden weight loss and lack of appetite;
. frequent bloating, heartburn, regurgitation, nausea, bouts of vomiting, flatulence;
. low iron levels;
. fast fatiguability;
. black stool (due to bleeding inside the stomach).

The main problem is that small tumors that can be simply cut out usually do not cause such symptoms.

breast cancer

The main cause of breast cancer is hormonal changes in female body. Such adjustments occur during pregnancy and lactation, after abortion, at the time of menopause. The hormone estrogen is most often responsible for the development of the disease, namely its increased concentration, which occurs during abortion and menopause. When carrying and breastfeeding a child, this hormone is practically not produced. Therefore, it is believed that long-term breast-feeding is an excellent prevention of malignant tumors. Estrogen is produced in large quantities by the fatty tissues present in the body. Accordingly, the more of them, the more hormone is produced.

The first signs of breast cancer are discharge from the nipple and nodules, which feel like stone, tightly fixed in the breast tissues. Their sizes can be from a couple to 10-15 centimeters in diameter. The skin over the nodule is pulled inward, wrinkled, resembling a lemon peel.

Skin cancer

The main cause of skin cancer development is long-term or short-term, but strong exposure of the skin to UV radiation. It has been noticed that light-skinned and fair-haired people are susceptible to this disease, as they are more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays.

It is possible to identify skin cancer on your own, signs of the transformation of a mole into a malignant neoplasm are visible to the naked eye. It can grow both horizontally and increase in volume, become asymmetrical and non-uniform in color. Often, the mole gets wet, bleeds and itches, hair stops growing on it and the existing ones fall out. The skin around it becomes inflamed, and it itself becomes crusted and flaky. A mole can grow into small nodules, become loose, glossy.

To make sure that this is definitely cancer, it is not enough to identify the signs, you should immediately consult a doctor and take smears, scrapings, biopsies, if necessary, carry out ultrasound procedure affected tissues, check them for the presence of metastases.

Lungs' cancer

Most often, in the early stages, signs of lung cancer practically do not appear. That is why people learn about the development of this disease in the body during scheduled medical examinations or too late to count on a positive outcome of treatment. It is difficult to identify it in oneself without the help of doctors, since the symptoms are similar to many other diseases. But still, there are signs of lung cancer that you can identify yourself. This is a cough, bronchitis with pneumonia, occurring for no apparent reason. In the process of tumor growth, certain parts of the organ stop working, causing shortness of breath.

A common symptom that most people complain about is pain in the chest area, namely where the focus of the neoplasm is localized, fever and fuzzy heartbeat. In the future, if the initial stage of the disease is not recognized, the cancer will show more serious and characteristic signs, but you should not wait for them, as you can miss the moment when there is still a chance to be cured. In addition, lung cancer has severe symptoms only if it is located in the large bronchi.

throat cancer

Difficult to detect initial stage throat cancer, the first signs are very similar to a common cold. Until now, doctors have not come to an unambiguous conclusion: where does this disease come from. However, there are statistics that show that it occurs mainly in men, especially in smokers and drinkers. Elderly age, poor hygiene oral cavity, work in hazardous industries, genetic predisposition, low consumption of vegetables and fruits, the presence of cancerous tumors in the neck and head - all this can cause the progression of cancer in the human body.

Diagnosing throat cancer, the first signs of which may differ depending on which area has been affected, is quite difficult. The main symptoms include the following manifestations:

Hoarseness in the voice, its complete loss is possible;
. pain when swallowing, difficulty in this process;
. the smell of decay coming from the mouth;
. the inability to cure a dry cough that does not go away for a long time;
. expectoration of bloody sputum;
. the lymph nodes in the neck are inflamed and enlarged;
. breathing difficulties associated with tumor growth;
. loss of appetite, and with it rapid weight loss;
. hearing loss, ear pain.

If a malignant formation develops in the upper part of the larynx, then a person’s teeth hurt and fall out, and it tickles in the throat. If the cancer has struck the lower throat region, then pain is felt, similar to a sore throat.

Signs of cancer in women may be somewhat different from the classic ones, since the disease is more aggressive due to increased levels of estrogen. They become irritable, get tired faster, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. They recorded cases of bleeding from the upper respiratory tract and more blood in the sputum. Cancer in women is detected earlier, as they are more attentive to their bodies and seek medical help more often. Men make up 90% of the total number of people who are diagnosed with throat cancer, they can ignore the first signs, attributing them to general malaise and fatigue.

Uterine cancer

A very common ailment that affects women over 40 years of age. What can contribute to its development? There are many reasons: hypertension, diabetes, nicotine addiction, the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body, HIV, frequent change of partners, early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular menstrual cycle, late onset of menopause. The risk group includes women overweight more than 10 kg. Uterine cancer can be predicted in advance, since its precursors are erosive processes, the formation of ulcers and scars after childbirth, the growth of the endometrium and the presence of constant inflammatory processes.

The classic signs of uterine cancer that all women complain about are whitish discharge, bleeding and soreness. But all this does not appear at the very beginning. In this regard, there are a number of difficulties in order to immediately recognize uterine cancer. Signs and symptoms of the initial stages of the disease - mucous discharge with impurities of pus, blood, appearing after exertion and tension of the pelvic muscles. The cycle is often disrupted, and going to the toilet becomes frequent and painful, which indicates the progression of the disease, which has already reached Bladder. If at first the discharge may be odorless, then in the last stages they acquire an unpleasant putrefactive odor. A good reason to see a doctor is bloody issues, even if slight, in menopausal women. The insidiousness of the disease is that it is impossible to outwardly identify such a woman, because she looks fresh and cheerful, only in the last stages there is weight loss.

Cervical cancer

This cancer that affects the cervix is ​​the most common among other types of cancer of the genital organs. The risk group includes women from 35 to 55 years. According to statistics, this disease is more common in Hispanic women than in European women. This disease is predicted by the erosions and dysplasia that precede it, so it can be detected in the early stages, and therefore cured. If you do this on time, you can save a woman the opportunity to give birth to children and lead a full sexual life. The main causative agent of cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus. It is sexually transmitted, even a condom does not protect, as its cells are very small and penetrate through the smallest pores in the latex. In addition, the virus is located not only on the genitals, but also on adjacent areas of the skin. There are a number of other factors: smoking, frequent sexual intercourse with different partners, sexually transmitted diseases, constant weight loss, AIDS. They can cause cancer. Signs in the early stages do not appear. The woman does not experience any discomfort.

It is necessary to undergo annual scheduled examinations by a gynecologist, to take tests. These procedures will help to detect early signs of cervical cancer. Symptoms characteristic of this disease:

Bleeding that occurs after sex, examination by a gynecologist, between periods, and also after the onset of menopause;
. change in the duration of the cycle, color and volume of menstrual flow;
. an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge. They become white, streaked with blood, and in later stages take on the color and smell of rotting meat waste.
. feeling pain during sex;
. pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
. weight loss;
. constipation and problems with urination, as a result of which the legs begin to swell;
. increased fatigue and general weakness.

It is worth noting that all these signs can manifest themselves not only in cervical cancer, but also in almost all diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from qualified gynecologists and oncologists.

testicular cancer

This is a fairly rare, but still occurring male cancer. However, it is one of its most aggressive forms, affecting men under 40 years of age. The causes can be both congenital benign tumors, and injuries, infertility. The main reason is cryptochism, when the testicle did not descend into the scrotum. Cancer is genetically transmitted and affects more Europeans than African Americans.

The symptoms of this form of cancer are local. Attention should be paid to seals in the gland. You can feel them with your fingers. When they are squeezed, the man does not experience discomfort. The pain is located in the lower abdomen, in the affected testicle, which eventually swells, becomes heavier and sags. Some types of testicular cancer can cause hormonal imbalance. In boys, this leads to an untimely change in voice, frequent erections. In adult men, on the contrary, sexual desire disappears, cases of impotence are not uncommon. In the body, female hormones begin to be produced to a greater extent, which leads to a modification of the figure. Such men become effeminate.

To prevent the development of cancer in your body, you need to engage in prevention, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right. Nutrition plays a very important role in maintaining health. Indeed, the development of some forms of this disease, such as cancer of the stomach or intestines, is promoted by harmful fatty foods stuffed with preservatives. The stomach is not able to digest it, and it begins to rot. It is very important to visit doctors regularly for preventive examinations. If, nevertheless, cancer was discovered, then you should not think that this is a sentence and life ends there. Timely diagnosis gives very high rates of recovery.

Many malignant neoplasms in the early stages of their occurrence are asymptomatic or disguised as other diseases. Over the problem - how to recognize cancer at stages 1-2, medical specialists from all countries are working. The prognosis of recovery and survival directly depends on the stage at which the tumor focus was diagnosed.

Risk subgroups and predisposing factors

It is quite possible to detect cancer at an early stage - for this you just need to be attentive to your own health and undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination annually. Particular attention should be paid to people belonging to the risk subgroup for oncopathology:

  • abusing tobacco, alcohol products, drugs;
  • persons whose immediate blood relatives are already suffering from various cancerous lesions;
  • previously exposed to radiation;
  • workers in industries with especially harmful working conditions.

Early diagnosis in the above category of citizens is the primary task of medical staff. Especially if there is one or a group of predisposing exogenous or endogenous factors:

  • age category after 45–65 years, as the body ages, its tissues and structures wear out, more often there is a failure in cell division, their mutation;
  • the presence of bad habits - in tobacco, alcohol products there are significant amounts of various carcinogens;
  • negative external factors - geographical place of residence, unfavorable environmental conditions, low level of access to medical care;
  • the usual way of life of a person - for example, a tendency to hypodynamia, a poorly adjusted diet, chronic stressful situations, workaholism;
  • negative hereditary predisposition - a 35–45% chance of the formation of a cancer focus in those whose closest relatives have already encountered a detected tumor focus.

A malignant neoplasm can form not only in people with low financial capabilities, but also in wealthy people.

What are the signs of cancer

In the early stages, the focus of mutated cells, as a rule, does not manifest itself in any way. It is diagnosed already after germination in the nervous and vascular structures, when the activity of tissues and organs is disrupted. Suspicious for cancer clinical manifestations:

  • trophic defects that do not regenerate for a long time, wounds - despite the ongoing therapeutic efforts to heal them;
  • unexplained discharge and bleeding;
  • visually noticeable change in the shape and color of nevi, warts, moles;
  • the formation of seals on the body, various swelling, retractions;
  • prolonged cough, increased shortness of breath - in the absence of chronic pathologies of the respiratory structures;
  • a significant decrease in appetite, a sharp weight loss, up to cachexia;
  • frequent pain impulses in various parts of the body, without predisposing somatic conditions;
    previously uncharacteristic, stubbornly increasing weakness, increased fatigue;
  • decrease in working capacity against the background of persistent dizziness, excessive sweating;
  • detection of frequent subfebrile temperature;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the region of the larynx, esophagus, stomach;
  • independently determined increase in lymph nodes - in the armpits, inguinal region;
    propensity to viral and infectious pathologies;
  • a sharp disorder of visual, auditory, speech function.

How to determine a cancerous lesion should be decided only by a specialist - it is not recommended to draw conclusions only on the basis of the above signs. Appropriate diagnostic procedures must be carried out.

Laboratory research

After a thorough history taking - complaints, family diseases, when and what symptoms a person noticed in himself, a specialist will conduct a physical examination.

The patient undergoes thermometry and anthropometry, visual examination - staining of the skin and mucous membranes, sclera and tongue. Then the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is listened to, possible deviations from the standards are identified.

After that, it is the turn of palpation and percussion - the boundaries of organs, the presence of incomprehensible seals, their pain, palpation of regional lymph nodes. At this moment, biomaterial sampling can be carried out for further research from the surfaces of the skin and mucous membranes - scrapings from nevi, warts.

In order to determine the cancer, the patient is necessarily sent to laboratory tests.

Expanded general analysis blood, warning signs will be an increase in the parameters of leukocytes, against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin and a change in the blood formula itself - the presence of immature elements, myelocytes and blast cells. There is an acceleration of ESR - a mandatory sign of any inflammatory process in the body.

In biochemical analysis, a specialist is interested in the parameters of the activity of organs and systems - bilirubin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases and total protein, fibrinogen. If abnormalities are detected that are not explained by the pathologies that a person has, additional studies are necessary.

Similarly, urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid are checked - the parameters of the formed elements are compared with the average statistical standards.

Blood for tumor markers

Blood diagnostics for specific tumor markers is becoming increasingly popular. This is a specific protein secreted by mutated cells into the bloodstream. Each tumor neoplasm has specific protein compounds. They have distinctive features from normal blood elements - in terms of functionality or quantitative characteristics.

In the early stages of tumor formation, cancer diagnosis using tumor markers is carried out in medical institutions during preventive examinations, for example, the PSA indicator of the blood is checked in the male part of the population, and the activity of the ovaries and mammary glands is checked in the female half.

In laboratory conditions, venous blood is taken by venipuncture, which is then examined with special reagents. Separately, tumor markers of the pancreas, lung structures, intestinal loops, prostate, mammary glands, as well as the liver, stomach. However, the cost of such studies is quite high, so they are purposefully appointed by a specialist.

In addition, it is emphasized that tumor markers do not give a 100% result, a diagnosis is not made only on the basis of information from such a study. Be sure to compare with the results from other diagnostic procedures.

Instrumental Research

Mandatory to conduct, if you want to diagnose a tumor focus, are the following instrumental studies.


  • ultrasound scanning - allows you to visualize parenchymal neoplasms, their localization, boundaries, the presence of metastases in distant organs;
  • radiography - a widely used method, financially low-cost, helps to identify foci of inflammation and darkening in dense structures, for example, the spine, statutes.


  • radioisotope diagnostics - allows you to carefully analyze the formed functional changes by introducing radioisotopes through a vein;
  • various endoscopic procedures - gastroscopy, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy;
  • immunodiagnostics - an analysis of the reactions of immune structures to certain types of cancer is carried out;
  • cytological examination - determination of atypia in smears and tissue points.

When and how to detect cancer, the specialist determines. Of decisive importance is the taking of a biopsy - a piece of tissue directly from the tumor focus. Usually under ultrasound or CT guidance.

Additional modern methods for diagnosing cancer - layer-by-layer examination of tissues and organs in images computed tomography. Accurate information allows you to identify the localization of the pathological focus, damage to neighboring organs, germination, for example, into the vessels. Special training is usually not required. A contrast solution is administered to the patient immediately before the examination.

Hospitalization is also not carried out, the technique is quite feasible on an outpatient basis.

A more informative, but less accessible technique is MRI. The smallest structural units, soft tissues, and lymph nodes are examined. It is possible to make a direct diagnosis - a highly differentiated cancerous lesion or a poorly differentiated one.

Myths and diagnostics

Since there is no absolutely accurate method for diagnosing cancer at an early stage of its occurrence, the task of medical staff is to identify predisposing conditions - precancerous. People with similar results of preventive examinations are under the supervision of their doctor. They necessarily conduct laboratory and instrumental studies in dynamics.

One of the existing myths is that cancer can be contracted from an already sick person. This is a false statement. It is impossible to get infected with a tumor. But to pass on to your children - yes. Therefore, if a cancer focus has been detected in the next of kin, it is necessary to monitor your health especially carefully.

Another myth is that cancer cannot be cured at the moment.

This is absolutely not true. Early diagnosis of pathology allows you to get rid of it in a short time and forever. The prognosis for survival and return to work is 98–100%.

Provided that the disease was diagnosed at stage 1-2A. This is the main task of doctors - to prevent the transition of the cancer focus to a neglected, inoperable stage. To understand this, the population holds informational talks, conferences, and "Cancer Health Schools" are being created.

Every year, about half a million Russians are diagnosed with cancer, about 280 thousand of our citizens die because of this disease. Moreover, if a neoplasm is detected at the first or second stage, then it can be cured in about 95% of cases. On the eve of World Cancer Day, Director of the Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute, Professor Andrey Kaprin told RIA Novosti about how to detect cancer at an early stage, what examinations should be taken and how to minimize the risk of cancer. Interviewed by Tatyana Stepanova.

- Andrey Dmitrievich, tell us how things are in the country today with the incidence and mortality of the population from malignant tumors?

— In the structure of population mortality, malignant neoplasms occupy the second place (14.9%) after cardiovascular diseases (54,8%).

Approximately 480 thousand new cases of cancer are detected annually, and more than 280 thousand patients die. Of these, a sufficiently large number of people of working age (15.5%). This situation is largely due to the fact that people seek medical help late. In the advanced stage, cancer is detected in every fifth patient, and this leads to the fact that mortality in the first year after diagnosis in our country reaches 26%. And in the treatment of cancer at an early stage, the 10-year survival rate reaches 95% or more.

Basically, the disease is diagnosed in elderly people - from 60 years and above. The probability of developing cancer in men under the age of 60 is 8.2%, in women at this age - 8.7%. And after the age of 60, these figures look like this: 21.6% for men and 17.3% for women. Thus, the longer the life expectancy in the country, the more attention should be paid to preventive examinations.

In those Russian regions where there is a high depopulation of cities and villages (young people leave, the elderly stay), mortality from malignant neoplasms indirectly increases, while the detection rate remains the same. At our institute, we maintain the All-Russian Cancer Registry, and this is nothing but the best epidemiological study, thanks to which we receive all the information on oncological diseases in the regions.

Which regions have succeeded in treatment oncological diseases?

Immunologist: if you want to cause a tumor, go to ThailandKrasnoyarsk immunologist, researcher at the Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexander Borisov on World Cancer Day spoke about his development - a cancer vaccine. He explained why he believes that cancer treatment in Krasnoyarsk is no worse than in Europe, and advised those who are afraid of cancer to refrain from traveling to Thailand.

- In Kazan, in Khabarovsk, they work quite well to identify and treat such patients. There, primary care physicians have oncological alertness, special tests are taken en masse: for men - for prostate specific antigen (PSA), for women - for CA 125. These studies make it possible to detect prostate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women at an early stage. In women, unfortunately, the oncological incidence of this particular localization is now growing very strongly. For ten years, the increase was about 30% among women in general, and at the age of up to 29 years old it almost doubled, up to 44 years old - 1.5 times. We believe that this is due to the early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity and the spread of the human papillomavirus.

- What research should be done for men, women and at what age in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage?

Women over 39 should have regular cervical and breast examinations. Men from the age of 45 should be examined by a urologist for prostate cancer. A very important indicator can be occult blood in the stool. For women and men over 45 years of age, we recommend taking an analysis to detect it.

Despite the prevalence of these diseases, lung cancer is still in the first place. Unfortunately, fluorography is not enough to detect it at an early stage, so we recommend that you undergo an x-ray examination annually. Skin cancer is also a fairly common neoplasm.

Moreover, the most malignant tumor of the skin is localized on the back, on the shoulder blade. Unfortunately, she is not very worried at the beginning of the disease.

Does this mean that sunbathing is harmful?

— Of course, this is a disgrace when we go to regions where the sun bakes very strongly, and do not think at all about protecting the skin. When the local population wears completely closed clothes, we lie in the direct rays of the sun and "sunbathe" - this is no good. I also think that we have a lot of unlicensed tanning salons, the activities of which no one controls, this has been written about more than once.

Can a person himself suspect or recognize the first signs of cancer in himself?

- Cancer lung man may be suspected only at a late stage of the disease or when the bronchus is affected and cough, hemoptysis appears. Until then, he had been completely asymptomatic. Of course, at the beginning lung cancer can be seen on an x-ray, but the radiologist must also be experienced, competent.

Therefore, I do not cease to repeat: women should have an annual ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography. Men should see a doctor if they have urinary problems. I need to get my blood tested for PSA. It does not require special preparation, does not take much time.

Why do you think some of our citizens prefer to be treated abroad?

modern medicine has no boundaries better ways the fight against the disease become quickly available to doctors different countries. Treatment both abroad and in our country is carried out according to the same international protocols. Nevertheless, there are those who prefer to go to a foreign clinic. Everyone has their own reason for this. Some doctors have ceased to keep medical secrets. If a person takes certain positions, he, of course, does not want his illnesses to become public. The second reason is that some charitable organizations collect money for help abroad, in fact, children are treated in our clinics, and charitable organizations help these centers survive.

And, finally, rehabilitation after surgical interventions is still poorly developed in our country. Operations our experts do not worse. We recently discharged a 19-year-old girl who was denied treatment in Germany as inoperable. She had an extensive malignant retrosternal tumor. And after we operated on her, the mother of this girl showed the pictures to the German doctors. They applauded for three minutes. The girl is now at work.

Do you think it is necessary to change the order of clinical examination, especially in terms of examinations for cancer? Can primary care physicians detect a tumor in the first or second stage?

— The oncological component of the medical examination of the adult population involves two stages. At the first stage, a risk group is identified using the studies that we talked about. At the second stage, the diagnosis is specified. I believe that the medical examination in the form in which it is now taking place is fully justified.

“Early diagnosis of cancer would significantly reduce mortality. Nevertheless, unfortunately, most people in Russia prefer not to be examined, but live according to the principle “until the thunder breaks ...” How to convince the population not to adhere to this rule?

- Convince, show, prove. For example, on the basis of our institute, we created the National Center for Oncology of the Reproductive Organs, the purpose of which is to strengthen cooperation between doctors and patients and popularize medical knowledge in this area.

Conquering the Fear of Death: Healing Cancer Through Helping OthersFebruary 4th is World Cancer Day. On the eve of Irina Pyatkova, who herself went through the disease and created a support group for cancer patients, told RIA Novosti about the fight against the fear of death, the power of new experiences and how helping others helps to cope with cancer.

Starting this year, regularly on Saturdays, we began to hold open days for residents of the neighboring Northern District, inviting them to free primary diagnostics of the most common diseases. And we do it quite successfully - people go and check.

To organize a direct channel of communication with the population, receive feedback, together with the prefecture of the Northern District, created the Public Committee "Medkontrol" and intend, in cooperation with public organizations, to monitor how they provide medical care in our city. These measures, I am sure, will increase the level of mutual trust and medical literacy of the population.

How can you minimize your risk of developing cancer?

- Among the main causes that form the incidence of cancer, as statistics show, the leading position is occupied by malnutrition - up to 35%. In second place is smoking - up to 32%. Thus, two-thirds of cancer cases are due to these factors. We also recommend not to get involved in tanning, do not use products with dyes. And see your doctor regularly.

Often cancer tumor does not show any specific symptoms. Therefore, most people learn about a terrible diagnosis only when it is already very difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to cope with the disease. And there is also such a category of citizens who, with any ailment, think about the worst and try to detect signs of cancer in themselves. Perhaps excessive vigilance is also useless, but if you really notice something is wrong in your condition, you should undergo a medical examination. Better to be safe!

Cancer: signs and symptoms

Diseases of this kind manifest themselves in different ways. But there are common signs of women and men. In general, three groups of symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Unsuccessful treatment of diseases. When you spend enhanced therapy any pathologies, whether it is a stomach ulcer, inflammation of the bladder or pneumonia, and there is no improvement for a long time, you should be wary. Perhaps this indicates the presence of a cancerous lesion.
  • small manifestations. Reduced efficiency, a constant feeling of discomfort, fatigue, a decrease in interest in the surrounding reality, unreasonable weight loss - all this can speak of oncology.
  • Tissue growth. If during a visual examination or palpation you find a deformation or asymmetry of some part of the body, you should be wary. Perhaps such a tumor is dangerous.

Now we will list the first symptoms of cancer, with the appearance of which it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  1. Sudden weight loss. Many people at an early stage of the development of the disease begin to lose weight rapidly. If you lose more than five kilograms in a short time, visit your doctor immediately.
  2. Increased temperature and fever. This symptom usually appears when the cancer has already spread widely. But it is he who can be the first call.
  3. Fatigue and weakness. These are perhaps the most important first signs of cancer, characteristic of absolutely any type of cancer. However, many simply ignore them.
  4. Pain in the bones. This symptom may indicate malignant neoplasms in the bone tissue.
  5. Change in the quality and color of the skin cover. Dermatological signs, such as darkening, redness, yellowness of the skin, itching, and others, may indicate the presence of skin cancer or oncology of internal organs.
  6. Changes in the size, color, thickness, shape of moles, as well as the occurrence of wounds or ulcers that are not amenable to therapy. Moles can transform into malignant tumors, so do not ignore such manifestations.
  7. Violations of the functioning of the bladder and disorders of the stool. You should consult a specialist if you suffer from persistent constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea. Changes such as pain during emptying, more frequent or rare urination should also alert.
  8. Constant headache. This symptom may indicate the presence of a brain tumor.
  9. Unusual discharge, bleeding. Blood impurities in feces, urine, vaginal bleeding in women - all this can be a manifestation of cancer.
  10. Persistent cough, sore throat, hoarseness, and trouble swallowing and indigestion. If you find blood clots in your sputum when you cough, you should immediately visit a doctor, because you may have lung tissue cancer. Swallowing problems and digestive disorders are often not signs of cancer, but if they occur together, you can suspect a cancer of the pharynx, esophagus, or gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of different types of cancer

Of course, in addition to general manifestations, there are specific signs of oncological diseases that are characteristic only for one or another variety. And still, even if you find any characteristic symptom Don't immediately think you have cancer. First visit a specialist, and then draw conclusions.

Stomach cancer

In the early stages of the disease, the signs are inaccurate and scarce. Often, not only patients, but the doctors themselves write off the symptoms that have appeared on gastritis. In this case, everything is limited to the appointment of medications, and a complete examination is not carried out. And yet, specialists who listen attentively to the complaints of patients sometimes catch the first signs of an oncological disease. These include:

The described first signs of oncology can manifest themselves both against the background of a previous stomach disease (for example, an ulcer), and against the background of absolute health. Only when a malignant tumor becomes widespread, vivid symptoms appear: persistent vomiting, intense pain radiating to the back, severe weakness, sallow skin color.

breast cancer

The first signs of oncology in women in this case are retraction and flattening of the nipple and bloody discharge from it. Pain is not a diagnostic symptom. With pain, it may be completely absent, but with mastopathy, on the contrary, it may have a pronounced character. Depending on what form the cancer has, the signs and symptoms will vary. So, with a mastitis-like form of the disease, the mammary gland greatly increases, swells and hurts. The skin becomes hot to the touch. The erysipelatous form is characterized by the sudden appearance of redness on the skin of the chest, as well as a significant increase in temperature. Shell oncology is manifested by a bumpy thickening of the skin. A kind of shell is formed, covering part chest and sometimes the whole of it.

Rectal cancer

As already mentioned, usually the signs of oncological diseases in the early stages are not particularly pronounced. The symptoms that can be noticed are no exception: dull pain during bowel movements at the time of the movement of feces, excretion of mucus and blood with the stool, subsequently a ribbon-like stool. Such manifestations are often mistaken for signs of hemorrhoids. However, there is a difference: with hemorrhoids, blood in the feces usually appears at the beginning of a bowel movement, and with rectal cancer, at the end. At a later stage, constipation is added to the listed symptoms, followed by diarrhea, frequent urge to defecate, and discharge of fetid purulent-bloody masses.

Skin cancer

This type of oncology can also have different forms: ulcerative, nodular, infiltrative. However, often the first signs of skin cancer, regardless of form, are the same. Dense painless nodules of a waxy pinkish-yellowish color appear on the body. Gradually they grow. Very rarely there are forms with sluggish growth, which for many years do not show visible changes. But there are also such cases.

Lung cancer

Depending on where the primary tumor occurs, in the lung tissue or in the bronchus, the first signs of oncology will vary. In the case of central cancer (cancer of the bronchus), a hacking dry cough develops first, later sputum appears, often it has blood impurities. For this form of the disease, the causeless occurrence of pneumonitis is very characteristic ( lung inflammation), accompanied by fever, increased cough, general weakness, in some cases chest pain. Peripheral cancer, which originates in the lung tissue, is almost asymptomatic at the initial stage and is often detected during a preventive x-ray examination.

A brain tumor

Signs of oncological diseases of the brain are numerous, and they cannot be called specific. It is noteworthy that many neoplasms do not manifest themselves at all and are most often found only after death, at autopsy. This applies, for example, to a pituitary tumor. It should also be borne in mind that not all formations are malignant - benign tumors often appear in the same way as cancerous ones. The only way to check the nature of the symptoms present is to undergo an examination.

Symptoms in these types of oncology are associated with the pressure of the tumor on the brain and, in connection with this, a violation of its work. The signs are similar in both the primary and metastatic (when the neoplasm penetrates into other parts of the brain) stages and are characterized by weakness, headache, absent-mindedness, the appearance of convulsions and spasms, and difficulty in motor processes. Nausea and vomiting are also possible (especially in the morning), blurred vision, weakening of intellectual activity associated with impaired memory and concentration, a gradual decrease in mental activity, changes in emotional state, difficulty in speech processes. These symptoms, as a rule, do not appear immediately, so for a long time the disease may go unnoticed.


We have listed the signs of the main oncological diseases, but, of course, we have not touched on all types of cancer. There are a lot of them, and the symptoms in each case will be different. For example, the main manifestations of uterine cancer are bleeding and discharge in the form of whites from the vagina. The main symptom is pain when swallowing food, and the most common bladder symptom is blood in the urine. Do not be negligent about your health and immediately consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of a terrible disease!

If someone in your family has had cancer or you have been diagnosed with a "precancerous condition", it is quite expected that you will want to learn how to identify early symptoms cancer. Because the symptoms, severity, and progression of cancer are unique to each person, it's important to keep an eye on any changes in your body. If you want, talk to your doctor about a genetic test to determine your risk of developing a particular type of cancer. By being aware of the risks, monitoring for symptoms, and detecting cancer early, you increase your chances of survival.


Part 1

Early symptoms of cancer
  1. Pay attention to changes in the skin. Skin cancer can cause skin discoloration, making it darker, more yellow, or redder. If your skin changes color, hair growth, or itchy patches appear on your skin, make an appointment with a GP or dermatologist. If you have moles, make sure they haven't changed in any way. Another symptom of cancer is an unusual lump or lump on the surface of the body.

    • Watch for sores that won't heal or white patches in your mouth and tongue.
  2. Watch for changes in stool or urination. Colon cancer can be indicated by constipation that won't go away, diarrhea, or any change in stool size. Symptoms of colon or bladder cancer include:

    • Pain when urinating
    • Frequent or, conversely, rare urination
    • Signs of blood or other discharge
  3. Determine if you have lost weight. If you didn't go on a diet, but lost weight, then you have unexplained weight loss. Weight loss of more than 4.5 kg is an early sign of pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, or lung cancer.

    • You may also experience dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) or indigestion after eating. They can be symptoms of cancer of the esophagus, throat, and stomach.
  4. Beware of symptoms of common diseases. Some early symptoms of cancer may resemble those of the common cold, with some major differences. You may have a cough, tiredness, fever, or unexplained pain (such as a severe headache). But unlike a cold, you won't get better if you rest, your cough won't go away, and despite your fever, you won't show signs of infection either.

    • Pain can be one of the earliest symptoms of cancer. As a rule, the temperature rises after the cancer progresses.
  5. Don't self-diagnose. Don't assume that a few matching symptoms are 100% sure you have cancer. Cancer symptoms can vary greatly and not be specific. This means that many similar symptoms can indicate a number of other diseases of varying severity.

    • For example, fatigue can indicate many things, and cancer is just one of those things. Fatigue can even be a symptom of a completely different disease. That is why a proper medical examination is very important.
  6. Talk to your doctor about diagnosing other types of cancer. Because some cancers do not have specific recommendations, talk to your doctor about your risk factors. The doctor will then decide if you should be tested. Ask your dentist for advice on oral cancer. Ask your doctor if you should be screened for the following types of cancer:

    • Prostate cancer
    • Cancer of the body of the uterus
    • thyroid cancer
    • Lymphoma
    • testicular cancer

Part 3

Genetic examination
  1. Consult your doctor. Not all people need to undergo genetic testing to determine risk factors. If you think it would be beneficial for you to learn about the genetic risks of developing cancer, check with your doctor and make sure he knows your history (medical history) and your family history. A doctor (as well as a geneticist) will help determine if there is a risk of developing cancer and whether you should have a genetic test.

    • Many of the cancers that can be tested by genetic testing are rare, so it's important to understand if you should even get tested.
  2. Weigh all the pros and cons of genetic testing. Because genetic testing can determine the risk factors for cancer, it can help you decide how often you should have check-ups and screenings. The results of a genetic test can be uninformative, misinterpreted, and make you feel anxious and restless. It can also cost you several hundred thousand rubles. Many Insurance companies do not cover the cost of the examination, so ask your insurance company how much you will have to pay. Experts recommend genetic testing if:

    • You or members of your family have an increased risk of developing a certain type of cancer
    • Examination can clearly show the presence or absence of genetic changes
    • The test results will help you plan your care
  3. Find out which types of cancer can be tested for by genetic testing. The examination is able to determine the genes that are responsible for more than 50 varieties of hereditary cancer syndromes. If the test gives a positive result for the presence of a gene responsible for a certain type of cancer, this does not mean that you will get it. The genes for the following cancer syndromes can be found in the results of a genetic examination:

    • Hereditary breast cancer and ovarian cancer syndrome
    • Li-Fraumeni syndrome
    • Lynch syndrome (hereditary colon cancer without polyposis)
    • Familial adenomatous polyposis
    • Retinoblastoma
    • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (Wermer syndrome) and type II
    • Discuss the test results with your doctor. If a genetic test is positive for the presence of a gene for a particular type of cancer, your doctor or genetic counselor will talk to you about further testing or preventive measures. The genetic counselor is trained to provide emotional support. He will also refer you to a support group and provide other assistance.
      • If the result of the genetic test is positive, it does not mean that you will get this type of cancer, but only that you have an increased risk of developing it. Whether it appears depends on you, on the specific gene, family history, your lifestyle and the environment in which you live.