How to eat properly in case of poisoning. Diet for poisoning in adults - recommended foods, menu

Treatment of poisoning with a diet begins only after the gastric lavage has been carried out and sorbents have been taken, that is, the remnants of the eaten and toxic substances have been removed.

Diet for poisoning in a child

Treatment of food poisoning in children is carried out according to the same rules as in adults. If poisoning happened to an infant who is on breastfeeding, then for two days the volume of milk is reduced by 40%, but at the same time the number of feedings is increased. And be sure to drink the child so that there is no dehydration. The calculation of the daily norm of water (or rehydration solution) is as follows: for each kilogram of body weight of a child aged 1-12 months, 150-180 ml of liquid is needed; the entire volume is divided by 18-20 hours and the volume of liquid is obtained for each hour. For example: a child weighs 10 kg, so he needs 1500 ml of water per day (150 ml x 10); for every hour you need 75 ml of water (1500 ml:20). These 75 ml should be fed to the baby for an hour, but not at a time, but a teaspoon every 10 minutes. And this must be done until vomiting and diarrhea stop.

In the following days, it is necessary to gradually (by no more than 15% per day) increase the amount of food until it returns to its normal amount.

The diet for poisoning in an older child - and food restrictions, and cooking methods, and diet - are the same as in adults, but with the exclusion of milk for at least 12-14 days. Lactose (milk sugar) in milk is digested into small intestine, and after poisoning, he must be given time for a full recovery.

Diet for alcohol poisoning

The diet for alcohol poisoning, that is, ethyl alcohol, consists in drinking plenty of water and taking sorbents, for example, activated charcoal - four tablets every 2-2.5 hours.

Among the signs of alcohol poisoning are redness of the face, impaired coordination, excessive sweating, headache, impaired heart rate, tremors - not all victims have vomiting, and there is no diarrhea. This is because 0.3-0.5% of alcohol in the blood is the strongest toxin for the central nervous system, heart and, of course, the liver. That is, the gastrointestinal tract does not seem to react to alcohol poisoning ... It also reacts, but not immediately, but with constant alcohol abuse, leading to gastritis, stomach ulcers, and liver cirrhosis. But now it’s not about that, but about which diet for alcohol poisoning will help get rid of its symptoms.

In this case, food does not matter, the main thing is the use of liquids: sweet tea with lemon, milk, compote, fruit juices or water with natural honey.

Diet recipes for poisoning

Diet recipes for poisoning do not present culinary difficulties, however, there are some subtleties in their preparation. For example, the same rice and buckwheat porridge.

In order for these unassuming dishes to become a truly useful component of the treatment of dietary poisoning, they must be cooked correctly. In order for rice and buckwheat to boil well and the porridge to turn out viscous, washed cereals should be poured into cold water and not in boiling water. And you need to add salt only at the very end of cooking. By the way, buckwheat is suitable not only for porridge, but also for soup.

Dietary buckwheat soup

To prepare the soup you need: 1.5 liters of water, half a glass of buckwheat, two medium potatoes, one small carrot and 25 g of butter. Pour the washed cereal with cold water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat, cook for 10 minutes. Then put the pre-peeled and grated potatoes and carrots into the pan, salt and cook for about 20 minutes more - until the buckwheat and vegetables are boiled. Before the end of cooking, add oil. Before serving, you can additionally chop the soup with a blender.

The principles on which the diet in case of poisoning is based are physiologically justified, therefore such nutrition will help to quickly eliminate the consequences of food intoxication.

Few people know that a diet for poisoning is the main path to recovery.

Quite often, a person who has diarrhea, vomiting and weakness can say that he may have eaten something wrong or simply poisoned himself. Poisoning is a dangerous syndrome in which the operating modes of various organs of the human body are disrupted, while the source of poisoning can be not only poison, but also things that a person does not even suspect.

1 Types of poisoning

Poisoning, as a rule, are divided into acute and chronic. TO acute poisoning include those during which a large dose of a poisonous substance enters the human body. It can be poison, a large amount of low-quality alcohol, bacteria that cause botulism in canned foods. In a chronic form of poisoning, harmful substances enter the body in small quantities, but this continues for a long period of time. These types include smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, eating low-quality foods and drinks. Both types of poisoning can cause dire consequences, even death. In each case of poisoning, everything is individual, because all organisms are different. In one case, some drugs help, in the other they will be ineffective, and you will have to look for another treatment.

Poisoning is a dangerous syndrome in which the operating modes of various organs are disrupted, while the source of poisoning can be not only poison.

Other types

According to the types of poisonous substances, several types of poisoning are determined, the treatment for each type is different:

  1. Food poisoning with food. In this case, a person consumes a poisoned or spoiled product or drink.
  2. Poisons and harmful substances secreted by plants. Being in the forest, you need to move carefully along its paths, because there are many dangers in the forest. These include poisonous mushrooms, the use of which can lead to complete paralysis or even death. There are plants that produce poisons. True, they are practically absent in Russian forests, but they are in exotic countries.
  3. Detergent poisoning. Modern detergents, from soap to washing powder, consist entirely of various chemical compounds. Very often, these chemicals can cause allergic reactions of a different nature, and poisoning may also occur. Therefore, when a person uses synthetic detergents, it is imperative to work with gloves and wear a respirator or mask if the amount of work is large.
  4. Poisonous substances that are part of the materials for repair and decoration, as well as poisons used in industries, such as other adhesives. The composition of paint and varnish coatings includes many toxic substances, which in high concentrations can cause poisoning. The modern industry of building and finishing materials produces a huge number of products for repair and decoration, which are made from PVC and other synthetic materials to reduce the cost. They emit harmful substances in case of violation of the rules of operation. People working in chemical industries are daily exposed to small doses of industrial poisons. Therefore, these people often have chronic diseases respiratory system.
  5. Medicines also cause chemical poisoning, especially if the regimen and dosage of the drug is violated.

A huge number of people daily expose their body to the harmful effects of nicotine, alcohol and drugs. Of course, for example, one smoked cigarette cannot kill a person, but if every day he smokes a pack, and even for several decades, then nicotine slowly but surely destroys the body, especially the lungs. It is not for nothing that heavy smokers are more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer. Alcohol in small doses, but daily or often enough, causes a violation of consciousness, and, as a result, leads to various diseases, which often lead to death. If alcohol is consumed in a huge dose, then this is certain death, as well as poisoning with low-quality alcohol. Drugs are generally certain death.

2 How to eat

The most common time for food poisoning is in the summer, when a large amount of vegetables and fruits are eaten and when the thermometer goes off scale from the heat. During this period, even the most harmless, as it seemed, dishes that a person eats calmly in other seasons can cause poisoning. For example, a pot of soup left on the stove, not sent to the refrigerator the day before, can easily cause poisoning, because the potatoes in the soup release hydrocyanic acid, which is the strongest poison.

In general, in the summer it is necessary to eat only freshly prepared food, try not to eat food that was cooked a few days ago, even if it is in the refrigerator. Food poisoning is usually treated with diet. Of course, this is the case if the poisoning does not threaten the life of the patient. Of course, food should be special, and not immediately after poisoning. The diet for poisoning includes several stages. Symptoms food poisoning typically are vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and general weakness. While these symptoms are present, it is better not to eat food at all. Diet after poisoning: the main recommendation with it is that you can’t eat anything right away, this will only worsen the condition of the body.

It is important to drink plenty of clean still water, because the main complication of food poisoning is dehydration.

It is important to drink plenty of clean still water, because the main complication of food poisoning is dehydration. With vomiting and diarrhea, a huge amount of fluid leaves the body, so it must be replenished. You can drink as much water as you like. If the patient cannot drink on his own, or if he does not want to, then it is necessary to make drips with a physical solution and glucose to replenish the required amount of liquids. Together with the liquid, toxins and poisons are removed from the body. If gag reflexes are very strong and every sip of water you drink asks you to go out, you can drink very small amounts of liquid, for example, a teaspoon, but almost every minute.

Then there will be no vomiting, and the liquid will enter the body. If there is no certainty that the water is clean, then it is better to boil it, then cool it to room temperature. It is better to put a container of water next to you so that it is always at hand. Along with water, minerals that need to be replenished are washed out of the body. For example, sodium and chlorine can be replenished by drinking salt water. Potassium can be restored by boiling potatoes or carrots, draining the broth, and drinking it in small portions. You can boil a banana and a handful of raisins without adding sugar, also strain and consume in small portions. In this case, you can not eat boiled vegetables and fruits.

If the vomiting has passed, and the stomach gradually returns to normal, then you can start eating a little, while watching your body.

If you don't want to eat, then you don't have to.

3 What to eat after symptoms disappear

When the main symptoms of poisoning are gone, you can start eating. Of course, after a short fast and stress from poisoning, you can’t immediately return to your usual diet, because this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. You need to be very gentle with your body, using a sparing diet. At least a week you can not eat many foods. Since after poisoning in the gastrointestinal tract an unstable microflora, it is necessary to gradually restore it. For this, it is first necessary to take medications that contribute to the restoration of microflora.

The diet for food poisoning includes weak teas, black and green, liquid cereal cereals, but not in milk, but in water. We eat white bread crackers, made with our own hands, without any flavorings, boiled rice and rice water, with caution raisins and dried apricots. These foods should be eaten in small portions, listening to your own body. However, you still need to drink plenty of water. In no case should you use fatty, flour, bakery products, sweet juices and compotes, including freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits. Also, you can not eat milk and products from it, spicy, smoked, salty. Fresh vegetables and fruits are also contraindicated.

As a rule, a diet after poisoning includes several stages, the most stringent of them is the first. If, after poisoning, the patient did not eat for a day or several, then his stomach contracted, which means that a large amount of food will immediately lead to complications, and even relapse. Therefore, the diet after food poisoning recommends eating in small portions, little by little, but often, as with fractional nutrition. As a rule, recipes for a diet after poisoning are very simple, almost nothing needs to be cooked.

First of all, as a rule, you can eat white crackers, which will fill the stomach well, while fixing it so that there is no more diarrhea. They hold fluid well inside the stomach. They must be consumed in several pieces, be sure to drink water or weak tea. If the patient cooks compote, then only from dry fruits, preferably apples and pears. If after drinking the compote the stomach reacts normally, then it can be consumed in large enough quantities, because it can help make up for the lack of vitamins. Gradually, you can add sugar to it in small quantities.

Second and subsequent days

If the first day went well, without manifestations of vomiting and diarrhea, you can eat porridge boiled in water on the second day. Groats can be any: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. You can put salt, but not much, but sugar is possible only if the sweet compote drunk the day before did not bring discomfort in the stomach. If there is no allergy to honey, it is better to add honey to porridge and compote in case of intestinal infections, rather than sugar, because honey contains many useful substances.

Gradually, other foods are added to the diet in case of poisoning, such as meat, only lean and without skin. It is best to first make meatballs or steamed meatballs from meat, as this is the most gentle and gentle cooking option. Minced meat should contain only meat, vegetables and spices should not be. They irritate the stomach. At the end of the first week of the diet, the diet, of course, is quite meager, and the patient is already thinking about what else to eat, but recovery has almost completely come. What can you eat in the second and subsequent weeks after poisoning? There are no special restrictions. But there remains a ban on spicy, salty, fatty and starchy foods. Even with caution, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, especially those that have a laxative effect. It is better not to use them in their natural form. These include pears, bananas, plums.

The consequences of poisoning in adults are often very serious. In children, they are not always terrible, because the child's body has the ability to quickly recover. Of course, in most cases, proper treatment and the subsequent sparing diet, no consequences remain after poisoning. But it happens that poisoning has a number of serious consequences that can make a disabled person out of a healthy person. Do not think that only severe poisoning can have serious consequences. Since the body is not always completely healthy in adults, poisoning in adults causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and heart. Therefore, it is important that assistance after poisoning is timely and all necessary points are observed.

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Poisoning can occur with the use of low-quality food, alcohol, various chemicals, as well as penetration pathogenic microorganisms into the digestive tract. This condition is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, intoxication and hyperthermia. It should be noted that for recovery it is necessary to follow a therapeutic diet.

The diet for food poisoning in adults is aimed at:

  • Restoration of water-salt balance in the body;
  • Removal of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • Acceleration of healing of mucous membranes;
  • Elimination of signs and consequences of dehydration;
  • Satisfying the body's nutritional needs.

To make it easier for an adult organism to cope with the pathological process and its consequences There are a few important dietary guidelines to follow.:

When following a diet, adults need to carefully monitor the quality of the products they eat.. Expand the diet should be gradually, after consultation with your doctor. However, for a long time, some restrictions remain relevant.

What can you eat and drink in case of poisoning

It should be noted that the first day in case of poisoning, it is necessary to completely refuse food. During this period, the patient has no appetite, which is a protective mechanism of the digestive system. The first day hunger is prescribed, you can only drink the following drinks:

  • Pure drinking or mineral water without gas;
  • Saline solutions;
  • Weak tea.

As soon as the doctor allows you to eat food, you need to remember and take into account list of allowed foods, dishes and drinks:

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The use of foods rich in fats and carbohydrates is limited, but protein should be in sufficient quantities.

Sample menu for poisoning

In the early days of the disease, the menu does not differ in its diversity. In this case from 2 to 4 days is recommended to use:

  • Kiseli;
  • rice water;
  • crackers;
  • Dried fruits compote;
  • Liquid rice porridge in water, mashed.

Starting from day 5, and for the next 7 days, it is recommended to follow the following menu:

meal Allowed meals
1st option
Breakfast Kissel;

Rice porridge on the water, mashed;

Snacks (first and second) Rusk with compote;

Or rice water.

Dinner · Mucous soup with oatmeal in a secondary meat broth;

Rusk or yesterday's bread;


Dinner · Vegetable broth;

· Steamed chicken breast cutlet.

2nd option
Breakfast Liquid semolina porridge boiled in water with a small amount of sugar added;

· Compote of their dried fruits.

Snacks (first and second) · Vegetable broth;

· Biscuits.

Dinner Boiled turkey meatballs;

Boiled buckwheat porridge;


Dinner Soup-puree from vegetables;

· Rusk.

What can you eat with food poisoning in adults? Starting from the 8th - 10th day, the diet expands somewhat and the menu looks a little different, consider 2 options:

meal Allowed meals
1st option
Breakfast Steam omelet from quail or chicken eggs;

· Tea with milk;

· Biscuits.

Snacks (first and second) Compote with crackers;

· Cottage cheese casserole.

Dinner Rice soup with low-fat broth;

· Steamed ground beef cutlets;

· Yesterday's bread;


Dinner · Baked vegetables;

Boiled white fish;

· Compote.

2nd option
Breakfast · Cottage cheese casserole;


· Rusk.

Snacks (first and second) · Boiled hard-boiled egg;

· Biscuits with tea.

Dinner · Chicken bouillon;

· Stewed turkey meatballs;

· Mashed potatoes;

· Tea with sugar.

Dinner Rice porridge on the water;


· Rusk.

After 2-4 weeks from the moment of poisoning, depending on the severity of the pathological process, you can return to the previous diet.

Tables according to Pevzner

In dietology, there is a nutrition system that includes 15 dietary tables. This system was developed by the founder of Russian dietology M. I. Pevzner.

Poisoning is a pathological process in which the body as a whole suffers. Several dietary tables according to Pevzner are suitable for its restoration.

Diet table number 0

This diet for poisoning in adults is recommended for poisoning in the first few days (2 - 3). Such food for food poisoning is not prescribed for a long time, as it is low in calories and does not satisfy all the needs of the body. However, on the first day of poisoning, the body needs rest.

The menu uses:

Diet table number 1

In nutrition, there are several options for this diet. but in case of poisoning, table number 1a is assigned. In this case, nutrition in adults is sparing. It is balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrate content. This type of food prevents irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

The number of meals for an adult is up to 6 times a day. The diet is prescribed from 4 to 5 days of illness. The menu uses:

  • Crackers and dried (yesterday's) bread, biscuit cookies;
  • cereals: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina. From cereals, cereals are prepared on the water, mucous soups and boiled (ground) side dishes;
  • Low-fat meat and vegetable broth;
  • Soups, including puree soup cooked in meat and vegetable broth with vegetables and cereals;
  • Lean meat (rabbit, turkey, beef, chicken);
  • Compote, jelly.

Diet table number 5

It is prescribed in the case when the patient has problems with the liver due to poisoning and gallbladder. Nutrition for poisoning in adults, as well as, should be frequent, fractional (small portions).

The menu includes:

From drinks it is better to choose clean water, compotes, weak tea and jelly.

Nutrition after poisoning to restore the body

To restore the body requires a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. However, even at this time, the body must be spared, especially the gastrointestinal tract.

During the period, nutrition should be based on the following principles:

  • Drink enough liquid, from 1.5 to 2 liters. The following drinks are prohibited: packaged juices, soda, coffee, strong tea, and alcohol;
  • Portions don't have to be big.. At one time, you should eat no more than 150 - 200 grams;
  • Food should be easy to digest and assimilate. It is recommended to use mashed potatoes, chopped foods, well-boiled cereals;
  • Heat treatment. It is still impossible to eat fried foods, preference is given to boiled and steamed.

Foods that are heavy for the gastrointestinal tract are excluded from the diet:

  • legumes;
  • White cabbage;
  • Whole milk;
  • Fatty meat and fish;
  • Cakes and pastries;
  • Muffin;
  • Canned food;
  • Salty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • Spices and various sauces.

During the recovery phase, you can enter baked fruits (apples and pears). Gradually, adults can switch to fresh fruit. Returning to normal eating after poisoning is gradual and takes time and patience.

They occupy not the last place in a number of human diseases. Food poisoning is increasingly common in both children and adults. It can be caused by eating almost any food. What to eat with food poisoning, any person decides on their own, but there are a number of recommendations to help bounce back.

Very often there are cases of poisoning with various chemicals that have recently literally surrounded us everywhere. Such cases of poisoning can have very serious problems, so it is best to consult a doctor in any case of poisoning.

After poisoning, the body spends all its energy on cleansing toxins and recovery. Let's try to figure out what you can eat after poisoning. The body needs a large amount of energy for this, but do not forget that it also spends its strength on digesting food. The question of what you can eat after poisoning can be answered unequivocally - you need to eat easily digestible food. Your diet should be as gentle as possible. Let's try to figure out what you can eat after poisoning.

During poisoning, the human body itself tries to cleanse itself of toxins, so eating at this moment is almost impossible. During this time, you should drink more fluids. When a person's stomach is completely cleared and vomiting stops, the patient can be given strong black tea with one teaspoon of sugar and dried bread to drink. After some time, it will be possible to give the patient chicken broth. There is no rigid framework in the question of what you can eat after poisoning. The patient can choose his favorite porridge boiled in water, such as buckwheat, rice or semolina. You can cook liquid mashed potatoes (do not add oil or milk to it). The main point in the question of what to eat after poisoning, the main thing to consider is that portions should be small.

What can you eat after poisoning the next day? At this time, you can already slightly diversify the diet. It is allowed to use a small amount of white chicken meat (breast), steam cutlets, light soups. The main requirement for food is its digestibility, so all food should be lean. The use of which has long been used for various poisonings has a very good effect on the body. To restore the microflora of the digestive system, it is useful to take different probiotics.

What to eat after poisoning in the first week to establish the digestive system completely? The patient's diet at this time should consist mainly of soups with various cereals and lean borscht. After poisoning, the body is sorely lacking in vital amino acids, so nutritionists recommend eating pea or bean puree at this time, which are easily digestible and contain a large amount. Sauerkraut or seaweed, or boiled lean meat can be added to bean puree. You can eat almost any boiled or pickled vegetables. The use of baked apples has a very beneficial effect on the body.

Full recovery of the body after poisoning occurs after a couple of weeks, so at this time you should limit the amount of meat in the diet. It is advisable to use lean boiled meat.

After any poisoning from the diet should be completely excluded: carbonated drinks, juices, coffee; canned food; smoked meats; chocolate; salty, spicy, fried, fatty foods; any alcohol. In the early days, it is better to give up dairy products. Raw vegetables and fruits at this time should also not be consumed.

During the period of recovery of the body after poisoning, the process of eating itself plays an important role. At this time, overeating is absolutely unacceptable. Meals should be strictly limited. The patient's diet should be fractional. It is best to eat 6-7 times a day. The transition to a normal diet will be possible only after the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is worth adding one more point to the well-known saying “Don’t renounce money and prison” - poisoning. No one is safe from it, especially today, when fast food and canned foods are everywhere. As a rule, we do not call a doctor, trying to relieve pain, diarrhea and vomiting on our own. But for a complete recovery, it is not enough to empty the stomach and drink medicines. A special diet should also be observed after poisoning. It eliminates the effects of intoxication and restores digestion.

Video: food poisoning treatment

When do you start eating after poisoning?

If food poisoning has occurred, then your body is unlikely to require food at all. He already had a hard time, so during the first day there is no feeling of hunger. The stomach can whine, cut, rumble, etc., but there is no desire to eat. In this case, hunger is the best prevention. Let the stomach recover without bothering it with any food for 18-24 hours, or even more. Start eating only when you feel really hungry. There will be no more nausea or pain.

Do not torture the body with any food on the first day after poisoning, because it is unlikely to benefit

The first day after poisoning - the day of drinking

Your diet after food poisoning should start with drinking plenty of water. Those. on the first day they do not eat anything, but drink in large quantities. This will alleviate the problem of dehydration in the body. In case of poisoning, along with diarrhea, vomiting and then a large supply of fluid leaves the cells. Blood circulation slows down. It becomes thicker, which means that oxygen to the brain begins to flow at a slower rate. As a result, you suffer from headaches, general weakness, etc. Your task is to make up for the lack of fluid in the body as quickly as possible before fainting begins.

The best drinks are non-carbonated mineral waters, weak sweetened teas (especially rose hips!). You can also drink ordinary water, but not from a tap, but distilled and warm.

On the second day, add fruit drinks, decoctions, dried fruit compotes. If you brew herbs, then it is gastric sedatives. St. John's wort, which is considered a natural antibiotic, is very good.

Juices are also allowed, especially vegetable ones, if they are half diluted with boiled water. Whole juices should not be drunk. They will be heavy for a fragile stomach.

Rosehip decoction will help not only normalize the water balance, but also saturate the body with vitamin C

It is extremely necessary for children to have a large amount of fluid, because dehydration occurs faster in them and has more serious consequences. But don't force your child to drink mineral water if he doesn't like it. Offer rose hips or plain black tea.

Eating: Adhere to the following rules

When the symptoms of poisoning are removed and calmness has come in the stomach, on the second day you can start eating. But you must understand that at this moment the digestive system is still weak and does not need increased stress.

Therefore, we adhere to the following rules:

  1. We exclude fatty, spicy-salty foods.
  2. Forget about sweets and starchy foods.
  3. We do not use canned food.
  4. We do not eat hot and cold, but only warm.
  5. We do not drink coffee, cocoa and whole milk.
  6. Cooking or steaming food.
  7. We eat often, but in small portions.
  8. Save high-calorie foods for later. Try not to consume more than 1-1.2 thousand kcal during the day.

Lean vegetable soups are the perfect food after poisoning

Diet options on the second and third day after poisoning

We do not consider the first day after poisoning, since you will only drink. But in the second, or by the end of the first, slight hunger can make itself felt. And you can remove it with porridge and tea with crackers. True, porridge is not suitable for everyone. Millet, pearl barley and barley groats are not recommended because they take longer to digest. The best option is rice porridge-slurry on the water, which will not only start the digestive system, but also adsorb the remaining toxins. You can also boil buckwheat and oatmeal (also on water!). Croutons are easy to make yourself from wheat bread, cut into cubes and dried in the oven. You can buy ready-made, but without spices, additives and sugar.

Boil porridge so that it turns out liquid, and eat without adding oil

For lunch, cook a light broth from lean meat. It can be a rabbit or chicken (without skin). You can add some oatmeal to the broth. They have an enveloping effect and accelerate the healing of the gastric mucosa.

As a dessert, eat applesauce and bananas, which normalize ion exchange and promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Keep drinking fluids throughout the day.

Gradual return to the usual menu

In three days, digestion usually normalizes, and you can move on to your usual diet. But the microflora in your stomach has not yet had time to recover from the shocks, because toxins instantly kill most of the beneficial bacteria. Therefore, give preference to products that contain bifidobacteria. Eat yogurt, drink kefir and yogurt, and leave porridge as the main dish, which helps the microflora recover in an accelerated mode.

In the diet for children, drinking plenty of water is especially important, because the body of babies dehydrates faster than adults.

The recovery diet after poisoning in children differs little from that of an adult. True, do not try to feed the child with fruit in the early days. This is a solid food, in which there are a lot of coarse fibers and fiber. The stomach needs to make an effort to digest solid particles. In addition, fiber enhances peristalsis, and in this state it does not “suffer” anyway.

How many days to stick to the diet? Usually, all restrictions are removed by the end of the week after the poisoning. But if the work of the stomach is still not getting better, enough to be treated at home. It's time to see a doctor!