Why such a different attitude to the name Nikita. Name meaning: Nikita

Nikita is a kind, beautiful name. It is of ancient Greek origin, formed from the name Niketas, which in turn comes from the word "niketes" and means "winner", "victorious". Currently, this is a fairly popular and frequently encountered name.

Nikita is strong, ambitious, talented, patient, serious and balanced. However, his selfishness and excessive emotionality can hinder the achievement of material and family well-being, while much depends on the time of year of Nikita's birth.

Characteristics of the name Nikita

Corresponding zodiac sign: Scorpio ♏.

patron planet: Saturn ♄.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Earth 土.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Pomegranate.

Talisman-color: Purple.

Mascot Tree: Fir 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Bell.

Animal Mascot: Hedgehog

most successful day: Thursday ♃.

happy season: Autumn 🍂.

Character features: Selfishness, Persistence, Charm.

Spring Nikita- a selfish and easily vulnerable nature, painfully perceiving criticism and comments. He has a philosophical mindset and is constantly in search of truth. Nikita, born in the spring, is good-natured and sensitive, so he often perceives other people's problems as his own. He is capable of deep empathy, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state.

Summer Nikita very talented and versatile. He is good-natured and does not seek his own benefits from communicating with people. His justice, independence, pride and independence often prevent him from making a brilliant career, despite the fact that this person is very responsible and disciplined. Summer Nikita is sociable, attentive and courteous with women who do not deprive him of their attention. In family life, he is rarely a leader.

Autumn Nikita is a truly unique personality, the embodiment of a rational principle and a creative component. All his undertakings are doomed to success, while he easily finds a common language with people, so he has a huge number of friends. Autumn Nikita has such qualities as prudence, determination, practicality, charm and wit.

Winter Nikita has a rather complex character: for example, it is often difficult for him to concentrate on any one thing, because he is restless and impulsive. His stubbornness, purposefulness and perseverance help to achieve great success in life. Winter Nikita cannot be limited in actions and influenced by shouting and rude treatment, since he will withdraw into himself.

The nature of the name Nikita

As a child, he is a smart, quick-witted boy, prone to fantasy, which contributes to his future creative abilities. At school, he is a good student and a favorite of teachers. In general, Nikita's character is tough, uncompromising and heavy. He is purposeful, sociable, hardworking, persistent, vulnerable, sensitive, practical. The secret of the name is that he knows his worth. Confidently moves towards the goal, not paying attention to the opinions of other people.

Positive traits of the name Nikita: Independence, purposefulness and speed, but not haste, desire to patronize, patronize. Loves small children, animals, especially dogs. Little Nikita does not give his parents any trouble; he pleases them with his cheerfulness, mischief. Likes outdoor games, sports. The name Nikita has been smart and diligent since childhood, knows how to take care of himself, goes to the goal in a direct way, without wasting time on secondary things, does not like being commanded, feels on an equal footing with his older comrades. He prefers to be a leader in any business, he can carry a motley company with him. The name Nikita has developed creativity, imagination and a sense of beauty.

Negative traits of the name Nikita: This man is stubborn, serious and selfish. He is intolerant of the superiority of others over himself. Being a somewhat uncollected person, unable to concentrate for a long time on one thing. Easily fired up with a new idea, he can abandon it if he sees its impracticability, even if a lot of time and effort has been spent on its implementation. You can’t call Nikita a diplomat: he won’t adapt. It can be overly categorical, stubborn and serious. Often selfish. The soul of the company and attractive in appearance, Nikita nevertheless has a rather tough, uncompromising, even difficult character.

Interests and hobbies

His hobbies are reading books and listening to his favorite music. He loves animals, so you can definitely meet a dog or a cat in his house. In addition, he also gets pleasure from the process of driving a car, although he is unlikely to repair his “iron horse” on his own. Nikita has a weakness for sports, both summer and winter sports. Travels a lot different countries. In her free time she attends noisy parties and dances.

Profession and business

Thanks to diligence, hard work and the highest efficiency, any profession is subject to him. But often he makes a choice in favor of art and creativity, as he strives for fame and fame. With pleasure, he shows his leadership qualities at work, and he often does it abruptly, which is why he is considered a real tyrant. But he is fair and intelligent, so his opinion is always authoritative. Nikita is successful in politics and jurisprudence. He makes an excellent teacher, actor, composer, banker. It is very important for Nikita that the chosen profession brings him moral satisfaction.

A slight lack of self-confidence and indecision can prevent Nikita from managing his own business on his own, while he has a negative attitude towards partnership. He is not a team player, it is difficult for him to obey and adapt to other people. Such a person works better alone than in partnership or in a team. But still, if Nikita can properly organize his business and does not give up halfway through, he can achieve success.

Psyche and health

By type of character, Nikita is most often melancholic. The man is hot, impulsive and persistent. He loves praise, but knows how to distinguish flattery from well-deserved recognition of his merits. He will not tolerate two-faced people and flatterers in his environment. This is a person who is used to calculating his every step, so any changes bring dissonance into his life. However, if necessary or under the influence of a sudden impulse, the uninitiated Nikita is capable of actions that can drastically change his life. Nikita's selfishness often hurts the feelings of loved ones, but do not expect the culprit to come with a guilty head: on the contrary, Nikita will be able to convince himself and those around him that he is right. In general, Nikita is a kind, gentle, unforgiving and hospitable person who seeks to take care of his relatives and patronize the weak. He is energetic and has an enviable sense of purpose, while his willpower is not always enough to complete the work he has begun.

Usually Nikita carefully monitors his health, does not abuse alcohol and smoking, leads an active lifestyle. Therefore, he has every chance to live to an advanced age without experiencing health problems. However, he should be wary of overwork, monitor his pressure and eat right. You should beware of cold, drafts and excessive emotions, take vitamins, minerals and food enzymes. It is necessary to follow a diet, take walks and be in the fresh air more often. He will also have a tendency to neurasthenia - such things as emotional comfort and calmness will always be important for Nikita.

Love and sex

Easy to communicate, charming and cheerful, Nikita is popular with women, so he is not used to making special efforts to win over another passion, which should be beautiful and smart. But still, he is attracted to women, for whose hand and heart he will have to fight. Nikita is an amorous nature, so his chosen one will have to make a lot of efforts to constantly maintain interest in herself. And he most often treats a woman as just another fun. But in fairness, we note that Nikita is always honest with his woman, so if she falls out of love, she will say so directly and will not torment herself or her partner.

For Nikita, sex is not only a physiological need, but a whole ritual from which he gets real pleasure. He is an attentive and sensual partner who tries to deliver unforgettable pleasure to his chosen one. At the same time, the degree of his satisfaction largely depends on how deep his love for his partner is. Despite his amorousness, he transfers relations into the category of intimate only with the woman whom he knows for more than one day or even more than one week, and Nikita loves thoroughness in everything: for full-fledged sex, there must be an appropriate environment and entourage that disposes to intimacy.

Family and marriage

Narcissistic and independent Nikita is in no hurry to start a family, choosing a suitable wife for a long time. But if you really fall in love, then you will certainly formalize the relationship with your soulmate. However, his marriage often does not always work out well, and his desire to rule and lack of diplomacy are to blame. From his wife, he demands full concentration on the family and household, while his woman always has a strong and strong-willed character, and therefore will not put up with such a situation. As a result, the family will either fall apart, or the wife will take the initiative into her own hands, and Nikita will only have to obey her will.

It is difficult to call Nikita an exemplary family man, since sooner or later all family members will feel the severity of his character. Everyone must unconditionally obey the will of Nikita. He is fickle in his affections, and therefore he can cheat on his wife, but he will not leave the family, because he loves his children very much and will do everything so that they grow up in a calm and comfortable environment. It is also important that Nikita seriously cares about the future, and not only about his own: for example, he tries financially to provide not only his family, but also all his relatives. If Nikita wants to create a strong and happy family, then, firstly, he should choose a gentle, affectionate and calm woman as his wife, whose priority is the family; secondly, you need to learn to be softer and compromise.

Horoscope named after Nikita

Nikita-Aries ♈- This is an emotional, assertive and selfish nature that loves to be in the center of everyone's attention. The main disadvantages of Nikita-Aries are tactlessness and stubbornness: for example, it will not be difficult and impudent for him to impose his friendship or communication. This behavior often repels people, so Nikita, born under this sign, has practically no real friends. In relation to women, he is also too stubborn, which can repel the fair sex.

Nikita-Taurus ♉- this is a strong man who is stubborn and self-willed, purposeful and prudent. He is not used to turning off the intended path and bypassing obstacles: Nikita-Taurus goes ahead, often not taking into account the interests of the people around him. Such self-centeredness can harm both a career and building a happy family life. Nikita-Taurus is very amorous and loving, so he can’t count his novels, while he tries not to start a serious relationship.

Nikita-Gemini ♊- the charm, charm and intelligence of Nikita-Gemini help him achieve great heights in life. The main thing is not to overdo it in striving to be the first and the best, otherwise one cannot avoid the development of such qualities as vanity and pride. Nikita-Gemini knows how to use his charm, so he bathes in the rays of female attention, love and affection. But at the same time, he carelessly treats his companions, whose love he does not know how to appreciate.

Nikita-Rak ♋- independence and pride - these are the qualities of character that Nikita-Rak cultivates in himself, not realizing that arrogance repels people, causing only irritation and hostility. Everything must be perfect for Nikita-Rak: appearance, home, work, and his beloved woman, whom he tries to "adjust" to his high standards. If this fails, he will part with his beloved, no matter how deep his feelings are.

Nikita-Lev ♌- an exalted, eccentric and witty personality who is always in the spotlight (and it doesn’t matter if Nikita-Lev wants this attention or not). He knows how to manipulate people, so his life is often a bright kaleidoscope, full of idleness and fun. From his chosen one, Nikita-Lev demands not only complete obedience, but also praise of his merits. In return, he will give his beloved incredible tenderness and love.

Nikita-Virgo ♍- pragmatism, prudence and restraint of Nikita-Virgo take precedence over his emotionality. He is always courteous and benevolent, but you should not think that this person will allow himself to be offended (under the mask of good nature there is a strong-willed and strong personality, capable of much to achieve his goals). With women, Nikita, born under the sign of Virgo, is reserved and cold, because he is afraid of being disappointed in relationships. In general, he is monogamous, so he has been looking for his soul mate for a long time.

Nikita Libra ♎- this is a man who is pampered and spoiled by female attention, who is extremely impressionable and emotional. Nikita-Libra has a refined taste, he is disgusted by everything that is connected with violence and human pain. Therefore, he will make an affectionate, caring and gentle husband who will try to protect his beloved from all troubles. But in the professional sphere, the softness of his character can only do harm.

Nikita Scorpio ♏- The impulsiveness and irascibility of Nikita-Scorpio bring a lot of trouble into his life. He is irritable and prone to rash actions. In addition, he does not want and does not know how to hear other people, believing that only his opinion is true and undeniable. As a result, Nikita-Scorpio often changes jobs, and women are completely afraid of his heavy temper. But if the partner can treat with indulgence the manifestation of his character, then Nikita will become for her a sensitive husband and a grateful friend.

Nikita Sagittarius ♐- it can be safely called a person of mood, whose actions and reactions to what is happening around are unpredictable. Nikita-Sagittarius is sometimes difficult to understand even for the closest people, not to mention work colleagues and acquaintances. But the originality of his thinking and unpredictability make Nikita-Sagittarius an interesting figure for both men and women (the latter are attracted by his mystery, but at the same time they must come to terms with the fact that Nikita does not like to talk about his feelings, and he is also in no hurry to show them ).

Nikita-Capricorn ♑- firmness of spirit, masculinity and rigidity - these are the main characteristics of Nikita-Capricorn, who prefers to build an impregnable fortress around himself. He is important, taciturn, restrained in the manifestation of feelings and emotions. His woman should be a balanced, calm and homely person, unquestioningly accepting the fact that the head of the family is exclusively a man.

Nikita Aquarius ♒- a sentimental, sensual and insecure person who often superficially judges people. Nikita-Aquarius is a pessimist for whom life is painted in dull gray shades. Even such a bright and bright feeling as love should bear in his understanding a shade of suffering and doom. Nikita-Aquarius needs a cheerful woman with an active life position, who can bring new positive emotions into his life.

Nikita Pisces ♓ is a dreamer who is often dissatisfied with life and his place in it. He likes to engage in "introspection" and create problems where they do not exist. However, the philosophical attitude of Nikita-Pisces attracts women who, as you know, "love with their ears." Only here Nikita is in an eternal search for ideal love in relationships with women, so she rarely experiences a truly deep feeling.

Nikita name compatibility with female names

Nikita and Olga- this bright union, formed by people of different characters, is often successful and durable. So, it is in the cheerful Nikita that Olga finds an outlet, while the practicality of a woman in this tandem guarantees the stability and well-being of marriage.

Nikita and Anna- understanding rarely reigns in a pair of Nikita and Anna, since initially their relationship is built on passion, which rarely develops into true deep love. Anna is too frivolous, and Nikita is extremely serious, which can become an insurmountable obstacle.

Nikita and Elena- in this energetic tandem, two powerful people with pronounced leadership qualities met, which does not contribute to the creation of harmonious relations. But still, Nikita and Elena can become a strong couple if they learn to give in to each other.

Nikita and Julia- the passionate natures of Nikita and Yulia provide the brightness of this union, in which there is no place for boredom. They love each other, but their temperament only harms the relationship (and the day is not complete in this pair without quarrels and scandals).

Nikita and Anastasia- in this strong alliance, Nikita tries to fully provide for his family and protect her from all troubles. Gentle and caring Nastya feels protected and loved by Nikita, which is very important for the preservation of the family.

Nikita and Tatiana- the monotony of the relationship between Nikita and Tatiana does not threaten, because both love to travel and strive for self-development. But the most important thing is that there is love in their union, supported by common views on life and goals, to which both go hand in hand.

Nikita and Ekaterina- this is a very attractive couple that attracts others due to openness and sincerity. Nikita and Ekaterina try not to part for a long time, because their feelings remain strong even after many years. It is not surprising that their union is strong and happy.

Nikita and Natalya- this is a very interesting couple that can start both a strong family and a successful business project. To do this, he and Natalia have everything: love, and trust, and respect, and support for each other. It is also important that they know how to separate work and family relationships, which benefits their union.

Nikita and Marina- this fragile union is bright and hot, it contains love, and hatred, and passion, and jealousy. There is only stability and mutual understanding in this tandem, which becomes the reason for the collapse of the relationship between Marina and Nikita.

Nikita and Maria- both in this pair have a rather complex character, which at the beginning of the relationship gives them novelty and passion. However, subsequently, Mary's unwillingness to compromise can destroy this tandem (especially if love does not develop into love).

Nikita and Svetlana- absolute trust reigns in this union. Nikita and Svetlana understand each other without further ado and try to do everything possible to diversify their relationship. They do not have time for quarrels, because both go towards the same goal - building a friendly family.

Nikita and Christina- this tandem is far from the title of "ideal", but as long as there are feelings between Nikita and Christina, they will cherish them. Both partners in this union have different temperaments and characters, principles and outlook on life, which will eventually lead to the breakup of the couple.

Nikita and Victoria- crazy love rules these relationships, but often the passion between Nikita and Victoria quickly cools down, not having time to develop into a long-term relationship. The independence and love of freedom of both partners also do not contribute to the stability and harmony of this union.

Nikita and Ksenia- charming Xenia has all the qualities that Nikita appreciates in a woman: femininity, housekeeping, sociability and activity. He is easy and comfortable with her. Such an alliance may well be happy and lasting.

Nikita and Love– although Nikita’s inconstancy hurts the devoted and loving Love, she believes that she can re-educate her bright and resilient man. This union can be long-lasting only if Lyuba has the strength and patience to put up with the love of her chosen one.

Nikita and Yana- the owners of these names, first of all, are friends who can talk about everything in the world without hiding anything. Nikita and Yana love each other with that calm love, which eventually transforms into a deep feeling of affection.

Nikita and Hope- in this tandem, partners concentrate, first of all, on their relationship. They do not figure out who is in charge, and do not seek to share responsibilities. Nikita and Nadezhda respect each other, so their love only grows stronger over the years.

Nikita and Alina- ease and lightness - this is the foundation on which the relationship between Alina and Nikita is initially built. Their love of life and faith in a bright future help them overcome both family and life difficulties without quarrels and scandals.

Nikita and Diana- both partners in this union are extremely careful and responsible in choosing their soulmate, therefore they are in no hurry to tie the knot. Such caution contributes to the formation of a strong family, although the love of freedom of both can bring discord in the relationship between Nikita and Diana.

Nikita and Evgeniya- in this pair, Evgenia is a storehouse of ideas, and Nikita is their obedient performer, ready for a constructive dialogue, helping to maintain peace and tranquility in the family. It is not surprising that this union is harmonious and long.

Nikita and Daria- this couple is provided with a family idyll, because for them with Daria, relations are not just living together, but creating family comfort, giving birth and raising children, maintaining the fire of love and passion in each other.

Nikita and Alena- caring Nikita, despite his practicality, knows how to surprise his beloved, which Alena appreciates, for whom it is extremely important that life be like a holiday. But this union may not withstand material difficulties.

Nikita and Margarita- a girl named Margarita is shy and naive, and Nikita is persistent and courageous, so it is quite natural that these two find in each other their ideal partners who love, appreciate and respect each other.

Nikita and Alexandra- this couple knows how to maintain peace and harmony even when a wall of misunderstanding grows between them. She and Alexandra value their relationship and try not only to maintain, but also to increase their love, so their future together is always prosperous.

Nikita and Valeria is a promising tandem working for the benefit of the family. Nikita and Valeria sincerely adore each other, it is extremely important for them to create a trusting atmosphere in the family.

Nikita and Irina- first, a strong and reliable friendship is established between Nikita and Irina, which can later develop into a harmonious marriage, in which there is no place for distrust and scandals.

Nikita and Polina- for this couple, it is important, first of all, spiritual unity, and not material values. Undoubtedly, they value comfort, but for them and Polina, the well-being of the family is built precisely on open, honest and trusting relationships.

The name Nikita appeared in ancient Greece. It was very common and this name was given to strong and healthy babies. In Russia, the name gained popularity after baptism and it was mainly called monks.

After the release of the famous film by Luc Besson, the female form of the name was formed from Nikita - Nikita (emphasis on the last syllable), in honor of the main character who bore this pseudonym.

Nikita has three Orthodox saints: Nikita-Albanian, who was severely tortured and later strangled for promoting Christianity; Nikita the Stylite, who was a sinner all his life, but then realized and became a monk, healing the sick and casting out demons from the possessed; and Nikita the warrior, the great martyr, who was thrown into the fire for his faith, but his body remained intact. He was buried by Christians later. Nikita celebrates name days 3 times a year - April 17, May 6 and September 28.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Nikita

From ancient Greek Nikita is translated as "winner". The ancient Greeks were deeply convinced that the name affects the fate and called Nikita only healthy boys, future winners. The name Nikita comes from the ancient Greek goddess Nike (goddess of victory). It was believed that the goddess herself helps the owners of the name Nikita throughout their lives and helps them achieve success on a thorny path. A name for a born leader, Nikita will never follow the crowd, he will lead it with him. It is this quality that contributes to the fact that Nikita achieves everything himself.

Character traits named after Nikita

The character of Nikita is not at all simple, and his relatives know this for sure. Such a man is selfish, stubborn and always goes ahead. He is used to getting his way by any means and is not ready to step back. Nikita may appear to be a rude and callous person, but she is not. In fact, Nikita knows how to empathize and support a person in a difficult situation. If you contact him with a problem, he will definitely listen and try to help. It is impossible to convince Nikita of anything, his opinion is the ultimate truth. He will defend his point of view to the last, and if he is proven wrong, he will still remain with his own. A man named Nikita knows exactly what he wants from life. He is confident in himself and in his decisions. Despite the hardness and harshness of character, Nikita is caring and kind. He always gets along with children and animals, having fun with them from the bottom of his heart.

Nikita is very proud and enjoys sharing his achievements with others.

Nikita's family and love relationships

Nikita is quite independent and a serious relationship only burdens him. He loves freedom and does not like to report on his actions. He marries quite late and the chosen one must meet all his requirements. Nikita appreciates complaisance, fidelity and thriftiness in a woman. In his youth, Nikita is illegible and treats girls easily, changing them like gloves. As he gets older, he becomes more serious.

Nikita's wife will not be bored, he will constantly surprise her. Starting from small pleasant surprises, ending with an unexpected move. Nikita wants to live in harmony and tranquility, but his eccentric nature does not allow him to do this, so he can often freak out and get nervous. If the wife feels his wave, then family life promises to be long and happy. In the event of violent resistance and a clash of foreheads, it is easier for Nikita to leave than to try to fix everything. Nikita believes that he is the head of the house and everyone should live by his rules, but in return he gives a lot. He will make a wonderful father, because he loves all children, and loves his own to fanaticism. Despite the boundless love, he still sticks to the carrot and stick method, and will not allow children to be spoiled and naughty.

Choice of profession, business, Nikita's career

Thanks to his determination and hard work, Nikita will become an ideal leader or entrepreneur. There are always millions of thoughts in his head about how to earn and increase capital. Nikita is not at all loyal to his employees and is quite strict. He is trying to get them to be more efficient and fulfill their obligations. But Nikita is fair and will not offend his subordinates or break down on them because of failures. He values ​​teamwork and selects personnel personally, carefully selecting candidates.

With a rich imagination in his arsenal, Nikita can also become an artist, book illustrator or screenwriter. He takes his work seriously and creatively approaches each task, investing all his strength and knowledge.

Nikita's health

Since childhood, Nikita has had minor health problems. He is susceptible to infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract due to a weak immune system. Nikita needs outdoor walks, rest, sports and hardening. With age, Nikita gets stronger, and with it his immunity. In adulthood, diseases bypass him, except sometimes he catches a cold, but quickly gets back on his feet. Nikita has vision problems, most often myopia.

He is quick-tempered and emotional, prone to sharp outbursts of anger, which greatly affects his nervous system. You can notice signs of neurasthenia on early stage and with a timely appeal to a psychotherapist, the disease will cease to manifest itself. It is important not to nervous breakdowns and hysteria.

Name Nikita for a child

Little Nikita does not cause much trouble for his parents. He is an obedient and calm boy who loves to help his family in everything. He is very attached to his mother, much more than to his father. He dreams of a dog, the right decision would be to get a furry friend for him. He has no apparent aptitude for learning, but does his best to be studious and smart. The boy has many friends, he likes to spend time actively. With teachers, Nikita behaves calmly, is not rude or rude. Nikita loves to draw and is very happy when he is praised for his talent.

In adolescence, problems can begin, it was then, during a period of rapid surge of hormones, that Nikita acquires such traits as harshness, stubbornness and steadfastness. He can start skipping classes and disappear on the street with the company. Parents should choose the right tactics so as not to aggravate the conflict. Force and screams can only aggravate, Nikita will do everything in defiance. But he is ready for dialogue, and if you talk to him calmly and with reason, then all problems will come to naught.

A boy named Nikita is very energetic, you need to direct this energy in the right direction, for example, active sports.

Zodiac sign: Twins.

Planet: Mercury.

Color: purple.

Stone: pomegranate.

Plant: ash, bluebell

Animal: hedgehog.

Lucky time of the year: Spring.

Happy day: Wednesday.

Name forms: Nikitka, Nick, Nikikha, Nikusha, Nikenia, Kenya, Nikesha, Kesha, Kita, Nikisha, Nicky, Niko.

The name Nikita has ancient Greek roots. Literally, it translates as "winner". It came to Russia along with Christianity. It was very common, somewhat forgotten in the Soviet period, but in the 21st century it regained its lost popularity.

Origin and interpretation of the name Nikita

The name Nikita comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike and means "one who won", "winner". The young goddess Nika, according to legend, endowed people with good luck and the ability to win in any business. Among the women of Mount Olympus stood out for their fortitude, courage, goodwill, honesty and justice. They passed on these traits to the Nikitas, the winners blessed by her. In the Christian tradition, this name has spread widely. Interestingly, when in the 30s of the last century it became possible to change the name, among the male names that were most often abandoned, "Nikita" was the leader. Today it is quite popular.

The nature of the name Nikita

A boy named Nikita, from early childhood, shows ingenuity and ingenuity in everything that interests him. He easily solves the most complex problems, coming up with the most rational way to solve them.

  • Egocentric. Nikita is focused primarily on himself. The thoughts and feelings of the people around him are of little concern.
  • Not sociable. It is very difficult to make contact with unfamiliar people, preferring to remain silent. It takes a long time to adapt. He studies a person for a long time before deciding whether it is worth dealing with him at all.
  • Does not tolerate rough handling. Raising Nikita with the help of screams and cuffs, you can inflict indelible mental trauma on him. Never hits his own children.
  • suspicious. Willing to put in enough effort to impress others.
  • Practical. In solving various issues, he shows efficiency, perseverance, bordering on stubbornness. In combination with the pronounced qualities of a leader, this helps him in moving up the career ladder.
  • Purposeful. Knows his own worth. He knows no doubts and hesitations.
  • Selfish. He achieves his goal at any cost.
  • Conflict. Likes to get into discussions. Knows and loves to argue. He cannot be praised, because he can completely stop communicating with a flatterer.
  • Interesting companion. Can talk for a long time and with interest on various abstract topics, philosophize.

Name day of Nikita

"Winter" Nikitas celebrate Angel Day on December 30 and February 13. In the spring, name days for bearers of this name are March 4, April 2 and May 13. In summer - June 30 and July 4. Autumn name days - September 22 and October 26.

Nikita's health

Having enough good health, Nikita suffers mainly from heart and blood pressure diseases. He should try to avoid various stressful situations, as well as all sorts of nervous strains, as this can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

Career and family of Nikita

Endowed with excellent leadership qualities, but too soft to be a real leader. He rarely smiles real luck. At the same time, diligence, purposefulness and excellent possession of the skills and abilities necessary for work allow him to achieve the desired heights. Successful in creative professions. Can also reach certain heights in social activities and business. Likes to help colleagues. For this he enjoys prestige at work. May fall under the influence of flatterers and lose the ability to soberly assess their own strengths. This feature is able to play a cruel joke with Nikita, who is engaged in business. In order to avoid this, Nikita should learn to treat herself with humor. He has a rich imagination, which makes Nikita's family life interesting and varied. Often changes his place of residence, furniture, work, loves new experiences. It is better for the wife not to contradict Nikita, since he is quite capable of seeking understanding on the side. Ready to change his muse rather than life principles. Can't adapt. This often leads to the fact that Nikita has to remarry. He takes his father's duties seriously, tries to provide the family with maximum prosperity. A very sensual partner, able to give a woman real pleasure. However, for him, the main thing is still feelings for a partner. He is very gentle and vulnerable, easily offended. Very selective in women who are simply crazy about him. Not every woman can live together with Nikita. To create a harmonious family, his wife must keep up with her husband's fantasies, pay due attention to her own appearance, and also be a good housewife and loving mother. In return, Nikita will surround his woman with love and attention, create all the conditions for the most comfortable life for his family. The most successful will be an alliance with Alla, Vera, Veronica, Claudia, Irina, Lyudmila, Natalya, Svetlana. The probability of a successful marriage with Anastasia, Valeria, Zhanna, Lyubov, Tatyana is low.

Hobby Nikita

The owners of this name are very fond of animals. They are especially strongly attached to large and beautiful dogs. Ready to spend a lot of time with them. Particular pleasure is experienced when dealing with cars, but not repairing them. They like good music, light wine. The ideal is to rest in the company of a beautiful and intelligent woman.

Nikita is destined for the glorious fate of the conqueror of the world, because the interpretation of this male appeal sounds unambiguous - “winner”.

Name origin

The progenitor of a beautiful popular appeal was the ancient Greek goddess Nike. It was in honor of the daughter of Pallas and Styx, personifying victory, that the inhabitants of ancient Hellas came up with the name Nikita. The meaning of the name for the child accordingly indicates his desire to always prevail.

general characteristics

Little Nikitushka is a dreamer by nature - not a day goes by without him coming up with some kind of story. In his fantasies, the baby often weaves elements of truth that he draws from the surrounding reality.
According to Nikitkin's stories, one can determine his mood: in moments of sadness or resentment, fairy tales will have a depressive character. Thanks to his daydreaming, the boy develops fantasy and memory, which influence his successful studies.
When Nikita is free from writing stories, he likes to play with friends in the yard, sometimes getting nuts from his parents for pampering. Relatives need to take care of the boy, checking with whom Keith hangs out - he is poorly versed in people and can become led by cunning guys with a reputation as yard hooligans.

Positive character traits

Nick is caring: he takes care of younger children, takes care of indoor plants. If an animal appears in the house, then it does not trust the care of it to any of the household members.
The boy has a well-developed imagination, his stories are heard not only by friends, but also by adults. At school, a talented teenager never has problems writing an essay.
If Nikita sets himself a task, he confidently goes to its implementation, despite the obstacles. Thanks to his inherent determination, the guy shows independence earlier than his peers, tries to find a part-time job in order to have his hard-earned money for gifts to his relatives and small expenses.
The owner of the name is excellent at leading other people, he is able to rally a diverse team in order to fulfill a common goal.

Negative character traits

Becoming mature, the character of Nikita becomes too serious. The young man does not know how to take a break from business, he is always ready for a new job, he has a strict look in his eyes, the young man laughs less and less at the jokes of those around him because of an undeveloped sense of humor.
Keith does not tolerate someone else's superiority. If someone proves to be better at work than he is, the guy will work long and hard on himself, trying to outdo the competitor.

Zodiac sign

Gemini is a sign that is more suitable for the name Nikita than the rest.
Mercury, which bestows the ability of clairvoyance and divination, patronizes the owners of the name.
When choosing clothes, the guy named Nikita should give preference to purple tones.
A stone that protects from the negative influence of the surrounding world, for the "winner" is a pomegranate.


Nikitushka, Nikasik, Nikitka, Nick, Nikishka, Nikusha, Kita, Nikushka, Nikushik., Nicky, Kit.

Name Variations

Nikitas, Nichet, Mikita, Anikita, Mykyta, Nick.

Historical figures

1894 - 1971 - Soviet statesman Nikita Khrushchev.
1912 - 1992 - Swiss pianist Nikita Magalov.
1913 - 2004 - Soviet composer Nikita Bogoslovsky.
1917 - 1994 - Soviet physicist Nikita Tolstoy.
1917 - 2000 - Russian scientist Nikita Moiseev.
1938 - 2012 - Russian ballet dancer, choreographer and choreographer Nikita Dolgushin.
1964 - 1991 - Soviet actor Nikita Mikhailovsky.
born 1945 - Film director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov.
born 1946 - Greek politician Nikita Kaklamanis.
born 1955 - Russian film, dubbing and theater actor Nikita Semenov-Prozorovsky.
born 1961 - charismatic actor, singer Nikita Dzhigurda.
born 1985 - Ukrainian footballer Nikita Kamenyuka.
born in 1991 - musician and actor Nikita Presnyakov.
born in 1993 - Russian hockey player Nikita Tserenok.
Russian actors: Nikita Efremov (1988), Nikita Salopin (1970) and Nikita Panfilov (1979).

Nikita is often a gentle, good-natured person, it is easy to communicate with him, he is not vindictive and not cruel. Has many friends.

From ancient Greek Nikita is translated as "winner".

Origin of the name Nikita:

The name Nikita comes from the Greek "Nikitas", meaning "Winner". In Russia, there are many people with surnames formed from this name - Nikitin, Nikitkin, Nikitov.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Nikita:

Children with this name are always smart and quick-witted. Do not engage in conversation with strangers. Sometimes they don't seem to talk. In fact, it is important for Nikita to get to know the person. He will look at him for a long time before speaking. Trust is very important to him.

Nikita loves affection. Shouts don't work on him. They can get offended and withdraw into themselves for a long time. The best approach to them is an explanation of what is possible and what is not. Nikitki do not know how to make independent decisions. Their parents should help them with this. Little Nikitkas should set specific goals. They have a good memory, they study well in all subjects. Nikita is interested in everything. They love to tell different entertaining stories and capture them on paper. Sometimes, it may seem that there are no questions to which they do not know the answers. Nikita sets a goal for herself and strives to achieve it, overcoming all the difficulties that arise. Outwardly, he looks more like a mother, but the character is adopted from his father.

Men with this name know their worth, they are purposeful and well versed in their business. To accomplish the task, they go purposefully, without being distracted by trifles. They are very selfish, from which their loved ones suffer. They have many friends. Nikitas are not opportunists, they do not like to obey, they are deprived of tact and diplomacy.

Men with this name are merry, they love noisy companies, dances, travels. They are easy-going, sociable, able to find a common language with people, however, collective work is not for them. They like to work independently, do not know how to adapt to others. Very hospitable. Women admire them.

Nikitas are very kind and gentle, and many of their friends take advantage of this. Not vindictive. Do not seek leadership and wealth. Most often they are the soul of the company.

Nikita is a man of action, but they need to lead and direct him. Needs constant attention. He is rarely lucky. Colleagues respect him for his diligence. He knows how to make money, not a spender, likes to save and save. The whole salary goes to the family. If Nikita has her own business, she will definitely succeed. He will make a good traveler, director and politician, mathematician or physicist.

Family life is not always successful. But he will do his best to save the marriage because of the children. Nikita loves them very much. In family life, Nikita is the slave, obeys his wife. At work, they are despots and tyrants, but when they come home, they relax and transfer leadership to their spouse.

This name is found in the main characters - the heroes of old Russian fairy tales. For example, in the epic about Nikita Kozhemyak.

For a successful marriage, Nikita will suit women with the names Olga, Ekaterina, Taisiya, Veronika, but Elena, Svetlana, Maria, Kira will not work at all.