List of drugs for the treatment and protection of the female body with mastopathy. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of mastopathy Common components that are part of homeopathic remedies for mastopathy

It has long been the companion of the life of most women, which experts often associate with the lifestyle of modern women.

Many refuse to give birth and pursue a career, someone refuses to breastfeed the baby in fear of spoiled breast forms, and still others regularly run for abortions, getting rid of unwanted children.

All these factors lead to the occurrence of pathological processes in the breast associated with growths of mammary glandular tissues. As a result, mastopathy develops.

Symptoms of the disease

The characteristic signs of pathology are the following symptoms:

  • Compacted areas in the mammary gland. If such seals are relatively large, then we can talk about the development of mastopathy of a cystic nature;
  • Pain symptoms in the chest of a periodic or permanent nature. Usually, a similar symptom worsens on the eve of menstruation, however, after they begin, the pain syndrome decreases significantly. Considering that ladies are different pain threshold, not everyone experiences pain during the development of mastopathy. During the experiments, it was proved that about 15% of patients note the absence of pain, but they have other characteristic symptoms. Sometimes soreness extends to the axillary areas, where the lymph node structures are located;
  • Nodular numerous formations. During self-examination, ladies can clearly feel small multiple nodular formations in the mammary glandular tissues, which indicates the development of a nodular mastopathy process. On palpation, the size and shape of the formations are determined, however, an additional biopsy is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, because breast cancer also has similar signs;
  • Sometimes women have a discharge from the chest that resembles colostrum. Usually a similar secret is released in the postpartum period, before the onset of lactation. The mammary secretion can be secreted spontaneously or after pressure on the nipple. In any case, this symptom characterizes the development of the mastopathy process.

In most patients with any mastopathy form, there is a decrease in the severity of symptoms upon the onset of menstruation. After the end of menstruation, the symptoms gradually begin to intensify, reaching a peak in the period on the eve of the next menstruation.

Methods of treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

Such growths are most often manifested by the presence in the chest of rather large painless formations with clear boundaries.

The danger of such a mastopathy form is its tendency to malignancy, because focal mastopathy refers to precancerous conditions.

The basis of therapy is the normalization of hormonal status and the elimination of concomitant infectious and other pathologies. The use of local drugs in such a clinical case is characterized by low efficiency, therefore, ointments for focal mastopathy are usually not used.

Surgical removal of formations is considered the most optimal, and if malignant cells are detected, axillary lymph node structures are additionally removed.

Homeopathy is a special system of treatment. It is used for many diseases, both acute and chronic. The preparation of medicines is carried out strictly individually and they contain small doses of active substances.

Homeopathy will gently relieve the problem of mastopathy

Homeopathy activates the body's own forces. This helps to defeat the disease without using drug therapy. Homeopathic preparations are prepared from natural raw materials, both vegetable, animal and inorganic origin. This explains the absence of side effects, which makes it possible to use homeopathy for many diseases.

What you need to know about mastitis

One of these diseases is mastopathy, which is expressed in the pathology of the mammary glands. Among women, this disease occupies one of the first places. According to statistics, mastopathy has become more common in young women. There are 2 types of disease known:

  • diffuse mastopathy, in which small nodules form in the chest in large numbers;
  • nodular mastopathy, which is characterized by the formation of a node in the chest.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by pulling pains in the chest on the eve of critical days. If treatment is not carried out, then complications in the form of fibrous formations or cysts are possible. not excluded oncological diseases. Most often, mastopathy affects women who have:

  • large psycho-emotional stress;
  • diseases of the female organs;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • chronic diseases liver.

Therefore, in the treatment of mastopathy is very important. Patients are recommended traditional drug treatment and a number of non-traditional methods. Homeopathic methods for this disease are most in demand in modern medicine. When examining a woman is carried out:

  • general analysis the whole organism;
  • comorbidities are being investigated;
  • the mental state of the woman is checked;
  • emotional disorders are excluded.

If treatment is carried out using the methods of classical homeopathy, then only one drug is prescribed. This is not done to treat ailments, but to improve and restore the body's strength.

To determine the causes of mastopathy, a picture should be drawn up mental health female patients

Benefits of Homeopathic Medicines

The advantages of such methods are that:

  • treatment involves individual approach to each patient;
  • there are no contraindications;
  • patients do not develop addiction;
  • there are no possible side effects from the use of drugs;
  • improvements in treatment occur after 2-6 weeks;
  • The results of homeopathic treatment are persistent and stable.

The active substances in the treatment of mastopathy by homeopathy help patients get rid of pain, remove burning sensation, and reduce swelling. Homeopathy has a positive effect on other damage to the mammary glands. Drugs are safe, but this does not mean that you should self-medicate. A positive result in the treatment of mastopathy is achieved through individual selection of drugs. The success of treatment involves the development of the correct regimen for taking medications.

To clarify the disease, ultrasound examination if the woman is under 35 years old. Mammography is recommended after age 35. In medical consultations, all women are taught to perform self-examination and palpation of the mammary glands. If necessary, a cytological examination is prescribed.

The right homeopathic medicines are selected by the attending physician

Mastopol is one of the highly effective drugs in the treatment of mastopathy. Its effectiveness is explained by the presence of the following active components in it:

  • Calcium fluoratum.
  • Thuja occidentalis, has a high content of monoterpenes. This active ingredients fenchon, thujone, alpha pinene and isotujone. Traditional medicine uses various parts of the plant to treat tumors of benign etiology. Thuja extract is used as an anticarcinogenic agent. Very effective homeopathic preparations are prepared from it.
  • Conium maculatum (spotted hemlock). It contains alkaloids, mainly conine, conidrin, conicein. Traditional medicine uses spotted hemlock as a sedative and anti-inflammatory drug. Hemlock is effective against convulsions and inflammatory processes in the body. If the disease is accompanied by spasms, then hemlock is able to relieve these phenomena.
  • Hydrastis canadensis or goldenseal, which contains isoquinoline alkaloids. Among them are canadine, berberine and hydrastine. In homeopathy, it is used as a tonic. It has a high stimulating effect on the body. Goldenseal is one of the most natural antibiotics.

It is recommended to use Mastopol one tablet three times a day. Use it 30 minutes before eating or an hour after eating. Treatment with this homeopathic remedy is carried out for 2 months. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

Mastopol - a drug based on thuja and hemlock

The effectiveness of the drug

Mastopol is very effective. Already after using the remedy for 2 months, 60% of women with mastopathy showed positive dynamics:

  • decreased density of nodes in the chest;
  • there was a decrease in the size of the cysts;
  • in 40% of sick women there was a decrease and partial disappearance of symptoms of mastopathy;
  • side effects were not detected.

According to sick patients, 90% rated this homeopathic remedy as "good" or "very good".

Conducted studies have confirmed the high efficiency of the homeopathic medicines used for the treatment of mastopathy in women of childbearing age. Among the many advantages of drugs, their high ability to quickly stop painful symptoms in the mammary gland is noted.

The effectiveness of the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathic medicines is confirmed by clinical data. This gives women a great chance to get rid of mastopathy without surgery. An important condition for successful treatment is that women seek advice and treatment only in specialized medical institutions.

    Published by: Laima Jansons March 13, 2017

    Mastopathy is a benign degeneration of breast tissue that affects every third woman. Homeopathic therapy for mastopathy is an effective, harmless treatment that can be combined with traditional practices. It helps to save a woman from the development of the pathological process.

    Homeopathic remedies are indispensable in the treatment of long-term illnesses. Individually selected drugs do not treat a separate disease of the mammary glands - they improve the work of the whole woman's body. Homeopathy eradicates the root cause of the development of the disease, considering the woman's body as a whole.

    Homeopathic remedies are selected taking into account all the characteristics of the patient, including personal ones. Drugs are prescribed according to the principle of treating like with like. This means that the disease will be cured by small doses of the substance that causes the symptoms of the disease in large doses. The goal of homeopathy is to activate the woman's own body forces to fight pathological processes.

    Note! homeopathic treatment mastopathy does not contradict traditional therapy. The drugs can be used as independent agents, or are prescribed in combination, as an additional therapy, depending on the condition, degree of neglect and other individual parameters.

    Mastopathy - what is it?

    Mastopathy is a fibrocystic growth of breast tissue. On the initial stage disease symptoms occur only in the premenstrual period. This:

  • coarsening, an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • soreness when touched;
  • discharge from the nipples (rare).
  • At the initial (diffuse) stage, neoplasms are fragmentary and small (the size of a grain of millet) in size. Further development mastopathy leads to nodular neoplasms of a larger size (with a pea and larger). Painful sensations do not pass, affecting the area of ​​​​the shoulder, armpits. The discharge from the nipples becomes more intense. This stage of the disease is called nodal and is dangerous malignant degeneration.

    Homeopathy in the treatment of mastopathy - pros and cons

    Homeopathic remedies in the treatment of mastopathy, even after surgery, effectively fight the disease, directing all the forces of the woman's body to this. Source: flickr (Eugene rumedicalnews).

    Individually selected treatment of the mammary glands with homeopathic remedies (out of more than 1000 existing today) is capable of:

  • gently, without injuring other organs and systems, affect the tissues of the mammary gland;
  • promote the regression of cystic-fibrous formations;
  • restore hormonal balance in a woman's body;
  • relieve soreness of the mammary glands, swelling.
  • It is impossible to choose the right individual homeopathic remedy on your own. Homeopathic treatment of mastopathy should be prescribed by an experienced homeopathic doctor after an appropriate examination. Source: flickr (ILO in Asia and the Pacific).

    However, in the arsenal of a general practitioner there is a recognized homeopathic remedy for mastopathy - the drug Mastodinon. This is a herbal composite preparation, which consists of potent components. It is used for benign neoplasms, for the prevention and relief of severe forms of PMS. Available in two forms, drops and tablets. The manufacturer is the German pharmaceutical company Bionorica AG. The drug is not recommended for use without a doctor's prescription, since individual intolerance is possible.

    For effective therapy and prevention of complications is necessary:

  • thorough examination;
  • exclusion of possible oncological degeneration of tissues;
  • appointment of qualified therapy;
  • observation in dynamics.
  • Homeopathic medicines are found to be effective in complex therapy mastopathy. However, they are not a panacea.

    Homeopathic preparations of an individual order

    Homeopathy for mastopathy is prescribed for long courses of 3 months. To judge the effectiveness of therapy should not be earlier than the end of the minimum course. Homeopathic preparations are prescribed 1-2 tablets (granules, drops) up to 3 times a day. For the duration of treatment, cigarettes and alcohol are excluded.

    Alternative treatment - homeopathy for mastopathy: how it works and what drugs are used

    Complex therapy is developing in many directions, but alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular. People increasingly feel like a part of nature and trust many years of developments in this area.

    One of the directions of alternative medicine is homeopathy. For almost 200 years, science has developed and improved on the principle of "like cures like".

    Small doses of those substances that in large doses cause symptoms of many diseases can treat mastopathy.

    The therapeutic effect is possible only in dilutions from 200 to 1000 times. Traditional homeopathic preparations are granules, tablets or drops from substances of plant, animal and mineral origin.

    Natural raw materials allow the use of homeopathic medicines by young children and the elderly, as the most problematic segments of the population.

    How does homeopathy work?

    A lot of experience has been accumulated in the treatment of mastopathy with conservative, most often hormonal agents. But it is homeopathy that can eliminate the cause of the disease - hormonal disbalance. Homeopathy activates the body's defenses.

    Concomitant gynecological diseases, endometriosis are treated. Don't ignore liver disease thyroid gland and even the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

    Eliminate stress from your life. Experience has shown that treatment is best. along with hormonal and symptomatic therapy.

    Homeopathy can only cure mild forms of the disease!

    Homeopathic remedies for mastopathy are easier to tolerate, there are practically no side effects, allergic reactions. But you need to be patient. The course of treatment can be 3 months or longer.

    Treatment with homeopathic remedies provides for the help of a doctor who will choose the right remedy, make a unique homeopathic recipe, taking into account all the individual characteristics of a woman. Treatment with one remedy is called classical homeopathy.

    Read also on our website how to treat mastopathy with the following means :

    And also learn about the treatment of mastopathy with folk methods.

    Homeopathic remedies for mastopathy

    So, homeopathy for mastopathy, the drugs are as follows, or rather, the arsenal of treatment should include such remedies:

    One of the causes of mastopathy is the uncontrolled production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. Mastodinon stops the growth of the pathological hormone.

  • "Tazalok" ;
  • "Mammoleptin" ;
  • "Remens" and many other tools that can complete this list.
  • In general, homeopathy has more than 1000 titles. Agree that only a real specialist can know this. The medication and dosage at the time of admission is selected individually .

    There are many specialized homeopathic clinics that, if licensed, can help you. But there is still no clear answer to the question about the possibilities of homeopathy.

    What to look out for

    The clinical picture of mastopathy is easily determined visually and on palpation. Before and after menstruation, the mammary glands swell, tense up and even hurt a lot.

    Possible discharge from the nipples. A woman under 35 is prescribed an ultrasound. after - mammography and, in controversial cases, cytological studies are possible.

    Homeopathy considers the body as a system and the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathic remedies is necessarily combined with the treatment of problems of metabolic, hormonal, vascular and nervous origin.

    Many clinics begin treatment with computerized electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method. Each patient should have their own treatment regimen!

    The effectiveness of treatment will increase certain rules :

  • Reduce the intake of fatty foods.
  • We give up coffee.
  • Limit salt.
  • We use vitamins E and B6 as nutritional supplements.
  • One of the oldest recipes is iodine, if there are no problems with the thyroid gland. We exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet and forget about smoking.

    There is a certain predisposition to this disease. You are at risk if:

  • Depressive, pessimistic, melancholic and often depressed.
  • They didn't give birth.
  • Often artificially terminated pregnancy.
  • Had early menstruation or late menopause.
  • They practiced late feeding of the child.
  • Rarely had satisfaction in the sexual sphere.
  • Logic suggests that women should try to take into account the listed features and exclude them from their lives.

    Doctors know that a strict system for the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy has not yet been developed. And homeopathy is not recognized as an official science at all and develops only thanks to specialists - homeopaths, and in different parts of the globe.

    Western Europe has long recognized homeopathy as the most effective methodology mastopathy treatment. Critics in our country consider homeopathy cheating and point to the placebo effect. Anyway homeopathic remedies help the body cope with illness.

    Having suspected a disease, and then having received a doctor's confirmation, a very serious examination is necessary, and then connection to the treatment of homeopathic remedies, if you have faith in these drugs.

    Even after surgery for diffuse cystic disease, homeopathic remedies can help resolve small nodules.

    Remember. Large pharmaceutical corporations annually develop effective homeopathic remedies and manufacture them.

    You may be interested in information on how to apply with mastopathy :

    And also read here about which products are possible and which are contraindicated in mastopathy.

    Mastopathy- This is a benign dyshormonal disease of the mammary glands, characterized by pathological proliferative processes (growths) in the tissues of the gland.

    Causes of mastopathy

    Mastopathy affects women of reproductive age from 18 to 45 years, the peak incidence of mastopathy occurs at the age of 30-45 years. From the point of view of female physiology, the occurrence of mastopathy is easily explained. Every month in the body of a healthy woman of reproductive age, cyclic changes occur under the influence of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones not only regulate the biphasic menstrual cycle, but also have a direct effect on breast tissue.

    Normally under the influence of estrogens, which are formed in the first phase menstrual cycle proliferative processes occur in the mammary glands, i.e. cell reproduction. Progesterone, which is formed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, limits the action of estrogen, inhibiting the proliferation process.

    Under the influence of unfavorable factors, an imbalance of hormones is formed - a lack of progesterone and an excess of estrogens, which leads to excessive proliferation of breast tissue, mastopathy occurs.

    Sometimes mastopathy develops due to excessive production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. Normally, prolactin is produced in large quantities during pregnancy and lactation to form mother's milk. But it happens that prolactin is excessively secreted outside of pregnancy, which is a pathology and contributes to the appearance of mastopathy.

    In addition to hormonal disorders, possible causes provoking the development of mastopathy include:

    - tumors and inflammation of the ovaries;

    - diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;

    - liver disease;

    - psychological problems - stress, depression, neuroses;

    - irregular sex life, lack of pregnancy and childbirth up to 30 years;

    - frequent abortions;

    - hereditary predisposition;

    - injuries of the mammary glands, including wearing a tight bra with metal bones, which leads to microtrauma of the chest;

    - bad habits - smoking and alcohol;

    - deficiency of iodine in the body.

    There are two types of mastopathy:

    1. Nodular (or nodular) mastopathy with a single seal - a node in the gland. Nodular (or nodular) mastopathy is of 2 types - in the form of fibroadenoma ( benign tumor) or cysts (liquid formation); With this form of mastopathy, the treatment is surgical.

    2. Diffuse mastopathy with multiple nodes in the mammary gland. Depending on the structure of the nodes, diffuse mastopathy can be:

    - mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component;

    - mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component;

    - mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic component (when many cysts are found in the gland);

    - mastopathy of mixed form.

    Mastopathy symptoms:

    The severity of the symptoms of mastopathy depends on the type of mastopathy, on psychological characteristics women and from concomitant mastopathy diseases. Most often, mastopathy is expressed in the form of dull aching pains in the mammary gland on the eve of menstruation (“mastalgia” or “mastodynia”). Characterized by engorgement and an increase in breast volume, which is associated with swelling connective tissue mammary gland. These symptoms most often disturb patients with mastopathy (about 90%), especially with a diffuse form of mastopathy, when chest pains can be unbearable.

    Less often, with mastopathy, there may be discharge from the nipples. The discharge may be white, clear or greenish in color. In exceptional cases, bleeding may occur, which is an alarming signal.

    Self-examination at home with a diffuse form of mastopathy can reveal small nodular seals in the chest; with a nodular form, a single formation in the chest is determined. In 10% of cases with mastopathy increase The lymph nodes in the axillary region, which can also be felt during self-examination.

    Breast self-examination

    Many women confuse mastopathy with signs of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and often perceive such symptoms as a given from nature. However, this is not the case. In the presence of the above symptoms of mastopathy or if any formation is found in the mammary gland, an in-person consultation with a mammologist is urgently needed!

    Diagnosis of mastopathy

    Diagnosis of mastopathy includes:

    detailed interview and examination by a mammologist. The doctor performs superficial and deep palpation (palpation) of the mammary glands both in standing and lying positions, since some formations in the chest can move when changing position. Examines the nipples, checks for any pathological discharge from the nipples. In addition to examining the breast, the mammologist palpates the lymph nodes in the axillary region, in the sub- and supraclavicular regions. Palpation of the thyroid gland is also performed to exclude its pathology;

    mammography- x-ray of the mammary glands - carried out on the 7-10th day of the menstrual cycle. The picture is taken in 2 projections - direct and oblique. Mammography allows you to determine the type of mastopathy and the severity of changes in the gland;

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands is a safer and simpler diagnostic method than mammography. Ultrasound of the breast allows you to clearly determine the structure of education in the breast (cyst, fibroadenoma, etc.). Ultrasound with suspicion of mastopathy is carried out on the 5-10th day of the menstrual cycle for greater information content;

    - if oncology is suspected biopsy(using a thin needle, a piece of tissue is taken from a suspicious area for histological examination);

    hormonal studies- check the level of estrogen and progesterone, if necessary, examine the hormones of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. When detecting ovarian pathology, it is shown gynecologist's consultation ;

    - when a fibroadenoma is detected - it is indicated consultation of an oncologist-mammologist .

    — Desirable liver examination and exclusion of its pathology.

    Video on the diagnosis of breast diseases

    Treatment of mastopathy

    Treatment of mastopathy is selected individually, depending on the type and cause of mastopathy. Treatment of mastopathy can be conservative or surgical, but you should start with changes in lifestyle and nutrition.

    Medical treatment of mastopathy

    Conservative treatment is indicated for diffuse forms of mastopathy and involves the use of hormonal and non hormonal drugs. Treatment is started only after consulting an oncologist to eliminate the need for urgent surgical intervention.

    Non-hormonal treatment of mastopathy

    Treatment of mastopathy non-hormonal drugs prescribed in combination with hormone therapy or separately. The drugs help to quickly stop the symptoms of mastopathy with mild manifestations of the disease, and if a healthy lifestyle is followed, a complete cure can be achieved.

    For non-hormonal treatment of mastopathy use:

  • Vitamin therapy is prescribed for a long time. All patients with mastopathy are shown vitamins of groups A, B, C and E.
  • Iodine preparations (Iodomarin, Iodine active, klamin) help to reduce the proliferative activity of tissues and regulate the function of the thyroid gland. But before their appointment, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist to identify contraindications, such as hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • With mastopathy caused by psychological problems, sedatives are prescribed (tinctures of motherwort, valerian, etc.), psychotherapy.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Diclofenac) for quick relief pain symptom if available.
  • Homeopathic preparations (Remens, Mastodinone, Cyclodinone). Them healing effect is based on a decrease in the level of prolactin in the blood, which leads to the elimination of pathological processes in the mammary gland in hyperprolactinemia. These drugs are prescribed for a long time.
  • Phytotherapy (used only as an adjunct to the main treatment)
  • Enzyme preparations with decongestant, anti-inflammatory, secondary analgesic and immunomodulatory effects.
  • A positive effect on mastopathy of drugs containing indole carbinol has been noted.

    Hormonal treatment of mastopathy

    Hormonal treatment is prescribed to regulate cyclical changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system. Thus, the hormonal background is normalized, effectively influencing the tissue elements of the mammary gland. For this purpose, drugs can be used:

  • gestagens (Dufaston, Utrozhestan, Norethisteron are prescribed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, Progestogel externally for rubbing the chest);
  • prolactin secretion inhibitors (Parlodel) are taken in case of hyperprolactinemia detected from the 10th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle;
  • estrogen-gestagenic oral contraceptives (Janine, Marvelon) are prescribed to women under 35 years of age according to the contraceptive regimen in the absence of ovulation and violation of the luteal phase;
  • Much less often with mastopathy, there is a need to use drugs:

  • antiestrogens (Tamoxifen, Fareston) are taken continuously for 3 months;
  • androgens (methyltestosterone). This group Mammologists prescribe hormones extremely rarely and only to women over 45 years of age due to unpleasant side effects.
  • At any age, hormonal treatment of any disease should be carried out only after a preliminary study of the hormonal status. After 40 years, due to the presence of concomitant diseases, many women have contraindications to hormone therapy.

    Surgical treatment of mastopathy

    Surgical treatment is used for nodular forms of mastopathy, mainly for fibroadenomas, extremely rarely in the presence of a cyst. At small sizes fibroadenomas (up to 2 cm) can also be refrained from surgical treatment - dynamic observation by a mammologist is indicated.

    There are 2 types of surgical intervention for mastopathy - sectoral resection (together with the breast sector, the tumor is removed) and enucleation (husking) of the tumor or cyst (only the tumor / cyst is removed).

    Surgical treatment of mastopathy is used according to strict indications:

    - if breast cancer is suspected according to biopsy data (only in this case, a sectoral resection is performed);

    - with the rapid growth of fibroadenoma (an increase in the tumor by 2 times within 3 months);

    - if the cyst is single, removal of the fluid by puncture (puncture of the formation) is indicated, but in case of recurrence of the nodular cyst, its exfoliation is indicated.

    The operation for nodular mastopathy is performed under general or local anesthesia and lasts an average of 30-40 minutes. The patient is discharged home the next day or the day of surgery. Postoperative sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery.

    Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies

    Treatment of mastopathy is carried out by means that regulate the menstrual cycle and, if necessary, the activity of the thyroid gland - hormonal agents, vitamins and homeopathic preparations.

    For Get well soon lifestyle during treatment is of fundamental importance.

  • It is advisable to limit the consumption of coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate. The fact is that these products contain methylxaptins, which can provoke the progression of diffuse mastopathy and increase pain.
  • You should give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol) and lead a healthy lifestyle - move more, avoid stress, sleep at least eight hours a day; include fish, boiled meat and vegetable products in the diet.
  • A bra should be worn in the correct size and shape - otherwise it can lead to chronic breast deformity or, conversely, to an overload of the ligamentous apparatus.
  • In any form of mastopathy, thermal procedures are absolutely contraindicated - saunas, baths, prolonged exposure to the sun, solarium.
  • Patients are advised to increase the intake of plant foods. Enriching the diet with vegetables, fruits, seafood, while refusing large amounts of tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate, can be in mastopathy and prevent relapses.

    With diffuse mastopathy, drugs from traditional medicine as various compresses for pain relief. For this purpose, grated red beets, fresh pumpkin or warm water are applied to the chest. Rye bread in the form of compresses.

    However, it must be remembered that these drugs do not cure mastopathy in any way, the effect of pain relief from them is only temporary and is often based on self-hypnosis.

    Possible complications of mastopathy:

    - recurrence of mastopathy after treatment. As a rule, this is due to undiagnosed hormonal disorders;

    - mammary cancer. The risk of degeneration into cancer is higher in patients with fibroadenomas. With diffuse mastopathy, such a formidable complication is unlikely.

    Prevention of mastopathy:

    - breast self-examination is the main method of preventing mastopathy and breast cancer, aimed at early detection of changes in the breast, which means that you can consult a doctor in a timely manner and not start the disease. After menstruation, approximately on the 5th-7th day of the cycle, a woman is recommended to palpate both mammary glands in a prone and standing position. Palpation starts from the axillary region towards the nipple. Next, the chest is examined vertically - from top to bottom - with soft movements. If suspicious formations are found, immediately consult a doctor. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be to prevent the development of mastopathy and oncology;

    - pregnancy and lactation, refusal of abortions;

    - regular sex life;

    - taking iodine preparations in autumn and spring, consumption of iodized salt (in the absence of contraindications from the thyroid gland);

    - healthy lifestyle.

    Questions and answers of an obstetrician-gynecologist on the topic of mastopathy:

    1.I have chest pains. What is better to do an ultrasound or a mammogram?

    Until the age of 35-40, an ultrasound of the mammary glands is preferable, if you are already 40, it is better to do a mammogram.

    2. I accept birth control pills. I constantly feel pain in my right mammary gland. Could it be because of the pills?

    Yes, perhaps contraceptives are not suitable for you, but formations in the mammary gland cannot be ruled out. Contact a specialist.

    3. I was diagnosed with fibroadenoma during pregnancy. What to do, be treated now or wait until childbirth?

    4. I have large breasts, I don't wear a bra at home - I only put it on when I go out. Whether it can provoke a mastopathy?

    5. Do breasts hurt when growing?

    No, most likely, it is a mastopathy.

    6. Is it necessary to treat fibroadenoma if nothing bothers?


    7. I am pregnant and I have mastopathy. Will it be possible to breastfeed the baby?

    8. Can fibroadenoma reappear after removal?

    Cystic mastopathy

    One of the most common diagnoses for women over the age of 35 is cystic mastopathy. According to MBK-10, this disease was assigned number No. 60.1. A pathological process develops in the tissues of the mammary glands against the background of hormonal imbalance. The disease is characterized by the formation of small cysts in the breast, which can grow and develop or remain unchanged and not disturb the woman.

    Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, which can manifest itself in two forms: diffuse and nodular. Many patients are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get rid of this disease forever. If a nodular form is diagnosed, it must be treated by surgical removal, since conservative methods in this case are powerless, they can only relieve symptoms. If we are talking about diffuse mastopathy, which, in turn, is divided into fibrous and cystic, then it can be cured without surgery, but it will take a lot of effort.

    Reasons for the development of pathology

    In medicine, discussions continue about why cystic mastopathy develops. Numerous studies and tests have been carried out to resolve this issue.

    • Violation of the function of childbearing. Confirmed to be more likely to experience symptoms cystic mastopathy women who did not give birth before age 30 had abortions or miscarriages. At risk are also patients who refused breastfeeding, because the mammary glands were deprived of the opportunity to perform their functions.
    • Nervous exhaustion. Frequent stress, prolonged depression, conflicts, worries, and tantrums lead to hormonal imbalance.
    • Poor sex life. Lack of sexual contacts, their irregularity, sexual dissatisfaction have a bad effect on the mental and physical health of a woman.
    • Violation of metabolic processes. The disease affects women who have problems with being overweight, diagnosed diabetes, hyperthyroidism or other diseases of the endocrine system.
    • Pathology of the genital organs. The presence of cysts, a prolonged course of inflammatory or infectious diseases of the genital organs also provokes the development of cystic mastopathy.
    • Wrong way of life. Rigid diets, lack of nutrients in the body, malnutrition, bad habits lead to disruptions in the hormonal balance. chronic fatigue and lack of sleep.
    • Those patients who have a hereditary predisposition to the development of such diseases also fall into the risk zone. It is almost impossible to independently determine for what reason mastopathy has arisen. To do this, you need to contact a medical institution, comprehensively examined, and tested.

      Clinical picture

      The first sign of the disease is soreness of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by swelling of the breast, an increase in its size. A woman is disturbed by aching, dull pain and severe discomfort. These symptoms may be present all the time or appear only before menstruation. The pain is localized at the site of the lesion or radiates to other organs. At first, such manifestations are weak, so many patients do not turn to a specialist, but in vain. The sooner this is done, the higher the chances of a successful recovery.

      Cystic mastopathy is accompanied by the appearance in the tissues of the mammary glands of places of compaction, which then turn into cysts. The size of the tumors varies.

      To the touch they are homogeneous, dense, mobile or motionless. At the initial stage of the development of the pathological process, it is difficult to determine if there are cysts in the chest. This can be done using special diagnostic techniques. If the cysts progress, increase in size, inflammation may develop. This is evidenced by discharge from the nipples.

      In addition to the symptoms characteristic of this disease, there is also a deterioration in well-being, decreased performance, headaches, dizziness. With a disease, problems often appear in the work of the digestive organs, the patient is worried about constipation, diarrhea and other disorders.


      If you take up the treatment of the disease in time, the risk of complications will be reduced to a minimum. Cystic mastopathy in 80% of cases proceeds without complications, does not pose a danger to the patient's life, but this is provided that she consulted a doctor in time, was registered, observed, adheres to the recommendations of the attending doctor.

      If provoking factors are present, women may experience the following consequences:

    • increase in the size of neoplasms;
    • increased symptoms of the disease, the emergence of new ones;
    • progression of the pathological process.
    • In some cases, the cysts are so large that they can be seen with the naked eye. the most serious and dangerous complication mastopathy is its transformation into an oncological disease.

      Some doctors claim that mastopathy is initial stage cancer. But don't worry too much about this. Cancer threatens only in cases where the pathology is left to chance, not treated and controlled. That is why it is so important to diagnose breast disease on early stages, time to start proper treatment then the chances of a successful recovery are very high.


      In the case of cystic mastopathy, it is important to determine not only the presence of the disease, but also the reasons that led to its development.

      In order to make a diagnosis, the doctor first conducts an initial examination and consultation, feels the mammary glands, pays attention to the color of the nipples, the size and symmetry of the breast.

      But this, of course, is not enough, in order to diagnose cystic mastopathy, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies.

    • Ultrasound is a technique without which it is impossible to diagnose mastopathy. It is quite informative, allows you to get information about the presence of seals and growths of epithelial tissue in the mammary gland tissue, as well as about the state of the lymph nodes.
    • Mammography is a method of X-ray examination, which is prescribed mainly to patients older than 40 years. An x-ray is taken to determine if there is a tumor in the breast. Mammography is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
    • A puncture is not performed in all cases, but only if there is a suspicion of cancer. The doctor, using a special needle, aspirates the contents of the cyst, then sends it for a cytological examination.
    • The listed methods are enough to make or refute the diagnosis of cystic mastopathy. But to determine the causes of the development of the disease, a number of additional methods are carried out. First of all, it is necessary to pass a general blood test and an analysis for hormones, then check the condition of the genital and hormone-producing organs.

      How to treat the disease

      The algorithm for the treatment of cystic mastopathy is determined only by the attending physician after collecting information about the patient's health status.

      To get rid of cysts in the tissues of the mammary glands, you should act on the problem from different angles.

      Treatment of mastopathy consists of the following stages:

    • nutrition correction;
    • choosing the right bra
    • vitamin therapy;
    • taking drugs with a diuretic effect;
  • taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • taking drugs with a sedative effect;
  • hormone therapy;
  • homeopathy;
  • taking iodine preparations;
  • traditional medicine;
  • surgical intervention.
  • Treatment of cystic mastopathy is determined depending on the state of health of the patient. First you need to eliminate the cause of the development of the disease. If the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, iodine preparations are prescribed if there are malfunctions nervous system, you need to take sedatives, sedatives.


    With cystic mastopathy, if the formations grow rapidly and progress, an operation may be prescribed. As a rule, it is completely safe for the life and health of the patient, is not fraught with complications and a long rehabilitation period.

    Surgical intervention under general anesthesia. This is either aspiration of the contents, or a sectoral resection.

    In the first case, the operation is performed using a special needle through which the contents of the cysts are sucked out, shortly after which they dissolve. Sectoral resection - removal of neoplasms.

    Even after surgical removal of cysts, there is a risk of recurrence of the disease. If you do not normalize the hormonal background, do not change your lifestyle, cystic mastopathy can develop again.

    hormone therapy

    The main reason for the development of the pathological process in the tissues of the mammary glands is the imbalance of sex hormones in the body. In order for the treatment of mastopathy to be successful, it is imperative to take care of the normalization of the hormonal background. This requires strong drugs, which should be selected with great care, since they have a large number of contraindications and can cause specific reactions of the body.

  • "Tamoxifen" is a hormonal drug, the action of which is aimed at reducing the biological activity of estrogens.
  • "Marvelon", "Janine" - medicines are prescribed to stabilize the hormonal background, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone.
  • "Utrozhestan" - a gestagen, stops the growth of the connective tissue of the mammary glands.
  • To cure mastopathy, you need to establish the functions of the organs responsible for the production of hormones in the body. This is not only the ovaries, but also the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid gland. You can prescribe the right drugs only after a full examination.

    It is important to understand that taking hormonal drugs should be carried out according to the scheme established by the attending physician. Many drugs cause the development of a variety of side effects.

    Traditional medicine and homeopathy

    With mastopathy, traditional medicine and homeopathic remedies can be effective. The main advantage of such drugs is their safety for the body. Decoctions, alcohol tinctures, compresses prepared on the basis of medicinal plants not only relieve symptoms and eliminate the causes of the disease, but also have a tonic, antimicrobial, sedative effect.

  • Red brush decoction - effective folk remedy, which is used for the prevention and treatment of mastopathy. It contributes to the normalization of hormonal balance, helps to relieve painful symptoms.
  • Decoctions and tinctures from burdock are a powerful antitumor agent that stops the progression of the pathological process, preventing damaged cells from becoming malignant.
  • Herbal collection of chamomile, mint, fennel and cumin will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, has a calming, relaxing effect, strengthens sleep.
  • Dill water fights the painful symptoms of cystic mastopathy. A remedy is being prepared based on dill seeds, which are boiled and infused with milk.
  • Among mammologists, homeopathic remedies are a success. They significantly increase the effectiveness of therapy, help relieve symptoms, but do not cause the development of side effects. The use of any medication for mastopathy must be agreed with the attending physician. Nothing can be done without his knowledge.

    Disease prevention

    It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of cystic mastopathy than to treat it. Some preventive measures will help protect the mammary glands, preserve their health and beauty for many years.

    Prevention of mastopathy is as follows:

  • regular visits to the doctor;
  • timely treatment of systemic diseases;
  • established sex life;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • lack of abortions and miscarriages;
  • childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • selection of underwear by size;
  • healthy sleep.
  • Cystic mastopathy does not pose a health hazard if it is diagnosed and treated in time. Ignoring pathology can lead to very complex consequences, up to the development of cancer. Act before it's too late, don't postpone a visit to a specialist for tomorrow, don't forget about regular examinations, and then your breasts will be not only healthy, but also beautiful.

    Treatment of mastopathy during menopause

    Why occurs after 40 years

    After 40 years, every woman already has a specific baggage in the history of diseases. In this case, we are talking about what experienced her reproductive health. It is associated with hormonal balance and the processes that occur in the breasts.

    Fat in the mammary glands under the influence of a changeable hormonal background changes into connective matter. This causes tightness in the breasts. Such a manifestation is considered mastopathy.


    The reproductive organs and mammary glands are subject to the influence of the hormones of the sexual sphere. Any endocrine disorder can cause changes in the entire hormonal system, becoming the initial stage for the formation of a disorder in the chest. The main causes of mastopathy are:

  • a tendency to the appearance of mastopathy by inheritance (all women who have relatives in the family with this disease, tumors in the breasts, including in the absence of complaints, it is necessary to constantly conduct research);
  • age (a small number of women - 10% - can suffer from mastopathy up to 30 years, but after 30 and up to 70 years the number of those suffering from this disease increases 5 times);
  • early onset of the menstrual cycle (12 years) and late stop of menstruation (55 years);
  • lack of lactation or a short period of breastfeeding (less than 6 months);
  • artificial termination of the 1st pregnancy;
  • the birth of the first child at the age of over 25 years;
  • infertility;
  • gynecological disorders (irregular cycle, fibroids, endometriosis, cystic formations on the ovaries, polyps, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, uterus);
  • diseases of the endocrine system and vascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • improper diet (fats and carbohydrates have a great advantage in eating).
  • All sorts of conditions that form a hormonal imbalance can cause painful changes in the mammary glands. Taking into account the fact that mastopathy is considered a background disease for tumor formations, in any case, it is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner and stop dangerous complications.


    At the onset of menopause and long before it, the symptoms of mastopathy are almost the same. Breast disease will infrequently be observed among those who have menopause at 47 years of age. Along with this, with premature (< 45 лет) и запоздалой (>55 years) menopause, the risk of developing mastopathy increases significantly. To avoid most problems, the disease must be detected at the initial stages of its formation. Directly for this reason, any woman should be attentive to her health and know the symptoms of mastopathy.

    Symptoms of the presence of a violation in the mammary glands during menopause:

  • pain in the chest;
  • uneven bumpy surface of the chest;
  • asymmetrical arrangement of breasts;
  • puffiness;
  • probably the release of fluid from the nipples;
  • cracks may appear on the nipples;
  • growth of lymph nodes in the armpits.
  • At risk for the formation of mastopathy during menopause are women who have the following prerequisites for the disease:

  • hereditary factor.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of an emotional nature, which are accompanied by constant changes in mental state and depression.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Inadequate sex life.
  • Lack of a balanced diet and daily routine.
  • Treatment with folk remedies

    Effective therapy for mastopathy is likely with the constant implementation of a single set of measures. A positive attitude and confidence in a favorable result is very important. It has been established that negative emotions are considered aggressive for the human body, as a result of which an intensive formation of adrenaline occurs, causing the formation of the hormone estrogen - and so on along the chain.

    Medicinal features of herbs

    Herbal therapy for mastopathy provides a significant effect under the circumstances of their competent use. For this reason, before starting to take medicinal decoctions, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

    To cure diffuse mastopathy and fibrous diffuse mastopathy, it is recommended to use an infusion of the following herbs:

  • Peony root - 2 tablespoons.
  • Burdock rhizome - 5 tablespoons.
  • Leuzea root - 1 tablespoon.
  • Budra grass - 2 tablespoons.
  • Nettle leaves - 2 tablespoons.
  • Marsh cinquefoil - 4 tablespoons.
  • A series - 4 tablespoons.
  • Celandine - 2 tablespoons.
  • Red clover - 5 tablespoons.
  • Calendula - 2 tablespoons of flowers.
  • prickly tartar - 2 parts.
  • The list of these herbs should be mixed in the indicated ratio. Pour boiling water over everything. Let it brew for about 5 hours, then strain the mixture. The decoction should be taken 0.5 cup 3 times a day approximately 1 hour before meals. Course - 1 month. Then take a break for 10 days.

    Therapy of mastopathy with the help of celandine suggests not the only way to use this plant. For example, a warthog-based ointment is considered a very effective method in the fight against this disease. To make it, you need to crush one teaspoon of dried celandine leaves and mix it with two tablespoons of butter. This mixture should be heated in a water bath for 10 minutes.

    What you should know - celandine is considered a poisonous herb. You can not use it on your own, as a tincture inside - the wrong dose can lead to intoxication. For this reason, you should first consult with your doctor.

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Mastopathy in the XXI century worries every second woman. The disease can be manifested by compaction of the entire gland (diffuse form) or the appearance of individual seals (nodular form). Mastopathy occurs as a result of a hormonal "skew" towards estrogens, due to which there is an excessive growth of various breast tissues and the formation of cysts.

There is also a second stimulator of cell growth processes in the mammary gland - the hormone prolactin secreted by the pituitary gland. Too high prolactin causes excessive breast engorgement and swelling in the second phase of the female cycle.

Mastopathy as a condition of the mammary glands, in which the risk of developing neoplasms increases, requires active treatment. In addition to traditional complex therapy, including hormonal medications, mammologists also prescribe homeopathic preparations Mastodinon and Mamoklam, which give a good therapeutic effect. However, before the widespread use of drugs for mastopathy in the clinical practice of mammologists, gynecologists, oncologists, homeopathy has come a long two hundred years.

Read in this article

modern homeopathy

Homeopathy is one of the directions of alternative medicine, the founder of which is german doctor Samuel Hahnemann. His theory was that "like cures like". The term "homeopathy" is translated as follows: homeo - similar, pathos - pathology. Homeopaths believe that for the treatment of a certain disease, small doses of those substances that, in large doses, cause symptoms of this disease, can be used. Traditional homeopathic preparations, among which there are granules, drops and tablets, are prepared from various substances of plant, animal and mineral origin. Medicinal substrates are in them in very high dilutions - 200, 500, 1000 times, but it is in such quantities that they produce the desired therapeutic effect.

Treatment is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor who has received a special education, who practices a holistic approach to the patient's body by determining the constitutional and personal characteristics of each individual.

Homeopathy is very popular in Western Europe, such as Germany, France, England, because homeopathic medicines are absolutely harmless, affordable, have no side effects, they can be taken by both adults and children. Homeopathy treats many acute and chronic diseases, and is an excellent means of preventing so many diseases. For example, bronchial asthma, arthritis, SARS and even allergies can be successfully treated with it.

In addition to "classical" homeopathy, in medicine, high-quality complex homeopathic preparations that are versatile enough to treat different people from any specific disease that ordinary doctors can prescribe without special knowledge in this area.

What homeopathic remedies are used in mammology

Such a remedy is the homeopathic medicine for mastopathy Mastodinon in the form of drops and tablets, which is produced by the pharmaceutical company Bionorica AG (Germany). This drug affects the mechanism of the disease associated with the hormone prolactin. It consists of substrates from several plants: Angus castus, Ignatia, Caulophyllum thalictroides, Cyclamen, Lilium tigrinum, Iris.

It “works” against prolactin, in particular, it reduces its production in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland (Angus castus), the other components help it by acting on the “pituitary - ovaries - mammary glands” chain and regulating the production of estrogen and progesterone, their ratio and, accordingly , chest condition. Such a regulatory effect of "Mastodinon" is also used in the treatment of other forms of "female" imbalance (PMS, menstrual irregularities).

How to take the drug "Mastodinon"

Mastodinone may be a component complex treatment mastopathy or an alternative hormonal treatment. For example, in the case when it is not possible for a patient to prescribe hormones for a number of reasons, or she categorically refuses such treatment. Depending on preferences, the doctor may recommend Mastodinon to a patient of any age (except for pregnant and lactating women) in tablets of 2 pieces several times a day or 30 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a small amount of water. When prescribing the latter, he takes into account that their basis is ethanol, therefore, he first finds out from the woman how comfortable it will be for her and her liver to take a medicine with a high alcohol content.

Like any homeopathic remedy, Mastodinon for mastopathy must be taken 20 minutes before meals or 40 minutes after. It is also necessary to exclude or significantly reduce the intake of alcohol and smoking during the course of treatment. Side effects in the form of an allergy to individual plant components and a small increase in weight are extremely rare. It is possible to judge whether Mastodinon helps with mastopathy in 3-6 months. Like any homeopathic medicine, it works slowly but surely.

The drug "Mamoclam"

Another complex homeopathic remedy that deserves the attention of doctors and their patients when it comes to is Mamoklam. The main active ingredient of the drug is a concentrate of brown seaweed, which contains a large amount of iodine (100 mcg per tablet). In addition, with Mamoklam, a woman's body receives Omega 3 fatty acids and chlorophyll. Such a composition ensures the regulation of the hormonal chain "thyroid gland - ovaries - mammary glands", normalizes the level of sex hormones and, accordingly, the growth of cells in the breast tissues, that is, it has a therapeutic effect in mastopathy.

Mamoklam treats various forms of diffuse mastopathy independently and as part of complex treatment. The doctor usually prescribes it 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 1-3 months. The course can be repeated in 1-3 months. However, it is contraindicated in women with hyperthyroidism, goiter, thyrotoxicosis, with diseased kidneys, during pregnancy and lactation.

Indications for use

The preparations "Mastodinon" and "Mamoklam" with mastopathy reduce mastalgia, dissolve seals and cysts in the mammary glands in various forms of diffuse mastopathy. Most mammologists give positive feedback about this remedy and note significant improvements in the treatment of mastopathy in many women with these and other complex homeopathic remedies.

If the treatment of the diffuse form of mastopathy by a mammologist did not improve, which included complex homeopathic preparations, then after a thorough examination and exclusion of tumors and the nodular form of mastopathy, a woman can seek help from a homeopathic doctor.

The homeopathic method of treating mastopathy affects the constitutional, natural predisposition of the patient to hyperplasia of estrogen-dependent tissues throughout the body. A homeopath, through careful individual selection of a homeopathic remedy, can regulate the disturbed endocrine mechanism and normalize the condition of the mammary glands, including after surgery for nodular forms of mastopathy. Homeopathy for mastopathy helps prevent recurrence of the disease and the occurrence of tumors in other reproductive organs of a woman.

Mastopathy - fibrocystic disease - a benign disease of the mammary gland, characterized by pathological growth of its tissues, pain, and sometimes pathological secretion. This disease is associated with a hormonal imbalance in the body, at the basis of the development mastopathy lie violations of reproductive function and sexual life.

Main complaints.

  • Coarseness of the mammary glands;
  • Thickening and swelling in the mammary glands
  • Discharge from nipples.
  • Formation of single or multiple cysts
  • Thyroid hormone imbalance.
  • Excessive division of epithelial cells, proliferation of connective tissue.

correct mastopathy homeopathic treatment occurs through the selection of a constitutional drug, which should normalize and harmonize the work of all systems and organs of a woman.

The following are recommendations not for treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy , but for possible homeopathic help during an exacerbation. These recommendations are not a substitute for sound medical or homeopathic therapy.

Aconite napellus (Aconite)- Fever. Sometimes with fever. The glands are dense, hot to the touch. Discharge, but stopped by cold or emotion. A state of anxiety.

Apis mellifica (Apis)Heat, no sweat. Puffiness, seals. Burning or sharp pain as from a bite. Increased sensitivity to touch. Inflammation. Relief from cold applications.

Belladonna (Belladonna)- The chest feels heavy. Red stripes radiate from the nipple. Throbbing pain. Heavy head. Constipation and scanty urine. Inflammation. The pain comes and goes suddenly.

Bryonia alba (Bryonia)- Mammary glands are heavy as a stone. Heat, induration, pain, but without much redness. Cutting pain when moving or raising the arm. Feels sick and tired. The first stages of the inflammatory purulent process

Bufo rana (Bufo)- Mastitis. The glands are filled with pus. Sensation as if the glands were bursting. Redness and swelling in the region of lymphatic flows.

Cactus grandiflorus (Cactus)- Scrofulous (scrofulous type) with increased sensitivity to cold; suppuration and inflammation of the glands, with fullness in the chest.

Carbo animalis (Carbo animalis)– Puffiness, inflammation, sensation of fullness of the glands; severe pain while breastfeeding. Worse from pressure.

Carbo vegetabilis- (Carbo vegetabilis)- Thickening of the chest with a tendency to suppuration

Chamomilla (Chamomilla)mammary glands hard, sensitive to touch, with drawing pain. Irritability. Insomnia and restlessness.

Hepar sulphur (Hepar sulfur)- opens the foci of suppuration and prevents the spread of the inflammatory process. Dagger pains.

Lachesis mutus (Lachesis)- the rud has a bluish or lilac color; jerking pain in the glands, radiating to the arm. Chilliness at night and hot flushes during the day.

Mercurius solubilis (Mercurius)- Hard swelling of the glands; inflammatory and purulent processes. Increased sweating at night.

Phosphorus (Phosphorus)- Inflammation, discharge of pus from the glands. open fistulas. Focal redness. Burning pain. Constantly oozing liquid with an unpleasant odor. Fever and night sweats.

Phytolacca decandra (Phytolacca) Hard glands, shriveled chest, open large fistulas, open sores, watery discharge, fetid pus. The nipples and glands are very sensitive to touch. The pain spreads from the nipples all over the body. Improvement in the evening.

Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla)- Mastitis from mechanical trauma. Mastitis in young girls. Sensitivity to touch. Does not tolerate stuffy rooms.

Silicea terra (Silicea)- Fistulas and ulcers with rough edges. The discharge is watery, turning into purulent.

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