The smallest breeds of cats. What are the smallest cats? The shortest cat in the world

Little kittens always and in everyone cause genuine admiration: fluffy cute lumps with a touching expression of the eyes will delight even the most animal lover. But, like all babies, kittens tend to grow up and become adults and independent cats. However, among the cats, an absolute champion in size was established, because, being a kitten by age, he remained it in adulthood, becoming an exception among his fellows.

This tiny cat is named Mr. Peebles. An unusual kitten was born in the small town of Beijing (Illinois).

The first owner did not like the little naughty very much, and when a veterinarian came to his farm, giving another vaccination to his dog, he offered to take the kitten for himself. Donna Sussman (that was the name of the veterinarian) really liked the baby, and she gladly took him.

At a very young age, this kitten easily fit in the palm of an adult man, and there was still free space! And in the photographs of this feline celebrity, you can see Pibbles sitting in a small glass, and at that moment he has already become a completely adult cat - his body size is so small.

What is the reason for such a small size?

From that moment on, Pibbles settled in a veterinary clinic. However, over time it turned out that the baby is not growing. Based on the examination of the baby by the doctors of the clinic, it was concluded that Pibbles is a perfectly healthy adult and mature cat. He continues to feel great, but has completely stopped growing. What is the reason for its so small size?

According to veterinarians, this is due to certain genetic changes that caused the animal to stop growing. At the same time, the size of the kitten's mother is completely standard; she does not belong to the breeds of dwarf cats. However, the exact size of the kitten's father is not known. Mr. Pibbles at the age of 2 years has a body length of 15 centimeters (not including the length of the tail), and his weight is 1.3 kg.

Veterinarians sent a request to the records committee, and in 2004 Mr. Pibbles was officially recognized as the smallest cat in the world. Now he is the absolute champion among all felines in his very miniature size.

How is the smallest cat feeling?

An employee of the veterinary clinic, Donna Sussman, said: - the cat feels great, he has a very affectionate character, and prefers to sleep between her and her husband. To maintain his normal weight, he is provided with at least four meals a day. After all, the slightest loss in weight will instantly affect such a small body of an animal and can harm its health.

At the same time, every employee of the veterinary clinic where Mr. Pibbles lives can feel like the owner of the record holder, since he was cared for jointly by the whole team. The cat is attached to every employee of the veterinary clinic, because everyone has a very tender and reverent attitude towards their pet - after all, hardly anyone can offend such a tiny cat.

Today, Mr. Pibbles is considered the official record holder among cats with the smallest body sizes, listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Other contenders

There were other record holders for small sizes among cats. They also aroused genuine interest in all people and were famous representatives of the cat family all over the world.

For example, in 1990 in the USA, a small kitten named Tinker Toy. Initially, the baby was no different from the rest of the kittens of his litter, but it gradually became clear that the kitten continues to be completely tiny.

The dimensions of his body were surprisingly small: only 7 centimeters in height and 19 centimeters in length (this size is indicated without taking into account the length of the tail), while the age of the animal was 2.5 years. The weight of the baby was 680 grams. The Tinker Toy breed is a Himalayan-Persian, owned by cat Katrina and Scott Forbes.

Tinker Toy died in 1997. This cat was originally the smallest cat in the world.

An animal living in San Diego also claims this title. This cat is named Heed, and at the age of three and a half months, his weight is less than one kilogram, and his height is only eight centimeters.

Since he is not yet an adult and mature cat, Mr. Pibbles currently holds the palm.

Mice and rats have caused many problems for people in all ages, which carried dangerous diseases and in a short time could destroy huge stocks of grain in the barn. Fleeing from the invasion of rodents, people sheltered at home their natural enemy - a wild cat. Where and when a man first let a wild cat into his house is still a very big mystery to scientists.

Origin of dwarf cats

Archaeologists believe that the cat, like a pet, lives with a person under the same roof for almost ten centuries. In a tomb found in Cyprus dated to 7500 BC, a cat skeleton lies next to a human skeleton. The close proximity of cats in prehistoric times is also evidenced by rock paintings and frescoes.

In Egypt, the pharaohs deified the cat, endowed it with supernatural powers, and considered it a sacred animal.

Dwarf cats, like most new species in zoology, were discovered quite by accident. It all started with ordinary kittens who, for no apparent reason, "did not want" to grow to normal size.

Many longtime cat lovers remember the buzz in magazines and television that was caused in 2004 by an adult cat standing upright on its hind legs in an ordinary water glass.

There are kittens large breeds, like the Maine Coon, which during the year from a small fluffy lump that fits freely in the palm of your hand, turn into a huge adult cat weighing up to 10 kilograms.

And there are miniature breeds, which, despite their age, appearance and size almost indistinguishable from small kittens.

Currently, there are 3 hypotheses for the origin of dwarf breeds of domestic cats.

First option

Quite rarely (on average, one case per 100 thousand) in the genetic apparatus, due to random events, a gene mutation occurs, and the kitten stops growing. If this random mutation turns out to be stable, will be inherited, and the animal turns out to be viable, a new breed of dwarf cats will arise.

Second option

The emergence of a new breed of cats is the result of a targeted selection of felinologists and nursery workers to breed a new breed. By crossing between cats and cats that stopped growing at an early age, they translate the “wrong” gene that determines the cessation of growth into a dominant state.

If the change in the chromosomes is fixed in the DNA, then the "dwarfism gene" begins to be inherited.

Third option

The emergence of a new breed occurs as a result of exposure to the sex cells of cats with radioactive radiation, a laser and chemicals. Geneticists change the sequence of genes in the DNA chain that control the rate of growth and development. If successful, the modified genes are inherited, kittens are born, which, some time after birth, stop growing.

Content Features and Issues

Small purrs due to small stature and some features anatomical structure bodies have moments that require increased attention from the owners:

  • paws and pads of cats in winter should be protected from the cold;
  • you can’t play with a midget cat when it is at a high altitude (more than 50 centimeters), in case of an accidental fall, it will not have time to take the correct position for a soft landing in flight (grouping with its paws down) and can severely injure its paws or spine;
  • in accordance with the recommendations of the veterinarian, vitamins and green grass can be given to the cat in winter and spring;
  • in the process of walking with a purr on the street, you should very carefully observe the environment, traffic and dogs, since short paws will not allow the purr to quickly escape from danger.

Dwarf cats, when kept in captivity, require a lot of attention from the owners for a number of reasons:

  • due to the structural features of the spine in dwarf cats, if left untreated, heart and lung diseases may develop over time;
  • the diet of pets must be balanced, otherwise rickets and destructive changes in the musculoskeletal system may develop;
  • dwarf cats can climb into places where it will be very difficult to get them (a gap under the bathroom, narrow gaps between standing furniture);
  • dwarf cats reach puberty somewhat later than usual (usually by 1.5-2 years);
  • it is advisable to cover the floor in the apartment with a thick carpet, because due to the structural features of the skeleton (short legs and a smoothed bend of the spine), if a cat falls to the floor, a serious injury to the spine or a broken paw can occur;
  • to maintain health for dwarf mustachioed pets, it is advisable to regularly give a vitamin complex recommended by a veterinarian, as well as fresh herbs (a balanced intake of trace elements and vitamins in the body of a purring pet helps strengthen the bones of the skeleton, prolong life, and reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors);
  • for winter walks on the street, you need to purchase in a store or sew a warm coat on your own that completely covers the torso and paws; walking a mustachioed pet without warm clothes is not recommended so that it does not freeze the pads on the limbs.

miniature breeds

Surely every person at least once in his life had to meet with midget people. Adult men and women with this genetic disorder are similar in height and clothing size to 10-year-old children.

Similar genetic metamorphoses are found among human whiskered companions. The names of breeds of miniature cats are well known to felinologists, owners of catteries and owners with whom a furry companion lives under the same roof:

  • dwarf cats toy-bean;
  • dwarf cats munchkin;
  • dwarf minskin cats;
  • dwarf cats of Singapore;
  • dwarf cats Napoleon;
  • pygmy rusty cat;
  • dwarf African black-footed cat;
  • dwarf dune cat;
  • dwarf cat bambino.

toy bean

The breed of the world's smallest short-haired dwarf animals, outwardly resembling a Thai cat. Bred in Rostov-on-Don by artificial selection from a Thai cat in 1983-1994. The eyes of animals of this breed are resistant to blinding by daytime sunlight. Adult males and females weigh from 0.9 to 2.5 kilograms, in their appearance and weight they correspond to a 4-month-old kitten of an ordinary cat.

They have a calm disposition, do not show aggression towards a person, are easily trained and amenable to training. love to sit in vertical position on a short tail. Kittens of this breed are able to make sounds similar to the barking of a dog. A shortened tail and a large rounded head give the impression of strength and confidence.

A piquant sign of this breed is a short tail 2-3 centimeters long (like a lynx).


The breed arose by natural selection. The first midget kitten of this breed with short curved legs was discovered in Louisiana in 1983 (USA). This new cat breed received official recognition only in 1991. Munchkin cats are distinguished by a dense muscular body, elongated hind legs, and a strong skeleton.

The tail, proportional to the length of the body, when running, cats and cats of the Munchkin breed are held vertically upwards. Short paws have a slight curvature to the inside. The weight of Munchkin cats ranges from 3 to 4 kilograms, the weight of cats is from 2 to 3.6 kilograms.


Miniature cats without hair. In appearance, they are similar to sphinxes, however, they are much smaller. A new breed arose by artificial selection at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries in the United States.

Smart and courageous Minskins understand a person perfectly. You can take them with you to the country, on vacation at sea and on a business trip. They easily adapt to new conditions, get along in the same room with dogs, parrots, rabbits and hamsters.


The first cat was found on the street in Singapore in the mid-70s. She made a great impression on the specialists, who immediately began the procedure for registering a new breed. In the shape of the head and ears, the cat found in Singapore very much resembled the Thai breed. When determining the pedigree of a cat from Singapore, its "genetic twins" were found in America.

Most likely, this cat came from America to Singapore by accident.


This breed was bred by crossing a Munchkin and a Persian cat. According to genetic characteristics, Napoleon is a dwarf Persian. The breed was bred in 1995 by American Joe Smith. The new breed was registered by the International Cat Association (TICA, USA). In Russia, selection work with the Napoleon breed is carried out by the Assoluks association and its partners.

The maximum weight of an adult female of this breed is about 2 kg, an adult male is about 3 kg.


The word "bambino" means "baby" in Italian. The creators of the breed initially wanted to bring out a shaggy kitten, which always remains small, with good health and good character. The breed arose as a result of repeated matings of the Munchkin and the Canadian Sphynx. The breed was bred by an Italian breeder.

Dwarf cats also exist in wild nature:

  • rusty, lives in India and Sri Lanka, the weight of an adult individual of this breed does not exceed 1.5 kilograms;
  • African Blackfoot, this wild cat from the Red Book lives on the African continent, at the age of 1 year it reaches a weight of 1 kilogram;
  • dune, a small cat with paws covered with thick fur, lives in the desert, feeds on birds, spiders, rodents and snakes, moves along sand dunes at a speed of up to 40 km / h, attracts representatives of the opposite sex with loud cries, similar to barking dogs.

Probably, many cat lovers would like their kitten to never grow up, but to remain the same sweet, playful and spontaneous baby. Breeders helped the dream come true - they brought out dwarf cat breeds that retain the funny look and habits of a kitten until old age.

Dwarf cat breeds

If miniature dogs have been popular since ancient times, then the fashion for dwarf cats has appeared quite recently. And it all started with the Munchkins. Lovers of original cats liked their incomparable paws so much that breeders soon showed the world a whole “bouquet” of new short-legged breeds, in the creation of which the Munchkin was somehow present. For example, in alliance with a Persian, he made a Napoleon, with a sphinx - a bambino, with a curl - a kinkalow, and so on.

Felinologists have an ambiguous attitude towards experiments on breeds that carry genetic mutations. And, for example, in Germany, crossing sphinxes with munchkins is completely prohibited. The thoughtless pursuit of the hilarious appearance of cats can cause serious harm to these animals. But the demand for exotics is growing, and with it the number of cat and dog "miniks" is growing. The less - the more expensive.

Baby cats have big loving hearts

Since many of the miniks have short legs, the main criterion for assessing breed dimensions is the weight of the animal, and not its height or body length. The undoubted leadership in the "design" of designer breeds belongs to American breeders.

The Italian word "bambino" is translated as "baby". The creators of the breed conceived the bambino as an eternal child - a cat that will remain a kitten until old age and with its touching appearance will encourage a person to care and other good feelings. As already mentioned, this "child" came from purposeful matings of Munchkins with Canadian Sphynxes. The name of the breed was suggested by one of the initiators of its creation, an Italian breeder.

Bambino is always ready to play

The largest cat of this breed weighs up to four kilograms. Watching the bambino, you understand: the game is the main meaning of his life. These cats are sociable and friendly, they enthusiastically respond to any offer to play - no matter who it comes from: from an adult or a child, from another cat or even a dog.

Bambino kittens cost from six hundred dollars - a very modest price for such exotic animals. The popularity and demand for this dwarf breed is growing, respectively, more and more offers for the sale of kittens appear in catteries.

Video: bambino - "suede" cats with short legs


The emperor of France, after whom this cat was named, had a proud, albeit cocky disposition, and was also distinguished by his small stature. This image was imagined by the American breeder Joe Smith, conceiving a new breed, the founders of which he chose royal Persians and Munchkin babies.

Alas, the name of Napoleon's cat is just a joke, and the great Bonaparte would never have dared to pet this lovely creature. After all, as you know, the French emperor suffered from ailurophobia - the fear of cats. By the way, in 2015 the breed received a new name - minuet.

The name of Napoleon's cat is nothing more than a joke of the creator of the breed

Napoleon weighs no more than two kilograms. Having inherited from the Persians a round muzzle and large expressive eyes, the short-legged descendants "abandoned" the flattened Persian nose - the Napoleons have a proud, almost Roman profile, and therefore they never sniff, do not snore and have no other problems in this area.

These are generally almost trouble-free cats with an ideal character, much better than that of their crowned namesake. Even caring for Napoleon's luxurious fur is not difficult - it combs well and does not fall into felt, like the Persians.

The average cost of a small thoroughbred Napoleon is about nine hundred dollars. Individuals with beautiful long hair of spectacular solid colors are especially highly valued:

Video: napoleon - hassle-free cutie


This very rare breed is bred only in a few breeding nurseries in New Zealand and the USA. "Lemkin" is translated into Russian as "lamb" - this name was given to cats for their soft curly coat and gentle docile nature. Lamkins (or lambkins) are the fruits of love between Munchkins and Silkirk Rex. Therefore, they are sometimes also called nanus rex.

Lamkin really looks like a tiny curly lamb

In adulthood, the weight of a lamkin can range from one and a half to four kilograms. Such a large range of body weights and other significant differences in the appearance of animals are explained by the fact that the breed is still too young and unstable. No one can say exactly how many lamkins live in the world now - perhaps only a little over a hundred.

You will rarely meet Lamkin at exhibitions - firstly, they are offensively few, and secondly, the breed has the status of experimental according to TICA. And the registration of the breed in TICA as an experimental one does not mean its recognition. But this does not prevent the lamkin from remaining one of the most expensive cats in the world - breed fans sign up for kittens long before they are born, and the cost of such a curly baby starts from three thousand dollars.

Video: few people have seen lamkin - but he is!

No matter how they call Munchkins: dachshund cats - for short legs and a long body, magpie cats - for thieves' passion for small things, kangaroo cats - for the ability to sit “column” for a long time ... In fact, the breed got its name from a small fantastic folk, invented by the writer Lyman Frank Baum.

The history of the breed is quite interesting. In 1983, a strange short-legged cat was picked up and sheltered by a kind American woman. To the surprise of the hostess, the cat, which she named Blackberry, after a while gave birth to kittens - the same short-legged as herself. From this cute family, all modern munchkins lead their pedigree.

A true gentleman munchkin - the ancestor of the short-legged cat "folk"

The average weight of a munchkin is three kilograms, but there are individuals that weigh more - up to five kilograms. So this is far from the smallest of the dwarf cat breeds. Munchkins are made up of virtues: they are smart, extremely charming, friendly, cheerful and accommodating. The curiosity of this cat literally knows no boundaries and ... obstacles - he examines all the corners, cabinets and shelves in the house, without fail hiding a few things he likes "as a keepsake".

"Magpie Cat" - a lover of fumbling through the boxes

What else makes Munchkins happy is their good health. In litters there are usually both short-legged and "usually pawed" kittens. If the former cost about a thousand dollars, then the latter can be bought three times or even four times cheaper. At the same time, they will be real Munchkins - in everything but the length of the paws - with a pedigree and the right to participate in breeding.

Video: all about these amazing munchkins

Skookum is an exotic and somewhat unexpected name for a cute curly cat, because in translation from one of the Indian languages ​​\u200b\u200bthe word means "strong, huge, powerful, unbending." Like most toy breeds, the Skookum is also a descendant of the Munchkin, with the LaPerm being its second ancestor.

Skookum cat, "huge and mighty"

The weight of skookums can range from one and a half to four kilograms. They may seem larger than their actual size due to the cloud of wonderful curls that they proudly carry on themselves. Such incomparable wool can really be proud and admired - of course, if the owners pay enough attention to caring for it. A pet-level skookum can cost upwards of $600, while a show animal costs several times more.

Video: Skookum - a curl with a golden character

The Singapura cat is almost the only dwarf breed that does not come from America, but from Asia and has a fairly long history. The name “Singapura” clearly speaks of the country of its origin: it was in Sigapur that very special “mutts” cats lived from ancient times, and one of the most elite breeds in the world led its pedigree from them.

Like most native breeds, the Singapura boasts strong immunity and a stable nervous system which largely determines the health of the cat.

Singapura - "alien" from the cat family

Singapura cats weigh up to two kilograms, and the largest cats - up to three. They are distinguished by the unique quality of wool, ticked color and incredible, "alien" eyes with a piercing look. Surprisingly, these babies mature very late - only by two years.

The cost of Singaporean kittens ranges from three hundred to almost two thousand dollars - depending on the breed qualities and the availability of a package of documents

Video: singapura - a small cat with huge eyes

The kinkalow cat (or kankalow) managed to combine all the best from the parent breeds - a funny appearance from the Munchkin, and from the American Curl - not only exclusively curled ears, but also much more important qualities: a wonderful character and good health. These American-bred cats are famous for their high intelligence, which is especially valuable in combination with their childish spontaneity.

The owners are touched by the ability of the kinkolow to freeze for a long time in the pose of a meerkat - to sit in a column on its hind legs, leaning on its tail. Until recently, only inquisitive munchkins were able to demonstrate such an exclusive “landing”. For a short-legged cat-baby, such a skill can dramatically improve the overview of the surroundings.

Kinkalows can "sit in a column" like their Munchkin ancestors

The weight limit for an adult kinkalow cat is three kilograms. The breed is very difficult to breed, because the genetics of the kinkalow is still unstable and unpredictable - in each litter there can be kittens with the appearance and heredity of either Munchkins or Curls. All babies are born with normal ears, and only from the age of one and a half weeks they suddenly begin to twist back in some kittens.

The felinological organization TICA recognized the kinkalow back in 1997 - but only as an experimental combined breed. Kinkalow is difficult to translate literally from English: kink means curl (meaning the shape of the ear), and low means short (this is about height).

There are only a few dozen "pure" kinkalows in the world. Such kittens cannot cost less than a thousand dollars, or even many times more - if they are delivered from overseas nurseries. However, non-standard kittens, which are the majority in litters, can be bought much cheaper - for two hundred or three hundred dollars - and they will have a kinkalow pedigree, although these babies can look like anyone.

Video: kinkalow - short legs, curled ears

A young dwarf breed originally from the American state of Massachusetts, obtained by successively crossing four breeds: the Canadian Sphynx, Munchkin, Devon Rex and Burmese. An inquisitive and sociable fidget Minskin loves his master and does not tolerate loneliness.

These amazing cats look like monkeys. The Minskin has hind legs higher than the front ones and a very long tail. He also has a very expressive muzzle with huge eyes and ears. The creation of a new breed began in 1998 with ... a drawing - the "author" of the Minskins, a young American, Paul McSorley, came up with a strange cat and sketched his portrait on paper. Under this image, a cat was “molded”, which no one has yet seen - and now it fully corresponds to its portrait.

Minskin - an eternal kitten, similar to a monkey

Representatives of the breed do not grow heavier than three kilograms. Interestingly, they are not completely devoid of wool - in some places along the folded body there are islands of fur, short, soft and very pleasant to the touch. In this they differ from the absolutely hairless Bambino breed, of which Minskins are considered a variety. But four breeds were used to create Minskins, and two breeds for Bambinos.

Minskins differ for the better from many other designer cat breeds in that they do not have serious health problems. Their correct breeding is monitored by the international felinological association TICA, which not only officially recognized the experiment with Minskins as a success, but also proposed a separate program to control the development of this unusual breed.

By American standards, the price of a Minskin kitten is not too high, as for a designer breed - a pet-class baby can cost about six hundred dollars on average. But if you intend to buy this miracle in the US nursery, add the shipping costs to the cost - the amount will increase significantly.

Video: Minskin - a gnome cat with big ears

Charming bald heads with curved ears are the product of the most complex selection of American felinologists. The mini-breed was bred on the basis of the Canadian Sphynx, to which the blood of the American Curl and Munchkin was added. The result is three mutations in one dwelf: hairless, short-legged and "ear-horns".

The breed is very rare and young. Getting a full-fledged dwelf is very difficult, because in one litter these cats can have the most diverse and sometimes incredible combinations of the qualities of their ancestors - from long-legged munchkins to shaggy sphinxes. Usually only one kitten fully complies with the standard of a new breed, well, a maximum of two.

Dwelf - an angel with the appearance of an imp

The weight of an adult animal of this breed infrequently exceeds two kilograms, and breeders strive to further reduce the size of the dwelf. However, it is necessary to experiment in this direction with great care, since breeding cat miniks is already extremely difficult. With proper selection of the parent pair, the triple breed mutation does not negatively affect either the health or the genetics of the offspring.

The exclusivity of this unusual breed also dictates its very high price - the cost of a kitten that meets the standard starts from two thousand dollars.

Video: dwelf - three mutations in one cat

Scythian Tai Don - the smallest breed

Scythian-tai-don (or Scythian-toy-bob) takes first place in the ranking of dwarf cats. A very unusual breed is the pride of Russian felinology, as it was bred in Rostov-on-Don. The first officially registered kittens were born in 1987.

The Rostov breeder Lyudmila Krasnichenko brought out and all this time supervises the breed of the smallest cats. The ancestor of the breed was a kitten named Kutsy, who was born from Thai parents, but strikingly differed from littermates in small dimensions and a short tail.

Skif-tai-don is a special pride of Russian breeders

The Scythian Tai Don does not grow larger than a five-month-old kitten of ordinary breeds and weighs an average of two kilograms. Toy bean crumbs are very beautiful and harmonious, which is always noted by experts at exhibitions.

Despite the domestic origin of this supermini, its price is very high and averages two thousand dollars. Kittens cost significantly more than cats.

Video: the smallest breed - Scythian Tai Don

Many more domestic breeds can be included in the pool of dwarf cats, however, among outbred animals there are individuals that differ in their miniature dimensions.

Photo gallery: miniature cat breeds

Minskin is also called a cat-dog - for devotion to the owner Kinkalow is a funny but very expensive cat Singapura - a descendant of street cats Skookum - a cat-sheep with a loud name Scythian-tai-don - non-standard Thai In one dwelf - three mutations at once Munchkin is the "father" of all short-legged minis Bamibino may have a small funny tassel on its tail. Napoleon - the owner of a regal appearance and sweetest character Hypoallergenic cat with big eyes and ears The Balinese cat is a relative of the Siamese There are only a few dozen lamkins in the world

Little record cat

Dwarf cats do not necessarily have to belong to rare and expensive breeds. Super-little cats are also found among outbred cats - such as, for example, a handsome man named Mr. Peebles, who lives in an American city... Beijing.

Veterinarian Robin Svendson took a liking to a friend's kitten and adopted it. But after examination, I found out: this is not a kitten, but an adult cat, the development of which for some reason stopped in childhood. Weighs Mr. Peebles is one and a half kilograms, his body length is 18 centimeters.

Other Powerpuff Girls are also known; here are just a few of them:

  • cat Bitsy (Baby), Florida (USA) - height 6.5 cm, weight 1.5 kg;
  • cat Tinker Toy, Illinois (USA) - height 7 cm, weight 680 g;
  • kitten Heed, San Diego (USA) - height 8 cm, weight less than 1 kg.

Features of dwarf cats

Many miniature breeds are difficult to keep and even more so to breed - only experienced breeders are recommended to start such animals. Already by the fact of their existence, exclusive dwarf cats, which cost a lot of money, are one of the elements of prestige - like other expensive luxury items. But they are not toys at all - they are alive, they require attention, love, caring competent care, proper nutrition, and often, unfortunately, treatment.

What problems arise

When the dream comes true, and the long-awaited kitten finally moves into your home, this happy moment will be the beginning of big changes - not only in his life, but also in yours. Be prepared for this in advance to warn possible problems and minimize risks - all this should not interfere with a long and joyful future together.

So, the choice has already been made - we hope it was conscious and successful. You really pulled out a lucky ticket if the pet had three main factors:

  • he is healthy and has no hereditary pathologies;
  • he has a strong and stable nervous system;
  • the breed qualities promised to you are really present.

If something, as they say, goes wrong, then the reason may not necessarily be the breeder's deceit or your own mistake. Genetics is an extremely strange thing, and it is impossible to foresee what kind of animal will grow out of an adorable baby and what problems this may cause.


It is the fact that miniature breeds were predominantly bred on the basis of one or more genetic mutations that determines most of the health problems in these cats. So, in general, very healthy Munchkins are sometimes diagnosed with lordosis, an incurable congenital pathology. thoracic spine. This severe disease was passed along the chain to other young breeds derived from Munchkins.

The spine, curved with lordosis, compresses internal organs which can lead to the death of the animal

Lordosis is diagnosed by x-ray. The danger of the disease is that the curved spine puts pressure on the internal organs: lungs, heart, stomach and greatly complicates their work. To facilitate digestion, doctors recommend a special diet for sick cats.

The shorter the legs, the more problems there may be.

Another problem that is characteristic of all short-legged paws is directly related to the paws - cartilage tissue does not develop properly, and the joints become immobile. Other genetic problems in different mini-breeds include the following:

  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and polycystic kidney disease - from the Persians;
  • myopathy, obstruction respiratory tract and skin diseases - from sphinxes;
  • cystitis and skin hypersensitivity - from laperms.

Animals with poor heredity must be removed from breeding and sterilized.


Due to their short legs, many mini-cats are more defenseless than ordinary ones. They can easily climb or even jump to a height without much difficulty, but a jump back, down, can harm them, up to broken legs and a broken muzzle. Such animals are not always able to land on all four legs.

Short legs do not prevent the Munchkin from running and even jumping

But short-legged people are most at risk on the street - they are not able to protect themselves: run away from a dog or a car, quickly climb a tree. Therefore, these kids should not be allowed to go on independent walks. Walk with them on a leash, they love it.

Walking with your beloved owner - what could be more beautiful?

Nuances of care and maintenance

Caring for miniature cats is, in principle, no different from caring for animals of the usual size - you just need to take into account the breed characteristics of wool or its absence.

How to care

The longer and thicker the fur of a baby cat, the more often and more thoroughly it is necessary to comb it out: during periods of molting, it is better to do this daily. Bathe your pet once every three months - or if he is very dirty. At least once a week, you need to clean the ears, eyes and teeth, and also maintain an acceptable length of the claws.

Caring for minis is no problem.

Hairless "miniks" require special care and increased care: they need to be washed regularly with special shampoos, protected from the cold - so as not to get sick, as well as from direct sunlight - so that delicate skin does not burn.

How to feed

A complete, high-quality, balanced diet is the foundation of any cat's health. Since minis are characterized by increased activity, their menu should also be energetically saturated, regardless of what kind of food the owner considers it necessary to give the pet - ready-made or natural.

Save money on feeding your pets

An exception is sterilized or neutered animals - for them it is better to choose a specialized food that will help to avoid obesity and prevent urolithiasis.

Video: miniature domestic cats

How to choose a dwarf kitten

Short-legged cats are a rarity in Russia. And if you want to get a high-bred animal with rare blood for our latitudes, then it will have to be delivered from afar, most likely from across the ocean. Healthy kittens usually tolerate such long transportation well and should not be a problem.

Problems can arise when you receive a live "package" and suddenly find out that its contents do not match what you dreamed about. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. Can risks be minimized?

This blue dream may well settle in your home

Better closer than further

Of course, the task is simplified if the future owner has the opportunity to personally go for the chosen baby. On the spot, in the nursery, you can get a lot of useful information:

  • get to know the breeder directly;
  • find out the real conditions of keeping and the condition of animals in the nursery;
  • see littermates and parents of the baby, their tests and other documents;
  • observe the behavior of the kitten in the conditions familiar to him;
  • “live” to conclude an agreement and discuss the nuances of caring for a pet.

If possible, look at the parents of your future pet

The fact that a kitten of a rare dwarf breed should be purchased only in a reputable breeding cattery and exclusively under an agreement with a breeder is not even discussed. This is an axiom, an immutable rule for the purchase of thoroughbred animals - of course, it can be fulfilled with a remote purchase, but personal contact is still more preferable.

If there is an opportunity to choose between a kitten from distant countries and a baby of domestic breeding, perhaps it would make sense to lean in favor of the second option? "Tit in the hands" is more reliable in many respects, especially since recently large Russian breeders are starting to breed popular mini-breeds:

  • munchkin;
  • singapore;
  • Napoleon;
  • bambino and some others.

You can choose a Scythian-Tai-Don kitten personally, and not by correspondence

By the way, if you want to buy the smallest breed in the world, you won’t have to go far for it - Scythian-Tai-Don cats are the result of Russian selection, and the breeding cattery of this dwarf breed is actively working in Rostov-on-Don. At the same time, support, so to speak, domestic producers.

Decide on desires and opportunities

Of course, the problem of choosing a pet is not at all limited to the “close-far” framework - this is a very serious issue, and you need to take it with full responsibility:

  1. Do not get a kitten spontaneously - just because, for example, your friends have the same one.
  2. Discuss the breed and gender of the pet with your family in advance - you will not have a toy, but a new family member.
  3. Decide whether you need a show animal or a pet - the price of a kitten depends on this.
  4. Get as much information as possible about the characteristics of the breed you have chosen - there should be no unpleasant surprises.
  5. Consult with experts, in which nursery it is better and more reliable to make a purchase.
  6. Do not rush to pick up the baby from mom too early - by four months he will be fully vaccinated and strong enough to move to a new place.

And be sure to take care of the dowry for your pet in advance - everything should be ready by the time he arrives at your house. And it will take a lot, because even dwarf cats grow very quickly, their interests and needs can change dramatically in just a few months.

Many cat owners, watching with affection for a small playful pet, dream that their pet will never grow up and remain the same playful and mischievous kitten for life. Breeders were able to make this dream come true and created miniature cats that, even as adults, look like small charming kittens.

The smallest breeds of cats in the world have gained incredible popularity among fans of the feline family and there are more and more people who want to have such a miniature pet every year. There is even a special rating of these cats.

Miniature fluffy cats with short legs and long hair immediately won the recognition of fans around the world thanks to the naive expression of a pretty muzzle and the open look of large, round eyes.

It remains a mystery why these animals got such a name, because the irony lies in the fact that the great commander was terribly afraid of cats. Napoleons weigh from 2.5 to 4 kilograms.

Another amazing miniature cats - located in ninth place in the ranking. They were bred as a result of crossing Munchkins and, having inherited short legs from the first, and bare, hairless skin from the second. These little charming creatures are extremely gentle and affectionate pets and love to sit in the owner's arms or on their laps.

From Italian bambino is translated as a child. And these cats are quite true to their name, because even as adults, they behave like mischievous playful kittens. Animals weigh no more than 2-4 kilograms.

In eighth place are funny miniature creatures with funny curls - lamkins. The founders of these curly cats were Munchkins and. Thanks to the wavy coat, the lamkin looks like a little lamb. And even their name is translated from English as a lamb.

The owners of these cute animals will have to devote a lot of time to a curly pet, because the lamkin needs constant attention and care. The weight of adult cats does not exceed 2.5-4 kilograms.

Short-legged takes the seventh line in the ranking of the smallest cats. Due to their long body and short legs, these animals are also called dachshund cats. Unlike other miniature felines that were bred artificially, the Munchkins were created by Mother Nature herself.

The owners of these amazing animals often compare their pets to kangaroos, as short-legged cats love to sit on their hind legs, leaning on their own tail.

These creatures also love to arrange hiding places in the house, in which they hide small gizmos from the owners. The weight of these cats varies between 1.5-3.5 kilograms.

Another dwarf cat, bred from Munchkins and ranks sixth in the ranking. This is a skukum, a cat with short legs and fluffy, curly hair. Miniature curly animals are extremely playful and inquisitive pets that behave like little playful kittens even in old age.

They are interested in every corner in the house, and their miniature size contributes to the fact that these cats penetrate into any, the narrowest gap. Skukum weighs no more than 2.2-3.5 kilograms.

In fifth place are one of the most exotic and amazing pets - a cat. They were bred as a result of crossing, Munchkins and. These unusual creatures with large curved ears, bald skin and short legs look like cute aliens from a distant galaxy. The Dwelf character is very friendly and affectionate.

These miniature, alien-like cats require constant attention from their owners. And if you do not devote much time to communicating with your little pet, they can be offended and even become slightly depressed. These amazing creatures weigh from 1.8 to three kilograms.

Charming oriental beauty - takes fourth place in the ranking. These adorable animals, with iridescent fur and huge eyes, have lived in manholes and seaside docks for many years, which is why the locals contemptuously call them "children of the sewers."

These beautiful creatures became known all over the world thanks to the American Tommy Middow, who brought several representatives of this breed to America, where they aroused great interest among specialists.

Now Singapuras are considered one of the most expensive and rare cats. After these cats gained unprecedented popularity, the attitude of the people of Singapore towards them changed dramatically and they were even made the mascot of the island. Singaporean beauties weigh from 2.5 to 3 kilograms.

The top three is opened by the minskin, which appeared as a result of the marriage of the sphinx and the munchkin. Distinctive feature These miniature creatures are tufts of wool on short legs, which is why they are also called hobbits, like fairy-tale characters from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

These unusual cats are very agile and agile and can easily climb a tall cabinet or climb curtains onto a ledge. True, they are not able to go down from there on their own, and the owner often has to rush to the aid of his naughty little pet. Minskin weighs from 2 to 3 kilograms.

The honorable second place in the ranking of the smallest cats is occupied by the Kinkalow, a descendant of the same Munchkins and American Curls. From their parents, these miniature creatures inherited short legs and neat, curved ears. Kinkalows are sociable, inquisitive and playful pets and are never bored with them.

Despite their small size, these animals are in no way inferior to their larger relatives in strength and agility and are able to climb the highest shelf or cabinet surface. The weight of these cats does not exceed 2-3 kilograms.

The smallest cats in the world are those who are the undisputed leaders of the dwarf cat chart and take first place. These amazing creatures with a short tail and bright blue eyes are also called pygmy bobtails. Scythian tai dons are extremely intelligent, inquisitive and playful animals.

They also have one interesting feature. When this miniature Scythian tai-don wants to attract the attention of the owner, he lies on his back and begins to purr loudly.

Needless to say, not a single owner can resist the charm of his pet and immediately tries to pick him up and caress him. These miniature cats weigh from 900 grams to 1.5 kilograms.