Network City Yakut Pedagogical College. Northeastern Federal University

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Northeastern federal university named after M. K. Ammosov
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov"

Corps of Faculty of Natural Sciences, 2013
international name North-Eastern Federal University
Former names

Yakut State Pedagogical Institute (1934-1956)

Yakut State University (1956-2010)

Year of foundation 1934
Year of reorganization

2010 (NEFU)

Type federal university
The president Evgenia Mikhailova
Rector Anatoly Nikolaev
students 18444 (as of 10/01/2018)
Undergraduate 10827
Specialty 3650
Master's degree 2574
PhD 367
The doctors 176
teachers 1366
Location Russia, Yakutsk
Campus urban
Legal address 677000, Yakutsk, st. Belinsky, 58
Media files at Wikimedia Commons

North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov (Yakut. M. K. Ammosov aatynan Khotuguluu-Iliҥҥi Federal University) (previously "Yakut State University named after M. K. Ammosov") - diversified federal university in Yakutsk; the largest higher educational institution in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the scientific and educational center of the North-East of Russia. The university is one of the 10 federal universities in the country, which are focused on solving geopolitical problems and meeting the staffing needs of large interregional investment projects.

NEFU was officially established in April 2010 on the basis of the Yakut State University named after M.K. Ammosov, a university with a 75-year history.


The pre-revolutionary period in the history of Yakutia, as well as in the Russian Empire as a whole, was characterized by a low level of education of the population. So, in 1907, the Yakutskaya Gazeta wrote that only one Yakut had a higher education.

However, the importance of higher education was discussed in Yakut society. The first to write about the need to open an educational institution in Yakutsk to train personnel from the local population was the head of the Borogonsky ulus, Alexei Arzhakov ( Sehen Ardyakyap). On September 18, 1789, he personally presented to Empress Catherine II his “Plan on the Yakuts with an indication of state benefits and the most advantageous provisions for them.” In the "Plan" of Alexei Arzhakov, in particular, it was said that it was necessary to establish in the city of Yakutsk "a school for the Yakut people, who should be taught Russian literacy and other sciences ... so that they would henceforth be fit for public and state service and for the enlightenment of their relatives." The multifaceted program of "cultivation" of the Yakut educator A.E. Kulakovsky - Eksekulyakh Eleksey, set out in the work "The Yakut intelligentsia", suggested, among other things, the creation of a system of vocational education.

At the beginning of the XX century. in Yakutsk, the number of students in educational institutions was: in a real school - 119, a women's gymnasium - 126, a theological seminary - 58, a men's theological school - 117, a women's diocesan school - 80, an exemplary school at the seminary - 36. In the pre-revolutionary period, the Yakut people also studied at universities and institutes in other parts of Russia. In the Yakutsk region, there was an active propaganda of the opening of Tomsk, then Irkutsk universities. A significant part of the population of the region made a feasible material contribution to the establishment of these universities, which are also being opened for Yakutia.

Yakut State Pedagogical Institute

In 1934, the Yakut State Pedagogical Institute (YGPI) was opened. For 22 years the Institute has trained 2535 teachers. The teaching staff of the institute: the first director of the institute I.P. Zhegusov, leaders and organizers of the educational and scientific process: I.A. Melnikov, S.F. Popov, teachers-social scientists P.M. Kornilov, I.K. Fedorov, V. A. Tsvetkov, mathematicians I. I. Sharapov, S. V. Rodionov, physicists Yu. G. Shafer, A. S. Kovalevsky, M. A. Alekseev, philologists V. V. Yakovlev, N. S. Grigoriev, K F. Pasyutin and others.

Among the graduates of the institute there are well-known scientists, teachers, politicians and statesmen: full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. F. Krymsky, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences N. G. Solomonov, laureates of the Lenin Prize D. D. Krasilnikov, N. N. Efimov, People's Teacher of the USSR M. A. Alekseev, First Secretary of the OK CPSU G. I. Chiryaev, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the YASSR A. Ya. Ovchinnikova. At its departments, doctoral dissertations were prepared by A. E. Mordinov, I. M. Romanov, A. D. Egorov, L. N. Kharitonov, F. G. Safronov; from among the first students subsequently defended doctoral dissertations and became professors A. I. Kuzmin, N. S. Ivanov, G. P. Basharin, N. K. Antonov, G. F. Krymsky, G. L. Elovskaya, N. G Solomonov, E. I. Korkina, V. F. Afanasiev, D. A. Danilov, V. M. Anisimov, I. S. Portnyagin, D. E. Donskoy, I. E. Tomsky, V. S. Lukovtsev , N. G. Samsonov, P. A. Sleptsov, N. E. Egorov, N. D. Dyachkovsky, N. V. Emelyanov, M. S. Voronkin, G. G. Makarov and others.

Yakut State University

Yakut State University (YaSU) was formed by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 23, 1956 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 28, 1984. Yakut State University was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Since 1990, the university has been named after M. K. Ammosov. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) M. E. Nikolaev dated February 6, 1993, YSU was given the status of the Head Institute of the Republic, responsible for the organization and quality of humanitarian, socio-economic, pedagogical and natural science training of specialists. In 1991, on the basis of the Information Computing Center, the Center for New Information Technologies was organized. In 1999, a grant was won for the creation of an Internet technology center. Since 1996, Yakutsk State University has been the curator of the scientific and social program for youth and schoolchildren "Step into the Future". The public academy "Step into the Future" was organized at the university. In the rating classification of universities for 2005, out of 92 universities, YSU took 30th place.

Northeastern Federal University

On October 21, 2009, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed the Decree "On the establishment of federal universities in the Northwestern, Volga, Urals and Far Eastern federal districts." On November 17, 2009, the Academic Council of YSU adopted the Decree "On the establishment of the Federal Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University"". On April 9, 2010, at a meeting on the modernization of higher professional education, held in Novosibirsk, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced the appointment of Yevgenia Mikhailova, Vice President of Yakutia, as Rector of the North-Eastern Federal University. On April 22, 2010, at the VIII annual national award "IT-Leader" in Moscow, Yakutsk State University named after M.K. On April 26, 2010, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 435 "On the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov" was issued.

June 30, 2012 in St. Petersburg with the participation of the Committee of the Federation Council on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy, the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Science and High Technologies, the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Education, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Quality and Marketing , journal "Nanotechnologies. Ecology. Production” the VI All-Russian Conference “Problems and Prospects for the Development of Higher Education and Science in the Russian Federation” was held, as well as the results of the competition “100 Best Universities and Research Institutes of Russia” were summed up.

More than 140 people from more than 50 regions of the country took part in the work of the conference and the final part of the competition. North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov (rector - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences E. I. Mikhailova), became the owner of the nomination "The Best Socially Oriented University".

North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov was included in the final list of organizations - laureates of the competition "100 Best Universities and Research Institutes of Russia".

On June 26, 2019, by order of the government of the Russian Federation, A.N. Nikolaev was appointed rector of the North-Eastern Federal University. M. K. Ammosov for a period of five years.


The university includes 5 research institutes, 12 institutes, 5 faculties, 3 branches - the Polytechnic Institute in the city of Mirny, the Technical Institute in the city of Neryungri and the Chukotka branch in the city of Anadyr, which was opened at the end of 2010, as well as 2 colleges and 1 lyceum.


  • Mining Institute
  • Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Institute of Natural Sciences
  • Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies
  • Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
  • Institute of Psychology
  • Institute of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Institute of Languages ​​and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation
  • medical institute
  • Pedagogical Institute
  • Financial and Economic Institute
  • Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Road Faculty
  • Geological Prospecting Faculty
  • History department
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Law
  • Polytechnic Institute (branch) of NEFU in Mirny
  • Technical Institute (branch) of NEFU in Neryungri
  • Chukotka branch of NEFU in Anadyr
  • NEFU College of Infrastructure Technologies
  • College of Law
All-university departments
  • Department "Northern Studies"
  • Department "Philosophy"
  • UNESCO International Chair "Adaptation of society and man in the Arctic regions in the face of climate change"
Additional education
  • Institute of Continuing Professional Education
  • Faculty of pre-university education and career guidance
Inclusive education
  • North-Eastern Research and Innovation Center for the Development of Inclusive Education
Research institutes
  • A.E. Institute Kulakovsky
  • Research Institute of Mathematics
  • Research Institute of Olonkho
  • Research Institute of Applied Ecology of the North NEFU named after Professor Dmitry Dmitrievich Savvinov
  • Research Institute of Regional Economics of the North
Centers, polygons, laboratories
  • Botanical Garden
  • NEFU laboratories
  • NEFU centers
Secondary general education
  • Specialized Educational and Scientific Center - University Lyceum

The international cooperation

International cooperation is one of the main aspects of NEFU activity. Northeastern Federal University cooperates with dozens of partner universities, colleges, and research centers around the world. The unique geopolitical position of the university determines the priorities of interaction, which primarily include the countries of the Asia-Pacific and Arctic regions. NEFU fruitfully cooperates with universities of the Republic of Korea, Japan, China, USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Great Britain, Germany, France, Poland, Switzerland, CIS, etc. [ ]

On December 10-12, the city of Yakutsk will host anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the oldest forge of the republic's teaching staff - the Yakutsk Pedagogical College. S.F. Gogolev. November 10 People's Deputy of the Republic, Chairman of the College Alumni Association Elena Golomareva held a working meeting on the organized holding of anniversary events.

The Yakut Pedagogical College has been counting its history since 1914. With the opening of the teacher's seminary in the republic, the professional training of teachers, the formation and development of the education system began. The college went through four stages of development. In 1920, the teacher's seminary was transformed into a pedagogical technical school, in 1937 - into a pedagogical school, since 2001 it has been operating as a pedagogical college. At the same time, the most important and unchanged mission is always the training of highly qualified teaching staff.

At the origins of the creation of the college were bright representatives of the Yakut people: the leader of the pre-revolutionary national intelligentsia, a public figure, an educator, a delegate to the All-Russian Congress of Public Education, from the rostrum of which he made a petition to open the Yakut Seminary Vasily Nikiforov-Kulүmnүүr, the first Yakut linguist who compiled the Yakut alphabet in 1917 Semyon Novgorodov.

Outstanding public political figures of Yakutia were trained within the walls of the teacher's seminary: Platon Oyunsky, Maxim Ammosov, Semyon Arzhakov, Isidor Barakhov, Stepan Gogolev, Mikhail Ksenofontov (Megezhek), Stepan Vasiliev. The Pedagogical College opened a bright road for the first generation of scientists: A.E. Mordinov, G.P.Basharin, V.N. Chemezov, F.G. Safronov, I.M., Romanov, HELL. Egorov, S.F. Popov; folk writers of Yakutia N.E. Mordinov, S.R. Kulachikov, D.K. Sivtsev; prominent figures of art and culture T.P. Mestnikov, V.V. Mestnikov, M.V. Mestnikova, I.D.Novgorodov and many others. Graduates of Pedagogical School No. 1 have become generally recognized masters of pedagogical work. Among them, the people's teacher of the USSR Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev, honored teachers of schools of the RSFSR, RF, YASSR, RS (Y), excellent students of public education of the USSR and the RSFSR, education of the RS (Y), holders of the highest awards of the Motherland, leaders of public education of the republic. Graduates of the Yakutsk Pedagogical College are the Deputy of the State Assembly (Il Tumen), Chairman of the Standing Committee on the Problems of the Arctic and Indigenous Minorities of the North Elena Golomareva, Deputy of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of several convocations, now Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Yakutia Alexander Kim, ex - vice-president of the republic, now the minister of vocational education, training and placement of personnel Dmitry Glushko, sports minister Mikhail Gulyaev.

In 1933, the pedagogical college was named after a prominent statesman, a graduate of the Yakut Teachers' Seminary Stepan Gogolev. Stepan Filippovich its bright, but very short life devoted to the fight against illiteracy, advocated compulsory primary and seven-grade education in the republic. In 1922 - 1933 Stepan Gogolev worked as Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, People's Commissar of Justice and Prosecutor of the Republic, People's Commissar of Education, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1934, thanks to his progressive actions and efforts, the first university in the republic was opened - the Pedagogical Institute, the progenitor of the current NEFU. He is known as a staunch, selfless, devoted to the cause of the revolution, a tactful and delicate worker, a talented politician and leader.

In the memory of many generations of students and teachers, the names of honored teachers of schools of the RSFSR and YASSR are kept M.I. Kershengolts, S.S. Gurieva, T.E. Mordinova, G.I. Sleptsova, K.I. Filippova and others. Teachers of the Pedagogical College had great authority among their students. The founder of Yakut literature worked here as teachers Aleksey Eliseevich Kulakovskiy – Eksekuleeh Eleksey famous writer, author teaching aids on Yakut literature Alexey Ivanov - Kundya, national poet of Yakutia Vladimir Novikov - Kunnuk Uurastyyrap, highly respected and revered by students teachers - humanists M.P. Romanov, O.P. Shirokov, A.G. Antipin and etc.

For a century of history, the college has earned the widest recognition and authority of one of the leading educational institutions not only in its native republic, but also in the Russian Federation. Today, the Yakut Pedagogical College is recognized as one of the best educational institutions of vocational education in the republic, included in the All-Russian register "100 best secondary schools in Russia", the national register "Leading educational institutions in Russia", "Innovative management in education".

The activities of the college in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years are organized on the basis of the Plan of anniversary events. During this time, various activities have been carried out. This year, work with graduates of the educational institution was organized, scientific and methodological events were held, events for young people were held under a separate program: various competitions, student actions, volunteer landing, athletics run, etc. The main anniversary celebrations will be held on December 10-12. According to the program, master classes of graduates “100 golden minutes of creativity” for college students, a scientific and practical conference “Yakutsk Pedagogical College: a look into history”, a presentation of the anniversary book, the opening of an exhibition, a round table “Teacher is a long-range profession, the main one on Earth ". A gala evening dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the college will be held on December 11 at the Triumph Sports Training Center.

Yakut Pedagogical Institute

The development of education and science in Yakutia was the dream of the best representatives of the Sakha people. The first to write about the need to open an educational institution in the city of Yakutsk to train personnel from the local population was the head of the Borogonsky ulus A. Arzhakov, commonly known as Sehen Arzhakov. On September 18, 1789, he personally presented to Empress Catherine II his “Plan on the Yakuts with indications of state benefits and the most advantageous provisions for them.” In the "Plan" A. Arzhakov, in particular, it was said that it was necessary to establish in the city of Yakutsk "a school for the Yakut people, who should be taught Russian literacy and other sciences ... so that they would henceforth be fit for public and state service and for the education of relatives their own." Program "Cultivation" of the beginning of the XX century. the great Yakut educator A.E. Kulakovsky-Eksekyulyakh assumed the training of local educated personnel for the future development of the Yakut region. In 1917, there were only 188 cultural and educational institutions in the Yakutsk region. Among all the inhabitants of the region, literates accounted for 2%, among the indigenous Yakut population - 0.8%

A.E. Kulakovsky

By the beginning of the XX century. in the capital of the northern region, there was already a network of educational institutions: a real school, a teacher's seminary, a theological seminary, a medical assistant's school, and a women's gymnasium. The will of the people for education, for the idea of ​​a higher school, was one of the first to be expressed by S. Novgorodov, a graduate of St. Petersburg University. In 1919, in the article “Yakuts and the University,” he raised the question of opening a department of Yakut philology at Irkutsk University. His dream came true in 1930, when such a department was opened at the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute. By the academic year (1931/32) there were 502 teachers in seven-year and secondary educational institutions in the republic, of which only 13 had a higher education. Out of 979 primary school teachers, only 133 teachers had the appropriate education.

Planned training of specialists for the republic in the central universities of the country began in the summer of 1922. If in 1922 there were 63 Yakut students studying in these universities, then in 1931-1932 there were already 786 people. The year of the birth of higher education in Yakutia can be considered 1930, when the Yakut branch for teacher training was opened at the Irkutsk Agro-Pedagogical Institute. In 1930, 56 graduates of higher educational institutions arrived in the republic from the center, of which: teachers - 9, doctors - 7, economists - 8, engineers - 14, agricultural specialists - 10. Since the autumn of 1931, general education for children 8 - 13 years old. Mass construction of schools began. Questions were raised about the elimination of illiteracy and the training of teaching staff. Intensive preparatory work on the opening of a pedagogical institute in Yakutia was carried out in 1932-1934. It was entrusted to the People's Commissariat for Education of the YASSR.

Basharin Georgy Prokopevich

Much organizational work was carried out by the then People's Commissar of Education of the YASSR I. N. Zhirkov, his deputy I. M. Romanov, and I. P. Zhegusov, appointed director-organizer of the Pedagogical Institute. M. N. Skryabin, the head of the department of schools of the OK VKP (b), helped in solving many issues. On January 3, 1933, the Presidium of the YATsIK decided to organize a pedagogical institute in Yakutsk with a total of 100 first-year students. However, in 1933 the institute was not opened due to the lack of material resources and teaching staff. The opening in 1934 of the Yakut State Pedagogical Institute (YAGPI) was an important milestone in the political and spiritual life of the peoples of Yakutia. The Yakut Pedagogical Institute laid the foundation for the development of higher education in the Far North of the country. Over a relatively short period of time, it trained over two thousand specialists who played an exceptionally important role in the development of the economy and culture of the republic. The question of opening a pedagogical institute in the city of Yakutsk at one time caused lively controversy. Many considered it inappropriate to open a university in Yakutia, as it required significant costs and efforts. It was easier to send young people to study at the universities of the Center and Siberia. However, life has refuted such reasoning. Many highly qualified teachers, honored teachers of schools of the republic and the Russian Federation, excellent students of public education, executives, writers and poets have grown from the graduates of the YSPI. I.P. Zhegusov was appointed the organizer-director of the YAGPI. According to the project of the technician E.G. Antipina restored the abandoned building of the former real school. In a short time, two hostels for a hundred people each were built on Sergelyakh. The number of copies of books in the library has grown from four to tens of thousands, many of them were donated to the Pedagogical Institute by the poet S.R. Kulachikov-Ellyay and I.P. Zhegusov.

Student enrollment was a major problem. In the autumn of 1934, instead of the planned 90 people, only 59 were admitted to the departments of physics and history, 27 entered the preparatory department. Due to the lack of teachers in the republic who wanted to get a higher education, they were reluctant to let go of schools. And yet, in three and a half years of work, Ivan Pudovich managed to do a lot. He opened a preparatory department. From the 1935 - 1936 academic year, students of the Pedagogical Institute were admitted to the correspondence department: physics and mathematics, history, language and literature. By the 1938 - 1939 academic year, the institute already consisted of four faculties. It was I.P. Zhegusov laid the foundations for the material and technical base of the YaGPI, for the first time implemented the ideas of multi-level and multi-stage education. In two or three years, educational laboratories in general physics were created. Here the main contribution was made by senior lecturer Yu.G. Shafer, who already at the Pedagogical Institute conducted research on cosmic rays and subsequently headed the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of the YaF Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences for about thirty years.

The question of the selection of teaching staff was acute. I.P. Zhegusov began his work with a team of only 12-14 teachers, none of whom had a degree, only a year later the first Ph.D. S.F. appeared. Popov - the future rector of the YaGPI of the post-war years. On October 12, 1934, in the newspaper Socialist Yakutia, he wrote bitterly: "... as long as there are no conditions, our employees lose a lot of time looking for a log of firewood, a bucket of water, a liter of kerosene, a room for housing." The director of the pedagogical institute knocked on the thresholds of organizations and institutions in charge of providing apartments. Of the 31 physics students who entered in 1934, only thirteen received diplomas four years later. The leadership of the Pedagogical Institute strongly encouraged those who studied well. For example, in the director's order dated April 5, 1935, it is written: "... from March 1 until the end of the 1934-1935 academic year, to release, at the expense of other material support of students, a free hot breakfast to all shock students."

In 1938 I.P. Zhegusov, on a denunciation, was arrested by the NKVD. subjected to repression. The “Yakut case” was in full swing, which began with the so-called “case of M.K. Ammosov. The works of Ivan Pudovich were destroyed, letters and photographs were confiscated. In March 1940, investigator Bereznyak was forced to conclude that “data on the conduct of practical counter-revolutionary activities in the pedagogical institute were not obtained by the investigation. Immediately release from custody, stop the case. From prison I.P. Zhegusov came out seriously ill and died a year later. He was fully rehabilitated only on May 15, 2000. The library received a mandatory copy from the All-Union Book Chamber. By the forties, the library fund had grown to 50,000 volumes. At first, there were no people with academic degrees and titles in the teaching staff of the Pedagogical Institute. It was only in 1935 that the first "degreed" teacher, Stepan Fedotovich Popov, appeared. He completed postgraduate studies at the Central Research Institute of National Schools in Moscow and defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Pre-revolutionary Primary School in Yakutia. In 1936, V. A. Tsvetkov and I. A. Melnikov were sent from the center to work at the institute. The first one graduated from the graduate school of the Historical and Philological Institute with a degree in general history, and the second - the graduate school of the Moscow Industrial Pedagogical Institute. K. Liebknecht with a degree in pedagogy. Ivan Andreevich Melnikov was appointed to the post of Deputy Director of the Pedagogical Institute for Academic Affairs. In 1937, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Didactic principles of Ya. A. Comenius”. The selection of personnel was constantly in the center of attention of the leadership of the Pedagogical Institute. In 1935, M. G. Altukhov, S. V. Rodionov, A. D. Egorov, F. G. Dyakonov, E. Paklina, I. M. Romanov, V. A. Alekseev taught at the Physics and Mathematics Department.

Famous physicists who studied at the YaPI: A.I. Kuzmin, M.A. Alekseev, I.S. Ivanov.

Many of them later became prominent scientists, teachers and organizers of science in Yakutia. By 1956, inclusive, the university graduated 1081 teachers (YaPI) and 1041 teachers with incomplete higher education (YaUI) for secondary schools, that is, a total of 2122 specialists. The quality of education of those years is evidenced by the subsequent successes of the graduates of the Pedagogical Institute of the first years. So, the first graduates of the YaPI became the honored teachers of the RSFSR school: D. G. Novopashin, M. I. Kershengolts, M. I. Nikolaeva and others, and the honored teachers of the YASSR school were E. Yu. Kelle-Pelle, P. P. Okoneshnikov , P. A. Starostin and many others. Thus, in 1934, a major event took place - the opening of the first higher educational institution in the republic. The Pedagogical Institute has become a center for training specialists with higher education from local youth, a center of attraction for the scientific and creative forces of the republic.

Yakut State University

Yakut State University

A major event of social and cultural significance was the transformation in 1956 of the Pedagogical Institute into the Yakut State University, now named after M.K. Ammosov. Yakutsk University has become a major educational and scientific center for training highly qualified specialists in the North-East of the Russian Federation. In subsequent years, there were big changes in the field of higher education, the structure of the Yakut State University changed: medical, pedagogical, financial and economic, physical and technical institutes, the institute of mathematics and computer science, the institute of physical culture and sports, the faculty of psychology, the faculty of mining, the faculty of pre-university education were created and vocational guidance, a center for professional retraining of specialists and advanced training, 30 new departments. In 1994, branches were opened in the cities of Mirny and Neryungri.

In November 1998, the university passed the state attestation for 5 years in 38 specialties and 5 directions, in 1999 - accreditation. Currently, the structure of the university includes 8 educational institutes, 11 faculties, the Republican College of Physics and Mathematics, the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Informatics and other scientific and educational departments. The activities of all structural divisions are implemented in full accordance with the Charter of the University.

Rector - Evgenia Isaevna Mikhailova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences (1996), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (2000), Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences, Academician of Pedagogical Sciences. Excellence in Public Education, 1990, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, 2000, Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 2001 Awarded the medal "Defender of Free Russia" on May 26, 2010 by the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) a decision was made to appoint her as the rector of the North-Eastern Federal University.

Higher education in Yakutia at the turn of the 50s - 60s of the XX century

The Yakut Pedagogical Institute, opened in 1934, played a significant role in the creation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the Yakut ASSR and laid a certain foundation for further development higher education in Yakutia. The organizers of the first higher educational institution of the republic did not hide their high goals, orienting the activities of the staff of the Yakut Pedagogical Institute to open the following areas in the training of specialists: physical and mathematical, chemical and biological, literary and linguistic, historical and economic, that is, to lay the foundation for a fundamental university education.

After the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War and World War II, the internal and external conditions of the countries required not only the fastest possible restoration of the country's destroyed national economy, but imperiously dictated the need for the country's dynamic development. For these large-scale goals, the development of the country's subsoil resources, the development of science, high-tech industries, the creation of new equipment and technologies, and the training of highly qualified specialists capable of solving the tasks were required.

A prominent public and political figure of Yakutia, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the YASSR, Ilya Egorovich Vinokurov, hatched a plan to transform the Pedagogical Institute into a university. In the personal archive of I.E. Vinokurov, dated 1945, there is a text of a speech at a session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, where the chairman of the government of the republic notes that a pedagogical institute has been operating in Yakutia for the twelfth year, but, “oddly enough, it still does not have its own appropriate premises. It is necessary in the near future to provide for the construction of a new educational building that meets all the requirements of a modern higher education institution. This is all the more necessary because in the future it is necessary to keep in mind the creation of a university in Yakutia on the basis of this institute. This task is already overdue and therefore I ask you to provide funds in 1946 for the start of this construction and resolve the issue of creating here, in distant Yakutia, on the basis of the existing pedagogical institute - the State University, at least with agricultural, medical and mining faculties, in which we could train acutely scarce specialists for these developing sectors of the national economy.

Thus, at the end of 1945, the leadership of the republic came up with the idea of ​​opening a university with new faculties. However, the difficulties of the post-war period, the lack of material and financial resources directed primarily to the restoration of the national economy, as well as the lack of support in the highest echelons of power did not allow the idea of ​​​​creating a university in Yakutia to be realized.

In December 1946, I.E. Vinokurov became the first secretary of the Yakut regional committee of the CPSU (b). On July 29, 1949, the bureau of the Yakut Regional Party Committee asks the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR to include in the plan of the new five-year plan for 1946-1950. construction of a stone building of the Pedagogical Institute for 1500 people, construction of two dormitories for students for 200 people, as well as four four-apartment houses for teachers, and to transfer the buildings of the institute and the entire campus to central heating, instead of stove.

At the same meeting, the bureau of the regional committee put before the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR the question of improving the quality of the composition of teachers not only through secondment from the Center, but also by accepting doctoral students and graduate students from among teachers and graduates of the YaPI in the country's leading universities. The bureau also asked the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "to exempt students of the Yakutsk Pedagogical Institute from paying tuition fees and to maintain the procedure for paying scholarships that existed before 1948." Thus, I.E. Vinokurov sought to improve the material base and personnel potential of the YaPI, which is the basis of the future university, and to soften the social position of northern students. On December 4, 1948, the First Secretary of the Yakut Regional Party Committee addressed the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR K.E. Voroshilov on the preservation, as an exception, scholarships for students of YaPI, YaUI and technical schools without regard to the quality of education.

Such close attention of the first person of the republic to the problems of higher education was due to the urgent tasks of that time. In the late 1940s - early 50s, extensive geological exploration work was launched on the territory of Yakutia. They gave very positive results in terms of oil and gas potential, promising deposits of coal and iron ores were discovered. And the party of G.Kh. Feinestein discovered the first diamond crystal on August 7, 1949. Under these conditions, personnel were required to meet the needs of the upcoming large-scale development natural resources Yakutia in the matter of gigantic shifts in the national economy of the USSR. I.E. Vinokurov was concerned that the training of local qualified personnel in the Yakutsk Pedagogical Institute, as well as in other universities of the country in the form of targeted admission, did not meet the growing needs of developing agriculture, industry and their expanding infrastructure, and the mass arrival of specialists from the Center, as practice showed, had some negative influence (their high turnover), not contributing to the stability of the work of labor collectives. Therefore, the head of the regional party organization, firmly confident in his decisions, put forward and promoted the doctrine of university education through the appropriate authorities. In his letter dated September 12, 1952, to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks P.K. Ponomarenko Ilya Egorovich also substantiated the need to train such specialists from among local youth as livestock specialists, veterinarians, hunters, fur experts, land surveyors for the development of the fur industry, improving the social situation of local residents of Yakutia.

Unfortunately, the departure of I.E. Vinokurov from the post of first secretary of the Yakut regional committee of the CPSU (b) on a false accusation in the well-known case “On bourgeois-nationalist perversions in the coverage of Yakut literature” did not give him the opportunity to implement this fateful issue.

Thus, I.E. Vinokurov was the first to put forward the doctrine of the development of higher education on the basis of the university. Ilya Yegorovich, as a convinced supporter and organizer of science in the republic, fully understood the importance and value of the fundamental training of specialists in the field of natural, humanitarian, technical, applied sciences in the development of the productive forces of the republic and the prosperity of its peoples.

Geological exploration work to search for diamonds began to bring new impressive results: in 1954, a party of L.A. Popugayeva discovered the first kimberlite pipe in the USSR, called "Zarnitsa"; On June 13, 1955, a detachment of geologist Yu.I. Khabardin from the Amakinskaya expedition opened the Mir pipe. Yakutia has become the object of close attention of the country's leadership.

After the release of the draft Directives of the XX Congress of the CPSU on the sixth five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1956 - 1960, the bureau of the Yakut regional party committee under the leadership of the first secretary S.Z. Borisov on January 28, 1956 discussed the issue "On measures to strengthen the training of engineering and technical personnel for the national economy of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic." The Bureau noted the turnover of technical staff and the very small number of specialists from the local and especially the indigenous population. In addition, the existing engineering positions were filled by persons who did not have a higher education. So, as of January 1, 1956, out of 1976 full-time positions of industrial engineers in Yakutia (excluding geological expeditions), only 966, that is, 48.8%, were filled with certified specialists; out of 2995 positions of technicians, 1523 had diplomas of technicians, that is, slightly more than half (50.8%). Of the 323 students of universities in the Center and Siberia, sent by the republic, local (Yakuts, Russians, peoples of the North) made up 185 people, the remaining 42.8% were children of workers who had recently arrived in Yakutia.

But what about the situation in the industrial technical schools of Yakutia in 1956? Of the 462 people who graduated from the Aldan Mining College over the past 6 years, only 8 were Yakuts and Evenks; out of 126 graduates of the Yakut electrical engineering school of communications who graduated from 1953 to 1956, only seven were Yakuts; The municipal construction technical school has released five Yakuts in 5 years. Due to the poor training of engineering and technical personnel from the local population, the latter accounted for only 3.7% among engineers employed in the industry of the republic, among technicians 10%.

Based on the foregoing, the bureau of the regional party committee put forward a new doctrine for the development of higher education in the republic, aimed at training engineering personnel by sharply increasing the target places for the Yakuts in the universities of the Center and Siberia (in 1956 - 500 places, in 1957 - 600 places) and opening of a polytechnic institute in Yakutsk in 1960. And as an initial measure, it was decided in 1956 to open in Yakutsk a mining and geological faculty, a branch of the Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute with specialties: geology and exploration of mineral deposits; development of mineral deposits with a contingent of reception of 200 people.

The staff of the Yakut Pedagogical Institute. 1936

It was determined which buildings to transfer for the future faculty and what measures to take to create the base of the polytechnic institute. Thus, the second doctrine of the development of higher education in Yakutia arose, which can be conditionally called the polytechnicalization of higher education. As the author of this direction, it is quite possible to consider the first secretary of the Yakut regional party committee S.Z. Borisov. Semyon Zakharovich, in his abstracts prepared for a speech at the XX Congress of the CPSU in February 1956, noted the following idea: the end of the further intolerable turnover of technical personnel in Yakutia.

However, in the course of work after the XX Congress of the CPSU, meetings with representatives of ministries, scientists, specialists S.Z. Borisov changed his vision of the concept of higher education in Yakutia, leaning towards the idea of ​​creating a university. This is evidenced by a telegram sent to Moscow on March 14, 1956, signed by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the YASSR R.G. Vasiliev and the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU S.Z. Borisov, which says: "... to organize a university on the basis of the YaPI", starting from the 1956 - 1957 academic year, along with the faculties of the pedagogical institute, open one new faculty - mining and geological - with the recruitment of 200 people for the 1st year of the new faculty. And “as the educational base is created, the construction of residential buildings, additionally open the faculties of agriculture and medicine.”

Thus, the doctrine of Ilya Yegorovich Vinokurov won, which was supported and simultaneously promoted in Moscow by the then elite of the intelligentsia of the republic, which, of course, should include such prominent representatives of the YaPI as professors, Doctor of Philosophy. A.E. Mordinov, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor I.M. Romanov and others. On the instructions of the first secretary of the Yakut regional party committee S.Z. Borisov, the Secretary of the Regional Party Committee for Ideology, Candidate of Historical Sciences Anastasia Petrovna Danilova was closely involved in the opening of the university. Through their efforts, all the necessary documents were prepared, and the basis for the functioning of the new university was determined. So, even before the release of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the opening of the university, the bureau of the Yakutsk regional committee on July 10, July 18, August 21 considered issues related to the base, recruitment, management of the new university. On August 23, 1956, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the establishment of the Yakut State University on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute.

Classes began on October 1, 1956. The first lecture to the first-year students was given by the Rector of the University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Avksenty Egorovich Mordinov. 22 years ago, on October 8, 1934, A.E. Mordinov, who received a diploma from the Moscow Historical and Philosophical Institute in the same year.

Thus began the progressive movement of the Yakutsk State University named after Maxim Kirovich Ammosov, plowing the ocean of knowledge for half a century now.

The teaching staff of the new university

The teaching staff of the YaGPI at the time of the organization of the university consisted of 96 teachers. Among them were one doctor of science, professor, 33 candidates of science, including 20 associate professors, 34 senior lecturers, 3 lecturers and 25 assistants. The grade level was 35.4%.

The staffing of the Yakutsk University in 1956 - 1957 consisted of 118.5 units, 111 were replaced, among them 2 doctors of sciences, 35 candidates of sciences (22 of them are associate professors), 37 senior teachers, 5 teachers, 32 assistants. The grade level was 33.3%. The remaining 7.5 units were replenished by 18 part-time workers and hourly workers. Among full-time teachers, 24 teachers had more than 10 years of experience in teaching, 34 teachers had from 5 to 10 years, the remaining 53 had experience of up to 5 years.

University management in 1956 - 1957 academic year. consisted of the following positions: Rector - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Avksenty Egorovich Mordinov; Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Affairs - Candidate of Geology and Mathematics, Associate Professor Samodurov Petr Semenovich; Vice-rector for distance learning - Petr Ivanovich Stepanov (until February 1, 1957), Ph.D. Kostina Maria Dmitrievna; vice-rector for administrative and economic work - Permyakov Dmitry Vlasevich; chief accountant - Fedor Iosifovich Kuzmin.

The deans were: Faculty of Humanities - Ph.D. PhD, Associate Professor Kornilov Petr Matveevich; technical - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Sivtsev Danil Mikhailovich; natural - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Krylov Dmitry Mikhailovich; agricultural - Ph.D. Kudryavtsev Nikolay Vasilievich.

The first academic year of the university was provided by 21 departments, they were headed by: - ​​Marxism-Leninism - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Avksenty Egorovich Mordinov;

Pedagogy - Ph.D., Associate Professor Popov Stepan Fedotovich;

Psychology - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Chudinova Marianna Alekseevna;

Physical Education and Sports - Semyon Nikiforovich Everstov;

History of the USSR and World History - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Safronov Fedot Grigorievich;

Russian and foreign literature - Pasyutin Konstantin Fedorovich;

Russian Language and General Linguistics - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Druzhinina Maria Fedorovna;

Yakut language and literature - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Grigoriev Nikita Spiridonovich;

Botanists - Ph.D. Samarin Victor Prokopevich;

Zoology - candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Larionov Prokopiy Dmitrievich;

General Chemistry - Pavlova Anastasia Ivanovna;

Physical and colloidal chemistry - Ph.D. Pliev Timur Nikolaevich;

Higher Mathematics and Geometry - Georgy Mikhailovich Kolodeznikov;

Higher Algebra and Differential Equations - Semenov Semyon Nikolaevich;

General Physics - Ph.D., Associate Professor Sivtsev Danil Mikhailovich;

Experimental and Theoretical Physics - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Alekseev Mikhail Afanasyevich;

Geography - Sivtseva Anastasia Innokentievna;

Mineralogy and Petrography - Candidate of Geology and Mathematics, Associate Professor Samodurov Petr Semenovich;

Construction business and strength of materials - Mikhailov Pavel Nikolaevich;

Foreign languages ​​- candidate of philological sciences, Kucherova Lyubov Ivanovna;

- military department- Lieutenant Colonel Popov Georgy Eremeevich.

They were the first to shoulder the entire burden of restructuring educational, methodological, research, political and educational, organizational work to implement the tasks of the new university, as well as higher technical, agricultural, since 1957 - medical education, while continuing to implement programs Pedagogical Institute for 2 - 4 courses.

In the 1956-1957 academic year, 1247 full-time students and 531 part-time students studied at the Yakutsk State University.