Difficulties in adaptation. Types of staff adaptation

  • 1. By subject-object relationship:
    • - active - when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of interaction and activities that he must master);
    • - passive - when he does not strive for such an impact and change.
  • 2. By impact on the worker:
    • - progressive - favorably influencing the worker;
    • - regressive - passive adaptation to an environment with a negative content (for example, with low labor discipline).
  • 3. By level:
    • - primary - when a person is first included in a permanent labor activity at a particular enterprise;
    • - secondary - at the subsequent change of work;
    • - adaptation of the employee in a new position;
    • - adaptation of the employee to the demotion.

Primary adaptation (for people who do not have work experience) is usually associated with great difficulties, while secondary adaptation (for experienced workers) usually proceeds faster and does not require special assistance from the manager.

An element of primary adaptation can be considered professional orientation, which is a set of organizational and educational activities aimed at familiarizing oneself with existing activities, identifying interest, inclination and suitability for them, showing their social prestige, attractiveness and significance, and forming a personal predisposition. The most significant criteria for choosing a profession are the intellectual and educational level, working conditions, social package, prospects for professional development and career, creative opportunities.

The adaptation of an employee to a demotion is most often manifested in times of crisis. So, in the early 1980s. There have been waves of layoffs and early retirement in the United States. In order to somehow support those laid off, most large companies - about 60% - did not just lay off workers, but tried to help them find new jobs, organized retraining and advanced training programs.

  • 4. By directions:
    • - production;
    • - non-productive.

Professional adaptation consists in the active development of the profession, its subtleties, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, methods of decision-making to begin with in standard situations. It begins with the fact that after finding out the experience, knowledge and character of the beginner, they determine the most appropriate form of training for him, for example, send him to courses or attach a mentor.

The complexity of professional adaptation depends on the breadth and variety of activities, interest in it, the content of work, the influence of the professional environment, and the individual psychological properties of the individual.

The following factors influence professional adaptation:

  • - working environment (place, technology, environment);
  • - personal characteristics of the employee (experience, knowledge, skills);
  • - motivation (interests, sense of duty, desire for professional growth);
  • - individual psychological properties (sociability, activity, goodwill, etc.);
  • - “assistance and control from the head and colleagues (training, consulting), stimulation;
  • - features of production tasks, the pace of inclusion in the work.

Psychophysiological adaptation - adaptation to work activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole, resulting in smaller changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical activity etc.).

Psychophysiological adaptation does not present any particular difficulties, proceeds quite quickly and to a large extent depends on the health of the person, his natural reactions, and the characteristics of these conditions themselves. Nevertheless, most accidents occur in the first days of work precisely because of its absence.

Socio-psychological adaptation of a person to production activities - adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the style of work of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relations that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members.

It can be associated with considerable difficulties, which include deceived expectations of quick success, due to the underestimation of difficulties, the importance of live human communication, practical experience and the overestimation of the value of theoretical knowledge and instructions.

The success of adaptation is due to:

  • - high initial level of experience, knowledge and skills;
  • - interest in the organization and new work, the presence of prospects;
  • - possession of the necessary volitional and psychological qualities (perseverance, composure, patience, etc.);
  • - timely help of others, especially the leader;
  • - the ability to anticipate difficulties and respond in a timely manner to unexpected situations, etc.

Signs of successful adaptation are:

  • - mastering the necessary professional knowledge and skills;
  • - the emergence of interest in the organization and work, which begins to play an increasingly significant role in life, and a sense of connection with the profession, satisfaction;
  • - strict compliance with the requirements of labor discipline;
  • - striving for improvement;
  • - good relationships in the team, a sense of psychological comfort.

At the same time, adaptation is associated with considerable difficulties caused by:

  • - prejudice and negative attitude at first around (especially the leader);
  • - the need to perform new duties, often in unusual conditions (in the absence of the necessary experience and skills and the unsuitability of many of the previous ones), and in connection with this, a significant susceptibility to stress;
  • - discrepancy between ideas and reality (dissatisfaction with the organization's capabilities, deceived expectations, etc.);
  • - indifferent attitude of the members of the new team;
  • - the difficulty of breaking old ties and getting used to new norms.

In addition to adapting a person to work, it is necessary to take into account the opposite - adaptation of work to a person, which implies:

  • - organization of workplaces in accordance with the requirements of ergonomics;
  • - flexible regulation of the rhythm and duration of working time in accordance with the individual characteristics of people;
  • - building the structure of the organization (subdivision), the distribution of labor functions and specific tasks based on the personal abilities of employees;
  • - individualization of the incentive system.

Usually, adaptation on a "gravity flow" lasts up to 1.5 years, but with proper management, its period is reduced to several months.

The adaptation process includes several stages.

  • 1. introductory, lasting about a month. Within its framework, a new employee gets acquainted with the organization, duties, rights, requirements, opportunities (during this period, you can demonstrate your capabilities). At the same time, his readiness for work is assessed.
  • 2. Entry stage(up to a year), when the mastery of the system of knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill professional requirements is achieved, and the person is mastered in a new team.
  • 3. integration, during which the acquisition, deepening and improvement of the necessary knowledge and skills are gradually taking place, the formation of their single complex. The employee acquires a qualification of the appropriate level, turns into a specialist who is able to work independently and with interest, get satisfaction from his work, and strive for improvement.

A person's ability to adapt is determined by the ability to anticipate the main negative factors that he may encounter, and the ability to quickly respond to them.

Organizational measures (individual and collective) within the framework of the adaptation process, the scheme of which it is desirable to communicate to people, can be combined into two groups:

  • 1) related to the introduction to the organization;
  • 2) associated with the introduction to the unit and position.

An introduction to the organization is usually carried out by personnel services, mainly in the form of a general orientation course, which is read to a group of newly hired employees. Here they get acquainted with the organization, its policy (including in the personnel sphere), working conditions, rules of conduct, basic requirements for work. In Western firms, the following information is usually reported:

  • - about the organization as a whole - history, traditions, structure, leadership, activities, products, consumers, development priorities, problems;
  • - about procedures - procedures for hiring, dismissal, requirements for appearance, behavior, internal relations;
  • - personnel and social policy of the organization;
  • - on remuneration - forms and systems of remuneration, payment for weekends and overtime, bonus conditions, etc.;
  • - on the regime of work and rest, the procedure for granting holidays and time off;
  • - additional benefits - insurance, severance pay, training opportunities, the availability of canteens, buffets, health centers;
  • - on labor protection and safety - risks and dangers associated with the performance of work, precautions, places of delivery medical care, health and sports centers, opportunities for physical education, how to behave in case of accidents and notification of them, health requirements and prohibitions (for example, smoking);
  • - on issues related to personnel management, - conditions for appointment, relocation, dismissal; probationary period, rights and obligations, relations with the immediate supervisor and other managers, performance evaluation, discipline, rewards and penalties;
  • - on relations with trade unions;
  • - about solving everyday problems - a rest room, conditions for parking cars, etc .;
  • - about the economic situation of the organization - the cost of equipment, the amount of profit, losses from absenteeism, delays, accidents.

Introduction to the unit can be individual and collective (if the unit is large). Individual Introduction to the organization begins immediately after the acceptance of a job offer by a preliminary story about it, the provision of books, brochures, booklets, etc.

You can draw up a special memo for the employee containing information about the organization, structure, production process, employment conditions, social policy, benefits, medical care, discipline requirements, etc. In the case of collective introduction management arranges for groups of beginners to read a special orientation course (in a small unit, the necessary information is provided by the immediate supervisor in a personal conversation).

In the process of special orientation in Western firms, the following questions are considered:

  • - goals, technologies and features of the work of the unit; internal and external relations and communications;
  • - procedures, instructions regarding the performance of work, paperwork, as well as behavior in case of fires and accidents;
  • - safety and hygiene rules;
  • - personal duties and responsibilities, expected results, assessment standards;
  • - duration and schedule of the working day, overtime, replacements;
  • - personal information (an explanation of where to get something, how to repair it, who to ask for help, how to act in case of being late, sick, needing time off; organization of rest, breaks, meals; telephone conversations of a personal nature);
  • - Opportunities for training and professional development.

In addition, inspection of the unit, rest rooms, showers, smoking areas, various special services is carried out, as well as acquaintance with the management and future colleagues.

The induction is completed at the workplace by the direct supervisor or mentor (some Western firms conduct special one-day seminars on onboarding management). It is a lengthy process, including after a person already starts working (because new employees can absorb a limited amount of information at a time).

The first day leaves the deepest impressions, so at this moment beginners should be treated especially friendly.

Special cases of induction are graduates of educational institutions. Since they have not yet worked, they need to develop a positive attitude towards work in general, a sense of their importance in the activities of the organization, their place in the overall system. They need to be explained in more detail and shown perspectives. For university graduates, it is also necessary to focus on the relationship of work.

Introduction to the position is planned in writing, fixed after the completion of each stage, controlled. To make it effective, before the arrival of a beginner, it is advisable to find out:

  • 1) whether prepared workplace(equipment, premises);
  • 2) whether future colleagues are officially informed about him (last name, first name, track record, planned functions) and whether he will be favorably received by them;
  • 3) whom to appoint as a boss with a high status in the team, sociable, ready to help, assist in mastering the intricacies of their own and related professions and involve them in the affairs of the team;
  • 4) whether the documents for the newcomer are prepared. Such a document may be a memo for new employees, which reflects duties and responsibilities, work requirements, daily routine, accountability, control, grounds for rewards and punishments, criteria for evaluating work, etc.;
  • 5) in what form adaptation will be carried out (mentoring, seminars, courses, individual conversations with management and mentor, role-playing games, gradual complication of tasks, etc.);
  • 6) what tasks a beginner can start right away. A new employee should not be given difficult tasks, but to begin to strengthen self-confidence and desire to work with assignments of medium complexity, not forgetting about instructing. This will allow him to successfully cope with them and at the same time feel satisfied.

The difficulties faced by a beginner are primarily due to a lack of information. At the same time, one should not overload it, because beginners are especially vulnerable in this respect;

7) whether the induction schedule has been drawn up.

An example of a schedule:

The induction schedule is drawn up by the immediate supervisor with a margin of 10-15% of the time (but in fact, “early” development of work is imperceptibly carried out, which increases the confidence, self-esteem of the new employee, and trust in management).

The manager must keep the adaptation control card in sight and constantly monitor this process. For example, during the first week, it is desirable for him to see the employee daily, learn about successes and help eliminate problems (as such, checking for psychological reasons should be minimal).

This will allow as early as possible (ideally - within a month) to fully understand the weaknesses and strengths, diligence (which is the basis of adaptation) of a new employee, emerging relationships in the team, determine the need for additional training, etc.

In the process of individual introduction to the position, the immediate supervisor congratulates the new employee on the start of work, introduces the team (tells a biography, emphasizing the merits), introduces the unit and the situation in it, sets out in detail the requirements, including unwritten ones, reports on the difficulties that may to meet, and about the most common mistakes in work, about future colleagues, especially those who have a difficult character (in a joking way), and those who can always be relied on, ask for advice.

As a result, a person gets the feeling that they were waiting for him, preparing for his arrival. This allows you to reduce the psychological fear of failure, avoid many mistakes at first, form a positive attitude towards new responsibilities and the environment, thereby reducing the likelihood of disappointment and early departure (most newcomers leave the organization in the first three months of work).

In addition, the new employee’s nervousness and anxiety for their future are reduced, the necessary attitude to work and to others is formed, incentives arise to further development and improvement.

If a beginner is well instructed, has confidence in the manager, the organization, has mastered the requirements for him, feels comfortable, he will work efficiently and with a desire.

The information received by the employee during the adaptation period, starting from the first day of work in the company, is extremely important for developing his loyalty to the company, since the employee for the first time gets the opportunity to assess the real attitude of the employer towards him.

Below are the features of programs that increase the “acquired” loyalty of employees and reduce the time it takes for a new employee to adapt to positions used by various companies.

  • 1. PricewaterhouseCoopers. On the first working day, a newcomer is invited to a “lunch meeting” by his immediate supervisor. At the same time, the company even allocates small funds to pay for this lunch.
  • 2. Kaspersky Lab. There is a tradition here to welcome each new employee with a pleasant surprise. As a rule, this is a small gift - a cup, a pen, a funny souvenir that a beginner finds on his desk on his first working day.
  • 3. Philips Electronics. About the arrival of each "new" employee, all "old" employees are notified by e-mail, an announcement about this event is hung on the information board.
  • 4. "Radisson-Slavyanskaya". The first working day of new employees is always Thursday. This is done so that for Thursday-Friday a person gets up to speed, orients himself in the hotel, and on Monday he has already begun his immediate duties.
  • 5. M.I. There is a rule here: in the family of each new employee, on behalf of the organization, the immediate supervisor sends a letter of congratulations on his acceptance to work.

In some organizations, a mandatory company tour is held, and at the end of the tour, a T-shirt or baseball cap with the company logo is awarded. Others show a special film about the company - a representative film, about the history, customers and victories of the company.

It should be noted that most Russian companies do not have an integrated approach to building adaptation programs. But in world practice it has existed for many decades. For example, in a car company Toyota Motor an adaptation program has been developed, which includes: an overview of the work of all departments, the basic principles of work, information about the structure of the company and its goals in the market. The course is read every two to three months for all employees on probation. An employee can get acquainted with the everyday aspects of the company's work by reading the "Employee's Handbook" ( employee handbook). The workplace is formalized as soon as the HR department receives an application for hiring a person, and on the first working days the newcomer is brought up to date by the immediate supervisor or an employee of the HR department.

All these measures can significantly reduce the costs associated with the entry of a new employee into the position, and lay the foundation for loyalty to the employer.

An effective adaptation system is a strong advantage of the best Russian employers. Most companies that are attractive to potential employees have a well-defined onboarding strategy for new hires. According to many HR directors, building such a system is a complex and interesting task, which is implemented in each company in different ways, depending on its corporate culture and business goals.

The development of an onboarding program for new employees may include a simple interview, a seminar, tours of the office and production, and a film about the company. Many companies have a special "Beginner's Guide" document containing the formulated company rules. The main thing is that all these elements really exist, and the style of adaptation will largely depend on the corporate culture. It is desirable that with the arrival of a new employee, he was immediately familiarized with the corporate rules and his opportunities in this company. Ultimately, the purpose of any onboarding program, in whatever form it takes, is to help newcomers settle in and accept the rules of the game in the company.

Another important advantage of adaptation schemes is their mentoring system. It not only helps new hires to quickly and easily adapt, but also allows their experienced colleagues to gain leadership experience, which is a motivating factor for them.

But the most important advantage, which makes a strong impression on managers, is that this system speeds up the process of introducing new employees into the company and increases their efficiency in the shortest possible time. From the tasks of a training nature, which are traditionally the lot of newcomers during the probationary period, they quickly move on to solving real problems facing the company. Thus, as a result of a well-designed adaptation program, the company receives professionally accomplished, motivated employees who can significantly increase the efficiency of the entire organization.

To facilitate the adaptation process, a variety of methods are used, among which the adaptation programs of large companies operating on the system Graduate Recruitment. Such companies immediately recruit a large number of candidates who do not have work experience and, therefore, are not capable of self-adaptation. For example, Ernst & Young organizes trips for new employees to holiday homes near Moscow, where they develop communication skills and teamwork skills.

For beginners with experience in other organizations, one-day trainings are provided, in which the maximum emphasis is placed on familiarization with the basics of the corporate culture, mission and strategy of the company. Much attention is paid to the employee evaluation system, which largely reflects and determines the corporate culture.

In order for an employee to know what his professional prospects are in the company, you can draw up his individual development plan and set certain tasks for him. To do this, it is important to determine the range of knowledge, skills and abilities that an employee must master, as well as activities that will contribute to this. Obviously, the more transparent and understandable development opportunities are for employees, the more actively they will improve their skills.

It must be borne in mind that the adaptation of certain categories of workers has its own specifics. This includes primarily women, as well as those in leadership positions.

The process of adaptation of women is additionally influenced (both positively and negatively) by the peculiarities of their psychology and socio-economic status.

Their adaptation is complicated by the following points:

  • - the need to compensate for the lack of work experience, knowledge and skills that arose as a result of breaks associated with the birth and upbringing of children, the performance of other family responsibilities;
  • - a small number of women leaders who are able to provide psychological assistance and support;
  • - discrimination on the part of many male colleagues (including against women - top-level managers), the difficulty of entering the male environment;
  • - excessive emotionality, aggressiveness, susceptibility to stress, bad habits (for example, women do not have a food enzyme that destroys alcohol, so its effect on female body one third stronger than the male);
  • - excessive stereotyping of thinking;
  • - insufficient physical strength, etc.

At the same time, the adaptation of women is facilitated by:

  • - high social orientation (a man perceives the workplace mostly as a battlefield or a launching pad);
  • - communication skills, the ability to easily establish informal relationships, resolve conflicts;
  • - patience;
  • - high discipline, organization;
  • - favoritism on the part of many men, etc.

To the complexities of socio-psychological adaptation leaders relate:

  • 1. Suboptimal ratio of his own and new subordinates age and experience:
    • a) if the age of the leader and the average age of the team are approximately equal, adaptation is relatively easy;
    • b) if an experienced leader comes to a young team, then there are also few problems, since authority works;
    • c) if a young leader joins an established team, he may be met with distrust and even drawn into a specially provoked conflict.
  • 2. Discrepancy in terms of knowledge:
    • a) if the manager is head and shoulders above the team, the latter will not be able to accept his demands and the leader will be in the position of a general without an army;
    • b) otherwise, with a low level of leader training, the team will be a “herd without a shepherd”.
  • 3. Problems related to the succession of leadership and the transfer of power. It can go:
    • a) about the limited "by tradition" independence of the new leader (this often happens if the former leader simply rises one step higher);
    • b) about comparison with the predecessor and about the duration of the break in the emotional connection with the last team.

If the successor has been in the shadow of his predecessor for a long time, it is easy for him to master new duties, but it is difficult to win a “place in the sun” because of the habit of playing the role of “second” and “one’s own” in one’s own and others’ eyes, and the lack of proper respect from the outside at first. former colleagues. The easiest way for a beginner to adapt is if he turns out to be the successor to a person who previously did not stand out in any way, and the hardest thing is if he was a "star". Often, outgoing leaders, wanting to be remembered as strong managers, recommend individuals with much less ability than themselves, which is dangerous for the organization.

  • 4. The propensity of young leaders to excessive administration at first, causing resistance from performers.
  • 5. Natural alertness of subordinates.

The team does not know what to expect from newcomers: their positive qualities are clearly visible and negative qualities are carefully hidden, so a lot of time must pass before they can form the necessary idea about them.

Subordinates want to know a lot about the new leader: how long will he stay, what are his human qualities, is it possible to work with him, is he dangerous, what is his track record, how did he get to the position and what connections does he have, what is he going to do, does he have he own concept of work. Where possible, all relevant information should be provided to the team.

  • 6. Envy and alienation of former colleagues.
  • 7. Insufficient orientation in the environment and situation.

The new leader will be able to succeed only when he is well versed in internal relationships and leans on key figures, for example, who temporarily served in these duties before him; First of all, it is advisable to turn to him for advice and discuss the possibilities of cooperation.

8. The need to take into account the interests of others in their activities.

Subordinate and superior managers have certain expectations regarding the newcomer, who, in this regard, is under pressure from both above and below. They must immediately be given to understand that their interests will be taken into account as far as possible, but there is no need to rush into practical actions in this direction.

In the process of social and psychological adaptation, the leader can implement several strategies for interacting with new subordinates:

- expectant: gradual study of the general situation, problems of the organization (subdivision) and features of the work of the predecessor, acquaintance with unrealized projects. Only after that (usually not earlier than 100 days later) active actions begin.

In any case, in the first days at work, it is better to “lay low”, remain calm, listen and talk as little as possible, because it is easy to make a mistake, which will take time to correct;

  • - critical: a negative assessment of everything that happened before and attempts to immediately bring everything back to normal lead to a quick failure;
  • - traditional: movement along the “road” beaten by the previous leader and the repetition of previous methods;
  • - rational: selection of several options for action in order to solve important, pressing problems within 4 -6 weeks and thus improve the situation.

Such a strategy can bring success to the newcomer and show his skillful leadership. It is necessary to teach subordinates to work in a new way, setting them specific goals, not to give up in case of difficulties, remembering that the force of inertia is often very large.

The entry of a new manager into the team is facilitated by:

  • - preliminary study of future subordinates, their advantages, disadvantages, potential opportunities;
  • - asserting himself from the first day as a resolute but prudent person, not changing everything at once, but immediately eliminating serious obstacles in his work;
  • - attentive attitude to the opinion and suggestions of subordinates, especially those who did not find understanding with the former leader (but the latter should not be criticized at the same time);
  • - suppression of attempts by unscrupulous people to use a weak orientation in the environment to settle scores with rivals with his hands.

It is advisable to control a novice manager twice a year on the basis of an evaluation sheet (containing a list of duties and an assessment) filled in by his immediate supervisor.

Hello dear blog readers! Each of us at least once in his life faced with such a process as adaptation to a new workplace. This is just a colossal stress for the body, because an increased level of anxiety is not very good for health. The adaptation itself takes about two weeks, but sometimes lasts longer. It depends on your internal resources and ability to adapt to new conditions.

Your future depends on these first weeks, how you managed to show your competence to the management, what kind of relationships began to form with colleagues and whether you were able to take and feel your place, where you are comfortable and calm. Therefore, today I will share recommendations on how to successfully go through this difficult, but necessary process.


  1. The period of acute adaptation (It lasts about a month, sometimes it drags on up to 2). Usually at this time there is a comparison with the previous place of work, depending on the perception of the new one. If there is too much anxiety and worries, then there is a high probability of feelings and thoughts that he made a mistake, which was easier before, perhaps worse, but at least everything was familiar and understandable. Or vice versa, excessive charm, when it seems that you have found the place of your dreams and now it will be different and wonderful. It ends the moment you start noticing reality. Not everything is so one-sided, or bad, or good, when you feel that you are already confident and the assigned tasks are successful. There is practically no anxiety, the working day becomes predictable, and among colleagues there are those who are really glad to see you and with whom relationships have begun to form.
  2. Second period starts from the second month and up to about 5-6 months. The probationary period has passed, the requirements may become higher, and the person has relaxed a little, because he coped with the most difficult for himself, familiarized himself with the tasks, and joined the company. But in fact, the formal stage has been passed, and now the authorities can allow, with a greater load, to begin to criticize the work done. Because of this, irritation and anger, disappointment and resentment accumulate. This is such a moment of crisis, and it depends on the internal resources of a person, whether he will hold out or quit, unable to cope with stress and difficulties.
  3. Anchoring starts after six months. The main problems are behind, the person has found his place among colleagues, has become well acquainted with internal traditions and foundations and successfully fulfills his duties.


  1. Professional . It consists in mastering and learning the specifics of the work. Depends on the field of activity, for example, a briefing is carried out, or a senior employee is assigned, who brings up to date and transfers the necessary knowledge, from whom the manner of communication and behavior of customers should be adopted. Sometimes a rotation is arranged, that is, a newcomer works a little bit in each industry of the company, then he studies the activities of the enterprise better and is aware of the nuances.
  2. Psychophysiological . This is the adaptation of a new employee to new working conditions for him. That is, he equips his place, laying out the necessary papers and his things as he likes, or as required by the regulations.
  3. Social , or socio-psychological. Sometimes the most difficult of all types. Namely, because it means the establishment of collegiate and professional relations. It can be delayed in time, due to various circumstances, for example, personal characteristics, internal resources of a newcomer, or the specifics of the most established team. There is such a thing as "mobbing", that is, "hazing", only in the labor market. Persecution or unfair treatment of the team in relation to one employee.

Causes of mobbing

  • When a lot of tension accumulates in the team itself, but there is no way out for this tension for a long period, then it may well “shoot” at a new person who is not so familiar, and while he is more like an object, because relationships have not formed.
  • The bosses do not know how to manage people, set goals, strategies and prioritize, therefore, they can affect the microclimate among employees.
  • Incorrectly established channel of communication between management and subordinates, in this case, the possession of any information causes the illusion of power in one of the colleagues, which he will manipulate.
  • When a company is in crisis, sometimes bullying is artificially arranged so that at the end of the probationary period you want to quit yourself, having worked pretty hard for the allotted time, giving all your best. Or say that you are not selected because you did not cope, but this is the case when there will be too many unjustified claims from the management against you.

You can read more about mobbing.

Give yourself the opportunity to pour in gradually, you have come to a new place, and even if you are well versed in the specifics of the work, you need to carefully look at the environment in which you find yourself.

And this means that initially you need to recognize the fact that at first you will be anxious, and possibly uncomfortable. And that's okay.

Do not rush yourself and do not set super-tasks. Study your job responsibilities, otherwise, as old-timers, colleagues will be able to shift tasks to you that you are not required to perform.

  1. Considering that there will be a very large amount of information on the first working day, get a diary in which you will write out not only moments related to your duties, but also names, surnames, positions, telephone numbers, office locations, and so on.
  2. Ask questions without fear of looking stupid, the more you understand about the internal routine, the faster you will fall within. It is better to clarify once again than to make mistakes and try to correct them.
  3. Smile, goodwill will win you over, because not only do you look closely at the employees, it is also important for them to understand what kind of person came to them.
  4. In dealing with others, it is important to learn to balance between openness and caution. That is, do not tell initially, in order to make friends sooner, about something personal that can later “play” against you. But do not close completely, otherwise it will alert and set you against yourself. Especially you should not speak negatively about the previous place of work and gossip. Ethics, when you are not familiar, know how to listen and adhere to the principle of confidentiality, gives you a better chance to win over colleagues and directly superiors.
  5. Find out about existing traditions, perhaps some will be very useful to you. For example, in some companies it is accepted that the newcomer brings treats and sets the table. This helps to get to know each other and get closer in a more or less informal setting. It is only important to take into account established traditions and rules, and not introduce your own in the early days, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.
  6. It is important to defend your boundaries, gently but confidently, especially when they try to use you on initial stage. That is, to take on work that you should not do. Sometimes psychological defense works, a person really wants to please and is afraid that in case of refusal he will be rejected, or he tries to “curry favor” in order to be appreciated and noticed. But this is a trap that a person arranges for himself, because in the future it will be more and more difficult to say: “no”.
  7. Be patient, if initially something did not go as planned and wanted, over time everything will get better and fall into place, the main thing is not to give up. There is little static in life, everything can be changed, the main thing is to be aware of your shortcomings and correct them. Regarding the working nuances, it is better if the authorities learn about your mistakes from you, and not from someone from the team.
  8. Be prepared for gender nuances. That is, people of the same sex are usually perceived as a competitor. Do not be afraid of this or avoid competing. This means that you have been evaluated as equal to yourself, or even better in some way, should not be taken as hostility. Unfortunately, sometimes, especially in the women's team, you will have to withstand hidden aggression, that is, not directed directly, but with the help of gossip, dirty tricks, or give advice that is harmful. If a woman enters a male team, she is accepted easily, but not perceived as an equal and a professional. Therefore, you have to sweat to earn recognition. A man in a woman, on the contrary, is immediately recognized, but then they can bother with excessive attention, coquetry and flirting.
  9. Take a closer look and choose an employee who you think is the best, and strive to reach the same level, learn from him, this will motivate you for personal and professional growth.

How to relieve stress

  1. Ways to relieve excess tension are mainly related to visualization techniques. How this is done, you can study in my article. In order to facilitate the process of mastering a new place, imagine, best of all, before going to bed and on the eve of the working day, that you are in your office. Just try to imagine it in the smallest detail, down to where the pen lies. Imagine that you have taken up duties and you are doing great.
    This exercise helps to relieve unnecessary anxiety, so as not to just worry, it is better to direct this energy in a pleasant direction so that adaptation is easier.
  2. If among the employees there is a person who is already very unpleasant to you, or maybe even a boss to whom you have no right to express your opinion, and it is harmful to accumulate anger in yourself, the Transformation method will come to the rescue. How does it usually happen when something causes strong negative feelings in us? That's right, we are trying to switch and forget about the unpleasant situation. But as luck would have it, it doesn’t work out, our psyche is thus protected. You should do the opposite. On the way home, or wherever it suits you, imagine yourself in the place of this scoundrel. Reproduce his gait, manner of speaking, gestures, and so on. Play with this image. This exercise is very resourceful, because, in addition to the fact that aggression is legalized, tension passes, and sometimes insight occurs, being in the place of the offender, we can understand what exactly he wanted to say and why he did it.


That's all, dear readers! Finally, I want to recommend reading my article "" , and then, relying on internal resources and knowledge, you will easily go through the adaptation period and all its types.

If this article was useful to you, you can add it to your social networks. networks, the buttons are at the bottom. It will be useful for you, and I am pleased.

Thank you and see you soon on the blog pages.


Mikhail Prytula

Head of HR Preply. Previously worked at Wargaming, STB, Alfa-Bank. Over 12 years in HR.

The topic of employee adaptation, or, as it is called in the West, onboarding, is devoted to a lot of research, articles, recommendations, and even books in the style of “Your first 90 days at a new job.” I won't bore you with book mentions, statistics, links, and so on, but I'll get straight to the point and give you some tips from my 12 years of experience in HR.

Adaptation does not happen by itself

No matter how cool a professional is. There is a widespread belief that if we hire a super-cool pro, then he will definitely figure out what to do and how to adapt. Like, this is almost a sign of a professional. Not adapted - so not a pro. Next!

In fact, at best, the adaptation will be delayed and the employee will reach full capacity in 3-6 months (depending on the level of the position and the complexity of the position). With high-quality adaptation, this period is halved.

How much are you paying your new marketing director there? $5,000 a month? And do you think your efforts are worth the $15,000 you save the company? It’s a pity for you to pay three salaries for searching for candidates, but you easily lose them on adaptation?

The first day is critical

So, you understand that adaptation is an extremely useful thing. What to do, where to run? Hire an urgent HR manager who will take care of the adaptation of your employees? No, calm down first. 90% of the success of adaptation lies in the first working day, and the manager can do it himself with high quality. But you have to be prepared.

The documents

Make sure that the documents are signed by this time (employees do not like it when the signing of documents with the company is delayed for several days). It's best to do this ahead of time if possible.

At STB, for example, we sent out a candidate questionnaire, which the person filled out at home and sent to us. In "1C" we had templates for all contracts, where we loaded the candidate's questionnaire and printed all the documents in 5 minutes. The employee does not have to wait until your personnel officer types his data by hand.

At Preply, we generally sign all the contracts in DocuSign, we don't even have a clue how to go to HR. A person sends a scan of the passport, we enter it into the contract, upload it to DocuSign and send it to the CEO and employee for signature. The signature is digital, you can put even from the phone.

Workplace and required access

All accounts must be set up: mail, Slack, etc. We do this immediately after signing the contract.

Check that the computer is ready, the table and chair are waiting for the owner. The icing on the cake is the beginner's pack: pen and notepad with company logo, t-shirt, sticker pack, badge ribbon, company badge (budget $10-$15).

Getting to know the office and staff

Employees must be informed. If the company employs less than 100 people, we write on Slack who has joined us, throw a link to the profile on LinkedIn (in Russia - on Facebook). If the company has more than 100 people, we do the same, but only within the department (which is also up to 100 people).

On the first day, arrange a tour of the office: here we have a kitchen, here is a toilet, here is a meeting room (which we book like this), we smoke there, here is the accounting department, and here is our director’s favorite pony.

Introduce the newcomer to those who are sitting nearby: “Colleagues, a moment of attention, I have joined us (...), please love and favor.”

How to behave if you...


Congratulations, you've had the honor of onboarding a new employee. No one will do it for you, but they can definitely help. So what is required of you:

  1. Meet the employee in the morning. Mark it right on your calendar, or ask HR to always mark exit dates for new hires.
  2. Take him around the office. Show the workplace, check that the employee is logged in everywhere.
  3. Spend an hour talking to a newbie. Talk about your company, department, main tasks (general and personal). Tell what the employee needs to learn in the first week, what is expected of him in the first three months.
  4. Smile. This is extremely important. Even if half of your face is paralyzed, smile with the rest. I'm serious, don't be a bum, employees come to the company, but leave the head.
  5. Set tasks and fix them in writing, at least send them in the form of a letter by mail (this is already after the meeting, when the tasks were discussed orally).
  6. Give all necessary documents and access.
  7. Select an experienced and sociable person in the team and appoint him as a mentor for the employee. A beginner can contact him for all questions.

New employee

  1. Think about what information you are missing and where you will get it. Feel free to ask questions.
  2. Understand your goals for the first week, month, three months. If the leader did not voice, ask yourself.
  3. Write down the names of everyone you meet. In general, at first I recommend writing down everything: the amount of information is large, it will definitely be forgotten.
  4. Tell about yourself very briefly at each meeting, for example: In a startup environment, this is called “pitching” or elevator speech. Prepare ahead of time. For new employees, you are nobody until you tell about yourself. Don't miss the chance to make a good impression right away.
  5. If the position involves the introduction of changes in the company, it is easiest to make them in the first 60 days, then it will be harder. Especially if you have to make unpopular decisions or simply difficult ones: hiring, firing employees, transferring to another position, switching to new software, a new form of reporting, rebuilding the process, investing in something new.
  6. Plan for small victories, they will help build confidence in you. For example, choose small tasks that you could solve in the first 60 days and focus on them. Set aside tasks that require more than 60 days of your work for now. Here I would draw an analogy with the Agile approach in programming, when we do not try to make a very large and very complex product at once, but divide it into parts and develop it in stages.
  7. Set up 30-minute meetings with everyone you work with. Prepare a list of questions ahead of time and write down the answers.
  8. Ask what is working well, what is bad, what needs to be changed. Collect a lot of information and build a trusting relationship.
  9. Conduct an audit and present the results if you are a leader or an expert.
  10. Set up regular one-on-one meetings with your manager to share results and get feedback.
  11. Smile at your colleagues. No one wants to work with surly employees, even if you are currently under stress.


I could write an entire book, but here are some of the most important tips:

  1. Do Newbie Days: Gather them in front of old employees and ask them to briefly introduce themselves (5 minutes). We do this at Preply, and it works really well.
  2. Use special software to set up notifications for the employee and everyone involved so that they do not forget what needs to be done when the employee leaves. We use BambooHR, which has an Onboarding section that allows you to set up notifications for any employee with any tasks and deadlines. For example, three days before an employee leaves, the admin receives a notification about the creation of an account, and on the day of the exit, the manager receives a notification about the need to set tasks.
  3. Communicate regularly with newcomers. If you don't have an HR business partner, have your recruiters meet new recruits once a week.


Of course, as a colleague you don't have any onboarding responsibilities for newbies, but you can certainly benefit from it. People remember well who helped them in difficult times (although they don’t always talk about it publicly), so you have every chance to build a good relationship with a newcomer and then count on his help. Here are some tips:

  1. Meet first. Come up and say: “Hi, my name is Misha, I'm Head of HR here. I see you're new, let's get acquainted.
  2. Tell him to contact you with any questions.
  3. Tell us what you think is important and necessary.
  4. Invite for lunch.
  5. Ask the newbie about past experiences, plans, and goals. Give information useful to achieve them.


Adaptation in many companies is either not carried out or is carried out extremely poorly, as a result of which both the business and the employee suffer. The reason is the lack of understanding of the process on both sides. Simple Tips, described above, will help to significantly improve the onboarding process in the company, even if you do not have HR employees.

It happens that a new desired and long-awaited job does not live up to expectations. There can be many reasons for this. They seem to lie on the surface and are very simple. For example, the unfortunate location of the company or the feeling that employees can cope without a new colleague. Few people think that the roots are much deeper.

As a rule, newcomers face difficulties if the adaptation of personnel in the organization is not carried out. Having got a job in a firm of any size, the employee experiences stiffness, is lost, and is in a tense state. Over time, he becomes one of the team, and the company only benefits from his work. But before this moment, it may take more than one year. Or it may turn out that a person continues to feel superfluous and prefers to quit.

Concept of adaptation

First of all, you should know that the adaptation of personnel in an organization is the adaptation of the company and the employee to each other. The employee faces new tasks, work methods, he is surrounded by unfamiliar colleagues, and he needs to get used to the new conditions. The process of adaptation of personnel in the organization is not always regulated. Not all employers consider it necessary to develop a system, finance it, and take experienced employees away from work in order to make it easier for a new employee to enter a position. Nevertheless, the adaptation of personnel in the organization must be carefully designed to avoid the costs associated with the dismissal, search, selection and hiring of personnel.

Types of adaptation

As a rule, the process of adapting an employee to new conditions can be of two types:

  • Primary adaptation - at the initial employment in the company. In this case, the employee has no idea about work, about duties, etc.
  • Secondary adaptation - with an increase (decrease) within the company. In such a situation, the employee needs time and knowledge to enter a new position and work at the same level.

In both cases, the adaptation of personnel in the organization is necessary and develops according to the same principles.

Basic forms

The organization of work on the adaptation of personnel should cover not only the professional activities of the employee. It includes the following forms:

  1. Social - adaptation of the employee to the environment, the values ​​of the team.
  2. Professional - mastering the process of work and its nuances. Development of professional qualities and skills.
  3. Production - acquaintance with the norms of labor activity at the enterprise.
  4. Organizational - familiarity with the structure of the organization, its departments and communications.
  5. Economic - information about wages and forms of material incentives.
  6. Non-production - corporate holidays or sporting events that allow you to improve relations between employees and rally the team.

A well-built system of adaptation of personnel in an organization affects all of the above forms, and at the end of the process, the employee feels one with the company. Such an employee does not have dissatisfaction with work, his role in the company and thoughts of dismissal. As a result, the company's staff turnover decreases.

Since controlled adaptation in Russia is a fairly new direction, when speaking about methods of adapting to new conditions, the focus is primarily on foreign firms and their experience.

The most popular are the following methods:

  1. Personnel training - the company cooperates with educational institutions and with their help prepares employees for their own needs.
  2. Advanced training - updating knowledge in accordance with the latest developments in various fields. The method is suitable for those people who, for whatever reason, are not satisfied with their previous profession.
  3. Retraining of personnel is an opportunity to obtain a new specialty or knowledge necessary to work in a particular position. Ideal for those who have had a break in work and need to update their knowledge (young mothers).
  4. Cases and situational tasks - this method is aimed at team building and learning to work in a team. Most of the team members take part in the discussion, which makes it possible to find the right solution.
  5. Business games are situations related to professional activities. The application of this method teaches employees to think outside the box and make decisions quickly.
  6. Briefings - perhaps a very superficial method of adaptation, but suitable for such employees who find it easier to adhere to a certain algorithm in any actions in the workplace.
  7. Budding (budding) - facilitating the infusion into the team through a friendly relationship with a colleague. Security feedback and the ability to ask for help at any time are most effective in the first weeks of work in a new company.

We will go into more detail about methods such as rotation, shadowing, mentoring and immersion. They are interesting in that employees gain more knowledge and skills when using them.

Personnel rotation

This is a type of professional development. Rotation involves the temporary movement of personnel to positions within the organization, which allows employees to stay in different roles and try their hand at a new field. It is equally useful to see your work from the outside in this way. An employee in such a situation can realize mistakes and increase productivity. The method is quite effective, as it gives a certain shake-up to employees.


The name speaks for itself. An employee becomes a "shadow" of another employee or department head. At the same time, it is clearly visible how official duties are performed. The mentor and his "shadow" are on an equal footing. It is worth noting that an inexperienced employee does not receive any payment, but has the opportunity to choose any workplace and position for such research.

This method can be developed in three directions:

The trainee has no experience and observes the work of an experienced employee.

The student has work experience and can participate in discussions and work.

The student has high professional skills and works independently. In this case, the “shadow” is an experienced employee who oversees the work and makes adjustments as needed.

Mentoring Institute

This method is based on the allocation of experienced workers mentor. This role can be performed by both a line employee with sufficient qualifications and a department head. He can set tasks for the beginner (from simple to more complex) and control their implementation. Also, based on his experience, the mentor explains all the working moments and gives recommendations on improving work and avoiding mistakes.

A new employee may be older than his mentor or occupy the same position as him. But in any case, in this method, the mentor plays a dominant role over his ward.

When using the institute of mentoring, the work of the employee is paid. And the mentor needs to keep a record of how the adaptation process goes and how ready the employee is for independent work.

Immersion method

This option is suitable for higher level positions. In this case, the new leader immediately actively joins the work. When fulfilling obligations, he does not have time for doubts. Positive relations with the team are also being established, which is facilitated by the fulfillment by the head of his duties on his own, and not by delegating authority to subordinates.

Experience in Russia

The methods of adaptation of personnel in organizations in Russia are very limited and most often expressed only by mentoring. This option is good in its own way if the mentor is experienced and does not do his job “for show”. There are also firms in which all adaptation programs are carried out only on paper. Methods from the training group are more common in recruitment agencies and labor exchanges. These organizations help people acquire the knowledge needed for certain positions. Combining different methods of adaptation of personnel in the organization, you can achieve a return on new employees several times faster.

Responsible persons

Personnel adaptation management in the organization falls on the shoulders of the following employees:

  • company management;
  • department head;
  • personnel manager;
  • new employee mentor.

At the same time, the roles of each are quite transparent. The personnel manager is the employee whose forces and knowledge develop the system of personnel adaptation in the organization. In this case, employees of other departments, for example, psychologists (if they are provided for in the company), may be involved.

The heads of the organization and department hire an employee, and it is they who decide at the interview whether this person is suitable for the position and whether he will cope with the duties. And these same people are responsible for coordinating the adaptation system and putting it into operation.

Another important person is the mentor. This is an employee with great experience in this organization. Someone who knows all the nuances of working and communicating with the team. It is he who will have to train the employee so that the number of errors is minimal.

The benefits of innovation

Improving the adaptation of personnel in an organization is something that every company should strive for. Stable work of the team, minimal staff turnover, as well as reducing the cost of finding and training new employees is the key to the success and development of the company.

Professional adaptation of personnel in an organization should be carried out regardless of its size and form of ownership. Programs for inexperienced workers may be less costly because they do not need to be retrained in a new way.

For many, the first days, weeks at a new job are the most stressful. New team, different requirements, different business relationships, tons of unknown information. At the same time, you need to try not to make stupid mistakes and show your best side. It is advisable to prepare for such a brainstorming session in advance. Therefore, we will consider the concept of "adaptation in the workplace" from several angles.

What is adaptation

Adaptation to a new workplace is the period of familiarization of an employee with a hitherto unknown activity, organization, team, regulation of his behavior according to unusual requirements.

According to statistics, the majority of newly hired employees leave their place of work at this particular time. Reasons: the complexity of the adaptation process, the discrepancy between the real situation and their expectations.

For a new employee onboarding to be successful and painless, it must be a two-way process. The personnel department, management, colleagues should in every possible way contribute to the “infusion” of a newcomer into their organization, team. Depending on the support, assistance provided, adaptation at the workplace can proceed in various ways:

  1. Preservation of individualism - the new employee does not deny the main values ​​of the company, but ignores the secondary ones (for example, corporate traditions, holidays), tries to keep a little apart.
  2. Mimicry - the employee, on the contrary, supports secondary values, and denies the main ones, hiding this from the team. Such newcomers often leave their new job.
  3. Denial - the employee does not hide his dislike for the existing routines in the company. He will call them the reason for his early dismissal.
  4. Conformity - the employee sincerely accepts new rules, values, duties, safely becomes a "cog in the system".

Stages of adaptation

Let's figure out what stages of adaptation at a new workplace an employee goes through:

  1. external reorientation. On it, it is difficult for a person to accept new values ​​and routines, he painfully perceives what he is not used to, with which he does not agree. However, it seeks to hide these negative emotions.
  2. Gradual mutual recognition of the employee by the team and vice versa.
  3. Perception of team values ​​without incorporating them into your value system.
  4. Gradual acceptance of new rights and obligations, corporate culture, as well as the restructuring of one's personality and behavior under new conditions.
  5. Harmonious fusion of the individual with the team.

Failure at any of these stages often becomes a reason for dismissal of one's own free will.

Parts of adaptation

Adaptation in the workplace is divided into two parts: primary and secondary. The first is the appearance of a new employee in the team. Her goals:

  • prompt infusion of a newcomer into work;
  • redistribution of work responsibilities;
  • full replacement of the departed employee;
  • socialization in the team;
  • professional orientation.

Secondary adaptation at the workplace overtakes the employee during promotion, retraining, transfer to another department, workshop, etc. The goals of this period:

  • stabilization of the collective climate;
  • achieving full compliance with the requirements for a new position;
  • adaptation to the new status;
  • changing their role in the team.

Techniques of an adaptable person

Speaking about the ways of adaptation in the workplace, one cannot fail to mention the unconscious tricks that psychologists reveal in a person who gets used to a new team:

  1. "Meet by clothes." The first thing a beginner pays attention to is the appearance, clothing, and behavior of future colleagues. Such a superficial assessment at the initial stage helps to build an idea of ​​the personality and business qualities of each member of the new team.
  2. Stratification. The new employee divides colleagues into mini-groups: careerists, assistants, informal leaders, eccentrics, comedians, first ladies, outcasts, etc. He begins to evaluate their well-being, ability to behave in a team, build relationships with superiors, the degree of disposition towards himself . Based on this, the new member begins to build appropriate communication with each.
  3. Group identification. At this stage, the employee chooses for himself one of the strategies determined by him and begins to build his behavior according to his status. Belonging to a certain group creates a sense of security, a person begins to gradually feel at home in a new team.
  4. Intergroup discrimination. The employee exalts "his" group over others, treats others condescendingly, always finds the pluses of his choice.

Types of adaptation in the workplace

The entire adaptation process is divided into four groups:

  • psychophysiological;
  • professional (acquaintance with the profession);
  • socio-psychological (acquaintance with the team);
  • organizational (familiarization with the company itself).

A more detailed breakdown of them:

  1. Organizational adaptation. Successful activity in a new workplace is possible only when a person thoroughly knows everything about his company: history, tasks, goals, development prospects, its achievements and unpleasant moments in history. It is important to have an idea about its structure, managers, answers to vital questions: "Where is the personnel department, canteen, service parking?", "Where can I get a tabulagram?", "Who should I contact with questions about work?" etc. The duty of the employer is to convey to the newcomer all this information in a concise and structured form, and the latter to try to "digest" it in a short time.
  2. Socio-psychological adaptation of personnel in the workplace. Close acquaintance with the team, the norms of corporate culture, the establishment of interpersonal and business communication, infusion into informal groups. The newcomer not only gets acquainted with the new norms of behavior, he must already begin to follow them, while the team is wary of him, evaluates him, forms an opinion. Therefore, for most, this adaptation is the most difficult.
  3. Professional adaptation in the workplace. Filling gaps in knowledge, retraining, familiarization with new standards of work, its specifics. To facilitate this type of addiction, many organizations practice rotations, mentoring, briefings, and a "student" period.
  4. Psychophysical adaptation of employees in the workplace. This is a restructuring of your body, habits for a new mode of work and rest - a shift work schedule, business trips, irregular working hours, a "home office". This also includes adapting to a new workplace, rest and hygiene rooms, and an unusual route to work.

The duration of the adaptation period

The period of adaptation in the workplace does not have any clearly defined boundaries: someone manages to harmoniously integrate into the team in a couple of weeks, someone needs a few months or even a couple of years. In this case, three months are considered the optimal period - the duration of the probationary period.

The following employee characteristics indicate the end of the adaptation period:

  • copes with all the work tasks assigned to him, including non-standard ones;
  • is responsible for his actions;
  • knows the structure of the company well, orients itself in the environment of managers and colleagues, is in a non-conflict relationship with them;
  • successfully mastered the types of equipment, equipment, computer programs, etc. necessary for work;
  • knows the system of punishments and rewards of the company;
  • observes the norms of corporate culture;
  • is part of one of the informal groups of the collective.

Job introduction

As already mentioned, the adaptation of an employee to a new workplace is a two-way process. In a successful and developing company, a newcomer will not be satisfied with a "course of a young fighter", but will do everything possible for his smooth and painless entry into the team, getting used to the workplace. Usually, an induction program is drawn up for this. It varies depending on the following conditions:

  • features of the work of a beginner;
  • its status and level of responsibility;
  • the team where he gets;
  • personal characteristics of the future employee, identified at the interview.

The following persons participate in the program:

  • immediate supervisors;
  • colleagues who can become direct mentors;
  • employees from other departments with whom the newcomer's activities will be closely related;
  • personnel department.

The program includes three major phases.

Before the worker arrives

In order for the adaptation to the new workplace to be quick and successful, before the first working day:

  1. The relevance of the job description is checked.
  2. An unofficial "patron" of the newcomer is appointed.
  3. His workplace is being prepared.
  4. The future team is notified of the addition to the composition.
  5. All necessary information files, passes, administrative documents are formed.
  6. A call is made to a future employee - to find out about his readiness to go to work.

First work day

During this period, the program invites the team to do the following:

  1. Discuss with the newcomer his job responsibilities.
  2. To acquaint him in detail with the internal labor schedule.
  3. Tell about corporate traditions, rules, private moments.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the organization.
  5. Conduct the necessary briefings: safety precautions, first aid, Fire safety etc.
  6. Provide a list of all possible communications, contacts that he may need.
  7. Presentation of dress code rules.
  8. Acquaintance of a beginner with immediate supervisors, colleagues.
  9. Tour of the place of work: show canteens, latrines, rest areas, etc.

The rest of the adaptation period

At this time, procedures such as:

  1. Familiarization with reporting rules.
  2. Demonstration of requirements for labor, its results.
  3. Acquaintance with the administrative and economic system of the organization.
  4. Development of an individual system for retraining a new employee.
  5. Acquaintance with the specifics of his work, the nuances that he needs to know.

Methods for Successful Adaptation

In order to accelerate the adaptation in the workplace of a beginner, many corporations use the following methods:

  1. Informal accompaniment - assigning a mentor, a "patron" to a new employee.
  2. Holding events - in honor of the arrival of a new employee, a corporate party is organized, where in a relaxed atmosphere he is introduced to the norms, rules, etiquette in the organization.
  3. Corporate PR - a universal guide is being developed that contains answers to all questions of newcomers.
  4. Team training - the event is held if the employee fails to join the team. It expresses the views of both sides, claims; trying to establish a dialogue.
  5. Briefing - the employee gets acquainted with the new requirements under the strict guidance of colleagues who answer all his questions.
  6. Personal account, personal mail - letters-instructions come to these addresses for a beginner, helping him to gradually understand the environment.

Facilitating adaptation

Many successful corporations today pay great attention to the adaptation of a new employee in their team. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • the shorter the adaptation period, the greater the return on the employee's work;
  • negative feedback from former employees who left due to a number of difficulties during the adaptation period is a serious blow to the company's image;
  • mentoring helps boost the creativity of long-term employees;
  • when an employee is fired and a replacement is sought, the company will again spend funds on recruitment and training;
  • a detailed and effective adaptation program is a plus in the fight against competitors;
  • the friendly attitude of the new team is one of the main reasons for revealing the potential of a newcomer.

Adaptation to a new workplace is the most difficult and important in labor activity. At this stage, it is important for an employee to quickly and successfully get used to an unfamiliar team, in a new workplace, and the company should do everything to promote this, and not hinder it.