Texts for a concise presentation. Concise summary Who of the people did not experience pleasure concise



1.1 . People are different. Some see nature as our cradle and abode, while others try to seize, reshape, disregarding the right of every creature to life and independence, appropriating this right exclusively to themselves ...

We have destroyed many innocent creatures. Take the most obvious example - Steller's cow. Ate algae. And the weight reached three and a half tons! And where is she, this cow, now? There is not! Not a single copy! But that's not all. Carried away by the achievement of exclusively material benefits, we can deprive ourselves of food of no less importance. After all, human life is not only about eating and dressing. A few decades ago, few people thought that many of us would strive to go to the wildest possible nature in order to enjoy its beauty ...

Back in the period of the conquest of America by newcomers from Europe, two opposite approaches to nature arose. The Europeans believed that it was necessary to fight nature and ruthlessly destroy everything useless to people in it. The Indians, on the other hand, believed that the great spirit did not create anything superfluous in nature, and each creature should take only what is needed for daily sustenance. These two opinions exist among people even now. And the state of nature now is such that more and more scientists are inclined to believe that the Indians are right after all (According to Yu. Arakcheev).

1.2. Chekhov, through the mouth of Dr. Astrov, expressed one of his absolutely amazing in accuracy thoughts that forests teach a person to understand beauty. In the forests, the majestic beauty and power of nature, enhanced by a certain haze of mystery, appear before us with the greatest expressiveness. This gives them a special charm. And I cannot keep silent about the fact that in the depths of our forests, genuine pearls of our poetry were created.

Forests are the greatest source of inspiration and health. These are gigantic laboratories. They produce oxygen and trap poisonous gases and dust. Each of you, of course, remembers the air after a thunderstorm. It is fragrant, fresh, full of ozone. So, in the forests, as it were, an invisible and inaudible eternal thunderstorm rages and scatters streams of ionized air over the earth.

In the forests, you breathe air that is 200 times cleaner and healthier than city air. It is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and, finally, it turns the mechanical, and sometimes difficult for us, process of breathing into pleasure. Those who have experienced this for themselves, who know how one breathes in the pine forests warmed by the sun, will remember, of course, the amazing state of seemingly unconscious joy and strength that engulfs us as soon as we get into the forests from stuffy city houses. (According to K. Paustovsky)

1.3 . Who among people has not experienced pleasure, listening to the sighs of summer rain, the rustle of autumn leaves, the waves splashing along the shores of the lake, the murmuring water, the pigeons cooing on a foggy morning? What can be compared with the singing of birds, especially such outstanding musicians as nightingales? The singing of people can be annoying, the singing of birds - never. Birds create the sound coloring of the landscape. Wildlife has not only visual, but also sound beauty. Different kinds insects, animals, birds complement each other in daily and seasonal rhythms of sound, full of true beauty.

The richest music is the music of nature. One Canadian composer introduced a special concept - "soundscape". In his opinion, for the inhabitants of the forests, each type of tree has its own voice. When the breeze flies in the fir trees, they sob and moan, the ash tree hisses, the birch trees rustle, the pine trees hum. Even cereals have their own "voices", different day and night.

Nature makes no noise. The roar of a storm, a rustling leaf, a patter of rain - in all this there is an original and unknown harmony. The singing of birds, the croaking of frogs, the rustle of grass, the sound of the surf, the roar of a waterfall - this whole symphony of sounds wildlife there is a huge and unattainable ideal value. (According to V. Boreyko)

1.4. Since ancient times, a stand-alone tree has been especially perceived in the popular mind. To our distant ancestors, a tree resembled a person. its trunk seemed to be the body, the roots - the legs, the crown - the head, the branches - the arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. There was a movement of life-giving juices in it - just like blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It possessed such virtues as strength, strength, firmness.

A special perception of the tree can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play an important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. By the tree here we mean faith, and by its fruits are the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called to test this faith. It reminds that a person can choose in his life as the path of goodness. so is the path of evil. This is what a believer thinks about. when he sees the image of a tree on the icons.

Long-lived trees, handsome trees were especially noted. Russian poets and artists left us many pictorial and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to peer into the paintings of I. Shishkin "Ship Grove", "Rye", "Pine". In lyrical songs, people share their innermost feelings with the tree. It becomes, as it were, a sensitive interlocutor, a friend. (According to A. Kamkin).

2.1. It is difficult to find a person who would not love animals. Birds, fish. But here's the problem: we prefer to love from afar, in absentia. And at the same time, almost at every step, we contribute to the destruction of wildlife. A simple example: many people prefer to spend a day off with a fishing rod on the river. What do you do when a fish is too small on the hook? Release into the water. Having previously torn her mouth when removing the hook. And you don't see it float up belly up downstream. And an experienced fisherman initially selects such hooks so that a trifle cannot swallow them.

Another example: you got another animal more exotic - say, a hedgehog. But it turns out that the new family member is nocturnal and stomps around the apartment. Breaking the sweet dream of the owners. What happens after this "discovery"? with a slight sigh, you take the animal to a nearby park and release it. But the hedgehog cannot live there: too many people walk among the trees, there are no mushrooms, berries, dead leaves are raked out. As a result, the "toy" dies after a few days.

There are many such examples. And all this happens only because a simple life principle is violated: if you can, do not disturb others. The great French writer Exupery put wise words into the mouth of one of his heroes: "You are always responsible for those whom you have tamed." Proud of your intelligence and strength. we should not forget that man, in essence, has only recently crossed the fine line separating him from animals. And we do not have absolute reason, but only the first glimpses of it.

To better understand the need to protect nature, we must determine what we owe to the animal world, besides the fact that we ourselves are its representatives. (According to A. Ageev)

2.2. There are many amazing planets in the Universe, but one is absolutely fabulous. When it is summer in its upper half, it is winter in its lower half. If on the right is day, then on the left is night. Two spots crown the planet above and below: wherever you look from one, everything will be south, and from the other, everything will be north. And there is an ocean. Where east and west meet. And no matter where you go, you will always come back. And if you look at the planet from the side, a mother-of-pearl ball of amazing beauty shines over the abyss.

Scientists are now digging hard into the lunar dust, trying to find in it at least signs of life. If only we were so reverent about life on our Earth! Why does a man need a tiger? What is the hope of the flower? What are wild wings whistling about?

We are all dependent on nature - both in body and spirit. We hurry to the forest without fail for something: for mushrooms, for berries, to breathe. To meet with mystery and beauty. And nature serves us faithfully. It served Pithecanthropus, it also serves modern man. And instead of gratitude, we try to twist it into a ram's horn. What for? Only because she is resigned and gives in.!

Nature means a lot in our life: it waters us, feeds us, clothes and makes us happy. The man of the future - of course - will take care of every living being. If only because the joys of the spirit will be put above the joys of the stomach. For the stomach, we have bred dairy cows, meat pigs, egg laying hens. And in the wild swan, crane, deer, tiger, falcon, in a thousand other amazing and beautiful creatures, the creative line of wild nature manifested itself.

We all create for something. It is worth looking at the work of human hands - and it is immediately clear that this is then and for that. We are driven by necessity. What drives nature? What is the purpose and what is the meaning in its creations. Why a bird? What is the tree for? Animals, insects, fish. By themselves ... (According to N. Sladkov.)

2.3. Motherland, like parents, is not chosen. It is given to us at birth and absorbed from childhood. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small village somewhere in the tundra. Over the years, becoming older and living out our destiny, we attach more and more new lands to this center, we can change our place of residence and move to the province; paradoxically, in this case a big city may turn out to be a province, but the cent is still there, in our “small” homeland. It cannot be changed.

The "small" homeland gives us much more than we are able to realize. Our human qualities, taken from childhood and youth, must be divided in half: half from our parents and half from the earth that raised us. She is able to correct the mistakes of parenting. The first and strongest ideas about good and evil. We take beauty and ugliness out of it and then correlate our whole life with these original images and concepts.

The nature of the native land is minted in our souls forever. I believe that the Angara played an important role in my writing business: once I went to the Angara and was stunned - and I was stunned from the beauty that entered me, as well as from the conscious and material feeling of the homeland that emerged from it. A person becomes an artist only when he combines his own feelings with the general natural and popular feeling, in which I believe no less than in conscience and truth, and in which they, perhaps, live. I am also saying that a homeland destroyed by no means filial management leads to both spiritual and physical destruction of a person. These are things of the same order.

Of course, a “small” homeland can also be a big city, or rather, some district of the city dear to the heart. Bulat Okudzhava has the old Arbat, Yuri Nagibin has the Armenian lane. The features of the "small" homeland and its spirit are always noticeable in the writer's work. Therefore, the “small” homeland is not only nature in the countryside and history in the city, but also relationships, a way of life. And living traditions. This is language, and faith, and certain inclinations taken out of her very earth along with her salt. These are the “birthmarks” of every person, and in the writer they are especially visible ... (According to V. Rasputin)

2.4. Every person should have one dog in their life. The dog that saved him from danger, the dog that brightened up loneliness or simply awakened hidden forces to life. Tender and quivering, necessary like air, vital like bread - the forces of love for all living things Maybe in a person's life a dog is beaten, offended ...

In my life, a dog is a new, with its help, an open horizon of life. New sung string. New emerging paint. This is self-deepening. New experiences, new sufferings and joys. The dog should do one more service to the person - it should awaken a good feeling in the heart of the child. This is not my discovery. This is a marvelous discovery of a people, of many peoples. I opened open. I rediscovered it for myself, and this novelty, as it were, breathed new strength, rejuvenated.

Good awakening. This is a delicate process, requiring the great participation of all social forces. After all, the good may never awaken. Maybe, waking up, die. At first, this feeling is weak, fragile. But if you help it rise, let it grow stronger, it will become a great power.

He who loves dogs loves people more. There cannot be two cruelties in a person. Cruelty is one. If a man is cruel to dogs, he is cruel to people. Good, like evil, is indivisible. It is one even in its most complex manifestations.

Academician Pavlov erected a monument to the dog for helping him make the greatest discovery. Perhaps, over time, we will have more monuments to other dogs. For example, a monument to dogs guarding the border, or dogs-miners, orderlies, messengers and those who walked with explosives on their backs towards fascist tanks. Or maybe one of the monuments will be erected to our four-legged friend for helping to awaken in young hearts a great sense of humanism, kindness, love for all living things. (According to B. Emelyanov)


1. Read the text carefully. 2. Read the first paragraph aloud to your partner. 3. Try to answer the question together: what is the paragraph about? Find keywords, title the paragraph. 4. Write down the title of the first paragraph in your notebook. 5. Change roles and start working with 2 texts in the same sequence. 6. After finishing work with paragraph 2 of the text, find a second partner, retell him the content of the first paragraph of your text, work through the second paragraph in the same order as the first. 7. Study the text of the second partner according to the scheme set out in paragraphs 3-6. 8. After finishing work on the topic, prepare, using the plan, for a presentation in a small group or in front of a class.


As a result, students will have approximate plans in their notebooks for text No. 1: 1) People are different. 2) Many innocent creatures were destroyed. 3) Two opposing approaches to nature Homework can be as follows: based on these texts, write either a concise presentation or an essay-reasoning based on the original text using arguments from other texts.

Need a summary. Who among people has not experienced pleasure, attention to the sighs of summer rain, the rustling of autumn leaves, the waves splashing along the shores of the lake, the murmuring water, the pigeons cooing on a foggy morning? What can be compared with the singing of birds, especially such outstanding musicians as nightingales? The singing of people can be annoying, the singing of birds, never. birds create the sound coloring of the landscape. Wildlife has not only visual, but also sound beauty. Various types of insects, animals, birds complement each other in daily and seasonal rhythms of sound, full of true beauty. The richest music is the music of nature. One Canadian composer introduced a special concept - "soundscape". In his opinion, for the inhabitants of the forests, each type of tree has its own voice. When the breeze flies in the fir trees, they sob and moan, the ash tree hisses, the birch trees rustle, the pine trees hum. Even cereals have their own "voices", different day and night. Nature does not make noise. The roar of a storm, a rustling leaf, a patter of rain - in all this there is an original and unknown harmony. The singing of birds, the croaking of frogs, the rustle of grasses, the sound of the surf, the roar of a waterfall - this whole symphony of sounds of wildlife has a huge and unattainable ideal value.

From the freedom and inertia of people

All vices have their natural limit, which they cannot cross: two people, maybe even ten, can be afraid of one; but if a thousand, if a million, if a thousand cities cannot cope with one, then this is not cowardice; she doesn't go that far; just as courage does not yet spread, that one man storms a fortress, attacks an army, conquers a kingdom. So what a monster of vice is that it doesn't even deserve the name of cowardice? that does not find a name because nature has not made it so nasty, because the tongue refuses to pronounce it?

Answer left the guest

Who among people has not experienced pleasure, attention to the sighs of summer rain, the rustling of autumn leaves, the waves splashing along the shores of the lake, the murmuring water, the pigeons cooing on a foggy morning? What can be compared with the singing of birds, especially such outstanding musicians as nightingales? Wildlife has not only visual, but also sound beauty. Various types of insects, animals, birds complement each other in the daily and seasonal rhythms of sound, full of true beauty. One Canadian composer introduced a special concept - "soundscape". In his opinion, for the inhabitants of the forests, each type of tree has its own voice. When the breeze flies in the fir trees, they sob and moan, the ash tree hisses, the birch trees rustle, the pine trees hum. The roar of a storm, a rustling leaf, a patter of rain - in all this there is an original and unknown harmony. The singing of birds, the croaking of frogs, the rustling of grasses, the sound of the surf, the roar of a waterfall - this whole symphony of sounds of wildlife is a huge and unattainable ideal value. (I didn’t cut it much ... well, I think it will do ...

Place fifty thousand armed men on one side and the same number on the other; arrange them for battle; they will become ordinary: some will be free people fighting for their freedom, others will come out to rob them from them: which of them will presumably be promised victory? What do you think will fight courageously? Those who, in return for their labors, hope to retain their freedom, or those who cannot expect any other price for the tricks they impose or receive than the slavery of others?

Some always have happiness in their past lives, looking forward to similar prosperity in the future; it does not matter much to them what they experience in the short span of the battle, as what they, their children and all their descendants must endure forever. Others have only a little desirability to deceive themselves, which blinds themselves to danger, which, however, cannot be so ardent, but must come out with the smallest drop of blood that flows from their wounds. Think of the famous battles of Miltiades, Leonidas, Themistocles, who were defeated two thousand years ago and still live so recently in the memory of books and people, as if they had made their mark in Greece for the salvation of the Greek people and the whole world; What, it is believed, did not give the power of so small a group as the Greeks, but the courage to resist the onslaught of so many ships that changed the face of the sea with them; to overcome so many peoples who have risen in such huge masses that a band of Greeks could not even put captains in the enemy armies?

MBOU Alekseevskaya secondary school of the Alekseevsky municipal district of the Volgograd region

teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category

Why do we know nothing about our subtle body?

In truth, it is completely pointless to argue about whether freedom is natural, since one cannot keep in slavery without making it wrong, and since nothing in the world is contrary to nature, like injustice. Therefore, it remains to be said that freedom is natural, and, in my opinion, we are born not only in the possession of our freedom, but also in the desire to protect it. If we can doubt this, and if we have become so degenerate that we do not seem to recognize our qualities and our original impulses, then it is necessary for me to do you the honor that comes to you and put wild beasts on the stage, to teach you, so to speak. its nature and constitution.

Students should be aware that communication tools are divided into three groups. (Appendix No. 1). Lexical means of communication are repetition, synonymic replacement, gender-view relations, the use of antonyms, words of the same semantic group. Grammatical means of communication are pronominal substitution, nominal parts of speech and verbs of the same type and tense, the use of conjunctions, particles. adverbs with the meaning of time and space. Syntactic means of communication are the use of introductory words, one-part and incomplete sentences, various sentences for the purpose of the statement, sentences-strings. In the process of learning activities, students already from the 5th grade understand that the compositional construction of the text has its own structural features. The text must have a beginning. This may be the key idea of ​​the statement or citation as a special introduction. In the middle part, concepts are compared, arguments are given that prove the correctness of your point of view. And in conclusion - a conclusion, it can be in the form of a rhetorical question, in the form of an invocative construction or a quotation of a generalizing nature.

When working with texts, it would be good for a teacher to master the CSE methodology or, for a start, get acquainted with this methodology and gradually introduce it in the classroom, include elements of CSR technology methods in the traditional teaching system. Many teachers already use not only frontal and individual forms of work in the classroom, but also pair, group, collective. This allows you to change the content of the teacher's activity in the educational process, and the system of relationships between the teacher and students, the organization of interaction between students, aimed at the formation of communication and regular reflection.

In my lessons and when studying new material, and when repeating and consolidating, I more often use work in pairs of permanent composition, sometimes in shifts, and also work in groups, especially when compiling tables of a generalizing nature. At the end, the successes of each are evaluated from different positions: both how he himself learned the material, and how he helped a friend, and how the whole group coped with the task.

Communication skills occupy a special place in the learning process: the interaction of students with a teacher, students among themselves, communication with different types of texts using the technique "Paragraph study of the text". One of the methods of the "Collective way of learning" technology according to V.K. Dyachenko is the method of paragraph-by-paragraph study of the text in pairs of shifts. It is aimed at the formation of communication skills: the ability to listen, to delve into the essence of what is read and heard, to negotiate with a friend about joint activities, to formulate questions about the text, to restore the read text, to title it, to highlight the main idea in it, to determine the topic.

At the same time, four texts are studied in the lesson, revealing problems similar in content. Everyone has their own text, which they work through in turn with others. There are 4 students in the group and 4 different texts (Appendix No. 2). Recommendations on the organization of work according to the method of "Paragraph-by-paragraph study of the text" can be found in the educational and methodological manual of G.M. Vyalkova (reviewer A.G. Kotova, Ph.D.). as well as in the "Collection of texts for a written exam in the Russian language for the course of the basic school. 9 cells. textbook edited by L.M. Rybchenkova”. Working according to the methods of Rivin and Dyachenko, students learn to negotiate, understand the point of view of the interlocutor, and argue their point of view.

From the very beginning, each student is given a specific goal: to master the material perfectly so as to tell it in expanded or collapsed form. The student discusses each paragraph of the text with different partners, which makes it possible to consider the text under study from a different angle, to understand the topic more thoroughly and in detail. And as a result, each student will have a plan written in their notebook that corresponds to the number of paragraphs in the text. And at the last stage of the lesson, it is recommended to seat students working on the same topic together. The task at this stage of the lesson is to discuss the plans made and invite one participant to speak to the class. Then, using various compression techniques, you can compress the text and formulate the main problem of the text. Homework can be varied: either write a concise summary, or write an essay on one of the problems in the source text.

The method of dialogue with the text, which develops attention to the word, is very interesting in the work. You can find key words in the text that help to understand the author's thought, unfamiliar words, the meaning of which can be clarified in explanatory dictionaries. It is necessary to find a word-image, a comparison with the author's assessment or hidden questions, and try to answer them. Both in the lessons of the Russian language and in the lessons of literature, when analyzing texts, we necessarily determine the expressive means of the language, students find certain paths, characterize their main features. All this ultimately contributes to better mastering the techniques of optimal construction of various texts, and also helps students prepare for the successful passing of the GIA and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

Application No. 1.

The main means of communication between sentences in the text

Tool name


Substitute words: pronouns, adverbs, synonyms, etc.

Birch - she, in the forest - there, quickly - swiftly, trees - birch

Lexical repetitions

Golden a shelf is one that winds up exclusively for favorite books. I've been dreaming about this for a long time golden shelf

Correspondence of types of tense verb forms

Human beret book, checks your words and deeds, shapes yourself as a person


1. Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language and culture of speech. Publishing house "Phoenix", 2005. - 284 p.
2. Golovin B.N. A culture of speech. M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - 231 p.
3. Ippolitova N.A. Russian language and culture of speech: M.: Prospekt, 2007. - 440 p.
4. Kosmarskaya I.V. Russian language: tests and tasks on the culture of speech. M.: Aquarium, 2001. - 204 p.
5. Nikitina E.I. Lessons in the development of speech. M.: Bustard, 2006. - 192 p.
6. Pustovalov P.S. A guide to the development of speech. M., 1987. - 287 p.
7. Smirnova L.G. Culture of Russian speech: textbook. allowance. M.: Russian word, 2004. - 336 p.


03/31/2014, 19:28 Sereda Evgenia Vitalievna
Review: The work of Z.S. Antamoshkina is of undoubted interest for the theory and practice of teaching the Russian language. The organization of the work of students of the secondary educational center with the text is one of the most important methods for the formation of communicative key competencies and contributes to the formation of the speech literacy of our children. The article proposed for review is written competently, in a consistent scientific style, logical and reasoned. Of particular importance are the Appendixes to the article, which contain practical developments on the proposed topic. The work was done at a high scientific and methodological level and can be published without any changes. Sincerely, Ph.D. Sereda E.V.

From the guest >>

HELP SCHAAAT! Who among people has not experienced pleasure, attention to the sighs of summer rain, the rustle of autumn leaves, the waves splashing along the shores of the lake, the murmuring water, the pigeons cooing on a foggy morning? What can be compared with the singing of birds, especially such outstanding musicians as nightingales? The singing of people can be annoying, the singing of birds, never. birds create the sound coloring of the landscape. Wildlife has not only visual, but also sound beauty. Various types of insects, animals, birds complement each other in daily and seasonal rhythms of sound, full of true beauty. The richest music is the music of nature. One Canadian composer introduced a special concept - "soundscape". In his opinion, for the inhabitants of the forests, each type of tree has its own voice. When the breeze flies in the fir trees, they sob and moan, the ash tree hisses, the birch trees rustle, the pine trees hum. Even cereals have their own "voices", different day and night. Nature does not make noise. The roar of a storm, a rustling leaf, a patter of rain - in all this there is an original and unknown harmony. The singing of birds, the croaking of frogs, the rustling of grasses, the sound of the surf, the roar of a waterfall - this whole symphony of sounds of wildlife has a huge and unattainable ideal value.

Answer left the guest

Who among people has not experienced pleasure, attention to the sighs of summer rain, the rustling of autumn leaves, the waves splashing along the shores of the lake, the murmuring water, the pigeons cooing on a foggy morning? What can be compared with the singing of birds, especially such outstanding musicians as nightingales? Wildlife has not only visual, but also sound beauty. Various types of insects, animals, birds complement each other in daily and seasonal rhythms of sound, full of true beauty. One Canadian composer introduced a special concept - "soundscape". In his opinion, for the inhabitants of the forests, each type of tree has its own voice. When the breeze flies in the fir trees, they sob and moan, the ash tree hisses, the birch trees rustle, the pine trees hum. The roar of a storm, a rustling leaf, a patter of rain - in all this there is an original and unknown harmony. The singing of birds, the croaking of frogs, the rustling of grasses, the sound of the surf, the roar of a waterfall - this whole symphony of sounds of wildlife is a huge and unattainable ideal value.

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Texts for summary

Write a concise summary of the given text. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each microtopic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words. Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Text 1

Source text

Who among people has not experienced pleasure, listening to the sighs of summer rain, the rustle of autumn leaves, the waves splashing along the shores of the lake, the murmuring water, the pigeons cooing on a foggy morning? What can be compared with the singing of birds, especially such outstanding musicians as nightingales? The singing of people can be annoying, the singing of birds - never. Birds create the sound coloring of the landscape. Wildlife has not only visual, but also sound beauty. Various types of insects, animals, birds complement each other in daily and seasonal rhythms of sound, full of true beauty.

The richest music is the music of nature. One Canadian composer introduced the special concept of "soundscape". In his opinion, for the inhabitants of the forests, each type of tree has its own voice. When the breeze flies through the trees, they sob and moan, the ash tree hisses, the birch trees rustle, the pine trees hum. Even cereals have their voices, different day and night.

Nature makes no noise. The roar of a storm, a rustling leaf, a patter of rain - in all this there is an original and unknown harmony. The singing of birds, the croaking of frogs, the rustling of grasses, the sound of the surf, the roar of a waterfall - this whole symphony of sounds of wildlife is a huge and unattainable ideal value.

(According to V. E. Boreyko)

Music of nature_Boreiko V.E.

Sample summary

Sample Concise Statement to Text 1

Text 2

Source text

I have been dreaming about this for a long time: to start a golden shelf. This is the shelf on which only favorite books are placed. Why am I limited to only a dream? Maybe this is because it's not easy for a gold shelf to become a reality. Still, this is a golden shelf, of which there are not so many in the world. Maybe I do not start this shelf because of the lack of sale of gold paper? That's right, they don't sell it now. I remember those golden sheets with embossed patterns that so adorned my childhood. It seems they were used in the manufacture Christmas decorations. They were embossed with a design, something like frozen flowers on a window, only the flowers were golden.

Paradoxically, the most wonderful books that we constantly re-read over the course of time are not retained in our memory. It would seem that it should be the other way around: the book that made an impression on us should have been remembered in all its details. No, this is not happening. Of course, we know what this book is mainly about. But just the details are unexpected for us, new.

Of course, so: we read a wonderful book every time, as if anew. And this is the amazing fate of the authors of wonderful books: they have not left, they are out of time.

(According to Yu.K.Olesha)

Golden shelf by Yu.K.Olesha

Sample Concise Statement

Sample summary for the second text

Text 3

Source text

I don't remember where, in the memoirs of some revolutionary, I read a touching story about a blade of grass. The prisoner, a prisoner in solitary confinement, was brought from big world stack of books. He began to read books and suddenly saw that a tiny seed had stuck to the book page. An incomprehensible excitement seized him. In a lifeless stone bag, the prisoner looked at the seed with different eyes. He realized that before him on a sheet of paper lies the greatest miracle of all possible miracles, and it is placed in a tiny, barely visible speck.

The prisoner had a jar of land. With trembling hands, the man lowered the seed into the ground. The seed eventually germinated, and this made the man very happy. And how could you not be happy! The miracle, to which we are so accustomed only because it always happens around us in a million-billion repetition, began to happen and unfold in front of the shocked prisoner. The bush was beautiful, or rather, beautiful. He pleased the eye with completeness, harmony and that rationality that cannot be analyzed and explained, but which is perceived by a person, perhaps because he himself is a particle of it.

The prisoner in his memoirs claimed that in his life he had never had a joy more complete and sharp than that which the strawberry, which had grown in a broken bowl, gave him. Meanwhile, caressing a person’s eye, pouring quiet joy into his soul, softening his temper, bringing calm and rest - this is one of the side purposes of any plant, and especially a flower.

(According to V.A. Soloukhin)

About a blade of grass according to V_A_Soloukhin

Sample Concise Statement

Sample Concise Statement to Text 3

Text #4

Source text

True Love and true Friendship come by themselves, not as a simple hobby, but as a higher state. Like any Dream, Love or Friendship does not come true immediately, but after long battles, unsuccessful attempts, suffering, overcoming selfish motives. It comes only to the person who never stops dreaming of it as the highest principle of life.

Any attempts to artificially evoke love, force genuine relationships, impose oneself, demand love, plan and adjust situations for its implementation sooner or later end in failure. This thin and fragile “bird of happiness” feels threatened and, not wanting to become a slave to any formal situations, flies away from the golden cage prepared for it, so that later we can avoid all the baits with which we will vainly try to return it back.

Love requires complete dedication and selflessness, puts itself in the foreground, in the center of attention, forcing everyone to dance around us, our problems and interests, constantly demand proof of love, do good and love only in order to be answered the same. All this kills true Love and true Friendship.

(According to E. Sikiric)

Sample Concise Statement

Sample summary for text 4

Audio options for a condensed presentation from the open bank of tasks of the OGE FIPI 2016

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Text #5

I remembered hundreds of boys' answers to the question: what kind of person do you want to become? - Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless... And no one said: kind. Why is kindness not put on a par with such virtues as courage and bravery? But without kindness - genuine warmth of the heart - the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible.

Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of humanity. Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the surrounding living world and do the most courageous deeds in the name of goodness. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and the only path for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is useful - both to a person alone and to the whole society as a whole.

Learning to feel and sympathize is the most difficult thing in education. If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, you will never bring them up, because they are assimilated simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main of which is the value of life: someone else's, one's own, the life of the animal world and plants. In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school - a school of nurturing good feelings. Humanity, kindness, benevolence are born in worries, worries, joys and sorrows.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Text #6

In childhood, a person is happy, as they say now, by default. By nature, a child is a creature instinctively predisposed to happiness. No matter how difficult and even tragic his life may be, he still rejoices and constantly finds more and more reasons for this. Perhaps because he still has nothing to compare his life with, he still does not suspect that it can be somehow different. But, most likely, all the same, because the child's soul has not yet had time to be covered with a protective shell and is more open to goodness and hopes than the soul of an adult.

And with age, everything seems to turn inside out. No matter how calmly and prosperously our life develops, we will not calm down until we find in it some kind of splinter, awkwardness, malfunction, cling to it, and feel deeply unhappy. And we believe in the drama we invented, sincerely complain about it to friends, spend time, health, mental strength on experiences ...

It is only when a really real tragedy happens that we realize how absurd the imagined suffering is and how trifling the reason for it. Then we clutch our heads and say to ourselves: “Lord, what a fool I was when I suffered because of some nonsense. No, to live for your own pleasure and enjoy every minute.

(According to the text of O. Roy)

Text No. 7

There is simply no and cannot be a universal recipe for how to choose the right, the only true, only path in life intended for you. And the final choice always remains with the individual.

We make this choice already in childhood, when we choose friends, learn to build relationships with peers, and play. But most of the most important decisions that determine the path of life, we still make in our youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is the most crucial period. It is at this time that a person, as a rule, chooses the most important thing for the rest of his life: his closest friend, the circle of his main interests, his profession.

It is clear that such a choice is a responsible matter. It cannot be brushed aside, it cannot be postponed until later. You should not hope that the mistake can be corrected later: it will be in time, the whole life is ahead! Something, of course, can be corrected, changed, but not everything. And wrong decisions will not remain without consequences. After all, success comes to those who know what they want, decisively make a choice, believe in themselves and stubbornly achieve their goals.

(According to A.N. Moskvin)

Text 8

In a society where the idea of ​​individualism is cultivated, many have forgotten about such things as mutual assistance and mutual assistance. And human society has just been formed and continues to exist thanks to a common cause and help to the weak, thanks to the fact that each of us complements each other. And how can we now support the completely opposite point of view, which says that there are no other interests than our own? And the point here is not even that it sounds selfish, the point is that it is in this issue that personal and public interests are intertwined.

Do you see how much deeper it is than it seems? After all, individualism destroys society, and therefore weakens us. And only mutual support can preserve and strengthen society.

And what is more in line with our common interests - mutual assistance or primitive selfishness? There can be no two opinions here. We must help each other if we want to live well together and not depend on anyone. And, helping people in difficult times, you don’t have to wait for gratitude, you just need to help, not looking for benefits for yourself, then they will help you in return, of course.

(According to the materials of the Internet)

About friendship. mp3

Text #9

Trials await friendship always. The main one today is a changed way of life, a change in the way and routine of life. With the acceleration of the pace of life, with the desire to quickly realize oneself, an understanding of the significance of time came. Previously, it was impossible to imagine, for example, that the hosts were weary of the guests. Now that time is the price of achieving one's goal, relaxation and hospitality are no longer important. Frequent meetings and leisurely conversations are no longer indispensable companions of friendship. Due to the fact that we live in different rhythms, meetings of friends become rare.

But here's the paradox: before, the circle of contacts was limited, today a person is oppressed by the redundancy of forced communication. This is especially noticeable in cities with high population density. We strive to isolate ourselves, to choose a secluded place in the subway, in a cafe, in the reading room of the library.

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20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays on the collection of tests for the USE in 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

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