Cardiomagnyl benefit and harm. Cardiomagnyl - your assistant in the prevention of strokes Contraindications for taking cardiomagnyl in bronchial asthma

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After a stroke, he was prescribed to take cardiomagnyl constantly. At first I did it, and then it became expensive for me. I decided to look for a replacement, but there were few drugs with acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium. And the rest have more side effects on the stomach, respectively. And for me it is important, because I also suffer from gastritis. And recently I learned that a complete analogue of cardiomagnyl appeared - Fazostbil. The domestic drug, produced by the Ozone company, is much cheaper, and the composition is absolutely identical. I’ve been taking it for the second month already, I didn’t feel any difference compared to expensive cardiomagnyl.

Cardiomagnyl in its basis has magnesium hydroxide and acetylsalicylic acid. Used for heart disease. Magnesium hydroxide is designed to neutralize aspirin when it acts on the gastric mucosa. While leaving medicinal properties aspirin. But if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better not to use cardiomagnyl. That's why there are negative reviews. And so the drug is considered very effective. And basically helps people with their illness.

My mother takes this drug constantly and is quite pleased with the results, although many are sure that cardiomagnyl is an ordinary dummy and is not worth that kind of money, because aspirin can be dispensed many times over.

Everything can be, marketers have successfully promoted this drug and people often buy it in pharmacies, so you don’t know who to believe.

Advantages: Convenient release form

Disadvantages: Need to pick up hours

Not everyone can take

These pills were prescribed to my husband by a cardiologist at a medical center. The husband always takes all medicines with great care. Basically, the dosage prescribed by the doctor underestimates.

But it turned out that the husband has known about Cardiomagnyl for a long time. This drug was taken earlier by his mother. My husband started having the same health problems that she has - periodically her blood pressure rises. Also, a blood test for a coagulogram showed that my husband also has very thick blood.

The husband decided that the remedies that his mother took, including Cardiomagnyl, would also be effective for him, but, of course, the recommendations of the doctor here for the husband were irrefutable. Therefore, he immediately began to take pills at a dosage determined by the doctor.

In the first two weeks of taking Cardiomagnyl, the husband did not feel any side effects. Coincidentally, during the period of taking the drug, the husband decided to switch to a salt-free diet, which had a positive effect on his well-being - the pressure began to rise

seldom. He does not have stable hypertension, but in initial stage, but pressure surges are higher than normal by 20-35mm Hg. used to be common.

The husband was pleased, but not for long. Suddenly, his lower blood pressure began to drop in the morning, which caused nausea, headache. The husband again went to the doctor, said that now he eats food cooked without adding salt. The doctor confirmed that this is correct. She advised me to change the hours of taking Cardiomagnyl, which was unexpected and incomprehensible for my husband, but then the result was really confirmed.

The condition returned to normal after the husband began to take these pills in the afternoon instead of the morning intake, as before.

Recently, I hear a lot about the fact that people, especially the elderly, are starting to take Cardiomagnyl more and more often without a doctor's prescription, considering this remedy safe and useful. This is not true, any medicine can be harmful to health, everything is individual. For example, I can’t take Cardiomagnyl, as there is low blood clotting. Other reasons may also be a ban on taking it before you buy, at least you need to read the instructions.

I have been taking cardiomagnyl for 2.5 years, in the hospital they prescribed aspirin. I read that magnesium removes the aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa and began to drink cardiomagnyl. I drink in the morning during or after a meal 75 ml. Hemoglobin is above normal (147-157), the doctor said that I have iron deficiency anemia if hemoglobin is high. The ulcer was treated 6 years ago, while taking cardiomagnyl, it did not worsen, but erosive gastritis worsened twice. In such cases, drugs with aspirin are contraindicated, but we do not prescribe anything else, it is necessary to conduct tests in order to select them and control the blood when they are taken. Our hospital does not have drugs for this control.

Cardiomagnyl, they say thrombosis will win.

As it always happens with age, the pressure began to torment me. At first he was saved by simple means. And then I had to be treated and carry out the prevention of my health. The doctor prescribed me a number of medicines, including Cardiomagnyl. He ordered me to drink every day. Along with other medicines. Said for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Whether it's good or bad, I can't really say. But with the prescribed medications, she got better and is not so worried about pressure and headaches.

Cardiomagnyl is a combination of aspirin and magnesium hydroxide. Acetylsalicylic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The benefits and harms to the body of these substances depend on the presence of indications and the individual tendency to characteristic side effects.

This group combines numerous chemicals that act in the same way on the body. They are used to reduce elevated body temperature, get rid of pain, swelling and inflammation. There are many misconceptions around aspirin. Often such drugs are taken for a long time, and non-existent side effects are attributed to them, and sometimes real contraindications are underestimated.

Drug to reduce the risk of heart disease

Aspirin and the drug cardiomagnyl in particular are recommended for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by an increased risk of thrombosis. These diseases include myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and other complications.

Aspirin has a pronounced antiplatelet ability, that is, it prevents the formation of a blood clot.

After the discovery of such properties, the mass use of the drug in low dosages for the prevention of thrombosis began. Elderly people and those prone to the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels are prescribed a daily intake of aspirin or cardiomagnyl preparations. Beforehand, the doctor assesses the patient's state of health, indications and possible risks and determines the appropriate dosage of the drug.

Precautionary measures

It is not uncommon for people to decide on their own to take aspirin in small doses. But this does not mean that such a drug is safe, since the person himself cannot determine the indications for use. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor first. Often you have to cancel the drug, because there are no indications for taking it, and contraindications are found.

What is the danger of uncontrolled intake of aspirin - the main active ingredient of the drug cardiomagnyl? Its overdose is fraught with external and internal bleeding.

A serious danger of an overdose of aspirin is the rupture of cerebral vessels and the development of a hemorrhagic stroke, leading to the death of the victim, paralysis of one side of the body, or complete immobility of the patient.

Hemorrhage in the brain

Cardiomagnyl - side effects

As it turned out, taking cardiomagnyl is not entirely safe. It would seem that the use of such small doses of aspirin preparations cannot do harm. Especially when you consider its effectiveness and ability to prevent serious diseases.

However, the intake of many drugs is accompanied by one or another number of undesirable consequences. No exception and cardiomagnyl. Side effects with prolonged use of tablets are most often manifested in the formation of a stomach ulcer and bleeding in the affected area of ​​​​the mucosa. Even small doses of aspirin increase the risk of ulceration by 2-3 times.

Of course, the increased likelihood of damage to the gastric mucosa should not stop the use of aspirin preparations. It is enough to increase attention to health and consult a doctor regularly to prevent illness. When the first symptoms are detected, it is much easier to stop the pathological processes and restore the health of the mucosa of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Recommended doses in the range of 75-150 mg rarely lead to an overdose of aspirin, subject to the frequency of administration and instructions for the drug.

Contraindications to taking the drug: gastritis, long pregnancy, hepatitis, liver disease. In any case, only the district doctor has the right to prescribe cardiomagnyl and decide how long to take it. Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women in order to exclude the harmful effects of aspirin on the child. For problems with increased blood clotting, the doctor may prescribe other approved drugs, which allows you to replace aspirin-containing drugs.

It is forbidden to independently start taking any medicines for pregnant women because of the danger high risk intrauterine death of a baby!

The placenta is not able to fully protect the fetus from harmful effects chemicals

Other side effects from taking aspirin drugs:

  1. Some help cardiomagnyl is able to provide with problems with potency. Improving the rheological properties of blood and its fluidity increases the blood supply to the tissues of the cavernous bodies of the penis and improves erection.
  2. Aspirin has an inhibitory effect and helps to reduce the reaction. Caution is recommended for drivers and employees of hazardous industries.
  3. Another negative consequence is coughing. However, such a symptom is nothing compared to the possibility of avoiding premature death.

Mechanism of ulcer formation

Aspirin does not act directly on the walls of the stomach. Side effects occur only after absorption into the blood. Aspirin affects the secretion of certain enzymes that regulate the amount of substances that protect the walls from damage. These substances affect epithelialization, the release of the required amount of mucus and other components to prevent dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa from the influence of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, acetylsalicylic acid itself is not able to have a significant effect on the walls of the stomach.

Given the systemic impact on the mechanism of ulceration, coating with a special shell, the addition of buffer antacids is just a marketing ploy and luring potential consumers.

Taking cardiomagnyl is convenient and recommended for most people for prevention. However, not everyone has access to its regular purchase. Retirees often face this problem. Therefore, it is permissible to use the usual cheap aspirin instead of an expensive drug. Such tablets are not coated and are in no way inferior to expensive drugs, and the price allows them to be used for a long time.

The most affordable health option

For effective prevention, it is enough to divide an ordinary tablet of acetylsalicylic acid into quarters and take one part daily.

To prevent serious problems, it is worth taking care of your heart health in advance. For men, this time comes at the age of 40, for women - after 50. It is believed that natural estrogens protect the heart from the development of disorders, and only with the onset of menopause does the female lose this protection.

  • smoking;
  • excess body weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • depressive states.

The main thing is to take care of the heart in time

Elimination of risk factors makes it possible to facilitate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and stabilize work nervous system. Dosed doses are well suited for training the heart. physical exercise moderate intensity. Greatest Benefit bring cardio training: walking, swimming, jogging, cycling, Nordic walking. Power loads do not have a positive effect on the CCC.

As you age, you need to pay more attention to nutrition and choose the right foods. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, flour and sweets.

Adding fatty fish to your diet will have a positive effect on vascular health and help lower high cholesterol levels.

Eating a large amount of vegetables stabilizes the functions of the intestines and provides the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. Emphasis should be placed on plant foods high in potassium.

After the examination, the cardiologist may prescribe drugs to reduce the afterload on the heart, improve blood flow and myocardial nutrition. Such drugs promote the outflow of blood from the heart to the periphery. Sometimes headaches become a consequence of vasodilation after taking the drugs. Simultaneous reception of validol helps to improve well-being. The specialist will also determine whether taking cardiomagnyl can be harmful to the health of a particular patient.

Every person, regardless of age, is at risk of suddenly falling ill with cardiovascular ailments. To solve such problems, the drug Cardiomagnyl was created, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of our conversation today. Ignoring the problems of the heart and blood vessels is dangerous and can lead to sudden premature death, so we recommend that you carefully study how to deal with the problem.

If there is a tendency to this kind of ailments and just for preventive purposes, doctors advise to undergo examinations on an ongoing basis, eat right, avoid stressful situations and maintain health with general health-improving means. Doctors often prescribe Cardiomagnyl to patients with cardiovascular diseases: the benefits of the drug have been proven and indications for it will be given below, but like any other remedy, it has its own characteristics and contraindications.


The drug Cardiomagnyl is presented on the market in the form of film-coated tablets for oral administration. They are sold in jars of 30 or 100 tablets. The composition of the drug includes only two components:

But excipients are also present in the drug: corn starch (9.5 mg / 19.0 mg), microcrystalline cellulose (12.5 mg / 25.0 mg), magnesium stearate (150 μg / 305 μg), potato starch (2.0 mg / 4.0 mg). The manufacturer indicates the composition of the shell separately, which inspires confidence in him:

  • Hypromellose, methylhydroxypropyl cellulose or simply MHPC (460 mcg/1.2 mg).
  • Propylene glycol (90 mcg/240 mcg).
  • Talc (280 mcg / 720 mcg).

The tool is positioned as an antithrombotic, produced in the form of a heart. The benefits and harms to the body are just the same in its composition. Researchers have their own opinion about each component of the drug.

Beneficial effect

Studies confirm the fact: with the regular intake of Cardiomagnyl tablets, the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system is reduced by 25%. Experts recommend it for a variety of conditions such as obesity, diabetes and even migraines. But the main value for patients is the benefits of Cardiomagnyl in such cases:

  • Embolism.
  • With unstable angina.
  • Elevated blood cholesterol levels.
  • During rehabilitation after a stroke, a heart attack.
  • For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, coronary disease, heart attack and stroke.
  • With a genetic predisposition to this kind of ailments.
  • With persistent high blood pressure.
  • Poor blood supply to the brain.
  • After CABG, undergoing vascular surgery to prevent blood clots.

At the same time, according to experts, the drug should be used as a preventive measure for smokers. They are more susceptible to disease than usual. For all the conditions listed above, before using Cardiomagnyl, it is best to be examined by your doctor.


Under certain circumstances, Cardiomagnyl is harmful to the health of the patient. The drug is not recommended for use by men under 50 years of age and women under 40 years of age, since these groups of patients have a low risk of such diseases. In addition, regular use of the drug can lead to

internal bleeding and other complications. Experts have created a list of contraindications in which Cardiomagnyl is harmful:

  • During the period of exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Gout.
  • Tendency to hemorrhages (vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis).
  • Ischemic stroke.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Acute impairment of kidney function.

It is harmful to take Cardiomagnyl together with Methotrexate and with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Allergists need to study the composition of the drug well and check if they are on the list of allergens. Additional examinations should be done before use in case of bronchial asthma, nasal polyps, hypersensitivity to ASA.

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, Cardiomagnyl is strictly forbidden to use. only in subsequent trimesters such treatment is allowed, but only after consultation with the doctor accompanying the pregnancy.

In the reviews, buyers talk about frequent cases of headache after using the medication. Others say (however, the manufacturer also warns about this) that the likelihood of insomnia increases.

Consequences of an overdose

The main signs of a mild overdose of Cardiomagnyl are nausea, dizziness, tinnitus and general hearing impairment, confused consciousness. To relieve symptoms, you need to rinse the stomach with an enema and take a few tablets of activated charcoal.

At a more severe level of drug overdose, fever, ketoacidosis, coma, respiratory alkalosis, heart and respiratory failure may occur. With such dangerous complications, you should immediately call an ambulance medical care. In a specialized department, you will undergo hemodialysis, administration of solutions, activated charcoal, intestinal lavage, and determine the acid-base balance.


The medication can be purchased both in online pharmacies and offline. The price of Cardiomagnyl in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 96 to 2500 rubles, depending on the size of the package and the manufacturer. In Kyiv, such drugs will cost from 30 to 120 hryvnia. The main manufacturers are Farmak OAO (Ukraine), Takeda and Nycomed.

The official website of Takeda Pharmaceuticals LLC recommends buying at an online pharmacy at a price of 96 to 600 rubles, the price depends on the size of the package. Reviews of doctors on the forums suggest that the drug has analogues: Thrombo-ass and Aspirin-cardio. In any case, such medicines should be bought only on the recommendation of your doctor.

Instead of a conclusion

Do not forget about the proper storage of the drug, because if you do not create normal storage conditions for the drug, the benefits and harms of Cardiomagnyl can change dramatically, mainly towards harm. However, with reasonable use, the drug will be an excellent prophylactic for cardiovascular ailments.

Cardiomagnyl belongs to the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). It is an antiplatelet agent used as a prophylaxis for acute heart failure and the development of thrombosis. The benefits and harms of Cardiomagnyl are due to its main action. Cardiomagnyl is indicated for patients at risk, or with disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

What is Cardiomagnyl for?

Cardiomagnyl has an obvious anti-inflammatory effect due to the irreversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 through blocking and acetylation of the production of thromboxane A2. Thus, the aggregation of platelet cell elements in the blood is inhibited. This leads to the prevention of blood clots.

The benefit of Cardiomagnyl is to prevent the most severe complications associated with the cardiovascular system. The medicine has been used in the practice of cardiology for a long time. It can cause harm in exceptional cases, for example, if the recommended dosage is exceeded.

Important! Reception of Cardiomagnyl is necessary for groups of patients with a history of pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels.

Composition and form of release

Cardiomagnyl is an oral tablet that is shaped like a heart. The tablet preparation is distinguished by its white color and the presence of a film shell.

The benefits of Cardiomagnyl in the treatment of pathologies are due to the content of two active ingredients:

  • (75 mg);
  • hydrochloride (15.2 mg).

Attention! Cardiomagnyl forte contains acetylsalicylic acid, as well as magnesium hydroxide in a double dosage - 150 and 30.39 mg, respectively.

Excipients include:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato and corn starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

The shell of Cardiomagnyl tablets consists of talc, hypromellose, propylene glycol. The drug is available in brown opaque glass bottles. Cardiomagnyl (100 tablets) is available in dosages of 75 and 150 mg.

The benefits of Cardiomagnyl: indications for use

The benefits of tablets are a pronounced antiplatelet effect. Significant doses of acetylsalicylic acid produce an anti-inflammatory effect. The benefit is to eliminate inflammation, which is accompanied by pain and fever. If Cardiomagnyl is used in small doses, platelets can be prevented from sticking together and forming blood clots.

The anti-inflammatory effect is due to inhibition of:

  • Cyclooxygenase-1. It is directly involved in the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Synthesis of thromboxane A. Observed in platelets and is responsible for agglutination or aggregation.

Magnesium hydroxide, which is part of the drug Cardiomagnyl, benefits in the form of protecting the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from the harm caused by acetylsalicylic acid. The interaction of the substance, hydrochloric acid and gastric juice is noted. The walls of the organ are covered with a protective film.

Important! Acetylsalicylic acid and another component of the drug - magnesium hydroxide - do not affect each other. Their action is parallel. The body uses 70% acetylsalicylic acid.

Cardiomagnyl is beneficial in pathological conditions in the cardiovascular system and the risk of their occurrence. Tablets can be used for a long time in order to prevent dangerous conditions. The benefits of treatment with Cardiomagnyl can be expected with the following indications for admission:

  • unstable angina;
  • prevention of heart failure and thrombosis against the background of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, overweight, old age and smoking;
  • prevention of recurrence of thrombosis and heart attack;
  • prevention of thromboembolism after coronary artery bypass grafting or coronary angioplasty on vessels;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • decreased blood supply to the brain;
  • migraine.

The effect is achieved by long-term use of the drug. In order for Cardiomagnyl not to cause harm to health, it should be taken exclusively under the supervision of a physician.

How to take Cardiomagnyl


The dosage of Cardiomagnyl is determined by the doctor after the examination. Chronic pathologies in the anamnesis, the presence of regularly taken medications are essential. The prescribed dosage depends on the main indications for admission, which are presented in the table.

Attention! The dosage is selected by the attending cardiologist in each individual case. Often prescribe Cardiomagnyl 75 mg.

The medicine is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. The benefit of using tablets in small doses is to reduce the risk of disease by 25%, which is especially important for elderly patients. Cardiomagnyl is beneficial in atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, aggravated family history.

Acetylsalicylic acid is considered as a factor in the occurrence of bronchospasm. For people with a history of allergies and asthma, the substance may be harmful. Blood clotting on the background of taking worsens, which causes bleeding during surgery.

The benefits of Cardiomagnyl are expressed in the absence of an effect on concentration. The medicine can be taken by people working in enterprises and managing transport.

A warning! The use of the drug is undesirable in men and women under 40 and 50 years of age, respectively. The likelihood of heart attacks in people of this age group is at the lower limit. The harm of regular intake implies the provocation of bleeding.

The benefits and harms of Cardiomagnyl tablets depend on the gender of the patients. According to the results of the studies, taking the medicine in men prevents a heart attack, but not a stroke. In women under 65, it is the risk of stroke that is reduced, but not heart attack. After a woman reaches the specified age, the benefits of Cardiomagnyl also lie in the prevention of a heart attack.

Is Cardiomagnyl possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

One of the contraindications to regular use of the drug is the pregnancy of the first, third trimester. This is due to the harm that acetylsalicylic acid can cause.

The use of Cardiomagnyl in the first trimester can cause irreversible developmental disorders of the fetus. Significant doses of the drug provoke bleeding during childbirth. The risk of intracranial hemorrhage in a child is not excluded.

Taking the drug in the second trimester is possible. However, the doctor must evaluate the benefits and possible harm.

The active ingredients of Cardiomagnyl pass into breast milk. Regular medication during lactation is prohibited.

Side effects

In addition to benefits, Cardiomagnyl can harm the body, which is expressed in the occurrence of undesirable reactions from the functioning of organs and systems:

  1. Allergy. One of the most common manifestations is urticaria. Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock are recorded infrequently.
  2. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract. While taking it, symptoms such as heartburn, nausea or vomiting may occur. Abdominal pain sometimes indicates the appearance of stomach ulcers. In rare cases, bleeding, ulcer perforation, esophagitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis occur.
  3. Respiratory system. Frequent development of bronchospasm is noted.
  4. Hematopoiesis. Anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia may occur.
  5. Central nervous system. There are signs of sleep disturbance, dizziness, tinnitus.

The risk of adverse reactions increases with an increase in the dose of the main active substance - acetylsalicylic acid. The benefit while taking the drug is achieved solely through the competent selection of the required dosage, which corresponds to the individual characteristics of the patient and his diagnosis.

Important! The likelihood of bleeding is minimal with daily intake of Cardiomagnyl at a dose of up to 100 mg.

Harm of Cardiomagnyl: the consequences of an overdose

Despite the fact that Cardiomagnyl is beneficial in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, if the dosage is exceeded, it can cause serious harm to health. Experts classify the severity of an overdose as:

  1. Average. There is nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, impaired coordination. Hearing deteriorates, confusion and dizziness occur. Patients are prescribed gastric lavage and an adequate dose of activated charcoal. Treatment depends on clinical picture against the backdrop of an overdose.
  2. Heavy. Fever, coma, respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency, severe hypoglycemia are noted. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Patients are shown intensive therapy, which includes the introduction of special alkaline solutions, shaped diuresis and gastric lavage, hemodialysis.

Important! To maximize the benefit, treatment may be supplemented with other symptomatic therapy drugs.

Compatibility of Cardiomagnyl with other drugs

Cardiomagnyl may enhance the effect of certain drugs when used together. Experts call the following drugs, which are affected by taking Cardiomagnyl:

  1. Methotrexate. Decrease in renal clearance, destruction of bonds with proteins.
  2. Heparin and indirect anticoagulants. Platelets change their functioning. Anticoagulants are displaced from their association with proteins.
  3. Antiplatelet and hypoglycemic agents - ticlopidine.
  4. Preparations containing ethanol.
  5. Insulin and hypoglycemic drugs.
  6. Digoxin. There is a decrease in renal excretion.
  7. Valproic acid. Displacement from its bonds with proteins.

Cardiomagnyl inhibits the action of:

  • uricosuric agents;
  • antacids and cholestyramine.

Attention! The benefits of Cardiomagnyl are reduced when taken together with Ibuprofen.


The instruction of the drug indicates several main contraindications, in the presence of which Cardiomagnyl can be harmful:

  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • lack of vitamin K, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis, which are harmful in the form of bleeding;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers and bleeding;
  • the occurrence of bronchial asthma during the treatment of NSAIDs;
  • severe kidney dysfunction;
  • pregnancy in the 1st and 3rd trimesters;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of Cardiomagnyl;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • kidney failure
  • methotrexate therapy.

Cardiomagnyl should be taken with extreme caution due to possible harm in the following cases:

  • gout;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • ulcers and bleeding of the stomach in history;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • polyposis in the nose;
  • allergy;
  • second trimester pregnancy.

In some cases, taking Cardiomagnyl tablets can be harmful. That is why when identifying contraindications, they should not be ignored. In the presence of relative contraindications, the decision in favor of admission should be made by the doctor.

There is also a risk of bleeding before and after surgery, especially when combined with anticoagulants, thrombolytics and antiplatelet agents. Against the background of treatment, bronchospasm and other harmful reactions indicating hypersensitivity may occur.

With the simultaneous use of Methotrexate, the risk of adverse reactions from the hematopoietic system increases many times over. The harm of Cardiomagnyl lies in the development of gout in the presence of a predisposition. Patients with diabetes should be careful.

High doses of Cardiomagnyl tablets provoke a hypoglycemic effect. The body is harmed by an excess of the dosage recommended by the doctor, which can lead to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. The risk of this complication is higher in older patients.

Attention! Alcohol intake during treatment causes harm, which implies an increased risk of damage to the gastric mucosa.

Analogues: what can replace Cardiomagnyl

The medicine has analogues that differ in a similar action. Experts call the following drugs that can replace Cardiomagnyl:

  1. Thrombo-Ass. Belongs to the group of NSAIDs and is an antiplatelet agent. The composition of the drug includes the main active ingredient - acetylsalicylic acid (50, 100 mg).
  2. Aspirin cardio. The medicine is made in Switzerland. One tablet contains acetylsalicylic acid - 300 mg. Aspirin cardio is available in cardboard packs with a different number of tablets (10, 14 pcs.).
  3. Trombopol. Polish-made drug, including acetylsalicylic acid (150 mg). The number of tablets in one package is 10 pieces.
  4. Aspicor. Medicine produced in Russia. Its benefits are due to the content of acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 100 mg (10 and 20 tablets per pack).

Analogues of Cardiomagnyl have one active substance. This means that the benefits and harms of taking them are identical. However, the composition of the Japanese medicine also contains magnesium hydrochloride, which prevents irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Thus, Cardiomagnyl tablets cause less pronounced harm to health by reducing the risk of side effects.

Which is better: Cardiomagnyl or Thrombital

Medicines thin the blood and improve its rheological properties. The composition of the drugs is identical, the difference lies in the release of a specific pharmacological company and the manufacturing country.

Cardiomagnyl is a Japanese drug that is produced in Russia, Germany and Denmark. Generic Trombital is a Russian medicine. The tool is also available in dosages of 75 and 150 mg. Each package contains 30, 100 tablets.

Attention! Thrombital tablets are not marked with risks, which makes it difficult to divide them into two parts.

Medicines have similar effects and benefits. Cardiomagnyl and Thrombital are used as a treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Harm is represented by a side effect of acetylsalicylic acid. Active substance at long-term use irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach, provoking an ulcer. , included in the composition, implies protection against this. However, drugs are not prescribed for exacerbations of gastritis or ulcers.

Thrombital, as well as Cardiomagnyl, have the same indications:

  • hypertension;
  • high concentration of cholesterol;
  • excess weight;
  • elderly age.

The benefits of drugs are provided due to the absence of sugars in the composition. This allows them to be used in a history of diabetes mellitus.

Medicines vary greatly in price. Buying a generic will cost 30-40% less than the original.

Cardiomagnyl, this is a non-narcotic non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug that is used for the prophylactic and treatment of various vascular and heart diseases.

It is believed that the regular use of small doses of this medicine reduces the risk of developing severe vascular and heart diseases by a quarter.

The drug can help those who have had a heart attack or stroke against the background of thrombosis, the drug is prescribed for thrombosis or atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck, lower extremities or hearts. In addition, the drug is useful for diabetics, with a hereditary predisposition to heart disease. Factors to think about are high blood pressure, smoking, problems with body weight and cholesterol.

At what age should Cardiomagnyl be used prophylactically?

Men under forty and women under fifty should not rush to use this remedy, especially since prolonged use of Cardiomagnyl can lead to internal bleeding, with a low probability of heart attacks.

Composition and action

The main active ingredients of the drug are acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and magnesium hydroxide. There are also additional substances, such as cellulose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, propylene glycol, potato starch, talc.

Cadiomagnyl does not allow adhesion (aggregation) of platelets, reduces the production of thromboxane. The effect of aspirin on platelet adhesion can be carried out by several methods, and therefore the agent is often used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Additionally, aspirin relieves pain, inflammation and lowers body temperature. However, acetyl salicylic acid can have a very negative effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and to prevent this from happening, the second ingredient of Cardiomagnyl is used - antacid magnesium hydroxide. Its influence is due to interaction with gastric juice and covering the stomach walls with a protective layer. Both components act simultaneously, without affecting the effectiveness of each.

Indications for use

The tool is prescribed for:

  • embolism,
  • thrombosis,
  • Migraine,
  • unstable angina,
  • Decreased blood supply to the brain
  • as well as to prevent the occurrence of blood clots after coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery.


The tool is not prescribed for:

  • Bronchial asthma caused by the use of NSAIDs or salicylates,
  • brain stroke,
  • Frequent bleeding of any origin,
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer,
  • treatment with methotrexate,
  • severe forms of renal failure,
  • during pregnancy and lactation,
  • and under the age of eighteen.

Perhaps this is due to the severe consequences that can occur due to an overdose of the drug, which is likely when using more than one hundred and fifty milligrams of aspirin per kilogram of body weight. You can determine this condition by buzzing in the ears, impaired hearing, consciousness, coordination, and vomiting. With a strong overdose, chills, rapid breathing appear, symptoms of cardiovascular insufficiency, hypoglycemia appear, and coma begins. In this case, you should immediately call ambulance and, while waiting for the doctor, rinse the stomach and use activated charcoal at the rate of one tablet for every ten kilograms of weight.

Side effects

Many side effects of the drug also do not contribute to the appointment of it for the treatment of children. Dosages here must be carefully selected with the participation of a doctor to reduce the negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects may include body rash, anaphylactic shock, laryngeal edema, vomiting, heartburn, epigastric pain, mucosal destruction, stomatitis, bleeding, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, stricture, bronchospasm, increased bleeding, eosinophilia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis , hypoprothrombinemia, impaired coordination, lethargy, tinnitus, migraines, sleep disturbances, cerebral hemorrhage.